WebDAV client, based on original package https://github.com/designerror/webdav-client-python but uses requests instead of PyCURL
Project description
Python WebDAV Client 3
Package webdavclient3 based on https://github.com/designerror/webdav-client-python but uses requests
instead of PyCURL
It provides easy way to work with WebDAV-servers.
$ pip install webdavclient3
Sample Usage
from webdav3.client import Client
options = {
'webdav_hostname': "https://webdav.server.ru",
'webdav_login': "login",
'webdav_password': "password"
client = Client(options)
client.verify = False # To not check SSL certificates (Default = True)
client.session.proxies(...) # To set proxy directly into the session (Optional)
client.session.auth(...) # To set proxy auth directly into the session (Optional)
client.execute_request("mkdir", 'directory_name')
Webdav API
Webdav API is a set of webdav actions of work with cloud storage. This set includes the following actions:
, free
, info
, list
, mkdir
, clean
, copy
, move
, download
, upload
, publish
and unpublish
Configuring the client
Required key is host name or IP address of the WevDAV-server with param name webdav_hostname
For authentication in WebDAV server use webdav_login
, webdav_password
For an anonymous login do not specify auth properties.
from webdav3.client import Client
options = {
'webdav_hostname': "https://webdav.server.ru",
'webdav_login': "login",
'webdav_password': "password"
client = Client(options)
If your server does not support HEAD
method or there are other reasons to override default WebDAV methods for actions use a dictionary option webdav_override_methods
The key should be in the following list: check
, free
, info
, list
, mkdir
, clean
, copy
, move
, download
, upload
and unpublish
. The value should a string name of WebDAV method, for example GET
from webdav3.client import Client
options = {
'webdav_hostname': "https://webdav.server.ru",
'webdav_login': "login",
'webdav_password': "password",
'webdav_override_methods': {
'check': 'GET'
client = Client(options)
For configuring a requests timeout you can use an option webdav_timeout
with int value in seconds, by default the timeout is set to 30 seconds.
from webdav3.client import Client
options = {
'webdav_hostname': "https://webdav.server.ru",
'webdav_login': "login",
'webdav_password': "password",
'webdav_timeout': 30
client = Client(options)
When a proxy server you need to specify settings to connect through it.
from webdav3.client import Client
options = {
'webdav_hostname': "https://webdav.server.ru",
'webdav_login': "w_login",
'webdav_password': "w_password",
'proxy_hostname': "",
'proxy_login': "p_login",
'proxy_password': "p_password"
client = Client(options)
If you want to use the certificate path to certificate and private key is defined as follows:
from webdav3.client import Client
options = {
'webdav_hostname': "https://webdav.server.ru",
'webdav_login': "w_login",
'webdav_password': "w_password",
'cert_path': "/etc/ssl/certs/certificate.crt",
'key_path': "/etc/ssl/private/certificate.key"
client = Client(options)
Or you want to limit the speed or turn on verbose mode:
options = {
'recv_speed' : 3000000,
'send_speed' : 3000000,
'verbose' : True
client = Client(options)
recv_speed: rate limit data download speed in Bytes per second. Defaults to unlimited speed.
send_speed: rate limit data upload speed in Bytes per second. Defaults to unlimited speed.
verbose: set verbose mode on/off. By default verbose mode is off.
Also if your server does not support check
it is possible to disable it:
options = {
'disable_check': True
client = Client(options)
By default, checking of remote resources is enabled.
For configuring chunk size of content downloading use chunk_size
param, by default it is 65536
options = {
'chunk_size': 65536
client = Client(options)
Synchronous methods
# Checking existence of the resource
# Get information about the resource
# Check free space
free_size = client.free()
# Get a list of resources
files1 = client.list()
files2 = client.list("dir1")
files3 = client.list("dir1", get_info=True) # returns a list of dictionaries with files details
# Create directory
# Delete resource
# Copy resource
client.copy(remote_path_from="dir1/file1", remote_path_to="dir2/file1")
client.copy(remote_path_from="dir2", remote_path_to="dir3")
# Move resource
client.move(remote_path_from="dir1/file1", remote_path_to="dir2/file1")
client.move(remote_path_from="dir2", remote_path_to="dir3")
# Download a resource
client.download_sync(remote_path="dir1/file1", local_path="~/Downloads/file1")
client.download_sync(remote_path="dir1/dir2/", local_path="~/Downloads/dir2/")
# Upload resource
client.upload_sync(remote_path="dir1/file1", local_path="~/Documents/file1")
client.upload_sync(remote_path="dir1/dir2/", local_path="~/Documents/dir2/")
# Publish the resource
link = client.publish("dir1/file1")
link = client.publish("dir2")
# Unpublish resource
# Exception handling
from webdav3.client import WebDavException
except WebDavException as exception:
# Get the missing files
client.pull(remote_directory='dir1', local_directory='~/Documents/dir1')
# Send missing files
client.push(remote_directory='dir1', local_directory='~/Documents/dir1')
Asynchronous methods
# Load resource
kwargs = {
'remote_path': "dir1/file1",
'local_path': "~/Downloads/file1",
'callback': callback
kwargs = {
'remote_path': "dir1/dir2/",
'local_path': "~/Downloads/dir2/",
'callback': callback
# Unload resource
kwargs = {
'remote_path': "dir1/file1",
'local_path': "~/Downloads/file1",
'callback': callback
kwargs = {
'remote_path': "dir1/dir2/",
'local_path': "~/Downloads/dir2/",
'callback': callback
Resource API
Resource API using the concept of OOP that enables cloud-level resources.
# Get a resource
res1 = client.resource("dir1/file1")
# Work with the resource
info = res1.info()
res1.read_async(local_path="~/Documents/file1", callback)
res1.write_async(local_path="~/Downloads/file1", callback)
For Contributors
Prepare development environment
- Install docker on your development machine
- Start WebDAV server for testing by following commands from the project's root folder or change path to
dir in second command to correct:
docker pull bytemark/webdav
docker run -d --name webdav -e AUTH_TYPE=Basic -e USERNAME=alice -e PASSWORD=secret1234 -v conf:/usr/local/apache2/conf -p 8585:80 bytemark/webdav
Code convention
Please check your code according PEP8 Style guides.
Run tests
- Check that webdav container is started on your local machine
- Execute following command in the project's root folder:
python -m unittest discover -s tests
Prepare a Pull Request
Please use this check list before creating PR:
- You code should be formatted according PEP8
- All tests should successfully pass
- Your changes shouldn't change previous default behaviour, exclude defects
- All changes are covered by tests
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
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Source Distribution
File details
Details for the file webdavclient3-3.14.6.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: webdavclient3-3.14.6.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 23.5 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.2 importlib_metadata/4.6.3 pkginfo/1.7.1 requests/2.26.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.62.0 CPython/3.8.8
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | bcd22586bb0d58abc26ca56054fd04228e704bd36073c3080f4597c1556c880d |
MD5 | 64b2bb3cb51509430e50126ff5dbe857 |
BLAKE2b-256 | be40dbb96e8196b32881b21fc88784caf9cabd60749d60807b1e3ffa76ca5e48 |