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ThreatWatch Information Gathering Script

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ThreatWatch Information Gathering Script

Features - A python script to discover various types of assets (cloud-based, Linux hosts, containers, repositories and more).

Note: 1. twigs supports python 2.7 onwards and python 3.x versions 2. It is recommended to use virtual environments to create isolated Python environments and reduce dependency conflicts. Please use the following commands to create new virtual environment and install twigs:

Python 2.7 Virtual Environment:

python -m virtualenv –python=/usr/bin/python2.7 twigs_env_2_7

cd twigs_env_2_7

source bin/activate

pip install twigs

Python 3.x Virtual Environment:

python3 -m venv twigs_env

cd twigs_env

source bin/activate

pip3 install twigs

$ twigs –help usage: twigs [-h] [–version] [–handle HANDLE] [–token TOKEN] [–instance INSTANCE] [–create_empty_asset] [–tag_critical] [–tag TAG] [–no_auto_tags] [–apply_policy APPLY_POLICY] [–out OUT] [–no_scan] [–email_report] [-q | -v] [–schedule SCHEDULE] [–encoding ENCODING] {aws,ecr,azure,acr,gcp,gcr,docker,host,nmap,repo,vmware,file,servicenow,docker_cis,aws_cis,aws_audit,azure_cis,gcp_cis,ssl_audit,dast}

ThreatWatch Information Gathering Script (twigs) to discover assets like hosts, cloud instances, containers and opensource projects

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


show program’s version number and exit

--handle HANDLE

The ThreatWatch registered email id/handle of the user. Note this can set as “TW_HANDLE” environment variable

--token TOKEN

The ThreatWatch API token of the user. Note this can be set as “TW_TOKEN” environment variable

--instance INSTANCE

The ThreatWatch instance. Note this can be set as “TW_INSTANCE” environment variable


Create empty asset even if nothing is discovered. Applicable to source code (repo) assets.


Tag the discovered asset(s) as critical

--tag TAG

Add specified tag to discovered asset(s). You can specify this option multiple times to add multiple tags


Disable auto tagging of assets with standard classification tags. Only user specified tags will be applied

--apply_policy APPLY_POLICY

One or more policy names as a comma-separated list

--out OUT

Specify name of the JSON file to hold the exported asset information.


Do not initiate a baseline assessment


After impact refresh is complete email scan report to self


Disable verbose logging

-v, --verbosity

Specify the verbosity level. Use multiple times to increase verbosity level

--schedule SCHEDULE

Run this twigs command at specified schedule (crontab format)

--encoding ENCODING

Specify the encoding. Default is “latin-1”


Discovery modes supported


login Login to twigs logout Logout from twigs aws Discover AWS instances ecr Discover AWS Container Registry (ECR) container images azure Discover Azure instances acr Discover Azure Container Registry (ACR) container images gcp Discover Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instances gcr Discover Google Cloud Registry (GCR) container images docker Discover docker instances host Discover linux host assets nmap Fingerprint assets using nmap. Requires nmap to be installed. repo Discover project repository as asset vmware Discover VMWare assets file Discover inventory from file servicenow Discover inventory from ServiceNow instance docker_cis Run docker CIS benchmarks aws_cis Run AWS CIS benchmarks aws_audit Run AWS audit checks including PCI, GDPR, HIPAA readiness azure_cis Run Azure CIS benchmarks gcp_cis Run Google Cloud Platform CIS benchmarks ssl_audit Run SSL audit tests against your web URLs. Requires [twigs_ssl_audit] package to be installed dast Discover and test web application using a DAST plugin

Mode: login usage: twigs login [-h]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

Mode: logout usage: twigs logout [-h]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

Mode: aws $ twigs aws –help usage: twigs aws [-h] –aws_account AWS_ACCOUNT –aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY –aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY –aws_region AWS_REGION –aws_s3_bucket AWS_S3_BUCKET [–enable_tracking_tags]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--aws_account AWS_ACCOUNT

AWS account ID

--aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY

AWS access key

--aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY

AWS secret key

--aws_region AWS_REGION

AWS region

--aws_s3_bucket AWS_S3_BUCKET

AWS S3 inventory bucket


Enable recording AWS specific information (like AWS Account ID, etc.) as asset tags

Help video:

Mode: ecr $ twigs ecr –help usage: twigs ecr [-h] [–registry REGISTRY] [–image IMAGE] [–repository_type {public,private}] [–tmp_dir TMP_DIR]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--registry REGISTRY

The AWS Container Registry (AWS account ID) which needs to be inspected for all repositories.

--image IMAGE

The fully qualified image name (repositoryUri with optional tag) to be inspected. If tag is not given, latest will be determined for all images under this repository

--repository_type REPOSITORY_TYPE

Specify repository type (public/private). Defaults to private repositories if not specified

--tmp_dir TMP_DIR

Temporary directory. Defaults to /tmp

Mode: azure $ twigs azure –help usage: twigs azure [-h] –azure_tenant_id AZURE_TENANT_ID –azure_application_id AZURE_APPLICATION_ID –azure_application_key AZURE_APPLICATION_KEY [–azure_subscription AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION] [–azure_resource_group AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP] [–azure_workspace AZURE_WORKSPACE] [–enable_tracking_tags]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--azure_tenant_id AZURE_TENANT_ID

Azure Tenant ID

--azure_application_id AZURE_APPLICATION_ID

Azure Application ID

--azure_application_key AZURE_APPLICATION_KEY

Azure Application Key

--azure_subscription AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION

Azure Subscription. If not specified, then available values will be displayed

--azure_resource_group AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP

Azure Resource Group. If not specified, then available values will be displayed

--azure_workspace AZURE_WORKSPACE

Azure Workspace. If not specified, then available values will be displayed


Enable recording Azure specific information (like Azure Tenant ID, etc.) as asset tags

Help video:

Mode: acr $ twigs acr –help usage: acr [-h] [–registry REGISTRY] [–image IMAGE] [–tmp_dir TMP_DIR]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--registry REGISTRY

The Azure Container Registry which needs to be inspected.

--image IMAGE

The fully qualified image name (with tag) which needs to be inspected. If tag is not given, latest will be determined and used.

--tmp_dir TMP_DIR

Temporary directory. Defaults to /tmp

Mode: gcp $ twigs gcp –help usage: twigs gcp [-h] [–enable_tracking_tags]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Enable recording GCP specific information (like Project ID, etc.) as asset tags

Help video:

Mode: gcr $ twigs gcr –help usage: twigs gcr [-h] [–repository REPOSITORY] [–image IMAGE] [–tmp_dir TMP_DIR]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--repository REPOSITORY

The GCR image respository url which needs to be inspected.

--image IMAGE

The fully qualified image name (with tag / digest) which needs to be inspected. If tag / digest is not given, latest will be determined and used.

--tmp_dir TMP_DIR

Temporary directory. Defaults to /tmp

Mode: docker $ twigs docker –help usage: twigs docker [-h] [–image IMAGE] [–containerid CONTAINERID] [–assetid ASSETID] [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–tmp_dir TMP_DIR] [–start_instance]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--image IMAGE

The docker image (repo:tag) which needs to be inspected. If tag is not given, “latest” will be assumed.

--containerid CONTAINERID

The container ID of a running docker container which needs to be inspected.

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset

--tmp_dir TMP_DIR

Temporary directory to discover container


If image inventory fails, try starting a container instance to inventory contents. Use with caution

Mode: host $ twigs host –help usage: twigs host [-h] [–remote_hosts_csv REMOTE_HOSTS_CSV] [–host_list HOST_LIST] [–secure] [–password PASSWORD] [–assetid ASSETID] [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–no_ssh_audit] [–no_host_benchmark]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--remote_hosts_csv REMOTE_HOSTS_CSV

CSV file containing details of remote hosts. CSV file column header [1st row] should be: hostname,userlogin, userpwd,privatekey,assetid,assetname. Note “hostname” column can contain hostname, IP address, CIDR range.

--host_list HOST_LIST

Same as the option: remote_hosts_csv. A file (currently in CSV format) containing details of remote hosts. CSV file column header [1st row] should be: hos tname,userlogin,userpwd,privatekey,assetid,assetname. Note “hostname” column can contain hostname, IP address, CIDR range.


Use this option to encrypt clear text passwords in the host list file

--password PASSWORD

A password use to encrypt / decrypt login information from the host list file

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset


Skip ssh audit


Skip host benchmark audit

Help video:

Mode: nmap $ twigs nmap –help usage: twigs nmap [-h] –hosts HOSTS

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--hosts HOSTS

A hostname, IP address or CIDR range


Skip ssh audit

Mode: repo $ twigs repo –help usage: twigs repo [-h] –repo REPO [–branch BRANCH] [–type {pip,ruby,yarn,nuget,npm,maven,gradle,dll,jar,cargo}] [–level {shallow,deep}] [–assetid ASSETID] [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–secrets_scan] [–enable_entropy] [–regex_rules_file REGEX_RULES_FILE] [–check_common_passwords] [–common_passwords_file COMMON_PASSWORDS_FILE] [–include_patterns INCLUDE_PATTERNS] [–include_patterns_file INCLUDE_PATTERNS_FILE] [–exclude_patterns EXCLUDE_PATTERNS] [–exclude_patterns_file EXCLUDE_PATTERNS_FILE] [–mask_secret] [–no_code] [–sast] [–iac_checks]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--repo REPO

Local path or git repo url for project

--branch BRANCH

Optional branch of remote git repo

--type TYPE

Type of open source component to scan for {pip,ruby,yarn,nuget,npm,maven,gradle,dll,jar,cargo}. Defaults to all supported types if not specified

--level LEVEL

Possible values {shallow, deep}. Shallow restricts discovery to 1st level dependencies only. Deep discovers dependencies at all levels. Defaults to shallow discovery if not specified

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset


Perform a scan to look for secrets in the code


Identify entropy based secrets

--regex_rules_file REGEX_RULES_FILE

Path to JSON file specifying regex rules


Look for top common passwords.

--common_passwords_file COMMON_PASSWORDS_FILE

Specify your own common passwords file. One password per line in file

--include_patterns INCLUDE_PATTERNS

Specify patterns which indicate files to be included in the secrets scan. Separate multiple patterns with comma.

--include_patterns_file INCLUDE_PATTERNS_FILE

Specify file containing include patterns which indicate files to be included in the secrets scan. One pattern per line in file.

--exclude_patterns EXCLUDE_PATTERNS

Specify patterns which indicate files to be excluded in the secrets scan. Separate multiple patterns with comma.

--exclude_patterns_file EXCLUDE_PATTERNS_FILE

Specify file containing exclude patterns which indicate files to be excluded in the secrets scan. One pattern per line in file.


Mask identified secret before storing for reference in ThreatWatch.


Disable storing code for reference in ThreatWatch.


Perform static code analysis on your source code


Perform security checks on IaC templates

Mode: vmware $twigs vmware –help usage: twigs vmware [-h] –host HOST –user USER [–password PASSWORD]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--host HOST

A vCenter host name or IP

--user USER

A vCenter user name

--password PASSWORD

Password for the vCenter user. Note this can be set as “VCENTER_PASSWD” environment variable

Mode: file $ twigs file –help usage: twigs file [-h] –input INPUT [–assetid ASSETID] [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–type {OpenSource}]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--input INPUT

Absolute path to single input inventory file or a directory containing JSON or CSV files. Supported file formats are: CSV, JSON & PDF

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset. Defaults to input filename if not specified. Applies only for PDF files.

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset. Defaults to assetid is not specified. Applies only for PDF files.

--type TYPE

Type of asset. Defaults to repo if not specified. Applies only for PDF files.

Mode: servicenow $ twigs servicenow –help usage: twigs servicenow [-h] –snow_user SNOW_USER –snow_user_pwd SNOW_USER_PWD –snow_instance SNOW_INSTANCE [–enable_tracking_tags]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--snow_user SNOW_USER

User name of ServiceNow account

--snow_user_pwd SNOW_USER_PWD

User password of ServiceNow account

--snow_instance SNOW_INSTANCE

ServiceNow Instance name


Enable recording ServiceNow specific information (like ServiceNow instance name, etc.) as asset tags

Mode: docker_cis $ twigs docker_cis –help usage: twigs docker_cis [-h] [–assetid ASSETID] [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–docker_bench_home DOCKER_BENCH_HOME]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset

--docker_bench_home DOCKER_BENCH_HOME

Location of docker bench CLI. Defaults to /usr/share /docker-bench-security

Mode: aws_cis $ twigs aws_cis –help usage: twigs aws_cis [-h] –aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY –aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY –assetid ASSETID [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–prowler_home PROWLER_HOME]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY

AWS access key

--aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY

AWS secret key

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset

--prowler_home PROWLER_HOME

Location of cloned prowler github repo. Defaults to /usr/share/prowler

Mode: aws_audit $ twigs aws_audit –help usage: twigs aws_audit [-h] –aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY –aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY –assetid ASSETID [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–prowler_home PROWLER_HOME]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--aws_access_key AWS_ACCESS_KEY

AWS access key

--aws_secret_key AWS_SECRET_KEY

AWS secret key

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset

--prowler_home PROWLER_HOME

Location of cloned prowler github repo. Defaults to /usr/share/prowler

Mode: azure_cis $ twigs azure_cis –help usage: twigs azure_cis [-h] –assetid ASSETID [–assetname ASSETNAME]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset

Mode: gcp_cis $ twigs gcp_cis –help usage: twigs gcp_cis [-h] –assetid ASSETID [–assetname ASSETNAME] [–projects PROJECTS] [–expanded] [–custom_ratings CUSTOM_RATINGS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

A name/label to be assigned to the discovered asset

--projects PROJECTS

A comma separated list of GCP project IDs to run the checks against


Create separate issue for each violation

--custom_ratings CUSTOM_RATINGS

Specify JSON file which provides custom ratings for GCP CIS benchmark tests

Mode: ssl_audit $ twigs ssl_audit –help usage: twigs ssl_audit [-h] –url URL [–args ARGS] [–info] –assetid ASSETID [–assetname ASSETNAME]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--url URL


--args ARGS

Optional extra arguments


Report LOW / INFO level issues

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered web URL asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

Optional name/label to be assigned to the web URL asset

Mode: dast $ twigs dast –help usage: twigs dast [-h] –url URL [–plugin {arachni,skipfish}] [–pluginpath PLUGINPATH] [–args ARGS] –assetid ASSETID [–assetname ASSETNAME]

optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--url URL

Web application URL

--plugin PLUGIN

DAST plugin to be used. Default is arachni. Requires the plugin to be installed separately.

--pluginpath PLUGINPATH

Path where the DAST plugin is installed to be used. Default is /usr/bin.

--args ARGS

Optional extra arguments to be passed to the plugin

--assetid ASSETID

A unique ID to be assigned to the discovered webapp asset

--assetname ASSETNAME

Optional name/label to be assigned to the webapp asset

Note: For Windows hosts, you can use provided PowerShell script (twigs.ps1) for discovery. It requires PowerShell 3.0 or higher.

usage: .\twigs.ps1 -?

twigs.ps1 [-handle] <String> [[-token] <String>] [[-instance] <String>] [[-out] <String>] [[-assetid] <String>] [[-assetname] <String>] [-tag_critical] [[-tags] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.


0.1.0 (2019-03-18)

  • First release on PyPI.

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Source Distribution

twigs-1.0.91.tar.gz (149.9 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

twigs-1.0.91-py2.py3-none-any.whl (153.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page