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The Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of SCTE-35.

Project description

threefive is the highest rated SCTE-35 parser. Ever.

Parses SCTE-35 from multiple streams in MPEGTS and Multiple Program Transport Streams
Parses SCTE-35 from Cues encoded inBase64, Bytes, Hex, Integers.
Parses SCTE-35 from files, http(s), Multicast, UDP and even stdin ( you can pipe to it).
Parses SCTE-35 from streams converted to bin data ( type 0x06 ) by ffmpeg.

Latest threefive version is 2.4.63

  • threefive 2.4.61
    • dropped ticks
    • dropped SpliceSchedule
    • dropped AudioDescriptor
    • fixed Cue.encode()


  • install threefive with pip
  • threefive has two third party package dependencies and I wrote one of them.
  • pip will automatically install PyAES and new_reader
python3 -mpip install --upgrade threefive

Versions and Releases

Every time I fix a bug or add a feature, I do a new release.
This makes tracking down bugs and stuff much easier.
Keep up folks.

a@slow:~/threefive$ threefive version
  • Release versions are odd.
  • Unstable testing versions are even.

Cue Class
  • src
  • The threefive.Cue class decodes a SCTE35 binary, base64, or hex encoded string.
class Cue(threefive.base.SCTE35Base)
 |  Cue(data=None, packet_data=None)
 |  __init__(self, data=None, packet_data=None)
 |      data may be packet bites or encoded string
 |      packet_data is a instance passed from a Stream instance
  • Cue.decode()
 |  decode(self)
 |      Cue.decode() parses for SCTE35 data
  • After Calling cue.decode() the instance variables can be accessed via dot notation.
    >>>> cue.command
    {'calculated_length': 5, 'name': 'Time Signal', 'time_specified_flag': True, 'pts_time': 21695.740089}

    >>>> cue.command.pts_time

    >>>> cue.info_section.table_id

  • Cue.get()
 |  get(self)
 |      Cue.get returns the SCTE-35 Cue
 |      data as a dict of dicts.

Cue.get() Example

>>> from threefive import Cue
>>> cue = Cue('0XFC301100000000000000FFFFFF0000004F253396')
>>> cue.decode()
>>> cue
{'bites': b'\xfc0\x11\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00O%3\x96',
'info_section': {'table_id': '0xfc', 'section_syntax_indicator': False, 'private': False, 'sap_type': '0x3',
'sap_details': 'No Sap Type', 'section_length': 17, 'protocol_version': 0, 'encrypted_packet': False,
'encryption_algorithm': 0, 'pts_adjustment_ticks': 0, 'pts_adjustment': 0.0, 'cw_index': '0x0', 'tier': '0xfff',
'splice_command_length': 4095, 'splice_command_type': 0, 'descriptor_loop_length': 0, 'crc': '0x4f253396'},
'command': {'command_length': None, 'command_type': 0, 'name': 'Splice Null'},
'descriptors': [], 'packet_data': None}
  • Cue.get() omits cue.bites and empty values
>>> cue.get()
{'info_section': {'table_id': '0xfc', 'section_syntax_indicator': False,'private': False, 'sap_type': '0x3',
'sap_details': 'No Sap Type', 'section_length': 17, 'protocol_version': 0, 'encrypted_packet': False,
'encryption_algorithm': 0, 'pts_adjustment_ticks': 0, 'pts_adjustment': 0.0, 'cw_index': '0x0', 'tier': '0xfff',
'splice_command_length': 4095, 'splice_command_type': 0, 'descriptor_loop_length': 0, 'crc': '0x4f253396'},
'command': {'command_type': 0, 'name': 'Splice Null'},
'descriptors': []}
  • Cue.get_descriptors()
 |  get_descriptors(self)
 |      Cue.get_descriptors returns a list of
 |      SCTE 35 splice descriptors as dicts.
  • Cue.get_json()
 |  get_json(self)
 |      Cue.get_json returns the Cue instance
 |      data in json.
 |  show(self)
 | prints the Cue as JSON
  • Cue.to_stderr()
 |  to_stderr(self)
 |      Cue.to_stderr prints the Cue
Stream Class
  • src

  • The threefive.Stream class parses SCTE35 from Mpegts.

  • Supports:

    • File and Http(s) and Udp and Multicast protocols.
    • Multiple Programs.
    • Multi-Packet PAT, PMT, and SCTE35 tables.
  • threefive tries to include pid, program, anf pts of the SCTE-35 packet.

class Stream(builtins.object)
 |  Stream(tsdata, show_null=True)
 |  Stream class for parsing MPEG-TS data.
|  __init__(self, tsdata, show_null=True)
|      tsdata is a file or http, https,
|       udp or multicast url.
|      set show_null=False to exclude Splice Nulls
  • Stream.decode(func=show_cue)
|  decode(self, func=show_cue)
|      Stream.decode reads self.tsdata to find SCTE35 packets.
|      func can be set to a custom function that accepts
|      a threefive.Cue instance as it's only argument.

Stream.decode Example

import sys
from threefive import Stream
>>>> Stream('plp0.ts').decode()
  • Pass in custom function

  • func should match the interface func(cue)

Stream.decode with custom function Example

import sys
import threefive

def display(cue):

def do():
   sp = threefive.Stream(tsdata)
   sp.decode(func = display)

if __name__ == '__main__':

  • Stream.decode_next()
|  decode_next(self)
|      Stream.decode_next returns the next
|      SCTE35 cue as a threefive.Cue instance.

Stream.decode_next Example

Stream.decode_next example.
decode_next returns the Cue every time a Cue is found.

This uses a while loop to pull the Cues from a mpegts stream.
When a Cue is found, if it's a Time Signal,
cue.command.command_type=6, print Cue.command.
You can filter on any var in the SCTE-35 Cue.

import sys
import threefive
from new_reader import reader

def do():
    arg = sys.argv[1]
    with reader(arg) as tsdata:
        st = threefive.Stream(tsdata)
        while True:
            cue = st.decode_next()
            if not cue:
                return False
            if cue:
                if cue.command.command_type ==6:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • Stream.proxy(func = show_cue)

    • Writes all packets to sys.stdout.

    • Writes scte35 data to sys.stderr.

|  decode(self, func=show_cue_stderr)
|      Stream.decode_proxy writes all ts packets are written to stdout
|      for piping into another program like mplayer.
|      SCTE-35 cues are printed to stderr.

Stream.proxy Example

import threefive
sp = threefive.Stream('')
  • Pipe to mplayer
$ python3 | mplayer -

|  show(self)
|   List programs and streams and info for MPEGTS Example

>>>> from threefive import Stream
>>>> Stream('').show()
    Service:    fancy ˹
    Provider:   fu-corp
    Pcr Pid:    1051[0x41b]
                Pid: 1051[0x41b]        Type: 0x1b AVC Video
                Pid: 1052[0x41c]        Type: 0x3 MP2 Audio
                Pid: 1054[0x41e]        Type: 0x6 PES Packets/Private Data
                Pid: 1055[0x41f]        Type: 0x86 SCTE35 Data
Need to verify your splice points?
  • Try in the examples.

    • creates webvtt subtitles out of SCTE-35 Cue data
  • use it like this

pypy3 video.ts | mplayer video.ts -sub -


threefive is now addressable TV compatible
           "tag": 2,
          "descriptor_length": 31,
          "name": "Segmentation Descriptor",
          "identifier": "CUEI",
          "components": [],
          "segmentation_event_id": "0x065eff",
          "segmentation_event_cancel_indicator": false,
          "segmentation_event_id_compliance_indicator": true,
          "program_segmentation_flag": true,
          "segmentation_duration_flag": false,
          "delivery_not_restricted_flag": true,
          "segmentation_message": "Call Ad Server",   < --- Boom
          "segmentation_upid_type": 12,
          "segmentation_upid_type_name": "MPU",
          "segmentation_upid_length": 16,
          "segmentation_upid": {
              "format_identifier": "ADFR",	<--- Boom
              "private_data": "0x0133f10134b04f065e060220",
              "version": 1,                            <---- Boom
              "channel_identifier": "0x33f1",                  <---- Boom
              "date": 20230223,                         <---- Boom
              "break_code": 1630,                       <---- Boom
              "duration": "0x602"                <---- Boom
          "segmentation_type_id": 2,         <----  Boom
          "segment_num": 0,
          "segments_expected": 0

Custom charsets for UPIDS aka upids.charset

Specify a charset for Upid data by setting threefive.upids.charset issue #55

  • default charset is ascii
  • python charsets info Here
  • setting charset to None will return raw bytes.

Example Usage:

>>> from threefive import Cue,upids

>>> upids.charset
>>> cue=Cue(i)
>>> cue.decode()
>>> cue.descriptors[0].segmentation_upid

>>> upids.charset="utf16"
>>> cue.decode()
>>> cue.descriptors[0].segmentation_upid
Custom Private Splice Descriptors ( new! )

threefive now supports custom private splice descriptors, right out the box.

  • The first byte of the descriptor is read as an int for the Descriptor tag
  • The second byte is read as an int for the desciptor length
  • The next four bytes are read as ASCII for the Identifier
  • remanining bytes are returned as private data
from threefive import Cue, TimeSignal
from threefive.descriptors import SpliceDescriptor
  • make a Cue
c = Cue()
  • add a Time Signal
c.command = TimeSignal()
  • add Splice Descriptor
sd = SpliceDescriptor()
sd.tag = 47
sd.identifier ='fufu'
sd.private_data = b'threefive kicks ass'
  • encode
  • show
    "info_section": {
        "table_id": "0xfc",
        "section_syntax_indicator": false,
        "private": false,
        "sap_type": "0x03",
        "sap_details": "No Sap Type",
        "section_length": 47,
        "protocol_version": 0,
        "encrypted_packet": false,
        "encryption_algorithm": 0,
        "pts_adjustment_ticks": 0,
        "cw_index": "0x0",
        "tier": "0xfff",
        "splice_command_length": 5,
        "splice_command_type": 6,
        "descriptor_loop_length": 25,
        "crc": "0x59be12c5"
    "command": {
        "command_length": 5,
        "command_type": 6,
        "name": "Time Signal",
        "time_specified_flag": true,
        "pts_time": 1234.56789,
        "pts_time_ticks": 111111110
    "descriptors": [
            "tag": 47,
            "descriptor_length": 23,
            "identifier": "fufu",
            "private_data": [
  • the custom Splice Descriptor

{'tag': 47, 'descriptor_length': 23, 'name': None, 'identifier': 'fufu', 'bites': None, 'provider_avail_id': None, 'components': None, 'private_data': b'threefive kicks ass'}
  • Cool dictionaary comprehension to print the Splice Descriptor with only relevant values
{print(f'{k} = {v}') for k,v in vars(c.descriptors[0]).items() if v is not None}

tag = 47
descriptor_length = 23
identifier = fufu
private_data = b'threefive kicks ass'

Powered by threefive

sideways inject SCTE-35 into HLS via manifest manipulation.
adbreak2 a cli tool that quickly and easily generates SCTE-35 Cues for HLS and stuff.
Ultra Mega Zoom Zoom ABR HLS segmenter and SCTE-35 inserter.
POIS Server is Super Cool.
bpkio-cli: A command line interface to the APIs.
x9k3: SCTE-35 HLS Segmenter and Cue Inserter.
amt-play uses x9k3.
m3ufu: SCTE-35 m3u8 Parser.
six2scte35: ffmpeg changes SCTE-35 stream type to 0x06 bin data, six2scte35 changes it back.
SuperKabuki: SCTE-35 Packet Injection.
showcues m3u8 SCTE-35 parser.

threefive online SCTE-35 Encoder
threefive online SCTE-35 parser

threefive | more

Diagram of a threefive SCTE-35 Cue.
ffmpeg and threefive and SCTE35 and Stream Type 0x6 bin data.
Issues and Bugs and Feature Requests will be considered. Please don't make me regret it.

NEW! threefive now has experimental DVB DAS Support ETSI TS 103 752-1


Q) "How do I capture the output of threefive?"

A) Redirect 2.

a@fu:~$ threefive input.ts 2> output.txt
  • For piping and such, use 2>&1
a@fu:~$ threefive packets  plp0.ts 2>&1 | less

Q) "You aren't on any social media, are you a Super Secret Chinese agent?"

A) No, I am not a Chinese agent, threefive is huge in China though.

Q) "SCTE-35 sucks, can we just hire you to do it for us?"

A) Yes, that's all I've done for the last four years. Just open an issue and we can discuss.


Project details

Release history Release notifications | RSS feed

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

threefive-2.4.63.tar.gz (36.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

threefive-2.4.63-py3-none-any.whl (36.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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