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Geoprocessing utility for working with vector data

Project description

Vector IO - Geoprocessing utility for working with vector data.

  • python >= 3.6
  • gdal >= 2.2
  • rar
  • unrar


This project is a tool for working with vectorial data based on GDAL. This tool is an envelope about gdal and aims to work with different types of vector data quickly, intelligently, and simply. The vectorIO provide the support for (read and write) geojson, wkt, Shapefile and KML, support for quick switch between different spatial data types, and provides a exception handler for warnings from gdal.



Creating a image and instantiate the container:

# access the directory where is the Dockerfile
docker image build -t vectorio-env:001 . # build the image
# vectorio-env:001 - can be any name with the version of the your preference
docker container run -it vectorio-env:001 # instantiate a new container

Ubuntu 18.04

  • Rar
apt-get install rar unrar
  • Gdal

Installing gdal on ubuntu

  • Gdal for python
gdalinfo --version
pip3 install gdal==<gdal_version>


Read and Write Geojson

Working with geojson data. By default, the datasource is created as WGS84.

  • Preparing the data
from vectorio.vector import Geojson
data = '{"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{"type": "Feature","properties": {},"geometry": {"type": "Polygon","coordinates": [[[-44.89013671875,-6.577303118123875],[-46.29638671874999,-7.460517719883772],[-44.4287109375,-7.318881730366743],[-44.89013671875,-6.577303118123875]]]}}]}'
gjs = Geojson(data)
  • Read all data
# Features

# Geometries
  • Reading and iterating over each feature
for feat in gjs.features():
  • Creating a new geojson file
  • Reading from geojson file
with open('data.geojson') as f:
    gj= Geojson(

Read and write WKT

Working with wkt data. Is supported geometry collection and single geometries. By default, the datasource is created as WGS84.

The wkt object has some parameters:

WKT(as_geometry_collection=True, srid=4326)
  • as_geometry_collection: return a geometry collection same when the data is a single geometry by method collection.

  • srid: Initial SRID for WKT.

  • Preparing the data

from vectorio.vector import WKT
data = "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(-48.740641051554974 -9.249606262178954), LINESTRING(-50.278726989054974 -11.023166202413554,-48.608805114054974 -10.375450023701761))"
wkt = WKT(data)
  • Read all data
  • Reading and iterating over each geometry
for geom in wkt.geometries():
  • Creating a new wkt file
  • Reading from wkt file
with open('data.wkt') as f:
    wkt = WKT(

Read and write Shapefile

Working with read and write shapefile. Is supported shapefiles compressed as .zip and .rar. By default, the datasource is created based on projection present on .prj file. obs: read and write of the .rar files is available only for linux OS. Only the vectorio.compress.Rar (engine to compress) class has this restriction. The other classes are available for any OS.

  • Preparing the data
from vectorio.vector import Shapefile
shape = Shapefile('data.shp')
  • Read all data from .shp file
  • Reading and iterating over each feature from .shp file. TODO: CORRIGIR GEOMETRY_COLLECTION
# Interanting over features
for feat in shape.features():

# Interanting over geometries
for geom in shape.geometries():
  • Creating a new shapefile (Are be created the files .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj)
# >>> out.shp
Read and write Shapefile compressed

By default the algorithm will search recusivly the files .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj inside of the compressed file. The algorithm will search the first file of the each extension, case the compressed file contains 2 (or more) .shp files, or 2 (or more) .prj file, will be obtained the first .shp file and the first .prj file.

  • Processing from zip
from vectorio.vector import Shapefile, ShapefileCompressed
from vectorio.compress import Zip

shape = ShapefileCompressed(Shapefile(''), compress_engine=Zip())
shape.feature_collection() # reading all data

for feat in shape.features():  # iterating over each item

shape.write('') # Creating a shapefile compressed as .zip
# >>>
  • Processing from .rar (available only for linux OS)
from vectorio.vector import Shapefile, ShapefileCompressed
from vectorio.compress import Rar

shape = ShapefileCompressed(Shapefile('data.rar'), compress_engine=Rar())
shape.feature_collection()  # read all data

for feat in shape.features():  # iterating over each item

shape.write('out.rar') # Creating a shapefile compressed as .rar
# >>> out.rar

Read and write KML

  • Currently the KML is processed as Geojson.
from vectorio.vector import KML
kml = KML('data.kml')

# Interanting over features
for feat in shape.features():

# Interanting over geometries
for geom in shape.geometries():


Reprojecting a Vector

The spatial reprojection works with same geography type thats implements the interface IVectorIO. If the input srid (in_srid) are be ommited, will used the srid from geometry.

  • Reprojecting a shapefile
from vectorio.vector import Shapefile, ShapefileCompressed, VectorReprojected
from vectorio.compress import Zip
shape = VectorReprojected(
    ShapefileCompressed(Shapefile(''), compress_engine=Zip()),
    in_srid=31982, out_srid=4674

shape.feature_collection()  # reading all data

for feat in shape.features():  # iterating by each feature

shape.write('')  # creating a new shapefile
  • Reprojecting a WKT

By default the wkt is in WGS84 spatial reference.

from vectorio.vector import WKT, VectorReprojected
data = 'POLYGON((-49.698036566343376 -9.951372897703846,-51.148231878843376 -11.591810720955946,-48.467567816343376 -11.763953408065282,-49.698036566343376 -9.951372897703846))'
wkt = VectorReprojected(WKT(data), out_srid=31982)

wkt.geometry_collection()  # reading all data

for geom in wkt.geometries():  # iterating by each geometry

wkt.write('data-reprojected.wkt')  # creating a new wkt file
  • Reprojecting a Geojson

By default the geojson is in WGS84 spatial reference.

from vectorio.vector import Geojson, VectorReprojected
data = '{"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{"type": "Feature","properties": {},"geometry": {"type": "Polygon","coordinates": [[[-45.992889404296875,-9.654907854199012],[-46.12884521484374,-9.72259300616733],[-45.96954345703125,-9.738835407948073],[-45.992889404296875,-9.654907854199012]]]}}]}'
gjs = VectorReprojected(Geojson(data), out_srid=31982)

gjs.feature_collection()  # reading all data

for feat in gjs.features():  # iterating by each feature

gjs.write('data-reprojected.geojson')  # creating a new geojson file

Quick Switch Between Geographic Data

For execution of the Quick switch must be used the VectorComposite present on package vectorio.vector.

VectorComposite(input_vector_obj, ouput_vector_obj)
Quick switch from geojson to wkt
  • Preparing data
from vectorio.vector import Geojson, WKT, VectorComposite
data = '{"type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{"type": "Feature","properties": {},"geometry": {"type": "Polygon","coordinates": [[[-44.89013671875,-6.577303118123875],[-46.29638671874999,-7.460517719883772],[-44.4287109375,-7.318881730366743],[-44.89013671875,-6.577303118123875]]]}}]}'
vector = VectorComposite(Geojson(data), WKT())
  • Reading all geometry from geojson as wkt
  • Iterating over all geometries as wkt
for geom_wkt in vector.geometries():
  • Creating a wkt file
Quick switch from wkt to shapefile as zip
from vectorio.vector import Shapefile, ShapefileCompressed, WKT, VectorComposite
from vectorio.compress import Zip

data = 'MULTIPOLYGON (((40 40, 20 45, 45 30, 40 40)), ((20 35, 10 30, 10 10, 30 5, 45 20, 20 35), (30 20, 20 15, 20 25, 30 20)))'
vector = VectorComposite(
    ShapefileCompressed(Shapefile(), compress_engine=Zip())
  • Reading all geometry from wkt
  • Iterating over all geometries
for geom in vector.geometries():
  • Creating a shapefile as zip
Search UTM Zone from Geometry
  • This functionality will search the UTM Zone from some geometry.
from vectorio.vector import UTMZone, VectorReprojected, WKT
data = 'POLYGON((-73.79131452179155 -11.78691590735885,-27.12139264679149 -12.645910804419744,-47.46330883419978 10.894322081983276,-73.79131452179155 -11.78691590735885))'
ds_wkt = VectorReprojected(WKT(data), out_srid=4326).datasource()
utm = UTMZone()
utm.zones(ds_wkt)  # getting all UTM Zones that intersect with the geometry
  • The method zone_from_biggest_geom get only one zone that has the biggest geometry. For example, if a large geometry is in UTM Zone 25N or 26N, this method will calculate the area (for polygon) or length (for line) of geometry and return the UTM Zone where the area or length is the biggest.

  • Signature: zone_from_biggest_geom(self, inp_ds: DataSource, wkt_prj_for_metrics: str, in_wkt_prj=PRJ_WGS84)

    • wkt_prj_for_metrics: required
    • inp_ds: required
    • in_wkt_prj: Optional. Used case the input datasource no has a CRS.
# prj_for_metrics - necessary for make metrics calculations
prj_for_metrics = 'PROJCS["Brazil / Albers Equal Area Conic (WGS84)",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-50.0],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",10.0],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",-40.0],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",-25.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]'
utm.zone_from_biggest_geom(ds_wkt, wkt_prj_for_metrics=prj_for_metrics) # getting one UTM Zone
  • Points are ignored in this calculation. This method isn't remomended for geometries composed only by Points, (MultiPoint, GeometryCollection of points e etc.), because, the UTM zone returned is based in area/length metrics. Soon, will be implemented a method for get UTM Zone only for Point Geometries.
UTM Zone for geometries with Topology Errors

Case the your geometry has topology errors you should use the method UTMZone().zones_from_iteration(wkt) passing a WKT as argument. This method will return a set of the utm zones that the wkt intersect.

    'POLYGON((-59.408117902654105 -6.5855114909234445,-62.132727277654105 -8.241414689294965,-58.836828840154105 -8.545736525537883,-62.835852277654105 -5.230474986041972,-58.836828840154105 -6.4981931392341705,-59.408117902654105 -6.5855114909234445))'
# {'20SW', '21SW'}

Raise Exception for Warnings From Gdal

For use the exception from gdal warnings should use the decorator gdal_warning_as_exception presents on vectorio.gdal package. This decorator will throw the error when the IsValid() method from geometry() method will be used.

from vectorio.gdal import gdal_warning_as_exception
from vectorio.vector import WKT

self_intersect_polygon = 'POLYGON((-54.24438490181399 -5.466896872158672,-54.84863294868899 -5.882330540835073,-54.09057630806399 -5.8714019542356475,-54.83764662056399 -5.379399666352095,-54.24438490181399 -5.466896872158672))'

def possible_error():
    wkt = WKT(self_intersect_polygon)
    ds = wkt.datasource()
    lyr = ds.GetLayer(0)
    feat = lyr.GetFeature(0)

# >>> GDALSelfIntersectionGeometry: Self-intersection at or near point -54.469636435829948 -5.6217621987992636
Possibles exceptions
  • GDALSelfIntersectionGeometry: Exception throwed when a polygon contains a self intersection.
  • GDALBadClosedPolygon: Exception throwed when a polygon not correctly close.
  • GDALUnknownException: Exception throwed when occurs a unknown error.

Obs: All the exceptions are available on package vectorio.exceptions

Reprojecting a datasource directly

  • To make spatial reprojection use the class VectorIOReprojected metioned above. However, in same moment will be necessary reproject a datasource directly, for this use the DataSourceReprojected class.

  • Signature: DataSourceReprojected(inp_ds: DataSource, in_srid: int=None, out_srid: int=None, in_wkt_prj=None, out_wkt_prj=None, use_wkt_prj: bool=False)

    • inp_ds: required. Datasource that will be reprojected.
    • in_srid: optional. Used case the input datasource not has a CRS. (Used only when the flag use_wkt_prj is False).
    • out_srid: Required whether the use_wkt_prj is False.
    • in_wkt_prj: optional. WKT Projection on OGC pattern. Used case the input datasource not has a CRS. (Used only when the flag use_wkt_prj is True).
    • out_wkt_prj: Required whether the use_wkt_prj is True. WKT Projection on OGC pattern.
    • use_wkt_prj: Boolean to define whether the datasource will be reprojected with SRID our with the WKT Projection.
  • Methods:

    • ref() -> DataSource: Return the DataSource reprojected.
  • Reprojecting with SRID.

from vectorio.vector import WKT, DataSourceReprojected
data = 'POLYGON((-45.522540331834634 -6.851736627227062,-47.016680956834634 -7.7670786428296275,-45.434649706834634 -8.332736100352385,-45.522540331834634 -6.851736627227062))'
wkt = WKT(data)
ds = wkt.datasource()
new_ds = DataSourceReprojected(ds, out_srid=31983).ref()
  • Reprojecting with WKT Projection.
from vectorio.vector import WKT, DataSourceReprojected
data = 'POLYGON((-45.522540331834634 -6.851736627227062,-47.016680956834634 -7.7670786428296275,-45.434649706834634 -8.332736100352385,-45.522540331834634 -6.851736627227062))'
wkt = WKT(data)
prj = 'PROJCS["SIRGAS 2000 / UTM zone 23S",GEOGCS["SIRGAS 2000",DATUM["Sistema_de_Referencia_Geocentrico_para_America_del_Sur_2000",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6674"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4674"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-45],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",10000000],AUTHORITY["EPSG","31983"],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH]]'
ds = wkt.datasource()
new_ds = DataSourceReprojected(ds, out_wkt_prj=prj, use_wkt_prj=True).ref()

Counting Vertices

All classes that are vector has the method for count all vertices. Below, are be exemplified with a WKT, however, this method works with Shapefile, GeoJson too.

  • Signature: vertices_by_feature(ds: DataSource) -> dict

    • ds: Required. DataSource for count your vertices.
  • Return:

    • Will be returned a dictionary of vertices by feature.
from vectorio.vector import WKT
data = 'POLYGON((-45.522540331834634 -6.851736627227062,-47.016680956834634 -7.7670786428296275,-45.434649706834634 -8.332736100352385,-45.522540331834634 -6.851736627227062))'
wkt = WKT(data)
wkt.vertices_by_feature() # works with shapefile or Geojson 
# shapefile_obj.vertices_by_feature() or geojson_obj.vertices_by_feature()

Project details

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Source Distribution

vectorio-2.0.3.linux-x86_64.tar.gz (147.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

vectorio-2.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (133.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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