A library to get new wallpapers.
Project description
UIP Is Pretty
UIP scrapes images from reddit and unsplash, and applies them as a wallpaper on your desktop(with configurable schedule). Works with Windows, Mac and Gtk based desktops on Linux.
Examples of UIP wallpapers

Set Up
For Users:
To install UIP, just run the command
sudo pip install UIP
For Testers & Developers:
To install the requirements first run the command
sudo python3 setup.py install
>Note: We only support Python 3.5 or later versions.
>Note: there is no sudo for windows as well as when you have root privelages.
Just run commands without sudo
>Note: some setups use python instead of python3 and pip3 instead of pip
>Note: For some OS' you might need to install Imagetk(needed in our GUI) seperately
for eg: in Ubuntu you can install it by:
`sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk`
To run just type
from anywhere inside the terminal/console.
If you want to try out our experimental GUI feature:
use: `UIP --ui`
To install requirements for experimental GUI, run:
`pip install -r gui-requirements.txt`
For help use `UIP --help`
Contact Us
To package into **source distribution**, run the following command
python setup.py sdist
**How to test?** (this installs UIP to your library)
cd dist/
tar xzf UIP-<version-no>.tar.gz
cd UIP-<version-no>/
python setup.py install
How to run?
UIP is in its very early development stage, you can go over the issues on the
github issues page and send in a PR.
your commits in the PR should be of the form:
shortlog: commit message
commit body
Fixes <issue number>
where short log is the area/filename where you make the change
commit message is the very brief description of the change made by you and any
other additional details go into the commit body.
While developing, to test, you should first install the test-requirements
by running:
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
then test your work by the command:
If you want to lint your files you can run
and commit all changes suggested
Do remember to keep your master branch updated at all times
and always work on a different branch.
Happy coding :)
UIP scrapes images from reddit and unsplash, and applies them as a wallpaper on your desktop(with configurable schedule). Works with Windows, Mac and Gtk based desktops on Linux.
Examples of UIP wallpapers

Set Up
For Users:
To install UIP, just run the command
sudo pip install UIP
For Testers & Developers:
To install the requirements first run the command
sudo python3 setup.py install
>Note: We only support Python 3.5 or later versions.
>Note: there is no sudo for windows as well as when you have root privelages.
Just run commands without sudo
>Note: some setups use python instead of python3 and pip3 instead of pip
>Note: For some OS' you might need to install Imagetk(needed in our GUI) seperately
for eg: in Ubuntu you can install it by:
`sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk`
To run just type
from anywhere inside the terminal/console.
If you want to try out our experimental GUI feature:
use: `UIP --ui`
To install requirements for experimental GUI, run:
`pip install -r gui-requirements.txt`
For help use `UIP --help`
Contact Us
To package into **source distribution**, run the following command
python setup.py sdist
**How to test?** (this installs UIP to your library)
cd dist/
tar xzf UIP-<version-no>.tar.gz
cd UIP-<version-no>/
python setup.py install
How to run?
UIP is in its very early development stage, you can go over the issues on the
github issues page and send in a PR.
your commits in the PR should be of the form:
shortlog: commit message
commit body
Fixes <issue number>
where short log is the area/filename where you make the change
commit message is the very brief description of the change made by you and any
other additional details go into the commit body.
While developing, to test, you should first install the test-requirements
by running:
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
then test your work by the command:
If you want to lint your files you can run
and commit all changes suggested
Do remember to keep your master branch updated at all times
and always work on a different branch.
Happy coding :)