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Cisco Unified Call Manager AXL Methods Collection.

Project description


Cisco Unified Call Manager AXL Methods Collection.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contact

About The Project

This project is for informational purposes only and is intended to study the capabilities of the Cisco Unified Call Manager's API. Methods have been tested on CUCM ver. 11.5.
Cisco UCM AXL Schemas & SQL Data Dictionaries Documentation

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Installation is as simple as:

pip install tinyCUCM

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Cisco UCM WSDL Services:

WSDL File Path
SOAPMonitorService https://x.x.x.x:8443/realtimeservice/services/SOAPMonitorService?wsdl
RisPort https://x.x.x.x:8443/realtimeservice/services/RisPort?wsdl
RisPort70 https://x.x.x.x:8443/realtimeservice/services/RisPort70?wsdl
RisService70 https://x.x.x.x:8443/realtimeservice2/services/RISService70?wsdl
PerfmonPort https://x.x.x.x:8443/perfmonservice/services/PerfmonPort?wsdl
ControlCenterServices https://x.x.x.x:8443/controlcenterservice/services/ControlCenterServicesPort?wsdl
LogCollectionService https://x.x.x.x:8443/logcollectionservice/services/LogCollectionPort?wsdl
CDRonDemand https://x.x.x.x:8443/CDRonDemandService/services/CDRonDemand?wsdl
DimeGetFile https://x.x.x.x:8443/logcollectionservice/services/DimeGetFileService?wsdl

Download Cisco AXL Toolkit from the station (Application -> Plugins) and put it into the folder with your project.
Copy RISService70 and create RISService70.xml file, put file it into axlsqltoolkit folder.
Create an Cisco UCM application account or local end user with Standard CCM Super Users privileges (Assign access control group to Your-CUCM-Account).

Instance Create

Create a new instance of the CucmAxlClient class and assigns this object to the local variable cucm.

Don't store sensitive information in source code. For example use ".env" file.

Code Example:
from pathlib import Path
from tinyCUCM import CucmAxlClient

BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
settings = {
    "pub_fqdn": "",
    "pub_version": "11.5",
    "user_login": "Your-CUCM-Account",
    "user_password": "You%wILL#&neVeR!gUEss",
    "toolkit_path": BASE_DIR / "axlsqltoolkit",
    "cert_path": BASE_DIR / "cucm.crt",
    "session_verify": False,
    "session_timeout": 15,
    "ris_wsdl_filename": "wsdlRISService70_test.xml", 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cucm = CucmAxlClient(**settings)
    # Get All AXL Method Names
    print("Result:", cucm.axlAllMethods())
    # Result: (
    #     'addAarGroup', 
    #     'addAdvertisedPatterns', 
    #     'addAnnouncement', 
    #     'addAppServerInfo', 
    #     'addAppUser', 
    #     ...,
    #     'updateWifiHotspot', 
    #     'updateWirelessAccessPointControllers', 
    #     'updateWlanProfileGroup', 
    #     'wipePhone'
    # )

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AXL Collection

Add Methods

Code Example:

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Do Methods

  • axlDoAuthenticateUser - required keywords args: (userid, password) or (userid, pin)
  • axlDoDeviceLogin - required keywords args: (deviceName, loginDuration, profileName, userId)
    • Arg loginDuration: str values:
      • "0" - Logout disabled
      • "36000" - Logout after 10h
  • axlDoDeviceLogout - required keywords args: deviceName
  • axlDoLdapSync - required keywords args: (uuid, sync) or (name, sync)
    • Arg sync: bool values:
      • True - Start Synchronization
      • False - Cancel the Synchronization which is currently under process
Code Example:
cucm = ...
print("Result:", cucm.axlDoAuthenticateUser(**{"userid": "...", "password": "..."}))
# Result: {'return': {'userAuthenticated': 'true', 'code': 0, 'daysToExpiry': 0, 'isWarningNeeded': 'false'}, 'sequence': None}
# Result: {'return': {'userAuthenticated': 'false', 'code': 1, 'daysToExpiry': 0, 'isWarningNeeded': 'false'}, 'sequence': None}

print("Result:", cucm.axlDoDeviceLogin(**{"deviceName": "SEP...", "loginDuration": "...", "profileName":"...", "userid": "..."}))
# Result {'return': '{........-....-....-....-............}', 'sequence': None}

print("Result:", cucm.axlDoDeviceLogout(**{"deviceName": "SEP..."}))
# Result {'return': '{........-....-....-....-............}', 'sequence': None}

print("Result:", cucm.axlDoLdapSync(**{"uuid": "........-....-....-....-............", "sync": True}))
# Result: {'return': 'Sync initiated successfully', 'sequence': None}

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Get Methods

  • axlGetCallPickupGroup - required keywords args: uuid or name or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)
  • axlGetDeviceProfile - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlGetLine - required keywords args: uuid or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)
  • axlGetLineGroup - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlGetPhone - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlGetRemoteDestination - required keywords args: uuid or destination
  • axlGetRemoteDestinationProfile - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlGetTranslationPattern - required keywords args: uuid or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)
  • axlGetUser - required keywords args: uuid or userid
Code Example:
cucm = ...
print("Result:", cucm.axlGetPhone(**{"uuid": "........-....-....-....-............"}))
# Result: {
#     'name': '...',
#     ...,  
#     'lines': {
#         'line': [
#             {
#                 'index': 1,
#                  ...,
#                 'dirn': {
#                     'pattern': '...',
#                     'routePartitionName': {'_value_1': '...', 'uuid': '{........-....-....-....-............}'},
#                     'uuid': '{........-....-....-....-............}'
#                 },
#                 'uuid': '{........-....-....-....-............'
#             }
#         ], 
#         'lineIdentifier': None
#     }, 
#     'uuid': '{........-....-....-....-............}'
# }

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Remove Methods

  • axlRemoveCallPickupGroup - required keywords args: uuid or name or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)
  • axlRemoveDeviceProfile - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlRemoveLine - required keywords args: uuid or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)
  • axlRemoveLineGroup - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlRemovePhone - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlRemoveRemoteDestination - required keywords args: uuid or destination
  • axlRemoveRemoteDestinationProfile - required keywords args: uuid or name
  • axlRemoveTranslationPattern - required keywords args: uuid or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)
  • axlRemoveUser - required keywords args: uuid or userid
Code Example:
cucm = ...
print("Result:", cucm.axlRemoveLine(**{"uuid": "........-....-....-....-............"}))
# Result: {
#     'return': '{........-....-....-....-............}',
#     'sequence': None
# }

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Reset Methods

  • axlResetPhone - required keywords args: uuid or name
Code Example:

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Restart Methods

  • axlRestartPhone - required keywords args: uuid or name
Code Example:

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RIS Methods

RIS - Real-time Information Server retrieve information stored in all RIS nodes in the cluster.!risport70-api

  • risGetCti - required keywords args: collection_name, items_collection, cti_mgr_class
    • Arg collection_name values: DevNames or DirNumbers
    • Arg items_collection: Collection of Dictionaries. Depending on the type of collection, dictionaries should contain the key name for DevNames or the key pattern for DirNumbers
    • Arg cti_mgr_class values: Provider or Device or Line
  • risGetPhone - required keywords args: phone_name
  • risGetPhones - required keywords args: devices_collection
    • Arg devices_collection - Collection of Dictionaries. Dictionaries should contain the key name
Code Example:
cucm = ...
print("Result:", cucm.risGetCti(
    items_collection=({"pattern": "..."}, {"pattern": "..."}, ...),
# Result: {
#     'SelectCtiItemResult': {
#         'TotalItemsFound': 6,
#         'CtiNodes': {...}
#     },
#     'StateInfo': '<StateInfo><Node Name="" ...'
# } 

print("Result:", cucm.risGetPhone(phone_name="CSF...", is_raw_resp=False))
# Result: {
#     'DeviceName': 'CSF...',
#     'Status': 'Registered',
#     'Model': 503,
#     'Product': 390,
#     'IP': '',
#     'NodeName': '',
#     'ActiveLoadID': '...',
#     'InactiveLoadID': '...'
# }

print("Result:", cucm.risGetPhones(devices_collection=({"name": "TCT..."}, {"name": "CSF..."}, ...), is_raw_resp=False))
# Result = (
#     {
#         'name': 'TCT...',
#         'ris': {
#             'DeviceName': 'TCT...',
#             'Status': 'UnRegistered',
#             'Model': 562,
#             'Product': 449,
#             'IP': '',
#             'NodeName': '',
#             'ActiveLoadID': '...',
#             'InactiveLoadID': '...'
#         }
#     },
#     {
#         'name': 'CSF...',
#         'ris': {
#             'DeviceName': 'CSF...',
#             'Status': 'Registered',
#             'Model': 503,
#             'Product': 390,
#             'IP': '',
#             'NodeName': '',
#             'ActiveLoadID': '...',
#             'InactiveLoadID': '...'
#         }
#     },
#     {
#         'name': 'SEP...',
#         'ris': {'DeviceName': None, 'Status': None, ...}
#     },
#     {
#         'name': 'RDP...',
#         'ris': {'DeviceName': None, 'Status': None, ...}
#     },
#     {
#         'name': 'UDP...',
#         'ris': {'DeviceName': None, 'Status': None, ...}
#     }
# )

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Update Methods

  • axlUpdateCallPickupGroup - required keywords args: uuid or name or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)

    expected keywords args:
    • newPattern
    • description
    • newRoutePartitionName
    • removeMembers
    • addMembers
    • members
    • pickupNotification
    • pickupNotificationTimer
    • callInfoForPickupNotification
    • newName
  • axlUpdateDeviceProfile - required keywords args: uuid or name

    expected keywords args:
    • newName
    • description
    • userHoldMohAudioSourceId
    • vendorConfig
    • mlppDomainId
    • mlppIndicationStatus
    • preemption
    • lines
    • phoneTemplateName
    • speeddials
    • busyLampFields
    • blfDirectedCallParks
    • addOnModules
    • userLocale
    • singleButtonBarge
    • joinAcrossLines
    • loginUserId
    • ignorePresentationIndicators
    • dndOption
    • dndRingSetting
    • dndStatus
    • emccCallingSearchSpace
    • alwaysUsePrimeLine
    • alwaysUsePrimeLineForVoiceMessage
    • softkeyTemplateName
    • callInfoPrivacyStatus
    • services
    • featureControlPolicy
  • axlUpdateLine - required keywords args: uuid or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)

    expected keywords args:
    • newPattern
    • description
    • newRoutePartitionName
    • aarNeighborhoodName
    • aarDestinationMask
    • aarKeepCallHistory
    • aarVoiceMailEnabled
    • callForwardAll
    • callForwardBusy
    • callForwardBusyInt
    • callForwardNoAnswer
    • callForwardNoAnswerInt
    • callForwardNoCoverage
    • callForwardNoCoverageInt
    • callForwardOnFailure
    • callForwardAlternateParty
    • callForwardNotRegistered
    • callForwardNotRegisteredInt
    • callPickupGroupName
    • autoAnswer
    • networkHoldMohAudioSourceId
    • userHoldMohAudioSourceId
    • alertingName
    • asciiAlertingName
    • presenceGroupName
    • shareLineAppearanceCssName
    • voiceMailProfileName
    • patternPrecedence
    • releaseClause
    • hrDuration
    • hrInterval
    • cfaCssPolicy
    • defaultActivatedDeviceName
    • parkMonForwardNoRetrieveDn
    • parkMonForwardNoRetrieveIntDn
    • parkMonForwardNoRetrieveVmEnabled
    • parkMonForwardNoRetrieveIntVmEnabled
    • parkMonForwardNoRetrieveCssName
    • parkMonForwardNoRetrieveIntCssName
    • parkMonReversionTimer
    • partyEntranceTone
    • directoryURIs
    • allowCtiControlFlag
    • rejectAnonymousCall
    • patternUrgency
    • confidentialAccess
    • externalCallControlProfile
    • enterpriseAltNum
    • e164AltNum
    • pstnFailover
    • callControlAgentProfile
    • useEnterpriseAltNum
    • useE164AltNum
    • active
  • axlUpdateLineGroup - required keywords args: uuid or name

    expected keywords args:
    • distributionAlgorithm
    • rnaReversionTimeOut
    • huntAlgorithmNoAnswer
    • huntAlgorithmBusy
    • huntAlgorithmNotAvailable
    • removeMembers
    • addMembers
    • members
    • newName
    • autoLogOffHunt
  • axlUpdatePhone - required keywords args: uuid or name

    expected keywords args:
    • newName
    • description
    • callingSearchSpaceName
    • devicePoolName
    • commonDeviceConfigName
    • commonPhoneConfigName
    • networkLocation
    • locationName
    • mediaResourceListName
    • networkHoldMohAudioSourceId
    • userHoldMohAudioSourceId
    • automatedAlternateRoutingCssName
    • aarNeighborhoodName
    • loadInformation
    • vendorConfig
    • versionStamp
    • traceFlag
    • mlppDomainId
    • mlppIndicationStatus
    • preemption
    • useTrustedRelayPoint
    • retryVideoCallAsAudio
    • securityProfileName
    • sipProfileName
    • cgpnTransformationCssName
    • useDevicePoolCgpnTransformCss
    • geoLocationName
    • geoLocationFilterName
    • sendGeoLocation
    • removeLines
    • addLines
    • lines
    • phoneTemplateName
    • speeddials
    • busyLampFields
    • primaryPhoneName
    • ringSettingIdleBlfAudibleAlert
    • ringSettingBusyBlfAudibleAlert
    • blfDirectedCallParks
    • addOnModules
    • userLocale
    • networkLocale
    • idleTimeout
    • authenticationUrl
    • directoryUrl
    • idleUrl
    • informationUrl
    • messagesUrl
    • proxyServerUrl
    • servicesUrl
    • services
    • softkeyTemplateName
    • defaultProfileName
    • enableExtensionMobility
    • singleButtonBarge
    • joinAcrossLines
    • builtInBridgeStatus
    • callInfoPrivacyStatus
    • hlogStatus
    • ownerUserName
    • ignorePresentationIndicators
    • packetCaptureMode
    • packetCaptureDuration
    • subscribeCallingSearchSpaceName
    • rerouteCallingSearchSpaceName
    • allowCtiControlFlag
    • presenceGroupName
    • unattendedPort
    • requireDtmfReception
    • rfc2833Disabled
    • certificateOperation
    • authenticationMode
    • keySize
    • keyOrder
    • ecKeySize
    • authenticationString
    • upgradeFinishTime
    • deviceMobilityMode
    • remoteDevice
    • dndOption
    • dndRingSetting
    • dndStatus
    • isActive
    • mobilityUserIdName
    • phoneSuite
    • phoneServiceDisplay
    • isProtected
    • mtpRequired
    • mtpPreferedCodec
    • dialRulesName
    • sshUserId
    • sshPwd
    • digestUser
    • outboundCallRollover
    • hotlineDevice
    • secureInformationUrl
    • secureDirectoryUrl
    • secureMessageUrl
    • secureServicesUrl
    • secureAuthenticationUrl
    • secureIdleUrl
    • alwaysUsePrimeLine
    • alwaysUsePrimeLineForVoiceMessage
    • featureControlPolicy
    • deviceTrustMode
    • earlyOfferSupportForVoiceCall
    • requireThirdPartyRegistration
    • blockIncomingCallsWhenRoaming
    • homeNetworkId
    • AllowPresentationSharingUsingBfcp
    • confidentialAccess
    • requireOffPremiseLocation
    • allowiXApplicableMedia
    • cgpnIngressDN
    • useDevicePoolCgpnIngressDN
    • msisdn
    • enableCallRoutingToRdWhenNoneIsActive
    • wifiHotspotProfile
    • wirelessLanProfileGroup
    • elinGroup
  • axlUpdateRemoteDestination - required keywords args: uuid or destination

    expected keywords args:
    • newName
    • newDestination
    • answerTooSoonTimer
    • answerTooLateTimer
    • delayBeforeRingingCell
    • ownerUserId
    • enableUnifiedMobility
    • remoteDestinationProfileName
    • enableExtendAndConnect
    • ctiRemoteDeviceName
    • dualModeDeviceName
    • isMobilePhone
    • enableMobileConnect
    • lineAssociations
    • timeZone
    • todAccessName
    • mobileSmartClientName
    • mobilityProfileName
    • singleNumberReachVoicemail
    • dialViaOfficeReverseVoicemail
    • removeRingSchedule
    • addRingSchedule
    • ringSchedule
    • accessListName
  • axlUpdateRemoteDestinationProfile - required keywords args: uuid or name

    expected keywords args:
    • newName
    • description
    • callingSearchSpaceName
    • devicePoolName
    • networkHoldMohAudioSourceId
    • userHoldMohAudioSourceId
    • lines
    • callInfoPrivacyStatus
    • userId
    • ignorePresentationIndicators
    • rerouteCallingSearchSpaceName
    • cgpnTransformationCssName
    • automatedAlternateRoutingCssName
    • useDevicePoolCgpnTransformCss
    • userLocale
    • networkLocale
    • primaryPhoneName
    • dndOption
    • dndStatus
    • mobileSmartClientProfileName
  • axlUpdateTranslationPattern - required keywords args: uuid or pattern or (pattern, routePartitionName)

    expected keywords args:
    • dialPlanName
    • routeFilterName
    • newPattern
    • description
    • newRoutePartitionName
    • blockEnable
    • calledPartyTransformationMask
    • callingPartyTransformationMask
    • useCallingPartyPhoneMask
    • callingPartyPrefixDigits
    • newDialPlanName
    • digitDiscardInstructionName
    • patternUrgency
    • prefixDigitsOut
    • newRouteFilterName
    • callingLinePresentationBit
    • callingNamePresentationBit
    • connectedLinePresentationBit
    • connectedNamePresentationBit
    • patternPrecedence
    • provideOutsideDialtone
    • callingPartyNumberingPlan
    • callingPartyNumberType
    • calledPartyNumberingPlan
    • calledPartyNumberType
    • callingSearchSpaceName
    • resourcePriorityNamespaceName
    • routeNextHopByCgpn
    • routeClass
    • callInterceptProfileName
    • releaseClause
    • useOriginatorCss
    • dontWaitForIDTOnSubsequentHops
    • isEmergencyServiceNumber
  • axlUpdateUser - required keywords args: uuid or userid

    expected keywords args:
    • firstName
    • displayName
    • middleName
    • lastName
    • newUserid
    • password
    • pin
    • mailid
    • department
    • manager
    • userLocale
    • associatedDevices
    • primaryExtension
    • associatedPc
    • associatedGroups
    • enableCti
    • digestCredentials
    • phoneProfiles
    • defaultProfile
    • presenceGroupName
    • subscribeCallingSearchSpaceName
    • enableMobility
    • enableMobileVoiceAccess
    • maxDeskPickupWaitTime
    • remoteDestinationLimit
    • passwordCredentials
    • pinCredentials
    • enableEmcc
    • ctiControlledDeviceProfiles
    • patternPrecedence
    • numericUserId
    • mlppPassword
    • customUserFields
    • homeCluster
    • imAndPresenceEnable
    • serviceProfile
    • lineAppearanceAssociationForPresences
    • directoryUri
    • telephoneNumber
    • title
    • mobileNumber
    • homeNumber
    • pagerNumber
    • removeExtensionsInfo
    • addExtensionsInfo
    • extensionsInfo
    • selfService
    • userProfile
    • calendarPresence
    • ldapDirectoryName
    • userIdentity
    • nameDialing
    • ipccExtension
    • convertUserAccount
    • accountType
    • authenticationType
    • enableUserToHostConferenceNow
    • attendeesAccessCode
    • zeroHop
Code Example:
cucm = ...
print("Result:", cucm.axlUpdatePhone(**{"uuid": "........-....-....-....-............", "description": "New Description"}))
# Result: {
#     'return': '{........-....-....-....-............}',
#     'sequence': None
# }

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SQL Collection

Execute Query

Code Example:
cucm = ...
sql_query = """
    SELECT d.pkid,, d.description
    FROM device d
    WHERE LIKE '%value%'
print("Result:", cucm.sqlExecuteQuery(sql_query=sql_query))
# Result: (
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'SEP...', 'description': '...'},
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'RDP...', 'description': '...'}, 
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'UDP...', 'description': '...'},
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'TCT...', 'description': '...'},
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'BOT...', 'description': '...'},
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'CSF...', 'description': '...'},
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'TAB...', 'description': '...'},
#     {'pkid': '........-....-....-....-............', 'name': 'CIPC...', 'description': '...'},
# )

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Update Query

Code Example:
cucm = ...
sql_query = """
    UPDATE device d 
    SET d.description = 'New Description via SQL' 
    WHERE LIKE '%value%'
print("Result:", cucm.sqlUpdateQuery(sql_query=sql_query))
# Result: {
#     'return': {
#         'rowsUpdated': 1
#     },
#     'sequence': None
# }

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Predefined Queries

  • List Methods:
    • sqlListCallingSearchSpace
    • sqlListCredentialPolicy
    • sqlListDevicePool
    • sqlListDirGroup
    • sqlListMediaResourceGroup
    • sqlListMediaResourceList
    • sqlListPhoneTemplate
    • sqlListProcessNode
    • sqlListRecordingProfile
    • sqlListRegion
    • sqlListRoutePartition
    • sqlListSoftkeyTemplate
    • sqlListTelecasterService
    • sqlListTypeClass
    • sqlListTypeCountry
    • sqlListTypeModel
    • sqlListTypeUserLocale
    • sqlListUcServiceProfile
    • sqlListUcUserProfile
  • Search Methods:
    • sqlSearchCallPickupGroup - required keywords args: criterion, value
      • Arg criterion: Name, Description, Pattern, Member Line Number, Member Line Description
    • sqlSearchDevice - required keywords args: criterion, value
      • Arg criterion: Name, Description, Line Number, Line Description, Userid, Device Pool, Device Type
    • sqlSearchEndUser - required keywords args: criterion, value
      • Arg criterion: Userid, Display Name, Last Name, First Name, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Email, Directory URI
    • sqlSearchLineGroup - required keywords args: criterion, value
      • Arg criterion: Name, Member Line Number, Member Line Description
    • sqlSearchTranslationPattern - required keywords args: criterion, value
      • Arg criterion: Pattern, Description, Partition, Calling Search Space, Called Party Transform Mask, Prefix Digits Out
  • Validate Methods:
    • sqlValidateDeviceEndUserDesignation - required keywords args: device (Type Class: Any)
    • sqlValidateLine - required keywords args: pattern (Type Pattern Usage: Device Only)
    • sqlValidatePattern - required keywords args: pattern (Type Pattern Usage: Any)

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Create Your Own Methods

Don't store sensitive information in source code. For example use ".env" file.

Code Example:
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from tinyCUCM import CucmSettings, cucm_logging

BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
settings = {
    "pub_fqdn": "",
    "pub_version": "11.5",
    "user_login": "Your-CUCM-Account",
    "user_password": "You%wILL#&neVeR!gUEss",
    "toolkit_path": BASE_DIR / "axlsqltoolkit",
    "cert_path": BASE_DIR / "cucm.crt",
    "session_verify": False,
    "session_timeout": 15,
    "ris_wsdl_filename": "wsdlRISService70_test.xml", 

class CucmAxlCustom(CucmSettings):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    def axlYourOwnGetMethod(self, **kwargs: dict) -> Union[dict, None]:

        AXL Your Own Get Method.
        :param kwargs:      Expected Fields:
                            `kwargs = {"uuid": "uuid"}`
                            `kwargs = {"name": "name"}`

        return self._axl.getCallManager(**kwargs)["return"]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cucm = CucmAxlCustom(**settings)
    print("Result:", cucm.axlYourOwnGetMethod(**{"uuid": "........-....-....-....-............"}))
    # Result: {
    #     'callManager': {
    #         'name': 'CM_...',
    #         'description': '...',
    #         'autoRegistration': {...},
    #         'ports': {...},
    #         'processNodeName': {...},
    #         'lbmGroup': {...},
    #         'ctiid': ...,
    #         'uuid': '{........-....-....-....-............}'
    #     }
    # }

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Luarvick -

Project Link:

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Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

tinyCUCM-0.2.2.tar.gz (25.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

tinyCUCM-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (19.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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