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Unlimited Register Machine (URM) Simulator

Project description

URM Simulator is a Python library for simulating the operations of an Unlimited Register Machine (URM), a simplified model in theoretical computer science that simulates computation processes through a series of basic operations. This library provides a way to define URM programs, execute these programs, and observe changes in register values.

Main Features

  • Support for the Four Basic URM Operations: Zero, Successor, Copy, and Jump.
  • Program Execution and Tracking: Offers a simulator for executing URM programs and tracking their execution process.
  • Custom URM Programs: Allows users to define and execute custom URM programs and check the results of the execution.
  • Support Visual: Add the GUI functionality to support visual representation of each step in URM instruction execution. This feature will facilitate users' learning and analysis of the instruction execution process.

Advanced Features

  • size Function: Calculates the number of instructions in a URM program. This is helpful for analyzing program complexity and debugging.
  • haddr Function: Finds the highest register address used in a URM program. This is crucial for determining how many registers a program needs.
  • normalize Method: Normalizes a URM program to ensure all jump operations point to valid instruction lines. This helps optimize program structure and prevent errors.
  • concat Method: Concatenates two URM programs into a single program. This is useful for building complex logic or reusing existing code.
  • reloc Method: Relocates register addresses in a URM program according to a specified mapping. This is useful when adjusting a program to fit a specific register configuration.


Install URM Simulator using pip:

pip install urm

Make sure your Python environment is version 3.7 or higher.

Usage Examples for GUI

You can directly use the GUI functionality for a more convenient and intuitive way to build URM programs and visualize their execution process. You only need to execute the following command in the command line:

# Run the GUI program
urm gui

The program will use port 8975. If there's a conflict, you can modify the port number yourself.

# Modify the port
urm gui --port 8975

After successfully launching the GUI program, you can open the URM program panel by accessing http://localhost:8975/index through your web browser.

creator page

steps page

Usage Examples for Python Code

Below is an example of how to define and execute a simple URM program using the URM Simulator library:

add(x, y) Function

Defines a URM program to calculate the sum of two numbers using the URM model.

import urm
from urm import C, J, Z, S

# Define the sequence of instructions for the addition operation.
add_instruct = urm.Instructions(
    C(2, 0),
    J(1, 2, 0),
    J(3, 3, 3),

# Define the function to perform addition using the URM simulator.
def add(x, y, safety_count=1000):
    num_of_registers = urm.haddr(add_instruct) + 1
    registers = urm.allocate(num_of_registers)
    input_nodes = {1: x, 2: y}
    result = urm.forward(input_nodes, registers, add_instruct, safety_count=safety_count)
    return result.last_registers[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = 5
    y = 7
    z = add(x, y)
    print(f'add({x}, {y}) = {z}')


add(5, 7) = 12

predecessor(x) function

Define a URM program to calculate the predecessor of a given number.

import urm
from urm import C, J, Z, S

# Define a URM program to calculate the predecessor of a given number.
# The 'pred_instruct' represents a series of URM instructions for this purpose.
pred_instruct = urm.Instructions(
    J(0, 1, 0),
    S(2, ),
    J(1, 2, 0),
    J(0, 0, 3)

# Define the 'pred' function to calculate the predecessor of a number using the URM model.
def pred(x, safety_count=10000):
    # Determine the number of registers needed based on the highest address used in the instructions.
    num_of_registers = urm.haddr(pred_instruct) + 1
    # Allocate the registers, initializing them with zeros.
    registers = urm.allocate(num_of_registers)
    # Setup the initial values for the registers based on the input.
    input_nodes = {1: x}
    # Execute the URM program with the given instructions and input, then obtain the result.
    result = urm.forward(input_nodes, registers, pred_instruct, safety_count=safety_count)
    # Return the value in the result register (R0).
    return result.last_registers[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for _ in range(5):
        x = random.randint(0, 10)
        y = pred(x)
        print(f'predecessor({x}) = {y}')


predecessor(9) = 8
predecessor(8) = 7
predecessor(4) = 3
predecessor(0) = 0
predecessor(3) = 2

subtraction(x,y) function

Define the sequence of instructions for the subtraction operation.

import random

import urm
from urm import C, J, Z, S

# Define the sequence of instructions for the subtraction operation.
sub_instruct = urm.Instructions(
    C(1, 4),
    J(3, 2, 14),
    J(5, 4, 10),
    J(5, 4, 9),
    J(0, 0, 5),
    C(0, 4),
    J(0, 0, 2),
    C(4, 0),

# Define the 'sub' function to perform subtraction using the URM simulator.
def sub(x, y, safety_count=100000):
    # Determine the number of registers needed based on the highest address used in the instructions.
    num_of_registers = urm.haddr(sub_instruct) + 1
    # Allocate the registers, initializing them with zeros.
    registers = urm.allocate(num_of_registers)
    # Setup the initial values for the registers based on the inputs.
    input_nodes = {1: x, 2: y}
    # Execute the URM program with the given instructions and input, then obtain the result.
    result = urm.forward(input_nodes, registers, sub_instruct, safety_count=safety_count)
    # Return the value in the result register (R0).
    return result.last_registers[0]

# Main execution block to test the subtraction function.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for _ in range(5):
        x, y = random.randint(0, 20), random.randint(0, 20)
        z = sub(x, y)
        print(f'subtraction({x}, {y}) = {z}')


subtraction(5, 14) = 0
subtraction(6, 9) = 0
subtraction(19, 13) = 6
subtraction(14, 1) = 13
subtraction(10, 3) = 7

greater_than(x,y) function

Defines a URM program to determine if x is greater than y.

import random

import urm
from urm import C, J, Z, S

# Defines a URM program to determine if x is greater than y.
gt_instruct = urm.Instructions(

    # Check if either x (R1) or y (R2) is 0 first. If so, proceed to the "end game" conditions.
    J(1, 0, 25),
    J(2, 0, 24),

    # Compute the predecessor of R1 (x), simulating x - 1.
    J(3, 1, 25),
    J(1, 4, 11),
    J(0, 0, 7),
    C(3, 1),

    # Compute the predecessor of R2 (y), simulating y - 1.
    J(3, 2, 25),
    J(2, 4, 20),
    J(0, 0, 16),
    C(3, 2),

    Z(3),  # Reset R3 for safety.
    J(0, 0, 2),  # Jump back to the start to check conditions again.

    S(0),  # Set R0 to 1 indicating x > y.

# The gt function uses the URM model to determine if x > y.
def gt(x, y, safety_count=10000):
    # Determine the number of registers needed.
    num_of_registers = urm.haddr(gt_instruct) + 1
    # Allocate registers with initial values set to 0.
    registers = urm.allocate(num_of_registers)
    # Set initial values for x and y.
    input_nodes = {1: x, 2: y}
    # Execute the URM instructions and return the result stored in R0.
    result = urm.forward(input_nodes, registers, gt_instruct, safety_count=safety_count)
    return result.last_registers[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for _ in range(5):
        x, y = random.randint(0, 20), random.randint(0, 20)
        z = gt(x, y)
        print(f'{x} > {y} is {z}')


10 > 4 is 1
20 > 19 is 1
20 > 1 is 1
14 > 20 is 0
18 > 19 is 0

fibb(x) function

Define the instructions for computing the nth Fibonacci number using the URM model.

import urm
from urm import C, J, Z, S

# Define the instructions for computing the nth Fibonacci number using the URM model.
fibb_instructions = urm.Instructions(
    J(1, 0, 0),  # If R1 (input n) is 0, end the program (fib(0) = 0, already in R0).
    S(0),  # Set R0 to 1 (to handle the case of fib(1)).
    J(1, 0, 0),  # If R1 is 1, end the program (fib(1) = 1).
    S(2),  # Initialize R2 (counter k) to 1.

    J(1, 2, 0),  # Loop condition: if R1 equals R2, end the program.

    S(2),  # Increment R2 (k).
    C(0, 4),  # Copy R0 (current Fibonacci number) to R4.
    Z(0),  # Zero R0 for the next calculation.
    Z(5),  # Zero R5, used as a counter in the loop.

    C(4, 0),  # Copy R4 (fib(k-1)) back to R0.
    J(5, 3, 15),  # Loop: if R5 equals R3, jump to instruction 15.
    S(0),  # Increment R0.
    S(5),  # Increment R5.
    J(1, 1, 11),  # Jump back to instruction 11, continue the loop.
    C(4, 3),  # Copy fib(k-1) to fib(k-2) for the next iteration.

    J(2, 2, 5),  # Jump back to instruction 5, continue until R1 equals R2.

# Define the function to compute the nth Fibonacci number using the URM instructions.
def fibb(x, safety_count=10000):
    # Determine the number of registers based on the highest address used.
    num_of_registers = urm.haddr(fibb_instructions) + 1
    # Allocate registers with initial values set to 0.
    registers = urm.allocate(num_of_registers)
    # Set the input value (n) in R1.
    input_nodes = {1: x}
    # Execute the URM program and return the result stored in R0 (the nth Fibonacci number).
    result = urm.forward(input_nodes, registers, fibb_instructions, safety_count=safety_count)
    return result.last_registers[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for n in range(11):
        y = fibb(n)
        print(f'fibb({n}) = {y}')

Tracking Execution Process - predecessor(x)

To track the execution process of your designed URM program, showing each step's instructions and register states, refer to the predecessor(x) example for debugging your instructions.

import random

import urm
from urm import C, J, Z, S

# Define a URM program to calculate the predecessor of a given number.
# The 'pred_instruct' represents a series of URM instructions for this purpose.
pred_instruct = urm.Instructions(
    J(0, 1, 0),
    S(2, ),
    J(1, 2, 0),
    J(0, 0, 3)

def pred(x, safety_count=10000):
    num_of_registers = urm.haddr(pred_instruct) + 1
    registers = urm.allocate(num_of_registers)
    input_nodes = {1: x}
    result = urm.forward(input_nodes, registers, pred_instruct, safety_count=safety_count)

    # Extract detailed execution information from the result.
    num_steps = result.num_of_steps  # The total number of steps (operations) performed.
    registers_from_steps = result.registers_from_steps  # The state of the registers after each step.
    ops_from_steps = result.ops_from_steps  # The description of each operation performed.

    # Iterate through each step of the computation.
    for idx in range(num_steps):
        # Print the operation performed in the current step.
        # Print a summary of the register states after the current operation.

    return result.last_registers[0]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = 5
    y = pred(x)
    print(f'predecessor({x}) = {y}')


R0      R1      R2
0       5       0
>1: J(0, 1, 0)
R0      R1      R2
0       5       0
>2: S(2)
R0      R1      R2
0       5       1
>3: J(1, 2, 0)
R0      R1      R2
0       5       1
>4: S(0)
R0      R1      R2
1       5       1
>5: S(2)
R0      R1      R2
1       5       2
>2: J(0, 0, 3)
R0      R1      R2
1       5       2
>3: J(1, 2, 0)
R0      R1      R2
1       5       2
>4: S(0)
R0      R1      R2
2       5       2
>5: S(2)
R0      R1      R2
2       5       3
>2: J(0, 0, 3)
R0      R1      R2
2       5       3
>3: J(1, 2, 0)
R0      R1      R2
2       5       3
>4: S(0)
R0      R1      R2
3       5       3
>5: S(2)
R0      R1      R2
3       5       4
>2: J(0, 0, 3)
R0      R1      R2
3       5       4
>3: J(1, 2, 0)
R0      R1      R2
3       5       4
>4: S(0)
R0      R1      R2
4       5       4
>5: S(2)
R0      R1      R2
4       5       5
>2: J(0, 0, 3)
R0      R1      R2
4       5       5

predecessor(5) = 4


Project details

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Source Distribution

urm-1.1.0.tar.gz (224.6 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

urm-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (226.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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