A Python wrapper for TheTVDb Database API v2
Project description
tvdbsimple is a wrapper, written in Python, for TheTVDB API v2. By calling the functions available in tvdbsimple you can simplify your code and easily access a vast amount of tv series data. To learn more about TheTVDb API, check out the website api page.
Full API implementation. Supports Search, Series, Episode, Updated, User and Languages methods.
Updated with the latest JSON API.
Fully tested with automated tests and travis.ci.
Supports Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.
Easy to access data using Python class attributes.
Easy to experiment with tvdbsimple functions inside the Python interpreter.
tvdbsimple is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI).
You can install tvdbsimple using one of the following techniques:
Use pip:
pip install tvdbsimple
Download the .zip or .tar.gz file from PyPI and install it yourself
Download the source from Github and install it yourself
If you install it yourself, also install requests.
You will need an API key to TheTVDb to access the API. To obtain a key, follow these steps:
Register for and verify an account.
Log into your account.
Go to this page and fill your details to generate a new API key.
All the functions are fully documented in the docs folder and in the github wiki page but you can find several use examples in the examples page.
If you find any issue please post in the github issue page with all the information possible to reproduce the issue
If you would like contribute to the projects, feel free to do: fork, pull-request, issues, etc… They’re higly welcome
Instead if you would like offer me a coffee or beer: Donate with PayPal
To celiao, her tmdbsimple module inspired my work here
To BurntSushi, his pdoc module helped me documenting the module
To TheTVDb website for providing the content and the api
Project details
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