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TAT-HUM: Trajectory Analysis Toolkit for Human Movement

Project description

TAT-HUM: Trajectory Analysis Toolkit for Human Movement

For more details on this toolkit, see the preprint here.


Human movement trajectories can reveal useful insights regarding the underlying mechanisms of human behaviors. Extracting information from movement trajectories, however, could be challenging because of their complex and dynamic nature . The current paper presents a Python toolkit developed to help users analyze and extract useful information from the trajectories of discrete rap-id aiming movements executed by humans. This toolkit utilizes various open-source Python libraries, such as NumPy and SciPy, and offers a collection of commonly used functions to analyze movement trajectory data. To ensure flexibility and ease of use, this toolkit offers two approaches: an automated approach that processes raw data and generates relevant measures automatically, and a manual approach that allows users to selectively use different functions based on their specific needs. A behavioral experiment based on the spatial cueing paradigm was conducted to illustrate how one can use this toolkit in practice. Readers are encouraged to access the publically available data and relevant analysis scripts as an opportunity to learn about kinematic analysis for human movements.


See PyPi project link:

python3 -m pip install tathum
pip install tathum
pip3 install tathum

Sample Data

To facilitate learning, this toolkit also provides sample data, which can be downloaded through the OSF's online repository here.

Quick Start

To quickly become familiar with TAT-HUM, users should refer to the following sample analysis code:

  1. ./demo/
  2. ./demo/


Data Structure

The toolkit relies on NumPy’s array objects to store and process relevant data. The trajectory data should be stored as a csv file with four columns: timestamps, x-, y-, and z- coordinates. Depending on the motion capture system’s calibration setup, different coordinate axes could represent different directions in the capture space. Therefore, it is essentialy for users to maintain a consistent coordinate system across different calibrations for different sessions. Based on the coordinate system, users should identify the primary axis of the participants’ movement (i.e., the axis with the most displacement) and the most relevant secondary movement axis using the calibrated coordinate system. Assuming this structure, users can simply read the raw data file and assign separate variables to extract information from each column:

import numpy as np

raw_data = np.genfromtxt('raw_data.csv', delimiter=',')

timestamp = raw_data[:, 0]
x = raw_data[:, 1]
y = raw_data[:, 2]
z = raw_data[:, 3]

If using 2D data from a mouse or graphics tablet, the user could simply create a dummy column for one of the axes (e.g., an axis with all zeros) and only focus on the two non-zero axes in the subsequent analysis.


Missing Data

When recording human movement using a motion capture system (e.g., Optotrak, Vicon, and OptiTrack), the researcher aims to arrange the placement of the cameras and the participant to ensure that the motion tracking marker is visible to the cameras for the entire movement. Despite best efforts, missing data (marker is not recorded by the motion capture system) commonly occurs due to the occlusion of the markers from objects in the environement or from the participant moving in an unexpected way (e.g., lifts the finger outside of the capture volume or rotates the finger too much). These missing data are commonly coded using unique values, such as 0 or an exceedingly large number, to differentiate them from points of the actual trajectory. As Figure 1 (top panels) shows, the missing data were marked as 0 and could be easily identified. In general, one could consider eliminating all trials with missing data from the analysis, and should eliminate trials that are missing data from more than 5% of the trial. However, for trials with less than 5% missing data, it is possible to recover the trial by interpolating the section of the trial that is missing data.

missing_data_good missing_data_bad

Figure 1. Two examples of missing data in the raw trajectory (top panels) and the trajectory with missing data filled in using linear interpolation (bottom panels). See text for explanations.

In the toolkit, the fill_missing_data function can automatically process the missing values in the trajectories. The users need to supply the x, y, and z coordinates, along with the corresponding time stamps and the default missing data value. This function will identify the indices of the missing values and return the coordinates and timestamps with the missing values interpolated using linear interpolation from SciPy (Virtanen et al., 2020; Figure 1 bottom panels). More importantly, this function also returns a dictionary object that contains relevant missing data information, including whether there are any missing data, the number of missing data, and their indices. As illustrated in the subsequent paragraphs, users can use this information to determine whether they would keep the trial or not based on the number of locations of the missing values.

from tathum.functions import fill_missing_data

x, y, z, timestamp, missing_info = fill_missing_data(
		x, y, z, timestamp, missing_data_value=0.)

print(f'missing_info = {missing_info}')
missing_info = {'contain_missing': True, 'n_missing': 3, 'missing_ind': array([346, 347, 348])}

In the two examples provided above, the trajectories on the left contain only a few missing data points at around the end of the trajectories (the displacements appear to be plateaued at around the missing data), whereas the trials on the right contains several missing data segments, one of which occurred before the movement termination (there are missing data before the displacements becoming stable and consistent). In the former case, it is unlikely for the linear interpolation to introduce artifacts to the dynamic information of the movement during subsequent analysis because 1) the interpolated portion may fall outside of the movement initiation and termination and, therefore, will not be considered in the analysis, and 2) the interpolated segment is short enough (n = 3) that linear interpolation could fill in the missing data without altering the dynamic information in the trajectory. The latter case, however, not only contains missing data between movement initiation and termination, but the number of missing data for the segment is also quite large (n = 34). Using linear interpolation to fill in the missing values may introduce artifacts to the trajectory and affect the validity of the subsequent analysis. Therefore, situations like this may warrant the removal of the trial from further analysis.

Thus, although the present toolkit could automatically handle missing data, caution should still be taken to avoid introducing artifacts to the trajectories. The decision between keeping the trial with interpolated values and discarding the trial due to missing data relies on two main factors: the locations of the missing data and the number of consecutive missing data. Because determining where the missing data are relative to the movement initiation and termination requires first identifying where the movement has started and ended, evaluating the validity of the missing data handling needs to happen after the movement boundaries have been identified, which, in turn, requires other preprocessing steps.

Data smoothing

Data smoothing is a critical step in the preprocessing of human movement data. Although the current state-of-the-art optical motion capture systems allow precise motion tracking (e.g., for Optotrak, measurement error is commonly smaller than 0.2 mm), slight deviations in the position data are still inevitable due to reasons such as marker movement and room vibration. Despite the magnitude of these deviations may be relatively small and imperceptible through displacement data (Figure 2, left panel, top row), such measurement variability would be amplified when computing the derivatives, such as velocity and acceleration (Figure 2, left panels). Therefore, it is essential to smooth the trajectories before computing their derivatives.

smoothing_good smoothing_bad

Figure 2. Demonstration of the effect of slight measurement deviations (left) and trajectory smoothing using low-pass Butterworth filter (right) on the second (i.e., velocity) and third (i.e., acceleration) order derivatives of position.

Trajectory smoothing is commonly performed using a low-pass Butterworth filter (Butterworth, 1930) with a cutoff frequency of 10 Hz (Franks et al., 1990). The filter included in the present toolkit, low_butter, is a wrapper function that combines SciPy’s butter and filtfilt functions. It requires three input arguments, the signal, sampling frequency, and cutoff frequency, and can directly output the smoothed signal. As Figure 2 (right panel) shows, this filter helps to attenuate the frequencies in the signal that are higher than the cutoff frequency, reducing the noise in the signal.

from tathum.functions import low_butter

fs, fc = 250., 10.

x_smooth = low_butter(x, fs, fc)
y_smooth = low_butter(y, fs, fc)
z_smooth = low_butter(z, fs, fc)

Spatial transformation

Although movements are performed and recorded in a 3D space, the axes of interest should be contingent on the task and experimental questions. For instance, for the movement-based spatial cueing paradigm (e.g., Neyedli & Welsh, 2012; Wang et al., under review; Yoxon et al., 2019), trajectory analysis should focus on how the relative location between the cue and the target affects the spatial characteristics of the movement trajectory. In these studies, the movement’s starting position and the locations of the cue and the target share the same two-dimensional (2D) plane and the spatial deviations between them are along the longitudinal (away from the participant in depth) and lateral axes in the movement plane’s reference frame (the behavioral experiment presented in the current study used a similar experimental setup). Therefore, movement trajectories along the longitudinal and lateral axes should be of interest. Depending on the calibration of the motion capture system, however, the movement plane’s reference frame may not coincide with that reference frame of the trajectory data.

As Figure 3a demonstrates, the primary and secondary movement axes are longitudinal and lateral axes in the screen’s reference frame, which deviates from the reference frame in which the movement was recorded (the default reference frame, defined as the three unit axes). This spatial discrepancy could impose challenges to the subsequent analysis if one only wishes to focus on a subset of the movement axes, as the displacement data were captured in the default reference frame, not the screen’s reference frame. In other words, because the trajectory is constrained by a slanted surface, all three axes are required to perform relevant spatial analysis. To address this issue, one can rotate the movement surface and the movement trajectories to be aligned with the default reference frame. This rotation only requires the movement surface normal, which can be derived using at least three points on the surface. To identify these points, for instance, the experimenters can incorporate a simple screen calibration procedure in an upper-limb aiming experiment that asks participants to aim different corners of the movement surface (e.g., a computer monitor) as reference points. Alternatively, one can also extract the start and end positions from the original movement trajectories and use them as reference points.

a trans1 b trans2
c trans3 d trans4

Figure 3. Demonstration of spatial transformation with the movement plane (black rectangle) defined by the four corners (black points), its surface normal (magenta line), and the aiming trajectory (black line), where the red (x-axis), green (y-axis), and blue (z-axis) dashed lines represent the default reference frame. (a) The original spatial layout. (b) The movement plane’s normal is projected onto a horizontal (cyan) plane, where the dotted magenta line represents the surface normal’s projection. The angle formed between the projection and the positive z-axis (blue dashed line) can be used to align the primary directions between the movement plane and the default reference frame. (c) The aligned movement plane after rotation around the y-axis in (b). The angle between the rotated surface normal and the positive ¬y-axis can be used to align the movement plane with the ground plane. (d) The final spatial layout after the movement plane was aligned to the primary direction and the ground plane.

In the toolkit, the function compute_transformation computes the appropriate rotation to align the reference frames. This function requires the x, y, and z coordinates of all reference points and the names of the axes based on which the rotation should be performed. Specifically, users need to specify the name of the axis that is perpendicular to the horizontal plane (e.g., the ground plane), the primary movement axis (to go from Figure 3b to Figure 3c), and the secondary movement axis (to go from Figure 3c to Figure 3d).

# the reference points are formatted as an N x 3 matrix
[[ 250.5    78.57 -118.1 ]
 [-254.81   73.88 -119.74]
 [-247.97  -77.02  114.62]
 [ 252.29  -75.43  123.22]]
# the function requires separate x, y, and z input
rotation, surface_center = compute_transformation(
    reference_points[:, 0],
    reference_points[:, 1],
    reference_points[:, 2],
    secondary_ax_name='x', )

Kinematic Analysis

In addition to position, velocity and acceleration of the movement could also provide useful information. Given discrete position measurement and its corresponding time vector, one can obtain the second- and third-order derivatives using difference quotients.

This computation can be achieved using the function, cent_diff, from the toolkit. This function takes two inputs, a vector with timestamps and a vector with the corresponding signal (this could be position, velocity, or even acceleration). The algorithm then performs a two- (forward/backward difference) or three-point (central difference) numerical differentiation, depending on where the data point is located. While the three-point central difference method provides further smoothing for the resulting derivatives (e.g., velocity and acceleration), the two-point methods in the beginning and the end of the data vector ensures the derivatives to line up with the displacement data with regard to the total number of samples.

from tathum.functions import cent_diff

x_vel = cent_diff(timestamp, x_smooth)
y_vel = cent_diff(timestamp, y_smooth)
z_vel = cent_diff(timestamp, z_smooth)

Singular Markers

Movement boundaries

The boundaries of the movement are marked by movement initiation and termination. Movement boundaries not only provide key temporal markers that capture certain aspects of the movement (e.g., reaction time [RT] and movement time [MT]), but also help to narrow down the trajectory segments that are of most interest in the trajectory analysis. Movement boundaries are typically identified using velocity-based criteria. The function, find_movement_bounds, uses velocity and a velocity threshold as inputs to identify the movement boundary, returning indices of the velocity vector that marks movement initiation and termination. Movement initiation is defined as the point at which velocity exceeds the threshold whereas movement termination is defined as the point at which velocity drops below the same threshold, which can be set by the user during function call (Figure 4).

bound_good bound_bad

Figure 4. Demonstration of movement boundaries. The displacement and velocity are of a single dimension, plotted on the same time scale. In this example, movement initiation (green dotted line) and termination (red dotted line) are defined as when the velocity exceeds and drops below 50 mm/s, respectively. The left column shows a single movement segment whereas the right column shows two, where the second segment was due to unnecessary movement after the completion of the task-related movement.

Because there are three axes to the movement trajectory, the use of velocity could differ depending on the study and the primary axis of the movement trajectory. For instance, the example provided in Figure 4 only used a single axis (e.g., x-axis) to determine the movement boundaries. In this example, the chosen axis is the principal movement axis of the task-relevant direction in which the participant performed the movement. In this case, the velocity input with a single dimension is simply a 1D array:

array([220.58679039, 220.53076455, 220.45812056, 220.38970357,
       220.29868951, 220.13652282, 219.65904993, 218.78207948,
       217.66326255, 216.46275817, 215.23037902, 213.9994592 ,...]

Alternatively, multiple axes (two or three) could also be used to determine movement boundaries. In such situations, the resultant velocity should be used. The resultant velocity can be computed as the Pythagorean of the axes of interest. To use resultant velocity instead of velocity along a single dimension, the user can simply use a matrix with all the necessary dimensions as input instead of a vector. In other words, the input would just be a 2D array with each row corresponds to each sample whereas the two columns represent the two axes based on which the resultant velocity will be automatically calculated and used to identify the movement boundaries:

array([[220.58679039, 135.29505216],
       [220.53076455, 135.28456359],
       [220.45812056, 135.28753378],
       [220.38970357, 135.27954967],
       [220.29868951, 135.25909061], ...]

Finally, in some studies, the recording of movements occurs during a specific time interval and the participants may make unnecessary movements before or after the task-relevant movement. For instance, Figure 4 (right) shows that the participants completed the required movement (first segment) and made some small adjustments to position afterward (second segment). To address this issue, the function find_movement_bounds can either automatically select the longest movement segment as the task-relevant segment by default, or output movement initiation and termination indices for all segments. To obtain indices of all segments, the user can simply set the optional boolean parameter, allow_multiple_segments, to True.

from tathum.functions import find_movement_bounds

movement_start_ind, mvoement_end_ind = find_movement_bounds(
    x_vel, velocity_threshold=30., allow_multiple_segments=False)

Reaction time and movement time

Reaction time (RT) is defined as the time between stimulus onset and movement initiation. For experiments that require RT as a dependent measure, the movement recording should start immediately after the stimulus onset. Therefore, RT is the time between the onset of data collection and movement initiation (Figure 4, green dotted lines). Movement time (MT) is defined as the time between movement initiation and termination. MT is the time interval between the green and red dotted lines in Figure 4. In practice, readers can first use the find_movement_bounds function to find the indices that specify the movement boundaries and use them to select the corresponding time stamps to derive RT and MT.

from tathum.functions import find_start_end_pos

timestamp_start = timestamp[movement_start_ind]
timestamp_end = timestamp[movement_end_ind]

# assuming the initiation of movement trajectory collection 
# coincides with stimulus onset
rt = timestamp_start  
mt = timestamp_end - timestamp_start

Movement start and end positions

Movement start and end positions are, by definition, the positions of the trajectory before and after movement initiation and termination, respectively. Given movement boundaries, it is rather straightforward to identify the positions. However, unlike the temporal aspects of the movement segment (i.e., RT and MT), the actual position measurements of each individual movement may slightly fluctuate even though the participants remained stationary. As Figure 5 shows, the movement trajectory remained largely stable before the movement initiation. However, zooming in on that portion of the trajectory reveals slight positional fluctuations before the movement initiation. To address this potential issue, when calling the find_start_end_pos function, users can optionally specify the number of coordinates (ind_buffer) to use before and after the movement initiation and termination, and use the average of these coordinates as the start and end positions. If the users still wish to use the start and end positions at their instantaneous locations, they can set ind_buffer to 1.

start_pos, end_pos = find_start_end_pos(
    	x_smooth, y_smooth, z_smooth, 
    	movement_start_ind, movement_end_ind,

start_all start_zoom

Figure 5. Illustration of the instability of the starting position. Left: the entire movement trajectory where the green dotted line marks the movement initiation. Right: a zoom-in view of the movement trajectory around the movement initiation as marked by the black bounding box in the left panel.

Spatial Analysis Over Time

Trajectory Parameterization

Although the singular markers already offer valuable insights into the underlying dynamics of the movement trajectories, sometimes it is also crucial to examine the entire aiming trajectories to gain a more holistic understanding of the movement. For instance, comparing the spatial deviations in the trajectories between different conditions can reveal the effect of experimental manipulations on movement planning and execution.

Statistically comparing different trajectories could be difficult. Trajectories from different trials contain different numbers of samples at different time stamps. Because of the variability in the samples, averaging the trajectories is impossible without normalization. Trajectory normalization is commonly achieved via resampling in the time domain, where an array of average positions/velocities/accelerations is computed at evenly spaced fractions of the MT. Although time resampling produces an equal number of samples across different trials, as Gallivan and Chapman (2014) reasoned, this approach does not preserve the temporal dynamics of the movement and may introduce artifacts in the subsequent analysis. Specifically, the resulting samples from time resampling only correspond to the proportion of the MT, not in absolute time. If the experimental manipulation affects MT, evaluating the samples’ difference between conditions using the proportion of the MT would introduce potential confounds in the analysis.

An alternative approach is to parameterize the movement trajectory as a function of time, which can be accomplished through a third-order B-spline (Gallivan & Chapman, 2014; Ramsay & Silverman, 2005). Using the B-spline function from SciPy (Virtanen et al., 2020), movement trajectories along each dimension are mapped onto each point’s corresponding time stamp. Subsequently, the trajectories can be resampled using this parameterization and an equally spaced time vector measured in absolute time. Unlike the time resampling method, the B-spline approach preserves the temporal characteristics of the movement while providing temporal and spatial normalization. To use this function from the toolkit, users simply need to call the function b_spline_fit_1d and use the time, position, and the number of resampled data points as input.

from tathum.functions import b_spline_fit_1d

x_fit = b_spline_fit_1d(timestamp, x_smooth, n_fit=1000, smooth=0.)
z_fit = b_spline_fit_1d(timestamp, z_smooth, n_fit=1000, smooth=0.)
y_fit = b_spline_fit_1d(timestamp, y_smooth, n_fit=1000, smooth=0.)

Automated Processing Pipeline

The trajectory processing functionalities illustrated above are commonly used in analyzing human movement data. Users can independently select the functions to process movement data or adopt a more automated approach. This processing pipeline is a collection of all the functions mentioned above, organized in a sequential order that is suitable for most trajectory analyses. To use this pipeline, users simply need to instantiate a Trajectory class with the raw x, y, and z coordinates and an optional time vector, along with a series of other optional parameters that, for instance, specify points on the movement surface (for spatial transformation), the data’s original sampling frequency, the low-pass Butterworth filter’s cutoff frequency, velocity thresholds.

from tathum.trajectory import Trajectory

trajectory = Trajectory(x, y, z, time=timestamp,
                        fs=250, fc=10,

Figure 6 shows the processing order of the pipeline. With the raw data, the algorithm first identifies missing data in the raw trajectory and recorded the indices for the missing for subsequent processing. Then, if the users supplied points on the movement surface when instantiating the Trajectory class, the algorithm will automatically compute and apply the relevant spatial transformation to the raw movement trajectory. Subsequently, the transformed trajectory is smoothed with the low-pass Butterworth filter, and its second- and third-order temporal derivatives are computed and smoothed using the same filter. This step yields the velocity and acceleration vectors along each dimension of the movement. Based on the velocity profile, movement boundaries can be determined based on the velocity threshold specified earlier, which in turn yields MT, RT, and the start and end positions. Finally, the movement boundaries also specify the movement trajectory that is parameterized using the third-order B-spline. To access the final, normalized trajectory, the users can simply refer to the fields x_movement_fit, y_movement_fit, and z_movement_fit. There is also a series of other publically accessible fields to which the readers should refer to the documentation to find the relevant ones specific to their purposes.


Figure 6. The automated data processing procedure. See text for explanations.

After going through the data processing pipeline, users can manually check for the validity of the missing data handling using the class function debug_plots, which creates a plot of displacement and velocity (Figure 7a):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
trajectory.debug_plots(fig=fig, axs=axs)

As illustrated in the figure caption, the debug plots provide relevant information about the movement, especially movement onset and termination times as well as locations of missing data. As mentioned in the (Missing data)[#missing-data] subsection, it is important to examine the locations and extent of the missing data to determine whether the interpolated missing values would introduce artifacts to the aiming trajectory. Readers can refer to the sample analysis code for potential ways to integrate the inspection component into their analysis.

a debug_single b debug_traj

Figure 7. Demonstrations of the debug plots. (a) Sample plots are generated by the debug_plots function. Top: The displacement trajectories for the x- (red), y- (red), and z-axis (blue). The vertical cyan and magenta lines represent the instances of movement onset and termination, respectively, whereas the horizontal cyan and magenta dotted lines represent the displacement values at movement onset and termination for the primary (x) and secondary (z) movement axes. The narrow vertical dotted lines and the black segments indicate missing data due to occlusion. Bottom: The corresponding smoothed velocity along each axis based on the same color scheme. (b) A sample plot generated by the debug_plots_trajectory method from the TrajectoryMean class. Individual trials for this condition were plotted as separate lines marked with their corresponding indices, whereas the green thick line represents the mean trajectory. As apparent from the figure, the participants were initially aiming in the wrong direction in trial 5 but corrected the movement trajectory halfway through the aim. This trial could be considered an outlier and warrants removal.

Mean trajectories

Given the parameterized individual trajectories, it is also possible to compute the mean trajectories. The TrajectoryMean class was designed to streamline this process. For instance, users can instantiate this class for each participant and each unique combination of conditions. Then, they can just use the class method, add_trajectory, to store the instances of the Trajectory that contains data from a single trial. Once the TrajectoryMean object is populated with all the trials, the user can optionally visualize the entire set with the class method debug_plots_trajectory (Figure 7b). As the caption explains, users can use this method to identify potential outliers based on the aiming trajectory. To remove a trajectory from the TrajectoryMean object, users can simply call the remove_trajectory method and supply it with the indices of the trajectories to be removed. The sample analysis script presents an example of how users can take advantage of this functionality for data inspection.

After setting up the TrajectoryMean object, the users can calculate mean trajectories with the compute_mean_trajectory method. Because the instances of the Trajectory class already have various trajectories parameterized using the B-spline method, deriving the mean trajectories simply entails taking the mean values at each normalized time step. By default, the normalized movement trajectories (e.g., x_movement_fit, etc.) are used to calculate the mean trajectories, which are simply saved as a public field of the class (e.g., x_mean and x_sd for the mean and standard deviations, respectively). However, users can optionally calculate mean trajectories for other fields. For instance, the Trajectory class also contains normalized velocity trajectories within the movement range (e.g., x_vel_movement_fit). To obtain the mean velocity trajectories, the users can set the method’s input traj_means based on the variable of interest. The name of the public fields that store the resulting mean and standard deviations always starts with the axis name (e.g., x), followed by an optional post_script (e.g., _velocity) and the _mean or _sd keywords (e.g., x_velocity_mean).

from tathum.trajectory_mean import TrajectoryMean

# initialize a TrajectoryMean object
trajectory_mean = TrajectoryMean()

# store a Trajectory object from a single trial

# remove a Trajectory object based on its index

# compute the mean trajectory after all trial-based Trajectory objects are added

# plot all the individual trajectories and the mean trajectory
fig_traj, ax_traj = plt.subplots(1, 1)
trajectory_mean.debug_plots_trajectory(fig=fig_traj, ax=ax_traj)

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