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A debugging and profiling tool that can trace and visualize python code execution

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VizTracer is a deterministic debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code to help you intuitively understand your code better and figure out the time consuming part of your code.

VizTracer can display every function executed and the corresponding entry/exit time from the beginning of the program to the end, which is helpful for programmers to catch sporatic performance issues. VizTracer is also capable of generating traditional flamegraph which is a good summary of the execution of the program

You can take a look at the demo result of multiple example programs(sort algorithms, mcts, modulo algorithms, multithread tracing, etc.)


trace viewer is used to display the stand alone html data.

VizTracer also supports json output that complies with Chrome trace event format, which can be loaded using perfetto

VizTracer generates HTML report for flamegraph using d3-flamegraph


VizTracer requires python 3.6+. No other package is needed. For now, VizTracer only supports CPython + Linux/MacOS.


The prefered way to install VizTracer is via pip

pip install viztracer

You can also download the source code and build it yourself.


There are a couple ways to use VizTracer

Command Line

The easiest way to use VizTracer is through command line. Assume you have a python script to profile and the normal way to run it is:


You can simply use VizTracer as

python3 -m viztracer

which will generate a result.html file in the directory you run this command. Open it in browser and there's your result.

If your script needs arguments like

python3 arg1 arg2

Just feed it as it is to VizTracer

python3 -m viztracer arg1 arg2

You can also specify the tracer to be used in command line by passing --tracer argument. c tracer is the default value, you can use python tracer(deprecated) instead

python3 -m viztracer --tracer c
python3 -m viztracer --tracer python

You can specify the output file using -o or --output_file argument. The default output file is result.html. Two types of files are supported, html and json.

python3 -m viztracer -o other_name.html
python3 -m viztracer -o other_name.json

By default, VizTracer only generates trace file, either in HTML format or json. You can have VizTracer to generate a flamegraph as well by

python3 -m viztracer --save_flamegraph


Sometimes the command line may not work as you expected, or you do not want to profile the whole script. You can manually start/stop the profiling in your script as well.

First of all, you need to import VizTracer class from the package, and make an object of it.

from viztracer import VizTracer

tracer = VizTracer()

If your code is executable by exec function, you can simply call"import random;random.randrange(10)")

This will as well generate a result.html file in your current directory. You can pass other file path to the function if you do not like the name result.html"import random; random.randrange(10)", output_file="better_name.html")

When you need a more delicate profiler, you can manually enable/disable the profile using start() and stop() function.

# Something happens here
tracer.stop() # also takes output_file as an optional argument

Or, you can do it with with statement

with VizTracer(output_file="optional.html") as tracer:
    # Something happens here

You can record only the part that you are interested in

# Some code that I don't care
# Some code I do care
# Some code that I want to skip
# Important code again

It is higly recommended that start() and stop() function should be in the same frame(same level on call stack). Problem might happen if the condition is not met

Display Result

By default, VizTracer will generate a stand alone HTML file which you can simply open with Chrome(maybe Firefox?). The front-end uses trace-viewer to show all the data.

However, you can generate json file as well, which complies to the chrome trace event format. You can load the json file on perfetto, which will replace the deprecated trace viewer in the future.

At the moment, perfetto does not support locally stand alone HTML file generation, so I'm not able to switch completely to it. The good news is that once you load the perfetto page, you can use it even when you are offline.

Trace Filter

Sometimes your code is really complicated or you need to run you program for a long time, which means the parsing time would be too long and the HTML/JSON file would be too large. There are ways in VizTracer to filter out the data you don't need.

The filter mechanism only works in C tracer, and it works at tracing time, not parsing time. That means, using filters will introduce some extra overhead while your tracing, but will save significant memory, parsing time and disk space.

Currently we support the following kinds of filters:


max_stack_depth is a straight forward way to filter your data. It limits the stack depth VizTracer will trace, which cuts out deep call stacks, including some nasty recursive calls.

You can specify max_stack_depth in command line:

python3 -m viztracer --max_stack_depth 10

Or you can pass it as an argument to the VizTracer object:

from viztracer import VizTracer

tracer = VizTracer(max_stack_depth=10)

include_files and exclude_files

There are cases when you are only interested in functions in certain files. You can use include_files and exclude_files feature to filter out data you are not insterested in.

When you are using include_files, only the files and directories you specify are recorded. Similarly, when you are using exclude_files, files and directories you specify will not be recorded.

IMPORTANT: include_files and exclude_files can't be both spcified. You can only use one of them.

If a function is not recorded based on include_files or exclude_files rules, none of its descendent functions will be recorded, even if they match the rules

You can specify include_files and exclude_files in command line, but they can take more than one argument, which will make the following command ambiguous:

# Ambiguous command which should NOT be used
python3 -m viztracer --include_files ./src

Instead, when you are using --include_files or --exclude_files, --run should be passed for the command that you actually want to execute:

# --run is used to solve ambiguity
python3 -m viztracer --include_files ./src --run

However, if you have some other commands that can separate them and solve ambiguity, that works as well:

# This will work too
python3 -m viztracer --include_files ./src --max_stack_depth 5

You can also pass a list as an argument to VizTracer:

from viztracer import VizTracer

tracer = VizTracer(include_files=["./src", "./test/"])


By default, VizTracer will record all the C functions called by python script. You can turn it off by:

python3 -m viztracer --ignore_c_function

You can turn it off in your script as well:

tracer = VizTracer(ignore_c_function=True)


Unlike ignore_c_function, ignore_function is a decorator which you can apply to any function to skip tracing it and its descendants.

from viztracer import ignore_function
def some_function():
    # nothing inside will be traced

Choose Tracer

The default tracer for current version is c tracer, which introduces a relatively small overhead(worst case 2-3x) but only works for CPython on Linux. However, if there's other reason that you would prefer a pure-python tracer, you can use python tracer using tracer argument when you initialize VizTracer object.

tracer = VizTracer(tracer="python")

python tracer will be deprecated because of the performance issue in the future No filter feature is supported with python tracer

Cleanup of c Tracer

The interface for c trace is almost exactly the same as python tracer. However, to achieve lower overhead, some optimization is applied to c tracer so it will withhold the memory it allocates for future use to reduce the time it calls malloc(). If you want the c trace to free all the memory it allocates while collecting trace, use


Add Custom Event

VizTracer supports custom event added while the program is running. This works like a print debug, but you can know when this print happens while looking at trace data.

When your code is running with VizTracer on, you can use

tracer.add_instant(name, args, scope)

to add an event that will be shown in the report. In trace viewer, you would be able to see what args is.

name should be a string for this event. args should be a json serializable object(dict, list, string, number). scope is an optional argument, default is "g" for global. You can use p for process or t for thread. This affects how long the event shows in the final report.

Log Print

VizTracer can log your print to the report using instant events. In this way, you can simply add print functions in your code just like you are doing print debug and see what happens on the timeline.

You can specify --log_print on the command line

python -m viztracer --log_print

Or do it when you initialize your VizTracer object

tracer = VizTracer(log_print=True)

Counter Event

VizTracer provides Counter Event to track variables through time. It is useful to track CPU usage, memory usage, or any other numeric variable that means something to your program.

To use Counter Event, you should register a counter to VizTracer first

tracer = VizTracer()
counter = tracer.register_counter("name of the counter")

You can store the counter to a variable, or you can directly update values of the counter with VizTracer. The update() function(or update_counter()) takes a dict or a (key, value) pair as an argument

# These statements are equivalent
tracer.update_counter("name of the counter", {"var_name": 1})
tracer.update_counter("name of the counter", "var_name", 1)
counter.update({"var_name": 1})
counter.update("var_name", 1)

Object Logging

VizTracer can log objects while your code is running, which is helpful to track complicated objects through time.

The way VizTracer achieve object logging is through a class LogObject. You can derive a class from LogObject and set it up correctly to log your object automatically.

from viztracer import LogObject
class MyClass(LogObject):
    # Your Class

The next thing you need to do is to instantiate your object with VizTracer and a name which will show in the result

tracer = VizTracer()
obj = MyClass(tracer, "name I like")

If you wrote your own __init__ function of the class, remember to call the base __init__ with arguments required

class MyClass(LogObject):
    def __init__(self, tracer, name, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(tracer, name)
        # Do your init stuff after

Now you have a class/object attached to VizTracer. The next thing is to set which attribute you want to log by set_viztracer_attributes

obj.set_viztracer_attributes(["attr1", "attr2"])

set_viztracer_attributes takes a list of string and each string is an attribute that you want to log. VizTracer will use __getattribute__ function to access the attributes.

The last thing you need to do, is using LogObject.snapshot decorator to tell your class, before/after which method, the class should be logged(snapshot). The LogObject.snapshot decorator takes an optional keyword argument when, which could be after(default), before or both, to indicate when VizTracer should take a snapshot of the object.

class MyClass(LogObject):
    def snapshot_this_function(self, *arg, **kwargs):
        # this is the function to trigger the log

    def snapshot_before_this_function(self, *arg, **kwargs):
        # this is the function to trigger the log

    def snapshot_before_and_after_this_function(self, *arg, **kwargs):
        # this is the function to trigger the log

Multi Thread Support

VizTracer supports python native threading module without the need to do any modification to your code. Just start VizTracer before you create threads and it will just work.


Multi Process Support

VizTracer can support multi process with some extra steps. The current structure of VizTracer keeps one single buffer for one process, which means the user will have to produce multiple results from multiple processes and combine them together.

If you are using os.fork() or libraries using similiar mechanism, you can use VizTracer the normal way you do, with an extra option pid_suffix.

python -m viztracer --pid_suffix

This way, the program will generate mutliple json files in current working directory. Notice here, if --pid_suffix is passed to VizTracer, the default output format will be json because this is only expected to be used by multi-process programs.

You can specify the output directory if you want

python -m viztracer --pid_suffix --output_dir ./temp_dir

After generating json files, you need to combine them

python -m viztracer --combine ./temp_dir/*.json

This will generate the HTML report with all the process info. You can specify --output_file when using --combine.

Actually, you can combine any json reports together to an HTML report.

If your code is using subprocess to spawn processes, the newly spawned process won't be traced(We could do something to PATH but that feels sketchy). There are a couple ways to deal with that:

  • You can change the subprocess or popen code manually, to attach VizTracer to sub-process. You will have json results from differnt processes and you just need to combine them together. This is a generic way to do multi-process tracing and could work pretty smoothly if you don't have many entries for your subprocess

  • Or you can hack your PATH env to use python -m viztracer <args> to replace python. This will make VizTracer attach your spawned process automatically, but could have other side effects.

JSON alternative

VizTracer needs to dump the internal data to json format. It is recommended for the users to install orjson, which is much faster than the builtin json library. VizTracer will try to import orjson and fall back to the builtin json library if orjson does not exist.


Overhead is a big consideration when people choose profilers. VizTracer now has a similar overhead as native cProfiler. It works slightly worse in the worst case(Pure FEE) and better in easier case because even though it collects some extra information than cProfiler, the structure is lighter.

Admittedly, VizTracer is only focusing on FEE now, so cProfiler also gets other information that VizTracer does not acquire.

An example run for test_performance with Python 3.8 / Ubuntu 18.04.4 on Github VM

fib       (10336, 10336): 0.000852800 vs 0.013735200(16.11)[py] vs 0.001585900(1.86)[c] vs 0.001628400(1.91)[cProfile]
hanoi     (8192, 8192): 0.000621400 vs 0.012924899(20.80)[py] vs 0.001801800(2.90)[c] vs 0.001292900(2.08)[cProfile]
qsort     (10586, 10676): 0.003457500 vs 0.042572898(12.31)[py] vs 0.005594100(1.62)[c] vs 0.007573200(2.19)[cProfile]
slow_fib  (1508, 1508): 0.033606299 vs 0.038840998(1.16)[py] vs 0.033270399(0.99)[c] vs 0.032577599(0.97)[cProfile]


VizTracer uses sys.setprofile() for its profiler capabilities, so it will conflict with other profiling tools which also use this function. Be aware of it when using VizTracer.


Please send bug reports and feature requirements through github issue tracker. VizTracer is currently under development now and it's open to any constructive suggestions.


Copyright Tian Gao, 2020.

Distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

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viztracer-0.3.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (698.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.8 manylinux: glibc 2.12+ x86-64

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Uploaded CPython 3.8

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Uploaded CPython 3.8 macOS 10.14+ x86-64

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Uploaded CPython 3.7m manylinux: glibc 2.12+ x86-64

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Uploaded CPython 3.7m macOS 10.14+ x86-64

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Uploaded CPython 3.6m manylinux: glibc 2.12+ x86-64

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Uploaded CPython 3.6m

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Uploaded CPython 3.6m macOS 10.14+ x86-64

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