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A Python3 post processing tool for TIE-GCM

Project description


tiegcmpy is a tool used for TIE-GCM post processing and plot generation.

Updated documentation on readthedocs


pip install tiegcmpy


  • Python >= 3.8.0
  • Python pip >= 23.2.1
    • cartopy >= 0.21.1
    • numpy >= 1.24.4
    • matplotlib >= 3.7.2
    • xarray >= 2023.1.0


tiegcmpy can be run in two modes:

  1. Mode: API

    For use in custom python scripts or juypter notebooks

  2. Mode: Command Line Interface

    For a command line interface with arguments

    a) Single Plot

    Load database for generation of a single plot to a single file

    b) Multiple Plot

    Load database for generation of multiple plots to a single or multiple files

Mode: API

Importing tiegcmpy

import tiegcmpy as ty

Load datasets

a) Loading a single dataset

ty.load_dataset(directory, dataset_filter)

b) Loading multiple datasets

ty.load_datasets(directory, dataset_filter)

Plot generation

The following plots can be made:

a)Latitude vs Longitude plots: plt_lat_lon

b)Pressure level vs Variable Value plots: plt_lev_var

c)Pressure level vs Longitude pltos: plt_lev_lon

d)Pressure level vs Latitude plots: plt_lev_lat

e)Pressure level vs Time plots: plt_lev_time

f)Latitude vs Time plots: plt_lat_time


ty.plt_lat_lon(datasets, variable_name, level, localtime)

Look at functionality section for list of all plot types with required and optional arguments.

Mode: CLI (Command Line Interface)

Single Plot


tiegcmpy --plot_type {plot_type} -dir {directory of datasets} --dataset_filter {primary or secondary files} --output_format {format of output plot} --[Other optional arguments for specific plots]

Multiple Plots

Option 1: Initiate Interactive mode to generate multiple plots from different datasets
tiegcmpy -rec

Wait for the command input request.

Entering Interactive Mode
Enter command or 'exit' to terminate:

Type the arguments to request a plot with the dataset and output file information

--plot_type {plot_type} -dir {directory of datasets} --dataset_filter {primary or secondary files} --output_format {format of output plot} --[Other optional arguments for specific plots]

Wait for input request. Type another command or 'exit'

Option 2: Load dataset for multiple plot generation to multiple files
tiegcmpy -rec -dir {directory of datasets} --dataset_filter {primary or secondary files} 

Loads datasets into memory and requests for input.

Entering Interactive Mode
Loading datasets globally.
Enter command or 'exit' to terminate: 

Type the arguments to request a plot with the output file information

--plot_type {plot_type} --output_format {format of output plot} --[Other optional arguments for specific plots]

Wait for input request. Type another command or 'exit'

Option 3: Load dataset for multiple plot generation to a single PDF file
tiegcmpy -rec -dir {directory of datasets} --dataset_filter {primary or secondary files} --multiple_output {Output PDF file name}

Loads datasets into memory, generates the PDF file and requests for input.

Entering Interactive Mode
Loading datasets globally.
Enter command or 'exit' to terminate: 

Type the arguments to request a plot.

--plot_type {plot_type} --[Other optional arguments for specific plots]

Wait for input request. Type another command or 'exit'


Latitude vs Longitude Contour Plots

This function generates a contour plot of a variable against latitude and longitude.

ty.plt_lat_lon (datasets, variable_name, time= None, mtime=None, level = None, variable_unit = None, contour_intervals = None, contour_value = None, coastlines=False, latitude_minimum = None, latitude_maximum = None, longitude_minimum = None, longitude_maximum = None, localtime_minimum = None, localtime_maximum = None )


  • datasets (xarray): The loaded dataset/s using xarray.
  • variable_name (str): The name of the variable with latitude, longitude, ilev dimensions.
  • time (np.datetime64, optional): The selected time e.g., '2022-01-01T12:00:00'.
  • mtime (array, optional): The selected time as a list e.g., [1, 12, 0] for 1st day, 12 hours, 0 mins.
  • level (float, optional): The selected lev/ilev value.
  • variable_unit (str, optional): The desired unit of the variable.
  • contour_intervals (int, optional): The number of contour intervals. Defaults to 20.
  • contour_value (int, optional): The value between each contour interval.
  • coastlines (bool, optional): Shows coastlines on the plot. Defaults to False.
  • latitude_minimum (float, optional): Minimum latitude to slice plots. Defaults to -87.5.
  • latitude_maximum (float, optional): Maximum latitude to slice plots. Defaults to 87.5.
  • longitude_minimum (float, optional): Minimum longitude to slice plots. Defaults to -180.
  • longitude_maximum (float, optional): Maximum longitude to slice plots. Defaults to 175.
  • localtime_minimum (float, optional): Minimum localtime to slice plots.
  • localtime_maximum (float, optional): Maximum localtime to slice plots.


  1. Load datasets:
datasets = ty.load_datasets(directory, dataset_filter)
  1. Set variable values:
variable_name = 'TN'
value_of_mtime = [360, 0, 0, 0]
pressure_level = 4.0
unit_of_variable = 'K'
intervals = 20
  1. Generate Latitude vs Longitude contour plot:
plot = ty.plt_lat_lon (
    level = pressure_level,  
    variable_unit = unit_of_variable,       
    contour_intervals = intervals

Pressure Level vs Variable Line Plot

This function generates a line plot of a variable at a specific latitude and optional longitude, time, and local time.

ty.plt_lev_var(datasets, variable_name, latitude, time= None, mtime=None, longitude = None, localtime = None, variable_unit = None, level_minimum = None, level_maximum = None)


  • datasets (xarray): The loaded dataset(s) using xarray.
  • variable_name (str): The name of the variable with latitude, longitude, and ilev dimensions.
  • latitude (float): The specific latitude value for the plot.
  • time (np.datetime64, optional): The selected time, e.g., '2022-01-01T12:00:00'.
  • mtime (array, optional): The selected time as a list, e.g., [1, 12, 0] for the 1st day, 12 hours, 0 minutes.
  • longitude (float, optional): The specific longitude value for the plot.
  • localtime (float, optional): The specific local time value for the plot.
  • variable_unit (str, optional): The desired unit of the variable.
  • level_minimum (float, optional): Minimum level value for the plot. Defaults to -8.
  • level_maximum (float, optional): Maximum level value for the plot. Defaults to 8.


  1. Load datasets:
datasets = ty.load_datasets(directory, dataset_filter)
  1. Set variable values:
variable_name = 'TN'
latitude = 30.0
time_value = '2022-01-01T12:00:00'
longitude_value = 45.0
unit_of_variable = 'K'
  1. Generate a Level vs Variable line plot:
plot = ty.plt_lev_var(

Pressure level vs Longitude Contour Plot

This function generates a contour plot of a variable at a specific latitude against longitude, with optional time and local time.

ty.plt_lev_lon(datasets, variable_name, latitude, time= None, mtime=None, variable_unit = None, contour_intervals = 20, contour_value = None, level_minimum = None, level_maximum = None, longitude_minimum = None, longitude_maximum = None, localtime_minimum = None, localtime_maximum = None)


  • datasets (xarray): The loaded dataset(s) using xarray.
  • variable_name (str): The name of the variable with latitude, longitude, and ilev dimensions.
  • latitude (float): The specific latitude value for the plot.
  • time (np.datetime64, optional): The selected time, e.g., '2022-01-01T12:00:00'.
  • mtime (array, optional): The selected time as a list, e.g., [1, 12, 0] for the 1st day, 12 hours, 0 minutes.
  • variable_unit (str, optional): The desired unit of the variable.
  • contour_intervals (int, optional): The number of contour intervals. Defaults to 20.
  • contour_value (int, optional): The value between each contour interval.
  • level_minimum (float, optional): Minimum level value for the plot. Defaults to -6.75.
  • level_maximum (float, optional): Maximum level value for the plot. Defaults to 6.75.
  • longitude_minimum (float, optional): Minimum longitude value for the plot. Defaults to -180.
  • longitude_maximum (float, optional): Maximum longitude value for the plot. Defaults to 175.
  • localtime_minimum (float, optional): Minimum localtime value for the plot.
  • localtime_maximum (float, optional): Maximum localtime value for the plot.


  1. Load datasets:
datasets = ty.load_datasets(directory, dataset_filter)
  1. Set variable values:
variable_name = 'TN'
latitude = 30.0
time_value = '2022-01-01T12:00:00'
unit_of_variable = 'K'
contour_intervals = 20
  1. Generate a Level vs Longitude contour plot:
plot = ty.plt_lev_lon(

Pressure Level vs Latitude Contour Plot

This function generates a contour plot of a variable at a specified level against latitude, with optional time, longitude, and local time.

ty.plt_lev_lat(datasets, variable_name, time= None, mtime=None, longitude = None, localtime = None, variable_unit = None, contour_intervals = 20, contour_value = None, level_minimum = None, level_maximum = None, latitude_minimum = None,latitude_maximum = None):


  • datasets (xarray): The loaded dataset(s) using xarray.
  • variable_name (str): The name of the variable with latitude, longitude, and ilev dimensions.
  • time (np.datetime64, optional): The selected time, e.g., '2022-01-01T12:00:00'.
  • mtime (array, optional): The selected time as a list, e.g., [1, 12, 0] for the 1st day, 12 hours, 0 minutes.
  • longitude (float, optional): The specific longitude value for the plot.
  • localtime (float, optional): The specific local time value for the plot.
  • variable_unit (str, optional): The desired unit of the variable.
  • contour_intervals (int, optional): The number of contour intervals. Defaults to 20.
  • contour_value (int, optional): The value between each contour interval.
  • level_minimum (float, optional): Minimum level value for the plot. Defaults to -6.75.
  • level_maximum (float, optional): Maximum level value for the plot. Defaults to 6.75.
  • latitude_minimum (float, optional): Minimum latitude value for the plot. Defaults to -87.5.
  • latitude_maximum (float, optional): Maximum latitude value for the plot. Defaults to 87.5.


  1. Load datasets:
datasets = ty.load_datasets(directory, dataset_filter)
  1. Set variable values:
variable_name = 'TN'
time_value = '2022-01-01T12:00:00'
unit_of_variable = 'K'
contour_intervals = 20
  1. Generate a Level vs Latitude contour plot:
plot = ty.plt_lev_lat(

Pressure Level vs Time Contour Plot

This function generates a contour plot of a variable at a specified level against time, with optional latitude, longitude, and local time.

ty.plt_lev_lat(datasets, variable_name, time= None, mtime=None, longitude = None, localtime = None, variable_unit = None, contour_intervals = 20, contour_value = None, level_minimum = None, level_maximum = None, latitude_minimum = None,latitude_maximum = None)


  • datasets (xarray): The loaded dataset(s) using xarray.
  • variable_name (str): The name of the variable with latitude, longitude, time, and ilev dimensions.
  • latitude (float): The specific latitude value for the plot.
  • longitude (float, optional): The specific longitude value for the plot.
  • localtime (float, optional): The specific local time value for the plot.
  • variable_unit (str, optional): The desired unit of the variable.
  • contour_intervals (int, optional): The number of contour intervals. Defaults to 20.
  • contour_value (int, optional): The value between each contour interval.
  • level_minimum (float, optional): Minimum level value for the plot. Defaults to -6.75.
  • level_maximum (float, optional): Maximum level value for the plot. Defaults to 6.75.


  1. Load datasets:
datasets = ty.load_datasets(directory, dataset_filter)
  1. Set variable values:
variable_name = 'TN'
latitude_value = 30.0
longitude_value = 45.0
unit_of_variable = 'K'
contour_intervals = 20
  1. Generate a Level vs Time contour plot:
plot = ty.plt_lev_time(

Latitude vs Time Contour Plot

This function generates a contour plot of a variable at a specified latitude against time, with optional level, longitude, and local time.


  • datasets (xarray): The loaded dataset(s) using xarray.
  • variable_name (str): The name of the variable with latitude, longitude, time, and ilev dimensions.
  • level (float): The specific level value for the plot.
  • longitude (float, optional): The specific longitude value for the plot.
  • localtime (float, optional): The specific local time value for the plot.
  • variable_unit (str, optional): The desired unit of the variable.
  • contour_intervals (int, optional): The number of contour intervals. Defaults to 10.
  • contour_value (int, optional): The value between each contour interval.
  • latitude_minimum (float, optional): Minimum latitude value for the plot. Defaults to -87.5.
  • latitude_maximum (float, optional): Maximum latitude value for the plot. Defaults to 87.5.


  1. Load datasets:
datasets = ty.load_datasets(directory, dataset_filter)
  1. Set variable values:
variable_name = 'TN'
level_value = 4.0
longitude_value = 45.0
unit_of_variable = 'K'
contour_intervals = 10
  1. Generate a Latitude vs Time contour plot:
plot = ty.plt_lat_time(

File Structure

├── src                         # Directory for all tiegcmpy source files
│   ├── tiegcmpy          
│       ├──         # Initialize functions for API
│       ├──    # Contains unit conversion functions
│       ├──       # Contains data extraction and parsing functions
│       ├──         # Contains plot generation functions
│       ├──               # Contains Input Output functions for API
│       ├──       # Contains argument parser for the Command Line Interface
│       └──             # Main python file to run
├──                   # README   
├──       # Template for running benchmark routines     
├──               # Testing file    
├── requirements.txt            # List of required libraries     
└──                    # PIP package builder  


"""License Information"""

Project details

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Source Distribution

tiegcmpy-1.2.3.tar.gz (33.7 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

tiegcmpy-1.2.3-py3-none-any.whl (37.2 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file tiegcmpy-1.2.3.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: tiegcmpy-1.2.3.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 33.7 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.8.17

File hashes

Hashes for tiegcmpy-1.2.3.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 96c383012b2e01eab7741d5edf9587d52910c5c5add55fad35e07eeaae2ba849
MD5 f92f4089a2a6cbb2f2a0ecd31d8cbd35
BLAKE2b-256 d8a7c6fb7f4832826e1dcc1f83380a2756d3d5a64d1eb2237bf03b2de43baa97

See more details on using hashes here.


File details

Details for the file tiegcmpy-1.2.3-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: tiegcmpy-1.2.3-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 37.2 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.8.17

File hashes

Hashes for tiegcmpy-1.2.3-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 9c9d32c6dd6fde5083190c99683bb2f094b833a32b7586cff89b142ddab1a905
MD5 232d9845222687c221d90806f183a45b
BLAKE2b-256 6ede54e33c5049ca8d201856a982d095c50751a60df58f73677cefbb4c82d491

See more details on using hashes here.


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