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Real-time monitoring/filtering of global Wikipedia page edits

Project description

WikiChangeWatcher 0.2.2


Wikipedia provides an SSE Stream of all edits made to any page across Wikipedia, which allows you to watch all edits made to all wikipedia pages in real time.

WikiChangeWatcher is an SSE client that watches the SSE stream of wikipedia page edits, with some filtering features that allow you to watch for page edit events with specific attributes (e.g. “anonymous” edits with IP addresses in specific ranges, or edits made to a specific page, or edits made by a wikipedia user whose username matches a specific regular expression).

This package is inspired by Tom Scott’s WikiParliament project.


Install using pip.

pip install wikichangewatcher


Some example scripts illustrating how to use WikiChangeWatcher are presented in the following sections.

Monitoring “anonymous” page edits made from any IPv4 or IPv6 address

The following example code watches for edits made by any IPv4 or IPv6 address.

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to watch for "anonymous" edits to any
# wikipedia page from any IPv4 or IPv6 address

import time
from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher, IpV4Filter, IpV6Filter

# Callback function to run whenever an event matching our IPv4 address pattern is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
    as described here:
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

# Watch for anonymous edits from any IPv4  or IPv6 address
wc = WikiChangeWatcher((IpV4Filter() | IpV6Filter()).on_match(match_handler))

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while wc.is_running():
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Monitoring “anonymous” page edits made from specific IP address ranges

The following example code watches for edits made by 3 specific IPv4 address ranges.

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to watch for "anonymous" edits to any
# wikipedia page from specific IP address ranges

import time
from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher, IpV4Filter, IpV6Filter

# Callback function to run whenever an event matching our IPv4 address pattern is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
    as described here:
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

# Watch for anonymous edits from some specific IP address ranges
wc = WikiChangeWatcher(IpV4Filter("").on_match(match_handler),

# Wildcard '*' character can be used in place of a IPv4 or IP46 address field, to ignore that field entirely.
# IPV6 filter with some fields ignored: IpV6Filter("*:*:*:810:5D1D:BC41:*:0-ffff")
# IPV6 filter with some fields ignored: IpV4Filter("192.*.*.225-230")

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Monitoring page edits made by usernames that match a regular expression

The following example code watches for edits made by signed-in users with usernames that contain one or more strings matching a regular expression.

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to watch for NON-"anonymous" edits to any
# wikipedia page, by usernames that contain a string matching a provided regular expression

import time
from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher, UsernameRegexSearchFilter

# Callback function to run whenever an edit by a user with a username containing our regex is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
    as described here:
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

# Watch for edits made by users with "bot" in their username
wc = WikiChangeWatcher(UsernameRegexSearchFilter(r"[Bb]ot|BOT").on_match(match_handler))

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Monitoring page edit events based on regular expression match on arbitary JSON fields

The following example code watches for any page edit events where the specified JSON field matches contains one or more matches of a regular expression (available JSON fields and their descriptions can be found here).

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to filter page edit events
# by a regular expression match in an arbitrary named field from the JSON event
# provided by the SSE stream of wikipedia page edits

import time
from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher, FieldRegexSearchFilter

# Callback function to run whenever an edit is made to a page that has a regex match in the page URL
def match_handler(json_data):
    json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
    as described here:
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

# Watch for edits made to any page that has the word "publish" in the page URL
# ("title_url" field in the JSON object)
wc = WikiChangeWatcher(FieldRegexSearchFilter("title_url", r"[Pp]ublish").on_match(match_handler))

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Combining multiple filter classes with the FilterCollection class

The following example watches for anonymous page edits to a specific page URL.

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to watch for "anonymous" edits to
# a specific wikipedia page

import time
from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher, FilterCollection, IpV4Filter, PageUrlFilter

# Callback function to run whenever an event matching our filters is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
    as described here:
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

# Default match type is is MatchType.ALL
filters = FilterCollection(
    # Filter for any edits to a specific wikipedia page URL

    # Filter for any IP address (any anonymous edit)

wc = WikiChangeWatcher(filters)

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Combining/nesting multiple FilterCollection classes

The following example watches for page edits to several specific page URLs made by user with the word “bot” in their username.

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to watch for edit to specific
# wikipedia page URLs by users with the word "bot" in their name

import time
from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher, FilterCollection, UsernameRegexSearchFilter, PageUrlFilter, MatchType

# Callback function to run whenever an event matching our filters is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
    as described here:
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

# Make a filter collection that matches any one of several wikipedia pages
page_urls = FilterCollection(
    # Filters for any edits to multiple specific wikipedia page URLs

# Make a filter collection that matches one of the page URLs, *and* a specific username regex
main_filter = FilterCollection(

wc = WikiChangeWatcher(main_filter)

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Using bitwise AND/OR operators to create FilterCollection classes

Instead of creating FilterCollection classes directly, you can instead use bitwise AND & and bitwise OR | to combine filter objects.

For example, this code uses the bitwise OR operator to create a filter that matches any IPv4 address, or any IPv6 address:

from wikichangewatcher import IpV4Filter, IpV6Filter

# Callback function to run whenever an event matching our filters is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

filter_collection = (IpV4Filter() | IpV6Filter()).on_match(match_handler)

And this code creates an equivalent filter, but uses the FilterCollection class directly instead:

from wikichangewatcher import IpV4Filter, IpV6Filter, FilterCollection, MatchType

# Callback function to run whenever an event matching our filters is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

filter_collection = FilterCollection(
    IpV4Filter(), IpV6Filter()

Finally, here is a slightly more complex example, which uses both bitwise AND / OR operators together to create a filter that matches any IPv4 or IPv6 address, and a specific page URL:

from wikichangewatcher import IpV4Filter, IpV6Filter, PageUrlFilter


# Callback function to run whenever an event matching our filters is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

filter_collection = ((IpV4Filter() | IpV6Filter()) & PageUrlFilter(PAGE_URL)).on_match(match_handler)

Monitoring “anonymous” edits made from IP address ranges owned by US government depts./agencies

The following example watches for anonymous page edits to any wikipedia page, from IP address ranges that were found to be publicly listed as owned by various US government department and agencies (mostly California, some federal).

If you want to look up some IP addresses owned by your local governments, or companies, it’s pretty easy, I just went to and searched for “california department of” as the company name.

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to watch for "anonymous" edits to any
# wikipedia page from IP address ranges that are publicly listed as being owned by various US government departments

import time
from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher, FilterCollection, IpV4Filter, IpV6Filter, MatchType

# Callback function to run whenever an event matching one of our IPv4 address ranges is seen
def match_handler(json_data):
    json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
    as described here:
    print("{user} edited {title_url}".format(**json_data))

filter_collection = FilterCollection(
    IpV4Filter("136.200.0-255.0-255"),                                    # IP4 range assigned to CA dept. of water resources
    IpV4Filter("151.143.0-255.0-255"),                                    # IP4 range assigned to CA dept. of technology
    IpV4Filter("160.88.0-255.0-255"),                                     # IP4 range assigned to CA dept. of insurance
    IpV4Filter(""),                                       # IP4 range #1 assigned to CA dept. of corrections
    IpV4Filter("153.48.0-255.0-255"),                                     # IP4 range #2 assigned to CA dept. of corrections
    IpV4Filter("149.136.0-255.0-255"),                                    # IP4 range assigned to CA dept. of transportation
    IpV6Filter("2602:814:5000-5fff:0-ffff:0-ffff:0-ffff:0-ffff:0-ffff"),  # IP6 range assigned CA dept. of transportation
    IpV4Filter(""),                                       # IP4 range assigned to CA dept. of general services
    IpV4Filter("159.145.0-255.0-255"),                                    # IP4 range assigned to CA dept. of consumer affairs
    IpV4Filter("167.10.0-255.0-255"),                                     # IP4 range assigned to CA dept. of justice
    IpV4Filter("192.58.200-203.0-255"),                                   # IP4 range assigned to Bureau of Justice Statistics in WA
    IpV6Filter("2607:f330:0-ffff:0-ffff:0-ffff:0-ffff:0-ffff:0-ffff")     # IP6 range assigned to the US dept. of justice in WA

wc = WikiChangeWatcher(filter_collection)

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Calculating a running average of page-edits-per-minute for all of wikipedia

The following example watches for any edit to any wikipedia page, and updates a running average of the rate of page edits per minute, which is printed to stdout once every 5 seconds.

# Example script showing how to use WikiChangeWatcher to watch for "anonymous" edits to any
# wikipedia page from specific IP address ranges

import time
import statistics
import queue

from wikichangewatcher import WikiChangeWatcher

# Max. number of samples in the averaging window

# Interval between new samples for the averaging window, in seconds

class EditRateCounter():
    Tracks total number of page edits per minute across all of wikipedia,
    using a simple averaging window
    def __init__(self, interval_secs=INTERVAL_SECS):
        self._edit_count = 0
        self._start_time = None
        self._interval_secs = interval_secs
        self._queue = queue.Queue()
        self._window = []

    # Callback function to run whenever an edit event is seen
    def edit_handler(self, json_data):
        json_data is a JSON-encoded event from the WikiMedia "recent changes" event stream,
        as described here:
        self._edit_count += 1

    # Add an edit rate sample to the averaging window, and return the new average
    def _add_to_window(self, edits_per_min):
        if len(self._window) > MAX_WINDOW_LEN:

        return statistics.mean(self._window)

    def run(self):
        if self._start_time is None:
            self._start_time = time.time()

        if (time.time() - self._start_time) >= self._interval_secs:
            # interval is up, calculate new rate and put it on the queue
            edits_per_min = float(self._edit_count) * (60.0 / self._interval_secs)
            self._queue.put((self._add_to_window(edits_per_min), self._edit_count))
            self._edit_count = 0
            self._start_time = time.time()

    def get_rate(self):
        ret = None

            ret = self._queue.get(block=False)
        except queue.Empty:

        return ret

# Create rate counter class to monitor page edit rate over time
ratecounter = EditRateCounter()

# Create a watcher with no filters-- we want to see every single edit
wc = WikiChangeWatcher().on_edit(ratecounter.edit_handler)

# Watch for page edits forever until KeyboardInterrupt
    while True:
        new_rate = ratecounter.get_rate()
        if new_rate:
            rate, since_last = new_rate
            print(f"{rate:.2f} avg. page edits per min. ({since_last} in the last {INTERVAL_SECS} secs)")
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

wikichangewatcher-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (14.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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