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Some util function when doing Taiwan stock web scraping and some common stock data parser

Project description


Some util function when doing Taiwan stock web scraping and some common stock data parser.

What can tw-stock-plugin do?


  1. The following definition of data and variable are all refer to the official website.
  2. To avoiding banned by official website, I recommend that users who use tw-stock-plugin set delay time at least three seconds after calling each function.

How To Use:

Stock Information

        - code: 股票代碼
        - name: 股票名稱
        - ISIN_code: 國際證券辨識號碼(ISIN Code)
        - listed_date: 上市/上櫃/興櫃 日
        - category: 市場別
        - industry: 產業別
        - CFI_code: CFICode
        - type: 證券類別(股票/ETF...)
from tw_stock_plugin import StockInfo, UpdateStock

# update newest stock info
# init stock info object
stock_info = StockInfo()
# get all stocks info
# get 1101 stock info
# get 1101 stock name
# get 1101 B stock name, it will return value error because it doesn't exists
print(stock_info.get('1101 B'))

Check If The Date Is Open Date

from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin import StockTools

# check if 2020/10/10 is open date, it will return False
print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/10', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
# check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will return True
print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/23', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
# check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will type error because it's not type of datetime.time

Converting Date Between Republic Era And Ad

from tw_stock_plugin import StockTools

# convert 109/10/10 to ad, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format
# convert 2020/10/10 to republic era, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format

this tool is very useful when crawling tpex api.

Daily Trading

    You can get all data with specific date or get only single one stock history data.

        - Daily Trading Data
            - 上市:
                - code: 股票代碼
                - name: 股票名稱
                - trading_volume: 成交股數
                - transaction: 成交筆數
                - trade_value: 成交金額
                - opening_price: 開盤價
                - highest_price: 最高價
                - lowest_price: 最低價
                - closing_price: 收盤價
                - change: 漲跌價差
                - last_best_bid_price: 最後揭示買價
                - last_best_bid_volume: 最後揭示賣價
                - last_best_ask_price: 最後揭示買量
                - last_best_ask_volume: 最後揭示買量
                - price_earning_rate: 本益比
            - 上櫃:
                - code: 股票代碼
                - name: 股票名稱
                - closing_price: 收盤價
                - change: 漲跌價差
                - opening_price: 開盤價
                - highest_price: 最高價
                - lowest_price: 最低價
                - trading_volume: 成交股數
                - trade_value: 成交金額
                - transaction: 成交筆數
                - last_best_bid_price: 最後揭示買價
                - last_best_ask_price: 最後揭示買量
                - last_best_bid_volume: 最後揭示賣價
                - last_best_ask_volume: 最後揭示買量
                - issued_shares: 發行股數
                - next_limit_up: 次日漲停價
                - next_limit_down: 次日跌停價

        - Monthly Trading Data
            - 上市:
                - trading_volume: 成交股數
                - transaction: 成交筆數
                - trade_value: 成交金額
                - opening_price: 開盤價
                - highest_price: 最高價
                - lowest_price: 最低價
                - closing_price: 收盤價
                - change: 漲跌價差
            - 上櫃:
                - closing_price: 收盤價
                - change: 漲跌價差
                - opening_price: 開盤價
                - highest_price: 最高價
                - lowest_price: 最低價
                - trading_volume: 成交股數
                - trade_value: 成交金額
                - transaction: 成交筆數
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_trading import StockTrading

# setting target date
date_ = datetime(2020, 10, 30).date()
# init stock trading object with specific date
stock_trading = StockTrading(date_=date_)
# getting all trading data in 2020/10/30
trading_all = stock_trading.get_all()
# getting 2330 trading data in 2020/10/30
trading_2330 = trading_all['2330']
# getting monthly history trading data of 1101 in 2020/10
trading_history_1101 = stock_trading.get_history(code=1101)
# getting monthly history trading data of 9962 in 2020/10
trading_history_9962 = stock_trading.get_history(code=9962)

Institutional Investors

    You can get all data with specific date.

        - code: 股票代碼
        - name: 股票名稱
        - foreign_mainland_area_buy: 外陸資買進股數(不含外資自營商)
        - foreign_mainland_area_sell: 外陸資賣出股數(不含外資自營商)
        - foreign_mainland_area_diff: 外陸資買賣超股數(不含外資自營商)
        - foreign_buy: 外資自營商買進股數
        - foreign_sell: 外資自營商賣出股數
        - foreign_diff: 外資自營商買賣超股數
        - trust_buy: 投信買進股數
        - trust_sell: 投信賣出股數
        - trust_diff: 投信買賣超股數
        - proprietary_dealers_buy: 自營商買進股數(自行買賣)
        - proprietary_dealers_sell: 自營商賣出股數(自行買賣)
        - proprietary_dealers_diff: 自營商買賣超股數(自行買賣)
        - hedge_dealers_buy: 自營商買進股數(避險)
        - hedge_dealers_sell: 自營商賣出股數(避險)
        - hedge_dealers_diff: 自營商買賣超股數(避險)
        - total_diff: 三大法人買賣超股數
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_institutional_investors import StockInstitutionalInvestors

date_ = datetime(2020, 11, 6).date()
# init stock institutional investors object with specific date
stock_institutional_investors = StockInstitutionalInvestors(date_=date_)
# getting all institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_all = stock_institutional_investors.get_all()
# getting 2330 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_2330 = institutional_investors_all['2330']
# getting 3529 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
institutional_investors_3529 = institutional_investors_all['3529']

Margin Trading

    You can get all data with specific date.

        - 上市:
            - code: 股票代碼
            - name: 股票名稱
            - margin_purchase: 融資買進
            - margin_sells: 融資賣出
            - cash_redemption: 現金償還
            - cash_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
            - cash_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
            - cash_quota: 限額
            - short_covering: 融券買進
            - short_sale: 融券賣出
            - stock_redemption: 現金償還
            - stock_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
            - stock_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
            - stock_quota: 限額
            - offset: 資券互抵
            - note: 備註
                - 備註欄說明:
        - 上櫃:
            - code: 股票代碼
            - name: 股票名稱
            - cash_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
            - margin_purchase: 融資買進
            - margin_sells: 融資賣出
            - cash_redemption: 現金償還
            - cash_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
            - cash_belong_to_securities_finance: 資屬證金
            - cash_utilization_rate(%): 資使用率(%)
            - cash_quota: 限額
            - stock_balance_of_previous_day: 前日餘額
            - short_covering: 融券買進
            - short_sale: 融券賣出
            - stock_redemption: 現金償還
            - stock_balance_of_the_day: 今日餘額
            - stock_belong_to_securities_finance: 券屬證金
            - stock_utilization_rate(%): 券使用率(%)
            - stock_quota: 限額
            - offset: 資券互抵
            - note: 備註
                - 備註欄說明
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_margin_trading import StockMarginTrading

date_ = datetime(2020, 11, 6).date()
# init stock margin trading object with specific date
stock_margin_trading = StockMarginTrading(date_=date_)
# getting all margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_all = stock_margin_trading.get_all()
# getting 2330 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_2330 = margin_trading_all['2330']
# print 2330 margin purchase
# print 2330 short covering
# getting 3529 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
margin_trading_3529 = margin_trading_all['3529']
# print 3529 margin purchase
# print 3529 short covering

P/E Ratio

    You can get all data with specific date or get only single one stock history data.

        - P/E Ratio Data
            - 上市:
                - code: 股票代碼
                - name: 股票名稱
                - yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
                - dividend_year: 股利年度
                - per: 本益比
                - pbr: 股價淨值比
                - fiscal_year_quarter: 財報年/季
            - 上櫃:
                - code: 股票代碼
                - name: 股票名稱
                - yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
                - dividend_year: 股利年度
                - per: 本益比
                - pbr: 股價淨值比
                - dividend_per_share: 每股股利

        - Monthly P/E Ratio Data
            - 上市:
                - yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
                - dividend_year: 股利年度
                - per: 本益比
                - pbr: 股價淨值比
                - fiscal_year_quarter: 財報年/季

            - 上櫃:
                - yield_ratio: 殖利率(%)
                - dividend_year: 股利年度
                - per: 本益比
                - pbr: 股價淨值比
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_peratio import StockPERatio

date_ = datetime(2020, 11, 6).date()

# init stock p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio object with specific date
stock_p_e_ratio = StockPERatio(date_=date_)
# getting all p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
p_e_ratio_all = stock_p_e_ratio.get_all()
# getting 2330 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
p_e_ratio_2330 = p_e_ratio_all['2330']
# print 2330 pbr
# print 2330 per
# getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data of 1101 in 2020/10
p_e_ratio_history_1101 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=1101)
# get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data
# getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data of 9962 in 2020/10
p_e_ratio_history_9962 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=9962)
# get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data


    You can get newest data or only specific stock data at specific date.

        - date: 日期
        - code: 股票代碼
        - index: 序
        - number_of_shares: 持股/單位數分級
        - number_of_shareholders: 人數
        - total_shares: 股數/單位數
        - percentage_over_total_shares: 占集保庫存數比例 (%)
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin.core.stock_shareholdings import StockShareholdings

# init stock shareholdings object
stock_shareholdings = StockShareholdings()
# getting newest shareholdings data
shareholdings_newest = stock_shareholdings.get_newest()
# getting level 1 of 0050 shareholdings data form latest release
# getting 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6
shareholdings_0050 = stock_shareholdings.get_by_query(code='0050', date_=datetime(2020, 11, 6).date())
# getting level 15 of 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6

Sample Code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
      ┏┓       ┏┓
    ┃      ☃      ┃
    ┃  ┳┛     ┗┳  ┃
    ┃      ┻      ┃
    ┗━┓         ┏━┛
      ┗┳        ┗━┓
       ┃          ┣┓
       ┃          ┏┛
        ┃┫┫    ┃┫┫
        ┗┻┛    ┗┻┛
    God Bless,Never Bug
from datetime import datetime
from tw_stock_plugin import StockInfo, StockTrading, StockInstitutionalInvestors, StockMarginTrading, StockPERatio, \
    StockShareholdings, StockTools, UpdateStock

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """ basic info """
    # init stock info object
    stock_info = StockInfo()
    # get all stocks info
    # get 1101 stock info
    # get 1101 stock name
    # get 1101 B stock name, it will return value error because it doesn't exists
    print(stock_info.get('1101 B'))

    # check if 2020/10/10 is open date, it will return False
    print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/10', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
    # check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will return True
    print(StockTools.check_is_open_date(datetime.strptime('2020/10/23', '%Y/%m/%d').date()))
    # check if 2020/10/23 is open date, it will type error because it's not type of datetime.time

    # convert 109/10/10 to ad, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format
    # convert 2020/10/10 to republic era, it allow Y/m/d and Y-m-d format

    # setting target date
    date_ = datetime(2020, 10, 30).date()

    """ daily trading """
    # init stock trading object with specific date
    stock_trading = StockTrading(date_=date_)
    # getting all trading data in 2020/10/30
    trading_all = stock_trading.get_all()
    # getting 2330 trading data in 2020/10/30
    trading_2330 = trading_all['2330']
    # print 2330 name
    # print 2330 code
    # print 2330 trade_value
    # print 2330 closing_price
    # getting monthly history trading data of 1101 in 2020/10
    trading_history_1101 = stock_trading.get_history(code=1101)
    # get only 2020/10/30 trading data
    # getting monthly history trading data of 9962 in 2020/10
    trading_history_9962 = stock_trading.get_history(code=9962)
    # get only 2020/10/30 trading data

    """ institutional investors """
    # init stock institutional investors object with specific date
    stock_institutional_investors = StockInstitutionalInvestors(date_=date_)
    # getting all institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
    institutional_investors_all = stock_institutional_investors.get_all()
    # getting 2330 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
    institutional_investors_2330 = institutional_investors_all['2330']
    # print 2330 foreign mainland area buy
    # getting 3529 institutional investors data in 2020/10/30
    institutional_investors_3529 = institutional_investors_all['3529']
    # print 3529 foreign mainland area buy

    """ margin trading """
    # init stock margin trading object with specific date
    stock_margin_trading = StockMarginTrading(date_=date_)
    # getting all margin trading data in 2020/10/30
    margin_trading_all = stock_margin_trading.get_all()
    # getting 2330 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
    margin_trading_2330 = margin_trading_all['2330']
    # print 2330 margin purchase
    # print 2330 short covering
    # getting 3529 margin trading data in 2020/10/30
    margin_trading_3529 = margin_trading_all['3529']
    # print 3529 margin purchase
    # print 3529 short covering

    """ P/E ratio """
    # init stock p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio object with specific date
    stock_p_e_ratio = StockPERatio(date_=date_)
    # getting all p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
    p_e_ratio_all = stock_p_e_ratio.get_all()
    # getting 2330 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data in 2020/10/30
    p_e_ratio_2330 = p_e_ratio_all['2330']
    # print 2330 pbr
    # print 2330 per
    # getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data of 1101 in 2020/10
    p_e_ratio_history_1101 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=1101)
    # get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data
    # getting monthly history p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data of 9962 in 2020/10
    p_e_ratio_history_9962 = stock_p_e_ratio.get_history(code=9962)
    # get only 2020/10/30 p/e ratio, dividend yield and p/b ratio data data

    """ shareholdings """
    # init stock shareholdings object
    stock_shareholdings = StockShareholdings()
    # getting newest shareholdings data
    shareholdings_newest = stock_shareholdings.get_newest()
    # getting level 1 of 0050 shareholdings data form latest release
    # getting 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6
    shareholdings_0050 = stock_shareholdings.get_by_query(code='0050', date_=datetime(2020, 11, 6).date())
    # getting level 15 of 0050 shareholdings data at 2020/11/6

    # update newest stock info

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Source Distribution

tw-stock-plugin-0.0.9.tar.gz (26.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

tw_stock_plugin-0.0.9-py3-none-any.whl (34.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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