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A library to convert tables to string with full support for line breaks and formatting

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Convert table to string

While there are several libraries available for converting tables to strings in Python, none seemed to meet my specific requirements.

  • Line Break Support: Easily include line breaks within cells for enhanced readability.
  • Emoji Integration: Effortlessly incorporate emoji characters into your tables to add visual appeal and context.



pip install -U table2string


pip install -U git+

Usage example

>>> from table2string import print_table, stringify_table
>>> print_table([("1", "2", "3"), ("qwe", "rty\nuio", "")], name="Table Name")
|  Table Name   |
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> print(stringify_table([("1", "2", "3"), ("qwe", "rty\nuio", "")], name="Table Name"))
|  Table Name   |
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> from table2string import Table
>>> Table.from_csv(StringIO('c1,c2,c3\n1,2,3\nqwe,"rty\nuio",'), name="Table Name").print()
|   Table Name   |
| c1  | c2  | c3 |
|   1 |   2 |  3 |
| qwe | rty |    |
|     | uio |    |
>>> Table.from_csv(StringIO('c1,c2,c3\n1,2,3\nqwe,"rty\nuio",'), name="Table Name", column_names=False).print()
|  Table Name   |
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> import sqlite3
>>> cursor = sqlite3.connect(":memory:").cursor()
>>> cursor.execute(
...     "CREATE TABLE data (c1 TEXT, c2 TEXT, c3 TEXT);"
... ).executemany(
...     "INSERT INTO data (c1, c2, c3) VALUES (?, ?, ?);",
...     [("1", "2", "3"), ("qwe", "rty\nuio", "")],
... ).execute(
...     "SELECT c1, c2, c3 FROM data;"
... ) and None  # because this method returns a cursor
>>> Table.from_db_cursor(cursor, name="Table Name").print()
|  Table Name   |
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT c1, c2, c3 FROM data;") and None
>>> Table.from_db_cursor(cursor, name="Table Name", column_names=True).print()
|   Table Name   |
| c1  | c2  | c3 |
|   1 |   2 |  3 |
| qwe | rty |    |
|     | uio |    |

Custom width and height settings

>>> # Width of the entire table with borders
>>> print_table([(1,), (2.345,), ("example",)], max_width=10)
|      1 |
|  2.345 |
| exampl↩|
| e      |
>>> # Width of each column individually
>>> print_table([(1,), (2.345,), ("example",)], max_width=(10,))
|          1 |
|      2.345 |
| example    |
>>> print_table([("123456\n\n789000", "example")], max_width=(3, 4), max_height=4)
| 123↩| exam↩|
| 456 | ple  |
|     |      |
| 789…|      |
>>> print_table([("123456789",)], max_width=(1,), max_height=1)
| 1…|
>>> print_table(
...     table=[("123\n456\n789",)],
...     max_width=(3,),
...     max_height=4,
...     maximize_height=True,
... )
| 123 |
| 456 |
| 789 |
|     |
>>> print_table(
...     table=[("123456789",)],
...     max_width=(3,),
...     max_height=4,
...     maximize_height=True,
... )
| 123↩|
| 456↩|
| 789 |
|     |

Text alignment

>>> kwargs_1 = {
...     "table": [("1", "123456789\nqwerty\nasdfghjklzxcvb")],
...     "name": "Table Name\nName\nNaaaaame",
...     "max_width": (5, 15),
... }
>>> print_table(**kwargs_1)
|       Table Name        |
|          Name           |
|        Naaaaame         |
|     1 | 123456789       |
|       | qwerty          |
|       | asdfghjklzxcvb  |
>>> print_table(**kwargs_1, align="*", name_align="*")  # align="**", name_align="**"
| Table Name              |
| Name                    |
| Naaaaame                |
|     1 | 123456789       |
|       | qwerty          |
|       | asdfghjklzxcvb  |
>>> print_table(**kwargs_1, align="<", name_align="<")  # align="<<", name_align="<<"
| Table Name              |
| Name                    |
| Naaaaame                |
| 1     | 123456789       |
|       | qwerty          |
|       | asdfghjklzxcvb  |
>>> print_table(**kwargs_1, align=">", name_align=">")  # align=">>", name_align=">>"
|              Table Name |
|                    Name |
|                Naaaaame |
|     1 |       123456789 |
|       |          qwerty |
|       |  asdfghjklzxcvb |
>>> print_table(**kwargs_1, align="^", name_align="^")  # align="^^", name_align="^^"
|       Table Name        |
|          Name           |
|        Naaaaame         |
|   1   |    123456789    |
|       |     qwerty      |
|       | asdfghjklzxcvb  |
>>> print_table(**kwargs_1, align="^<", name_align="^<")
|       Table Name        |
|       Name              |
|       Naaaaame          |
|   1   | 123456789       |
|       | qwerty          |
|       | asdfghjklzxcvb  |
>>> print_table(**kwargs_1, align="^>", name_align="^>")
|       Table Name        |
|             Name        |
|         Naaaaame        |
|   1   |      123456789  |
|       |         qwerty  |
|       | asdfghjklzxcvb  |
>>> print_table([("qwerty\n123456789\nasdfghjklzxcvb",)], max_width=(18,), align="^<")
|   qwerty           |
|   123456789        |
|   asdfghjklzxcvb   |
>>> print_table([("qwerty\n123456789\nasdfghjklzxcvb",)], max_width=(18,), align="^>")
|           qwerty   |
|        123456789   |
|   asdfghjklzxcvb   |

Separator settings

>>> table_1 = [("qwe", "rty\nuio"), ("123456\n\n789000", "example")]
>>> kwargs = {
...     "max_width": (3, 4),
...     "max_height": 4,
...     "line_break_symbol": "/",
...     "cell_break_symbol": "…",
... }
>>> print_table(table_1, **kwargs, sep=True)
| qwe | rty  |
|     | uio  |
| 123/| exam/|
| 456 | ple  |
|     |      |
| 789…|      |
>>> print_table(table_1, **kwargs, sep=False)
| qwe | rty  |
|     | uio  |
| 123/| exam/|
| 456 | ple  |
|     |      |
| 789…|      |
>>> table_2 = [("1", "2"), ("3", "4")]
>>> print_table(table_2, sep=True, name="Name")
| Name  |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
>>> print_table(table_2, sep=False, name="Name")
| Name  |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
>>> table_3 = [("1", "2"), ("3", "4"), ("5", "6"), ("7", "8")]
>>> print_table(table_3, sep=(1,))
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 |
>>> print_table(table_3, sep=(2,))
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 |
>>> print_table(table_3, sep=(1, 3))
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 |
>>> print_table(table_3, sep=(1,), name="Name")
| Name  |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 |
>>> print_table(table_3, sep=(2,), name="Name")
| Name  |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 |
>>> print_table(table_3, sep=(1, 3), name="Name")
| Name  |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 |


Border types
│    ascii_thin     │ +---------+---------+ │ +-------------------+ │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ |    ascii_thin     | │
│                   │ +---------+---------+ │ +---------+---------+ │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │ +---------+---------+ │ +---------+---------+ │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │ +---------+---------+ │ +---------+---------+ │
│                   │                       │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │                       │ +---------+---------+ │
│ ascii_thin_double │ +---------+---------+ │ +-------------------+ │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ | ascii_thin_double | │
│                   │ +=========+=========+ │ +---------+---------+ │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │ +---------+---------+ │ +=========+=========+ │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │ +---------+---------+ │ +---------+---------+ │
│                   │                       │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │                       │ +---------+---------+ │
│   ascii_double    │ +=========+=========+ │ +===================+ │
│                   │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │ ‖   ascii_double    ‖ │
│                   │ +=========+=========+ │ +=========+=========+ │
│                   │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │
│                   │ +=========+=========+ │ +=========+=========+ │
│                   │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │
│                   │ +=========+=========+ │ +=========+=========+ │
│                   │                       │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │
│                   │                       │ +=========+=========+ │
│ ascii_double_thin │ +=========+=========+ │ +===================+ │
│                   │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │ ‖ ascii_double_thin ‖ │
│                   │ +---------+---------+ │ +=========+=========+ │
│                   │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │
│                   │ +=========+=========+ │ +---------+---------+ │
│                   │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │
│                   │ +=========+=========+ │ +=========+=========+ │
│                   │                       │ ‖    _    ‖    _    ‖ │
│                   │                       │ +=========+=========+ │
│  ascii_booktabs   │  -------------------  │  -------------------  │
│                   │      _         _      │    ascii_booktabs     │
│                   │  ===================  │  -------------------  │
│                   │      _         _      │      _         _      │
│                   │  -------------------  │  ===================  │
│                   │      _         _      │      _         _      │
│                   │  -------------------  │  -------------------  │
│                   │                       │      _         _      │
│                   │                       │  -------------------  │
│       thin        │ ┌─────────┬─────────┐ │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │       thin        │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ├─────────┬─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │                       │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │                       │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │
│    thin_thick     │ ┌─────────┬─────────┐ │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    thin_thick     │ │
│                   │ ┝━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┥ │ ├─────────┬─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ┝━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┥ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │                       │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │                       │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │
│    thin_double    │ ┌─────────┬─────────┐ │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    thin_double    │ │
│                   │ ╞═════════╪═════════╡ │ ├─────────┬─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ╞═════════╪═════════╡ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │                       │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │                       │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │
│      rounded      │ ╭─────────┬─────────╮ │ ╭───────────────────╮ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │      rounded      │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ├─────────┬─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ╰─────────┴─────────╯ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │                       │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │                       │ ╰─────────┴─────────╯ │
│   rounded_thick   │ ╭─────────┬─────────╮ │ ╭───────────────────╮ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │   rounded_thick   │ │
│                   │ ┝━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┥ │ ├─────────┬─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ┝━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━┥ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ╰─────────┴─────────╯ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │                       │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │                       │ ╰─────────┴─────────╯ │
│  rounded_double   │ ╭─────────┬─────────╮ │ ╭───────────────────╮ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │  rounded_double   │ │
│                   │ ╞═════════╪═════════╡ │ ├─────────┬─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ╞═════════╪═════════╡ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ╰─────────┴─────────╯ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │                       │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │                       │ ╰─────────┴─────────╯ │
│       thick       │ ┏━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━┓ │ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ │
│                   │ ┃    _    ┃    _    ┃ │ ┃       thick       ┃ │
│                   │ ┣━━━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━━━┫ │ ┣━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━┫ │
│                   │ ┃    _    ┃    _    ┃ │ ┃    _    ┃    _    ┃ │
│                   │ ┣━━━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━━━┫ │ ┣━━━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━━━┫ │
│                   │ ┃    _    ┃    _    ┃ │ ┃    _    ┃    _    ┃ │
│                   │ ┗━━━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━┛ │ ┣━━━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━━━┫ │
│                   │                       │ ┃    _    ┃    _    ┃ │
│                   │                       │ ┗━━━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━┛ │
│    thick_thin     │ ┌─────────┬─────────┐ │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    thick_thin     │ │
│                   │ ┠━━━━━━━━━╂━━━━━━━━━┨ │ ├─────────┬─────────┤ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │ ┠━━━━━━━━━╂━━━━━━━━━┨ │
│                   │ │    _    │    _    │ │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │ ├─────────┼─────────┤ │
│                   │                       │ │    _    │    _    │ │
│                   │                       │ └─────────┴─────────┘ │
│      double       │ ╔═════════╦═════════╗ │ ╔═══════════════════╗ │
│                   │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │ ║      double       ║ │
│                   │ ╠═════════╬═════════╣ │ ╠═════════╦═════════╣ │
│                   │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │
│                   │ ╠═════════╬═════════╣ │ ╠═════════╬═════════╣ │
│                   │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │
│                   │ ╚═════════╩═════════╝ │ ╠═════════╬═════════╣ │
│                   │                       │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │
│                   │                       │ ╚═════════╩═════════╝ │
│    double_thin    │ ╔═════════╦═════════╗ │ ╔═══════════════════╗ │
│                   │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │ ║    double_thin    ║ │
│                   │ ╟─────────╫─────────╢ │ ╠═════════╦═════════╣ │
│                   │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │
│                   │ ╠═════════╬═════════╣ │ ╟─────────╫─────────╢ │
│                   │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │
│                   │ ╚═════════╩═════════╝ │ ╠═════════╬═════════╣ │
│                   │                       │ ║    _    ║    _    ║ │
│                   │                       │ ╚═════════╩═════════╝ │
│     booktabs      │  ───────────────────  │  ───────────────────  │
│                   │      _         _      │       booktabs        │
│                   │  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  │  ───────────────────  │
│                   │      _         _      │      _         _      │
│                   │  ───────────────────  │  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  │
│                   │      _         _      │      _         _      │
│                   │  ───────────────────  │  ───────────────────  │
│                   │                       │      _         _      │
│                   │                       │  ───────────────────  │
│     markdown      │ |    _    |    _    | │ |     markdown      | │
│                   │ |---------|---------| │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ |---------|---------| │
│                   │ |    _    |    _    | │ |    _    |    _    | │
│                   │                       │ |    _    |    _    | │
>>> from table2string import Themes
>>> table_1 = [("1", "2", "3"), ("qwe", "rty\nuio", "")]
>>> name_1 = "Table Name"
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_thin)
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_thin, name=name_1)
|  Table Name   |
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_thin_double)
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_thin_double, name=name_1)
|  Table Name   |
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_double)
‖   1 ‖   2 ‖ 3 ‖
‖ qwe ‖ rty ‖   ‖
‖     ‖ uio ‖   ‖
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_double, name=name_1)
‖  Table Name   ‖
‖   1 ‖   2 ‖ 3 ‖
‖ qwe ‖ rty ‖   ‖
‖     ‖ uio ‖   ‖
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_double_thin)
‖   1 ‖   2 ‖ 3 ‖
‖ qwe ‖ rty ‖   ‖
‖     ‖ uio ‖   ‖
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_double_thin, name=name_1)
‖  Table Name   ‖
‖   1 ‖   2 ‖ 3 ‖
‖ qwe ‖ rty ‖   ‖
‖     ‖ uio ‖   ‖
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_booktabs)
    1     2   3  
  qwe   rty      
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.ascii_booktabs, name=name_1)
   Table Name    
    1     2   3  
  qwe   rty      
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thin)
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thin, name=name_1)
│  Table Name   │
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thin_thick)
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thin_thick, name=name_1)
│  Table Name   │
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thin_double)
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thin_double, name=name_1)
│  Table Name   │
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.rounded)
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.rounded, name=name_1)
│  Table Name   │
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.rounded_thick)
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.rounded_thick, name=name_1)
│  Table Name   │
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.rounded_double)
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.rounded_double, name=name_1)
│  Table Name   │
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thick)
┃   1 ┃   2 ┃ 3 ┃
┃ qwe ┃ rty ┃   ┃
┃     ┃ uio ┃   ┃
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thick, name=name_1)
┃  Table Name   ┃
┃   1 ┃   2 ┃ 3 ┃
┃ qwe ┃ rty ┃   ┃
┃     ┃ uio ┃   ┃
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thick_thin)
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.thick_thin, name=name_1)
│  Table Name   │
│   1 │   2 │ 3 │
│ qwe │ rty │   │
│     │ uio │   │
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.double)
║   1 ║   2 ║ 3 ║
║ qwe ║ rty ║   ║
║     ║ uio ║   ║
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.double, name=name_1)
║  Table Name   ║
║   1 ║   2 ║ 3 ║
║ qwe ║ rty ║   ║
║     ║ uio ║   ║
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.double_thin)
║   1 ║   2 ║ 3 ║
║ qwe ║ rty ║   ║
║     ║ uio ║   ║
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.double_thin, name=name_1)
║  Table Name   ║
║   1 ║   2 ║ 3 ║
║ qwe ║ rty ║   ║
║     ║ uio ║   ║
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.booktabs)
    1     2   3  
  qwe   rty      
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.booktabs, name=name_1)
   Table Name    
    1     2   3  
  qwe   rty      
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.markdown)
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |
>>> print_table(table_1, theme=Themes.markdown, name=name_1)
|  Table Name   |
|   1 |   2 | 3 |
| qwe | rty |   |
|     | uio |   |

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table2string-1.4.1.tar.gz (25.7 kB view hashes)

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table2string-1.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (18.1 kB view hashes)

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