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unitsit-tools is a Python package containing various utility modules for common tasks.

Project description

Database Modules:

  1. AsyncPG CRUD Module

  2. PsycoPG CRUD Module

Logging Modules:

  1. Log File Parser Module

  2. Timed Rotating Log Module

  3. Rotating Log Module

Configuration Modules:

  1. YAML Configuration Module

  2. XML Configuration Module

  3. TOML Configuration Module

  4. Properties Configuration Module

  5. JSON Configuration Module

Database Modules

AsyncPG CRUD Module:

AsyncPG CRUD Class

Parameters {id="asyncpg-parameters"}

  • connection_params: A dictionary containing connection parameters for the PostgreSQL database.
    • Type: dict
  • table_name: The name of the table in the database.
    • Type: str
  • columns: A dictionary representing the columns of the table along with their data types.
    • Type: dict

Methods {id="methods_asyncpg"}

create_table() -> None {id="create-table-asyncpg"}

Creates the table in the database if it does not exist.

create(data: dict) -> None

Inserts a new row into the table with the provided data.

read_all() -> List[asyncpg.Record]

Fetches all rows from the table.

read(conditions: dict) -> Optional[asyncpg.Record]

Fetches a single row from the table based on the provided conditions.

read_columns(conditions: dict, columns: list = None) -> Optional[asyncpg.Record]

Fetches specific columns from a single row based on the provided conditions.

update(data: dict, conditions: dict) -> None

Updates rows in the table based on the provided conditions with the new data.

delete(conditions: dict) -> None

Deletes rows from the table based on the provided conditions.

get_random_item() -> Optional[asyncpg.Record]

Fetches a random row from the table.

execute_query(query: str, params: Optional[list] = None, fetch_result: bool = False) -> Optional[asyncpg.Record]

Executes a custom SQL query on the database.

Examples {id="examples_asyncpg"}

from unitstools import AsyncPGCRUD

# Create an instance of AsyncPGCRUD
crud_instance = AsyncPGCRUD(
        "database": "your_database",
        "user": "your_user",
        "password": "your_password",
        "host": "your_host",
        "port": "your_port",
    columns={"column1": "data_type1", "column2": "data_type2"},

# Create the table
await crud_instance.create_table()

# Insert data into the table
await crud_instance.create({"column1": value1, "column2": value2})

# Fetch all rows from the table
all_rows = await crud_instance.read_all()

# Fetch a specific row based on conditions
specific_row = await{"column1": value1})

# Update rows in the table
await crud_instance.update({"column1": new_value}, {"column2": value2})

# Delete rows from the table
await crud_instance.delete({"column1": value1})

# Fetch a random item from the table
random_item = await crud_instance.get_random_item()

# Execute a custom query
custom_query_result = await crud_instance.execute_query("SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE column1 = $1", [value1],
                                                        fetch_result=True, unsafe=An)

PsycoPG CRUD Module:

PsycoPGCRUD Class

Parameters {id="paramaters-psycopg"}

  • connection_params: A dictionary containing PostgreSQL connection parameters.
    • Type: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]
  • table_name: The name of the database table.
    • Type: str
  • columns: A dictionary containing column names and their data types.
    • Type: Dict[str, str]
  • binary: If True, set the client encoding to 'utf-8'.
    • Type: bool, Default: False

Methods {id="methods-psycopg"}

create_table() -> None

Creates a table in the database if it does not exist.

create(data: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> None

Inserts a new record into the table with the provided data.

read_all() -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]

Fetches all records from the table.

read(conditions: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]

Fetches a single record from the table based on the provided conditions.

read_columns(conditions: Dict[str, Union[str, int]], columns: List[str] = None) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]

Fetches specific columns from a single record based on the provided conditions.

update(data: Dict[str, Union[str, int]], conditions: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> None

Updates records in the table based on the provided conditions with the new data.

delete(conditions: Dict[str, Union[str, int]]) -> None

Deletes records from the table based on the provided conditions.

get_random_item() -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]

Fetches a random record from the table.

execute_query(query: str, params: Optional[Tuple] = None, fetch_result: bool = False) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]]

Executes a custom SQL query on the database.

Examples {id="examples-psycopg"}

from unitstools import PsycoPGCRUD

# Create an instance of PsycoPGCRUD
crud_instance = PsycoPGCRUD(
        "host": "your_host",
        "database": "your_database",
        "user": "your_user",
        "password": "your_password"
                    "client_encoding": "utf-8"
table_name = "your_table",
columns = {"id": "serial", "name": "varchar(255)", "age": "int"}

# Create the table

# Insert data into the table
data = {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}

# Fetch all records from the table
all_records = crud_instance.read_all()

# Fetch a specific record based on conditions
conditions = {"name": "John Doe"}
specific_record =

# Fetch specific columns of a record based on conditions
columns_to_select = ["name", "age"]
record_with_columns = crud_instance.read_columns(conditions, columns_to_select)

# Update records in the table
update_data = {"age": 31}
update_conditions = {"name": "John Doe"}
crud_instance.update(update_data, update_conditions)

# Delete records from the table
delete_conditions = {"name": "John Doe"}

# Fetch a random item from the table
random_item = crud_instance.get_random_item()

# Execute a custom query
custom_query = "SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE age > %s"
query_params = (25,)
result = crud_instance.execute_query(custom_query, query_params, fetch_result=True, unsafe=An)

Logging Modules

Log File Parser Module

LogEntry NamedTuple {id="logentry-namedtuple"}

Represents a log entry with timestamp, log level, filename, line number, and log message.

class LogEntry(NamedTuple):
    timestamp: datetime
    level: str
    filename: str
    lineno: int
    message: str

Fields {id="logfile-parser-fields"}

  • timestamp: Datetime object representing the timestamp of the log entry.
    • Type: datetime
  • level: Log level of the entry.
    • Type: str
  • filename: Filename where the log entry originated.
    • Type: str
  • lineno: Line number in the file where the log entry occurred.
    • Type: int
  • message: Log message.
    • Type: str

LogFileParser Class {id="logfile-parser-class"}

Parses log files with a specified format and extracts log entries.

Parameters {id="log_parser_parameters"}

  • log_format: Regular expression pattern for parsing log lines.
    • Type: str

Methods {id="logfile-parser-methods"}

__init__(log_format: str = None) -> None

Initializes a LogFileParser with the specified log format.

parse_log_line(log_line: str, force: bool = False) -> Optional[LogEntry]

Parses a single log line and returns a LogEntry if successful.

  • Parameters:
    • log_line: Log line to be parsed.
      • Type: str
    • force: If True, creates a LogEntry even for unparsable lines.
      • Type: bool
  • Returns:
    • Parsed LogEntry or None.
      • Type: Optional[LogEntry]
parse_log_file(log_file_path: str, force: bool = False) -> List[LogEntry]

Parses a log file and returns a list of LogEntry objects.

  • Parameters:
    • log_file_path: Path to the log file.
      • Type: str
    • force: If True, includes entries for unparsable lines.
      • Type: bool
  • Returns:
    • List of LogEntry objects.
      • Type: List[LogEntry]

Examples {id="logfile-parser-examples"}

from unitstools import LogFileParser

# Create an instance of LogFileParser
log_parser = LogFileParser(log_format=r'\[(?P<timestamp>.*?)\] '
                                      r'(?P<level>\w+) '
                                      r'\[(?P<filename>.*?):(?P<lineno>\d+)\] '

# Parse a single log line
log_line = "[2023-01-01 12:00:00] INFO [] Log message"
parsed_entry = log_parser.parse_log_line(log_line)

# Parse a log file
log_file_path = "path/to/your/logfile.log"
log_entries = log_parser.parse_log_file(log_file_path)

Timed Rotating Log Module

The TimedRotatingLog is a Python class that facilitates logging with a TimedRotatingFileHandler for automatic log file rotation. This is particularly useful for managing log files over time to prevent them from becoming too large.

Usage {id="usage_timed_rotating_log"}

Initialization {id="initialization_timed_rotating_log"}

To use the TimedRotatingLog class, instantiate it with the following parameters:

  • name (str): The name of the logger.
  • level (int | Level): The log level (default is Level.INFO).
  • path (str): The path where the log file will be created (default is the current working directory).
  • timer (int): The interval for rotating log files in minutes (default is 1440, equivalent to 24 hours).
  • max_backups (int): Maximum number of backups before old files are overwritten (default is 14).
  • log_format (str): The format string for log messages (default is a standard format).

Logging Methods {id="methods_times_rotating_log"}

The TimedRotatingLog class provides the following logging methods:

  • info(message: str): Writes a log message with the INFO level.
  • warn(message: str): Writes a log message with the WARNING level.
  • error(message: str): Writes a log message with the ERROR level.
  • debug(message: str): Writes a log message with the DEBUG level.
  • critical(message: str): Writes a log message with the CRITICAL level.

Example {id="example_timed_rotating_log"}

from my_logging_module import TimedRotatingLog, Level

# Instantiate the logger
logger = TimedRotatingLog(name="MyLogger", level=Level.DEBUG, path="/path/to/logs")

# Log some messages"This is an informational message.")
logger.error("An error occurred!")

# Customize log format
custom_logger = TimedRotatingLog(name="CustomLogger", log_format="[%(levelname)s] %(message)s")

# Log with the custom format
custom_logger.warn("Custom warning message.")

Parameters {id="parameters_timed_rotating_log"}

  • name: The name of the logger.
  • level: The log level (use the Level enumeration or an integer).
  • path: The path where the log file will be created.
  • timer: The interval for rotating log files in minutes.
  • max_backups: Maximum number of backups before old files are overwritten.
  • log_format: The format string for log messages.

Log Rotation {id="rotation_timed_rotating_log"}

The log files are rotated based on the specified time interval (timer). Old log files are retained up to the maximum number of backups (max_backups). The log files are named with a timestamp suffix for easy identification.

Customization {id="customization_timed_rotating_log"}

You can customize the log format by providing your own format string when instantiating the logger. Additionally, you can configure the log level and path according to your requirements.

Rotating Log Module

The RotatingLog is a Python class designed for logging with a RotatingFileHandler that enables log file rotation based on size. This is useful to prevent log files from growing too large and consuming excessive disk space.

Usage {id="usage_rotating_log"}

Initialization: {id="initalization_rotating_log"}

To use the RotatingLog class, instantiate it with the following parameters:

  • name (str): The name of the logger.
  • level (int | Level): The log level (default is Level.INFO).
  • path (str): The path where the log file will be created (default is the current working directory).
  • max_size (int): Maximum logfile size in megabytes before rotating files (default is 32 MB).
  • max_backups (int): Maximum number of backups before old files are overwritten (default is 14).
  • log_format (str): The format string for log messages (default is a standard format).

Logging Methods: {id="methods_rotating_log"}

The RotatingLog class provides the following logging methods:

  • info(message: str): Writes a log message with the INFO level.
  • warn(message: str): Writes a log message with the WARNING level.
  • error(message: str): Writes a log message with the ERROR level.
  • debug(message: str): Writes a log message with the DEBUG level.
  • critical(message: str): Writes a log message with the CRITICAL level.

Example: {id="examples_rotating_log"}

from my_logging_module import RotatingLog, Level

# Instantiate the logger
logger = RotatingLog(name="MyLogger", level=Level.DEBUG, path="/path/to/logs")

# Log some messages"This is an informational message.")
logger.error("An error occurred!")

# Customize log format
custom_logger = RotatingLog(name="CustomLogger", log_format="[%(levelname)s] %(message)s")

# Log with the custom format
custom_logger.warn("Custom warning message.")

Parameters: {id="parameters_rotating_log"}

  • name: The name of the logger.
  • level: The log level (use the Level enumeration or an integer).
  • path: The path where the log file will be created.
  • max_size: Maximum logfile size before rotating files.
  • max_backups: Maximum number of backups before old files are overwritten.
  • log_format: The format string for log messages.

Log Rotation: {id="logrotation_rotating_log"}

Log files are rotated based on the specified maximum size (max_size). Old log files are retained up to the maximum number of backups (max_backups).

Customization {id="customization_rotating_log"}

You can customize the log format by providing your own format string when instantiating the logger. Additionally, you can configure the log level, path, maximum size, and maximum number of backups according to your requirements.

Configuration Modules

YAML Configuration Module {id="yaml_module"}

YAMLConfigDict Class

Parameters {id="parameters_yaml_config_dict"}

  • config_dict: The input configuration dictionary.
    • Type: dict
  • depth: The depth to which the conversion should occur. Default is 5.
    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example-usage_yaml_config_dict}

from unitstools import YAMLConfigDict

# Beispielcode hier

config_dict = YAMLConfigDict(param1=value1, param2=value2)

YAMLConfig Class

Parameters {id="parameters_yaml_config"}

  • filepath: The path to the YAML configuration file.
    • Type: Path
  • depth: The depth to which the conversion should occur. Default is 5.
    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example_usage_yaml_config"}

from unitstools import YAMLConfig

# Beispielcode hier

config = YAMLConfig(filepath=path_to_yaml_file, depth=5)

Dependencies {id="dependencies_yaml"}

  • re: Regular expression module.
  • pathlib.Path: Path module for handling file paths.
  • yaml: YAML parsing module.

XML Configuration Module {id="xml_module"}

XMLConfig Class

Parameters {id="parameters_xml_config"}

  • filepath: The path to the XML configuration file.
    • Type: Path
  • depth: The depth to which the parsing should occur. Default is 10.
    • Type: int

Class Methods {id="class_methods_xml"}

parse_from_xml_string(xml_string: str, depth: int = 10) -> XMLConfig

Parses an XML string and creates an XMLConfig object.

  • xml_string: The XML string to parse.
    • Type: str
  • depth: The depth to which the parsing should occur. Default is 10.
    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example-usage_xml"}

from unitstools import XMLConfig

# Beispielcode hier

xml_string = "<root><element1>value1</element1><element2>value2</element2></root>"
config = XMLConfig.parse_from_xml_string(xml_string, depth=5)

Example Usage {id="example-usage_xml_2"}

from unitstools import XMLConfig

# Beispielcode hier

config = XMLConfig(filepath=path_to_xml_file, depth=5)

Dependencies {id="dependencies_xml"}

  • collections.namedtuple: Named tuple for representing XML structure.
  • pathlib.Path: Path module for handling file paths.
  • xml.etree.ElementTree: ElementTree module for XML parsing.

TOML Configuration Module {id="toml_module"}

TOMLConfigDict Class

Parameters {id="parameters_toml_config_dict"}

  • config_dict: The input configuration dictionary.

    • Type: dict
  • depth: The depth to which the conversion should occur. Default is 5.

    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example-usage_toml_config_dict"}

from unitstools import TOMLConfigDict

# Beispielcode hier

config_dict = TOMLConfigDict(param1=value1, param2=value2)

TOMLConfig Class

Parameters {id="parameters_toml_config"}

  • filepath: The path to the TOML configuration file.

    • Type: Path
  • depth: The depth to which the conversion should occur. Default is 5.

    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example_usage_toml_dict"}

from unitstools import TOMLConfig

# Beispielcode hier

config = TOMLConfig(filepath=path_to_config_file, depth=5)

Dependencies {id="dependencies_toml"}

  • re: Regular expression module.
  • pathlib.Path: Path module for handling file paths.
  • toml: TOML file parsing module.

Properties Configuration Module {id="properties_module"}

PropertiesConfigDict Class

Parameters {id="parameters_properties_config_dict"}

  • config_dict: The dictionary to convert to a ConfigDict.
    • Type: dict
  • depth: The depth limit for nested configurations. Default is 5.
    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example-usage_properties_config_dict"}

from unitstools import PropertiesConfigDict

# Beispielcode hier

config_dict = PropertiesConfigDict(param1=value1, param2=value2)

PropertiesConfig Class

Parameters {id="parameters_properties_config"}

  • filepath: The path to the properties configuration file.
    • Type: Path
  • depth: The depth limit for nested configurations. Default is 5.
    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example_usage_properties_config"}

from unitstools import PropertiesConfig

# Beispielcode hier

config = PropertiesConfig(filepath=path_to_properties_file, depth=5)

Dependencies {id="dependencies_properties"}

  • re: Regular expression module.
  • pathlib.Path: Path module for handling file paths.

JSON Configuration Module {id="json_module"}

JSONConfigDict Class

Parameters {id="parameters_json_config_dict"}

  • config_dict: The input configuration dictionary.
    • Type: dict
  • depth: The depth to which the conversion should occur. Default is 5.
    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example-usage_json_config_dict"}

from unitstools import JSONConfigDict

# Beispielcode hier

config_dict = JSONConfigDict(param1=value1, param2=value2)

JSONConfig Class

Parameters {id="parameters_json_config"}

  • filepath: The path to the JSON configuration file.
    • Type: Path
  • depth: The depth to which the conversion should occur. Default is 5.
    • Type: int

Example Usage {id="example_usage_json_config"}

from unitstools import JSONConfig

# Beispielcode hier

config = JSONConfig(filepath=path_to_json_file, depth=5)

Dependencies {id="dependencies_json"}

  • re: Regular expression module.
  • pathlib.Path: Path module for handling file paths.
  • json: JSON parsing module.

Project details

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Source Distribution

unitsit_tools-1.2.1.tar.gz (22.4 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

unitsit_tools-1.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (26.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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