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A tool for learning embeddings of words and entities from Wikipedia

Project description


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Wikipedia2Vec is a tool used for obtaining embeddings (vector
representations) of words and entities from Wikipedia. It is developed
and maintained by `Studio Ousia <>`__.

This tool enables you to learn embeddings that map words and entities
into a unified continuous vector space. The embeddings can be used as
word embeddings, entity embeddings, and the unified embeddings of words
and entities. They are used in the state-of-the-art models of various
tasks such as `entity linking <>`__,
`named entity recognition <>`__,
`entity relatedness <>`__, and `question
answering <>`__.

The embeddings can be easily trained by a single command with a publicly
available Wikipedia dump as input. The code is implemented in Python,
and optimized using Cython and BLAS.

Extended Skip-Gram Model to Learn Embeddings of Words and Entities

Wikipedia2Vec is based on the `Word2vec's skip-gram
model <>`__ that learns to predict
neighboring words given each word in corpora. We extend the skip-gram
model by adding the following two submodels:

- *The link graph model* that learns to estimate neighboring entities
given an entity in the link graph of Wikipedia entities.
- *The anchor context model* that learns to predict neighboring words
given an entity by using a link that points to the entity and its
neighboring words.

By jointly optimizing the skip-gram model and these two submodels, our
model simultaneously learns the embedding of words and entities from
Wikipedia. For further details, please refer to our paper: `Joint
Learning of the Embedding of Words and Entities for Named Entity
Disambiguation <>`__.

Automatic Generation of Entity Links

Many entity names in Wikipedia do not appear as links because Wikipedia
instructs its contributors `to link an entity name if it is the first
occurrence in the
page <>`__.
This is problematic for our model because the anchor context model
depends on entity links to generate contextual words of entities.

To address this, we implement a feature that automatically links entity
names that do not appear as links. In particular, it takes all words and
phrases, and treats them as candidates of entity names if they exist in
the *Mention DB* that contains mapping of an entity name (e.g.,
“Washington”) to a set of possible referent entities (e.g., Washington,
D.C. and George Washington). Then, it converts an entity name to a link
pointing to an entity if the entity name is unambiguous (i.e., there is
only one referent entity associated to the entity name in the DB) or the
entity is referred by an entity link in the same page.

Pretrained Embeddings

**English embeddings based on enwiki-20180420-pages-articles.xml.bz2:**

- *enwiki\_20180420*: `100d (binary) <>`__, `100d (word2vec) <>`__,
`300d (binary) <>`__, `300d (word2vec) <>`__\ (window: 5, iteration:
10, negative: 15, tokenizer: icu)
- *enwiki\_20180420\_win10*: `100d (binary) <>`__, `100d
(word2vec) <>`__, `300d (binary) <>`__, `300d (word2vec) <>`__\
(window: 10, iteration: 10, negative: 15, tokenizer: icu)
- *enwiki\_20180420\_nolg*: `100d (binary) <>`__, `100d
(word2vec) <>`__, `300d (binary) <>`__, `300d (word2vec) <>`__\ (no
link graph model, window: 5, iteration: 10, negative: 15, tokenizer:

The embedding files in the word2vec's format can be loaded from other
libraries such as Gensim's
```load_word2vec_format()`` <>`__


Wikipedia2Vec can be installed from PyPI:


% pip install wikipedia2vec

Alternatively, you can install the development version of this software
from the GitHub repository:


% git clone
% cd wikipedia2vec
% pip install -r requirements.txt
% ./
% python install

Wikipedia2Vec requires the 64-bit version of Python, and can be run on
Linux, Windows, and Mac OSX. It currently depends on the following
Python libraries: `click <>`__,
`jieba <>`__,
`joblib <>`__,
`lmdb <>`__,
`marisa-trie <>`__,
`mwparserfromhell <>`__,
`numpy <>`__, `scipy <>`__,
`six <>`__, and
`tqdm <>`__.

If you want to train embeddings on your machine, it is highly
recommended to install a BLAS library. We recommend using
`OpenBLAS <>`__ or `Intel Math Kernel
Library <>`__. Note that, the BLAS
library needs to be recognized properly from SciPy. This can be
confirmed by using the following command:


% python -c 'import scipy; scipy.show_config()'

To process Japanese Wikipedia dumps, it is also required to install
`MeCab <>`__ and `its Python
binding <>`__. Furthermore, to
use `ICU library <>`__ to split either words
or sentences or both, you need to install the `C/C++ ICU
library <>`__ and the
`PyICU <>`__ library.

Learning Embeddings

First, you need to download a source Wikipedia dump file (e.g.,
enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2) from `Wikimedia
Downloads <>`__. The English dump file can
be obtained by running the following command.


% wget

Note that you do not need to decompress the dump file.

Then, the embeddings can be trained from a Wikipedia dump using the
*train* command.


% wikipedia2vec train DUMP_FILE OUT_FILE


- *DUMP\_FILE*: The Wikipedia dump file
- *OUT\_FILE*: The output file


- *--dim-size*: The number of dimensions of the embeddings (default:
- *--window*: The maximum distance between the target item (word or
entity) and the context word to be predicted (default: 5)
- *--iteration*: The number of iterations for Wikipedia pages (default:
- *--negative*: The number of negative samples (default: 5)
- *--lowercase/--no-lowercase*: Whether to lowercase words (default:
- *--tokenizer*: The name of the tokenizer used to tokenize a text into
words. Possible choices are *regexp*, *icu*, *mecab*, and *jieba*
- *--sent-detect*: The sentence detector used to split texts into
sentences. Currently, only *icu* is the possible value (default:
- *--min-word-count*: A word is ignored if the total frequency of the
word is less than this value (default: 10)
- *--min-entity-count*: An entity is ignored if the total frequency of
the entity appearing as the referent of an anchor link is less than
this value (default: 5)
- *--min-paragraph-len*: A paragraph is ignored if its length is
shorter than this value (default: 5)
- *--category/--no-category*: Whether to include Wikipedia categories
in the dictionary (default:False)
- *--link-graph/--no-link-graph*: Whether to learn from the Wikipedia
link graph (default: True)
- *--entities-per-page*: For processing each page, the specified number
of randomly chosen entities are used to predict their neighboring
entities in the link graph (default: 5)
- *--link-mentions*: Whether to convert entity names into links
(default: True)
- *--min-link-prob*: An entity name is ignored if the probability of
the name appearing as a link is less than this value (default: 0.2)
- *--min-prior-prob*: An entity is not registered as a referent of an
entity name if the probability of the entity name referring to the
entity is less than this value (default: 0.1)
- *--max-mention-len*: The maximum number of characters in an entity
name (default: 20)
- *--init-alpha*: The initial learning rate (default: 0.025)
- *--min-alpha*: The minimum learning rate (default: 0.0001)
- *--sample*: The parameter that controls the downsampling of frequent
words (default: 1e-4)
- *--word-neg-power*: Negative sampling of words is performed based on
the probability proportional to the frequency raised to the power
specified by this option (default: 0.75)
- *--entity-neg-power*: Negative sampling of entities is performed
based on the probability proportional to the frequency raised to the
power specified by this option (default: 0)
- *--pool-size*: The number of worker processes (default: the number of

The *train* command internally calls the five commands described below
(namely, *build\_dump\_db*, *build\_dictionary*, *build\_link\_graph*,
*build\_mention\_db*, and *train\_embedding*).

Building Dump Database

The *build\_dump\_db* command creates a database that contains Wikipedia
pages each of which consists of texts and anchor links in it.


% wikipedia2vec build_dump_db DUMP_FILE OUT_FILE


- *DUMP\_FILE*: The Wikipedia dump file
- *OUT\_FILE*: The output file


- *--pool-size*: The number of worker processes (default: the number of

Building Dictionary

The *build\_dictionary* command builds a dictionary of words and


% wikipedia2vec build_dictionary DUMP_DB_FILE OUT_FILE


- *DUMP\_DB\_FILE*: The database file generated using the
*build\_dump\_db* command
- *OUT\_FILE*: The output file


- *--lowercase/--no-lowercase*: Whether to lowercase words (default:
- *--tokenizer*: The name of the tokenizer used to tokenize a text into
words. Possible choices are *regexp*, *icu*, *mecab*, and *jieba*
- *--min-word-count*: A word is ignored if the total frequency of the
word is less than this value (default: 10)
- *--min-entity-count*: An entity is ignored if the total frequency of
the entity appearing as the referent of an anchor link is less than
this value (default: 5)
- *--min-paragraph-len*: A paragraph is ignored if its length is
shorter than this value (default: 5)
- *--category/--no-category*: Whether to include Wikipedia categories
in the dictionary (default:False)
- *--pool-size*: The number of worker processes (default: the number of

Building Link Graph (Optional)

The *build\_link\_graph* command generates a sparse matrix representing
the link structure between Wikipedia entities.


% wikipedia2vec build_link_graph DUMP_DB_FILE DIC_FILE OUT_FILE


- *DUMP\_DB\_FILE*: The database file generated using the
*build\_dump\_db* command
- *DIC\_FILE*: The dictionary file generated by the *build\_dictionary*
- *OUT\_FILE*: The output file


- *--pool-size*: The number of worker processes (default: the number of

Building Mention DB (Optional)

The *build\_mention\_db* command builds a database that contains the
mappings of entity names (mentions) and their possible referent


% wikipedia2vec build_mention_db DUMP_DB_FILE DIC_FILE OUT_FILE


- *DUMP\_DB\_FILE*: The database file generated using the
*build\_dump\_db* command
- *DIC\_FILE*: The dictionary file generated by the *build\_dictionary*
- *OUT\_FILE*: The output file


- *--min-link-prob*: An entity name is ignored if the probability of
the name appearing as a link is less than this value (default: 0.2)
- *--min-prior-prob*: An entity is not registered as a referent of an
entity name if the probability of the entity name referring to the
entity is less than this value (default: 0.1)
- *--max-mention-len*: The maximum number of characters in an entity
name (default: 20)
- *--case-sensitive*: Whether to detect entity names in a case
sensitive manner (default: False)
- *--tokenizer*: The name of the tokenizer used to tokenize a text into
words. Possible choices are *regexp*, *icu*, *mecab*, and *jieba*
- *--pool-size*: The number of worker processes (default: the number of

Learning Embeddings

The *train\_embedding* command runs the training of the embeddings.


% wikipedia2vec train_embedding DUMP_DB_FILE DIC_FILE OUT_FILE


- *DUMP\_DB\_FILE*: The database file generated using the
*build\_dump\_db* command
- *DIC\_FILE*: The dictionary file generated by the *build\_dictionary*
- *OUT\_FILE*: The output file


- *--link-graph*: The link graph file generated using the
*build\_link\_graph* command
- *--mention-db*: The mention DB file generated using the
*build\_mention\_db* command
- *--dim-size*: The number of dimensions of the embeddings (default:
- *--window*: The maximum distance between the target item (word or
entity) and the context word to be predicted (default: 5)
- *--iteration*: The number of iterations for Wikipedia pages (default:
- *--negative*: The number of negative samples (default: 5)
- *--tokenizer*: The name of the tokenizer used to tokenize a text into
words. Possible values are *regexp*, *icu*, *mecab*, and *jieba*
- *--sent-detect*: The sentence detector used to split texts into
sentences. Currently, only *icu* is the possible value (default:
- *--entities-per-page*: For processing each page, the specified number
of randomly chosen entities are used to predict their neighboring
entities in the link graph (default: 10)
- *--init-alpha*: The initial learning rate (default: 0.025)
- *--min-alpha*: The minimum learning rate (default: 0.0001)
- *--sample*: The parameter that controls the downsampling of frequent
words (default: 1e-4)
- *--word-neg-power*: Negative sampling of words is performed based on
the probability proportional to the frequency raised to the power
specified by this option (default: 0.75)
- *--entity-neg-power*: Negative sampling of entities is performed
based on the probability proportional to the frequency raised to the
power specified by this option (default: 0)
- *--pool-size*: The number of worker processes (default: the number of

Saving Embeddings in Text Format

*save\_text* outputs a model in a text format.


% wikipedia2vec save_text MODEL_FILE OUT_FILE


- *MODEL\_FILE*: The model file generated by the *train\_embedding*
- *OUT\_FILE*: The output file


- *--out-format*: The output format. Possible values are *default*,
*word2vec*, and *glove*. If *word2vec* and *glove* are specified, the
format adopted by
`Word2Vec <>`__ and
`GloVe <>`__ are used,

Sample Usage

.. code:: python

>>> from wikipedia2vec import Wikipedia2Vec

>>> wiki2vec = Wikipedia2Vec.load(MODEL_FILE)

>>> wiki2vec.get_word_vector(u'the')
memmap([ 0.01617998, -0.03325786, -0.01397999, -0.00150471, 0.03237337,
-0.04226106, -0.19677088, -0.31087297, 0.1071524 , -0.09824426], dtype=float32)

>>> wiki2vec.get_entity_vector(u'Scarlett Johansson')
memmap([-0.19793572, 0.30861306, 0.29620451, -0.01193621, 0.18228433,
0.04986198, 0.24383858, -0.01466644, 0.10835337, -0.0697331 ], dtype=float32)

>>> wiki2vec.most_similar(wiki2vec.get_word(u'yoda'), 5)
[(<Word yoda>, 1.0),
(<Entity Yoda>, 0.84333622),
(<Word darth>, 0.73328167),
(<Word kenobi>, 0.7328127),
(<Word jedi>, 0.7223742)]

>>> wiki2vec.most_similar(wiki2vec.get_entity(u'Scarlett Johansson'), 5)
[(<Entity Scarlett Johansson>, 1.0),
(<Entity Natalie Portman>, 0.75090045),
(<Entity Eva Mendes>, 0.73651594),
(<Entity Emma Stone>, 0.72868186),
(<Entity Cameron Diaz>, 0.72390842)]


If you use Wikipedia2Vec in a scientific publication, please cite the
following paper:


author = {Yamada, Ikuya and Shindo, Hiroyuki and Takeda, Hideaki and Takefuji, Yoshiyasu},
title = {Joint Learning of the Embedding of Words and Entities for Named Entity Disambiguation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of The 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning},
month = {August},
year = {2016},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
pages = {250--259},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}


`Apache License 2.0 <>`__

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Source Distribution

wikipedia2vec-0.2_3.tar.gz (1.1 MB view hashes)

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