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vlivepy is unofficial, Python-based, API of VLIVE(

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vlivepy unofficial, Python-based, API-Wrapper of VLIVE


vlivepy can be installed via PyPI.

$ python -m pip install vlivepy



Before Entering

Learn about terms and expressions used in this document.


  • videoSeq: url of ~/video/ this is the six-digit code that follows. Points to the officialVideo on VLIVE.
  • postId: url of ~/post/ following 0-12345678 the code of the form. Point to a post on VLIVE.
  • vodId: It is a 36-digit Hex code used on VLIVE internally.
  • vpdid2: It is a 64 digit Hex code representing the user.
  • inKey: VOD the value used when loading information.


Descriptions of parameters of functions or objects are written in code blocks. Arguments are written in the order they are declared within the function, and example values ​​are provided. Optional arguments are annotated with # Optional and default values ​​are provided as examples.

An example code block for functions and parameters is shown below.

from vlivepy import getPostInfo

# The lines below are examples of functions and explanations of required arguments.
            # The lines below are examples of functions and explanations of optional arguments.
            session=None,  # Optional
            silent=False)  # Optional



VLIVE By logging into the website requests.Session Returns the object. For login, email login method

from vlivepy import getUserSession

               silent=False)  # Optional
  • email: Email ID of the account to log in.
  • pwd: This is the password of the account to log in.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Loads information from VLIVE Post via postId and returns a dict object.

from vlivepy import getPostInfo

            session=None,  # Optional
            silent=False)  # Optional

getPostInfo() Functions have the following variables:

  • post: Enter the postId.
  • session: UserSession is required for posts that require membership authentication.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Loads information from VLIVE Video via videoSeq and returns a dict object.

from vlivepy import getOfficialVideoPost

                     session=None,  # Optional
                     silent=False)  # Optional
  • videoSeq: Enter the videoSeq of the image.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Load VLIVE VOD and inKey corresponding to your account information.

from vlivepy import getInkeyData

             session=None,  # Optional
             silent=False)  # Optional
  • videoSeq: Enter the videoSeq of the image.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Get information related to VLIVE LIVE playback.

from vlivepy import getLivePlayInfo

                session=None,  # Optional
                vpdid2=None,  # Optional
                silent=False)  # Optional
  • videoSeq: Enter the videoSeq of the image.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.
  • vpdid2: If you have a preloaded vpdid2 value, you can use it to reduce data usage.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Get the current status information of VLIVE LIVE.

from vlivepy import getLiveStatus

              silent=False)  # Optional
  • videoSeq: Enter the videoSeq of the image.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Gets information related to VLIVE VOD playback.

from vlivepy import getVodPlayInfo

               vodId=None,  # Optional
               session=None,  # Optional
               silent=False)  # Optional
  • videoSeq: Enter the videoSeq of the image.
  • vodId: If you have a preloaded vodId value, you can use it to reduce data usage.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Get comments from post

from vlivepy import getPostComments

                session=None,  # Optional
                after=None,  # Optional
                silent=False)  # Optional
  • post: Enter the postId of the post to parse comment.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.
  • after: Required if post has over 20 comments, Format is like commentId,createdAt of last comment
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Get star's comments from post

from vlivepy import getPostStarComments

                    session=None,  # Optional
                    after=None,  # Optional
                    silent=False)  # Optional
  • post: Enter the postId of the post to parse comment.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.
  • after: Required if post has over 20 comments, Format is like commentId,createdAt of last comment
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.



Convert VLIVE postId to videoSeq.

from vlivepy.utils import postIdToVideoSeq

                 silent=False)  # Optional
  • post: Enter the postId.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Find the vpdid2 value from the account information.

from vlivepy import getUserSession
from vlivepy.utils import getVpdid2

user = getUserSession(email="", pwd="userPassword!")

          silent=False)  # Optional
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Find the vodId corresponding to videoSeq.

from vlivepy.utils import getVodId

         silent=False)   # Optional
  • videoSeq: Enter the videoSeq of the image.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


VLIVE schedule Parse the List (of UpcomingVideo) returns.

from vlivepy.utils import getUpcomingList

print (getUpcomingList(date=None,  # Optional
                       silent=False))  # Optional
# [UpcomingVideo(...), ...]

getUpcomingList()The function has the following variables:

  • date: Enter the date to load. The format is %Y%m%d. If None, load today's calendar.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


UpcomingVideo is a namedtuple object that corresponds to an individual schedule in the schedule.

UpcomingVideo has the following fields:

Field Explanation Value
seq videoSeq value Any
time VOD release/broadcast start time Any
cseq ChannelSeq value of the channel to be broadcast (uploaded) Any
cname The name of the channel to be broadcast (uploaded) Any
ctype Type of channel to broadcast (upload) PREMIUM: Membership channel broadcasting
BASIC: general channel broadcasting
name Broadcast (VOD) title Any
type Schedule type VOD: This is a public VOD.
UPCOMING_VOD: VOD with reserved time.
UPCOMING_LIVE: Live with reserved time.
LIVE: This is LIVE now on air.
product Whether the product is for sale PAID: Paid products such as V LIVE+
NONE: (including membership live) General live


Save UserSession to prevent temporary login restrictions due to frequent logins.

from vlivepy import getUserSession
from vlivepy.utils import dumpSession

user = getUserSession(email="", pwd="userPassword!")

with open("user.pkl", mode="wb") as f:


Load the saved UserSession.

from vlivepy.utils import loadSession

with open("user.pkl", mode="rb") as f:
    user = loadSession(f)


Get comments from post as iterable by page(20 comments)

from vlivepy.utils import getPostCommentsIter

for item in getPostCommentsIter(post="0-12345678",
                                session=None):  # Optional

# CommentItem(isRestricted=False, body=""...)
# CommentItem(isRestricted=False, body=""...)
# CommentItem(isRestricted=False, body=""...)
# ...

Each item only returns CommentItem object compared to getPostComments()

  • post: Enter the postId of the post to parse comment.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.


CommentItem is a namedTuple object that corresponds to each comment

CommentItem has the following fields:

Field Explanation Value
commentId ID of comment str
author Author info of comment dict
body Comment body Any
sticker Sticker in body List[dict]
createdAt Created time (Epoch) int
commentCount count of nested comment int
emotionCount Like count int
isRestricted Bool
parent Information about parent post or comment dict
root Information about origin post dict


Get star's comments from post as iterable by page(20 comments)

from vlivepy.utils import getPostStarCommentsIter

for item in getPostStarCommentsIter(post="0-12345678",
                                    session=None):  # Optional

# CommentItem(isRestricted=False, body=""...)
# CommentItem(isRestricted=False, body=""...)
# CommentItem(isRestricted=False, body=""...)
# ...

Each item only returns CommentItem object compared to getPostComments()

  • post: Enter the postId of the post to parse comment.
  • session: UserSession is required for videos that require membership authentication.


The Video object getPostInfo caches the results and has an API available as a method. PostInfo of Video object uses temporary caching. Setting the refresh_rate variable to 0 disables the cached information.

from vlivepy import Video

# Initialization via postId ``

# Initialization using videoSeq ``

video = Video(number="142851",
              session=None,  # Optional
              refresh_rate=10)  # Optional
  • number: You need the videoSeq or postId of the video to load.
  • session: It loads with a specific UserSession.
  • refresh_rate: Cache lifetime. It is in seconds and reloads PostInfo when the time is exceeded.


The properties provided by the Video object are as follows.

  • videoSeq: Returns the videoSeq value of the Video object
  • postInfo: Return postInfo of VLIVE Video
  • is_vod: True when VLIVE Video is VOD
  • vod_id: Returns vodId if VLIVE Video is VOD
  • title: Title of VLIVE Video
  • channelCode Returns the ChannelCode of the channel where VLIVE Video was created.
  • channelName Returns the name of the channel where VLIVE Video was created


Checks the lifetime of the cache and reloads data if the cache has expired. You can load data overriding the cache lifetime via the force variable.


getOfficialVideoPost Call the API.

from vlivepy import Video

video = Video(142851)
    silent=False  # Optional
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


getLivePlayInfo Call the API.

from vlivepy import Video

video = Video(142851)
    silent=False  # Optional
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


getInKeyData Call the API.

from vlivepy import Video

video = Video(142851)
    silent=False  # Optional
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


getLiveStatus Call the API.

from vlivepy import Video

video = Video(142851)
    silent=False  # Optional
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


from vlivepy import Video

video = Video(142851)
                     silent=False)  # Optional
  • email: Email ID of the account to log in.
  • pwd: This is the password of the account to log in.
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


loadSession Call the utility.

from vlivepy import Video

video = Video(142851)
with open("user.pkl", mode="rb") as f:


getVodPlayInfo Call the API.

from vlivepy import Video

video = Video(142851)
    silent=False  # Optional
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


The Upcoming object caches the results of getUpcomingList and reorganizes the list according to the list display options.

It uses temporary caching because it works by reading it by web parsing, not by API. Setting the refresh_rate variable to 0 disables the cached information.

from vlivepy import Upcoming

upc = Upcoming(refresh_rate=5,  # Optional
               show_vod=True,  # Optional
               show_upcoming_vod=True,  # Optional
               show_upcoming_live=True,  # Optional
               show_live=True)  # Optional

The Upcoming object receives variables for refresh cache lifetime and display properties.

  • refresh_rate: cache lifetime. It is in seconds, and if the time is exceeded, the schedule is reloaded.
  • show_vod: Include VOD in the list.
  • show_upcoming_vod: Include reserved VODs in the list.
  • show_upcoming_live: Includes reserved LIVEs in the list.
  • show_live: Includes live LIVE in the list.


Parse today's schedule and return it as list(of UpcomingVideo). If the cache lifetime has not expired, data is served from the cache.

from vlivepy import Upcoming

upc = Upcoming()

print(upc.upcoming(force=False,  # Optional
                   show_vod=None,  # Optional
                   show_upcoming_vod=None,  # Optional
                   show_upcoming_live=None,  # Optional
                   show_live=None))  # Optional
# [UpcomingVideo(seq='######', time='오전 12:00', cseq='###', cname='channel name ', ctype='BASIC', name="title", type='VOD', product='NONE'), ...]

You can override the cache and list containing options via variables.

from vlivepy import Upcoming

upc = Upcoming()

# Override cache lifetime and force load new data

# Temporarily override object properties
upc.upcoming(show_vod=False, show_upcoming_vod=False)


Checks the lifetime of the cache and reloads data if the cache has expired. You can load data overriding the cache lifetime via the force variable.


Loads the calendar for a specific date. Loaded calendars are not cached and are returned immediately.

The returned list follows the object's include list option, and can be overridden via show_* variables.

from vlivepy import Upcoming
from datetime import date, timedelta

upc = Upcoming()
tomorrow = + timedelta(days=1)  # Example) Finding the date of tomorrow

               show_vod=None,  # Optional
               show_upcoming_vod=None,  # Optional
               show_upcoming_live=None,  # Optional
               show_live=None,  # Optional
               silent=False))  # Optional
# [UpcomingVideo(seq='######', time='오전 12:00', cseq='###', cname='channel name ', ctype='BASIC', name="title", type='VOD', product='NONE'), ...]

The load() method takes the following variables:

  • date: Enter the date to load. The format is %Y%m%d.
  • show_vod, show_upcoming_vod, show_upcoming_live, show_live: Override list inclusion options
  • silent: When a connection or parsing error occurs, it returns None instead of Exception.


Post object loads vlive post and contains related API as method

from vlivepy import Post

post = Post(
  session=None  # Optional


The properties provided by the Post object

  • attachments: Attachments data
  • attachments_photo: Photo attachments data
  • attachments_video: Video attachments data
  • author: Author data of post
  • author_nickname: nickname of author
  • author_id: Unique ID of author
  • created_at: Created time of post (timestamp)
  • plain_body: Contents of post without attachments
  • body: Contents of post with attachment tag
  • title: Title of post


Refresh post data


Return body as html with replacing attachment tag as proper tag


Call utils.getPostCommentsIter()

from vlivepy import Post

post = Post("0-12345678")
for item in post.getPostCommentsIter():


Call utils.getPostStarCommentsIter()

from vlivepy import Post

post = Post("0-12345678")
for item in post.getPostStarCommentsIter():

Project details

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Source Distribution

vlivepy-0.2.0.tar.gz (27.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

vlivepy-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (19.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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