Ultra Mega Zoom Zoom is SCTE-35 Injection for Adaptive Bitrate HLS
Project description
Ultra Mega zoom zoom
Live Adaptive Bitrate HLS SCTE35 Cue Injection, powered by threefive.
Latest Version v0.0.33
- umzz
- Handles live streams in realtime.
- supports mpegts segments that use h264, h265, and mpeg2 video codecs.
- Does not encode. Use any encoder you like and pass umzz the master.m3u8.
- Adds the SCTE-35 Cues to each variant, and adjusts segments to start on iframes.
- Keeps variants in sync so adaptive bitrate HLS works properly.
- Outputs a new master.m3u8, new variant m3u8s, and variant segments with SCTE-35.
umzz parsing 4 live renditions (over a network) and ffplay playing all four umzz streams
python3 -mpip install umzz
- and / or
pypy3 -mpip install umzz
umzz takes a master.m3u8 as input, More on inputs.
Don't use a master.m3u8 over a network,
- Here's as close I can keep 4 renditions in sync over currently.
- If the master.m3u8 is local, the renditions stay in sync
If you use a master,m3u8 across a network,
it will have problems. You're trying to download
and parse all the renditions at the same time.
Instead use ffmpeg to pull one rendition off the network
and use it to create a new local master.m3u8.
This is the faster way to do it
- something like
ffmpeg -re -copyts
-i https://example.com/rendition4.m3u8 \
-g 30 -r 30 -flags +cgop \
-c:v libx264 -preset faster \
-b:v:0 2500k -b:v:1 256k \
-filter:v:0 scale=1920:1080 -filter:v:1 scale=512:288 \
-c:a aac -b:a 64k \
-map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:a \
-f hls -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0 v:1,a:1" \
-master_pl_name master.m3u8 \
- While ffmpeg is working, wait a few seconds and then startup umzz.
umzz -i fu3/master.m3u8 -s my_sidecar.txt -l
- and you'll be good to go.
Command Line
cli tool
usage: umzz [-h] [-i INPUT] [-c] [-d] [-l] [-n] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-p] [-r]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input source, like /home/a/vid.ts or
udp://@ or https://futzu.com/xaa.ts or
https://example.com/not_a_master.m3u8 [default: stdin]
-c, --continue_m3u8 Resume writing index.m3u8 [default:False]
-d, --delete delete segments (enables --live) [default:False]
-l, --live Flag for a live event (enables sliding window m3u8)
-n, --no_discontinuity
Flag to disable adding #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tags at
splice points [default:False]
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Directory for segments and index.m3u8 (created if
needed) [default:'.']
-p, --program_date_time
Flag to add Program Date Time tags to index.m3u8 (
enables --live) [default:False]
-r, --replay Flag for replay aka looping (enables --live,--delete)
-s SIDECAR_FILE, --sidecar_file SIDECAR_FILE
Sidecar file of SCTE-35 (pts,cue) pairs.[default:None]
-S, --shulga Flag to enable Shulga iframe detection mode
-t TIME, --time TIME Segment time in seconds [default:2]
-T HLS_TAG, --hls_tag HLS_TAG
x_scte35, x_cue, x_daterange, or x_splicepoint
-w WINDOW_SIZE, --window_size WINDOW_SIZE
sliding window size (enables --live) [default:5]
-v, --version Show version
Writing Code
using umzz programmatically
from umzz import do, argue
args =argue()
args.input = "/home/a/slow/master.m3u8"
args.live = True
args.replay = True
args.output_dir = "out-stuff"
- set any command line options programmatically with args.
- the vars in args correspond to the long_names of the cli tool.
- the vars in args can be access via dot notation
- these are the defaults returned from argue() .
vars in args | default value |
input | sys.stdin.buffer |
continue_m3u8 | False |
delete | False |
live | False |
no_discontinuity | False |
output_dir | '.' |
program_date_time | False |
replay | False |
sidecar_file | None |
shulga | False |
time | 2 |
hls_tags | 'x_cue' |
window_size | 5 |
SCTE-35 cues are load from a sidecar file. More on sidecar files.
Sidecar Cues will be handled the same as SCTE35 cues from a video stream.
line format for text file insert_pts, cue
pts is the insert time for the cue, A four second preroll is standard. cue can be base64,hex, int, or bytes
a@debian:~/umzz$ cat sidecar.txt
umzz -i noscte35-master.m3u8 -s sidecar.txt
Quick Example
- if you have a master.m3u8 like
a@debian:~/umzz$ cat ~/stuff/master.m3u8
- and you want to add a splice insert at PTS 13140.123456, create a sidecar file and add the following line.
a@debian:~/umzz$ cat sidecar.txt
- then run this.
a@debian:~/umzz$ umzz -i ~/stuff/master.m3u8 -s sidecar.txt -o fu
- in the base dir fu is the new HLS with SCTE-35
a@debian:~/umzz$ ls -ald fu/* fu/*/index.m3u8
drwxr-xr-x 1 a a 1816 Apr 9 06:07 fu/0
-rw-r--r-- 1 a a 3171 Apr 9 06:07 fu/0/index.m3u8
drwxr-xr-x 1 a a 1816 Apr 9 06:07 fu/1
-rw-r--r-- 1 a a 3171 Apr 9 06:07 fu/1/index.m3u8
drwxr-xr-x 1 a a 1816 Apr 9 06:07 fu/2
-rw-r--r-- 1 a a 3171 Apr 9 06:07 fu/2/index.m3u8
-rw-r--r-- 1 a a 320 Apr 9 06:07 fu/master.m3u8