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A tool that builds your World of Warcraft addon and uploads them to CurseForge

Project description

GitHub Actions status for master branch Code Coverage on Latest release on PyPI Code styled with black MIT licensed
  • Builds and uploads your addons to CurseForge

  • Uploads for retail and/or classic

  • Installs your addons to your Addons folder for fast development feedback

  • Generates valid TOC files for you

  • New project command to get started quickly

  • Is easily configurable

  • Tested on Windows, macOS, and Linux


Create a new addon project

If you’d like to get started quickly, create a new project fast with:

wap quickstart MyAddon

# replace MyAddon with whatever you'd like

The above command will create a project directory structure like the following:

MyAddon               (your project's root directory)
├── MyAddon           (an addon directory that can be build/installed/uploaded)
│   └── MyAddon.lua   (a Lua code file)
├──      (where you describe changes over time to your project)
├──         (where you document your project)
└── .wap.yml          (the *wap* config file)

After this, you can begin developing your addon and using other wap commands.

Migrating from other pacakgers / Creating a new config file in an existing project

The only file wap needs to run is a .wap.yml file. To create a new file, run:

wap new-config

The generated config file will contain a basic structure to get you started.

There are a few differences between how wap works and how other package managers work. Please read around this document to learn about them.


To build your addon into a single directory (with optional TOC generation) and create a zip archive of it, run:

wap build


To upload your addon to CurseForge, run:

wap upload --addon-version 1.2.3 --curseforge-token "abc123"

Instead of providing --curseforge-token, you may also set the environment variable WAP_CURSEFORGE_TOKEN.

You may generate a new token at

Some may prefer to use the current Git tag name as the version. You can just leverage your shell to fill this option in with something like:

wap upload \
  --version "$(git describe --always --tags)" \
  --release-type release \
  --curseforge-token "abc123"

Developer Install

To quickly test your addons out on your local WoW installation, run:

wap dev-install --wow-addons-path "/path/to/WoW/_retail_/Interface/AddOns"

wap is smart in determining from your --wow-addons-path if it needs to install the retail or classic build of your addon.

Instead of providing --wow-addons-path, you may also set the environment variable WAP_WOW_ADDONS_PATH.

Further Help

The wap command has more options than what has been shown above, and fully documents that usage in its help text. View it with:

wap --help
wap build --help
wap upload --help
# ... etc


  1. Get Python 3.9 or greater. You can confirm this with python --version and verifying your version is at least that.

    You can download Python from

  2. Install wap from PyPI:

    pip install wow-addon-packager
  3. Verify wap can run:

    wap --version

The wap Configuration File

wap only needs one file to operate: a YAML file named .wap.yml.

For new YAML authors, see “Learn YAML in five minutes.”.

Sample .wap.yml Config File

Here’s a high-level, commented overview of a .wap.yml file:

# the name of your addon
name: MyAddon

# the versions of WoW your addon works on
  - 9.0.2
  - 1.13.6

# If you want to upload to Curseforge
  project-id: 123456  # found on your project page
  changelog:  # a file relative to this config file with recent changes
  addon-name: myaddon  # found from your CurseForge URL

# the contents of my addon
  - path: MyAddon  # a directory relative to this config file
    toc:  # TOC generation
      tags:  # metadata about your addon for WoW
        Title: MyAddon
        Notes: A great addon for WoW
        Author: Me
        DefaultState: Enabled
        LoadOnDemand: 0
        Dependencies: AnotherAddon
        X-My-Metadata-Tag: foo
      files:  # the files to load, in order, for your addon
        - Init.lua
        - Core.lua








The name of your packaged addon. This name will be used to:

  • To name the build directories for your addon

  • To name the .zip files of your addon as they appear on your system and on Curseforge.







The versions of World of Warcraft that your addon targets. wap will create different builds for each version in the output directory.

Each version must be in the form “x.y.z”, where x, y, and z are integers.

You must at least supply one of these, and can at most supply two (for retail and classic).

wap uses these versions for a few things:

  • To properly generate your TOC file with the right ## Interface tag

  • To dev-install` the right build into the right WoW AddOns path (e.g. a classic addon build should not go into a ``World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns directory.

  • To designate which version your addon supports on CurseForge

wap uses simple heuristics to decide if a version is retail or classic. Conversely, it cannot determine if a version actually exists or not.







If you want to upload your project to CurseForge, include this section.







The project id as found on your CurseForge addon’s page.

Where to find your CurseForge project id







The path relative to the config file of your changelog file. This file should contain a helpful history of changes to your addon over time. (There are no strict requirements for the contents of this file, but it must exist. You may leave it blank if you wish, but it will not help your users.)

CurseForge requires changelog contents to be provided with file uploads, and will display this content on the file’s page.

The extension of this file is used to determine what changelogType to provide in the upload request, which is also required. CurseForge currently supports three types:

  • markdown

  • html

  • text

wap will try to chose the correct changelogType based on the extension of the file you provide here. It does so according to the following mapping:

File Extension










All other cases








The string of the name of your addon as it is found in your addon’s CurseForge URL.

While not strictly necessary, if this is not provided, wap cannot provide a URL for your uploads in its output. (This is a limitation of the CurseForge API. wap cannot retrieve this name for you.)

For example, if your addon’s URL is, then you would use the string myaddon here.







A sequence of directories to include in your packaged addon.

Many small addons will only contain a single dirs entry, but more complex ones will have many.







The path relative to this config file of the directory you’d like to include in your packaged addon.

This cannot be a file – it must be a directory because WoW only recognizes addons in their own directories in Interface/AddOns.







A mapping of tags and files from which to generate your TOC file.

For more information on why TOC file generation is a good thing, see Why generate TOC files?.







A mapping of key-value pairs to include in the generated TOC file. The keys and values will be interpreted as strings.

Use this section to provide things like the Title, Notes (description), and any other WoW-specified tags. A full list of supported tags may be found at the WoW Gamepedia TOC format article.

To demonstrate, a tags section that looks like this:

  Title: MyAddon
  Notes: This is my addon

will produce a TOC file with this content:

## Title: MyAddon
## Notes: This is my addon

Importantly, you do not need to provide the ``Interface`` and ``Version`` tags! wap can generate these for you from the WoW version you specified in wow-versions[*].version and the version your supply when you wap upload. If you do provide these tags, wap will do as you say, but will emit a warning and likely break some of its guarantees.

You may add custom tags here too, if you wish. Custom tags may be retrieved with the GetAddOnMetadata function, but only if they are prefixed with X-. wap will emit a warning about custom tags without this prefix.







An sequence of paths relative to the path of this directory that specify the Lua (or XML) files your addon should load. The order of this sequence is respected.

To demonstrate, a files section that looks like this:

  - Init.lua
  - Core.lua

will produce a TOC file with this content:


Additionally, the files here are validated to ensure they actually exist. File that do not exist almost certainly indicate an bug, so wap will abort if such a case is found and print the missing file.


Why make another addon tool?

wap is a reimagining of how developers create addons. The most popular current solution in this space is probably the BigWigsMods/packager project. While I do think they’ve done some excellent work (and I think they are just improving on prior conventions), there are some pain points:

  • Substitution directives (e.g. --@keyword@) are

  • Dependencies (externals) should not be source code repositories

  • The complexity of the program has outgrown the Bash scripting language and is therefore difficult to read, write and maintain.

Why not implement/support substitution directives like --@retail@?

Let’s compare two examples, one using substitution directives and one using the WoW API:

local wowVersion = "retail"
local wowVersion = "classic"
print("Hi, I'm running on " .. wowVersion .. " WoW!")
local wowVersion = "retail"
  wowVersion = "classic"
print("Hi, I'm running on " .. wowVersion .. " WoW!")

With substitution directives, I see:

  • Lua code comments overloaded into another language with its own special syntax and keyword names.

  • The ability to introduce bugs in the lua code itself, because lua static analyzers like luacheck obviously do not try to parse comments.

On the other hand, with the WoW API version, I see:

  • Clear, parseable Lua code that can be statically analyzed.

  • A leveraging of the API that WoW exposes.

And this is just Lua. Substitution directives also exist for TOC and XML files:

  • The main case for substitution in TOC files is to handle the Interface tag, which wap can do for you.

  • For XML, there may be a valid use case. But I’d counter that you should not be writing it for your addons because WoW Lua code can do everything that WoW XML documents can. So why would you want to put yourself through that?

In closing, the main point is here is that there are programmatic ways in your Lua code to do everything that substitution directives do, but in a better way, and TOC file generation is handled by wap itself.

Why generate TOC files?

There are two main reasons:

  • Cut down on duplication. If you need to upload a retail AND a classic version, you’d otherwise need to create 2 nearly identical TOC files that only differ in their Interface tags.

    So instead, by centralizing TOC contents into the .wap.yml, wap can generate your TOC file with your tags and files AND the correct Interface for the version of WoW you are targeting. wap also does this for the Version tag (the version of your addon), which is passed in as a command line argument when you run wap.

  • TOC validation. wap validates that:

    • Any files listed actually exist within that folder

    • Any custom tags are prefixed with X-, which is necessary for them to be retrievable by GetAddOnMetadata. Non-prefixed tags do not cause an error for WoW, but on the other hand, they are also invisible to WoW.

During early development, optional TOC generation was considered. But, it was ultimately disallowed for the following reasons:

  • wap would do no validation of the tags and files in your TOC file. For example, you may include a file that does not exist or include a custom tag without the X- prefix. This would likely cause bugs.

  • wap would not add your ## Version: <version> tag. Therefore:

    • The version in your TOC file will not necessarily be equal to the --addon-version that you supply with commands.

    • The version may not even exist in your TOC file, which is not an error, but is a very unconventional software practice.

  • wap would not add your ## Interface: <interface> tag. Again, it may not even exist in your TOC file, which will probably cause WoW to believe it is out-of-date.

  • If you’re uploading a classic and a retail version, but are using a fixed TOC file in the directories that are zipped, then the classic and retail zip files will be identical. CurseForge specifically identifies this case and will reject one of the uploads after processing it.

So, TOC generation is probably a good thing. If you encounter a case where the wap TOC generation is insufficient for what you are trying to do, please create an issue.

Why not automatically get my addon’s version number from my VCS?

In the spirit of keeping wap (and addon development in general!) accessible, I don’t want to force your hand on your addon’s development process and tooling.

Besides, if you insist, you can extract a version from your VCS using a command like the uploading section suggests.

Why not support pulling in dependencies (externals) from other repositories?

For a variety of reasons:

  • Source code repositories are not releases. That is not their purpose. Source code repositories are filled with all sorts of things like READMEs and .gitignore files and tests and documentation and the list the goes on and on… And none of that has to do with the Lua code that you’re really after.

    That Lua code belongs in a deliberate release asset (file/zip/etc) by the project owner, cleansed and packaged in a way you can include in your addon.

    Unfortunately, Lua does not have a distribution format and/or package repository (e.g. PyPI for Python, Maven Central for Java, Docker Hub for Docker, etc). Maybe you are lucky and the author of your dependency has created a GitHub Release asset that would serve you better than the repository itself.

  • Even if you do have dependency repository that’s tolerably clean and packaged in its natural form, that repository is actually a development-time dependency, not a release-time dependency like other addon packagers imply. It needs to be inside your codebase while you write your code. Otherwise, you’re coding on hope.

    • Other addon packagers don’t even require a commit hash/tag to be specified, so you can’t even be sure what of what code will be included with your addon in those cases. Dependencies shouldn’t be changing at all unless you’ve deliberately upgraded them.

  • It slows down your release process to redownload dependencies.

  • Finally, this is just feature bloat for wap. It’s excessive to write a git clone and/or svn checkout runner when you can run those tools better yourself. It opens up a huge surface area of support if wap needs to be able to run those tools itself.

TLDR: wap could, but it won’t. Copy your dependencies into your project from an official release, or from the dependency’s repository if that is all they offer.

Why not support WoWInterface uploads?

The momentum of the WoW community points towards CurseForge.

I actually have written WoWInterface support, but removed it because I don’t think many users would want it.

If I’m wrong about that, please create an issue and we can discuss and reassess.

Why not support GitHub Release uploads?

  • It requires that a tag is exists in the repository, which is a prerequisite for a GitHub release. I don’t want to force your hand on your development process.

  • It requires wap to interact with your Git repository, which would include at the very least:

    • knowing Git compatible versions

    • requiring wap to be run from within the addon repository, or adding another command line option to specify it.

  • It adds the GitHub API itself as a dependency, which is a moving target.

  • It’s something that other tools already do better.

Instead, I kindly suggest you incorporate something like Github CLI <> or upload-release-asset into your build process in conjunction with wap if you want this feature. For wap, it’s too much bloat for too little gain.




Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

wow-addon-packager-0.5.0.tar.gz (33.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

wow_addon_packager-0.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (31.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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