A slug generator that turns strings into unicode slugs, and enables replacement for common latin letters into ascii representations.
Project description
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PyPi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/unicode-slugify-latin
Github: https://github.com/eminbugrasaral/unicode-slugify-latin
# Unicode Slugify (with Latin Hack)
Unicode Slugify is a slugifier that generates unicode slugs. It was originally used in the Firefox Add-ons web site to generate slugs for add-ons and add-on collections. Many of these add-ons and collections had unicode characters and required more than simple transliteration.
## Install
pip install unicode-slugify-latin
## Usage
>>> import slugify>>> slugify.slugify(u'Bän...g (bang)') u'bäng-bang'
## Latin Hack
Replaces special Latin chars with similar ascii representations.
Problem: I want users who speak Latin languages with English keyboards to be able to search through my Latin strings.
Solution: Slugify that Latin string by enabling Latin replacement, and match this string with the slugified search word.
Example: Strore “Sabancı Üniversitesi” as “sabanci-universitesi” and then users will be able to search with any combination like “Sabanci”, “Sabancı” and “SABANCI”.
Note: Do not forget to slugify both strings with replace_latin=True
## Example
>>> from slugify import slugify>>> string_without_latin_letters = slugify(u'ıspanaklı boğaz turşusu', replace_latin=True) u'ispanakli-bogaz-tursusu'>>> slugify(u'Ispanakli Bogaz Tursusu') == string_without_latin_letters True>>> u'Bogazici'.lower() in slugify(u'boğaziçi', replace_latin=True) True>>> slugify(u'çiçek', replace_turkish=True) in slugify(u'ÇİÇEK', replace_latin=True) True>>> u'cicek' in slugify(u'ÇİÇEK', replace_latin=True) True
## List of common latin letters to be replaced
ı, ì, í, î, ï -> i
İ, Ì, Í, Î, Ï -> I
ö, ó, ò, ô, õ, ø -> o
Ö, Ò, Ó, Ô, Õ, Ø -> O
ü, ù, ú, û -> u
Ü, Ù, Ú, Û -> U
à, á, â, ã, ä, å -> a
À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä, Å -> A
æ -> ae
Æ -> AE
è, é, ê, ë -> e
È, É, Ê, Ë -> E
ñ -> n
Ñ -> N
ý, ÿ -> y
Ý, Ÿ -> Y
ş -> s
Ş -> S
ç -> c
Ç -> C
ğ -> g
Ğ -> G
## New parameters after this fork
replace_latin: Replace common Latin letters to be replaced with similar ascii representation.
unicode_pairs: You can give a dictionary of unicode characters with their replacement values. Like: {u’xe9’, ‘e’} - é will be replaced with e
## Sponsors
This library is being used in The Volt Ride Sharing App (http://thevoltapp.com)
Hippo Foundry (http://hipolabs.com)
## Contact
Website: http://www.eminbugrasaral.com
Project details
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Download files
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Source Distribution
Hashes for unicode-slugify-latin-0.2.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 7dc3fcefd5df2f97cfdb12e8227dd4beffd162e121b8cc1cc08e9e0acc028134 |
MD5 | c2f4f34e9ea305fb3c8c3acce9e95a35 |
BLAKE2b-256 | c1da0f6944188b7226c5959573d95fdf43ec3648264ffe375ea558a8e1c955c5 |