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Client for token based authentication and role based access control

Project description

New feature and major changes
ver 1.3
request_id , time_stamp and client_address is included in wfc .

ver 1.2
Enforcer can now be instanciated with test_token and role_acl_map_file

enforcer = Enforcer(TLClient, role_acl_map_file=role_acl_map_file,

This will enable all the actual rest api to be tested with test enforcer without running tokenleader

ver 1.1
username and email made available to api route functions through enforcer. function now can extract it from the manadatory
wfc param

ver 1.0
more api routes for listing objects

tokenleader list -e <object name e.g user, org, ou , role etc. >

ver 0.71

1. Before the client instanciation , we need a auth_config instance
2. user name and password can be passed to auth_config=Configs() instance wither form the config file
or as a parameter of auth_config=Configs(tlusr , tlpwd)
3. tl_user and tl_url configuration is moved to client_configs.yml file since there is no need to keep these files
as secret along with the encrypted password file


Pyhton client - reads users credentials from the /etc/tokenleader/client_configs.yml .
The user name and password can be also provided as input while initializing the Client class.

When it is from file , the encrypted password is generested by a cli utility named
tokenleader-auth -p <password>

the client has the folowing operations :

-- tokenleader-auth cli utility for storing uers credential in local disk with password encryption (normally users home directory)

-- get token from token leader , including the catalog information

-- verify the token and retrieve users role and wfc( work function context)

-- provides an role based access control enforcer which can be bind to a flask api route

create a venv : in your home diectory $

virtualenv -p python3 venv

source venv/bin/activate

pip install tokenleaderclient


The configuration file is divided into two files .
/etc/tlclient/general_configs.yml which holds the non secret configs about the client and looks as

sudo vi /etc/tokenleader/client_configs.yml

user_auth_info_from: file # OSENV or file
user_auth_info_file_location: tokenleaderclient/tests/testdata/test_settings.ini
fernet_key_file: tokenleaderclient/tests/testdata/farnetkeys
tl_public_key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCYV9y94je6Z9N0iarh0xNrE3IFGrdktV2TLfI5h60hfd9yO7L9BZtd94/r2L6VGFSwT/dhBR//CwkIuue3RW23nbm2OIYsmsijBSHtm1/2tw/0g0UbbneM9vFt9ciCjdq3W4VY8I6iQ7s7v98qrtRxhqLc/rH2MmfERhQaMQPaSnMaB59R46xCtCnsJ+OoZs5XhGOJXJz8YKuCw4gUs4soRMb7+k7F4wADseoYuwtVLoEmSC+ikbmPZNWOY18HxNrSVJOvMH2sCoewY6/GgS/5s1zlWBwV/F0UvmKoCTf0KcNHcdzXbeDU9/PkGU/uItRYVfXIWYJVQZBveu7BYJDR bhujay@DESKTOP-DTA1VEB
tl_user: user1
tl_url: http://localhost:5001
ssl_verify: False

you may need the public key from tokenleader server or use the default one which works with the
defualt docker bhujay/tokenleader:1.8

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDENN9QYdy6RUEJUsOcGECj+7uvyhHlNaZqVN5YcP/MCxBIEoWD3ewu1bQxqW/xC938gHXGZ7NWncv+u9IADwmVYBD8/hYUWJFOKFOKtt8+ZcAFamAz6qGAmKFUnThZ5C/n1PAwS8L03aj62NfxXTjgpohcKRn3Pq9SW7TNgeApn3RSkGoydKJOqo8GeNnKuDxJMHhkR663pLtYH+VOvE/TzethQn64Xc1/HL02o6HRsCWtI0UXev2RLMsVa/wP0k2ItUi7YnmZPyL6ATfeiHIRrRmfDsidqUA6eNZ+fsdw6dO6H0TGggeYd+d8I14PBTx6zYwL+QIEiqNBxP6nIdMp bhujay@DESKTOP-DTA1VEB

users authentiaction information . The file is generated using an cli

tokenleader-auth -p user1

the file , /home/bhujay/tlclient/user_settings.ini , thus generated will looks like this :

tl_password = gAAAAABcYnpRqet_VEucowJrE0lM1RQh2j5E-_Al4j8hm8vJaMvfj2nk7yb3zQo95lBFDoDR_CeoHVRY3QBFFG-p9Ga4bkJKBw==

note that the original password has been encrypted before saving in the file. if the keyfile is lost or the
password is forgotten the file has to be deleted and recreated. Accordingly the users password in the
tokenleader server also to be changed.

CLI utilities
using user name and password from config file

tokenleader gettoken

or username and password can be supplied theough the CLI

gettoken --authuser user1 --authpwd user1

Other CLI operaions

tokenleader verify -t <paste the toen here>
tokenleader list user

Python client
From python shell it works as follows:

from tokenleaderclient.configs.config_handler import Configs
from tokenleaderclient.client.client import Client

this will read the credentials from configurations file. Will be used for CLI.

auth_config = Configs()

the user name and password will be taken from the input but rest of the settings will be from config files.
This will be used for browser based login

auth_config = Configs(tlusr='user1', tlpwd='user1')

Inititialize the client with auth_config

c = Client(auth_config)

{'endpoint_url_admin': None,
'endpoint_url_external': None,
'name': 'tokenleader',
'endpoint_url_internal': 'localhost:5001',
'id': 1},
'linkInventory': {'endpoint_url_admin': None,
'endpoint_url_external': '',
'name': 'linkInventory',
'endpoint_url_internal': '',
'id': 2}},
'status': 'success',
'message': 'success',
'auth_token': 'AA'}

{'message': 'success', 'status': 'success', 'auth_token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NDk5NjcxODAsImV4cCI6MTU0OTk3MDc4MCwic3ViIjp7IndmYyI6eyJvcmd1bml0Ijoib3UxIiwibmFtZSI6IndmYzEiLCJkZXBhcnRtZW50IjoiZGVwdDEiLCJpZCI6MSwib3JnIjoib3JnMSJ9LCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXIxIiwiaWQiOjEsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoidXNlcjEiLCJyb2xlcyI6WyJyb2xlMSJdfX0.gzW0GlgR9qiNLZbR-upuzgHMw5rOm2luV-EnHZwlOSJ-0kJnHsiiT5Wk-HZaqMGZd0YJxA1e9GMroHixtj7WJsbLLjhgqQ5H1ZprCkA9um6-vdkwAFVduWIqIN7S6LbsE036bN7y4cdgVhuJAKoiV1KyxOU1-Hxid5l3inL0Hx2aDUrZ3InzFKBw7Mll86xWdfkpHSdyVjVuayKQMvH2IdT3N15k4O2tSwV3t6UhG6MO0ngHFt3LFR471QWGzJ8UyRzqyqbheuk5vwPk684MfRclCtKx33LWAMf-HXQgVA2py_NzmEiY1ROsKmZqpbIO9YKIO_aFCmzB7DQSI8dcYg', 'service_catalog': {'tokenleader': {'endpoint_url_external': 'localhost:5001', 'endpoint_url_admin': None, 'id': 2, 'endpoint_url_internal': None, 'name': 'tokenleader'}, 'micros1': {'endpoint_url_external': 'localhost:5002', 'endpoint_url_admin': None, 'id': 1, 'endpoint_url_internal': None, 'name': 'micros1'}}}


{'payload': {'iat': 1549967180,
'exp': 1549970780,
'sub': {'username': 'user1',
'roles': ['role1'],
'id': 1,
'email': 'user1',
'wfc': {'orgunit': 'ou1',
'id': 1,
'org': 'org1',
'department': 'dept1',
'name': 'wfc1'}}},
'message': 'Token has been successfully decrypted',
'status': 'Verification Successful'}

for RBAC configure /etc/tokenleader/role_to_aclmap.yml

sudo mkdir /etc/tokenleader
sudo vi /etc/tokenleader/role_to_acl_map.yml

maintain atleast one role and one entry in the follwoing format

- name: role1
- tokenleader.adminops.adminops_restapi.list_users

- name: role2
- service1.third_api.rulename3
- service1.fourthapi_api.rulename4

from tokenleaderclient.rbac.enforcer import Enforcer
enforcer = Enforcer(c)

Here c is the instance of Client() , the tokenleadercliet which we have initialized in the previous
example of python client.

Now @enforcer.enforce_access_rule_with_token('rulename1') is avilable within any flask application
where tokenleader client is installed.


the detial of the RBAC is as follows:

How role based access control (RBAC) enforcing is done

An enforcer decorator function named @authclient.enforce_access_rule_with_token(rule_name) does
the job. Every api route shoukd bind this enforcer decorator with a rule name. The list of rules
are deifned in the etc/tokenleader/role_to_aclmap.yml file in the format of:


e.g. micros1:firstapi:read_all_entries

How authentication works
a. Any requests coming to a flask applications api endpoint url should carry a
"X-Auth-Token": "<JWT token>" in its header.

The enforcer rejects the request if the header does not carry the token.

Typical request from cli is :

curl -H "X-Auth-Token:<paste toekn here>" http://localhost:5000/ep3

needless to say , before putting this request , one has to get a token from the tokkenleader by issuing
requests such as :

curl -X POST -d '{"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}' \
-H "Content-Type: Application/json" localhost:5001/token/gettoken

or using the tokeneader client as shown below

Before this request the user should be registered in the tokenleader service by the admin of tokeleader server.

For authorization , the enforcer decorator to be used by each microservice .
A sample microsdervice with this decoraator has been shown here . Any api route which is bind
with this decorator will retrieve role and wfc(work function context) from the tokenleader service.
The role will be used by the decorator to compare with the local acl map yml file for allowing or denying the
access to api route url.
The wfc will be passed to the api route function for later usage by the function for database query filtering.
The api route function must have a keyword argument 'wfc' for the enforcer decorator to work.

b. the token then is verified by the token leader client and decryption is done.
if the status is sucessful the autheticaation is treated as success otherwise
authentication failure messsage is returned.
list of roles are retrieved from the decrypted token
token leader new version has been designed to multiple role to a single user

c. How from the role authorization to the api route is done

once users role is known , for admin role all checks are bypassed but for other roles
a search is performed in /etc/tokenleaderclient/role_to_acl_map.yml to check if agianst the role
there is an entry for the api access method. The yml file entry is as below:
- name: role1
- service1:first_api:rulename1
- service1:second_api:rulename2

- name: role2
- service1:third_api:rulename3
- service1:fourthapi_api:rulename4

For the programmer , when a new api route is introduced it is much easier to create new aceess control
by making an entry in the srole_to_acl_map.yml instated of database operation

every time the api call is made , the enforcer decorator reload the role_to_acl_map.yml making it possible to
make online changes to the yml file by the operator .

For each role assigned to user the check is done in iterative way and if the rule is found for any of the role
authorization is allowed.

- consistency checking between two yml file and the actual api route to be done
- as the role map size grows , caching to be improved for faster retrival of role map
- in the token leader currently role is directly entered in users table , the role table to be segregarted
- to be mapped with user through foreign key

d. Work Function Context for further granular control of who can see what based on users work function
Work function context for the user is also retrived from the token leader.
The wfc is passed to the api route function for later usage by
the function for database query filtering.
The api route function must have a keyword argument 'wfc' for the enforcer decorator to work.

Example :

@bp1.route('/test1', methods=[ 'POST'])
@authclient.enforce_access_rule_with_token(<'rulename'> )
def acl_enforcer_func_for_test(wfc=None):
the rule name in this case should be :
for each api route functions the parameter wfc must be present
msg = ("enforcer decorator working ok with wfc org = {},"
"orgunit={}, dept={}".format(, wfc.orgunit, wfc.department))
print("requestid: {}, date: {}, client_address:{}".format(
wfc.request_id, wfc.time_stamp, wfc.client_address))

return msg

In the above example, the decorator impose aceess control on the route /test1 .

role name for the user is retrived from the token leader , compared with the rule to acl map yml file
(/etc/tokenleaderclient/role_acl_map_file.yml) which is maintained locally in the server where the service is running .

the role_to_acl_map file maps the api route function names to and looks like :
- name: role1
- pkgname.modulename1.acl_enforcer_func_for_test
- pkg1.module1.acl_enforcer_func_for_test

check the sample data and test cases inside the tokenleaderclient for better understanding.
tokenleader server ( this repo) it self uses the tokenleader client for enforcing the rbac for
many api routes , for example adding users , listing users etc. Check the
tokenleader/app1/adminops/ file to get a better understanding or mail me
your query at

decorator alos retrived work function context for the user from tokenleader and passed it to
original route function acl_enforcer_func_for_test . The route function mandatorily to have a
parameter called wfc as argument for the wfc , to get the value from the decorator.

now within the acl_enforcer_func_for_test funtion , wfc attributes like org, orgunit and department is used
to display a message. They actually to be used for database query filtering so that based on the work function
user is able to view only relevant information.

git clone the repo and then run from the pkg folder

python -m unittest discover tokenleaderclient.tests

python -m unittest tokenleaderclient.tests.unittests.test_acl.TestAcl
python -m unittest tokenleaderclient.tests.unittests.test_acl_enforcer_decorator.TestAclEnforcer

This one need tokenleader server to be running

python -m unittest tokenleaderclient.tests.unittests.test_integration_tests.BaseTestCase

change log

ver 0.70
public key reading from disabled since it is picked up from yml

ver 0.69

1. all configs are in /etc/tokenleader
2. tlclient command changed to tokenleader
3. tlconfig command changed to tokenleader-auth

ver 0.64

1. bug - tlclient command breaking code resloved

ver 0.63

1. check for presense of required keys in /etc/tlclient/general_configs.yml
2. ssl_verify: False corrently this should be always False, cert verification can be introduced later based on reqirement.
3. ability to connect on https when the tokenleader url is https in user_settings.ini


1) integrate rbac inside the client - Done
2) make the client an installable pkg - Done
3) extend user creation/ catalog creation etc. as part of the client
4) develop client for micros1 - which will make it easier to understand how other microservice should be developed keeping token leader in mind. Target one week.

if expired token , should read the users credentials from file and get a fresh token
returns verification result - may not be required

token admin operation for user and role registration , org, dept and other db opertaions - done from servers cli

should support https and certificates
python-pkg with cli facility for getting token
it should be a dependency pkg to other microservices
other microsrrvies should be able to import and use it - Done

Project details

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