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A minimal implementation of a driver for the VOLTTRON platform.

Project description


Eclipse VOLTTRON™ Python 3.10 Python 3.11 Pytests pypi version

Distributed Network Protocol (DNP or DNP3) has achieved a large-scale acceptance since its introduction in 1993. This protocol is an immediately deployable solution for monitoring remote sites because it was developed for communication of critical infrastructure status, allowing for reliable remote control.

DNP3 is typically used between centrally located masters and distributed remotes. The master provides the interface between the human network manager and the monitoring system. The remote (RTUs and intelligent electronic devices) provides the interface between the master and the physical device(s) being monitored and/or controlled. The DNP3-Driver is a wrapper on the DNP3 master following the VOLTTRON driver framework.

Note that the DNP3-Driver requires a DNP3 outstation instance to properly function. e.g., polling data, setting point values, etc. The dnp3-python can provide the essential outstation functionality, and as part of the DNP3-Driver dependency, it is immediately available after the DNP3-Driver is installed.


  • Python 3.10


To install specific Python version (e.g., Python 3.8), we recommend using pyenv.
# install pyenv
git clone ~/.pyenv

# setup pyenv (you should also put these three lines in .bashrc or similar)
export PATH="${HOME}/.pyenv/bin:${PATH}"
export PYENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.pyenv"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

# install Python 3.10
pyenv install 3.10

# make it available globally
pyenv global system 3.10

Quick Start

The following recipe walks through the steps to install and configure a DNP3 Driver. Note that it uses default setup to work out-of-the-box. Please feel free to refer to related documentations for details.

  1. Create and activate a virtual environment.

    It is recommended to use a virtual environment for installing volttron.

    python -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
    pip install volttron
  2. Install volttron and start the platform.

    Note: According to volttron-core#readme, setup VOLTTRON_HOME environment variable is mandatory:

    ... if you have/had in the past, a monolithic VOLTTRON version that used the default VOLTTRON_HOME $HOME/.volttron. This modular version of VOLTTRON cannot work with volttron_home used by monolithic version of VOLTTRON(version 8.3 or earlier)

    # Setup enviornment variable
    export VOLTTRON_HOME=/path/to/volttron_home/dir
    # Start platform with output going to volttron.log
    volttron -vv -l volttron.log &
  3. Install the volttron platform driver:

    Note: for reproducibility, this demo will install platform driver with vip-identity==platform_driver_for_dnp3. Free feel to specify any agent vip-identity as desired.

    vctl install volttron-platform-driver --vip-identity platform_driver_for_dnp3 --start
    Verify with `vctl status`.
    (env) kefei@ubuntu-22:~/sandbox/dnp3-driver-sandbox$ vctl status
    UUID   AGENT                             IDENTITY                     TAG PRIORITY STATUS          HEALTH                                   
    5      volttron-platform-driver-0.2.0rc1 platform_driver_for_dnp3                  running [23217] GOOD
  4. Install the "volttron-lib-dnp3-driver" library.

    There are two options to install the DNP3 Driver. You can install this library using the version on PyPi or install it from the source code (git clone might be required.)

    # option 1: install from pypi
    pip install volttron-lib-dnp3-driver
    # option 2: install from the source code
    pip install <path-to-the-source-code-root>/volttron-lib-dnp3-driver/
  5. Install a DNP3 Driver onto the Platform Driver.

    Installing a DNP3 driver in the Platform Driver Agent requires adding copies of the device configuration and registry configuration files to the Platform Driver’s configuration store. For demo purpose, we will use default configure files.

    Prepare the default config files:

    # Create config file place holders
    mkdir config
    touch config/dnp3-config.json
    touch config/dnp3.csv

    Edit the dnp3-config.json as follows:

      "driver_config": {
        "master_ip": "",
        "outstation_ip": "",
        "master_id": 2,
        "outstation_id": 1,
        "port": 20000
      "registry_config": "config://dnp3.csv",
      "driver_type": "dnp3",
      "interval": 5,
      "timezone": "UTC",
      "publish_depth_first_all": true,
      "heart_beat_point": "random_bool"

    Edit the dnp3.csv as follows:

    Point Name,Volttron Point Name,Group,Variation,Index,Scaling,Units,Writable,Notes
    AnalogInput_index0,AnalogInput_index0,30,6,0,1,NA,FALSE,Double Analogue input without status
    AnalogInput_index1,AnalogInput_index1,30,6,1,1,NA,FALSE,Double Analogue input without status
    AnalogInput_index2,AnalogInput_index2,30,6,2,1,NA,FALSE,Double Analogue input without status
    AnalogInput_index3,AnalogInput_index3,30,6,3,1,NA,FALSE,Double Analogue input without status
    BinaryInput_index0,BinaryInput_index0,1,2,0,1,NA,FALSE,Single bit binary input with status
    BinaryInput_index1,BinaryInput_index1,1,2,1,1,NA,FALSE,Single bit binary input with status
    BinaryInput_index2,BinaryInput_index2,1,2,2,1,NA,FALSE,Single bit binary input with status
    BinaryInput_index3,BinaryInput_index3,1,2,3,1,NA,FALSE,Single bit binary input with status
    AnalogOutput_index0,AnalogOutput_index0,40,4,0,1,NA,TRUE,Double-precision floating point with flags
    AnalogOutput_index1,AnalogOutput_index1,40,4,1,1,NA,TRUE,Double-precision floating point with flags
    AnalogOutput_index2,AnalogOutput_index2,40,4,2,1,NA,TRUE,Double-precision floating point with flags
    AnalogOutput_index3,AnalogOutput_index3,40,4,3,1,NA,TRUE,Double-precision floating point with flags
    BinaryOutput_index0,BinaryOutput_index0,10,2,0,1,NA,TRUE,Binary Output with flags
    BinaryOutput_index1,BinaryOutput_index1,10,2,1,1,NA,TRUE,Binary Output with flags
    BinaryOutput_index2,BinaryOutput_index2,10,2,2,1,NA,TRUE,Binary Output with flags
    BinaryOutput_index3,BinaryOutput_index3,10,2,3,1,NA,TRUE,Binary Output with flags

    Add config to the configuration store:

    vctl config store platform_driver_for_dnp3 devices/campus/building/dnp3 config/dnp3-config.json
    vctl config store platform_driver_for_dnp3 dnp3.csv config/dnp3.csv --csv
    Verify with `vctl config list` and `vctl config get` command. (Please refer to the `vctl config` documentation for more details.)
    (env) kefei@ubuntu-22:~/sandbox/dnp3-driver-sandbox$ vctl config get platform_driver_for_dnp3 devices/campus/building/dnp3
      "driver_config": {
        "master_ip": "",
        "outstation_ip": "",
        "master_id": 2,
        "outstation_id": 1,
        "port": 20000
      "registry_config": "config://dnp3.csv",
      "driver_type": "dnp3",
      "interval": 5,
      "timezone": "UTC",
      "publish_depth_first_all": true,
      "heart_beat_point": "random_bool"
    (env) kefei@ubuntu-22:~/sandbox/dnp3-driver-sandbox$ vctl config get platform_driver_for_dnp3 dnp3.csv
        "Point Name": "AnalogInput_index0",
        "Volttron Point Name": "AnalogInput_index0",
        "Group": "30",
        "Variation": "6",
        "Index": "0",
  6. Verify with logging data

    When the DNP3-Driver is properly installed and configured, we can verify with logging data in "volttron.log".

    tail -f <path to folder containing volttron.log>/volttron.log
    Expected logging example
    2023-03-13 23:26:56,611 (volttron-platform-driver-0.2.0rc1 23666) volttron.driver.base.driver(334) DEBUG: finish publishing: devices/campus/building/dnp3/all
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,897 () DEBUG: after getting peerlist to send auth updates
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,897 () DEBUG: Sending auth update to peers platform.control
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,897 () DEBUG: Sending auth update to peers platform_driver_for_dnp3
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,898 () DEBUG: Sending auth update to peers
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,898 () DEBUG: Sending auth update to peers platform.config_store
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,898 () INFO: auth file /home/kefei/.volttron/auth.json loaded
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,898 () INFO: loading auth file /home/kefei/.volttron/auth.json
    2023-03-13 23:26:57,898 () DEBUG: Sending auth updates to peers
    2023-03-13 23:26:58,241 (volttron-platform-driver-0.2.0rc1 23666) <stdout>(0) INFO: ['ms(1678768018241) INFO    tcpclient - Connecting to:']
    2023-03-13 23:26:58,241 (volttron-platform-driver-0.2.0rc1 23666) <stdout>(0) INFO: ['ms(1678768018241) WARN    tcpclient - Error Connecting: Connection refused']
    2023-03-13 23:26:59,905 () DEBUG: after getting peerlist to send auth updates
    2023-03-13 23:26:59,905 () DEBUG: Sending auth update to peers platform.control
    2023-03-13 23:26:59,905 () DEBUG: Sending auth update to peers platform_driver_for_dnp3...
  7. (Optional) Verify with published data polled from outstation

    To see data being polled from an outstation and published to the bus, we need to

    Set up an outstation: The dnp3-python is part of the dnp3-driver dependency, and it is immediately available after the DNP3-Driver is installed.

    Open another terminal, and run dnp3demo outstation. For demo purpose, we assign arbitrary values to the point. ( More details about the "dnp3demo" module, please see

     ==== Outstation Operation MENU ==================================
     <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
     <ao> - update analog-output point value (for local control)
     <bi> - update binary-input point value (for local reading)
     <bo> - update binary-output point value (for local control)
     <dd> - display database
     <dc> - display configuration
     ======== Your Input Here: ==(outstation)======
     You chose <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
     Type in <float> and <index>. Separate with space, then hit ENTER.
     Type 'q', 'quit', 'exit' to main menu.
     ======== Your Input Here: ==(outstation)======
     0.1212 0
     {'Analog': {0: 0.1212, 1: None, 2: None, 3: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 8: None, 9: None}}
     You chose <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
     Type in <float> and <index>. Separate with space, then hit ENTER.
     Type 'q', 'quit', 'exit' to main menu.
     ======== Your Input Here: ==(outstation)======
     1.2323 1
     {'Analog': {0: 0.1212, 1: 1.2323, 2: None, 3: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 8: None, 9: None}}
     You chose <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
     Type in <float> and <index>. Separate with space, then hit ENTER.
     Type 'q', 'quit', 'exit' to main menu.
    Example of interaction with the `dnp3demo outstation` sub-command
    (env) kefei@ubuntu-22:~/sandbox/dnp3-driver-sandbox$ dnp3demo outstation
    dnp3demo.run_outstation {'command': 'outstation', 'outstation_ip=': '', 'port=': 20000, 'master_id=': 2, 'outstation_id=': 1}
    ms(1678770551216) INFO    manager - Starting thread (0)
    2023-03-14 00:09:11,216	control_workflow_demo	INFO	Connection Config
    2023-03-14 00:09:11,216	control_workflow_demo	INFO	Connection Config
    2023-03-14 00:09:11,216	control_workflow_demo	INFO	Connection Config
    ms(1678770551216) INFO    server - Listening on:
    2023-03-14 00:09:11,216	control_workflow_demo	DEBUG	Initialization complete. Outstation in command loop.
    2023-03-14 00:09:11,216	control_workflow_demo	DEBUG	Initialization complete. Outstation in command loop.
    2023-03-14 00:09:11,216	control_workflow_demo	DEBUG	Initialization complete. Outstation in command loop.
    Connection error.
    Connection Config {'outstation_ip_str': '', 'port': 20000, 'masterstation_id_int': 2, 'outstation_id_int': 1}
    Start retry...
    Connection error.
    Connection Config {'outstation_ip_str': '', 'port': 20000, 'masterstation_id_int': 2, 'outstation_id_int': 1}
    ms(1678770565247) INFO    server - Accepted connection from:
    ==== Outstation Operation MENU ==================================
    <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
    <ao> - update analog-output point value (for local control)
    <bi> - update binary-input point value (for local reading)
    <bo> - update binary-output point value (for local control)
    <dd> - display database
    <dc> - display configuration
    ======== Your Input Here: ==(outstation)======
    You chose <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
    Type in <float> and <index>. Separate with space, then hit ENTER.
    Type 'q', 'quit', 'exit' to main menu.
    ======== Your Input Here: ==(outstation)======
    0.1212 0
    {'Analog': {0: 0.1212, 1: None, 2: None, 3: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 8: None, 9: None}}
    You chose <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
    Type in <float> and <index>. Separate with space, then hit ENTER.
    Type 'q', 'quit', 'exit' to main menu.
    ======== Your Input Here: ==(outstation)======
    1.2323 1
    {'Analog': {0: 0.1212, 1: 1.2323, 2: None, 3: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 8: None, 9: None}}
    You chose <ai> - update analog-input point value (for local reading)
    Type in <float> and <index>. Separate with space, then hit ENTER.
    Type 'q', 'quit', 'exit' to main menu.
    ======== Your Input Here: ==(outstation)======

    Install the Listener Agent: Run vctl install volttron-listener --start. Once installed, you should see the data being published by viewing the Volttron logs file. (i.e., tail -f <path to folder containing volttron.log>/volttron.log)

    Note: it is recommended to restart the Platform Driver after a specific driver is installed and configured. i.e., using the vctl restart <agent-uuid> command.) The expected logging will be similar as follows:

    2023-03-14 00:11:55,000 (volttron-platform-driver-0.2.0rc0 24737) volttron.driver.base.driver(277) DEBUG: scraping device: campus/building/dnp3
    2023-03-14 00:11:55,805 (volttron-platform-driver-0.2.0rc0 24737) volttron.driver.base.driver(330) DEBUG: publishing: devices/campus/building/dnp3/all
    2023-03-14 00:11:55,810 (volttron-listener-0.2.0rc0 24424) listener.agent(104) INFO: Peer: pubsub, Sender: platform_driver_for_dnp3:, Bus: , Topic: devices/campus/building/dnp3/all, Headers: {'Date': '2023-03-14T05:11:55.805245+00:00', 'TimeStamp': '2023-03-14T05:11:55.805245+00:00', 'SynchronizedTimeStamp': '2023-03-14T05:11:55.000000+00:00', 'min_compatible_version': '3.0', 'max_compatible_version': ''}, Message: 
    [{'AnalogInput_index0': 0.1212,
      'AnalogInput_index1': 1.2323,
      'AnalogInput_index2': 0.0,
      'AnalogInput_index3': 0.0,
      'AnalogOutput_index0': 0.0,
      'AnalogOutput_index1': 0.0,
      'AnalogOutput_index2': 0.0,
      'AnalogOutput_index3': 0.0,
      'BinaryInput_index0': False,
      'BinaryInput_index1': False,
      'BinaryInput_index2': False,
      'BinaryInput_index3': False,
      'BinaryOutput_index0': False,
      'BinaryOutput_index1': False,
      'BinaryOutput_index2': False,
      'BinaryOutput_index3': False},
     {'AnalogInput_index0': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'AnalogInput_index1': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'AnalogInput_index2': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'AnalogInput_index3': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'AnalogOutput_index0': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'AnalogOutput_index1': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'AnalogOutput_index2': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'AnalogOutput_index3': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryInput_index0': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryInput_index1': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryInput_index2': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryInput_index3': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryOutput_index0': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryOutput_index1': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryOutput_index2': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'},
      'BinaryOutput_index3': {'type': 'integer', 'tz': 'UTC', 'units': 'NA'}}]
    2023-03-14 00:11:55,810 (volttron-platform-driver-0.2.0rc0 24737) volttron.driver.base.driver(334) DEBUG: finish publishing: devices/campus/building/dnp3/all
    2023-03-14 00:11:56,825 (volttron-listener-0.2.0rc0 24424) listener.agent(104) INFO: Peer: pubsub, Sender: volttron-listener-0.2.0rc0_2:, Bus: , Topic: heartbeat/volttron-listener-0.2.0rc0_2, Headers: {'TimeStamp': '2023-03-14T05:11:56.820827+00:00', 'min_compatible_version': '3.0', 'max_compatible_version': ''}, Message: 
  8. Shutdown the platform

    vctl shutdown --platform


Please see the following for contributing guidelines contributing.

Please see the following helpful guide about developing modular VOLTTRON agents

Disclaimer Notice

This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their employees, nor any jurisdiction or organization that has cooperated in the development of these materials, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness or any information, apparatus, product, software, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

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volttron_lib_dnp3_driver-0.1.2rc1.tar.gz (17.5 kB view details)

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File details

Details for the file volttron_lib_dnp3_driver-0.1.2rc1.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: volttron_lib_dnp3_driver-0.1.2rc1.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 17.5 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: poetry/1.4.2 CPython/3.10.11 Linux/5.15.0-1037-azure

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Hashes for volttron_lib_dnp3_driver-0.1.2rc1.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 702b52578bacc6222dba54dbf3cb1fd18b6f6837619d59ee202687e0d9d7a582
MD5 36693dbca64ef9622a9adb0a7e7cf968
BLAKE2b-256 2ad7f9666d473aeb300d6246c63eafa8afa38b720ee1917c76c2e993e99d5cfa

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File details

Details for the file volttron_lib_dnp3_driver-0.1.2rc1-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for volttron_lib_dnp3_driver-0.1.2rc1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 9e7545c3e4f8d3e6f22038c9a4b2895f3c62d32be1f9ed4fe4499299f8580a6f
MD5 ac64b1475491be818a8adf0ff661a34c
BLAKE2b-256 87895a2f9604542271caf10d05f68dea3ddb56a411ef8fe43adb9866baedb9b8

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