The WFDB Python Toolbox
Project description
Native python scripts for reading and writing WFDB signals and annotations. Package to be expanded with other useful functionalities.
The distribution is hosted on pypi and directly installable via pip without needing clone or download this repository. Note that the pypi package does not contain the demo scripts or the example data. To install the package from pypi, run from your terminal: pip install wfdb
Download or clone this repository for the latest development version, the demo scripts, and the example data. To install the downloaded package, change directory into the base directory of the repository and run: pip install .
See the demo.ipynb file for example cases.
As of version 1.0.0, wfdb records are stored in Record or MultiRecord objects, and annotations are stored in Annotation objects. To see all attributes of an object, call object.__dict__
Record - The class representing WFDB headers, and single segment WFDB records.
Record objects can be created using the constructor, by reading a WFDB header with ‘rdheader’, or a WFDB record (header and associated dat files) with rdsamp’ or ‘srdsamp’.
The attributes of the Record object give information about the record as specified by
In addition, the d_signals and p_signals attributes store the digital and physical signals of WFDB records with at least one channel.
Contructor function:
def __init__(self, p_signals=None, d_signals=None, recordname=None, nsig=None, fs=None, counterfreq=None, basecounter=None, siglen=None, basetime=None, basedate=None, filename=None, fmt=None, sampsperframe=None, skew=None, byteoffset=None, adcgain=None, baseline=None, units=None, adcres=None, adczero=None, initvalue=None, checksum=None, blocksize=None, signame=None, comments=None)
Example Usage:
import wfdb record1 = wfdb.Record(recordname='r1', fs=250, nsig=2, siglen=1000, filename=['r1.dat','r1.dat'])
MultiRecord - The class representing multi-segment WFDB records.
MultiRecord objects can be created using the constructor, or by reading a multi-segment WFDB record using ‘rdsamp’ with the ‘m2s’ (multi to single) input parameter set to False.
The attributes of the MultiRecord object give information about the entire record as specified by
In addition, the ‘segments’ parameter is a list of Record objects representing each individual segment, or ‘None’ representing empty segments, of the entire multi-segment record.
Noteably, this class has no attribute representing the signals as a whole. The ‘multi_to_single’ instance method can be called on MultiRecord objects to return a single segment representation of the record as a Record object. The resulting Record object will have its ‘p_signals’ field set.
Contructor function:
def __init__(self, segments = None, layout = None, recordname=None, nsig=None, fs=None, counterfreq=None, basecounter=None, siglen=None, basetime=None, basedate=None, segname = None, seglen = None, comments=None)
Example Usage:
import wfdb recordM = wfdb.MultiRecord(recordname='rm', fs=50, nsig=8, siglen=9999, segname=['rm_1', '~', rm_2'], seglen=[800, 200, 900]) recordL = wfdb.rdsamp('s00001-2896-10-10-00-31', m2s = False) recordL = recordL.multi_to_single()
Annotation - The class representing WFDB annotations.
Annotation objects can be created using the constructor, or by reading a WFDB annotation file with ‘rdann’.
The attributes of the Annotation object give information about the annotation as specified by - annsamp: The annotation location in samples relative to the beginning of the record. - anntype: The annotation type according the the standard WFDB codes. - subtype: The marked class/category of the annotation. - chan: The signal channel associated with the annotations. - num: The labelled annotation number. - aux: The auxiliary information string for the annotation. - fs: The sampling frequency of the record if contained in the annotation file. - custom_anntypes: The custom annotation types defined in the annotation file. A dictionary with {key:value} corresponding to {anntype:description}. eg. {‘#’: ‘lost connection’, ‘C’: ‘reconnected’}
Constructor function:
def __init__(self, recordname, annotator, annsamp, anntype, subtype = None, chan = None, num = None, aux = None, fs = None, custom_anntypes = None)
Call showanncodes() to see the list of standard annotation codes. Any text used to label annotations that are not one of these codes should go in the ‘aux’ field rather than the ‘anntype’ field.
Example usage:
import wfdb ann1 = wfdb.Annotation(recordname='ann1', annotator='atr', annsamp=[10,20,400], anntype = ['N','N','['], aux=[None, None, 'Serious Vfib'])
Reading Signals
rdsamp - Read a WFDB record and return the signal and record descriptors as attributes in a Record or MultiRecord object.
record = rdsamp(recordname, sampfrom=0, sampto=None, channels=None, physical=True, pbdir = None, m2s=True)
Example Usage:
import wfdb ecgrecord = wfdb.rdsamp('sampledata/test01_00s', sampfrom=800, channels = [1,3])
Input Arguments:
recordname (required): The name of the WFDB record to be read (without any file extensions).
sampfrom (default=0): The starting sample number to read for each channel.
sampto (default=length of entire signal)- The final sample number to read for each channel.
channels (default=all channels): Indices specifying the channels to be returned.
physical (default=True): Flag that specifies whether to return signals in physical (True) or digital (False) units.
pbdir (default=None): Option used to stream data from Physiobank. The Physiobank database directory from which to find the required record files. eg. For record ‘100’ in ‘’, pbdir = ‘mitdb’.
m2s (default=True): Flag used only for multi-segment records. Specifies whether to convert the returned wfdb.MultiRecord object into a wfdb.Record object (True) or not (False).
smoothframes (default=True): Flag used when reading records with signals having multiple samples per frame. Specifies whether to smooth the samples in signals with more than one sample per frame and return an mxn uniform numpy array as the d_signals or p_signals field (True), or to return a list of 1d numpy arrays containing every expanded sample as the e_d_signals or e_p_signals field (False).
ignoreskew (default=False): Flag used when reading records with at least one skewed signal. Specifies whether to apply the skew to align the signals in the output variable (False), or to ignore the skew field and load in all values contained in the dat files unaligned (True).
Output Arguments:
record - The wfdb Record or MultiRecord object representing the contents of the record read.
srdsamp - A simplified wrapper function around rdsamp. Read a WFDB record and return the physical signal and a few important descriptor fields.
signals, fields = srdsamp(recordname, sampfrom=0, sampto=None, channels=None, pbdir=None)
Example Usage:
import wfdb sig, fields = wfdb.srdsamp('sampledata/test01_00s', sampfrom=800, channels = [1,3])
Input arguments:
recordname (required): The name of the WFDB record to be read (without any file extensions). If the argument contains any path delimiter characters, the argument will be interpreted as PATH/baserecord and the data files will be searched for in the local path.
sampfrom (default=0): The starting sample number to read for each channel.
sampto (default=None): The sample number at which to stop reading for each channel.
channels (default=all): Indices specifying the channel to be returned.
Output arguments:
signals: A 2d numpy array storing the physical signals from the record.
- fields: A dictionary specifying several key attributes of the read record:
fs: The sampling frequency of the record
units: The units for each channel
signame: The signal name for each channel
comments: Any comments written in the header
Writing Signals
The Record class has a wrsamp instance method for writing wfdb record files. Create a valid Record object and call record.wrsamp(). If you choose this more advanced method, see also the setdefaults, set_d_features, and set_p_features instance methods to help populate attributes. In addition, there is also the following simpler module level wrsamp function.
wrsamp - Write a single segment WFDB record, creating a WFDB header file and any associated dat files.
wrsamp(recordname, fs, units, signames, p_signals = None, d_signals=None, fmt = None, gain = None, baseline = None, comments = None)
Example Usage:
import wfdb sig, fields = wfdb.srdsamp('a103l', sampfrom = 50000, channels = [0,1], pbdir = 'challenge/2015/training') wfdb.wrsamp('ecgrecord', fs = 250, units = ['mV', 'mV'], signames = ['I', 'II'], p_signals = sig, fmt = ['16', '16'])
Input Arguments:
recordname (required): The string name of the WFDB record to be written (without any file extensions).
fs (required): The numerical sampling frequency of the record.
units (required): A list of strings giving the units of each signal channel.
signames (required): A list of strings giving the signal name of each signal channel.
p_signals (default=None): An MxN 2d numpy array, where M is the signal length. Gives the physical signal values intended to be written. Either p_signals or d_signals must be set, but not both. If p_signals is set, this method will use it to perform analogue-digital conversion, writing the resultant digital values to the dat file(s). If fmt is set, gain and baseline must be set or unset together. If fmt is unset, gain and baseline must both be unset.
d_signals (default=None): An MxN 2d numpy array, where M is the signal length. Gives the digital signal values intended to be directly written to the dat file(s). The dtype must be an integer type. Either p_signals or d_signals must be set, but not both. In addition, if d_signals is set, fmt, gain and baseline must also all be set.
fmt (default=None): A list of strings giving the WFDB format of each file used to store each channel. Accepted formats are: “80”,”212”,”16”,”24”, and “32”. There are other WFDB formats but this library will not write (though it will read) those file types.
gain (default=None): A list of integers specifying the DAC/ADC gain.
baseline (default=None): A list of integers specifying the digital baseline.
comments (default-None): A list of string comments to be written to the header file.
Reading Annotations
rdann - Read a WFDB annotation file recordname.annot and return an Annotation object.
annotation = rdann(recordname, annotator, sampfrom=0, sampto=None, pbdir=None)
Example Usage:
import wfdb ann = wfdb.rdann('sampledata/100', 'atr', sampto = 300000)
Input arguments:
recordname (required): The record name of the WFDB annotation file. ie. for file 100.atr, recordname=’100’
annotator (required): The annotator extension of the annotation file. ie. for file ‘100.atr’, annotator=’atr’
sampfrom (default=0): The minimum sample number for annotations to be returned.
sampto (default=None): The maximum sample number for annotations to be returned.
pbdir (default=None): Option used to stream data from Physiobank. The Physiobank database directory from which to find the required annotation file. eg. For record ‘100’ in ‘’, pbdir = ‘mitdb’.
Output arguments:
- annotation: The Annotation object. Contains the following attributes:
annsamp: The annotation location in samples relative to the beginning of the record.
anntype: The annotation type according the the standard WFDB codes.
subtype: The marked class/category of the annotation.
chan: The signal channel associated with the annotations.
num: The labelled annotation number.
aux: The auxiliary information string for the annotation.
fs: The sampling frequency of the record if contained in the annotation file.
*NOTE: In annotation files, every annotation contains the ‘annsamp’ and ‘anntype’ field. All other fields default to 0 or empty if not present.
showanncodes - Display the annotation symbols and the codes they represent according to the standard WFDB library 10.5.24
Writing Annotations
The Annotation class has a wrann instance method.
The Annotation class has a wrann instance method for writing wfdb annotation files. Create a valid Annotation object and call annotation.wrsamp(). In addition, there is also the following simpler module level wrann function.
wrann - Write a WFDB annotation file.
wrann(recordname, annotator, annsamp, anntype, num = None, subtype = None, chan = None, aux = None, fs = None)
Example Usage:
import wfdb annotation = wfdb.rdann('b001', 'atr', pbdir='cebsdb') wfdb.wrann('b001', 'cpy', annotation.annsamp, annotation.anntype)
Input Arguments:
recordname (required): The string name of the WFDB record to be written (without any file extensions).
annotator (required): The string annotation file extension.
annsamp (required): The annotation location in samples relative to the beginning of the record. List or numpy array.
anntype (required): The annotation type according the the standard WFDB codes. List or numpy array.
subtype (default=None): The marked class/category of the annotation. List or numpy array.
chan (default=None): The signal channel associated with the annotations. List or numpy array.
num (default=None): The labelled annotation number. List or numpy array.
aux (default=None): The auxiliary information string for the annotation. List or numpy array.
fs (default=None): The numerical sampling frequency of the record to be written to the file.
*NOTE: Each annotation stored in a WFDB annotation file contains an annsamp and an anntype field. All other fields may or may not be present. Therefore in order to save space, when writing additional features such as ‘aux’ that are not present for every annotation, it is recommended to make the field a list, with empty indices set to None so that they are not written to the file.
Plotting Data
plotrec - Subplot and label each channel of a WFDB Record. Optionally, subplot annotation locations over selected channels.
plotrec(record=None, title = None, annotation = None, annch = [0], timeunits='samples', figsize=None, returnfig = False, ecggrids=[]):
Example Usage:
import wfdb record = wfdb.rdsamp('sampledata/100', sampto = 3000) annotation = wfdb.rdann('sampledata/100', 'atr', sampto = 3000) wfdb.plotrec(record, annotation = annotation, title='Record 100 from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database', timeunits = 'seconds', figsize = (10,4), ecggrids = 'all')
Input Arguments:
record (required): A wfdb Record object. The p_signals attribute will be plotted.
title (default=None): A string containing the title of the graph.
annotation (default=None): An Annotation object. The annsamp attribute locations will be overlaid on the signal.
annch (default=[0]): A list of channels on which to plot the annotation samples.
timeunits (default=’samples’): String specifying the x axis unit. Allowed options are: ‘samples’, ‘seconds’, ‘minutes’, and ‘hours’.
figsize (default=None): Tuple pair specifying the width, and height of the figure. Same as the ‘figsize’ argument passed into matplotlib.pyplot’s figure() function.
returnfig (default=False): Specifies whether the figure is to be returned as an output argument
ecggrids (default=[]): List of integers specifying channels in which to plot ecg grids. May be set to [] for no channels, or ‘all’ for all channels. Major grids at 0.5mV, and minor grids at 0.125mV. All channels to be plotted with grids must have units equal to ‘uV’, ‘mV’, or ‘V’.
Output argument: - figure: The matplotlib figure generated. Only returned if the ‘returnfig’ option is set to True.
plotann - Plot sample locations of an Annotation object.
plotann(annotation, title = None, timeunits = 'samples', returnfig = False)
Example Usage:
import wfdb record = wfdb.rdsamp('sampledata/100', sampto = 15000) annotation = wfdb.rdann('sampledata/100', 'atr', sampto = 15000) wfdb.plotrec(record, annotation = annotation, title='Record 100 from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database', timeunits = 'seconds')
Input Arguments:
annotation (required): An Annotation object. The annsamp attribute locations will be overlaid on the signal.
title (default=None): A string containing the title of the graph.
annotation (default=None): An Annotation object. The annsamp attribute locations will be overlaid on the signal.
timeunits (default=’samples’): String specifying the x axis unit. Allowed options are: ‘samples’, ‘seconds’, ‘minutes’, and ‘hours’.
returnfig (default=False): Specifies whether the figure is to be returned as an output argument
Output argument: - figure: The matplotlib figure generated. Only returned if the ‘returnfig’ option is set to True.
Downloading Physiobank Content
Download files from various Physiobank databases. The Physiobank index page located at lists all available databases.
getdblist - Return a list of all the physiobank databases available.
dblist = wfdb.getdblist()
Example Usage:
import wfdb dblist = wfdb.getdblist()
dldatabase - Download WFDB record (and optionally annotation) files from a Physiobank database. The database must contain a ‘RECORDS’ file in its base directory which lists its WFDB records.
dldatabase(pbdb, dlbasedir, records = 'all', annotators = 'all' , keepsubdirs = True, overwrite = False)
Example Usage:
import wfdb wfdb.dldatabase('ahadb', os.getcwd())
Input arguments:
pbdb (required): The Physiobank database directory to download. eg. For database ‘’, pbdb = ‘mitdb’.
dlbasedir (required): The full local directory path in which to download the files.
records (default=’all’): Specifier of the WFDB records to download. Is either a list of strings which each specify a record, or ‘all’ to download all records listed in the database’s RECORDS file. eg. records = [‘test01_00s’, test02_45s] for database
annotators (default=’all’): Specifier of the WFDB annotation file types to download along with the record files. Is either None to skip downloading any annotations, ‘all’ to download all annotation types as specified by the ANNOTATORS file, or a list of strings which each specify an annotation extension. eg. annotators = [‘anI’] for database
keepsubdirs (default=True): Whether to keep the relative subdirectories of downloaded files as they are organized in Physiobank (True), or to download all files into the same base directory (False).
overwrite (default=False): If set to True, all files will be redownloaded regardless. If set to False, existing files with the same name and relative subdirectory will be checked. If the local file is the same size as the online file, the download is skipped. If the local file is larger, it will be deleted and the file will be redownloaded. If the local file is smaller, the file will be assumed to be partially downloaded and the remaining bytes will be downloaded and appended.
dldatabasefiles - Download specified files from a Physiobank database.
dldatabasefiles(pbdb, dlbasedir, files, keepsubdirs = True, overwrite = False)
Example Usage:
import wfdb wfdb.dldatabasefiles('ahadb', os.getcwd(), ['STAFF-Studies-bibliography-2016.pdf', 'data/001a.hea', 'data/001a.dat'])
Input arguments:
pbdb (required): The Physiobank database directory to download. eg. For database ‘’, pbdb = ‘mitdb’.
dlbasedir (required): The full local directory path in which to download the files.
files (required): A list of strings specifying the file names to download relative to the database base directory
keepsubdirs (default=True): Whether to keep the relative subdirectories of downloaded files as they are organized in Physiobank (True), or to download all files into the same base directory (False).
overwrite (default=False): If set to True, all files will be redownloaded regardless. If set to False, existing files with the same name and relative subdirectory will be checked. If the local file is the same size as the online file, the download is skipped. If the local file is larger, it will be deleted and the file will be redownloaded. If the local file is smaller, the file will be assumed to be partially downloaded and the remaining bytes will be downloaded and appended.
Based on the original WFDB software package specifications
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Details for the file wfdb-1.1.1.tar.gz
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- Download URL: wfdb-1.1.1.tar.gz
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- Size: 57.3 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 5276d84e1e2c91b40e43bfb83a597846d5fec8089ec8a1bd2f5057b00c377076 |
MD5 | 44c59b87a0e3e9e5094208c3960507e6 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 1983625c328a4d800239173df8d84a3ca6b06d76bbb7aad85445a50c6cef21db |