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A cross-platform, OpenCV-based VFX shot detection program and Python library.

Project description

VFX Shot Detection Tool (detects VFX shot code burnins)

PyPI Status PyPI Version

Latest Release: v0.6.3 (June 07, 2021)

Quick Install: To install PyVfxShotDetect via pip with all dependencies:

pip install vfxdetect

This is an extended version of PySceneDetect v0.5.5. The complete PySceneDetect manual can be found here

To enable video splitting support, you will also need to have mkvmerge or ffmpeg installed - see the pyscenedetect documentation on Video Splitting Support for details.

Requires Python modules click, numpy, OpenCV cv2, pytesseract and (optional) tqdm for displaying progress. For details, see the PySceneDetect dependencies .

Quick Start (Command Line):

Analyse a video (detect all cuts) and export an EDL:

vfxdetect -i video.mp4 detect-content export-edl

Analyse a video and export an EDL only containing VFX Shots (based on detected VFX shot code burnins). Prior to analysing the video, the video is played and the user is asked to define a boundary box (rectangle that encloses a VFX shot code burnin) which helps vfxdetect to find the VFX shots and extract the VFX shot codes) In addition to the edl, a .bbox file (text file) containing the boundary box coordinates is stored next to the input video file:

vfxdetect -i video.mp4 detect-content export-vfx-edl

Analyse a video and export an EDL only containing VFX shots plus specifying a file containing boundary box coordinates:

vfxdetect -i video.mp4 detect-content export-vfx-edl -bb bbox-file.txt

To show a summary of all other options and commands:

vfxdetect help

You can find more examples on the PySceneDetect website or in the PySceneDetect manual.

Python API: See the PySceneDetect manual for the full PySceneDetect API documentation.

PyVfxShotDetect is a command-line tool and Python library, which uses OpenCV to analyze a video to find scene changes or cuts. If ffmpeg or mkvmerge is installed, the video can also be split into scenes automatically. A frame-by-frame analysis can also be generated for a video, to help with determining optimal threshold values or detecting patterns/other analysis methods for a particular video. See the PySceneDetect Usage documentation for details.

There are two main detection methods PyVfxShotDetect uses: detect-threshold (comparing each frame to a set black level, useful for detecting cuts and fades to/from black), and detect-content (compares each frame sequentially looking for changes in content, useful for detecting fast cuts between video scenes, although slower to process). Each mode has slightly different parameters, and is described in detail below.

In general, use detect-threshold mode if you want to detect scene boundaries using fades/cuts in/out to black. If the video uses a lot of fast cuts between content, and has no well-defined scene boundaries, you should use the detect-content mode. Once you know what detection mode to use, you can try the parameters recommended below, or generate a statistics file (using the -s / --statsfile flag) in order to determine the correct paramters - specifically, the proper threshold value.

Note that PyVfxShotDetect is currently in beta; see Current Features & Roadmap below for details.
For help or other issues, you can submit an issue/bug report here on Github.


Global Options

PyVfxShotDetect Option/Command List:

Usage: vfxdetect [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  For example:

  vfxdetect -i video.mp4 -s video.stats.csv detect-content list-scenes

  Note that the following options represent [OPTIONS] above. To list the
  optional [ARGS] for a particular COMMAND, type `vfxdetect help COMMAND`.
  You can also combine commands (e.g. vfxdetect [...] detect-content save-
  images --png split-video).

  -i, --input VIDEO      [Required] Input video file. May be specified
                         multiple times to concatenate several videos
                         together. Also supports image sequences and URLs.
  -o, --output DIR       Output directory for all files (stats file, output
                         videos, images, log files, etc...).
  -f, --framerate FPS    Force framerate, in frames/sec (e.g. -f 29.97).
                         Disables check to ensure that all input videos have
                         the same framerates.
  -d, --downscale N      Integer factor to downscale frames by (e.g. 2, 3,
                         4...), where the frame is scaled to width/N x
                         height/N (thus -d 1 implies no downscaling). Each
                         increment speeds up processing by a factor of 4 (e.g.
                         -d 2 is 4 times quicker than -d 1). Higher values can
                         be used for high definition content with minimal
                         effect on accuracy. [default: 2 for SD, 4 for 720p, 6
                         for 1080p, 12 for 4k]
  -fs, --frame-skip N    Skips N frames during processing (-fs 1 skips every
                         other frame, processing 50% of the video, -fs 2
                         processes 33% of the frames, -fs 3 processes 25%,
                         etc...). Reduces processing speed at expense of
                         accuracy.  [default: 0]
  -m, --min-scene-len TIMECODE
                         Minimum size/length of any scene. TIMECODE can
                         be specified as exact number of frames, a time
                         in seconds followed by s, or a timecode in the
                         format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.nnn [default: 0.6s]
  --drop-short-scenes    Drop scenes shorter than `--min-scene-len`
                         instead of combining them with neighbors
  -s, --stats CSV        Path to stats file (.csv) for writing frame metrics
                         to. If the file exists, any metrics will be
                         processed, otherwise a new file will be created. Can
                         be used to determine optimal values for various scene
                         detector options, and to cache frame calculations in
                         order to speed up multiple detection runs.
  -v, --verbosity LEVEL  Level of debug/info/error information to show.
                         Setting to none will suppress all output except that
                         generated by actions (e.g. timecode list output).
  -l, --logfile LOG      Path to log file for writing application logging
                         information, mainly for debugging. Make sure to set
                         "-il debug" as well if you are submitting a bug
  -q, --quiet            Suppresses all output of PySceneDetect except for
                         those from the specified commands. Equivalent to
                         setting "--info-level none", and overrides the
                         current info-level, even if --info-level/-il is
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

Command List

  about             Print license/copyright info.
  detect-content    Perform content detection algorithm on input...
  detect-threshold  Perform threshold detection algorithm on...
  export-html       Exports scene list to a HTML file.
  export-edl        Exports scene list to an EDL file.
  export-vfx-edl    Exports scene list to an EDL file (VFX shots only).
  help              Print help for command (help [command]).
  list-scenes       Prints scene list and outputs to a CSV file.
  save-images       Create images for each detected scene.
  split-video       Split input video(s) using ffmpeg or...
  time              Set start/end/duration of input video(s).
  version           Print version of PySceneDetect.

time Command

PyVfxShotDetect time Command
Usage: vfxdetect time [OPTIONS]

  Set start/end/duration of input video(s).

  Time values can be specified as frames (NNNN), seconds (NNNN.NNs), or as a
  timecode (HH:MM:SS.nnn). For example, to start scene detection at 1
  minute, and stop after 100 seconds:

  time --start 00:01:00 --duration 100s

  Note that --end and --duration are mutually exclusive (i.e. only one of
  the two can be set). Lastly, the following is an example using absolute
  frame numbers to process frames 0 through 1000:

  time --start 0 --end 1000

  -s, --start TIMECODE     Time in video to begin detecting scenes. TIMECODE
                           can be specified as exact number of frames (-s 100
                           to start at frame 100), time in seconds followed by
                           s (-s 100s to start at 100 seconds), or a timecode
                           in the format HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.nnn (-s 00:01:40
                           to start at 1m40s).  [default: 0]
  -d, --duration TIMECODE  Maximum time in video to process. TIMECODE format
                           is the same as other arguments. Mutually exclusive
                           with --end / -e.
  -e, --end TIMECODE       Time in video to end detecting scenes. TIMECODE
                           format is the same as other arguments. Mutually
                           exclusive with --duration / -d.
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

detect-content Command

PyVfxShotDetect detect-content Command
Usage: vfxdetect detect-content [OPTIONS]

  Perform content detection algorithm on input video(s).


  detect-content --threshold 27.5

  -t, --threshold VAL         Threshold value (float) that the delta_hsv frame
                              metric must exceed to trigger a new scene.
                              Refers to frame metric delta_hsv_avg in stats
                              file.  [default: 30.0]
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

detect-threshold Command

PyVfxShotDetect detect-threshold Command
Usage: vfxdetect detect-threshold [OPTIONS]

  Perform threshold detection algorithm on input video(s).


  detect-threshold --threshold 15

  -t, --threshold VAL         Threshold value (integer) that the delta_rgb
                              frame metric must exceed to trigger a new scene.
                              Refers to frame metric delta_rgb in stats file.
                              [default: 12]
  -f, --fade-bias PERCENT     Percent (%) from -100 to 100 of timecode skew
                              for where cuts should be placed. -100 indicates
                              the start frame, +100 indicates the end frame,
                              and 0 is the middle of both.  [default: 0]
  -l, --add-last-scene        If set, if the video ends on a fade-out, an
                              additional scene will be generated for the last
                              fade out position.
  -p, --min-percent PERCENT   Percent (%) from 0 to 100 of amount of pixels
                              that must meet the threshold value in orderto
                              trigger a scene change.  [default: 95]
  -b, --block-size N          Number of rows in image to sum per iteration
                              (can be tuned for performance in some cases).
                              [default: 8]
  -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.

list-scenes Command

PyVfxShotDetect list-scenes Command
Usage: vfxdetect list-scenes [OPTIONS]

  Prints scene list and outputs to a CSV file. The default filename is

  -o, --output DIR      Output directory to save videos to. Overrides global
                        option -o/--output if set.
  -f, --filename NAME   Filename format to use for the scene list CSV file.
                        You can use the $VIDEO_NAME macro in the file name.
                        Note that you may have to wrap the name using single
                        quotes.  [default: $VIDEO_NAME-Scenes.csv]
  -n, --no-output-file  Disable writing scene list CSV file to disk.  If set,
                        -o/--output and -f/--filename are ignored.
  -q, --quiet           Suppresses output of the table printed by the list-
                        scenes command.
  -s, --skip-cuts       Skips outputting the cutting list as the first row in
                        the CSV file. Set this option if compliance with RFC
                        4810 is required.

save-images Command

PyVfxShotDetect save-images Command
Usage: vfxdetect save-images [OPTIONS]

  Create images for each detected scene.

  -o, --output DIR      Output directory to save images to. Overrides global
                        option -o/--output if set.
  -f, --filename NAME   Filename format, *without* extension, to use when
                        saving image files. You can use the $VIDEO_NAME,
                        $SCENE_NUMBER, $IMAGE_NUMBER, and $FRAME_NUMBER macros in the file
                        name. Note that you may have to wrap the format in
                        single quotes.  [default: $VIDEO_NAME-
  -n, --num-images N    Number of images to generate. Will always include
                        start/end frame, unless N = 1, in which case the image
                        will be the frame at the mid-point in the scene.
  -j, --jpeg            Set output format to JPEG. [default]
  -w, --webp            Set output format to WebP.
  -q, --quality Q       JPEG/WebP encoding quality, from 0-100 (higher
                        indicates better quality). For WebP, 100 indicates
                        lossless. [default: JPEG: 95, WebP: 100]  [0<=x<=100]
  -p, --png             Set output format to PNG.
  -c, --compression C   PNG compression rate, from 0-9. Higher values produce
                        smaller files but result in longer compression time.
                        This setting does not affect image quality, only file
                        size. [default: 3]  [0<=x<=9]
  -m, --frame-margin N  Number of frames to ignore at the beginning and end of
                        scenes when saving images [default: 1]
  -s  --scale S         Optional factor by which saved images are rescaled. A 
                        scaling factor of 1 would not result in rescaling. A 
                        value <1 results in a smaller saved image, while a 
                        value >1 results in an image larger than the original. 
                        This value is ignored if either the height, -h, or 
                        width, -w, values are specified.
  -h  --height H        Optional value for the height of the saved images. 
                        Specifying both the height and width, -w, will resize 
                        images to an exact size, regardless of aspect ratio. 
                        Specifying only height will rescale the image to that 
                        number of pixels in height while preserving the aspect 
  -w  --width W         Optional value for the width of the saved images. 
                        Specifying both the width and height, -h, will resize 
                        images to an exact size, regardless of aspect ratio. 
                        Specifying only width will rescale the image to that 
                        number of pixels wide while preserving the aspect ratio.

split-video Command

PyVfxShotDetect split-video Command
Usage: vfxdetect split-video [OPTIONS]

  Split input video(s) using ffmpeg or mkvmerge.

  -o, --output DIR          Output directory to save videos to. Overrides
                            global option -o/--output if set.
  -f, --filename NAME       File name format, to use when saving image files.
                            You can use the $VIDEO_NAME and $SCENE_NUMBER
                            macros in the file name. Note that you may have
                            to wrap the name using single quotes.
                            [default: $VIDEO_NAME-Scene-$SCENE_NUMBER]
  -h, --high-quality        Encode video with higher quality, overrides -f
                            option if present. Equivalent to specifying
                            --rate-factor 17 and --preset slow.
  -a, --override-args ARGS  Override codec arguments/options passed to FFmpeg
                            when splitting and re-encoding scenes. Use double
                            quotes (") around specified arguments. Must
                            specify at least audio/video codec to use (e.g. -a
                            "-c:v [...] and -c:a [...]"). [default: "-c:v
                            libx264 -preset veryfast -crf 22 -c:a copy"]
  -q, --quiet               Suppresses output from external video splitting
  -c, --copy                Copy instead of re-encode using mkvmerge instead
                            of ffmpeg for splitting videos. All other
                            arguments except -o/--output and -q/--quiet are
                            ignored in this mode, and output files will be
                            named $VIDEO_NAME-$SCENE_NUMBER.mkv. Significantly
                            faster when splitting videos, however, output
                            videos sometimes may not be split exactly,
                            especially if the scenes are very short in length,
                            or the input video is heavily compressed. This can
                            lead to smaller scenes being merged with others,
                            or scene boundaries being shifted in time - thus
                            when using this option, the number of videos
                            written may not match the number of scenes that
                            was detected.
  -crf, --rate-factor RATE  Video encoding quality (x264 constant rate
                            factor), from 0-100, where lower values represent
                            better quality, with 0 indicating lossless.
                            [default: 22, if -h/--high-quality is set: 17]
  -p, --preset LEVEL        Video compression quality preset (x264 preset).
                            Can be one of: ultrafast, superfast, veryfast,
                            faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, and veryslow.
                            Faster modes take less time to run, but the output
                            files may be larger. [default: veryfast, if
                            -h/--high quality is set: slow]

export-html Command

PyVfxShotDetect export-html Command
Usage: export-html [OPTIONS]

  Exports scene list to a HTML file. Requires save-images by default.

  -f, --filename NAME        Filename format to use for the scene list HTML
                             file. You can use the $VIDEO_NAME macro in the
                             file name. Note that you may have to wrap the
                             the format name using single quotes.
                             [default: $VIDEO_NAME-Scenes.html]
  --no-images                Export the scene list including or excluding the
                             saved images.
  -w, --image-width pixels   Width in pixels of the images in the resulting
                             HTML table.
  -h, --image-height pixels  Height in pixels of the images in the resulting
                             HTML table.

export-edl Command

PyVfxShotDetect export-edl Command
Usage: export-edl [OPTIONS]

  Exports scene list to an EDL file.

  -f, --filename NAME        Filename format to use for the scene list EDL
                             file. You can use the $VIDEO_NAME macro in the
                             file name. Note that you may have to wrap the
                             the format name using single quotes.
                             [default: $VIDEO_NAME.edl]

export-vfx-edl Command

PyVfxShotDetect export-vfx-edl Command
Usage: export-vfx-edl [OPTIONS]

  Exports scene list to an EDL file. EDL events are reduced to VFX Shots.
  VFX Shots are detected by text detection. This requires a bounding box
  specified in a text file with first line containing bbox data like
  "[55, 32, 227, 77]". The bounding box is a list of coordinates which build a
  rectangle arround VFX Shotcode burnin: [ul-x, ul-y, lr-x, lr-y].
  If no .bbox file is specified a cv2 player will be shown and bbox can be

  -bb, --bbox-filename NAME  Textfile containing bbox coordinates in this
                             format: "[55, 32, 227, 77]".
  -f, --filename NAME        Filename format to use for the scene list EDL
                             file. You can use the $VIDEO_NAME macro in the
                             file name. Note that you may have to wrap the
                             the format name using single quotes.
                             [default: $VIDEO_NAME.edl]

Licensed under BSD 3-Clause (see the LICENSE file for details).

Copyright (C) 2021-2021 Thomas Weckenmann. All rights reserved.

Project details

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Source Distribution

vfxdetect-0.6.3.tar.gz (2.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

vfxdetect-0.6.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (103.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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