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tiny_gnupg - A small-as-possible solution for handling GnuPG ed25519 ECC keys.

Project description

tiny_gnupg - A small-as-possible solution for handling GnuPG ed25519 ECC keys.

A linux specific, small, simple & intuitive wrapper for creating, using and managing GnuPG’s Ed25519 curve keys. In our design, we favor reducing code size & complexity with strong, bias defaults over flexibility in the api. Our goal is to turn the powerful, complex, legacy gnupg system into a fun and safe tool to develop with.

This project is currently in unstable beta. It works like a charm, but there’s likely, and often bugs floating around, and the api is subject to change. Contributions are welcome.


sudo apt-get install tor
pip install --user --upgrade tiny_gnupg

Usage Example

from tiny_gnupg import GnuPG

username = "username"
email = ""
passphrase = "test_user_passphrase"
gpg = GnuPG(username, email, passphrase)

# This will generate a primary ed25519 ECC certifying key, and three
# subkeys, one each for the authentication, encryption, and signing
# functionalities.

# Now this fingerprint can be used with arbitrary gpg2 commands.

# But the key is stored in the package's local keyring. To
# talk to the package's gpg environment, an arbitrary command
# can be constructed like this ->
options = ["--armor", "--encrypt", "-r", gpg.fingerprint]
command = gpg.command(*options)
inputs = gpg.encode_inputs("Message to myself")
output = gpg.read_output(command, inputs)

# If a command would invoke the need for a passphrase, the with_passphrase
# kwarg (gpg.command(*options, with_passphase=True)) can be set to True.
# The passphrase then needs to be the first arg passed to encode_inputs
# (gpg.encode_inputs(passphrase, *other_inputs))

# The list of keys in the package's environment can be accessed
# from the list_keys() method, which returns a dict ->
# >>> {fingerprint: email_address, ...}

# Or retrieve a specific key where a searchable portion of its uid
# information is known, like an email address or fingerprint ->
# >>> {"EE36F0584971280730D76CEC94A470B77ABA6E81": ""}

# The raw output from the --list-keys gpg option can also be
# accessed ->
output = gpg.raw_list_keys()

# Let's try encrypting a message to Alice, whose public key is
# stored on

# First, we'll import Alice's key from the keyserver (This requires
# a tor system installation. Or an open tor browser, and the tor_port
# attribute set to 9150) ->
from tiny_gnupg import run


# Then encrypt a message with Alice's key and sign it ->
msg = "So, what's the plan this Sunday, Alice?"
encrypted_message = gpg.encrypt(message=msg, uid="alice@email.domain", sign=True)

# We could directly send a copy of our key to Alice, or upload it to
# the keyserver. Alice will need a copy so the signature on the
# message can be verified ->

# Alice could now import our key (after we do an email verification
# with the keyserver) ->

# Then Alice can simply receive the encrypted message and decrypt it ->
decrypted_msg = gpg.decrypt(encrypted_message)

On most systems, because of a bug in GnuPG, email verification of uploaded keys will be necessary for others to import them from the keyserver. That’s because GnuPG will throw an error immediately upon trying to import keys with their uid information stripped off. We will replace the gpg2 executable as soon as a patch becomes available upstream.

If the gpg2 executable doesn’t work on your system, replace it with a copy of the executable found on your system. The package’s executable can be found at: package_path/gpghome/gpg2. This path is also available from a class instance under the instance.executable attribute. Your system gpg2 executable is probably located at: /usr/bin/gpg2. You could also type: whereis gpg2 :to find it. If it’s not there, then you’ll have to install it with your system’s equivalent of: sudo apt-get install gnupg2.

Networking Example

# Since we use SOCKSv5 over tor for all of our networking, as well
# as the user-friendly aiohttp + aiohttp_socks libraries, the tor
# networking interface is also available to users. These utilities
# allow arbitrary POST and GET requests to clearnet, or onionland,
# websites ->
from tiny_gnupg import GnuPG, run

async def read_url(url):
    client = GnuPG()
    async with client.network_get(url) as response:
        return await response.text()

# Now we can read webpages with GET requests ->
page_html = run(read_url(""))

# Let's try onionland ->
url = "http://zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad.onion/"
onion_page_html = run(read_url(url))

# Check your ip address for fun ->
ip_addr = run(read_url(""))

# There's a convenience function built into the class that
# basically mimics read_url() ->
ip_addr = run(GnuPG().get(""))

# POST requests can also be sent with the network_post() method.
# Let's use a POST request to send the keyserver a new key we
# create ->
async def post_data(gpg, url, payload=""):
    async with gpg.network_post(url, json=payload) as response:
        return await response.text()

gpg = GnuPG(
url = gpg.keyserver_export_api
payload = {"keytext": gpg.text_export(uid=gpg.fingerprint)}

api_token_json = run(post_data(gpg, url, payload))

# There's also a convenience function built into the class that
# mimics post_data() ->
api_token_json = run(, json=payload))

# And there we have it, it's super simple. And these requests have
# the added benefit of being completely routed through tor. The
# keyserver here also has a v3 onion address which we use to query,
# upload, and import keys. This provides a nice, default layer of
# privacy to our communication needs. Have fun little niblets!

These networking tools work off instances of aiohttp.ClientSession. To learn more about how to use their POST and GET requests, you can read the docs here.

About Torification

# A user can make sure that any connections gnupg makes with the
# network are always run through tor by setting torify=True ->
username = "username"
email = ""
passphrase = "test_user_passphrase"
gpg = GnuPG(username, email, passphrase, torify=True)

# This is helpful because there are gnupg settings which cause
# certain commands to do automatic connections to the web. For
# instance, when encrypting, gnupg may be set to automatically
# search for the recipient's key on a keyserver if it's not in the
# local keyring. tiny_gnupg doesn't use gnupg's networking
# interface, and ensures tor connections through the aiohttp_socks
# library. So, if gnupg makes these kinds of silent connections,
# it can inadvertently reveal a user's ip.

Using torify requires a tor installation on the user system. If it’s running Debian/Ubuntu then this guide could be helpful.


# It turns out that the encrypt() method automatically signs the
# message being encrypted. So, the `sign=False` flag only has to be
# passed when a user doesn't want to sign a message ->
encrypted_unsigned_message = gpg.encrypt(
    message="<-- Unknown sender",
    uid="alice@email.domain",  # sending to alice

# It also turns out, a user can sign things independently from
# encrypting ->
signed_data = gpg.sign(target="maybe a hash of a file?")

# Or sign a key in the package's keyring ->
gpg.sign("alice@email.domain", key=True)

# And verify data as well ->
gpg.verify(message=signed_data)  # throws if invalid

# Importing key files is also a thing ->
path_to_file = "/home/user/keyfiles/"
run(gpg.file_import(path=path_to_file + "alices_key.asc"))

# As well as exporting public keys ->

# And secret keys, but really, keep those safe! ->
run(gpg.file_export(path=path_to_file,, secret=True))

# The keys don't have to be exported to a file. Instead they can
# be exported as strings ->
my_key = gpg.text_export(uid=gpg.fingerprint)

# So can secret keys (Be careful!) ->
my_secret_key = gpg.text_export(gpg.fingerprint, secret=True)

# And they can just as easily be imported from strings ->

Retiring Keys

After a user no longer considers a key useful, or wants to dissociate from the key, then they have some options:

from tiny_gnupg import GnuPG, run

gpg = GnuPG(

# They can revoke their key then distribute it publicly (somehow)
# (the keyserver can't currently handle key revocations) ->
key = gpg.text_export(gpg.fingerprint)  # <--  Distribute this!

# And/or they can delete the key from the package keyring like
# this ->

Known Issues

  • Because of Debian bug #930665, and related GnuPG bug #T4393, importing keys from the default keyserver doesn’t work automatically on all systems. Not without email confirmation, at least. That’s because the keyserver will not publish uid information attached to a key before a user confirms access to the email address assigned to the uploaded key. And, because GnuPG folks are still holding up the merging, and back-porting, of patches that would allow GnuPG to automatically handle keys without uids gracefully. This effects the network_import() method specifically, but also the text_import() and file_import() methods, if they happen to be passed a key or filename argument which refers to a key without uid information. The gpg2 binary in this package can be replaced manually if a user’s system has access to a patched version.

  • Because of GnuPG bug #T3065, and related bug #1788190, the --keyserver and --keyserver-options http-proxy options won’t work with onion addresses, and they cause a crash if a keyserver lookup is attempted. This is not entirely an issue for us since we don’t use gnupg’s networking interface. In fact, we set these environment variables anyway to crash on purpose if gnupg tries to make a network connection. And in case the bug ever gets fixed (it won’t), or by accident the options do work in the future, then a tor SOCKSv5 connection will be used instead of a raw connection.

  • This program may only be reliably compatible with keys that are also created with this program. That’s because our terminal parsing is reliant on specific metadata to be similar across all encountered keys. It seems most keys have successfully been parsed with recent updates, though more testing is needed.

  • The tests don’t currently work when a tester’s system has a system installation of tiny_gnupg, and the tests are being run from a local git repo directory. That’s because the tests import tiny_gnupg, but if the program is installed in the system, then python will get confused about which keyring to use during the tests. This will lead to crashes and failed tests. Git clone testers probably have to run the test script closer to their system installation, one directory up and into a tests folder. Or pip uninstall tiny_gnupg. OR, send a pull request with an import fix.

  • Currently, the package is part synchronous, and part asynchronous. This is not ideal, so a decision has to be made: either to stay mixed style, or choose one consistent style.

  • We’re still in unstable and have to build out our test suite. Contributions welcome.


Changes for version 0.5.0

Minor Changes

  • Removed html results. They are too big, and reveal device specific information.

Changes for version 0.4.9

Minor Changes

  • Various code cleanups.

  • Added to test cases for auto fetch methods and packet parsing.

  • Documentation improvements: README.rst edits. CHANGES.rst Known Issues moved to its own section at the top. Docstrings now indicate code args and kwargs in restructured text, double tick format.

  • Added use-agent back into the gpg2.conf file to help gnupg to not open the system pinentry window. This may have implications for anonymity since multiple instances runnning on a user machine will be able to use the same agent to decrypt message’s, even if the decrypting instance wasn’t the intended recipient. This may be removed again. A factor in this decision is that, it’s not clear whether removing it or adding no-use-agent would even have an impact on the gpg-agent’s decisions.

  • _session, _connector, session and connector contructors were renamed to title case, since they are class references or are class factories. They are now named _Session, _Connector, Session and Connector.

  • Added some functionality to so that the long_description on PyPI which displays both README.rst and CHANGES.rst, will also be displayed on github through a combined README.rst file. The old README.rst is now renamed PREADME.rst.

Major Changes

  • 100% test coverage!

  • Fixed bug in raw_packets() which did not return the packet information when gnupg throws a “no private key” error. Now the packet information is passed in the output attribute of the KeyError exception up to packet_fingerprint() and list_packets(). If another cause is determined for the error, then CalledProcessError is raised instead.

  • packet_fingerprint() now returns a 16 byte key ID when parsing packets of encrypted messages which would throw a gnupg “no private key” error. The longer 40 byte fingerprint is not available in the plaintext packets.

  • New list_packets() method added to handle the error scraping of raw_packets() and return the target’s metadata information in a more readable format.

  • Fixed bug in format_list_keys() which did not properly parse raw_list_keys(secret=False) when secret was toggled to True to display secret keys. The bug would cause the program to falsely show that only one secret key exists in the package keyring, irrespective of how many secret keys were actually there.

  • Added a second round of fingerprint finding in decrypt() and verify() to try at returning more accurate results to callers and in the raised exception’s value attribute used by auto_decrypt() and auto_verify().

Changes for version 0.4.8

Minor Changes

  • Fixed typos across the code.

  • Added to test cases.

  • Documentation improvements. has been converted to CHANGES.rst for easy integration into README.rst and long_description of

  • README.rst tutorial expanded.

  • Condensed command constructions in set_base_command() and gen_key() by reducing redundancy.

  • Fixed delete() method’s print noisy output when called on a key which doesn’t have a secret key in the package’s keyring.

Major Changes

  • Added a secret kwarg to list_keys() method which is a boolean toogle between viewing keys with public keys and viewing keys with secret keys.

  • Added a reference to the asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete function in the package. It is now importable with from tiny_gnupg import run or from tiny_gnupg import *. It was present in all of the tutorials, and since we haven’t decided to go either all async or sync yet, it’s a nice helper.

  • Added raw_packets(target="") method which takes in OpenPGP data, like a message or key, and outputs the raw terminal output of the --list-packets option. Displays very detailed information of all the OpenPGP metadata on target.

  • Added packet_fingerprint(target="") method which returns the issuer fingerprint scraped off of the metadata returned from raw_packets(target). This is a very effective way to retrieve uid information from OpenPGP signatures, messages and keys to determine beforehand whether the associated sender’s key is or isn’t already in the package’s keyring.

Changes for version 0.4.7

Minor Changes

  • Fixed typos across the code.

  • Added to test cases.

  • Added tests explanation in

  • Documentation improvements.

Major Changes

  • Added exception hooks to decrypt() and verify() methods. They now raise KeyError when the OpenPGP data they’re verifying require a signing key that’s not in the package’s keyring. The fingerprint of the required key is printed out and stored in the value attribute of the raised exception.

  • Added new auto_decrypt() and auto_verify() async methods which catch the new exception hooks to automatically try a torified keyserver lookup before raising a KeyError exception. If a key is found, it’s downloaded and an attempt is made to verify the data.

Changes for version 0.4.6

Minor Changes

  • Added to test cases.

  • Changed the project long description in the README.rst.

  • Added docstrings to all the methods in the GnuPG class, and the class itself.

Major Changes

  • Turned off options in gpg2.conf require-cross-certification and no-comment because one or both may be causing a bug where using private keys raises an “unusable private key” error.

Changes for version 0.4.5

Minor Changes

  • Updated package metadata files to be gpg2.conf aware.

Major Changes

  • Added support for a default package-wide gpg2.conf file.

Changes for version 0.4.4

Minor Changes

  • Added new tests. We’re at 95% code coverage.

Major Changes

  • Changed the default expiration date on generated keys from never to 3 years after created. This is both for the integrity of the keys, but also as a courtesy to the key community by not recklessly creating keys that never expire.

  • Added revoke(uid) method, which revokes the key with matching uid if the secret key is owned by the user and the key passphrase is stored in the instance’s passphrase attribute.

Changes for version 0.4.3

Minor Changes

  • Changed package description to name more specifically the kind of ECC keys this package handles.

  • Removed the trailing newline character that was inserted into the end of every encrypt() and sign() message.

  • Added new tests.

Major Changes

  • Fixed bug in __init__() caused by the set_base_command() not being called before the base commands are used. This leading to the fingerprint for a persistent user not being set automatically.

Changes for version 0.4.2

Minor Changes

  • Added some keyword argument names to README.rst tutorials.

  • Added section in README.rst about torification.

Major Changes

  • Added a check in encrypt() for the recipient key in the local keyring which throws if it doesn’t exist. This is to prevent gnupg from using wkd to contact the network to find the key on a keyserver.

  • Added a new torify=False kwarg to __init__() which prepends "torify" to each gpg2 command if set to True. This will make sure that if gnupg makes any silent connections to keyservers or the web, that they are run through tor and don’t expose a users ip address inadvertently.

Changes for version 0.4.1

Minor Changes

  • Fixed typos in

Changes for version 0.4.0

Minor Changes

  • Added keywords to

  • Added copyright notice to LICENSE file.

  • Code cleanups.

  • Updated README.rst tutorials.

  • Added new tests.

  • Include .gitignore in for PyPI.

  • Made all path manipulations more consistent by strictly using pathlib.Path for directory specifications.

  • Added strict truthiness avoidance to sign() for the key boolean kwarg.

  • Added strict truthiness avoidance to text_export() for the secret boolean kwarg.

Major Changes

  • Added key kwarg to the sign(target="", key=False) method to allow users to toggle between signing arbitrary data and signing a key in the package’s local keyring.

  • Changed the message kwarg in sign(message="") to target so it is also accurate when the method is used to sign keys instead of arbitrary data.

Changes for version 0.3.9

Minor Changes

  • Added new tests.

Major Changes

  • Fixed new crash caused by --batch keyword in encrypt(). When a key being used to encrypt isn’t ultimately trusted, gnupg raises an error, but this isn’t a desired behavior. So, --batch is removed from the command sent from the method.

Changes for version 0.3.8

Minor Changes

  • Added new tests.

  • Removed base_command() method because it was only a layer of indirection. It was merged into command().

Major Changes

  • Added the --batch, --quiet and --yes arguments to the default commands contructed by the command() method.

  • Added the --quiet and --yes arguments to the command constructed internally to the gen_key() method.

  • Added a general uid —> fingerprint uid conversion in delete() to comply with gnupg limitations on how to call functions that automatically assume yes to questions. The Up-shot is that delete() is now fully automatic, requiring no user interaction.

Changes for version 0.3.7

Minor Changes

  • Added new tests.

  • Typos and inaccuracies fixed around the code and documentation.

Major Changes

  • Added new secret kwargs to text_export(uid, secret=bool) and file_export(path, uid, secret=bool) to allow secret keys to be exported from the package’s environment.

  • Added new post(url, **kw) and get(url, **kw) methods to allow access to the networking tools without having to manually construct the network_post() and network_get() context managers. This turns network calls into one liners that can be more easily wrapped with an asyncio run function.

Changes for version 0.3.6

Minor Changes

  • Added new tests for networking methods.

  • Documentation updates and accuracy fixes.

Major Changes

  • Removed a check in network_import() which wasn’t useful and should’ve been causing problems with imports, even though the tests didn’t seem to notice.

Changes for version 0.3.5

Minor Changes

  • Switched the aiocontext package license with the license for asyncio-contextmanager.

Major Changes

  • The packaging issues seem to be resolved. Packaging as v0.3.5-beta, the first release that did not ship completely broken through pip install –user tiny_gnupg.

Changes for version 0.3.4

Major Changes

  • Fixing a major bug in the parameters passed to setup() which did not correctly tell setuptools to package the gpghome folder and gpg2 binary. This may take a few releases to troubleshoot and bug fix fully.

Changes for version 0.3.3

Major Changes

  • Fixed a big bug where the wrong package was imported with the same name as the intended module. AioContext was imported in setuptools, but the package that is needed is asyncio-contextmanager for its aiocontext module. This lead to the program being un-runable due to an import error.

Changes for version 0.3.2

Minor Changes

  • Rolled back the changes in trust() that checked for trust levels on keys to avoid sending an unnecessary byte of data through the terminal. Mostly because the attempted fix did not fix the issue. And the correct fix involves a wide branching of state and argument checking. That runs contrary to the goal of the package for simplicity, so it isn’t going to be addressed for now.

  • Edited some of the README.rst tutorials.

Major Changes

  • Fix bug in file_import() method where await wasn’t called on the object, leading to a crash.

Changes for version 0.3.1

Minor Changes

  • Fixed a bug in trust() which caused an extra b“y\n” to be sent to the interactive prompt when setting keys as anything but ultimately trusted. This was because there’s an extra terminal dialog asking for a “y” confirmation that is not there when a key is being set as ultimately trusted. This didn’t have a serious effect other than displaying a “Invalid command (try ‘help’)” dialog.

  • Removed local_user kwarg from the raw_list_keys() and trust() methods, as it doesn’t seem to matter which “user” perspective views the list of keys or modifies trust. It is very likely always displaying keys from the perspective of the global agent.

  • Typos, redundancies and naming inaccuracies fixed around the code and documentation.

  • Tests updated and added to.

Major Changes

  • Fixed a bug in encrypt() which caused a “y\n” to be prepended to plaintext that was sent to ultimately trusted keys. This was because there’s an extra terminal dialog asking for a “y” confirmation that is not there when a key is ultimately trusted.

  • Added a key_trust(uid) method to allow easy determination of trust levels set on keys in the local keyring.

Changes for version 0.3.0

Minor Changes

  • Changed to a more specific include structure, and a redundant exclude structure, to more confidently keep development environment key material from being uploaded during packaging.

Major Changes

  • Overhauled the gen_key() which now creates a different set of default keys. We are no longer creating one primary key which does certifying and signing, with one subkey which handles encryption. Instead, we create one certifying primary key, with three subkeys, one each for handling encryption, authentication, and signing. This is a more theoretically secure default key setup, and represents a common best-practice.

Changes for version 0.2.9

Minor Changes

  • Edited some of the README.rst tutorials

  • Changed file_import()’s filename kwarg to path for clarity.

  • Fixed bug in trust() which would allow a float to be passed to the terminal when an integer was needed.

  • Changed the way the email address in displayed in network_export(), removing the surrounding list brackets.

  • Changed the FILE_PATH global to HOME_PATH for clarity.

  • Changed the id_link variable in network_import() to key_url for clarity.

Major Changes

  • Fixed a bug in format_list_keys() which would imporperly split the output string when uid information contained the "pub" string.

Changes for version 0.2.8

Minor Changes

  • Edited some of the README.rst tutorials.

Major Changes

  • Fixed a bug in the trust() method which caused it to never complete execution.

  • Fixed a bug in the trust() method which falsely made 4 the highest trust level, instead of 5.

Changes for version 0.2.7

Minor Changes

  • Fixed statement in README.rst describing bug #T4393.

Changes for version 0.2.6

Minor Changes

  • Typos, redundancies and naming inaccuracies fixed around the code and documentation.

  • Added a new POST request tutorial to the README.rst.

  • Added "local_user" kwarg to some more methods where the output could at least be partially determined by the point of view of the key gnupg thinks is the user’s.

Major Changes

  • Added a signing toggle to the encrypt(sign=True) method. Now, the method still automatically signs encrypted messages, but users can choose to turn off this behavior.

  • Added a trust(uid="", level=4) method, which will allow users to sign keys in their keyring on a trust scale from 1 to 4.

  • Fixed a bug in set_fingerprint(uid="") which mistakenly used an email parameter instead of the locally available uid kwarg.

Changes for version 0.2.5

Minor Changes

  • Typos, redundancies and naming inaccuracies fixed around the code and documentation.

  • Tests updated and added to.

  • Changed raw_network_export() and raw_network_verify() methods into raw_api_export() and raw_api_verify(), respectively. This was done for more clarity as to what those methods are doing.

Major Changes

  • Added sign(message) and verify(message) methods.

  • Changed the keyserver and searchserver attributes into properties so that custom port attribute changes are now reflected in the constructed url, and the search string used by a custom keyserver can also be reflected.

  • Moved all command validation to the read_output() method which simplifies the construction of command() and will automatically shlex.quote() all commands, even those hard-coded into the program.

  • Fixed bug in set_homedir() which did not construct the default gpghome directory string correctly depending on where the current working directory of the calling script was.

  • Added local_user kwarg to encrypt() and sign() so a user can specify which key to use for signing messages, as gnupg automatically signs with whatever key it views as the default user key. Instead, we assume mesasges are to be signed with the key associated with the email address of a GnuPG class instance, or the key defined by the local_user uid if it is passed.

  • Fixed –list-keys terminal output parsing. We now successfully parse and parameterize the output into email addresses and fingerprints, of a larger set of types of keys.

  • Added delete() method for removing both public and private keys from the local keyring. This method still requires some user interaction because a system pinentry-type dialog box opens up to confirm deletion. Finding a way to automate this to avoid user interaction is in the work.

  • Added automating behavior to the sign() and encrypt() methods so that keys which haven’t been verified will still be used. This is done by passing “y” (yes) to the terminal during the process of the command.

Changes for version 0.2.4

Minor Changes

  • Updated with more package information.

  • Typos, redundancies and naming inaccuracies fixed around the code and documentation.

  • Tests updated and added to.

Changes for version 0.2.3

Minor Changes

  • Typos and naming inaccuracies fixed around the code and documentation.

  • Added package to git repo

  • Added git repo url to

  • The port attribute is currently unused. It may be removed if it remains purposeless.

Changes for version 0.2.2

Minor Changes

  • Typos and naming inaccuracies fixed around the code and documentation.

  • Switched the internal networking calls to use the higher level network_get() and network_post() methods.

  • Removed redundant shlex.quote() calls on args passed to the command() method.

  • Tests updated and added to.

Changes for version 0.2.1

Minor Changes

  • The names of some existing methods were changed. parse_output() is now read_output(). gpg_directory() is now format_homedir(). The names of some existing attributes were changed. gpg_path is now executable, with its parent folder uri now stored in home. key_id is now fingerprint to avoid similarities with the naming convention used for the methods which query the package environment keys for uid information, i.e. key_fingerprint() and key_email().

Major Changes

  • Good riddance to the pynput library hack! We figured out how to gracefully send passphrases and other inputs into the gpg2 commandline interface. This has brought major changes to the package, and lots of increased functionality.

  • Many added utilities:

    • Keys generated with the gen_key() method now get stored in a local keyring instead of the operating system keyring.

    • aiohttp, aiohttp_socks used to power the keyserver queries and uploading features. All contact with the keyserver is done over tor, with async/await syntax. search(uid) to query for a key with matches to the supplied uid, which could be a fingerprint or email address. network_import(uid) to import a key with matches to the supplied uid. network_export(uid) to upload a key in the package’s keyring with matches to the supplied uid to the keyserver. Also, raw access to the aiohttp.ClientSession networking interface is available by using async with instance.session as session:. More info is available in the aiohttp docs

    • New text_import(key), file_import(filename), text_export(key), and file_export(path, uid) methods for importing and exporting keys from key strings or files.

    • New reset_daemon() method for refreshing the system gpg-agent daemon if errors begin to occur from manual deletion or modification of files in the package/gpghome/ directory.

    • New encrypt(message, recipient_uid) and decrypt(message) methods. The encrypt() method automatically signs the message, therefore needs the key passphrase to be stored in the passphrase attribute. The same goes for the decrypt() method.

    • The command(*options), encode_inputs(*inputs), and read_output(commands, inputs) methods can be used to create custom commands to the package’s gpg2 environment. This allows for flexibility without hardcoding flexibility into every method, which would increase code size and complexity. The command() method takes a series of options that would normally be passed to the terminal gpg2 program (such as –encrypt) and returns a list with those options included, as well as, the other boiler-plate options (like the correct path to the package executable, and the package’s local gpg2 environment.). encode_inputs() takes a series of inputs that will be needed by the program called with the command() instructions, and bytes() encodes them with the necessary linebreaks to signal separate inputs. read_output() takes the instructions from command() and inputs from encode_inputs() and calls subprocess.check_output(commands, input=inputs).decode() on them to retrieve the resulting terminal output.

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tiny_gnupg-0.5.0.tar.gz (590.6 kB view hashes)

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tiny_gnupg-0.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (528.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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