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A package for interacting with the EPA's WQX Web service

Project description

Python library for WQX Web (wqxweblib)

This is a simple Python library for interacting with the EPA's WQX Web data submission service. It aims to mimick the WQX Web API endpoints as much as possible with the WQXWeb class. If you find a bug, please submit a pull request on Github or open an issue there and someone will look into it.

NOTE: This module is useless without EPA credentials for use with the CDX app "WQX Web".

This code is supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. OIA-1458952. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


Getting Started

Install this package using pip

pip install wqxweblib

Package Versioning

This package uses a five-segment version number. The first two segments of the version number indicate the version of WQX Web it supports. The last three segments follow the Semantic Versioning standard and are specific to only this package, not any WQX Web release. They are in the format x.y.z where x is the major version number, y is the minor version number, and z is the patch version number.

The major version number increments when incompatible API changes are made. The minor version number increments when functionality is added in a backward compatible manner. The patch version number increments when there are backward compatible bug fixes.

It is a good practice to lock the first three digits of the version in your requirements.txt file, if you are using one. That allow you to safely rebuild your environment without accidentally introducing breaking changes. For the current version, that would mean adding a line to your requirements.txt file like this:


WQXWeb Data Submission Patterns

Basic Method - Use this if you trust the data you produce.

  1. Upload a file using Upload.
  2. (optional) Upload an attachment file using UploadAttachment.
  3. Start the import with auto export and auto submit using StartImport.
  4. Periodically check the status using GetStatus.

Intermediate Method - Use this if you want to check how WQX Web responds to your data before submitting.

  1. Upload a file using Upload.
  2. (optional) Upload an attachment file using UploadAttachment.
  3. Start the import with auto export and without auto submit using StartImport.
  4. Periodically check the status using GetStatus.
  5. Submit dataset to CDX using SubmitDatasetToCdx.
  6. Periodically check the status using GetStatus.

Advanced Method - Use this method if you want to manage each step of the process that you can.

  1. Upload a file using Upload.
  2. (optional) Upload an attachment file using UploadAttachment.
  3. Start the import without auto export and without auto submit using StartImport.
  4. Periodically check the status using GetStatus.
  5. Start the XML Export using StartXmlExport.
  6. Periodically check the status using GetStatus.
  7. Submit dataset to CDX using SubmitDatasetToCdx.
  8. Periodically check the status using GetStatus.

Import WQXWeb Module

This module must be imported and instantiated with your userID and privateKey before any of the other functions can be used.

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb("my username", "my private key")

Presentations and Publications

  • Musselwhite, J and F Rojano. 2021. Development of a Python Library to Facilitate WQX Dataset Exchanges. IWSS Spring Workshop Series (Virtual). PDF

WQXWeb API Reference

This following methods mirror what is shown in the EPA's documentation for the WQX Web API endpoints. Some differences exist for the sake of Python integration while still allowing the inputs indicated in the documentation.


Upload a file to the web server (to be imported).


  • filename (required string) - A name to give the file. This does not need to match any local filename. The allowed file extensions are:
    • txt
    • csv
    • xlsx
    • xls
    • xml
    • zip
  • contents (required bytes) - The contents of the file to be uploaded provided either by converting some provided data string with the bytes(data, 'utf-8') function or by passing some file object's function.

Returns: fileId - A unique identifier for the uploaded file.

Example with generated data:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )


fileId = wqxweb.Upload( filename="datafile.csv", content=bytes(data,'utf-8') )

print( f"The uploaded file has been assigned fileId {fileId}." )

Example using a file from the local filesystem:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

with open( 'data.csv', 'rb' ) as f:
    fileId = wqxweb.Upload( filename="datafile.csv", )

    print( f"The uploaded file has been assigned fileId {fileId}." )


Upload an attachment to the web server (to be imported).


  • filename (required string) - A name to give the file. This does not need to match any local filename. The only allowed file extension is:
    • zip
  • contents (required bytes) - The contents of the file to be uploaded provided either by converting some provided data string with the bytes(data, 'utf-8') function or by passing some file object's function.

Returns: fileId - A unique identifier for the uploaded file.

Example using a file from the local filesystem:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

with open( '', 'rb' ) as f:
    attachmentFileId = wqxweb.UploadAttachment( filename="", )

    print( f"The uploaded file has been assigned attachmentFileID {attachmentFileID}." )


Start importing a file and attachment that was previously uploaded.


  • importConfigurationId (required string) - The Import Configuration ID of an existing Import Configuration which should be applied to the import.
  • fileId (required string) - The return value of Upload.
  • attachmentFileId (optional string) - The return value of UploadAttachment.
  • fileType (required enum or string) - The type of file you uploaded with Upload. This must be one of the following enum members provided by the WQXWeb module or their corresponding strings:
    • CSV
    • TAB
    • TILDE
    • PIPE
    • XLS
    • XLSX
  • newOrExistingData (required enum or integer) - Declare whether the contents of your upload represents new data or replaces existing data. This must be one of the following enum members provided by the WQXWeb module or their corresponding integers:
    • CONTAINS_NEW_OR_EXISTING (0) - file may contain new and/or existing data.
    • CONTAINS_NEW_ONLY (1) - file contains new data only.
    • CONTAINS_EXISTING_ONLY (2) - file contains existing data only (to be replaced).
  • uponCompletion (required enum or integer) - Declare what to do after the upload finishes. This must be one of the following enum members provided by the WQXWeb module or their corresponding integers:
    • DO_NOT_EXPORT (0) - do nothing.
    • EXPORT_IMPORT (1) - start export.
    • SUBMIT_IMPORT (2) - start export and submit to CDX.
  • uponCompletionCondition (optionally required enum or integer) - Declare what conditions permit auto export or auto submit. This must be one of the following enum members provided by the WQXWeb module or their corresponding integers:
    • NOT_APPLICABLE (0) - not applicable (meaning uponCompletion is DO_NOTHING or not provided).
    • EXPORT_IF_NO_ERROR (1) - start export only if no import errors.
    • EXPORT_IF_NO_WARNING (2) - start export only if no import errors and no warnings.
    • EXPORT_ALWAYS (3) - start export even when there are import errors.
  • worksheetsToImport (optional string) - If provided, this must be a comma delimited list of values (1-based), e.g. "1,3". This parameter value will be ignored when the fileType is not XLS or XLSX. If no value is passed in (and it's applicable) then we'll use the value from the Import Configuration.
  • ignoreFirstRowOfFile (optional boolean defaults to True) - Ignore the first row of the data file if this parameter is true. This parameter value will be ignored for Expert Mode Import Configurations.
  • generatedElements (optional dictionary) - Each key must match an existing generated element name from the import configuration. No more than five keys can be in the dictionary and this parameter cannot be used along with the generatedElementName1, generatedElementName2, generatedElementName3, generatedElementName4, or generatedElementName5 parameters.
  • generatedElementName1 (optional string) - Must match an existing generated element name from the import configuration.
  • generatedElementValue1 (optionally required string) - Must provide a value if generatedElementName1 is provided.
  • generatedElementName2 (optional string) - Must match an existing generated element name from the import configuration.
  • generatedElementValue2 (optionally required string) - Must provide a value if generatedElementName2 is provided.
  • generatedElementName3 (optional string) - Must match an existing generated element name from the import configuration.
  • generatedElementValue3 (optionally required string) - Must provide a value if generatedElementName3 is provided.
  • generatedElementName4 (optional string) - Must match an existing generated element name from the import configuration.
  • generatedElementValue4 (optionally required string) - Must provide a value if generatedElementName4 is provided.
  • generatedElementName5 (optional string) - Must match an existing generated element name from the import configuration.
  • generatedElementValue5 (optionally required string) - Must provide a value if generatedElementName5 is provided.

Returns: datasetId - A unique identifier for the dataset.

Example without auto export:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

datasetId = wqxweb.StartImport( importConfigurationID, fileId, fileType=wqxweb.CSV, newOrExistingData=wqxweb.CONTAINS_NEW_OR_EXISTING, uponCompletion=wqxweb.DO_NOT_EXPORT, ignoreFirstRowOfFile=True )

print( f"The import of dataset {datasetId} has begun. Check it's status with a call to wqxweb.GetStatus(datasetId)" )

Example with auto export and without auto submit:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

datasetId = wqxweb.StartImport( importConfigurationID, fileId, fileType=wqxweb.CSV, newOrExistingData=wqxweb.CONTAINS_NEW_OR_EXISTING, uponCompletion=wqxweb.EXPORT_IMPORT, ignoreFirstRowOfFile=True )

print( f"The import of dataset {datasetId} has begun. Check it's status with a call to wqxweb.GetStatus(datasetId)" )

Example with auto submit:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

datasetId = wqxweb.StartImport( importConfigurationID, fileId, fileType=wqxweb.CSV, newOrExistingData=wqxweb.CONTAINS_NEW_OR_EXISTING, uponCompletion=wqxweb.SUBMIT_IMPORT, ignoreFirstRowOfFile=True )

print( f"The import of dataset {datasetId} has begun. Check it's status with a call to wqxweb.GetStatus(datasetId)" )


Start creating the XML submission file (for CDX).


  • datasetId (required string) - The return value of StartImport or SubmitFileToCdx.
  • uponCompletion (required enum or integer) - Declare what to do after the export finishes. This must be one of the following enum members provided by the WQXWeb module or their corresponding integers:
    • DO_NOT_SUBMIT (0) - do nothing.
    • SUBMIT_EXPORT (1) - submit to CDX.

Returns: status - The initial status for the dataset.

Example using enum:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

status = wqxweb.StartXmlExport( datasetId, wqxweb.SUBMIT_EXPORT )

print( "The initial status of dataset {datasetId} is as follows:" )
print( status )

Example using integer:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

status = wqxweb.StartXmlExport( datasetId, 1 )

print( "The initial status of dataset {datasetId} is as follows:" )
print( status )


Submit a dataset to CDX.


Returns: status - The initial status for the dataset.


from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

status = wqxweb.SubmitDatasetToCdx( datasetId )

print( "The initial status of dataset {datasetId} is as follows:" )
print( status )


Submit a previously uploaded/built WQX XML file to CDX.


  • fileId (required string) - The return value of Upload.

Returns: datasetId - The new dataset ID.


from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

datasetId = wqxweb.SubmitFileToCdx( fileId )

print( f"The uploaded file has been assigned datasetId {datasetId}" )


Get the status for a dataset. To avoid undue burden on the server, it is recommended that you not call this service more often than every 10 seconds. For large imports (longer than 20 minutes), calling this service periodically will guarantee that the server will not shutdown before the import completes.


Returns: statusMsg - The status, percent complete, and position in queue for the dataset. Possible statuses:

  • 'Waiting to Import'
  • 'Importing'
  • 'Imported'
  • 'Import Failed'
  • 'Waiting to Export'
  • 'Waiting to Export and Submit'
  • 'Exporting'
  • 'Exported'
  • 'Export Failed'
  • 'Processing at CDX'
  • 'Completed at CDX'
  • 'Failed at CDX'
  • 'Waiting to Delete'
  • 'Deleting'
  • 'Delete Failed'
  • 'Waiting to Update WQX'
  • 'Updating WQX'
  • 'Updated WQX'
  • 'Update Failed'


from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

statusMsg = wqxweb.GetStatus( datasetId )

print( f"Current status of datasetId {datasetId} is {statusMsg}" )


Get the list of available documents for a dataset. Documents that are typically available for a dataset include:

  • the original import file
  • event logs (for the import and/or export in WQX Web)
  • validation report (for the XML submission file - from CDX)
  • processing report (for the XML submission file - from WQX)


Returns: urls - A list of document URLs which can be used to download the documents.


from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

urls = wqxweb.GetDocumentList( datasetId )

print( "The documents associated with {datasetId} are:" )
for url in urls:
    print( f" - {url}" )


Get the projects for an organization.


  • organizationIdentifiersCsv (required string) - Comma delimited list of organization identifiers (e.g. "id1,id2,id3") NOTE: No spaces.
  • projectIdentifiersCsv (optional string) - Comma delimited list of project identifiers (e.g. "id1,id2,id3") NOTE: No spaces.
  • transactionIdentifier (optional string) - Transaction identifier e.g. "_23090c89-c6a6-4dd1-b16f-73f8ac36fac1".
  • lastChangeDateMin (optional date) - Minimum last change date.
  • lastChangeDateMax (optional date) - Maximum last change date.
  • startRow (conditionally optional integer) - Zero based start row. Conditionally required if rowsToRetrieve is supplied.
  • rowsToRetrieve (conditionally optional integer) - Number of rows to retrieve. Conditionally required if startRow is supplied.

Returns: projects - WQX Schema 2.2 element values including the transaction id for the project.


from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

projects = wqxweb.Projects( organizationIdentifiersCsv )

print( f"The projects associated with {organizationIdentifiersCsv} are:" )
for project in projects:
    print( f" - {project}" )

Example to list projects from the previous week:

from wqxweblib import WQXWeb
from datetime import date, timedelta

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

today =
lastWeek = today - timedelta(weeks=1)
projects = wqxweb.Projects( organizationIdentifiersCsv, lastChangeDateMin=lastWeek )

print( "The projects associated with {organizationIdentifiersCsv} and modified since {lastWeek.strftime( "%m/%d/%Y")} are:" )
for project in projects:
    print( f" - {project}" )


Get the locations for an organization.


  • organizationIdentifiersCsv (required string) - Comma delimited list of organization identifiers (e.g. "id1,id2,id3") NOTE: No spaces.
  • monitoringLocationIdentifiersCsv (optional string) - Comma delimited list of monitoring location identifiers (e.g. "id1,id2,id3") NOTE: No spaces.
  • monitoringLocationName (optional string) - Monitoring Location Name. Wildcards are supported (e.g. "Location%" means anything starting with "Location").
  • monitoringLocationType (optional string) - Monitoring Location Type. Wildcards are supported (e.g. "Location%" means anything starting with "Location"). Allowed values (enforced by the endpoint, not this library):
    • Atmosphere
    • BEACH Program Site-Channelized stream
    • BEACH Program Site-Estuary
    • BEACH Program Site-Great Lake
    • BEACH Program Site-Lake
    • BEACH Program Site-Land
    • BEACH Program Site-Land runoff
    • BEACH Program Site-Ocean
    • BEACH Program Site-River/Stream
    • BEACH Program Site-Storm sewer
    • BEACH Program Site-Waste sewer
    • Borehole
    • Canal Drainage
    • Canal Irrigation
    • Canal Transport
    • Cave
    • CERCLA Superfund Site
    • Channelized Stream
    • Combined Sewer
    • Constructed Diversion Dam
    • Constructed Tunnel
    • Constructed Water Transport Structure
    • Constructed Wetland
    • Estuary
    • Facility Industrial
    • Facility Municipal Sewage (POTW)
    • Facility Other
    • Facility Privately Owned Non-industrial
    • Facility Public Water Supply (PWS)
    • Floodwater non-Urban
    • Floodwater Urban
    • Gallery
    • Gas-Condensate
    • Gas-Engine
    • Gas-Extraction
    • Gas-Flare
    • Gas-Monitoring Probe
    • Gas-Passive Vent
    • Gas-Subslab
    • Gas-Temporary
    • Great Lake
    • Lake
    • Land
    • Land Flood Plain
    • Land Runoff
    • Landfill
    • Leachate-Extraction
    • Leachate-Head Well
    • Leachate-Lysimeter
    • Leachate-SamplePoint
    • Local Air Monitoring Station
    • Mine Pit
    • Mine/Mine Discharge
    • Mine/Mine Discharge Adit (Mine Entrance)
    • Mine/Mine Discharge Tailings Pile
    • Mine/Mine Discharge Waste Rock Pile
    • National Air Monitoring Station
    • Ocean
    • Oil and Gas Well
    • Other-Ground Water
    • Other-Surface Water
    • Pipe, Unspecified Source
    • Playa
    • Pond-Anchialine
    • Pond-Sediment
    • Pond-Stock
    • Pond-Stormwater
    • Pond-Wastewater
    • Reservoir
    • River/Stream
    • River/stream Effluent-Dominated
    • River/Stream Ephemeral
    • River/Stream Intermittent
    • River/Stream Perennial
    • Riverine Impoundment
    • Seep
    • Spigot / Faucet
    • Spring
    • State/Local Air Monitoring Station
    • Storm Sewer
    • Survey Monument
    • Test Pit
    • Waste Pit
    • Waste Sewer
    • Well
    • Wetland Estuarine-Emergent
    • Wetland Estuarine-Forested
    • Wetland Estuarine-Scrub-Shrub
    • Wetland Lacustrine-Emergent
    • Wetland Palustrine Pond
    • Wetland Palustrine-Emergent
    • Wetland Palustrine-Forested
    • Wetland Palustrine-Moss-Lichen
    • Wetland Palustrine-Shrub-Scrub
    • Wetland Riverine-Emergent
    • Wetland Undifferentiated
  • transactionIdentifier (optional string) - Transaction identifier e.g. "_23090c89-c6a6-4dd1-b16f-73f8ac36fac1".
  • lastChangeDateMin (optional date) - Minimum last change date.
  • lastChangeDateMax (optional date) - Maximum last change date.
  • startRow (conditionally optional integer) - Zero based start row. Conditionally required if rowsToRetrieve is supplied.
  • rowsToRetrieve (conditionally optional integer) - Number of rows to retrieve. Conditionally required if startRow is supplied.

Returns: locations - WQX Schema 2.2 element values including the transaction id for the monitoring location.


from wqxweblib import WQXWeb

wqxweb = WQXWeb( 'username', 'private key in base64' )

locations = wqxweb.MonitoringLocations( organizationIdentifiersCsv )

print( "The locations associated with {organizationIdentifiersCsv} are: " )
for location in locations:
    print( f" - {location['MonitoringLocationName']}" )

Project details

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Source Distribution

wqxweblib- (19.7 kB view details)

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Built Distribution

wqxweblib- (13.0 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file wqxweblib-

File metadata

  • Download URL: wqxweblib-
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 19.7 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.4.1 importlib_metadata/4.5.0 pkginfo/1.7.0 requests/2.25.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.61.0 CPython/3.9.5

File hashes

Hashes for wqxweblib-
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 c301fc2a1b97e4709ab258b70ca8f651a9c3bd418dec747b764238bc1659395f
MD5 26e5367f79586c957ae716edde727403
BLAKE2b-256 8e36ae1d3bcfca7aa1a13d16dfd761412e0404ba51273fc1713e29f07f96367f

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file wqxweblib-

File metadata

  • Download URL: wqxweblib-
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 13.0 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.4.1 importlib_metadata/4.5.0 pkginfo/1.7.0 requests/2.25.1 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.61.0 CPython/3.9.5

File hashes

Hashes for wqxweblib-
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 34486c9831bb7874216b41988b7597f6e0276943c13732aa6dbaf13e5a75342a
MD5 b2f6d74e959b8b81754487d197aa08b2
BLAKE2b-256 06ba3912fecbdf292af737234813d66ebdb53940a6a9bd7ad0035c0dd3a11a23

See more details on using hashes here.

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