WSRPC is the RPC over WebSocket for aiohttp
Project description
Remote Procedure call through WebSocket between browser and tornado.
Initiating call client function from server side.
Calling the server method from the client.
Transferring any exceptions from a client side to the server side and vise versa.
The frontend-library are well done for usage without any modification.
Fully asynchronous server-side functions.
Thread-based websocket handler for writing fully-synchronous code (for synchronous database drivers etc.)
Protected server-side methods (starts with underline never will be call from clients-side directly)
Asynchronous connection protocol. Server or client can call multiple methods with unpredictable ordering of answers.
If ujson is installed messages will be serialize/deserialize with it.
Install via pip:
pip install wsrpc-aiohttp
Install ujson if you want:
pip install ujson
Simple usage
Add the backend side
from time import time
## If you want write async tornado code import it
# from from wsrpc import WebSocketRoute, WebSocket, wsrpc_static
## else you should use thread-base handler
from wsrpc import WebSocketRoute, WebSocketThreaded as WebSocket, wsrpc_static
# js static files will available as "/js/wsrpc.min.js".
# WebSocket handler. Client will connect here.
(r"/ws/", WebSocket),
# Serve other static files
(r'/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {
'path': os.path.join(project_root, 'static'),
'default_filename': 'index.html'
# This class should be call by client.
# Connection object will be have the instance of this class when will call route-alias.
class TestRoute(WebSocketRoute):
# This method will be executed when client will call route-alias first time.
def init(self, **kwargs):
# the python __init__ must be return "self". This method might return anything.
return kwargs
def getEpoch(self):
# this method named by camelCase because the client can call it.
return time()
# stateful request
# this is the route alias TestRoute as "test1"
WebSocket.ROUTES['test1'] = TestRoute
# stateless request
WebSocket.ROUTES['test2'] = lambda *a, **kw: True
# initialize ThreadPool. Needed when using WebSocketThreaded.
Add the frontend side
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/q.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/wsrpc.min.js"></script>
var url = ((window.location.protocol==="https):"?"wss://":"ws://") + + '/ws/';
RPC = WSRPC(url, 5000);
RPC.addRoute('test', function (data) { return "Test called"; });
RPC.connect();'test1.getEpoch').then(function (data) {
}, function (error) {
}).done();'test2').then(function (data) { console.log(data); }).done();
Reverse call from Server to Client
def do_notify(self):
awesome = 'Notification for you!'
yield'notify', result=awesome)
var url = (window.location.protocol==="https:"?"wss://":"ws://") + + '/ws/';
RPC = WSRPC(url, 5000);
RPC.addRoute('notify', function (data) { return data.result; });
All available documentation here.
Example running there demo.
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