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automated way to import `role addresses` into mailchimp subscription lists

Project description


mailchimp does not allow to import so called role addresses via the webinterface.

so info@, support@, office@ and the like can’t be imported but need to be inserted manually. (see What role addresses does MailChimp block)


this script allows to import subscriptions even though some or all emails are role addresses using the mailchimp API MCAPI.

type chimpimport --help for usage information:

chimpimport imports datasets given in csv file FILENAME into mailchimp's subscriber list.

first row contains headers, EMAIL (note capital letters) column is required

example csv content:
"Some Value";"EMAIL";"Some other value";
"ACME Corp.";"";"Sales representative";

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u, --updateExisting  if given, existing subscribers will be updated
  -k APIKEY, --apikey=APIKEY
                        your mailchimp api key. to obtain one:


Successfully used for 1500 subscribers.

Supports custom fields (just add headers for them to the import csv)

Supports multiple subscriber list. If you have multiple lists, the script will prompt the list to import data into.


1.2 (2012-10-08)

  • existing subscribers get updated when importing with -u flag

  • login() api method has been disabled (see shutdown info) so we change the help text on how to obtain an api key

  • rename README.txt to .rst for nice display on github

1.1 (2011-11-12)

  • added support for multiple lists (prompt user which one to choose)

1.0 (2011-09-20)

  • Initial release

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