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OBC square tensor network state(PEPS) library

Project description

The tetragono is a versatile package that offers a unified interface for a variety of tensor network state (TNS) methods, suitable for different physics models and tensor types. It encompasses multiple TNS methods, including the simple update and sampling-based techniques. For sampling-based methods, it facilitates the calculation of physical observables and incorporates optimization strategies such as gradient descent and stochastic reconfiguration. Additionally, the tetragono provides an exact diagonalization method, which can serve as a benchmark for verifying TNS results in small systems. It is built on top of PyTAT, a Python interface of a tensor package TAT, that supports symmetry tensors and fermion tensors. Users could extend its capabilities by writing plugins to modify existing algorithms or to introduce custom physical models. Moreover, a set of predefined physical models and corresponding algorithm modifications is available in a collection named tetraku.

The tetragono primarily supports square lattice systems represented by projected entangled pair states (PEPS). However, other lattice geometries can be accommodated by incorporating multiple physical edges within a single tensor of the PEPS framework.

The tetragono offers multiple interfaces, including a command line interface (CLI) application named tetragono shell, for ease of use. Its components can be utilized individually, empowering users to construct more complex algorithms.


Please either copy or create a soft link for the directory in the site-packages directory. Alternatively, you can utilize pip to install the tetragono package by running the command pip install tetragono.

Usage of tetragono shell

The interface of tetragono shell

After installing tetragono, users can enter the tetragono shell by executing python -m in the command line. Upon doing so, they will be greeted with the following interface:

Welcome to the Tetragono shell. Type help or ? to list commands.
Copyright (C) 2019-2024 USTC-TNS Group
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Random seed is set as 233

Typing help or ? will display the available commands. For detailed usage information on a specific command, users can type help <command>.

Users can execute commands line by line or list multiple commands within a script file and run them using python -m <script_file>. In this way, MPI (Message Passing Interface) can be automatically utilized, meaning that if users execute the script file with mpirun python -m <script_file>, every algorithm implemented inside Tetragono will run in parallel using MPI if possible. This can significantly speed up the program execution.

Commands in tetragono shell

Exact update

The ex_create command is utilized to create a state for performing exact diagonalization. It requires a module name indicating the physics model, with subsequent parameters passed to the script describing the physics model. For example, the command below creates a state for a spin-less free fermion model on a (3 \times 3) lattice, with the total number of particles fixed at (4):

TET> ex_create free_fermion L1=3 L2=3 T=4

And the description of the arguments for a specific physics model can be displayed by using ex_create <physics_model> help

TET> ex_create free_fermion help

        Create free fermion(no spin) state.

        L1, L2 : int
            The lattice size.
        T : int
            The total particle number.


The module defining the physics model is a standard Python module. In this case of free_fermion, the module is defined within the tetraku. Users can define their own physics models and place them in either the $PYTHONPATH or $TETPATH directories, enabling tetragono to locate and load them.

After preparing the exact state, exact diagonalization can be performed using the ex_update <step> command, which requires an argument specifying the number of Lanczos iteration steps. Subsequently, the exact energy per site can be calculated with the ex_energy command.

TET> ex_update 1000
 Exact update done, total_step=1000, energy=-0.6285393610547229
TET> ex_energy
 Exact state energy is -0.628539361054709

Indeed, for managing the results of exact diagonalization, the tetragono shell provides the ex_load and ex_dump commands. These commands are used to load results from or dump results to a file, respectively.

The random seed can be reset using the command seed <seed>, which is useful for reliably reproducing previous computational results. It's important to note that, when using MPI, the number of processes should remain unchanged to ensure the same results as before.

Simple update

The su_create command is used to prepare the state for performing a simple update. Similar to ex_create, it accepts a physics model name, and subsequent arguments are passed to the physics model description function. Typically, it requires one additional argument compared to ex_create, which is the dimension of the virtual edge in the PEPS.

TET> su_create free_fermion L1=3 L2=3 T=4 D=4

After the initial state has been prepared, the su_update command is used to perform the simple update process.

TET> su_update 1000 0.05 4
 Simple update max parallel size is 4
 Simple update done, total_step=1000, delta_tau=0.05, new_dimension=4

During the simple update process, MPI can be utilized to expedite execution since the update of each term of the Hamiltonian can be performed on different processors. The maximum number of processes that can be used efficiently will be displayed when the lattice undergoes its first simple update. And the parameter of su_update is shown below:

TET> help su_update

        Do simple update.

        total_step : int
            The simple update total step to do.
        delta_tau : float
            The imaginary time, delta tau.
        new_dimension : int | float
            The new cut dimension used in simple update, or the amplitude of dimension expandance.


After completing the simple update, the energy can be measured by contracting the double layer network using the command su_energy <Dc>. Within the tetragono, the boundary matrix product operator(boundary-MPO) method is employed to contract the entire network. The boundary-MPO method requires a dimension cut during the recovery of the contraction of MPS and MPO back to finite dimensional MPS. This dimension cut, Dc, is the parameter passed to su_energy, which dictates the maximum bond dimension allowed during the contraction process, thereby controlling the accuracy and computational requirements of the energy calculation.

TET> su_energy 16
 Simple update lattice energy is -0.6209065956664327

The su_to_ex command is employed to contract the PEPS, as configured for a simple update, into a single wave function tensor. This tensor is identical in form to the state used for exact diagonalization. Consequently, users can utilize this command to convert their simple update PEPS state into a format suitable for exact diagonalization. This allows for the measurement of the energy through exact methods after obtaining the simple update results via the boundary-MPO method, serving as a benchmark for comparison and validation of the results.

Similar to managing states for exact diagonalization, the su_load and su_dump commands are used for loading from or dumping to a file for the lattice state used with simple update, respectively.

Sampling-based methods

  1. A brief example

    The sampling methods calculate the double layer network by contracting a single layer network with physics configurations that have been sampled. There are various sampling strategies implemented, including sweep sampling (based on the Metropolis algorithm) and direct sampling, with ergodic sampling also available for benchmarking in small systems. To utilize sampling methods, a corresponding lattice must first be created. This can be done in several ways:

    • gm_create: Similar to su_create, this command is used to create a lattice state directly for sampling methods, requiring specification of the physics model and relevant parameters.
    • su_to_gm: This command converts a state prepared for simple updating into a state suitable for sampling methods. This allows for a seamless transition from one method of state preparation to another.

    After preparing the lattice state for sampling, the gm_run command is invoked to calculate the energy of the state using the chosen sampling strategy.

    TET> su_to_gm
    TET> gm_run 1000 0 0 sampling_method=direct configuration_cut_dimension=16
     gradient total step=1
     sampling done, total_step=1000, energy=(-0.6257918132796995, 0.001365532183031408)
     direct sampling instability is 0.08685509609649737

    Within the context of executing sampling methods using the gm_run command in tetragono shell, the sampling_method parameter specifies the type of sampling strategy to employ. The options include:

    • direct: for direct sampling,
    • sweep: for sweep sampling, based on the Metropolis algorithm,
    • ergodic: for ergodic sampling, useful for benchmarking in small systems.

    The configuration_cut_dimension is a critical parameter that indicates the dimension cut-off when calculating the single layer tensor network using boundary-MPO methods, which helps in managing the computation's accuracy and efficiency. The first of the three parameters mentioned specifies the number of sampling iterations, which in the provided example is 1000. The significance of the latter two parameters will be introduced later.

    The outcome of the computation delivering an energy measurement of (-0.625\cdots), with an estimated error bar of (0.001\cdots) illustrates the ability to achieve precise results through sampling methods. In the context of direct sampling, a reweighting technique is employed, wherein configurations are sampled from an approximate distribution, and then the weights of these configurations are adjusted (reweighted) to obtain accurate results. However, the accuracy of the reweighting technique heavily relies on how closely the approximate distribution matches the desired distribution. If the approximation deviates significantly from the target distribution, the results will exhibit larger errors. The discrepancy, or distance, between the two distributions is gauged by the sampling instability. To decrease the sampling instability and thus improve the accuracy of results obtained through direct sampling, increasing the parameter direct_sampling_cut_dimension can be beneficial. This parameter determines the dimension cut-off when calculating approximate distribution during the direct sampling process. By default, this parameter is set to 4, which is normally sufficient for a wide range of applications.

Gradient descent and stochastic reconfiguration

Sampling methods can also be used to perform gradient descent, which is controlled by two out of the first three parameters: total gradient steps and gradient step size.

TET> gm_run 1000 4 0.001 sampling_method=direct configuration_cut_dimension=16
 gradient total step=4
 sampling done, total_step=1000, energy=(-0.6257918132796995, 0.001365532183031408)
 direct sampling instability is 0.08685509609649737
 grad 0/4, step_size=0.001
 sampling done, total_step=1000, energy=(-0.6225526013871534, 0.0012962886011511588)
 direct sampling instability is 0.07429461284695354
 grad 1/4, step_size=0.001
 sampling done, total_step=1000, energy=(-0.6223814365145698, 0.0013008765678379666)
 direct sampling instability is 0.08049558849801
 grad 2/4, step_size=0.001
 sampling done, total_step=1000, energy=(-0.6243932451431334, 0.0013174132249484853)
 direct sampling instability is 0.07427514182038164
 grad 3/4, step_size=0.001

There are several parameters for controlling gradient descent:

  • use_fix_relative_step_size: Can be set to False (default) or True. By default, the passed-in step size is the absolute step size. Set this parameter to True to use relative step size instead.
  • use_line_search: Can be set to False (default) or True. Set this parameter to True to perform line search during gradient descent. If line search is enabled, the provided step size will serve as the initial relative step size.
  • use_random_gradient: Can be set to False (default) or True. If set to True, the amplitude of each gradient element is ignored and substituted with a random number; only the sign of the gradient element is utilized.
  • momentum_parameter: Enables momentum within gradient descent. If left at the default value of 0, no momentum is applied. Setting it to 1 will result in the state continuously changing in the initial direction, completely neglecting the gradient.

The tetragono also implements stochastic reconfiguration, enabled by setting the pamameter use_natural_gradient to True. If stochastic reconfiguration is enabled, the conjugate gradient (CG) method is used internally to perform the inverse of the metric. The step of the conjugate gradient is controlled by conjugate_gradient_method_step, which defaults to 20. Another parameter, conjugate_gradient_method_error, is used to terminate the process if a specified error is reached during CG. When using this parameter, users typically need to set conjugate_gradient_method_step to -1 to disable the step number check.

During the gradient descent or stochastic reconfiguration, users may wish to save the state at every step to guard against unexpected program interruptions. This is facilitated by the parameter save_state_file and save_configuration_file, which save the current state and currently sampled configuration, respectively. The saved configuration is particularly useful for sweep sampling, as sweep sampling requires an initial configuration at startup.

The sweep sampling

The sweep sampling methods start with an initial configuration and run a Markov chain from that point. The initial configuration could be set manually or determined through direct sampling for convenience. If a user wishes to manually initialize the configuration, the command gm_conf_create is utilized. Typically, gm_conf_eq, whose parameters are similar to those of gm_run, is employed to equilibrate the recently initialized configuration.

TET> su_create heisenberg 3 3 D=4 J=-1
TET> su_update 100 0.01 4
 Simple update max parallel size is 4
 Simple update done, total_step=100, delta_tau=0.01, new_dimension=4
TET> su_to_gm
TET> gm_conf_create heisenberg.neel
TET> gm_conf_eq 10 configuration_cut_dimension=16
 equilibium done, total_step=10
TET> gm_run 100 0 0 configuration_cut_dimension=16 sampling_method=sweep
 gradient total step=1
 sampling done, total_step=100, energy=(-0.5211663949797498, 0.00283191661212987)

In the example above, we create a lattice for the Heisenberg model, perform a simple update, and convert it to a lattice suitable for the sampling method. Then, we create a Neel state as the configuration, followed by equilibrating the configuration. Subsequently, we employ sweep sampling to calculate the energy. In this context, both the Heisenberg model and the Neel state are defined within tetraku. Lastly, gm_conf_dump and gm_conf_load are used to dump to or load from a file for the configuration, respectively.

Plugins for tetragono

Definition of physics models

The definition of physics models in tetragono is achieved by defining plugins. A Python module intended to define a physics model needs to contain two functions: abstract_state and abstract_lattice. To introduce more comprehensive functionality, here we provide an example of defining a free fermion model with a fixed particle number on a honeycomb lattice.

The function abstract_state declares the basic tensor type and the lattice shape, the total symmetry representation(the total quantum numbers), physics edges, and the Hamiltonian of a system.

import TAT
import tetragono as tet

def abstract_state(L1, L2, T):
    state = tet.AbstractState(TAT.FermiU1.D.Tensor, L1, L2)
    for l1 in range(L1):
	for l2 in range(L2):
	    if (l1, l2) != (0, 0):
		state.physics_edges[l1, l2, 0] = [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
	    if (l1, l2) != (L1 - 1, L2 - 1):
		state.physics_edges[l1, l2, 1] = [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
    state.total_symmetry = T
    CC =
    for l1 in range(L1):
	for l2 in range(L2):
	    if l1 != 0:
		state.hamiltonians[(l1 - 1, l2, 1), (l1, l2, 0)] = CC
	    if l2 != 0:
		state.hamiltonians[(l1, l2 - 1, 1), (l1, l2, 0)] = CC
	    if (l1, l2) != (0, 0) and (l1, l2) != (L1 - 1, L2 - 1):
		state.hamiltonians[(l1, l2, 0), (l1, l2, 1)] = CC
    return state

In the code snippet above, we declare a lattice of size L1 * L2 with the tensor type specified as a fermion (U(1)) tensor. Then, we specify edges for every tensor, where each tensor has two physics edges except for the upper left corner and lower right corner tensors, which each have only a single physical edge. Within tetragono, physics edges are distinguished by orbit indices. For a honeycomb geometry, each site has physics edges with indices (0) and (1), except for the site at ((0,0)), which only has an index (1), and the site at ((L1-1,L2-1)), which only has an index (0). All physics edges in this model are identical, characterized by a list of pairs of quantum numbers and their respective degeneracy.

Subsequently, we declare the total symmetry representation as T, representing the total particle number of the system. We then retrieve the tensor predefined in tetragono and apply it to all nearest neighbor sites on the honeycomb lattice. For every row except the first, the index (0) of the current site has a CC interaction with index (1) of the corresponding site in the previous row. Similarly, for every column except the first, the index (0) of the current site has a CC interaction with index (1) of the corresponding site in the previous column. Moreover, for all sites except for the upper left and lower right corners, there is a CC interaction between the two orbit indices within the same site.

The function abstract_lattice is utilized to declare all virtual edges inside a projected entangled pair state (PEPS). Here's an example:

def abstract_lattice(L1, L2, D, T):
    state = tet.AbstractLattice(abstract_state(L1, L2, T))
    tt = T / state.L1
    for l1 in range(state.L1 - 1):
	Q = int(T * (state.L1 - l1 - 1) / state.L1)
	state.virtual_bond[l1, 0, "D"] = [
	    (Q - 1, D),
	    (Q, D),
	    (Q + 1, D),
    for l1 in range(state.L1):
	for l2 in range(state.L2 - 1):
	    Q = int(tt * (state.L2 - l2 - 1) / state.L2)
	    state.virtual_bond[l1, l2, "R"] = [
		(Q - 1, D),
		(Q, D),
		(Q + 1, D),
    for l1 in range(state.L1 - 1):
	for l2 in range(1, state.L2):
	    state.virtual_bond[l1, l2, "D"] = [
		(0, D),

    return state

By default, the total symmetry representation is presented as an extra edge at site ((0, 0)), so we need to distribute this particle number(total symmetry representation) throughout the entire PEPS. To achieve this, we first propagate along sites ((0,0)), ((1,0)), …, moving downwards, leaving approximately tt = T / state.L1 particles at each row. Subsequently, we propagate within each row, similar to the previous step, with each column retaining roughly tt / state.L2 particles. Lastly, we define trivial edges for the remaining edges inside the PEPS.

Once these two functions are defined in a Python module, we can utilize tetragono to execute any algorithm implemented inside for this physics model. Users only need to place the module describing the physics model in a path that Python can import or in a path included in the environment variable $TETPATH, so tetragono knows where to load it.

Measurement of observables

To measure observables during sampling methods, a plugin describing the observables is used. This plugin is a Python module containing functions measurement and save_result. For instance, the code below demonstrates how to measure (S_z^i S_z^j) on the Heisenberg model.

import tetragono as tet
from tetragono.common_tensor.tensor_toolkit import (

def measurement(state):
    Sz = / 2
    SzSz = kronecker_product(rename_io(Sz, [0]), rename_io(Sz, [1]))
    return { \
	((i1, i2, 0), (j1, j2, 0)): SzSz \
	for [i1, i2] in state.sites() \
	for [j1, j2] in state.sites() \
	if (i1, i2) != (j1, j2) \

def save_result(state, result, whole_result):
    with open("SzSz.log", "a", encoding="utf-8") as file:
	print(result, file=file)

To describe observables, a dictionary mapping the sequence of coordinates of the physics edges to the tensor should be returned by the measurement function. The save_result function serves as a handler to save the measurement results.s Here, the coordinates of the physics edges are specified in a tuple containing the coordinate of the tensor and the orbit index.

Once the observables description file is created, passing it to the argument measurement of the command gm_run will perform the sampling method with these observables measured.

Hopping rules inside sweep sampling

Sweep sampling is a modified Metropolis sampling method that reuses the intermediate results of the configuration calculation to speed up the intervals of Metropolis sampling. By default, the hopping rules of the Markov chain use the model's Hamiltonian directly. However, users might want to alter this for various reasons, such as excluding next-nearest hopping to speed up configuration calculation, or adding another hopping term to ensure the ergodicity of the Markov chain. To accommodate custom hopping rules, one can define a plugin with the function hopping_hamiltonians, which returns a "fake" Hamiltonian description dictionary.

import TAT
import tetragono as tet

def hopping_hamiltonians(state):
    pauli_x_pauli_x =
    pauli_y_pauli_y =
    hopping = pauli_x_pauli_x + pauli_y_pauli_y
    result = {}
    for [l1, l2] in state.sites():
	    if l1 != 0:
		result[(l1 - 1, l2, 0), (l1, l2, 0)] = hopping
	    if l2 != 0:
		result[(l1, l2 - 1, 0), (l1, l2, 0)] = hopping

    return result

This example creates a fake Hamiltonian for hopping only to the nearest neighbor sites. Please note that in this context, the amplitude of the elements in the tensor is not important. The tetragono will attempt to hop across all non-zero terms inside the tensor, ignoring the absolute values.

Once the fake hopping Hamiltonian is prepared in a Python module, pass it to the argument sweep_hopping_hamiltonians of gm_run with the sampling_method set to sweep, to utilize this hopping Hamiltonian.

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