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Project description


一、 简介

1. 功能简介


2. 版本历史(按周汇总)

  • 2021-06-11 v0.7.20210608.4

    feat: add symbol_is_main_dic for judge the main contract.
    fix: engine_kwargs['interval'] = Interval(interval) if interval is not None else Interval.MINUTE.
    fix: cover/sell then buy/short on TargetPosAndPriceTemplate.
    fix: keep trying bulk insert and backup data if exception.
    refactor: json.dump -obj_2_json.

  • 2021-06-04 v0.7.20210604.1

    feat: 增加按策略类统计方法.
    feat: StrategyBacktestStats.set_strategy_unavailable.
    feat: add StrategyBacktestStats.get_by_keys.
    feat: try get old strategy_stats if strategy_stats_original is None, and reuse backtest_status, short_name, shown_name if they are not None.
    feat: add StrategyInfo.get_strategy_class_by_name.
    feat: add backtest_by_warning_log.
    fix: save to json file if save stats failed.
    fix: output_report_between on reports.
    fix: z_score = get_daily_min_bar_count() * z_score_days.
    fix: daily_bars_needed_at_least on MACDSignal and add short_name on MACD,KDJ,RSI,BOLL.
    fix: curr_closing_trade_data is None.
    fix: statistics = dict_2_jsonable(statistics).
    refactor: beauty log of StrategyBacktestStats.expire_stats.
    refactor: add warning '没有找到对应的记录' on update_backtest_status.
    refactor: avoid loop import.

  • 2021-05-28 v0.7.20210528.0

    feat: show fire_stop_order in variables if self.stop_loss_rate 0 or self.trailing_stop_rate 0.
    feat: add TargetPosAndPriceTemplate on portfolio.
    feat: beauty log and add TargetPosAndPriceNoStopOrderTemplate.
    feat: enhance ArrayManager with datetime_array.
    feat: add spread_type, curr_spread, curr_win_spread, win_spreads, win_am_spread on TargetPosAndPriceSpreadTemplate.
    feat: change indicator_dic structure on two engine.
    feat: add indicator by trade in portfolio_strategy engine.
    fix: show "最新持仓目标 ***" only if target_pos != self.pos and not self.fire_stop_order.
    fix: send_and_on_order_dt_dic pop ALLTRADED order.
    fix: cancel all stop orders if fire_stop_order and pos -0 done.
    fix: cancel_all_stop_orders() -cancel_all().
    fix: base_price_type -self.base_price_type.
    fix: change way of np.int64 -int. fix: cancel_all_stop_orders() -cancel_all().
    fix: StrategyBacktestStats.update(update_dic).
    fix: fire_stop_order_dt is None check.
    fix: set 0 when calculate by trade if trades data is None.
    fix: (order.volume - order.traded) <= vol <= order.volume on is_same_as_order func and beauty log.
    fix: None check on calc_spread_bar.
    fix: _update_spread.
    refactor: beauty order log.

  • 2021-05-21 v0.7.20210521.0

    feat: add TargetPosAndPriceSpreadTemplate.
    feat: add author_list on backtest_all_strategies.
    feat: add TargetPosAndPrice2SymbolTemplate.
    feat: add get_daily_min_bar_count on enhancement.
    feat: add calc_init_load_days on StrategyTemplate.
    feat: period_enum become optional. \ feat: 添加calculate_by_trade,通过每笔交易计算指标.
    feat: add get_id_name on MACrossPriceSignal.
    fix: handle DoesNotExist on apply_2_symbol.
    fix: update short_name, shown_name update to None on update_backtest_status.
    fix: int64 cannot be json on indicator_dic.
    fix: update backtest_status on update_stats.
    fix: Duplicate entry error. remove fn.ABS(StrategyBacktestStats.backtest_status) >= StrategyBacktestStatusEnum.QuasiOnline.value condition.

  • 2021-05-14 v0.7.20210514.0

    feat: add z_score_days param on MACDSignal.
    feat: add param vt_symbol on CtaSignal.
    feat: support period_enum on StrategyTemplate of portfolio strategy.
    feat: add strategy_cls name on progress bar.
    feat: add param same_direction on is_cross func: 是否要求金叉时一定要方向相同.即:金叉时 price1 方向向上,死叉是 price1 方向向下.
    feat: add param same_direction param on MACrossSignal.
    feat: update id_name if it's changed when track backtest.
    feat: add check_account_mapping on StrategyBacktestStats.update_backtest_status.
    feat: add ams of ArrayManager Dict on StrategyTemplate.
    fix: avg_entry_price wrong.
    fix: TradeDateModel no available date check on is_end_week.
    fix: self.set_signal_pos(-flag if self.reverse_bs else flag) on MACrossPriceSignal and add reverse_bs on MACrossSignal.
    fix: same_direction is not available param on MACrossPriceSignal.
    fix: score +/- wrong.
    fix: file extension check ('.csv', '.xls', '.xlsx').
    fix: old_id_name = None and add exception log.
    fix: only warning if pos status < today and tick data missing.
    fix: duplicate key error in some cases of update_stats.
    fix: cancel stop_vt_orderids when target position direction changed.
    fix: key will not be added in send_and_on_order_dt_dic if stop == True in send_order.
    fix: checking bar is None.
    fix: handle InterfaceError on StrategyStatus.query_status.
    fix: '主连合约' '次主连合约' shown wrong.
    fix: do not calc avg_entry_price if self.pos == 0.
    fix: load continue data.
    refactor: add hint self.window_bar: Optional[BarData] = None. feat: add new parameter indicator_dic to return of BacktestingEngine.calculate_statistics(), which contain all indicator data feat: add new model field indicator_dic to StrategyBacktestStats in feat: 数据库变更脚本

    ALTER TABLE `vnpy`.`strategy_backtest_stats`
    ADD COLUMN `indicator_dic` JSON NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `charts_data`;
    ALTER TABLE `vnpy`.`strategy_backtest_stats_archive`
    ADD COLUMN `indicator_dic` JSON NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `charts_data`;
    ALTER TABLE `vnpy`.`strategy_backtest_stats_test`
    ADD COLUMN `indicator_dic` JSON NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `charts_data`;
  • 2021-04-30 v0.7.20210430.0

    feat: add short_name on sub classes of CtaSignal.
    feat: add daily_bars_needed_at_least, get_short_name, get_signal_name_header on CtaSignal.
    feat: add unique key of ('stg_info', 'symbols_info', 'short_name',) and ('stg_info', 'symbols_info', 'shown_name',) on StrategyBacktestStats.
    feat: auto fill short_name on update_backtest_status.
    feat: add update_strategy_stats_by_dir for updating all files in dir.
    feat: add score on calculate_statistics.
    feat: 追踪回测时,文件名 id_name_[short_name].
    feat: merge daily price and profit charts together.
    feat: get_available_status_group_by_strategy all filter by symbols list or strategy_class_name list.
    feat: lower dependency of FutureAdjFactor table when load_bar_data.
    feat: add csv_split_chunk to handle large csv files.
    fix: self.current_bars[vt_symbol] is None on send_order of portfolio
    fix: symbols.upper() on get_symbols_id_dict and update_backtest_status.
    fix: only warning if pos status < today and tick data missing.
    refactor: lru_cache(maxsize=10) lower memory use on load_data. refactor: root_folder_name = f'{}{date_2_str(}' on bulk_backtest.
    refactor: root_folder_name=f'{}
    {vt_symbol}' on bulk_backtest_separated_by_symbol.

  • 2021-04-23 v0.7.20210423.0

    feat: 默认 root_folder_name 使用程序创建时的系统日期,为了防止跨日出现多个不同日期的文件夹,该日期初始化后不再改变。
    feat: add avg/max/lw/avg_square/most of drawdown on cta/portfolio backtest engine.
    feat: enable strategy_only filter and root_folder_name on backtest_all_strategies.
    feat: DEFAULT_STATIC_ITEM -DEFAULT_STATIC_ITEM_DIC. and include items: "return_most_drawdown_ratio", "return_loss_ratio".
    feat: change default columns orders of bulk backtest output csv/excel files.
    feat: add default params 'stop_opening_pos' 'base_position' on settings of settings files.
    feat: support output orders/trades with output_orders/output_trades params on backtest.
    feat: add capital param on bulk_backtest_separated_by_symbol.
    feat: capital=1000000 by default of run_backtest.
    feat: add StrategyBacktestStats.expire_stats for disabling old stats by symbols on both StrategyBacktestStats and AccountStrategyMapping.
    feat: add trailing stop and stop loss.
    feat: day end at 15:00 of BarGenerator.
    fix: df is None check when is_available check.
    fix: return_loss_ratio wrong.
    fix: vt_symbols wrong of settings files.
    fix: self.daily_df = None on clear_data. \ refactor: lru_cache() for TradeDateModel.get_trade_date_dic.

  • 2021-04-16 v0.7.20210416.1

    feat: add validation rule "最大回撤到最后一个交易日需要出现新高".
    feat: add shown "annual_return", "sortino_ratio", "return_risk_ratio" by default.
    feat: class_name + param_str by default of id_name of strategy.
    fix: generate right vt_symbol for subscription.
    fix: enhance change_curr_contract of FutureAdjFactor.
    fix: main contract switch wrong on apply_2_symbol.
    fix: bar.vt_symbol wrong on mock_load_bar_data. \ fix: is_main check on mock_load_bar_data.
    fix: secondary contract reversion rights.
    fix: return_loss_ratio error on calculate_statistics.
    refactor: make 'id_name', 'backtest_status', 'short_name', 'shown_name' at the end columns of csv/xlsx files.

  • 2021-04-09 v0.7.20210409.0

    feat: add some instrument type on EXCHANGE_INSTRUMENTS_DIC.
    feat: add vt_symbol_price_tick on CtaTemplate.
    feat: get shown_name and short_name from get_name_by_pattern.
    feat: add is_cross on func module feat: add ma on ArrayManager.
    feat: add MACrossPriceSignal.
    fix: wrong error_count on import results.
    fix: on creating instance of StrategyTemplate, CtaTemplate of apply_2_symbol function.
    fix: add exception handler on add_2_account_strategy_mapping.

  • 2021-04-02 v0.7.20210402.0

    feat: add output_report_between on report function.
    feat: stats ['区间盈亏', '交易次数', '盈利次数', '亏损次数'] on reports.
    feat: add rr wh fb cy trade datetime range.
    feat: add get_instrument_type_and_exchange.
    feat: warning '【非交易时段】' only on realtime mode.
    feat: add base_price_type param for default kind of price when calculating indexes.
    feat: add add_mapping_all, add_2_account_strategy_mapping, apply_2_symbol on StrategyBacktestStats.
    fix: key available check on backtest.
    fix: broker_id: str = IntegerField(help_text="经纪商代码") of AccountStrategyMapping.
    fix: user_name, broker_id = int(user_name), int(broker_id) on AccountStrategyMapping.add_mapping.
    fix: logging track test error.
    fix: ignore updating ['id_name', 'backtest_status', 'short_name', 'shown_name'] if insert conflict on backtest.
    fix: stats wrong on report.
    fix: unique index on ('user_name', 'broker_id', 'short_name',) and ('user_name', 'broker_id', 'shown_name',) of AccountStrategyMapping.

  • 2021-03-25 v0.7.20210325.0

    feat: update_strategy_stats_by_df with AccountStrategyMapping.
    feat: new logic of import/export settings with AccountStrategyMapping.
    feat: support custom is_available func for strategy template.
    feat: support start and end date range for bulk_backtest_separated_by_symbol.
    feat: add strict logic of window bar on CtaSignal and BarGenerator.
    feat: add GeneralPeriodEnum.
    feat: init_load_days = 0 by default.
    feat: add enable_entry_exit_price feature.
    feat: backtest end at 3 month ago for in-sample test by default.

  • 2021-03-17 v0.7.20210317.0

    feat: update hour bar logic of BarGenerator to vnpy same logic.
    feat: add {}_ on file name header of backtest.
    feat: add user_id on file names on daily reports.
    feat: speed up load history bar.
    fix: reset error_count on each loop.
    refactor: add log on bulk backtest.

  • 2021-03-11 v0.7.20210311.1

    feat: 支持加载主连连续合约作为合约历史行情数据(默认为False).
    feat: move TBCtaSignal to vnpy_extra_tb.
    feat: reset_index on on f'{key}_{date_2_str(}.xlsx' files.

  • 2021-03-09 v0.7.20210309.0

    feat: self.load_bar(self.init_load_days) on on_init() for cta/portfolio template.
    feat: add remove_old_symbol_until_nth_latest on generate_md_with_adj_factor 删除旧的“带 symbol 标记”的主连行情数据,截止到第N个最新的主力合约.
    feat: add generate md with adj_factor module.

  • 2021-03-05 v0.6.20210305.0

    feat: add StrategyBacktestStatsArchive.restore.
    refactor: LatestTickPriceModel.replace -LatestTickPriceModel.insert.
    feat: add pool_size for multi thread.
    feat: add TBCtaSignal.
    feat: add export_tables_2_csv.
    fix: engine_kwargs["vt_symbols"] or engine_kwargs["vt_symbol"] mistake on update_backtest_status.
    fix: available_df.shape[0]>0 on backtest.
    fix: set_index(multi_valued_param_name_list) on backtest.
    fix: statistics available check on StrategyBacktestStats.update_stats.
    feat: send_email_qq support msg list.
    feat: order_by(StrategyBacktestStats.short_name) on StrategyBacktestStats.get_by_status.
    feat: variables = ["target_pos", "target_price", "bar_count"] on template.
    feat: add block_size=1024 * 1024 * 10 param on build_emails.
    feat: add ignore_error param on csv_2_tables and import_data_2_tables.
    fix: is_same_as_order for template.
    fix: pd.isna(short_name) check.
    fix: IntegrityError handler on import_data_2_tables.
    feat: replace insert -on duplicate key update.
    feat: add trade count summary on monthly report.
    feat: update update_backtest_status logic.
    fix: reduce reject order.
    fix: StrategyBacktestStats.update_backtest_status.
    feat: add last_tick and fill default price if price <= 0.
    feat: drop_duplicates and create f'{key}_{date_2_str(}.xlsx' file.

  • 2021-02-28 v0.6.20210228.0

    fix: order timeout on submit status. and clean tmp data when on_start called.
    fix: output f'{key}_{date_2_str(}.csv' file event if len(df_list) == 1.
    fix: ignore save_stats exceptions.
    feat: remove duplicate msg.
    feat: add check datetime trade available.
    refactor: fit INSTRUMENT_RATE_DIC.
    feat: email_attachment_2_tables, add csv_2_tables.
    refactor: logger = logging.getLogger(f'strategies.*.{strategy_name}').
    refactor: write_log(f"最新持仓目标 {target_pos} {self.target_price}", 'debug').
    fix: annual return, calmar, sharp.
    feat: export_tables_and_send_email.
    feat: add password param for email login password. feat: export_tables_and_send_email(password).
    fix: Writing to Excel with MultiIndex columns and no index ('index'=False) is not yet implemented.
    fix: price <= 0.0 check.
    fix: output_file_dic = {}.
    fix: strategy.strategy_name is None in some cases.
    fix: log and ignore lock error when cleaning TradeDataModel.
    refactor: create a unique on strategy_class_name.

  • 2021-02-19 v0.6.20210219.3

    feat: feat: add StopOpeningPos.
    feat: return output_file_dic on refresh_position_and_report.
    feat: use CalVer.
    feat: now all signal classes are sub classes of vnpy_extra.utils.enhancement.CtaSignal.
    feat: add filter_n_available=1 param for each sub class.
    feat: add check_datetime_available.

  • 2021-02-12 v0.6.21

    fix: some dirty data has to be clean.
    fix: charts_data null=True, symbols cannot be unique.
    refactor: bigger=1.0
    feat: add backtest_status_path on output path.
    fix: enable_join_collector.
    refactor: add description on progress bar.
    feat: add charts_data for showing echarts of strategy.
    feat: progress bar shows file_name_header.
    feat: support import strategy setting from ["cta_strategy_setting.json", "portfolio_strategy_setting.json"].
    feat: auto add main_contract testcase for import_strategy_setting module.
    fix: case-insensitive for portfolio portfolio_strategy.engine.BacktestingEngine.

  • 2021-02-03 v0.6.7

    feat: add algo trading on TargetPosAndPriceTemplate.
    feat: remove tzinfo from last_tick_time on cta's CtaTemplate and portfolio's StrategyTemplate.
    feat: add get_id_name function.
    feat: add import_strategy_setting module.
    fix: export/import tables and send email by io.
    fix: ctaTemplate algo trading logic.

  • 2021-01-26 v0.6.2

    feat: add short_name, shown_name by default null and unique into db.
    feat: export/import tables and send email by io.
    fix: TargetPosAndPriceTemplate order missing.

  • 2021-01-22 v0.6.0

    feat: add track performance feature.
    refactor: quant_vnpy -vnpy_extra.

  • 2021-01-19 v0.5.12

    fix: TargetPosAndPriceTemplate current_pos -target_pos by one step.
    fix: strategy_class_name wrong.

  • 2021-01-15 v0.5.5

    fix: add exception handle and logger on TradeDataCollector.
    fix: TargetPosAndPriceTemplate current_pos -target_pos by one step.
    feat: record backtest stats.
    feat: add default rate for backtest.
    fix: DCE夜盘交易日期为下一交易日,将会被重写为当前系统日期.
    fix: 修复跨日报表统计错误.
    fix: cross_limit_method param missing for file_name_func function.
    fix: 主力合约、次主力合约数据复权整理 bug.

  • 2021-01-08 v0.5.0

    refactor: merge portfolio run_backtest and cta run_backtest.
    feat: set_strategy_status(StrategyStatusEnum.Stopped).
    feat: monitor add setting.
    refactor: longer interval of
    feat: backtest: output param file if it's available.
    fix: MACDSignal.
    fix: check not strategy_status_monitor.is_alive().

  • 2020-12-27 v0.4.8

    feat: backtest: reset_index on result_df.
    fix: portfolio template, last_order_dt -dict.
    feat: add new TargetPosAndPriceTemplate, MACrossSignal.
    feat: backtest: default rate.
    feat: backtest: available filter for return_drawdown_ratio < 2 and np.round for some stats items.

  • 2020-12-25 v0.4.6

    feat: backtest: auto search symbol size.
    fix: report gl calc wrong in some cases. fix: report holding pos status calc wrong.
    fix: stop_opening_pos on templates.

  • 2020-12-22 v0.4.2

    fix: order_data_collector error on portfolio_strategy.template.
    fix: open_price -last_price.

  • 2020-12-18 v0.4.0

    feat: support user_name, broker_id.
    feat: add last_order_dt on template. fix: orm close connection.
    feat: position daily stat.
    feat: add CrossLimitMethod.fix_price for backtest.
    feat: add quant_vnpy.backtest.cta_strategy.template.CtaTemplate.
    feat: backtest cross price method.
    add position monitor

  • 2020-12-11 v0.2.16

    feat: on_tick active on_bar by bg on
    feat: add OrderDataCollector, TradeDataCollector class.
    feat: add stop_if_pos_2_0 on cta template.
    fix: bug fix of on_tick and report error.

  • 2020-12-04 v0.2.8

    feat: more readable log.

  • 2020-11-30 v0.2.7

    feat: orm add symbols.
    fix: bug fix on log format.
    fix: bug fix on on_stop of portfolio template.
    feat: add strategy status monitor.
    feat: add bar_count.

  • 2020-11-20 v0.1.8

    bug fix on portfolio's template.
    feat: 对 cta 及 portfolio 增加 template 模板类.
    feat: signal 增加 0 判断 当 0 时,默认为 default 值.
    feat: add current_bar for cta, portfolio's template classes.
    fix: template bugs.
    feat: 最新依赖版本 IBATS_Common>=0.20.8,最新支持道 vnpy 2.1.7 版本.

  • 2020-11-10 v0.1.0

feat: 基于vnpy 2.1.6进行的功能增强。此前版本不支持。

二、 环境设置及组件安装(首次运行前需要)

1. 系统环境包含 Anaconda 或 Miniconda(python 3.7 版本)

2. 安装 vnpy 2.1.6或以上版本 \

3. 运行安装相关组件

pip isntall -r requirement.txt
conda install -c plotly plotly-orca
conda install -c plotly python-kaleido


  1. 通用组件

    pip install -r requirement.txt
  2. orca 组件 orca 组件为回测功能中保存回测视图结果的组件,windows系统性需要单独安装,才可保证功能正常使用

    1. 安装组件包

      conda install -c plotly plotly-orca
    2. 下载并安装 orca 应用


    安装后设置话就环境变了 Path 加入相应路径,默认情况下window10操作系统 orca 组件将被安装在如下路径: C:\Users\mmmaaaggg\AppData\Local\Programs\orca

    1. 批量关闭 orca 进程方法
    ps -ef | grep orca | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
  3. MD文件转word文档工具
    pandoc官网下载对应的软件并安装后即可运行 Scripts\md_2_docx.bat 脚本

  4. pycharm MemoryError 解决方案 打开pycharm安装目录 d:\IDE\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.2.1\bin\ ,找到 pycharm.exe.vmoptions 文件,


    修改 -Xms为 256m -Xmx为 2048m


三、 常用命令

1. 切换远程仓库地址方法

>git remote
>git remote get-url --all origin
>git remote set-url origin
>git push
Enumerating objects: 82, done.
Counting objects: 100% (82/82), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (65/65), done.
Writing objects: 100% (65/65), 14.57 KiB | 710.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 65 (delta 50), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Powered by GITEE.COM [GNK-5.0]
   4f85956..fe47acc  master -master

2. 数据库 dump 数据


"c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqldump.exe" -u mg -p --databases vnpy dbbardata --where="symbol in ('rb9999', 'hc9999', 'i9999') and `interval`='1m'" dbbardata_dump.sql


"c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqldump.exe" -u mg -p vnpy dbbardata --where="(symbol like'%9999' or symbol like'%8888') and `interval`='1m'" dbbardata_dump.sql

3. 压缩命令

zip -r0q /media/mg/Data/ output

4. 独立启动交易界面(可以多开)

cd d:
cd d:\ide\vnstudio
python.exe -m vnstation runtrader "{'gateway': {'CTP': True}, 'app': {'CtaStrategy': True, 'PortfolioStrategy': True, 'PortfolioManager': True}, 'path': 'D:\\TradeTools\\vnpy\\jianxin_11859077'}"
cd c:\ide\vnstudio
python.exe -m vnstation runtrader "{'gateway': {'CTP': True}, 'app': {'CtaStrategy': True, 'PortfolioStrategy': True, 'PortfolioManager': True}, 'path': r'C:\TradeTools\vnpy_work_root\simnow'}"

四、 各个版本常见错误


  1. 错误提示框太长,无法看到错误信息

    python.exe -m vnstation
  2. 错误提示: ValueError: numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 216 from C header, got 192 from PyObject 解决方法:

    Scripts\pip.exe install numpy==1.16.1 --user
  3. 穿透式测试通不过,采集不到CPU、硬盘、BIOS信息 修改环境变量 增加目录 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wbem

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Built Distribution

vnpy_extra-0.7.20210608.4-py3-none-any.whl (156.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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