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User Management API CLI Tool

Project description

User Management API CLI Tool

A simple command-line interface (CLI) client to the Adobe User Management API.

Table of Contents

Feature Overview

User Operations

Group Operations

"bulk" and "all" operations support multiple input/output formats.

"Read All" output formats:

  • Human-readable
  • CSV

Bulk create/update/delete formats:


The recommended method for installing the tool is pipx. It not only installs the tool in an isolated environment, but also makes it available on the shell's $PATH variable.

You can alternatively download the tool as a self-contained executable for Windows or macOS. Check the releases page for the latest stable release. Source distributions and wheel builds are also published on each new release.

Option 1 - pipx

On a system with pipx installed, installing the UMAPI CLI Tool is simple:

$ pipx install umapi-cli

This puts the umapi executable in your shell's $PATH and makes it available from any directory.

$ umapi --help

Option 2 - Executable

A self-contained executable is also available for Windows and macOS. The executable embeds a Python environment, so Python does not need to be installed on the system. Note that this build is slower to start when executing the tool.

Usage Overview

The tool operates on a series of commands. Each command performs a certain operation - read single user, read all users, create user/group, etc.

$ umapi --help
Usage: umapi [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --env PATH  Path to .env file (optional)
  -t, --test  Run command in test mode
  -v          Enable verbose logging
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.
  --version   Show the version and exit.

  group-create       Create a single user group.
  group-create-bulk  Create groups in bulk from an input file
  group-delete       Delete a single user group
  group-delete-bulk  Delete groups in bulk from input file
  group-read         Get details for a single user group
  group-read-all     Get details for all groups in a console
  group-update       Update information/memberships for a single group
  group-update-bulk  Update groups in bulk from input file
  user-create        Create a single user.
  user-create-bulk   Create users in bulk from an input file
  user-delete        Delete a single user (from org and/or identity...
  user-delete-bulk   Delete users in bulk from input file (from org...
  user-read          Get details for a single user
  user-read-all      Get details for all users belonging to a console
  user-update        Update user information for a single user
  user-update-bulk   Update users in bulk from input file

General Options

The following options apply to any command. They should be specified before the command being invoked.

For example, to invoke test mode when creating a list of users from a CSV file:

$ umapi -t user-create-bulk -f csv -i users.csv

The following general options apply to any UMAPI command:

  • --env - Specify an env file containing UMAPI configuration. If this isn't specified, then the tool will look for a .env file in the current working directory. If that isn't present then it will look for the UMAPI_* environment variables mentioned above, which define config options for the UMAPI connection.
  • -t/--test - Invoke test mode for all UMAPI calls made when running the command. Test mode performs all API actions in a "dry run" mode which will return results as if the actions were executed, but not perform any actual changes to users or groups in the Admin Console. This can also be used for user and group read operations, but it does not affect the output of the read operation.
  • -v - Enable logging and control verbosity. Pass -v to enable info level logging. Pass -vv to log with more information at the debug level. If neither option is passed, then the tool will only pass output for errors and the results of read operations. Note: the tool logs output to stdout. Redirect stdout to a file to capture log information.


The CLI tool requires a valid connection to the User Management API. This must be set up in the Adobe Developer Console prior to using the tool.

Refer to this guide if you need help creating the API integration and credentials. Once setup is complete, you need three items from the credential page:

  • client_id - Unique identifier to authorize the API client
  • client_secret - Secret token to authenticate the connection
  • org_id - Unique organization identifier

The UMAPI CLI Tool expects these items to be set in the following evironment variables.


These can either be set as system variables (e.g. export UMAPI_CLIENT_ID=abc123) or saved to a .env file in this format:


Save this to a file with the name .env and the UMAPI CLI Tool will read it if it is present in the current working directory.

NOTE: You are responsible for keeping this file safe. Limit access to it to prevent unauthorized access.

For most users, it is sufficient to provide the Client ID, Client Secret and Org ID. There are, however, cases where the auth or UMAPI endpoints need to be customized. They can be set with these variables:

  • UMAPI_AUTH_HOST - Hostname of auth endpoint server
  • UMAPI_AUTH_ENDPOINT - Path portion of auth endpoint
  • UMAPI_URL - Full URI to UMAPI endpoint

If you are working with more than one target, you can specify an alternative env file with the --env option.

$ umapi --env .env-secondary user-read-all

The above example reads UMAPI config from the file .env-secondary since this file isn't named .env, it won't be read automatically. To read it, we pass the --env option before we specify the command (user-read-all in this case).



Get details for a single user by email address.

Change the output format with the option -f/--format. Supported formats: JSON, CSV, or human-readable (default.)

$ umapi user-read -e
email     :
groups    : ['All Apps', 'Adobe Stock']
username  :
domain    :
firstname : Example
lastname  : User
country   : US
type      : federatedID


$ umapi user-read --help
Usage: umapi user-read [OPTIONS]

  Get details for a single user

  -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json|pretty  Output format  [default: pretty]
  -e, --email TEXT              User email address  [required]


Get details for all users in a given console.

Formats: JSONL, CSV, or human-readable (default).

This command writes to stdout by default, but can optionally write output to a given filename.

# write all users to a CSV file
$ umapi user-read-all -f csv -o users.csv


$ umapi user-read-all --help
Usage: umapi user-read-all [OPTIONS]

  Get details for all users belonging to a console

  -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json|pretty  Output format  [default: pretty]
  -o, --out-file FILENAME       Write output to this filename

Names of columns/fields when writing to CSV or JSONL are the same.

Column Name Purpose
type User's identity type (enterpriseID, federatedID or adobeID)
firstname User's given (first) name
lastname User's surname (last name)
email User's email address
username SSO username of user
domain If the user is in a claimed domain, this is the domain they belong to
country Two-letter country code indicating country of user
groups List* of groups to which user is assigned

* in JSONL, groups are represented as a JSON list. In CSV, groups are serialised to a comma-delimited list (enclosed in double quotes).


Create a single user.


$ umapi user-create --type federatedID --email \
  --username --groups "All Apps,Adobe Sign" \
  --firstname Test --lastname "User 001" --country US


$ umapi user-create --help
Usage: umapi user-create [OPTIONS]

  Create a single user.

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
  --type adobeID|enterpriseID|federatedID
                                  User's identity type  [default: federatedID]
  --email TEXT                    User's email address  [required]
  --username TEXT                 User's username (set to email if omitted)
  --domain TEXT                   User's directory domain (set to username
                                  domain if omitted, if username is an email,
                                  this must be set to same domain)
  --groups TEXT                   Comma-delimited list of groups to assign
  --firstname TEXT                User's first name
  --lastname TEXT                 User's last name
  --country TEXT                  User's two-letter (ISO-3166-1 alpha2)
                                  country code  [required]


Create users in bulk from an input file.

Formats: JSONL or CSV (default)

Expects -i/--in-file option that specifies input file path.

Example - create all users specified in "users.csv"

$ umapi user-create-bulk -f csv -i users.csv


$ umapi user-create-bulk --help
Usage: umapi user-create-bulk [OPTIONS]

  Create users in bulk from an input file

  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json   Input file format  [default: csv]
  -i, --in-file FILENAME  Input filename

The columns/fields expected by user-create-bulk are named and formatted in the same way as output from user-read-all.

Column Name Purpose
type User's identity type (enterpriseID, federatedID or adobeID)
firstname User's given (first) name
lastname User's surname (last name)
email User's email address
username SSO username of user
domain If the user is in a claimed domain, this is the domain they belong to
country Two-letter country code indicating country of user
groups List* of groups to which user is assigned

* in JSONL, groups are represented as a JSON list. In CSV, groups are serialised to a comma-delimited list (enclosed in double quotes).


Update a single user.


$ umapi user-update
  --email \
  --firstname Test \
  --lastname "Username 001"


$ umapi user-update --help
Usage: umapi user-update [OPTIONS]

  Update user information for a single user

  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.
  -e, --email TEXT          Email address that identifies the user  [required]
  -E, --email-new TEXT      Updated email address
  -f, --firstname TEXT      Updated given (first) name
  -l, --lastname TEXT       Updated surname (last name)
  -u, --username TEXT       Updated username
  -g, --groups-add TEXT     Comma-delimited list of groups to add for user
  -G, --groups-remove TEXT  Comma-delimited list of groups to remove from user

When updating a user, the email address is required to identify the user. The -e/--email option specifies the identifying email address. -u/--username is used to specify a new username when updating the username field.

Apart from -e/--email, all other options are not required.


Update users in bulk from an input file.

Formats: JSONL or CSV (default)

Expects -i/--in-file option that specifies input file path.

Example - create all users specified in "users.csv"

$ umapi user-update-bulk -f csv -i users.csv


$ umapi user-update-bulk --help
Usage: umapi user-update-bulk [OPTIONS]

  Update users in bulk from input file

  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json   Input file format  [default: csv]
  -i, --in-file FILENAME  Input filename

This is the expected format of an input file for bulk updating users:

Column Name Purpose
email User's email address
email_new New email address to assign user
username New username to assign
firstname Updated given (first) name
lastname Updated surname (last name)
add_groups List* of group assignments to add for user
remove_groups List* of group assignments to remove from user

* in JSONL, groups are represented as a JSON list. In CSV, groups are serialised to a comma-delimited list (enclosed in double quotes).


Delete a single user from a given Admin Console.

There are two kinds of deletion:

  • soft - remove the user from the Console user list, but not the underlying identity directory (default)
  • hard - remove the user from the underlying identity directory (the "Directory Users" list)

NOTE: Hard-deleting may only be done on the Console that owns the directory. Trusted directories only support soft-deletion.


# soft-delete user
$ umapi user-delete --email

# hard-delete user
$ umapi user-delete --email --hard


$ umapi user-delete --help
Usage: umapi user-delete [OPTIONS]

  Delete a single user (from org and/or identity directory)

  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.
  -e, --email TEXT  User email address  [required]
  -d, --hard        Delete user from underlying directory instead of just the
                    org level


Delete a list of users from an input file.

Formats: JSONL or CSV (default)

See notes above about deletion types.

Expects -i/--in-file option that specifies input file path.

# delete all users specified in "delete_users.csv"
$ umapi user-delete-bulk -i delete_users.csv -f csv


$ umapi user-delete-bulk --help
Usage: umapi user-delete-bulk [OPTIONS]

  Delete users in bulk from input file (from org and/or identity directory)

  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json   Input file format  [default: csv]
  -i, --in-file FILENAME  Input filename

The input file should specify two fields - the email address to identify each user, and whether or not to hard-delete.

Column Name Purpose
email Email address of user
hard_delete Y or y to hard-delete user. N or n to soft-delete.


Get details for a single group based on a given group name.


$ umapi group-read -g 'Adobe Sign'
groupName      : Adobe Sign
type           : PRODUCT_PROFILE
adminGroupName : _admin_Adobe Sign
memberCount    : 3
productName    : Adobe Sign-Enterprise
licenseQuota   : 10

The group name is case-insensitive.


$ umapi group-read --help
Usage: umapi group-read [OPTIONS]

  Get details for a single user group

  -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json|pretty  Output format  [default: pretty]
  -g, --group TEXT              Group name  [required]


Get details for all groups in a given console.

Formats: JSONL, CSV, or human-readable (default.)

This command writes to stdout by default, but can optionally write output to a given filename.


# write all groups to a CSV file
$ umapi group-read-all -f csv -o groups.csv


$ umapi group-read-all --help
Usage: umapi group-read-all [OPTIONS]

  Get details for all groups in a console

  -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json|pretty  Output format  [default: pretty]
  -o, --out-file FILENAME       Write output to this filename

group-read-all outputs the same fields regardless of the format in use.

Column Name Purpose
groupName Name of group
type Group type - PRODUCT_PROFILE, USER_GROUP, etc
adminGroupName Name of the admin group associated with this group
memberCount Number of users who belong to this group
productName If this is a product profile, this is the name of the associated product
licenseQuota License quota setting if group is a product profile


Update a single user group. This command also allows the management of users and profiles for a given group.


$ umapi group-update
  --name "Test Group" \
  --name-new "Updated Test Group" \
  --users-add ","


$ umapi group-update --help
Usage: umapi group-update [OPTIONS]

  Update information/memberships for a single group

  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.
  -n, --name TEXT             Current name of group  [required]
  -N, --name-new TEXT         New name to assign group
  -d, --description TEXT      Updated group description
  -u, --users-add TEXT        Comma-delimited list of email addresses of users
                              to assign
  -U, --users-remove TEXT     Comma-delimited list of email addresses of users
                              to remove
  -p, --profiles-add TEXT     Comma-delimited list of product profiles to
                              associate with group
  -P, --profiles-remove TEXT  Comma-delimited list of product profiles to
                              remove from group

The group name, -n/--name is required to identify the group. All other options are optional.


Update groups in bulk from an input file.

Formats: JSONL or CSV (default)

Expects -i/--in-file option that specifies input file path.

Example - create all users specified in "groups.csv"

$ umapi group-update-bulk -f csv -i groups.csv


$ umapi group-update-bulk --help
Usage: umapi group-update-bulk [OPTIONS]

  Update groups in bulk from input file

  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json   Input file format  [default: csv]
  -i, --in-file FILENAME  Input filename

This is the expected format of an input file for bulk updating groups:

Column Name Purpose
name Current name of group
name_new Updated group name
description Updated group description
add_users List* of users to assign to group
remove_users List* of users to remove from membeship of this group
add_profiles List* of product profiles to assign to user group
remove_profiles List* of product profiles to remove from group

* in JSONL, users/profiles are represented as a JSON list. In CSV, they are serialised to a comma-delimited list (enclosed in double quotes).


Delete a single user group.


$ umapi group-delete --name "Test Group"


$ umapi group-delete --help
Usage: umapi group-delete [OPTIONS]

  Delete a single user group

  -h, --help       Show this message and exit.
  -n, --name TEXT  Group name  [required]


Delete a list of groups from an input file.

Formats: JSONL or CSV (default)

Expects -i/--in-file option that specifies input file path.


$ umapi group-delete-bulk -i delete_groups.csv -f csv


$ umapi group-delete-bulk --help
Usage: umapi group-delete-bulk [OPTIONS]

  Delete groups in bulk from input file

  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.
  -f, --format csv|json   Input file format  [default: csv]
  -i, --in-file FILENAME  Input filename

The input file just requies the name of each group to delete.

Column Name Purpose
name Name of group to delete

Appendix: Building the Tool

  1. Clone this repo - git clone
  2. cd umapi-cli
  3. Ensure that Poetry is installed.
  4. In the project directory, run make to build the executable and the package distributions. These can be found in the dist directory.

To run the tool from source:

  1. Ensure dependencies are up to date with poetry install.
  2. Prefix invocations of the umapi command with poetry run (e.g. poetry run umapi --help). This runs the umapi entrypoint from the project's virtual environment.

Getting Help

Should you run into any issues using this tool, or have any questions or comments, please create an issue to contact the development team.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

umapi_cli-2.0.0a2.tar.gz (22.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

umapi_cli-2.0.0a2-py3-none-any.whl (21.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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