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A python package for using the CDISC TransCelerate USDM

Project description

CDISC / Transcelerate DDF USDM Package

This package provides an implementation of the Digital Data Flow (DDF) CDISC / TransCelerate Unified Study Definitions Model (USDM). Two main parts are provided:

  • Within the usdm_model directory are a set of classes reflecting the USDM model as transported using the DDF USDM API
  • Within the usdm_excel directory is a class, USDMExcel, that can be used to import an entire study definition from an excel file and build the equivalent json as defined by the API


This package was, originally, not intended for public use and, consequently, only informal testing has been performed on the package to date. Formal testing has just begun. Use this at your own risk.


Setup is via pip

pip install usdm

The package requires a single environment variable CDISC_API_KEY that should be set to your CDISC library API key. This is used to access CDISC CT and BC definitions in the CDISC library.

See below for a simple example program.

USDM Model

Not further information as yet.

Excel Import

Example Program

The following code imports an Excel file (in the appropriate structure) and processes it. The data are then exported to a file in JSON API format. Note: The logging is not needed.

import logging
log = logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)

import json
from usdm_excel import USDMExcel

excel = USDMExcel("source_data/simple_1.xlsx")
with open('source_data/simple_1.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  f.write(json.dumps(json.loads(excel.to_json()), indent=2))

Format of Workbook


The workbook consists of several sheets each with a dedicated purpose. All sheets must be present except for those marked optional.

  • Study sheet
  • Study Identifiers sheet
  • Study Design sheet
  • one or more Timeline sheets
  • Study Design Activities sheet (optional)
  • Study Design Indications and Interventions sheet
  • Study Design Populations sheet
  • Study Design Objectives and Endpoints sheet
  • Study Design Estimands sheet
  • Study Design Procedures sheet
  • Study Design Encounters sheet
  • Study Design Elements sheet
  • Configuration sheet

The content of each sheet is described below. Example workbooks can be found in the CDISC Reference Architecture repo.

CDISC Terminology

For those cells where CDISC codes are used the user can enter either the CDISC C Code, for example C15602, the CDISC submission value, for example PHASE III TRIAL, or the preferred term, for example Phase III Trial

Multiple Values

Some cells allow for multiple values. These are all comma separated. If users wish to include a comma within such strings then the string can be enclosed in quotes. For example 123, "123,456", 789.

External Terminology

For those cells where external CT is referenced the user can enter code in the form <code system>: <code> = <decode>. For example SPONSOR: A = decode 1, SPONSOR: B = decode 2. Where multiple codes are needed then the values are separated by commas.

Boolean Values

For boolean fields the following can be used to indicate a true value 'Y', 'YES', 'T', 'TRUE', '1' or the lower case equivalents.

Identifiers and Cross References

Some content defined within the sheets contain unique identifiers such that the content can be cross referenced in other sheets. This is done so as to link content or expand definitions. Identifiers are simple strings that need to be unique within the workbook. There is a single definition and one or more cross references.

See the infographic for further information.

Timing Values

A number of fields specify timing values, either single relative values or ranges. These can be entered as a Timing Value of <value> <unit> or a Timing Range of <lower>..<upper> <unit>. The unit can be entered as follows:

  • Years: 'Y', 'YRS', 'YR', 'YEARS', 'YEAR'
  • Months: 'MTHS', 'MTH', 'MONTHS', 'MONTH'
  • Weeks: 'W', 'WKS', 'WK', 'WEEKS', 'WEEK'
  • Days: 'D', 'DYS', 'DY', 'DAYS', 'DAY'
  • Hours: 'H', 'HRS', 'HR', 'HOURS', 'HOUR'
  • Minutes: 'M', 'MINS', 'MIN', 'MINUTES', 'MINUTE'
  • Seconds: 'S', 'SECS', 'SEC', 'SECONDS', 'SECOND'

So 3 Y, 3 YRS, 3 YR, 3 YEARS, 3 YEAR are all equivalent. Only a single value and unit should be entered, i.e. combination values are not supported.

Study Sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

The study sheet consists of two parts, the upper section for those single values and then a section for the potentially repeating protocol version informaion

For the single values, the keyword is in column A while the value is in column B. The order of the fields cannot be changed.

Row Row Name Description Format and Values
1 studyTitle The study title Text string
2 studyVersion String version Text string
3 studyType The study type CDISC code reference
4 studyPhase The study phase CDISC code reference
5 studyAcronym The study acronym Text string
6 studyRationale the study rationale Text string
7 businessTherapeuticAreas The set of business therapuetic area codes External CT code format. Likely filled with sponsor terms

A header row in row 9 followed by repeating rows from row 10, containing a protocol version definition:

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A  briefTitle The brief title Text string
B  officialTitle The officiall title Text string
C  publicTitle The public title Text string
D  scientificTitle The scientific title Text string
E  protocolVersion The version of the protocol Text string
F  protocolAmendment The version amendment Text string
G  protocolEffectiveDate Effective date of the protocol Date field, dd/mm/yyyy
H  protocolStatus The status CDISC code reference

Study Identifiers Sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing a study identifier:

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A organisationIdentifierScheme The scheme for the organisation identifier. Example would be 'DUNS'
B organisationIdentifier Organisation identifier Text string
C organisationName Organisation name Text string
D organisationType Organisation type CDISC code reference
E studyIdentifier The identifier for the study Text string
F organisationAddress The organisation address Formated using a pipe delimited form, see below

The organisation address is of the form: line,city,district,state,postal_code,<country code>. All fields are text strings except for <country code>. <country code> is either a two or three character ISO-3166 country code. Note that | can be used in place of the commas for backward compatibility.

Study Design sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

The study design sheet consists of two parts, the upper section for those single values and then a section for the arms and epochs.

For the single values, the keyword is in column A while the value is in column B. The order of the fields cannot be changed.

Row Row Name Description Format and Values
1 studyDesignName Study design name Text string
2 studyDesignDescription Study design description Text string
3 therapeuticAreas Set of therapeutic area codes Set of external CT references, comma separated
4 studyDesignRationale Study design rationale Text string
5 studyDesignBlindingScheme Code for the blinding scheme CDISC code reference
6 trialIntentTypes Codes for the trial intent types Comma separated CDISC code references
7 trialTypes Code for the trial type CDISC code reference
8 interventionModel CDISC code reference
9 mainTimeline Name of main timeline sheet This must be present
10 otherTimelines Names of other timeline sheeText string Commma separated list of sheet names. Can be empty

For the arms and epochs, a simple table is required. The table starts in row 12 and can consists of a header row and 1 or more arm rows.

The header row consists of a cell in column A that is ignored followed by 1 or more cells (columns) containing the epoch names. Each epoch name should have a corresponding entry in the Study Design Epochs sheet, see below.

The arm rows consist of the arm name in the first column followed by a cells for each epoch containing one or more references to study design elements defined in the studyDesignElements sheet. Each arm name should have a corresponding entry in the Study Design Arms sheet, see bwlow.

Study Design Arms sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing the details of a study arm:

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A studyArmName  The study name Text string. Should match an arm name in the Study Design sheet
B studyArmDescription A Text string description for the arm Text string
C studyArmType The arm type CDISC code reference
D studyArmDataOriginDescription  The description of the data origin for the arm Text string
E studyArmDataOriginType The type of arm data origin  CDISC code reference

Study Design Epochs sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing the details of a study epoch:

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A studyEpochName  The epoch name Text string. Should match an epoch name in the Study Design sheet
B studyEpochDescription A Text string description for the epoch Text string
C studyEpochType The epoch type CDISC code reference

Timeline sheets

Sheet Name

As defined within the study design sheet, see above.

Sheet Contents


This is a complicated sheet. It is, in essence, an enhanced SoA. There are several sections within the sheet:

  • The name, description and condition located top right
  • The remainder of the sheet is the SoA with:
    • The timing set in the top rows, the "timepoints"
    • The activities down the left hand side
    • The link between activities and "timepoints", the classic 'X'
Name, Description, Condition

The name description and condition are located in columns A and B, rows 1 and 2. It is a vertical name value pair configuration

Row Row Name Description Format and Values
1 Name The timeline name Text string
2 Description Timeline description Text string
3 Condition Timeline entry condition Text string

The timing seciton consists of multiple columns starting in column D. As many columns as needed can be created. A title block is held in Column C. The section consists of eight rows in rows 1 to 8 as follows:

Row Row Name Description Format and Values
1 Epoch The name of the epoch within which the timepoint falls. Note the cells in this row can be merged to link an epoch with many timepoints Text string
2 Cycle The cycle in which the "timepoint" exists. Can be empty or set to '-' (empty) Text string
3 First Cycle Start The time at which the cycle starts. Should be specified. Empty if not part of a cycle Text string
4 Cycle Period The cycle period. Shoudl be specified. Empty if not part of a cycle Text string
5 Cycle End Rule The cycle end rule. Can be empty. Empty if not part of a cycle Text string
6 Timing "Timepoint" timing. A timing string, see below
7 Encounter xref Cross reference to the encounter in which the timepoint belongs. Can be empty Text string
8 Window Timing window. Can be empty A Timing Range

The timepont timing takes the form defined as follows (using pseudo BNF).

<entry> ::= <type> [<count>] : [<relative timing>]
<type> ::= N | P| A | C
<count> ::= any positive integer (will default to 1)
<relative timing> ::= A single Timing Value

N = Next, P = Previous, A = Anchor and C = Cycle Start. The count when used with N or P indicates a relative to the Nth next or previous timepoint. When not specificed it defaults to 1.

P2: +14 Days indicates the timepoiint is relative to the 2nd previous timepoint by 14 days. A plus or minus sign can be entered but will be ignored as times are absolute. N1: 1 Day is equivalent to N: 1 Day and indicates the timepoiint is relative to the next timepoint by 1 day. A: is an anchor


The activity section consists of three columns, A to C, starting in row 10, row 9 being a title row. As many rows as needed can be added.

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A Parent Activity Parent Activity. Not used currently Set to '-'
B Child Activity Child activity name Text string
C BC/Procedure/Timeline A set of BCs, procedures or timelines. Comma separated or the form detailed below :---

The BC, procedure, timeline format is defined as follows (using pseudo BNF):

<entries> ::= <entry> | <entries> <entry>
<entry> ::= <type> : <name> | empty
<type> ::= PR | BC | TL
<name> ::= <name of item>

BC: Age, BC: Sec, PR:Informed Consent Form, TL:Exercise indicates the activity consists of the bcs Age and Sex, a procedure for the informed consent and a timeline specified in the Exercise sheet.


The link section consists of a set of cells into which an upper case 'X' can be placed to link a timepoint with an activity. Otherwise the cell will be ignored. A '-' can be used to fill in cells but "empty".

Study Design Activities sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing encounter definitions.

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A  activityName Name Text string 
B  activityDescription Description  Text string
C  activityIsConditional Conditional flag   Boolean
D  activityIsConditionalReason Reason   Text string

Note that this sheet is optional. If the sheet is not provided the activities will be created from those defined in the timeline sheets. These activities will have the name and description set to the name used in the timeline sheet and no condition will be set.

If the sheet is provided but there is no definition in the sheet for an activity referenced in a timeline sheet then the name and description will be set to the name used in the timeline sheet and no condition will be set.

Study Design Indications and Interventions Sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing an indication or intervention:

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A Identifier  The identifier Text string
B type The type, either IND for indication or INT for intervention Text string
C description A Text string description for the indication or intervvention Text string
D codes The set of indication or intervention codes A set of external CT codes, comma separated

Study Design Populations sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing a population definition:

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A populationDescription Description of the population  Text string
B plannedNumberOfParticipants Number of participants Integer 
C plannedMinimumAgeOfParticipants Min age  Text string
D plannedMaximumAgeOfParticipants  Mas Age  Text string
E  plannedSexOfParticipants Sex of participants  CDISC code reference

Study Design Objectives and Endpoints sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing objective and endpoint definitions. Note that columns D through G can repeat for the same content in columns A to C. For additional endpoint rows leave columns A to C blank.

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A objectiveXref Identifier Text string
B objectiveDescription Description Text string
C objectiveLevel Objective level CDISC code reference
D endpointXref Identifier Text string. Note columns D to G can repeat for each endpoiint for an objective
E endpointDescription Description Text string
F endpointPurposeDescription
G endpointLevel Level CDISC code reference

Study Design Estimands sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing estimand definitions. Note that column H can repeat for the same content in columns A through G.

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A  xref Identifier  Text string
B  summaryMeasure The summary measure  Text string
C  populationDescription Description  Text string
D  intercurrentEventName Name  Text string
E  intercurrentEventDescription Description  Text string
F  treatmentXref Treatment cross reference  Cross reference to a treatment
G  endpointXref Endpoint cross reference  Cross reference to an endpont
H  intercurrentEventstrategy Strategy  Text string. This column can be repeated fo reach intercurrent event rerquired for the Estimand

Study Design Procedures sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing procedure definitions.

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A  xref Identifier  Text string 
B  procedureName  Type Text string 
C  procedureDescription  Type Text string 
D  procedureType  Type Text string 
E  procedureCode  Code reference External CT reference  
F  procedureIsConditional Conditional flag   Boolean
G  procedureIsConditionalReason Reason   Text string

Study Design Encounters sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing encounter definitions.

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A  xref Identifier Text string 
B  encounterName Name Text string 
C  encounterDescription Description  Text string
D  encounterType The type  CDISC code reference
E  encounterEnvironmentalSetting Encounter environment CDISC code reference 
F  encounterContactModes Contact modes CDISC code reference 
G  transitionStartRule Start rule Text string 
H  transitionEndRule End Rule Text string 

Study Design Elements sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A header row in row 1 followed by repeating rows from row 2, containing element definitions.

Column Column Name Description Format and Values
A xref Identifier Text string
B studyElementName Name Text string
C studyElementDescription Description Text string
D transitionStartRule Start rule Text string
E transitionEndRule End rule Text string

Configuration Sheet

Sheet Name


Sheet Contents

A set of rows consisting of configuration parameters. The first column is the type of configuration parameter while the second is the value. The values for specific parameters may vary in their format

Parameter Description Format and Values
CT Version Allows for the version of a specific external CT to be set. Multiple rows can be included to set the versions for several CTs Of the form CT name = Version value, For example SNOMED = 21st June 2012
SDR Prev Next Allows for next and previous ids to be set to '' rather than null values so as to accomodate the SDR validation checks Set to 'SDR' to use '' or leave empty to set null values
SDR Root Allows for the API specification complant JSON output to be wrpaped in a root "clinicalStudy" element so as to accomodate the SDR validation checks Set to 'SDR' to use wrapper or leave empty to just generate the API compliant JSON
SDR Description Allows for the description fields within the JSON to be fillled with a string value rather than being set to an empty string if they are left blank in the excel sheets. Currently only applies to description fields A non-empty string such as '-', 'not set' etc


See the github issues

Build Notes

Build with python3 -m build --sdist --wheel

Upload to pypi using twine upload dist/*

Project details

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Source Distribution

usdm-0.28.0.tar.gz (69.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

usdm-0.28.0-py3-none-any.whl (96.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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