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__all__ = ['unavoidsScore','getAllNCDFs','getNCDF','getBetaFractions','getBetaHist']

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from functools import partial
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
from decimal import Decimal
import warnings
import time
import sys
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

def getNCDF(X, p, index):
    Calculate the NCDF for a single sample using a specified

    X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
        Data matrix, assumed to be min max scaled to [0,1], where
        `n_samples` is the number of samples and `n_features` is
        the number of features.
    p : float or np.inf constant
        The norm to use when calculating the distance between
        samples in `X`. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev
        distance is used.
    index : int
        The index of the sample in `X` which we are finding the
        NCDF of. Assumed to be less than `n_samples`.

    NCDFxi : numpy array of shape (1, m_features) 
        The NCDF of `X[i,:]` where i = `index` and the j-th value equals

    n = X.shape[0]
    d = X.shape[1]
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
            NCDFxi = np.zeros((1, n))  # matrix to hold NCDF
            if p == np.inf:
                NCDFxi[0,:] = ( np.max(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[:,:]), axis=1)) #calculate Chebyshev distance between sample X[i] and X[j != i]
                NCDFxi[0,:] = ( np.sum(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[:,:])**p, axis=1)**(1.0/float(p))) #calculate p-norm of samples X[i] and X[j != i]
            #normalize by max volumne
            maxNorm = np.max(NCDFxi[0,:])
            if maxNorm  > 0: 
                NCDFxi[0,:] = NCDFxi[0,:]/maxNorm     
            NCDFxi = np.sort(NCDFxi, axis=1)

        except Warning as e:
            print("Warning: "+str(e)+" -> switching to from numpy to Decimal library implementation, expect speed decrease.\n\tAny further warnings mean results may be incorrect.")
            NCDFxi = []  # array to hold NCDF
            for I in range(n):
                if p == np.inf:
                    NCDFxi.append(( np.max(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[I,:])) )) #calculate Chebyshev distance between sample X[i] and X[j != i]
                    NCDFxi.append(Decimal(( np.sum(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[I,:])**p)))**Decimal(1.0/float(p))) #/ (d**(1.0/p)) #calculate p-norm of samples X[i] and X[j != i] 

            #normalize by max volume
            maxNorm = max(NCDFxi)
            if maxNorm > 0:
                for I in range(n):
                    NCDFxi[I] = NCDFxi[I]/maxNorm    
            NCDFxi = np.array(NCDFxi.sort()).reshape((1, n))
    return NCDFxi

def getAllNCDFs(X, p=0.0625, ncpus=4):
    Calculate the NCDF for all samples in parallel using a
    specified norm.

    X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
        Data matrix where `n_samples` is the number of samples
        and `n_features` is the number of features.
    p : float or np.inf constant
        The norm to use when calculating the distance between
        samples in `X`. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev
        distance is used.
    ncpus : int
        The number of parallel processes.

    NCDFs : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_samples)
        The i-th row equals the NCDF for the i-th sample in `X`,
        while the j-th column of the i-th row equals NCDF_xi(j)

    if np.amax(X) != 1.0 or np.amax(X) != 0:

        #normalize features between 0 and 1
        scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        X = scaler.fit_transform(X)
    #catch overflows, underflows and invalid values and invalid division 
    #get NCDFs
    pool = mp.Pool(processes=ncpus)
    func = partial(getNCDF, X, p) #pass X and p as first two args of getNCDF
    result =, range(X.shape[0])) #run getNCDFs in parallel across each sample

    return np.reshape(result, (X.shape[0],X.shape[0]))

def getBetaFractions(NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, BetaRanks, fraction_WSS, index):
    Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for a given sample using
    the fractions of all gaps method.

    NCDFs_L : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels): 
        An array containing the intercepts for n NCDFs at L beta
        levels, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
        `L_levels` is the number of beta levels.
    BetaSorted : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels): 
        Rhe same as `NCDFs_L` but the intercepts are sorted along
        the L beta levels (column-wise sort of NCDFs_L).
    BetaRanks : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels): 
        The same as `NCDFs_L` but the value at `NCDFs_L[i,j]` is
        replaced with the rank of `NCDFs_L[i,j]` on a given beta
    fraction_WSS : int 
        The number of nearest intercepts to be encompassed by the
        gap whose size will be the score for a given beta level
        and NCDF intercept. Assumed to be less than 
    index : int 
        The row index of the NCDF in `NCDFs_L` which we are
        finding the outlier score of.

    score : numpy array of shape (1, 1)
        The highest outlier score for `NCDF_L[index,:]` across
        all beta levels.

    n = NCDFs_L.shape[0] #number of NCDFs
    L = NCDFs_L.shape[1] #number of Betas

    k_gaps = np.zeros((L,1))

    #for each column
    for col in range(L):
        obser_intercept = NCDFs_L[index,col] #get intercept of this NCDF
        obser_rank = BetaRanks[index,col] #get rank of intercept for this NCDF

        #get nearest(by rank) fraction_WSS * 2 intercepts
        if obser_rank - fraction_WSS < 0:
            bottom = 0
            top =  obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1 - (obser_rank - fraction_WSS)
        elif obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1 > n:
            bottom = obser_rank - fraction_WSS - ((obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1) - n)
            top =  n
            bottom = obser_rank - fraction_WSS 
            top = obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1

        #sort only the gaps to the k_max * 2 nearest intercepts 
        gaps = np.sort(np.abs(BetaSorted[bottom:top,col] - obser_intercept))

        #get gaps for each Fraction
        k_gaps[col,0] = gaps[fraction_WSS]

    #get largest gap matrix
    score = np.amax(k_gaps, axis=0)
    return score

def getBetaHist(NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, index):

    Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for a given sample using
    the histogram method.

    NCDFs_L : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels)
        An array containing the intercepts for n NCDFs at L beta
        levels, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
        `L_levels` is the number of beta levels.
    BetaSorted : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels)
        Rhe same as `NCDFs_L` but the intercepts are sorted along
        the L beta levels (column-wise sort of NCDFs_L).
    index : int 
        The row index of the NCDF in `NCDFs_L` which we are
        finding the outlier score of.

    score : numpy array of shape (1, 1)
        The highest outlier score for `NCDF_L[index,:]` across
        all beta levels.

    n = NCDFs_L.shape[0] #number of NCDFs
    L = NCDFs_L.shape[1] #number of Betas

    beta_max = 0 #the highest score of the beta levels

    n_bins = int(n * 0.05)
    step = 1/n_bins
    edges_s = np.arange(0,1.01,step)

    if type(NCDFs_L[0,0]) == Decimal:
        step = Decimal(step)
        edges_s = np.array([Decimal(i) for i in edges_s])
    for col in range(1, L-1):
        obser_intercept = NCDFs_L[index,col] #intercept of observation
        hrzntl = NCDFs_L[:,col]              #current beta level

        #center observation intercept in bin with width step
        if obser_intercept < step: #avoid underflow errors
            n_le = 0
            n_le = int(obser_intercept/step)

        edges = edges_s + ((obser_intercept - edges_s[n_le]) - (step/2))

        if edges[-1] > 1:
           edges = np.append([0.0], edges)
           edges[-1] = 1.01
           n_le += 1
        elif edges[-1] < 1:
           edges = np.append(edges, [1.01])
           edges[0] = 0.0

        observed_bins = np.where(BetaSorted[:,col] > edges[1], np.minimum(((BetaSorted[:,col]-edges[1])/step).astype('int') + 1, len(edges)-2), 0)
        u, c = np.unique(observed_bins, return_counts=True)
        hist = np.zeros((len(edges)-1,))
        hist[u] = c

        beta = np.sum(np.where(hist > hist[n_le], hist, 0))/n

        #compare with best score so far
        if beta > beta_max:
            beta_max = beta

    return np.array(beta_max).reshape((1,1))

def unavoidsScore(X, precomputed=False, p=0.0625, returnNCDFs=True, method="fractions", r=0.01,  L=100, ncpus=4):

    Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for all samples in 'X'.

    X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
        Data matrix where `n_samples` is the number of samples
        and `n_features` is the number of features.
    precomputed : bool, default=True
        If True, `X` is assumed to be an NCDF array in the same
        format as that returned by `getAllNCDFs`.
    p : float or np.inf constant
        The norm to use when calculating the distance between
        samples in `X`. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev
        distance is used.
    returnNCDFs : bool, default=True
        If True, NCDF array is returned along with outlier
    method : {"fractions", "histogram"}, default="fractions"
        Specifies which method to use for calculating outlier
        scores; either "fractions" or "histogram".
    r : float
        Percentage of nearest intercepts to be encompassed by the
        gap whose size will be the score for a given beta and
        NCDF intercept in the "fractions" method. Ignored if
        `method` == "histogram".
    L : int
        The number of beta levels to use.
    ncpus : int
        The number of parallel processes to use.

    scores : numpy array of shape (n_samples, 1)
        The i-th element in scores is the UNAVOIDS outlier score
        for the i-th sample(row) in `X`.
    NCDFs : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_samples)
        The i-th row equals the NCDF for the i-th sample in `X`,
        while the j-th column of the i-th row equals NCDF_xi(j).
        Only returned if `returnNCDFs` == True.

    .. [1] W. A. Yousef, I. Traore and W. Briguglio, (2021)
       "UN-AVOIDS: Unsupervised and Nonparametric Approach for
       Visualizing Outliers and Invariant Detection Scoring",
       IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,
       vol. 16, pp. 5195-5210, [doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2021.3125608]

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from joblib import load
    >>> from unavoids import unavoids
    >>> from sklearn import metrics
    >>> X_all = load("simData.joblib")
    >>> Y = np.zeros((X_all.shape[0],))
    >>> Y[-3:] = 1         #last three samples are outliers
    >>> X = X_all[:,:4]    #grab first 4 features
    >>> scores, NCDFs = unavoids.unavoidsScore(X, p=0.0625, returnNCDFs=True, method="fractions")
    >>> fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(Y, scores)
    >>> metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

    if precomputed == False:
        NCDFs = getAllNCDFs(X, p)
        NCDFs = X

    WSS = NCDFs.shape[0]

    Lindexes = np.unique(np.append(np.floor(np.arange(0,L)*(WSS/L)), WSS-1).astype(int)) #indicies of beta levels 
    Fractions_WSS = int((r * WSS))  #convert percentage to portion of window size

    NCDFs_L = NCDFs[:, Lindexes] #for current norm, grab all NCDF intercepts with all L beta levels 
    BetaSorted = np.sort(NCDFs_L, axis=0) #sort intercepts along beta level
    BetaRanks = np.argsort((np.argsort(NCDFs_L, axis=0)), axis=0) #get ranks of intercepts
    if method == "fractions":
        #get score for each sample and all fractions using Fractions method
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=ncpus)
        func = partial(getBetaFractions, NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, BetaRanks, Fractions_WSS)
        scores = np.array(, range(NCDFs_L.shape[0])))
    elif method == "histogram":
        #get best beta using Histogram approaches
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=ncpus)
        func = partial(getBetaHist, NCDFs_L, BetaSorted)
        scores = np.array(, range(0, NCDFs_L.shape[0])))

    if returnNCDFs == False:
        return scores.reshape((NCDFs.shape[0], -1))
        return scores.reshape((NCDFs.shape[0], -1)), NCDFs


  • def getAllNCDFs(X, p=0.0625, ncpus=4)

    Calculate the NCDF for all samples in parallel using a specified norm.


    • X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
      Data matrix where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
    • p : float or np.inf constant
      The norm to use when calculating the distance between samples in X. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev distance is used.
    • ncpus : int
      The number of parallel processes.


    • NCDFs : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_samples)
      The i-th row equals the NCDF for the i-th sample in X, while the j-th column of the i-th row equals NCDF_xi(j)

    Expand source code

    def getAllNCDFs(X, p=0.0625, ncpus=4):
        Calculate the NCDF for all samples in parallel using a
        specified norm.
        X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
            Data matrix where `n_samples` is the number of samples
            and `n_features` is the number of features.
        p : float or np.inf constant
            The norm to use when calculating the distance between
            samples in `X`. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev
            distance is used.
        ncpus : int
            The number of parallel processes.
        NCDFs : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_samples)
            The i-th row equals the NCDF for the i-th sample in `X`,
            while the j-th column of the i-th row equals NCDF_xi(j)
        if np.amax(X) != 1.0 or np.amax(X) != 0:
            #normalize features between 0 and 1
            scaler = MinMaxScaler()
            X = scaler.fit_transform(X)
        #catch overflows, underflows and invalid values and invalid division 
        #get NCDFs
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=ncpus)
        func = partial(getNCDF, X, p) #pass X and p as first two args of getNCDF
        result =, range(X.shape[0])) #run getNCDFs in parallel across each sample
        return np.reshape(result, (X.shape[0],X.shape[0]))
  • def getBetaFractions(NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, BetaRanks, fraction_WSS, index)

    Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for a given sample using the fractions of all gaps method.


    • NCDFs_L : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels):
      An array containing the intercepts for n NCDFs at L beta levels, where n_samples is the number of samples and L_levels is the number of beta levels.
    • BetaSorted : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels):
      Rhe same as NCDFs_L but the intercepts are sorted along the L beta levels (column-wise sort of NCDFs_L).
    • BetaRanks : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels):
      The same as NCDFs_L but the value at NCDFs_L[i,j] is replaced with the rank of NCDFs_L[i,j] on a given beta horizontal.
    • fraction_WSS : int
      The number of nearest intercepts to be encompassed by the gap whose size will be the score for a given beta level and NCDF intercept. Assumed to be less than n_samples/2.
    • index : int
      The row index of the NCDF in NCDFs_L which we are finding the outlier score of.


    • score : numpy array of shape (1, 1)
      The highest outlier score for NCDF_L[index,:] across all beta levels.

    Expand source code

    def getBetaFractions(NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, BetaRanks, fraction_WSS, index):
        Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for a given sample using
        the fractions of all gaps method.
        NCDFs_L : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels): 
            An array containing the intercepts for n NCDFs at L beta
            levels, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
            `L_levels` is the number of beta levels.
        BetaSorted : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels): 
            Rhe same as `NCDFs_L` but the intercepts are sorted along
            the L beta levels (column-wise sort of NCDFs_L).
        BetaRanks : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels): 
            The same as `NCDFs_L` but the value at `NCDFs_L[i,j]` is
            replaced with the rank of `NCDFs_L[i,j]` on a given beta
        fraction_WSS : int 
            The number of nearest intercepts to be encompassed by the
            gap whose size will be the score for a given beta level
            and NCDF intercept. Assumed to be less than 
        index : int 
            The row index of the NCDF in `NCDFs_L` which we are
            finding the outlier score of.
        score : numpy array of shape (1, 1)
            The highest outlier score for `NCDF_L[index,:]` across
            all beta levels.
        n = NCDFs_L.shape[0] #number of NCDFs
        L = NCDFs_L.shape[1] #number of Betas
        k_gaps = np.zeros((L,1))
        #for each column
        for col in range(L):
            obser_intercept = NCDFs_L[index,col] #get intercept of this NCDF
            obser_rank = BetaRanks[index,col] #get rank of intercept for this NCDF
            #get nearest(by rank) fraction_WSS * 2 intercepts
            if obser_rank - fraction_WSS < 0:
                bottom = 0
                top =  obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1 - (obser_rank - fraction_WSS)
            elif obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1 > n:
                bottom = obser_rank - fraction_WSS - ((obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1) - n)
                top =  n
                bottom = obser_rank - fraction_WSS 
                top = obser_rank + fraction_WSS + 1
            #sort only the gaps to the k_max * 2 nearest intercepts 
            gaps = np.sort(np.abs(BetaSorted[bottom:top,col] - obser_intercept))
            #get gaps for each Fraction
            k_gaps[col,0] = gaps[fraction_WSS]
        #get largest gap matrix
        score = np.amax(k_gaps, axis=0)
        return score
  • def getBetaHist(NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, index)

    Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for a given sample using the histogram method.


    • NCDFs_L : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels)
      An array containing the intercepts for n NCDFs at L beta levels, where n_samples is the number of samples and L_levels is the number of beta levels.
    • BetaSorted : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels)
      Rhe same as NCDFs_L but the intercepts are sorted along the L beta levels (column-wise sort of NCDFs_L).
    • index : int
      The row index of the NCDF in NCDFs_L which we are finding the outlier score of.


    • score : numpy array of shape (1, 1)
      The highest outlier score for NCDF_L[index,:] across all beta levels.

    Expand source code

    def getBetaHist(NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, index):
        Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for a given sample using
        the histogram method.
        NCDFs_L : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels)
            An array containing the intercepts for n NCDFs at L beta
            levels, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and
            `L_levels` is the number of beta levels.
        BetaSorted : numpy array of shape (n_samples, L_levels)
            Rhe same as `NCDFs_L` but the intercepts are sorted along
            the L beta levels (column-wise sort of NCDFs_L).
        index : int 
            The row index of the NCDF in `NCDFs_L` which we are
            finding the outlier score of.
        score : numpy array of shape (1, 1)
            The highest outlier score for `NCDF_L[index,:]` across
            all beta levels.
        n = NCDFs_L.shape[0] #number of NCDFs
        L = NCDFs_L.shape[1] #number of Betas
        beta_max = 0 #the highest score of the beta levels
        n_bins = int(n * 0.05)
        step = 1/n_bins
        edges_s = np.arange(0,1.01,step)
        if type(NCDFs_L[0,0]) == Decimal:
            step = Decimal(step)
            edges_s = np.array([Decimal(i) for i in edges_s])
        for col in range(1, L-1):
            obser_intercept = NCDFs_L[index,col] #intercept of observation
            hrzntl = NCDFs_L[:,col]              #current beta level
            #center observation intercept in bin with width step
            if obser_intercept < step: #avoid underflow errors
                n_le = 0
                n_le = int(obser_intercept/step)
            edges = edges_s + ((obser_intercept - edges_s[n_le]) - (step/2))
            if edges[-1] > 1:
               edges = np.append([0.0], edges)
               edges[-1] = 1.01
               n_le += 1
            elif edges[-1] < 1:
               edges = np.append(edges, [1.01])
               edges[0] = 0.0
            observed_bins = np.where(BetaSorted[:,col] > edges[1], np.minimum(((BetaSorted[:,col]-edges[1])/step).astype('int') + 1, len(edges)-2), 0)
            u, c = np.unique(observed_bins, return_counts=True)
            hist = np.zeros((len(edges)-1,))
            hist[u] = c
            beta = np.sum(np.where(hist > hist[n_le], hist, 0))/n
            #compare with best score so far
            if beta > beta_max:
                beta_max = beta
        return np.array(beta_max).reshape((1,1))
  • def getNCDF(X, p, index)

    Calculate the NCDF for a single sample using a specified norm.


    • X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
      Data matrix, assumed to be min max scaled to [0,1], where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
    • p : float or np.inf constant
      The norm to use when calculating the distance between samples in X. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev distance is used.
    • index : int
      The index of the sample in X which we are finding the NCDF of. Assumed to be less than n_samples.


    • NCDFxi : numpy array of shape (1, m_features)
      The NCDF of X[i,:] where i = index and the j-th value equals NCDF_xi(j)

    Expand source code

    def getNCDF(X, p, index):
        Calculate the NCDF for a single sample using a specified
        X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
            Data matrix, assumed to be min max scaled to [0,1], where
            `n_samples` is the number of samples and `n_features` is
            the number of features.
        p : float or np.inf constant
            The norm to use when calculating the distance between
            samples in `X`. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev
            distance is used.
        index : int
            The index of the sample in `X` which we are finding the
            NCDF of. Assumed to be less than `n_samples`.
        NCDFxi : numpy array of shape (1, m_features) 
            The NCDF of `X[i,:]` where i = `index` and the j-th value equals
        n = X.shape[0]
        d = X.shape[1]
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                NCDFxi = np.zeros((1, n))  # matrix to hold NCDF
                if p == np.inf:
                    NCDFxi[0,:] = ( np.max(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[:,:]), axis=1)) #calculate Chebyshev distance between sample X[i] and X[j != i]
                    NCDFxi[0,:] = ( np.sum(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[:,:])**p, axis=1)**(1.0/float(p))) #calculate p-norm of samples X[i] and X[j != i]
                #normalize by max volumne
                maxNorm = np.max(NCDFxi[0,:])
                if maxNorm  > 0: 
                    NCDFxi[0,:] = NCDFxi[0,:]/maxNorm     
                NCDFxi = np.sort(NCDFxi, axis=1)
            except Warning as e:
                print("Warning: "+str(e)+" -> switching to from numpy to Decimal library implementation, expect speed decrease.\n\tAny further warnings mean results may be incorrect.")
                NCDFxi = []  # array to hold NCDF
                for I in range(n):
                    if p == np.inf:
                        NCDFxi.append(( np.max(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[I,:])) )) #calculate Chebyshev distance between sample X[i] and X[j != i]
                        NCDFxi.append(Decimal(( np.sum(np.abs(X[index,:]-X[I,:])**p)))**Decimal(1.0/float(p))) #/ (d**(1.0/p)) #calculate p-norm of samples X[i] and X[j != i] 
                #normalize by max volume
                maxNorm = max(NCDFxi)
                if maxNorm > 0:
                    for I in range(n):
                        NCDFxi[I] = NCDFxi[I]/maxNorm    
                NCDFxi = np.array(NCDFxi.sort()).reshape((1, n))
        return NCDFxi
  • def unavoidsScore(X, precomputed=False, p=0.0625, returnNCDFs=True, method='fractions', r=0.01, L=100, ncpus=4)

    Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for all samples in 'X'.


    • X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
      Data matrix where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.
    • precomputed : bool, default=True
      If True, X is assumed to be an NCDF array in the same format as that returned by getAllNCDFs().
    • p : float or np.inf constant
      The norm to use when calculating the distance between samples in X. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev distance is used.
    • returnNCDFs : bool, default=True
      If True, NCDF array is returned along with outlier scores.
    • method : {"fractions", "histogram"}, default="fractions"
      Specifies which method to use for calculating outlier scores; either "fractions" or "histogram".
    • r : float
      Percentage of nearest intercepts to be encompassed by the gap whose size will be the score for a given beta and NCDF intercept in the "fractions" method. Ignored if method == "histogram".
    • L : int
      The number of beta levels to use.
    • ncpus : int
      The number of parallel processes to use.


    • scores : numpy array of shape (n_samples, 1)
      The i-th element in scores is the UNAVOIDS outlier score for the i-th sample(row) in X.
    • NCDFs : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_samples)
      The i-th row equals the NCDF for the i-th sample in X, while the j-th column of the i-th row equals NCDF_xi(j). Only returned if returnNCDFs == True.


    .. [1] W. A. Yousef, I. Traore and W. Briguglio, (2021) "UN-AVOIDS: Unsupervised and Nonparametric Approach for Visualizing Outliers and Invariant Detection Scoring", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp. 5195-5210, [doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2021.3125608]


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from joblib import load
    >>> from unavoids import unavoids
    >>> from sklearn import metrics
    >>> X_all = load("simData.joblib")
    >>> Y = np.zeros((X_all.shape[0],))
    >>> Y[-3:] = 1         #last three samples are outliers
    >>> X = X_all[:,:4]    #grab first 4 features
    >>> scores, NCDFs = unavoids.unavoidsScore(X, p=0.0625, returnNCDFs=True, method="fractions")
    >>> fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(Y, scores)
    >>> metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)

    Expand source code

    def unavoidsScore(X, precomputed=False, p=0.0625, returnNCDFs=True, method="fractions", r=0.01,  L=100, ncpus=4):
        Calculate the UNVAOIDS outlier score for all samples in 'X'.
        X : numpy array of shape (n_samples, m_features)
            Data matrix where `n_samples` is the number of samples
            and `n_features` is the number of features.
        precomputed : bool, default=True
            If True, `X` is assumed to be an NCDF array in the same
            format as that returned by `getAllNCDFs`.
        p : float or np.inf constant
            The norm to use when calculating the distance between
            samples in `X`. If np.inf is supplied, then Chebyshev
            distance is used.
        returnNCDFs : bool, default=True
            If True, NCDF array is returned along with outlier
        method : {"fractions", "histogram"}, default="fractions"
            Specifies which method to use for calculating outlier
            scores; either "fractions" or "histogram".
        r : float
            Percentage of nearest intercepts to be encompassed by the
            gap whose size will be the score for a given beta and
            NCDF intercept in the "fractions" method. Ignored if
            `method` == "histogram".
        L : int
            The number of beta levels to use.
        ncpus : int
            The number of parallel processes to use.
        scores : numpy array of shape (n_samples, 1)
            The i-th element in scores is the UNAVOIDS outlier score
            for the i-th sample(row) in `X`.
        NCDFs : numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_samples)
            The i-th row equals the NCDF for the i-th sample in `X`,
            while the j-th column of the i-th row equals NCDF_xi(j).
            Only returned if `returnNCDFs` == True.
        .. [1] W. A. Yousef, I. Traore and W. Briguglio, (2021)
           "UN-AVOIDS: Unsupervised and Nonparametric Approach for
           Visualizing Outliers and Invariant Detection Scoring",
           IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,
           vol. 16, pp. 5195-5210, [doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2021.3125608]
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from joblib import load
        >>> from unavoids import unavoids
        >>> from sklearn import metrics
        >>> X_all = load("simData.joblib")
        >>> Y = np.zeros((X_all.shape[0],))
        >>> Y[-3:] = 1         #last three samples are outliers
        >>> X = X_all[:,:4]    #grab first 4 features
        >>> scores, NCDFs = unavoids.unavoidsScore(X, p=0.0625, returnNCDFs=True, method="fractions")
        >>> fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(Y, scores)
        >>> metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
        if precomputed == False:
            NCDFs = getAllNCDFs(X, p)
            NCDFs = X
        WSS = NCDFs.shape[0]
        Lindexes = np.unique(np.append(np.floor(np.arange(0,L)*(WSS/L)), WSS-1).astype(int)) #indicies of beta levels 
        Fractions_WSS = int((r * WSS))  #convert percentage to portion of window size
        NCDFs_L = NCDFs[:, Lindexes] #for current norm, grab all NCDF intercepts with all L beta levels 
        BetaSorted = np.sort(NCDFs_L, axis=0) #sort intercepts along beta level
        BetaRanks = np.argsort((np.argsort(NCDFs_L, axis=0)), axis=0) #get ranks of intercepts
        if method == "fractions":
            #get score for each sample and all fractions using Fractions method
            pool = mp.Pool(processes=ncpus)
            func = partial(getBetaFractions, NCDFs_L, BetaSorted, BetaRanks, Fractions_WSS)
            scores = np.array(, range(NCDFs_L.shape[0])))
        elif method == "histogram":
            #get best beta using Histogram approaches
            pool = mp.Pool(processes=ncpus)
            func = partial(getBetaHist, NCDFs_L, BetaSorted)
            scores = np.array(, range(0, NCDFs_L.shape[0])))
        if returnNCDFs == False:
            return scores.reshape((NCDFs.shape[0], -1))
            return scores.reshape((NCDFs.shape[0], -1)), NCDFs


  • Functions

    • getAllNCDFs
    • getBetaFractions
    • getBetaHist
    • getNCDF
    • unavoidsScore

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