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A set of tools to help users create, test, and build containerized management packs for VMware Aria Operations

Project description

VMware Aria Operations Integration SDK

Welcome to the VMware Aria Operations Integration SDK.

What is the Integration SDK?

The Integration SDK creates Management Packs to add custom objects, data, and relationships from a endpoint into VMware Aria Operations.

Using this SDK to create a Management Pack requires some Python knowledge (more languages are planned), and an understanding of how to get data from the endpoint using an API. For example, to create a Management Pack for Cassandra DB, an understanding of how to write an SQL query, execute it, and read the results is required.

Currently, installing a Management Pack built with the integration SDK is supported for On-Prem versions of VMware Aria Operations only, but we are working to bring support to VMware Aria Operations Cloud in a future release.

For a high-level overview of VMware Aria Operations, Management Packs, and this SDK, see the introduction.

What can the Integration SDK be used for?

The Integration SDK can be used to add any endpoint that supports remote monitoring to VMware Aria Operations. Adding the endpoint involves creating objects that represent the endpoint, which may include properties, metrics, and events, as well as relationships between objects.

Remote monitoring uses an API (such as REST, SNMP, SQL, etc) to retrieve the data (as opposed to agent-based monitoring, where the monitoring code runs in the same location as the endpoint).

For an example walkthrough of creating a new Management Pack monitoring an endpoint, see Creating a new Management Pack

The Integration SDK can also be used to extend objects created by another Management Pack with additional metrics, properties, events, or relationships. This can be useful to ensure access to custom data without having to re-implement already existing data.

For an example walkthrough of the steps required to extend another management pack, see Extending an Existing Management Pack

Where should I start?

  • If you want to get started creating your first Management Pack, or don't know where to start, read the Get Started tutorial.
  • If you have completed the Get Started tutorial, the walkthroughs are guides for modifying your adapter.
  • All documentation is available from the contents page.

Get Started

This guide will walk through setting up the SDK and using the SDK to create, test, and install a simple Management Pack (integration) onto VMware Aria Operations.



Operating System:

The VMware Aria Operations Integration SDK has been tested in the following OSes:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • macOS 12 (Monterey)
  • macOS 13 (Ventura)
  • Debian Linux
  • Fedora Linux

Other operating systems may be compatible.

VMware Aria Operations

The Management Packs generated by the VMware Aria Operations Integration SDK will only run on versions that supports containerized Management Packs. Currently, this is limited to on-prem installs, version 8.10 or later. In addition, at least one Cloud Proxy (also version 8.10 or later) must be set up in VMware Aria Operations, as containerized Management Packs must be run on a Cloud Proxy collector.


  • Docker 20.10.0 or later. Updating to the latest stable version is recommended. For instructions on installing Docker, go to Docker's installation documentation, choose the OS you need and follow the instructions provided.
  • Python3 3.9.0 or later. Updating to the latest stable version is recommended. Python 3.8 and earlier (including Python2) are not supported. For instructions on installing Python, go to Python's installation documentation, choose the OS you need and follow the instructions provided.
  • Pip. If Python3 is installed, pip is most likely also installed. For instructions on installing Pip, go to Pip's installation documentation, and follow the instructions provided.
  • Git 2.35.0 or later. Updating to the latest stable version is recommended. For instructions in installing git, go to Git's installation documentation, choose the OS you need and follow the instructions provided.


To install the SDK, use pip to install into the global Python environment, or pipx to install into a isolated environment.

python3 -m pip install vmware-aria-operations-integration-sdk

Creating a Management Pack

After the SDK is installed, create a new project, by running mp-init. This tool asks a series of questions that guides the creation of a new management pack project.

  1. Enter a directory to create the project in. This is the directory where adapter code, metadata, and content will reside. If the directory doesn't already exist, it will be created. Path:

    The path can be an absolute path, or a path relative to the directory mp-init was run from. The path should end in an empty or non-existing directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. This directory will contain a new Management Pack project.

  2. Management Pack display name

    The Management Pack display name will show up in VMware Aria Operations (Data Sources → Integrations → Repository), or when adding an account.

    Integration Card for the 'TestAdapter' Management Pack

    This Management Pack's display name is 'TestAdapter', and uses the default icon

  3. Management Pack adapter key

    This field is used internally to identify the Management Pack and Adapter Kind. By default, it is set to the Management Pack display name with special characters and whitespace stripped from it.

  4. Management Pack description

    This field should describe what the Management Pack will do or monitor.

  5. Management Pack vendor

    The vendor field shows up in the UI under 'About' on the Integration Card.

    About popup for the 'TestAdapter' Management Pack

    This Management Pack's vendor is 'VMware'

  6. Enter a path to a EULA text file, or leave blank for no EULA

    VMware Aria Operations requires a EULA file to be present in a Management Pack. If one isn't provided, a stub EULA file (eula.txt in the root project directory) will be added to the project which reads:

    There is no EULA associated with this Management Pack.
  7. Enter a path to the Management Pack icon file, or leave blank for no icon

    The icon is used in the VMware Aria Operations UI if present. If it is not present, a default icon will be used. The icon file must be PNG format and 256x256 pixels. An icon file can be added later by copying the icon to the root project directory and setting the value of the "pak_icon" key to the icon's file name in the manifest.txt file.

For complete documentation of the mp-init tool including an overview of its output, see the MP Initialization Tool Documentation.

Template Project

Every new project creates a file system that has the basic project structure required to develop and build a Management Pack. Each file and directory are discussed in depth in the mp-init documentation. app/ is the adapter's entry point and the best starting point. is a template adapter that collects several objects and metrics from the container in which the adapter is running; use the template as a starting point for creating a new adapter. The template adapter has comments throughout its code that explain what the code does and how to turn it into your adapter. The methods inside the adapter template are required. Modify the code inside the methods to generate the desired adapter. Each method represents a single request, and it can be tested individually using mp-test, which is covered in the following section. The adapter is stateless; therefore, the adapter cannot store any data for use in later method calls. Each method is used for a different function as described below:

  • test(adapter_instance): Performs a test connection using the information given to the adapter_instance to verify the adapter instance has been configured properly. A typical test connection will generally consist of:

    1. Read identifier values from adapter_instance that are required to connect to the target(s)
    2. Connect to the target(s), and retrieve some sample data
    3. If any of the above failed, return an error, otherwise pass.
    4. Disconnect cleanly from the target (ensure this happens even if an error occurs)
  • get_endpoints(adapter_instance): This method will be run before the 'test' method, and VMware Aria Operations will use the results to extract a certificate from each URL. If the certificate is not trusted by the VMware Aria Operations Trust Store, the user will be prompted to either accept or reject the certificate. If it is accepted, the certificate will be added to the AdapterInstance object that is passed to the 'test' and 'collect' methods. Any certificate that is encountered in those methods should then be validated against the certificate(s) in the AdapterInstance. This method will not only work against HTTPS endpoints, different types of endpoint will not work (eg. database connections).

  • collect(adapter_instance): Performs a collection against the target host. A typical collection will generally consist of:

    1. Read identifier values from adapter_instance that are required to connect to the target(s)
    2. Connect to the target(s), and retrieve data
    3. Add the data into a CollectResult's objects, properties, metrics, etc
    4. Disconnect cleanly from the target (ensure this happens even if an error occurs)
    5. Return the CollectResult.
  • get_adapter_definition(): Optional method that defines the Adapter Instance configuration (parameters and credentials used to connect to the target, and configure the management pack) present in a collection, and defines the object types and attribute types present in a collection. Setting these helps VMware Aria Operations to validate, process, and display the data correctly. If this method is omitted, a describe.xml file should be manually created inside the conf directory with the same data. Generally, this is only necessary when using advanced features of the describe.xml file that are not present in this method.

For further guidance on using the template project, consult the Walkthroughs section.

Testing a Management Pack

In the Management Pack directory, the installation script writes a requirements.txt file containing the version of the SDK used to generate the project, and installs the SDK into a virtual environment named venv. Note that the packages in requirements.txt are not installed into the adapter. To add a package to the adapter, specify it in the file adapter_requirements.txt.

To use the SDK, navigate to the newly-generated project directory and activate the virtual environment:

For Mac and Linux:

source venv/bin/activate

(This script is written for the bash shell. If you use the csh or fish shells, there are alternate activate.csh and scripts you should use instead.) For Windows:


To exit the virtual environment, run deactivate in the virtual environment.

To test a project, run mp-test in the virtual environment.

If mp-test is run from anywhere outside of a root project directory, the tool will prompt to choose a project, and will test the selected project. If the tool is run from a project directory, the tool will automatically test that project.

mp-test will ask for a connection. No connections should exist, so choose New Connection. The test tool then reads the conf/describe.xml file to find the connection parameters and credentials required for a connection, and prompts for each. This is similar to creating a new Adapter Instance in the VMware Aria Operations UI. Connections are automatically saved per project, and can be reused when re-running the mp-test tool.

Note: In the template project, the only connection parameter is ID, and because it connects to the container it is running on, this parameter is not necessary; it is only there as an example, and can be set to any value. The template also implements an example Test Connection. If a Test Connection is run (see below), with the ID set to the text bad, then the Test Connection will fail.

The test tool also asks for the method to test. There are four options:

  • Test Connection - This call tests the connection and returns either an error message if the connection failed, or an empty json object if the connection succeeded.
  • Collect - This call test the collection, and returns objects, metrics, properties, events, and relationships.
  • Endpoint URLs - This returns a list (possibly empty) of URLs that have distinct SSL certificates that VMware Aria Operations can ask the end user to import into the TrustStore.
  • Version - This returns the VMware Aria Operations Collector API version the adapter implements. The implementation of this method is not generally handled by the developer.

For more information on these endpoints, see the Swagger API documentation. Each response is validated against the API.

For complete documentation of the mp-test tool see the MP Test Tool Documentation.

Building and Installing a Management Pack

To build a project, run mp-build in the virtual environment.

If mp-build is run from anywhere outside of a root project directory, the tool will prompt to choose a project, and will build the selected project. If the tool is run from a project directory, the tool will automatically build that project.

Once the project is selected (if necessary), the tool will build the management pack and emit a pak file which can be installed on VMware Aria Operations. The pak file will be located in the project directory.

To install the pak file, in VMware Aria Operations navigate to Data Sources → Integrations → Repository and click ADD. Select and upload the generated pak file, accept the README, and install the management pack.

To configure the management pack, VMware Aria Operations navigate to Data Sources → Integrations → Accounts and click ADD ACCOUNT. Select the newly-installed management pack and configure the required fields. For Collector/Group, make sure that a cloud proxy collector is selected. Click VALIDATE CONNECTION to test the connection. It should return successfully, then click ADD.

By default, a collection will run every 5 minutes. The first collection should happen immediately, however newly-created objects cannot have metrics, properties, and events added to them. After the second collection, approximately five minutes later, the objects' metrics, properties, and events should appear. These can be checked by navigating to ** Environment → Object Browser → All Objects** and expanding the Adapter and associated object types and object.

CPU Idle Time The CPU object's idle-time metric in a Management Pack named QAAdapterName.

For complete documentation of the mp-build tool see the MP Build Tool Documentation.


Creating a New Management Pack

This guide assumes you have already set up the SDK and know how to create a new project. It walks you through the steps necessary to monitor an endpoint, using Alibaba Cloud as an example.

This section will create a simple management pack that creates objects with metrics, properties, and relationships that monitors Alibaba Cloud. It assumes you have already installed the SDK and understand the tools and steps in the 'Get Started' section. It also assumes you have an Alibaba Cloud account.

For the purposes of this walkthrough, we will be adding an ECS Instance object with six properties, and a relationship to the Adapter Instance. All the data can be found by calling the DescribeInstancesRequest method in the ECS Python Library.

The first step is to run mp-init and create a new project. There are no restrictions, except that the adapter kind key cannot be used by another management pack that is installed on the same system. For example, we used the following to create the sample:

❯ mp-init
Enter a directory to create the project in. This is the directory where adapter code, metadata, and
content will reside. If the directory doesn't already exist, it will be created.
Path: alibaba-cloud-mp
Management pack display name: Alibaba Cloud
Management pack adapter key: AlibabaCloud
Management pack description: Sample Management Pack that monitors Alibaba Cloud
Management pack vendor: VMware, Inc
Enter a path to a EULA text file, or leave blank for no EULA: 
Enter a path to the management pack icon file, or leave blank for no icon:
An icon can be added later by setting the 'pak_icon' key in 'manifest.txt' to the
icon file name and adding the icon file to the root project directory.
Creating Project [Finished]

project generation completed

The completed management pack is found in the 'samples' directory, and can be used as a reference for this walkthrough or as a starting point for creating your own.

Once the project finished generating, we can change directory into the project and activate the Python virtual environment.

Next, we need to modify the adapter code. We will break this up into several steps:

  1. Add a library for connecting to Alibaba
  2. Modify the adapter definition to add fields for connecting to Alibaba Cloud
  3. Modify the test method to create an Alibaba Cloud connection and run a query
  4. Modify the collect method to collect objects, metrics, properties, and relationships
  5. Verify the Alibaba Cloud MP

Add a library for connection to Alibaba Cloud

In order to add the metrics we want, we will need to be able to send requests to Alibaba Cloud. We could use any HTTP Rest library, such as requests, but it's usually easier to use a library designed for the specific service we are monitoring. Thus, for this sample we will use the official Alibaba Cloud SDK: aliyun-python-sdk-core. Since we will be monitoring ECS instances, we will also need aliyun-python-sdk-ecs.

To add a library to the adapter, open the file adapter_requirements.txt and add a new line with the name of the library. Optionally, we can also add a version constraint. Here's what the modified file should look like:


Note: We can also remove the psutil library, as that is only used in the sample code that we will be replacing. However, we would then no longer be able to run mp-test until we have removed the sample code that depends on psutil, so for now we will keep it.

Modify the adapter definition to add fields for connecting to Alibaba Cloud

Now that we have added the library, we need to see what information it needs in order to connect. From the documentation, the client requires:

  • Access Key ID
  • Region ID
  • Access Secret

In the app/ file, find the get_adapter_definition() method. We will define parameters for the Access Key ID and Region ID, and a credential for the Access Key Secret. We could put the Access Key ID in the credential, however credentials are not used to identify adapter instances. If Region ID was the only required parameter, then we would only be able to make one Adapter Instance per region. Using the Access Key ID as an additional identifier will allow us to monitor multiple accounts with the same Region ID.

After also removing the 'ID' parameter used by the sample adapter, the method could look similar to this:

def get_adapter_definition() -> AdapterDefinition:
    definition = AdapterDefinition(ADAPTER_KIND, ADAPTER_NAME)

        label="Access Key ID",
        description="The AccessKey ID of the RAM account",
        label="Region ID",
        description="Set the region to collect from. Only one region can be "
                    "selected per Adapter Instance.",
    ram_account = definition.define_credential_type("RAM Account")
        "AccessKey Secret",

    # The key 'container_memory_limit' is a special key that is read by the VMware Aria Operations collector to
    # determine how much memory to allocate to the docker container running this adapter. It does not
    # need to be read inside the adapter code.
        label="Adapter Memory Limit (MB)",
        description="Sets the maximum amount of memory VMware Aria Operations can "
                    "allocate to the container running this adapter instance.",

Now that we've defined the connection parameters, we should define the objects that we will collect. For now, let's collect some information about ECS Instances. This is a small example. The implementation in the samples directory includes ECS Metrics and an additional Security Group object type.

    ecs_instance = definition.define_object_type("ecs_instance", "ECS Instance")
    ecs_instance.define_string_identifier("instance_id", "Instance ID")
    ecs_instance.define_string_identifier("region_id", "Region ID")
    ecs_instance.define_numeric_property("cpu", "CPU Count")
    ecs_instance.define_numeric_property("memory", "Total Memory", unit=Units.DATA_SIZE.MEBIBYTE)
    ecs_instance.define_string_property("status", "Status")
    ecs_instance.define_string_property("instance_type", "Instance Type")
    ecs_instance.define_string_property("private_ip", "Private IP Addresses")
    ecs_instance.define_string_property("public_ip", "Public IP Addresses")

Modify the test method to create an Alibaba Cloud connection and run a query

We can try to connect and run a test query. We will do this in the test method. Notice this takes an AdapterInstance as a parameter. We will replace all the code that is inside the try block.

All the parameters and credentials from the definition will be present in this Adapter Instance. We can access them like this, using the keys that we defined in the get_adapter_definition function to get the value assigned to that parameter:

    access_key = adapter_instance.get_identifier_value("access_key_id")
    region = adapter_instance.get_identifier_value("region_id")
    secret = adapter_instance.get_credential_value("access_key_secret")

We can then use them to connect to Alibaba Cloud and run a test query. First import the require modules:

from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526 import DescribeInstancesRequest

Then using the identifier values from above, create a client and initiate a request:

    # Create and initialize a AcsClient instance
    client = AcsClient(

    request = DescribeInstancesRequest.DescribeInstancesRequest()

    response = client.do_action_with_exception(request), encoding='utf-8'))
    return result

Since we can expect that this will sometimes fail, e.g., if the user provides the wrong Access Key or Secret, we should ensure there is good error-handling in this function.

If we detect a failure (e.g., in the except block), we should call result.with_error(error_message) to indicate the test has failed. If no errors have been attached to the result object, the test will pass. (Note that calling result.with_error(...) multiple times in the same test will result in only the last error being displayed.)

If the management pack will be widely distributed, it may also be worthwhile to catch common errors and ensure the resulting messages are clear and user-friendly.

We should now be able to run mp-test connect to run this code. The mp-test tool will ask you to create a new connection, prompting for 'Access Key ID', 'Region ID', and 'Access Key Secret'. After, it will ask if it should override SuiteAPI1 credentials. We will not need them for this sample, so we can select 'No'.

1SuiteAPI is a REST API on VMware Aria Operations that can be used for many purposes. The documentation for this API can be found on any VMware Aria Operations instance at https://[aria_ops_hostname]/suite-api/. The 'adapter_instance' object that is passed to the 'test', 'get_endpoints', and 'collect' methods can automatically connect to this API and has methods for querying it.

If everything was successful, the result should look similar to this:

(venv-Alibaba Cloud) ❯ mp-test connect
Choose a connection:  default
Building adapter [Finished]
Waiting for adapter to start [Finished]
Running Connect [Finished]

Avg CPU %                     | Avg Memory Usage %         | Memory Limit | Network I/O         | Block I/O
29.6 % (0.0% / 29.6% / 59.1%) | 4.0 % (4.0% / 4.0% / 4.0%) | 1.0 GiB      | 5.52 KiB / 8.76 KiB | 0.0 B / 0.0 B

Request completed in 1.24 seconds.

All validation logs written to '~/Code/alibaba-cloud-mp/logs/validation.log'
Validation passed with no errors

Modify the collect method to collect objects, metrics, properties, and relationships

Now that the test method is working, we can implement the collect method. This is the method where we query Alibaba Cloud for the objects, metrics, etc, we want and send them to VMware Aria Operations.

First, we should remove all the sample code inside the try block. All the code for the following steps should be inside the try block.

Then, we need to establish a connection to Alibaba Cloud. We can do this in the same way as in test connect. In many cases creating a function for connecting that is called from both test and collect is worthwhile.

Next, we'll run several queries to get the data from Alibaba Cloud that we want, add the objects to the result, add data to the objects, and return the result. This collects all the properties in the small definition above. The implementation in the samples directory has more data.

    request = DescribeInstancesRequest.DescribeInstancesRequest()

    response = client.do_action_with_exception(request)
    json_response = json.loads(response)
    # Add the adapter instance so that we can make a relationship to it from the 
    # ECS instances
    for instance in json_response.get("Instances", {}).get("Instance", []):
        id = instance.get("InstanceId")
        if not id:
        name = instance.get("HostName", id)

        ecs_object = result.object(ADAPTER_KIND, "ecs_instance", name,
                      identifiers=[Identifier("instance_id", id),
                                   Identifier("region_id", region)])


        ecs_object.with_property("cpu", instance.get("Cpu"))
        ecs_object.with_property("memory", instance.get("Memory"))
        ecs_object.with_property("status", instance.get("Status"))
        ecs_object.with_property("instance_type", instance.get("InstanceType"))
        ecs_object.with_property("private_ip", str(instance.get("VpcAttributes", {}).get("PrivateIpAddress", {}).get("IpAddress", [])))
        ecs_object.with_property("public_ip", str(instance.get("PublicIpAddress", {}).get("IpAddress", [])))

Verify the Alibaba Cloud MP

To verify the MP, run mp-test collect using the same connection we created earlier. We should see all ECS Instances that are present in the selected region that the RAM user associated with the access key has permission to view, with a small number of properties attached to it. In addition, each ECS Instance should be a child of the Adapter Instance. For example, with a very small environment with a single ECS Instance, we may see a result similar to this:

(venv-Alibaba Cloud) ❯ mp-test -c default collect
Building adapter [Finished]
Waiting for adapter to start [Finished]
Running Collect [Finished]
    "nonExistingObjects": [],
    "relationships": [],
    "result": [
            "events": [],
            "key": {
                "adapterKind": "AlibabaCloud",
                "identifiers": [
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "access_key_id",
                        "value": "LTAI5tJAcgHHoDT9d4xWNQBu"
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": false,
                        "key": "container_memory_limit",
                        "value": "1024"
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "region_id",
                        "value": "us-east-1"
                "name": "default",
                "objectKind": "AlibabaCloud_adapter_instance"
            "metrics": [],
            "properties": []
            "events": [],
            "key": {
                "adapterKind": "AlibabaCloud",
                "identifiers": [
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "instance_id",
                        "value": "i-0xi23s0o5pgnbdir3e3j"
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "region_id",
                        "value": "us-east-1"
                "name": "iZ0xi23s0o5pgnbdir3e3jZ",
                "objectKind": "ecs_instance"
            "metrics": [],
            "properties": [
                    "key": "cpu",
                    "numberValue": 1.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681933134430
                    "key": "memory",
                    "numberValue": 1024.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681933134430
                    "key": "status",
                    "stringValue": "Running",
                    "timestamp": 1681933134430
                    "key": "instance_type",
                    "stringValue": "ecs.n1.tiny",
                    "timestamp": 1681933134430
                    "key": "private_ip",
                    "stringValue": "['']",
                    "timestamp": 1681933134430
                    "key": "public_ip",
                    "stringValue": "['']",
                    "timestamp": 1681933134430
Collection summary:

Table cell format is: 'total (min/median/max)'

Object Type                                 | Count | Metrics | Properties | Events | Parents | Children
AlibabaCloud::AlibabaCloud_adapter_instance | 1     | 0       | 0          | 0      | 0       | 0
AlibabaCloud::ecs_instance                  | 1     | 0       | 6          | 0      | 0       | 0

Parent Type | Child Type | Count

Avg CPU %                     | Avg Memory Usage %         | Memory Limit | Network I/O          | Block I/O
34.6 % (0.0% / 34.6% / 69.1%) | 4.0 % (4.0% / 4.0% / 4.0%) | 1.0 GiB      | 5.52 KiB / 10.21 KiB | 0.0 B / 0.0 B

Collection completed in 0.96 seconds.

All validation logs written to '~/Code/alibaba-cloud-mp/logs/validation.log'
Validation passed with no errors

When everything is working as expected locally using mp-test, we can run mp-build and install on VMware Aria Operations for a final verification.

Next Steps

Extending an Existing Management Pack

This guide assumes you have already set up the SDK and know how to create a new project. It walks you through the steps necessary to extend an existing Management Pack to add additional data, using the MySQL Management Pack as an example.

Extending an existing management pack is similar to creating a new management pack, but has some additional constraints. This section will create a management pack that adds metrics to the existing MySQL management pack's database object. It assumes you have already installed the SDK and understand the tools and steps in the 'Get Started' section. It also assumes that you have installed and configured the MySQL management pack on a VMware Aria Operations instance in your local network.

For the purposes of this walkthrough, we will be adding five metrics to the MySQL database object that show the total amount of lock waits and statistics about the time spent waiting for those locks. This info can be found in MySQL in the table performance_schema.table_lock_waits_summary_by_table.

The first step is to run mp-init and create a new project. There are no restrictions, except that the adapter kind key cannot be used by another management pack that is installed on the same system. For example, we used the following to create the sample:

❯ mp-init
Enter a directory to create the project in. This is the directory where adapter code, metadata, and
content will reside. If the directory doesn't already exist, it will be created.
Path: mysql-extension-mp
Management pack display name: Extended MySQL MP
Management pack adapter key: ExtendedMySQLMP
Management pack description: Adds 'Lock Wait' metrics to MySQL Database objects
Management pack vendor: VMware, Inc
Enter a path to a EULA text file, or leave blank for no EULA: 
Enter a path to the management pack icon file, or leave blank for no icon:
An icon can be added later by setting the 'pak_icon' key in 'manifest.txt' to the
icon file name and adding the icon file to the root project directory.
Creating Project [Finished]

project generation completed

The completed management pack is found in the 'samples' directory, and can be used as a reference for this walkthrough or as a starting point for creating your own.

Once the project finished generating, we can change directory into the project and activate the Python virtual environment.

Next, we need to modify the adapter code. We will break this up into several steps:

  1. Add a library for connecting to MySQL
  2. Modify the adapter definition to add fields for connecting to MySQL
  3. Modify the test method to create a MySQL connection and run a query
  4. Modify the collect method to collect metrics, and attach them to the correct database objects
  5. Verify the MP

Add a library for connection to MySQL

In order to add the metrics we want, we will need to be able to run a query against a MySQL database. There are several Python libraries that can help us do this. For now, let's use mysql-connector-python.

To add a library to the adapter, open the file adapter_requirements.txt and add a new line with the name of the library. Optionally, we can also add a version constraint. Here's what the modified file should look like:


Note: We can also remove the psutil library, as that is only used in the sample code that we will be replacing. However, we would then no longer be able to run mp-test until we have removed the sample code that depends on psutil, so for now we will keep it.

Modify the adapter definition to add fields for connecting to MySQL

Now that we have added the library, we need to see what information it needs in order to connect. Since the adapter will be running on the VMware Aria Operations Cloud Proxy, which is not where our MySQL instance is running, we will need the following:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Username
  • Password

In the app/ file, find the get_adapter_definition() method. We will define parameters for the Host and Port, and a credential for the Username and Password. After also removing the 'ID' parameter from the sample adapter, the method should look similar to this:

def get_adapter_definition() -> AdapterDefinition:"Starting 'Get Adapter Definition'")
    definition = AdapterDefinition(ADAPTER_KIND, ADAPTER_NAME)

    definition.define_string_parameter("host", "MySQL Host")
    definition.define_int_parameter("port", "Port", default=3306)

    credential = definition.define_credential_type("mysql_user", "MySQL User")
    credential.define_string_parameter("username", "Username")
    credential.define_password_parameter("password", "Password")

    # The key 'container_memory_limit' is a special key that is read by the VMware Aria 
    # Operations collector to determine how much memory to allocate to the docker 
    # container running this adapter. It does not need to be read inside the adapter 
    # code.
        label="Adapter Memory Limit (MB)",
        description="Sets the maximum amount of memory VMware Aria Operations can "
                    "allocate to the container running this adapter instance.",

    # This Adapter has no object types directly, rather it co-opts object types that
    # are part of the MySQL MP to add additional metrics. As such, we can't define
    # those object types here, because they're already defined in the MySQL MP with a
    # different adapter type.
    # If we decide to also create new objects (that are not part of an existing MP),
    # those can be added here."Finished 'Get Adapter Definition'")
    logger.debug(f"Returning adapter definition: {definition.to_json()}")
    return definition

The adapter definition is also where objects and metrics are defined, however we are only allowed to define objects and metrics that are a part of our adapter type. Because extensions modify objects that are part of a different adapter type, we can't add them. This means that we can't set metric metadata like 'units', 'labels', etc that we would generally be able to set.

Modify the test method to create a MySQL connection and run a query

Now that we've defined our parameters, we can try to connect and run a test query. We will do this in the test method. Notice this takes an AdapterInstance as a parameter. We will replace all the code that is inside the try/except block.

All the parameters and credentials from the definition will be present in this Adapter Instance. We can access them like this, using the keys that we defined in the get_adapter_definition function to get the value assigned to that parameter:

    hostname = adapter_instance.get_identifier_value("host")
    port = int(adapter_instance.get_identifier_value("port", "3306"))
    username = adapter_instance.get_credential_value("username")
    password = adapter_instance.get_credential_value("password")

We can then use them to connect to MySQL and run a test query (be sure to import mysql.connector):

    connection = mysql.connector.connect(
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # Run a simple test query
    cursor.execute("SHOW databases")
    for database in cursor: # The cursor needs to be consumed before it is closed"Found database '{database}'")

Since we can expect that this will fail, e.g., if the user provides the wrong username and password, we should ensure there is good error-handling in this function.

If we detect a failure (e.g., in the except block), we should call result.with_error(error_message) to indicate the test has failed. If no errors have been attached to the result object, the test will pass. (Note that calling result.with_error(...) multiple times in the same test will result in only the last error being displayed.)

If the management pack will be widely distributed, it may also be worthwhile to catch common errors and ensure the resulting messages are clear and user-friendly.

We should now be able to run mp-test connect to run this code. The mp-test tool will ask you to create a new connection, prompting for 'host', 'port', 'username', and 'password'. After, it will ask if it should override SuiteAPI1 credentials. Unless you have already set these up, select 'Yes', as we will need them later when we modify the 'collect' method. It will ask you for the SuiteAPI hostname, which should be the hostname of the VMware Aria Operations instance where the MySQL management pack is running, and a username and password which have permission to access to the SuiteAPI on that system.

1SuiteAPI is a REST API on VMware Aria Operations that can be used for many purposes. The documentation for this API can be found on any VMware Aria Operations instance at https://[aria_ops_hostname]/suite-api/. The 'adapter_instance' object that is passed to the 'test', 'get_endpoints', and 'collect' methods can automatically connect to this API and has methods for querying it.

If everything was successful, the result should look similar to this:

(venv-Extended MySQL MP) ❯ mp-test connect
Choose a connection:  New Connection
Building adapter [Finished]
Waiting for adapter to start [Finished]
│Connections are akin to Adapter Instances in VMware Aria Operations, and contain the parameters                                             │
│needed to connect to a target environment. As such, the following connection parameters and credential fields are                           │
│derived from the 'conf/describe.xml' file and are specific to each Management Pack.                                                         │
Enter connection parameter 'MySQL Host': mysql8-1.localnet
Enter connection parameter 'Port': 3306
Enter connection parameter 'Adapter Memory Limit (MB)': 1024
Enter credential field 'Username': root
Enter credential field 'Password': *********
Override default SuiteAPI connection information for SuiteAPI calls?  Yes
Suite API Hostname:
Suite API User Name: admin
Suite API Password: ********
Set these as the default SuiteAPI connection?  Yes
Enter a name for this connection: default
Saved connection 'default' in '~/Code/extended-mysql-mp/config.json'.
The connection can be modified by manually editing this file.
Building adapter [Finished]
Waiting for adapter to start [Finished]
Running Endpoint URLs [Finished]
Running Connect [Finished]

Avg CPU %                     | Avg Memory Usage %         | Memory Limit | Network I/O         | Block I/O
14.9 % (0.0% / 14.9% / 29.8%) | 4.0 % (4.0% / 4.0% / 4.0%) | 1.0 GiB      | 9.06 KiB / 4.16 KiB | 0.0 B / 0.0 B

Request completed in 1.85 seconds.

All validation logs written to '~/Code/mysql-extention-mp/logs/validation.log'
Validation passed with no errors

Modify the collect method to collect metrics, and attach them to the correct database objects

Now that the test method is working, we can implement the collect method. This is the method where we query MySQL for the metrics we want and send them to VMware Aria Operations as part of the database objects. Before we begin writing code, we need to look up some information about the MySQL management pack. Specifically, we need the following information:

  • The MySQL Adapter Kind Key
  • The MySQL Database Object type
  • A way to create a database object that matches a database that already exists on VMware Aria Operations (usually the identifier list, but the name can sometimes work, as in this case).

These will be used to ensure that the metrics are attached to existing MySQL objects, rather than creating new ones.

To get this information, we will ssh into the collector where the MySQL management pack is running. Then cd to $ALIVE_BASE/user/plugin/inbound/mysql_adapter3/conf/. From there, open the describe.xml file. The Adapter Kind key is at the top on the fourth line:

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<!-- <!DOCTYPE AdapterKind SYSTEM "describeSchema.xsd"> -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 2020 VMware Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
<AdapterKind key="MySQLAdapter" nameKey="1" version="1" xmlns="">

Inside the AdapterKind tag are ResourceKinds/ResourceKind tags, and we can search for the one that represents the database resource kind. Once we have found it we can see that it has two identifiers, one for the adapter instance ID, and one for the database name.

      <!-- ... -->
      <ResourceKind key="mysql_database" nameKey="64" >
          <ResourceIdentifier dispOrder="1" key="adapter_instance_id" length="" nameKey="37" required="true" type="string" identType="1" enum="false" default=""> </ResourceIdentifier>
          <ResourceIdentifier dispOrder="2" key="database_name" length="" nameKey="65" required="true" type="string" identType="1" enum="false" default=""> </ResourceIdentifier>

In order to attach a metric to these objects, we will need all identifiers that have an identType=1. In this case, those are adapter_instance_id and database_name. This means that the combination of those two fields uniquely identify the object among all of the mysql_database objects in the MySQLAdapter adapter.

Getting the adapter_instance_id requires a SuiteAPI call. We need to retrieve the Adapter Instances for MySQLAdapter that has the same host and port identifiers as our adapter, and then retrieving the id. However, if we look in VMware Aria Operations itself, we can see that each database's name has the format mysql_host/mysql_database, which should be unique (even if VMware Aria Operations isn't using it for determining uniqueness). Thus, a simpler way to get matching objects (in this case) is to construct the name, and ask the SuiteAPI to give us all MySQLAdapter mysql_database objects with those names. Then we can simply attach metrics to the resulting mysql_database objects, which will have all identifiers correctly set by the SuiteAPI.

First, we should remove all the sample code inside the try block. All the code for the following steps should be inside the try block.

Then, we need to establish a connection to MySQL. We can do this in the same way as in test connect. In many cases creating a function for connecting that is called from both test and collect is worthwhile. Then we can query the list of databases, and construct a list of database names that may be present:

        # Get the list of databases on this instance
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SHOW databases")
        database_names = [f"{hostname}/{database[0]}" for database in cursor]

We then query the SuiteAPI for mysql_database objects from the MySQLAdapter adapter, with the names we computed. The queries that query_for_resources accepts are documented in the SuiteAPI documentation, and can search on many types of metadata about a resource. After that, we add the returned objects to the result and to a dictionary for quick access later.

        # Get the list of objects from the SuiteAPI that represent the MySQL
        # databases that are on this instance, and add any we find to the result
        databases = {}  # dict of database Objects by name for easy access
        with adapter_instance.suite_api_client as suite_api:
            dbs = suite_api.query_for_resources(
                    "adapterKind": ["MySQLAdapter"],
                    "resourceKind": ["mysql_database"],
                    "name": database_names,
            for db in dbs:
                databases[db.get_identifier_value("database_name")] = db
                # Add each database to the collection result. Objects must be
                # added to the result in order for them to be returned by the
                # collect method.

Finally, we'll run the query to get the data from MySQL that we want, and add that data as metrics to the relevant databases, and return the result:

        # Run a query to get some additional data. Here we're getting info about
        # lock waits on each database
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                    select OBJECT_SCHEMA,
                           sum(COUNT_STAR)     as COUNT_STAR,
                           sum(SUM_TIMER_WAIT) as SUM_TIMER_WAIT,
                           max(MAX_TIMER_WAIT) as MAX_TIMER_WAIT,
                           min(MIN_TIMER_WAIT) as MIN_TIMER_WAIT
                    from performance_schema.table_lock_waits_summary_by_table
                    group by OBJECT_SCHEMA

        # Iterate through the results of the query, and add them to the appropriate
        # database Object as metrics.
        for row in cursor:
            if len(row) != 5:
                logger.error(f"Row is not expected size: {repr(row)}")
            database = databases.get(row[0])
            if not database:
      "Database {row[0]} not found in Aria Operations")
            database.with_metric("Table Locks|Count", float(row[1]))
            database.with_metric("Table Locks|Sum", float(row[2]))
            database.with_metric("Table Locks|Max", float(row[3]))
            if float(row[1] > 0):
                database.with_metric("Table Locks|Avg", float(row[2])/float(row[1]))
                database.with_metric("Table Locks|Avg", 0)
            database.with_metric("Table Locks|Min", float(row[4]))
        return result

Verify the MP

To verify the MP, run mp-test using the same connection we created earlier. If there are any mysql_database objects that have entries in the table_lock_waits_summary_by_table table, we should see those returned in the collection result. For example, if the MySQL management pack is configured to collect loadgen, mysql, and sys, and the data query returns:

object_schema      | count_star | sum_timer_wait | max_timer_wait | min_timer_wait
mysql              | 0          | 0              |0               | 0
performance_schema | 0          | 0              |0               | 0
sys                | 2          | 3946368        |2255204         | 1691164

Then we would expect to see entries for each database monitored by MySQL, but new data should be present only for the subset that was also returned by the data query:

    "nonExistingObjects": [],
    "relationships": [],
    "result": [
            "events": [],
            "key": {
                "adapterKind": "MySQLAdapter",
                "identifiers": [
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "adapter_instance_id",
                        "value": "347062"
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "database_name",
                        "value": "loadgen"
                "name": "mysql8-1.localnet/loadgen",
                "objectKind": "mysql_database"
            "metrics": [],
            "properties": []
            "events": [],
            "key": {
                "adapterKind": "MySQLAdapter",
                "identifiers": [
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "adapter_instance_id",
                        "value": "347062"
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "database_name",
                        "value": "mysql"
                "name": "mysql8-1.localnet/mysql",
                "objectKind": "mysql_database"
            "metrics": [
                    "key": "Table Locks|Count",
                    "numberValue": 0.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040181
                    "key": "Table Locks|Sum",
                    "numberValue": 0.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040181
                    "key": "Table Locks|Max",
                    "numberValue": 0.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040181
                    "key": "Table Locks|Avg",
                    "numberValue": 0.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040181
                    "key": "Table Locks|Min",
                    "numberValue": 0.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040181
            "properties": []
            "events": [],
            "key": {
                "adapterKind": "MySQLAdapter",
                "identifiers": [
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "adapter_instance_id",
                        "value": "347062"
                        "isPartOfUniqueness": true,
                        "key": "database_name",
                        "value": "sys"
                "name": "mysql8-1.localnet/sys",
                "objectKind": "mysql_database"
            "metrics": [
                    "key": "Table Locks|Count",
                    "numberValue": 2.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040182
                    "key": "Table Locks|Sum",
                    "numberValue": 3946368.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040182
                    "key": "Table Locks|Max",
                    "numberValue": 2255204.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040182
                    "key": "Table Locks|Avg",
                    "numberValue": 1973184.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040182
                    "key": "Table Locks|Min",
                    "numberValue": 1691164.0,
                    "timestamp": 1681767040182
            "properties": []

When everything is working as expected locally using mp-test, we can run mp-build and install on VMware Aria Operations for a final verification.

Next Steps




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