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Module containing wrapper classes for sending measurements with Management Console and Sydesk used with UltimateRPA robots

Project description


Easy measure for UltimateRPA

Can be used with Management Console and Sydesk

Basic usage

The urpameasure module provides higher order functionality for sending measurements with UltimateRPA robots. It encapsulates classes for working with both measurement variants - Management Console and Sydesk.

Working with Management Console

First, we need to create the Measurement object

import urpameasure

Measurement = urpameasure.Console()

then we can start adding metrics we want to measure

Measurement.add("login", default_name="01 Login Measurement")
Measurement.add("processed", default_unit="%")
Measurement.add("time", default_unit="seconds")

lastly, all there is to do is to write the measurements. Login and time measurements can be written via decorator

def login():

def main():
    for i in range(1, 101):
        measurement.write("processed", value=i)

Working with Sydesk

Working with Sydesk is almost same as working with Console. Only differences are in arguments the measurement accepts. All possible arguments are described in Documentation section of this document

import urpameasure

Measurement = urpameasure.Sydesk("/path/to/dir")

Measurement.add("some measurement", "SYDESK_SOURCE_ID")
Measurement.add("another measurement", "ANOTHER_SYDESK_SOURCE_ID", default_description="foo bar")

Measurement.write("some measurement", value=5)
Measurement.write("another measurement", value=2, expiration=5)


The module has two main classes: Console and Sydesk for working with Management Console and Sydesk respectively. Both classes are very similar. They differ only in measurement values that can be written with them.

Class Console

Creating instance:

import urpameasure

Measurement = urpameasure.Console()

Adding metrics:

    "measure id"
    default_name="01 My measurement",
    default_description="this is a measurement",

Args starting with default_ are default values used as clear state (see measurement.clear()) or values to be written with measurement.write() if not provided

  • id (str): unique id of this measurement
  • default_status (str, optional): status to be written to Console. Defaults to urpameasure.NONE.
  • default_name (str, optional): name to be written to Console. Defaults to "0 Unnamed measurement".
  • default_value (Optional[float], optional): value to be written to Console. Defaults to None.
  • default_unit (str, optional): unit to be written to Console. Defaults to "".
  • default_tolerance (float, optional): tolerance to be written to Console. Defaults to 0.
  • default_description (Optional[str], optional): description to be written to Console. Defaults to None.
  • default_precision (Optional[int], optional): precision to be written to Console. Defaults to None.
  • strict_mode (bool, optional): defalut_name must start with a digit if enabled. Defaults to True.

Writing measurement:

    "measure id",
    name="a02 Some measurement",
    description="foo bar",

If some of the keyword args are not provided, default_xxxx which was specified with measurement.add() call will be used

  • id ([type]): Unique id of this measurement
  • status (Optional[str], optional): status to be written to Console. self.measurements[id]["default_status"] is used if not provided.
  • name (Optional[str], optional): name to be written to Console. self.measurements[id]["default_name"] is used if not provided.
  • value (Optional[float], optional): value to be written to Console. self.measurements[id]["default_value"] is used if not provided.
  • unit (str, optional): unit to be written to Console. self.measurements[id]["default_unit"] is used if not provided.
  • tolerance (Optional[float], optional): tolerance to be written to Console. self.measurements[id]["default_tolerance"] is used if not provided.
  • description (Optional[str], optional): description to be written to Console. self.measurements[id]["default_description"] is used if not provided.
  • precision (Optional[int], optional): precision to be written to Console. self.measurements[id]["default_precision"] is used if not provided.
  • strict_mode (bool, optional): name must start with a digit if enabled. Defaults to True.

Clearing measurement:

Measurement.clear("measure id")

This method call will set all measurement values to default_xxxx values which were specified with measurement.add() call

Clearing all measurements


Iterates over all measurements and sets their values to default_xxxx

Change default value of a measurement:

Measurement.edit_default_value("measure id", "default_description", "Edited default description")

Measure time decorator:

# first define measurement for sending time
Measurement.add("09 time", default_unit="minutes")

# then decorate a function you want to measure time of execution of
@Measurement.measure_time("09 time", time_unit=urpameasure.MINUTES)
def main():

Note: do not confuse default_unit with time_unit:

  • default_unit is string that is displayed in the Management Console frontend
  • time_unit is unit to be used for time conversion inside the urpameasure module. Defaults to urpameasure.SECONDS

Measure login decorator:

@Measurement.measure_login("01 login")
def login():

Sends value 100 - SUCCESS if execution of function login() finishes. Sends value 0 - ERROR if exception is raised during execution of function login()

measure_login() decorator has two optional keyword argumensts:

  • error_status - defaults to urpameasure.ERROR (status to be displayed if login value is 0)
  • success_status - defaults to urpameasure.SUCCESS (status to be displayed if login value is 100)

Class Sydesk

Creating instance:

import urpameasure

Measurement = urpameasure.Sydesk("/path/to/directory")

Adding metrics:

    "measure id"
    "source id"
    default_expiration=60 * 60,
    default_description="this is a measurement"
  • id (str): Unique id of this measurement
  • source_id (str): String Data source ID in SyDesk
  • default_value (float): Value to be written to Sydesk. Defaults to 0
  • default_expiration (int): Expiration of the measurement in Sydesk in seconds. Defaults to 3600
  • default_description (Optional[str], optional): Description of the measurement. Defaults to None.

Writing measurement:

    "measure id"
    description="foo bar"
  • id (str): Unique id of this measurement
  • value (float, optional): Value to be written to Sydesk. self.measurements[id]["default_value"] is used if not provided. Defaults to 0
  • expiration (int, optional): Expiration of the measurement in Sydesk in seconds. self.measurements[id]["default_expiration"] is used if not provided. Defaults to 0.
  • description ([type], optional): Description of the measurement. self.measurements[id]["default_description"] is used if not provided. Defaults to None.

Clearing measurement:

Measurement.clear("measure id")

This method call will set all measurement values to default_xxxx values which were specified with measurement.add() call

Clearing all measurements


Iterates over all measurements and sets their values to default_xxxx

Change default value of a measurement:

Measurement.edit_default_value("measure id", "default_value", 100)

Measure time decorator:

# first define measurement for sending time
Measurement.add("time", "source id")

# then decorate a function you want to measure time of execution of
def main():

Measure login decorator:

@Measurement.measure_login("login", expiration=0, description="time measurement")
def login():

keyword arguments expiration ad description are optional. They default to 0 and None respectively


Usage with Management Console

import urpa
import urpameasure

# create Console class instance
Measurement = urpameasure.Console()
# add all desired metrics
Measurement.add("login", default_name="01 App login")
    default_name="02 App Navigation",
    default_description="Keeps track of navigation steps trough the app",
Measurement.add("records_done", default_status=urpameasure.INFO, default_name="03 Percentage done", default_unit="%")
# turn off strict mode so we can use default_name that doesn't start with a digit
Measurement.add("time", default_name="Time elapsed", strcit_mode=False)

def login(app):

def main():
    # Clear all measurements. `default_xxxx` values defined with Measure.add() method call will be used
    # Write a measurement to Management Console. All arguments that are not supplied will use values defined with Measure.add() method call
    Measurement.write("app_navigation", value=0)
    app = urpa.open_app(1234)
    # Update a measurement and override some of its default values
    Measurement.write("app_navigation", value=50, description="App opened")
    Measurement.write("app_navigation", value=100, status=urpameasure.SUCCESS)
    for record_index in range(1, 101):
        # do some work here
        Measurement.write("records_done", value=record_index, description=f"Records remaining: {100 - record_index}")
    # We can clear only one measurement at a time
    # We can edit some of its default values that are used as a clear state
    Measurement.edit_default_value("app_navigation", "default_unit", "Procenta")

Take more control over login and time function decorators - Management Console

# We can override statuses which by default are SUCCESS for value 100, ERROR for value 0 and NONE for values other than 0 and 100
# Values 0 and 100 are implicitly written by this function decorator (0: exception was raised, 100: exception was not raised)
@Measurement.measure_login("login", error_status=urpameasure.WARNING, success_status=urpameasure.INFO)
def login(app):
    # We can write arbitrary value to login measure to hint some other state than success/error
    Measurement.write("login", value=50, status=urpameasure.NONE, description="The robot did not attempt login yet")

# Time units can be urpameasure.SECONDS, urpameasure.MINUTES, urpameasure.HOURS
# The time conversion is done automaticaly based on this value
@Measurement.measure_time("time", time_units=urpameasure.MINUTES, status=urpameasure.NONE)
def main():

Take more control over login and time function decorators - Sydesk

# We can override expiration and description
@Measurement.measure_login("login", expiration=2, description="A login success measurement")
def login(app):

@Measurement.measure_time("time", expiration=2, description="A time measurement")
def main():

Custom Errors

  • MeasurementIdExistsError - Raised when user tries to add another measurement with id that already exists
  • InvalidMeasurementIdError - Raised when user tries to access a measurement with id that does not exist
  • SourceIdTooLongError - Only for Sydesk: raised when user tries to define source_id longer than 32 characters

Project details

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Source Distribution

urpameasure-0.1.1.tar.gz (13.2 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

urpameasure-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (12.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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