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TON Stash - secure TON wallet

Project description

Table of Content


tons (TON Stash) is an Open Source cross-platform wallet application and command-line interface to maintain any type of wallet on the TON network on desktops and servers. Works with Windows/Mac/Linux.

keystore - is a file encrypted by a user's password. It is used to store private keys from user's wallets.

whitelist - is a file which stores all user's contacts. User have to use it to transfer coins from their wallets to other addresses.

dapp - allows user to connect to TON blockchain. See config section to understand how to set it up properly.



As a non-developer user, you should use tons-intecractive version.

Mac OS

Start a terminal application and enter the following command.

$ sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

To run tons-interactive enter 'tons-interactive' in the terminal

$ tons-interactive
[?] Pick command: Keystores
 > Keystores


tons is a python package. Use pip (python package manager) to install it

$ mkdir ~/my-ton-workdir/ && cd ~/my-ton-workdir/
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install tons


Quick start

Create .tons folder in the current directory

$ tons init

Set TON network

$ tons config --network testnet

Create a keystore and set it as a current keystore

$ tons keystore new myFirstKeystore
Password []:

$ tons config tons.keystore_name myFirstKeystore

Create a wallet

$ tons wallet create pocketMoney --save-to-whitelist myPocketMoney

Add a whitelist contact

$ tons whitelist add myBestFriend EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW

Transfer coins from the wallet to the contact

tons transfer pocketMoney myBestFriend 10 --message "Happy birthday!"

To get all available subcommands and flags run a command with a '-h' flag

$ tons -h
Usage: tons [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version      Show the version and exit.
  -c, --config   Use specific config.yaml file
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  config     Control config parameters (check for all fields info)
  contract   Operate with contracts
  dev        Development tools
  init       Initialize .tons workdir in a current directory
  keystore   Operate with keystores
  wallet     Operate with wallets
  whitelist  Operate with whitelist contacts

$ tons wallet -h


tons uses the following file structure:

├── config.yaml
├── whitelist.json
├── keystores
│   ├── *.keystore

Every time tons reads settings in the way where a next config alters previous one

  1. global: ~/.config/tons/
  2. local: ./..N/.tons/ (where N {0, inf} any number of subdirectories) Note: to init tons locally run 'tons init' command
  3. env: export TONS_CONFIG_PATH=~/your/own/path/.tons/

All config.yaml parameters

Name Description
tons.workdir directory where whitelist and keystores are stored
tons.keystore_name name of the keystore a person wants to use
tons.provider provider to access the TON blockchain
tons.default_wallet_version the version that will be used during tons wallet create cmd
tons.warn_if_outdated every run checks whether there is a new version of tons pkg
provider.dapp.api_key api key for the dapp (TODO: type bot's name) TON network to use (mainnet/testnet)

List parameters of all configs (global/local/env)

$ tons config --list
~/local/path/.tons/config.yaml  tons.keystore_name=dev.keystore
~/.config/.tons/config.yaml tons.keystore_name=global.keystore

List all values of final altered config

$ tons config --current-setup

Change the network

$ tons config --network testnet

Set value of a parameter

$ tons config --global tons.keystore_name myKeystore2

Unset value of a parameter

$ tons config --local tons.keystore_name --unset

Get value of a parameter

$ tons config tons.keystore_name


Keystore is encrypted by user's password. There are several options to work with a password:

  1. Runs a command and enter it through input
$ tons keystore new
Password []: 
  1. Runs a command with a --password flag
$ tons keystore new --password admin123
Password []: 
  1. Set up environment variable TONS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
$ export TONS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=admin123
$ tons keystore new

List all keystores in a tons.workdir

$ tons keystore list

Create a new keystore

$ tons keystore new myNewKeystore
Password []: 

Backup a keystore (password is used to export private keys)

$ tons keystore backup myNewKeystore ./myNewKeystore.backup
Password []: 

Restore a keystore (password is used for a new keystore)

$ tons keystore restore keystoreFromBackup ./myOldKeystore.backup
Password []: 

# to restore keystore from ton-cli's keystore add flag --from-ton-cli
$ tons keystore restore keystoreFromBackup ./ton-cli.backup --from-ton-cli
Password []: 


List all contacts with verbose information (can be redirected to .md file)

$ tons whitelist list --verbose --currency nanoton
| Name            |                     Address                      |  State   |        Balance |
| My Wallet 01    | EQC96BhaxqhdK-pwvcBudu-WCtjBFMjPbAqoL7qMKc6rd2U2 |  Uninit  |            0.0 |
| My Wallet 02    | EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW |  Uninit  |            0.0 |

$ tons whitelist list --verbose >

Add new contact

$ tons whitelist add myFriend EQC96BhaxqhdK-pwvcBudu-WCtjBFMjPbAqoL7qMKc6rd2U2

Edit contact

$ tons whitelist edit myFriend --name myBestFriend --address EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW

Delete contact

$ tons whitelist delete myFriend

Get address info of a contact

$ tons whitelist get myFriend
Raw address: 0:4fe5a10f96614daf8792dc3270db2742e17fe13ae9b0668a827098075524078d
Nonbounceable address: UQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjchT
Bounceable address: EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW


Wallets support same CRUD operations

$ tons wallet create myMain \
        --version v3r2 \
        --workchain 0 \
        --subwallet-id 698983191 \
        --comment "My main secure wallet" \
        --save-to-whitelist myMain

$ tons wallet edit myMain --name myMainOld

$ tons wallet delete myMain
Are you sure you want to delete v2wallet wallet? [y/N]: y

$ tons wallet get myMain
Raw address: 0:4fe5a10f96614daf8792dc3270db2742e17fe13ae9b0668a827098075524078d
Nonbounceable address: UQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjchT
Bounceable address: EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW
Version: v3r2
Workchain: 0
Subwallet id: 698983191
Comment: My main secure wallet
--- Verbose wallet information ---
address: EQBP5aEPlmFNr4eS3DJw2ydC4X_hOumwZoqCcJgHVSQHjZWW
contract_type: None
seqno: 1
state: Active
balance: 0.394748632
last_activity: 2022-10-07 08:58:00
code: te6cckEBAQEAcQAA3v8AIN0gggFMl7ohggEznLqxn3Gw7UTQ0x/THzHXC//jBOCk8mCDCNcYINMf0x/TH/gjE7vyY+1E0NMf0x/T/9FRMrryoVFEuvKiBPkBVBBV+RDyo/gAkyDXSpbTB9QC+wDo0QGkyMsfyx/L/8ntVBC9ba0=
data: te6cckEBAQEAKgAAUAAAAAEpqaMXz1s51azqoYZWn7ZR2NlTfwg7FABigSY991WpcgOjOlg2uqR/

List all wallets (can be redirected to .md file)

$ tons wallet list -v -c nanoton
| Name        | Version | WC |                     Address                      | Comment            | State  |            Balance |
| dev         |   v3r2  | 0  | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | Development wallet | Active |      182.349713128 |
| masterchain |   v3r2  | -1 | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | None               | Active |        0.328599221 |
| newTest     |   v3r2  | 0  | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd |                    | Active |        0.095227164 |
| testmsg     |   v3r2  | 0  | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | None               | Active |        0.394748632 |
| v2wallet    |   v2r2  | -1 | Eaddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddraddradd | None               | Uninit |                0.0 |
| Total       |         |    |                                                  |                    |        | 183.16828814499996 |

$ tons wallet list -v >

Import wallet from mnemonic

$ tons wallet import-from-mnemonics importedWallet v4r2 0 "your 24 mnemo ... words" \
         --subwallet-id 698983191 \
         --comment "My imported wallet" \
         --save-to-whitelist myImportedWallet

Init wallet (address must have some coins to be initialized)

$ tons wallet init myMain

Reveal a wallet mnemonics

$ tons wallet reveal myMain
Password []: 
guitar border swap border actor history universe wrist width mask unveil again dentist tilt theory risk electric flash hat sentence essence able dice mammal

Export wallet to .addr and .pk files (e.g. to use in toncli development tool)

$ tons wallet to-addr-pk myMain ./destination/path/

Transfer coins from a wallet to a contact

$ tons wallet transfer myMain myFriend 10 \
        --message "Happy Birthday!" \
        --wait \
        --bounceable n \
        --pay-gas-separately y \
        --ignore-errors n \
        --destroy-if-zero n \
        --transfer-all n


For daily usage user may prefer tons-interactive version

$ tons-interactive
[] Pick command: Keystores
[] Pick command: Open keystore
[] Choose keystore to use: dev.keystore
[?] Pick command: List wallets
 > List wallets
   Create wallet
   Init wallet
   Get wallet
   Edit wallet
   Delete wallet
   Reveal wallet mnemonics
   Import from mnemonics
   Wallet to .addr and .pk
   Backup keystore


Contract allows a user to interact with any contract types in the TON blockchain.

Get balance of a contract

$ tons contract --wallet myMain balance

Get seqno of a contract

$ tons contract --contact myFriend seqno

Get full info of a contract

$ tons contract --address EQAhE3sLxHZpsyZ_HecMuwzvXHKLjYx4kEUehhOy2JmCcHCT info
address: EQAhE3sLxHZpsyZ_HecMuwzvXHKLjYx4kEUehhOy2JmCcHCT
contract_type: None
seqno: 1
state: Active
balance: 531223445.66058564
last_activity: 2022-10-07 06:42:24


A person can deploy smart-contracts using tons and tonsdk. There are three options: send-boc, send-internal and send-external.

Send internal allows a user to send any internal message using any of their wallets

$ tons dev send-internal ./scripts/ deploy_through_internal MY_WALLET_NAME 0.1 --wait
# ./scripts/ example. 
# Function must receive WalletContract and  return (str, Optional[Cell], Optional[Cell]) values.

from typing import Optional

from tonsdk.contract.wallet import WalletContract
from tonsdk.boc import Cell
from tonsdk.contract.token.ft import JettonMinter

def deploy_through_internal(wallet: WalletContract) -> (str, Optional[Cell], Optional[Cell]):
    minter = JettonMinter(admin_address=wallet.address,

    return minter.address.to_string(), minter.create_state_init()["state_init"], None

Send external allows a user to create an external message using tonsdk and send it to the TON blockchain

$ tons dev send-external ./scripts/ deploy_through_external --wait
# ./scripts/ example. 
# Function must receive nothing and return (str, Cell) values.
from tonsdk.contract.wallet import WalletContract, WalletVersionEnum, Wallets
from tonsdk.boc import Cell

def deploy_through_external() -> (str, Cell):
    wallet_workchain = 0
    wallet_version = WalletVersionEnum.v3r2
    wallet_mnemonics = "YOUR 24 ... WORDS".split(" ")

    _mnemonics, _pub_k, _priv_k, wallet = Wallets.from_mnemonics(
        wallet_mnemonics, wallet_version, wallet_workchain)
    return wallet.address.to_string(), wallet.create_init_external_message()["message"]

Note: to deploy a wallet one can use '$ tons wallet init WALLET_NAME'

Send boc allows to send a .boc file to the TON blockchain

$ tons dev send-boc ./generated-through-fif.boc --wait


Example of automatic salary payment, you may use cron to run

$ cat
employee1 EQDvtizebIVTGYASXgjYX5sHfkGLW8aFTa7wfYCyARIpARB0 10
employee2 EQA-Ri7Oftdjq--NJmuJrFJ1YqxYk6t2K3xIFKw3syhIUgUe 20
employee3 EQCNLRRZkvoqAW6zwYyy_BVwOBcMnwqvyrSpm8WnACdzXuu3 15.5

$ cat
cd ~/team_workspace/ton/
source venv/bin/activate
tons config tons.keystore_name myKeystore

while IFS= read -r line

    tons wallet transfer salaryWallet $name $salary --wait
done < "$input"


toncli uses deploy wallet with the following params:

  • version v3r2
  • subwallet-id 0
  • workchain 0

First a developer should create a tons wallet

$ tons wallet create toncli-deployer -v v3r2 -w 0 -id 0 --save-to-whitelist toncli-deployer

Then get the path of toncli deploy wallet

$ python
>>> from appdirs import user_config_dir
>>> import os
>>> user_config_dir("toncli")  # output may be different
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/toncli
>>> os.path.join(user_config_dir("toncli"), "wallet", "build")  # output may be different
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/toncli/wallet/build

Finally, replace toncli default wallet with the tons one

$ tons wallet to-addr-pk toncli-deployer '/Users/username/Library/Application Support/toncli/wallet/build'
$ cd '/Users/username/Library/Application Support/toncli/wallet/build'
$ mv && mv contract.addr backup_old.addr
$ mv && mv toncli-deployer.addr contract.addr

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

tons-0.0.39.tar.gz (76.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

tons-0.0.39-py3-none-any.whl (92.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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