Create and maintain mathematical notes, and gather data from them to train ML models
Project description
Mathematicians constantly need to learn and read about concepts with
which they are unfamiliar. Keeping mathematical notes in an
vault can help with this learning
process as
At the time of this writing (01/18/2023), there is only one author/contributor of this library. Nevertheless, the author often refers to himself as “the author”, “the authors”, or “the author/authors” in writing this library. Moreover, the author often uses the “editorial we” in writing this library.
Use this library at your own risk as using this library can write or modify files in your computer and as the documentation of some components of this library may be inaccurate or outdated. By using this library, you agree that the author/authors of this library is/are not responsible for any damages from this library and related components.
This library is still somewhere in-between prototype and alpha. Moreover, the library itself may be unstable and subject to abrupt changes.
The author/authors of this library is/are also not affiliated with
, or Hugging Face
# TODO Write installation instructions
pip install trouver
You may also have to manually install other libraries which are required
by the
and/or Hugging Face
How to use
Parse LaTeX documents and split them into parts
can parse LaTeX
documents and split them up into “parts”
which are convenient to read in
and to take notes on. For
example, the following code splits up this
paper in creates a folder in an vault[^4].
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import tempfile
from trouver.helper import _test_directory, text_from_file
from trouver.latex.convert import (
divide_preamble, divide_latex_text, custom_commands,
# This context manager is implemented to make sure that a temporary
# folder is created and copies contents from `test_vault_5` in `nbs/_tests`,
# only the contents of the temporary folder are modified, and
with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir):
temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_5'
shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_5', temp_vault)
sample_latex_file = _test_directory() / 'latex_examples' / 'kim_park_ga1dcmmc' / 'main.tex'
sample_latex_text = text_from_file(sample_latex_file)
preamble, _ = divide_preamble(sample_latex_text)
parts = divide_latex_text(sample_latex_text)
cust_comms = custom_commands(preamble)
vault = temp_vault
location = Path('') # The path relative to the vault of the directory in which to make the new folder containing the new notes.
reference_name = 'kim_park_ga1dcmmc'
author_names = ['Kim', 'Park']
parts, cust_comms, vault, location,
# os.startfile(os.getcwd()) # This open the current working directory; find the temporary folder in here.
# input() # There should be an input prompt; make an input here when you are done viewing the
is not strictly necessary to use trouver
or to
read and write the files created by setup_reference_from_latex_parts
(in fact, any traditional file reader/writer can be used for such
purposes), reading and writing the files on
can be
ML model utilities
We have trained a few ML models to detect/predict and provide
information about “short” mathematical text. These ML models are
available on Hugging Face
and as such, they
can be downloaded to and used from one’s local machines. Please note
that ML models can be large and the locations that the Hugging Face
Transformers library
downloads such models to can vary from machine to machine.
For each of these models, we may or may not have also written some instructions on how to train similar models given appropriately formatted data[^1].
Note that the data used to train these models contains mathematical text pertaining mostly to fields closely related to number theory and algebraic geometry.
Use an ML model to categorize and label the note types
One of these ML models predicts the type of a piece of mathematical writing. For example, this model may predict that
Let $L/K$ be an field extension. An element $\alpha \in L$ is said to be algebraic over $K$ if there exists some polynomial $f(x) \in K[x]$ such that $f(\alpha) = 0$.
introduces a definition. For the purposes of trouver
, an
note containing ought to be labeled with the #_meta/definition
tag by
adding the text _meta/definition
to the tags
field in the
frontmatter YAML metadata of the note:
See markdown.obsidian.personal.machine_learning.information_note_types
for more details.
This ML model is trained using the
library with the ULMFiT
see how_to.train_ml_model.fastai
for the steps taken to train this
model. This ML model is also available on Hugging
Face under the repository
The following code downloads the model into the local Hugging Face cache (if necessary) and loads the model.
import pathlib
from pathlib import WindowsPath
import platform
from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_fastai
repo_id = 'hyunjongkimmath/information_note_type'
# There is a PosixPath problem when trying to load
# the model on Windows; we get around this problem
# within the `if` statement.
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
temp = pathlib.PosixPath # See
pathlib.PosixPath = pathlib.WindowsPath
information_note_type_model = from_pretrained_fastai(repo_id)
pathlib.PosixPath = temp
information_note_type_model = from_pretrained_fastai(repo_id)
Fetching 4 files: 0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
sample_prediction_1 = information_note_type_model.predict(r'Let $L/K$ be an field extension. An element $\alpha \in L$ is said to be algebraic over $K$ if there exists some polynomial $f(x) \in K[x]$ such that $f(\alpha) = 0$.')
sample_prediction_2 = information_note_type_model.predict(r'Theorem. Let $q$ be a prime power. Up to isomorphism, there is exactly one field with $q$ elements.')
/* Turns off some styling */
progress {
/* gets rid of default border in Firefox and Opera. */
border: none;
/* Needs to be in here for Safari polyfill so background images work as expected. */
background-size: auto;
progress:not([value]), progress:not([value])::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #7e7e7e, #7e7e7e 10px, #5c5c5c 10px, #5c5c5c 20px);
.progress-bar-interrupted, .progress-bar-interrupted::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: #F44336;
(['#_meta/definition', '#_meta/notation'], tensor([False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False,
True, False, False, False]), tensor([1.9631e-03, 3.4931e-04, 1.7551e-02, 4.8163e-02, 5.7628e-06, 3.0610e-06,
9.6544e-01, 2.3179e-03, 2.4539e-03, 1.6170e-02, 5.8807e-01, 4.5185e-03,
2.5055e-04, 4.6183e-03]))
/* Turns off some styling */
progress {
/* gets rid of default border in Firefox and Opera. */
border: none;
/* Needs to be in here for Safari polyfill so background images work as expected. */
background-size: auto;
progress:not([value]), progress:not([value])::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #7e7e7e, #7e7e7e 10px, #5c5c5c 10px, #5c5c5c 20px);
.progress-bar-interrupted, .progress-bar-interrupted::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: #F44336;
(['#_meta/concept', '#_meta/proof'], tensor([False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
False, True, False, False]), tensor([3.4701e-03, 6.6588e-05, 7.8861e-02, 9.7205e-01, 8.8357e-06, 6.1183e-06,
9.5552e-02, 4.0747e-03, 2.7043e-04, 2.7545e-02, 1.3064e-02, 5.6198e-01,
1.5603e-04, 5.5122e-03]))
At the time of this writing (01/18/2023), the model seems to incorrect
predict - in sample_prediction_1
that the text introduces a
notation. - in sample_prediction_2
that the text contains a proof.
# from trouver.markdown.obsidian.personal.machine_learning.information_note_types import
While one can make use of the model’s predict
method as is, trouver
also provides functions which predict the types of mathematical text
written in notes formatted in a specific way and record on these notes
the predictions made. This way, one can make the model predict once and
use these predictions for later, which can save computational resources.
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault import VaultNote
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.personal.notes import notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.personal.machine_learning.information_note_types import automatically_add_note_type_tags
with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir):
temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_8'
shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_8', temp_vault)
reference = 'number_theory_reference_1'
index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name=f'_index_{reference}')
# `notes` below is a list of `VaultNote` objects.
# Also, the `notes_linked_in_note` function can be a useful
# alternative to the `notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note` function.
notes = notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note(index_note, as_dict=False)
print("This is what one of the notes looks like before predicting its note type:\n\n")
print("\n\nTagging notes\n\n")
# Note that `information_note_type_model` was loaded previously.
automatically_add_note_type_tags(information_note_type_model, temp_vault, notes)
print("This is what the same note looks like after predicting its note type:\n\n")
# os.startfile(os.getcwd()) # This opens the current working directory; find the temporary folder in here and explore it if desired.
# input() # There should be an input prompt; make an input here when you are done viewing the
This is what one of the notes looks like before predicting its note type:
cssclass: clean-embeds
aliases: [number_theory_reference_1_ring]
tags: [_meta/literature_note, _reference/number_theory_reference_1]
# Ring[^1]
A **(commutative) ring** is a set $R$, equipped with two binary operators, denoted $+$ and $\cdot$, such that the following hold:
1. $R$ is an abelian group under $+$ with identity element $0$.
2. $R$ is an commutative monoid under $\cdot$ with identity element $1$.
3. For all $a,b,c \in R$, we have $a \cdot (b+c) = a \cdot b + a \cdot c$.
# See Also
# Meta
## References
## Citations and Footnotes
[^1]: Kim, Definition 1.1, Page 1
Tagging notes
This is what the same note looks like after predicting its note type:
cssclass: clean-embeds
aliases: [number_theory_reference_1_ring]
tags: [_meta/literature_note, _reference/number_theory_reference_1, _auto/_meta/definition]
# Ring[^1]
A **(commutative) ring** is a set $R$, equipped with two binary operators, denoted $+$ and $\cdot$, such that the following hold:
1. $R$ is an abelian group under $+$ with identity element $0$.
2. $R$ is an commutative monoid under $\cdot$ with identity element $1$.
3. For all $a,b,c \in R$, we have $a \cdot (b+c) = a \cdot b + a \cdot c$.
# See Also
# Meta
## References
## Citations and Footnotes
[^1]: Kim, Definition 1.1, Page 1
Use an ML model to find notations introduced in text
Another ML model predicts locations of notations introduced in text.
This model is trained as a categorizer - given a piece of mathematical
text in LaTeX in which a single LaTeX math mode string (surrounded
either by the dollar sign $
or double dollar signs $$
) is surrounded
by double asterisks **
, the model should determine whether or not the
LaTeX math mode string contains a newly introduced notation.
For example, suppose that we want to find notations introduced in the following text:
Let $L/K$ be a Galois field extension. Its Galois group $\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$ is defined as the group of automorphisms of $L$ fixing $K$ pointwise.
Our approach is to consider each latex math mode strings in this text
(of which there are 4: $L/K$, $\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$, $L$, and $K$),
consider the four alternate versions of this text in which double
asterisks **
are surround one of these math mode strings, and use the
model to predict whether that math mode string contains a newly
introduced notation. In particular, we pass through the model the
following pieces of text:
Let **$L/K$** be a Galois field extension. Its Galois group $\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$ is defined as the group of automorphisms of $L$ fixing $K$ pointwise.
Let $L/K$ be a Galois field extension. Its Galois group **$\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$** is defined as the group of automorphisms of $L$ fixing $K$ pointwise.
Let $L/K$ be a Galois field extension. Its Galois group $\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$ is defined as the group of automorphisms of **$L$** fixing $K$ pointwise.
Let $L/K$ be a Galois field extension. Its Galois group $\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$ is defined as the group of automorphisms of $L$ fixing **$K$** pointwise.
Ideally, the model should determine only the second version of text to contain a newly introduced notation
See markdown.obsidian.personal.machine_learning.notation_identifcation
for more details.
This ML model is also trained using the
library with the
and is available on Hugging Face
under the repository
import pathlib
from pathlib import WindowsPath
import platform
from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_fastai
repo_id = 'hyunjongkimmath/notation_identification'
# There is a PosixPath problem when trying to load
# the model on Windows; we get around this problem
# within the `if` statement.
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
temp = pathlib.PosixPath # See
pathlib.PosixPath = pathlib.WindowsPath
notation_identification_model = from_pretrained_fastai(repo_id)
pathlib.PosixPath = temp
notation_identification_model = from_pretrained_fastai(repo_id)
Fetching 4 files: 0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
contains_a_notation = notation_identification_model.predict(r'Let $L/K$ be a Galois field extension. Its Galois group **$\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$** is defined as the group of automorphisms of $L$ fixing $K$ pointwise.')
does_not_contain_a_notation = notation_identification_model.predict(r'Let **$L/K$** be a Galois field extension. Its Galois group $\operatorname{Gal}(L/K)$ is defined as the group of automorphisms of $L$ fixing $K$ pointwise.')
/* Turns off some styling */
progress {
/* gets rid of default border in Firefox and Opera. */
border: none;
/* Needs to be in here for Safari polyfill so background images work as expected. */
background-size: auto;
progress:not([value]), progress:not([value])::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #7e7e7e, #7e7e7e 10px, #5c5c5c 10px, #5c5c5c 20px);
.progress-bar-interrupted, .progress-bar-interrupted::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: #F44336;
/* Turns off some styling */
progress {
/* gets rid of default border in Firefox and Opera. */
border: none;
/* Needs to be in here for Safari polyfill so background images work as expected. */
background-size: auto;
progress:not([value]), progress:not([value])::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, #7e7e7e, #7e7e7e 10px, #5c5c5c 10px, #5c5c5c 20px);
.progress-bar-interrupted, .progress-bar-interrupted::-webkit-progress-bar {
background: #F44336;
('True', tensor(1), tensor([9.0574e-08, 1.0000e+00]))
('False', tensor(0), tensor([1.0000e+00, 4.8617e-06]))
# TODO: examples of using functions in markdown.obsidian.personal.machine_learning.notation_identifcation.
Similarly as with the information_note_type
model, trouver
functions (namely automatically_mark_notations
) which locate within
notes mathematical notations that are newly introduced in the text of
the notes and record on these notes locations of such notations (by
surrounding double asterisks **
to LaTeX math mode strings). Note that
this is done by applying the notation_identification
model’s predict
method as many times on a single piece of text as there are LaTeX math
mode strings in the text. As such, these predictions often take a long
To save time, it is recommended to apply automatically_mark_notations
only on notes which have the _meta/definition
or _meta/notation
(or _auto/_meta/definittion
or _auto/_meta/notation
) in their
frontmatter YAML metadata[^2].
Warning The
function note only adds double asterisks**
to LaTeX math mode strings, but also removes components such as links and footnotes from the text of the note. It is recommended to only apply this function to notes whose text has not been embellished with such components[^3].
The test vault used in the below example contains a single note which
has already been marked with the _meta/definition
and _meta/notation
notes. The following example in particular locates notations in that
note at the very least.
from trouver.markdown.markdown.file import MarkdownFile
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.vault import VaultNote
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.personal.notes import notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.personal.machine_learning.notation_identification import automatically_mark_notations
with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir):
temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_8'
shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_8', temp_vault)
reference = 'number_theory_reference_1'
index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name=f'_index_{reference}')
# `notes` below is a list of `VaultNote` objects.
# Also, the `notes_linked_in_note` function can be a useful
# alternative to the `notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note` function.
notes = notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note(index_note, as_dict=False)
one_note_with_notation_tag = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='number_theory_reference_1_Definition 1.7')
print("This is what one of the notes looks like before locating notations introduced:\n\n")
print("\n\nFinding notations\n\n")
# Note that `information_note_type_model` was loaded previously.
automatically_add_note_type_tags(notation_identification_model, temp_vault, notes)
note_mfs = [MarkdownFile.from_vault_note(note) for note in notes]
# The below code ensures that the model searches for notations only in
# notes marked with a `_meta/definition` or a `_meta/notation`tag or
# their `_auto` versions.
notation_introducing_notes = [
note for note, mf in zip(notes, note_mfs)
if mf.has_tag('_auto/_meta/definition') or mf.has_tag('_auto/_meta/notation')
or mf.has_tag('_meta/definition') or mf.has_tag('_meta/notation')]
for note in notation_introducing_notes:
automatically_mark_notations(note, notation_identification_model, reference_name=reference)
print("This is what the same note looks like after locating notations introduced:\n\n")
# os.startfile(os.getcwd()) # This opens the current working directory; find the temporary folder in here and explore it if desired.
# input() # There should be an input prompt; make an input here when you are done viewing the
This is what one of the notes looks like before locating notations introduced:
cssclass: clean-embeds
aliases: [number_theory_reference_1_ring_of_integers_modulo_n]
tags: [_meta/literature_note, _reference/number_theory_reference_1, _meta/definition, _meta/notation]
# Ring of integers modulo $n$[^1]
The ring of integers modulo $n$, denoted $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ has the elements $[m]$ for each integer $m$ where $[m_1] = [m_2]$ if and only if $m_1-m_2$ is divisible by $n$. As a ring, it has the following structure:
1. $[m_1] + [m_2] = [m_1+m_2]$
2. $[m_1] \cdot [m_2] = [m_1 \cdot m_2]$.
# See Also
# Meta
## References
## Citations and Footnotes
[^1]: Kim, Definition 1.7, Page 3
Finding notations
This is what the same note looks like after locating notations introduced:
cssclass: clean-embeds
aliases: [number_theory_reference_1_ring_of_integers_modulo_n]
tags: [_meta/literature_note, _auto/s, _auto/F, _meta/definition, _reference/number_theory_reference_1, _auto/a, _auto/e, _auto/l, _meta/notation]
# Topic[^1]
The ring of integers modulo $n$, denoted **$\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$** has the elements $[m]$ for each integer $m$ where $[m_1] = [m_2]$ if and only if $m_1-m_2$ is divisible by $n$. As a ring, it has the following structure:
1. $[m_1] + [m_2] = [m_1+m_2]$
2. $[m_1] \cdot [m_2] = [m_1 \cdot m_2]$.
# See Also
# Meta
## References
## Citations and Footnotes
[^1]: Kim, Definition 1.7, Page 3
Use an ML model to summarize notations introduced in text
Now that we have found notations introduced in text and created notation
notes for them in our
vault, we now generate summaries
for these notations.
The ML model in question fine-tuned from a T5
This ML model is available on Hugging Face
under the repository
from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer, pipeline
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained('hyunjongkimmath/notation_summarizations_model')
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('hyunjongkimmath/notation_summarizations_model')
summarizer = pipeline('summarization', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
The summarizer pipeline can be used to summarize notations newly introduced in a piece of mathematical text. The text needs to be formatted as follows:
summarize: <mathematical_text_goes_here>
latex_in_original: $<notation_to_summarize>$
summarizer("summarize:Let us now define the upper half plane $\mathbb{H}$ as the set of all complex numbers of real part greater than $1$.\n\n\nlatex_in_original: $\mathbb{H}$")
Your max_length is set to 200, but you input_length is only 54. You might consider decreasing max_length manually, e.g. summarizer('...', max_length=27)
[{'summary_text': 'the upper half plane of the complex plane $\\ mathbb{ H} $. It is defined as the set of all complex numbers of real part greater than $1$.'}]
In the above example, the summarizer determines that the notation
introduced in the text
Let us now define the upper half plane $\mathbb{H}$ as the set of all complex numbers of real part greater than $1$.
'the upper half plane of the complex plane $\\ mathbb{ H} $. It is defined as the set of all complex numbers of real part greater than $1$.'
Once we mark notations introduced in information notes by surrounding
LaTeX math mode strings with double asterisks **
(manually and/or by
using the notation_identification
model, see the section about the
model above), we
can use the make_notation_notes_from_double_asts
function to make
notation notes dedicated to those introduced notations and to link these
newly created notation notes to the information notes.
After making these notation notes, we can use the
function to predict what each notation
is supposed to denote and add these predicted summaries to the notation
notes themselves.
For the example below, there is at least one information note with
notations already marked with double asterisks **
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.personal.notation import make_notation_notes_from_double_asts, notation_notes_linked_in_see_also_section
from trouver.markdown.obsidian.personal.machine_learning.notation_summarization import append_summary_to_notation_note
with (tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir):
temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_8'
shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_8', temp_vault)
reference = 'number_theory_reference_1'
index_note = VaultNote(temp_vault, name=f'_index_{reference}')
# Also, the `notes_linked_in_note` function can be a useful
# alternative to the `notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note` function.
notes = notes_linked_in_notes_linked_in_note(index_note, as_dict=False)
one_note_with_notations_marked = VaultNote(temp_vault, name='number_theory_reference_1_Definition 2.3')
print("This is what the information note looks like before we add the links to the notation notes:\n\n")
for note in notes:
new_notation_notes = make_notation_notes_from_double_asts(note, temp_vault, reference_name=reference)
print("\n\nThis is what the information note looks like after we add the links to the notation notes:\n\n")
for note in notes:
notation_notes_linked_in_note = notation_notes_linked_in_see_also_section(note, temp_vault)
for notation_note in notation_notes_linked_in_note:
append_summary_to_notation_note(notation_note, temp_vault, summarizer)
print("\n\nThis is what the newly created notation notes look like after we add the predicted summaries:\n\n")
notation_notes_linked_in_the_one_note = notation_notes_linked_in_see_also_section(
one_note_with_notations_marked, temp_vault)
for notation_note in notation_notes_linked_in_note:
print(notation_note.text(), '\n')
Your max_length is set to 200, but you input_length is only 166. You might consider decreasing max_length manually, e.g. summarizer('...', max_length=83)
This is what the information note looks like before we add the links to the notation notes:
cssclass: clean-embeds
aliases: []
tags: [_meta/literature_note, _reference/number_theory_reference_1, _meta/definition, _meta/notation]
# Quotient ring of a ring by an ideal[^1]
Let $R$ be a ring and let $I$ be an ideal. The quotient ring **$R/I$** is the ring whose elements are the equivalence classes of elements of $R$ with respect to the equivalence relation **$\sim$** given by $x \sim y$ if $x-y \in I$ and whose ring structure is given by
[x]+[y] &= [x+y] \\
[x] \cdot [y] &= [x \cdot y].
# See Also
# Meta
## References
## Citations and Footnotes
[^1]: Kim,
This is what the information note looks like after we add the links to the notation notes:
cssclass: clean-embeds
aliases: []
tags: [_meta/literature_note, _reference/number_theory_reference_1, _meta/definition, _meta/notation]
# Quotient ring of a ring by an ideal[^1]
Let $R$ be a ring and let $I$ be an ideal. The quotient ring **$R/I$** is the ring whose elements are the equivalence classes of elements of $R$ with respect to the equivalence relation **$\sim$** given by $x \sim y$ if $x-y \in I$ and whose ring structure is given by
[x]+[y] &= [x+y] \\
[x] \cdot [y] &= [x \cdot y].
# See Also
- [[number_theory_reference_1_notation_R_I]]
- [[number_theory_reference_1_notation_sim]]
# Meta
## References
## Citations and Footnotes
[^1]: Kim,
Your max_length is set to 200, but you input_length is only 166. You might consider decreasing max_length manually, e.g. summarizer('...', max_length=83)
This is what the newly created notation notes look like after we add the predicted summaries:
detect_regex: []
latex_in_original: [R/I]
tags: [_auto/notation_summary]
$R/I$ [[number_theory_reference_1_Definition 2.3|denotes]] the quotient ring $R/I$ where $R$ is a ring and $I$ is an ideal. It is given by $$\begin{align*} [x]+[y] &= [x+y]\\[x],\cdot [y]$. [$][x]$ is the ring whose elements are the equivalence classes of elements of $R = [\3]$ given by
detect_regex: []
latex_in_original: ["\\sim"]
tags: [_auto/notation_summary]
$\sim$ [[number_theory_reference_1_Definition 2.3|denotes]] the quotient ring $R/I$ given by $x\sim y$ where $R$ is a ring and $I$ is an ideal.
At the time of this writing (1/30/2023), the author of trouver
believes that this summarization model could be improved upon with more
data; thus far, this model was trained on less than 1700 data points.
How the examples/tests are structured
Many of the functions and methods in this library are accompanied by examples demonstrating how one might use them.
These examples are usually also tests of the functions/methods; the
developer of this library can use nbdev
command-line command to automatically run these tests[^5][^6]. Moreover,
there is a GitHub workflow in the repository for this library (see the
) which automatically runs these
examples/tests on GitHub Actions when changes to are committed to the
GitHub repository[^7].
These examples may use a combination of the following:
- Mock patching via Python’s
library. - The
module as assertion statements. - example/test files in the
folder in the repository[^8].-
function in thehelper
module obtains this folder. -
Many of these examples also use the
class along with theshutil.copytree
to create a Python context manager of a temporary directory with contents copied from thenbs/_tests
folder. The temporary directory is automatically deleted once the context manager ends. We do this to run tests/examples which modify files/folders without modifying the files/folders in thenbs/_tests
directory themselves.- For example, the code
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='temp_dir', dir=os.getcwd()) as temp_dir: temp_vault = Path(temp_dir) / 'test_vault_1' shutil.copytree(_test_directory() / 'test_vault_1', temp_vault) # run the rest of the example here # Uncomment the below lines of code to view the end-results of the example; # os.startfile(os.getcwd()) # os.input() # this line pauses the process until the user makes an input so the deletion of the temporary directory is delayed.
first creates a temporary directory starting
in the current working directory and copies into this temporary directory the contents oftest_vault_1
in thenbs/_tests
folder. One the example/test has finished running, the temporary directory is removed whether or not the test succeeds.
This repository is still in its preliminary stages and much of the code
and documentation may be faulty or not well formatted. The author
greatly appreciates reports of these issues, notifications of typos, and
suggestions on edits; please feel free to report them on the Issues
section of the GitHub repository for this library. The
author of this
repository, who is primarily a mathematician (a PhD student at the time
of this writing), does not guarantee quick responses or resolutions to
such issues, but will do his best to address them.
For developers
This repository is based on the nbdev
template. As such, code for the packages as well as the documentation
for the repository are written in jupyter notebooks (the .ipynb
in the nbs
folder) and the Python modules are auto-generated via the
command-line command
which among other things runs nbdev_export
- In the
folder, make sure that the folders that you want to test are not empty; since git does not track empty folders, empty folders will not be pushed in GitHub and the tests in GitHub Actions may yield different results than in a local computer.
Copyright © 2023 onward Hyun Jong Kim. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this project’s files except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is provided in the LICENSE file in this repository.
Special Thanks
The author of trouver
thanks Sun Woo
Park for agreeing to allow
their coauthored paper, Global $\mathbb{A}^1$-degrees covering maps
between modular curves, along with
some of Park’s expository writings, to be used in examples in this
was built using nbdev
as a
Release notes
Ver. 0
Ver. 0.0.3
- Fixed issue #
32 in which
setting up an
vault folder from a LaTeX document was not numbering sections and theorem-like environments correctly with a theorem-like environment of the form\numbertheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]
was being defined. - Finished implementing
- Modified
function to escape and enquote strings if necessary to take into consideration thatyaml.safe_load
does uses quotations to consider strings as escaped. - Fixed a bug in
where the main of notation where theVaultNote
objects were incorrectly constructed by passing an argument to therel_path
parameter as opposed to thename
parameter. - Fixed a bug in
; I had realized that files for
plugins are stored in.obsidian/plugins/<plugin_name>
in the vault directory. - Changed the default
argument from'.'
. - Move
function from20_markdown.obsidian.personal.notation.ipynb
- Modify
so that multi-line section titles in LaTeX documents get parsed as single-line titles - Modify
to usesanitize_filename
Ver. 0.0.2
- I made the mistake of note including much of the contents of
in thepypi
library release, so that should be fixed..
Ver. 0.0.1
- Initial release
[^1]: Given time, the author of trouver
eventually plans on writing
instructions on training each of the models.
[^2]: At the time of this writing (1/30/2023), the
model is fairly good at telling when a note
introduces a definition or a notation, but will often conflate the
two. In other words, the model may predict that a note ought to have
the _meta/definition
tag assigned to it when the _meta/notation
tag should be assigned to it and vice versa, but the model will
fairly usually assign at least one of the tags when the note
introduces a definition or a notation and will assign neither of the
tags when the note does not introduce a definition or a notation.
[^3]: More precisely, automatically_mark_notations
first applies
to a MarkdownFile
constructed from the VaultNote
object to roughly obtain the “raw
text” of the note, uses that raw text to locate notations, marks the
notations in the raw text, and then replaces the text from the note
with the raw text with notations marked. In the process of obtaining
the “raw text”, the process_standard_information_note
removes components such as links and footnotes from the text.
[^4]: There seems to be a bug in the above example where inexplicable
tags (e.g. _auto/s
, _auto/a
) are added to the note along with
the double asterisks **
. This issue is reported as Issue
[^5]: cf. nbdev’s End-To-End
to see how to use nbdev_test
[^6]: There are also tests which are hidden from the documentation
website; one can find these tests in the jupyter notebook files in
the nbs
folder in the repository for this library as notebook
cells marked with the #| hide
flag, cf. nbdev’s End-to-End
to see what the #| hide
flag does.
[^7]: The .github/workflows/test.yaml
GitHub workflow file is set up
in such a way that that allows GitHub Actions to access/use the
contents of the nbs/_tests
directory upon running the
[^8]: The .github/workflows/test.yaml
GitHub workflow file is set up
in such a way that that allows GitHub Actions to access/use the
contents of the nbs/_tests
directory upon running the
Project details
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