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A SCTE-35 Aware HLS Segmenter

Project description

Install | Use | CUE-OUT | CUE-IN | SCTE-35 Tags | Sidecar SCTE35 | Live | Bugs

HLS + SCTE35 = x9k3

x9k3 is a HLS segmenter with SCTE-35 injection and parsing, powered by threefive.

Current Version: v.0.2.53

  • The only supported version is the current version. Keep up.

  • playlists.

  • Some of the new stuff:

    • Segment start time is now always read, never calculated.
    • Segment duration verification for segments that exceed the target duration.
    • adbreak script to generate SCTE-35 Cues.
    • m3u8 files as input. Resegment and add SCTE-35 to an existing m3u8. -i INPUT, --input INPUT
    • continue an m3u8 file. Segments may be added to an existing m3u8, VOD or live. -c, --continue_m3u8
    • discontinuity tags may now be omitted. -n, --no_discontinuity
    • auto CUE-IN
    • live throttling can be disabled with the -N, --no_throttle flag

Heads Up


  • included with x9k3
  • adbreak generates SCTE35 Cues for CUE-OUT and CUE-IN in a sidecar file.
$ adbreak -h
usage: adbreak [-h] [-d DURATION] [-p PTS] [-s SIDECAR]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DURATION, --duration DURATION
                        set duration of ad break. [ default: 60.0 ]
  -p PTS, --pts PTS     set start pts for ad break. Not setting pts will
                        generate a Splice Immediate CUE-OUT. [ default: 0.0 ]
  -s SIDECAR, --sidecar SIDECAR
                        Sidecar file of SCTE-35 (pts,cue) pairs. [ default:
                        sidecar.txt ]
  • Usage:
adbreak --pts 1234.567890 --duration 30 --sidecar sidecar.txt
  • sidecar file has SCTE-35 Cues for CUE-OUT and CUE-IN
  • pass to x9k3
x9k3 -i input.ts -s sidecar.txt


  • SCTE-35 Cues in Mpegts Streams are Translated into HLS tags.
  • SCTE-35 Cues can be added from a Sidecar File.
  • Segments are Split on SCTE-35 Cues as needed.
  • Segments Start on iframes.
  • Supports h264 and h265 .
  • Multi-protocol. Input sources may be Files, Http(s), Multicast, and Unicast UDP streams.
  • Supports Live Streaming.
  • amt-play uses x9k3.



  • Use pip to install the the x9k3 lib and executable script x9k3 (will install threefive, new_reader and iframes too)
# python3

python3 -mpip install x9k3

# pypy3 

pypy3 -mpip install x9k3

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  • X-SCTE35, X-CUE, X-DATERANGE, or X-SPLICEPOINT HLS tags can be generated. set with the --hls_tag switch.

  • reading from stdin now available

  • Segments are cut on iframes.

  • Segment time is 2 seconds or more, determined by GOP size. Can be set with the -t switch or by setting X9K3.args.time

  • Segments are named seg1.ts seg2.ts etc...

  • For SCTE-35, Video segments are cut at the the first iframe >= the splice point pts.

  • If no pts time is present in the SCTE-35 cue, the segment is cut at the next iframe.

  • SCTE-35 cues with a preroll are inserted at the splice point.

How to Use


a@fu:~/x9k3-repo$ x9k3 -h

usage: x9k3 [-h] [-i INPUT] [-c] [-d] [-l] [-n] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-p] [-r]
            [-s SIDECAR_FILE] [-S] [-t TIME] [-T HLS_TAG] [-w WINDOW_SIZE]


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input source, like /home/a/vid.ts or
                        udp://@ or or
               [default: stdin]

  -c, --continue_m3u8   Resume writing index.m3u8 [default:False]

  -d, --delete          delete segments (enables --live) [default:False]

  -l, --live            Flag for a live event (enables sliding window m3u8)

  -n, --no_discontinuity
                        Flag to disable adding #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tags at
                        splice points [default:False]

  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Directory for segments and index.m3u8 (created if
                        needed) [default:'.']

  -p, --program_date_time
                        Flag to add Program Date Time tags to index.m3u8 (
                        enables --live) [default:False]

  -r, --replay          Flag for replay aka looping (enables --live,--delete)

  -s SIDECAR_FILE, --sidecar_file SIDECAR_FILE
                        Sidecar file of SCTE-35 (pts,cue) pairs.[default:None]

  -S, --shulga          Flag to enable Shulga iframe detection mode

  -t TIME, --time TIME  Segment time in seconds [default:2]

  -T HLS_TAG, --hls_tag HLS_TAG
                        x_scte35, x_cue, x_daterange, or x_splicepoint

  -w WINDOW_SIZE, --window_size WINDOW_SIZE
                        sliding window size (enables --live) [default:5]

  -v, --version         Show version

Example Usage

local file as input

   x9k3 -i video.mpegts

multicast stream as input with a live sliding window

x9k3 --live -i udp://@

Live mode works with a live source or static files.

  • x9k3 will throttle segment creation to mimic a live stream.
x9k3 --live -i /some/video.ts

live sliding window and deleting expired segments

x9k3  -i udp://@ --delete

https stream for input, and writing segments to an output directory

  • directory will be created if it does not exist.
  x9k3 -i --output_dir /home/a/variant0

https hls m3u8 for input, and inserting SCTE-35 from a sidecar file, and continuing from a previously create index.m3u8 in the output dir

  x9k3 -i --output_dir /home/a/variant0 -continue_m3u8 -s sidecar.txt

using stdin as input

cat video.ts | x9k3

live m3u8 file as input, add SCTE-35 from a sidecar file, change segment duration to 3 and output as live stream

x9k3 -i -s sidecar.txt -t 3 -l

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Up and Running in three Lines

        from x9k3 import X9K3            # 1
        x9 = X9K3('/home/a/cool.ts')     # 2
        x9.decode()                      # 3

Writing Code with x9k3

  • you can get a complete set of args and the defaults like this
from x9k3 import X9K3
x9 = X9K3()

>>>> {print(k,':',v) for k,v in vars(x9.args).items()}

input : <_io.BufferedReader name='<stdin>'>
continue_m3u8 : False
delete : False
live : False
no_discontinuity : False
no_throttle : False
output_dir : .
program_date_time : False
replay : False
sidecar_file : None
shulga : False
time : 2
hls_tag : x_cue
window_size : 5
version : False
  • or just
>>>> print(x9.args)

Namespace(input=<_io.BufferedReader name='<stdin>'>, continue_m3u8=False, delete=False, live=False, no_discontinuity=False, no_throttle=False, output_dir='.', program_date_time=False, replay=False, sidecar_file=None, shulga=False, time=2, hls_tag='x_cue', window_size=5, version=False)
  • Setting parameters
from x9k3 import X9K3
x9 = X9K3()
  • input source
x9.args.input = ""   
  • hls_tag can be x_scte35, x_cue, x_daterange, or x_splicepoint
x9.args.hls tag = x_cue 
  • output directory default is "."
  • live = True
  • replay (loop video) ( also sets live )
x9.args.replay = True
  • delete segments when they expire ( also sets live )
x9.args.delete = True
  • add program date time tags ( also sets live )
x9.args.program_date_time= True
  • set window size for live mode ( requires live )
x9.args.window_size = 5 
  • run

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Sidecar Files

load scte35 cues from a Sidecar file

Sidecar Cues will be handled the same as SCTE35 cues from a video stream.
line format for text file insert_pts, cue

pts is the insert time for the cue, A four second preroll is standard. cue can be base64,hex, int, or bytes

a@debian:~/x9k3$ cat sidecar.txt


x9k3 -i  noscte35.ts  -s sidecar.txt 

In Live Mode you can do dynamic cue injection with a Sidecar file

touch sidecar.txt

x9k3 -i vid.ts -s sidecar.txt -l 

# Open another terminal and printf cues into sidecar.txt

printf '38103.868589, /DAxAAAAAAAAAP/wFAUAAABdf+/+zHRtOn4Ae6DOAAAAAAAMAQpDVUVJsZ8xMjEqLYemJQ==\n' > sidecar.txt

Sidecar files can now accept 0 as the PTS insert time for Splice Immediate.

Specify 0 as the insert time, the cue will be insert at the start of the next segment. Using 0 only works in live mode

printf '0,/DAhAAAAAAAAAP/wEAUAAAAJf78A/gASZvAACQAAAACokv3z\n' > sidecar.txt

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A CUE-OUT can be terminated early using a sidecar file.

In the middle of a CUE-OUT send a splice insert with the out_of_network_indicator flag not set and the splice immediate flag set. Do the steps above , and then do this

printf '0,/DAcAAAAAAAAAP/wCwUAAAABfx8AAAEAAAAA3r8DiQ==\n' > sidecar.txt

It will cause the CUE-OUT to end at the next segment start.

./seg5.ts:	start:112.966667	end:114.966667	duration:2.233334
#EXT-X-CUE-OUT-CONT 2.233334/13.4
./seg6.ts:	start:114.966667	end:116.966667	duration:2.1
#EXT-X-CUE-OUT-CONT 4.333334/13.4
./seg7.ts:	start:116.966667	end:118.966667	duration:2.0
#EXT-X-CUE-OUT-CONT 6.333334/13.4
./seg8.ts:	start:117.0	        end:119.0	duration:0.033333
./seg9.ts:	start:119.3	        end:121.3	duration:2.3

Using 0 only works in live mode



A CUE-OUT is defined as:

  • A Splice Insert Command with:

    • the out_of_network_indicator set to True
    • a break_duration.
  • A Time Signal Command and a Segmentation Descriptor with:

    • a segmentation_duration
    • a segmentation_type_id of:
      • 0x22: "Break Start",
      • 0x30: "Provider Advertisement Start",
      • 0x32: "Distributor Advertisement Start",
      • 0x34: "Provider Placement Opportunity Start",
      • 0x36: "Distributor Placement Opportunity Start",
      • 0x44: "Provider Ad Block Start",
      • 0x46: "Distributor Ad Block Start",

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A CUE-IN is defined as:

  • A Splice Insert Command

    • with the out_of_network_indicator set to False
  • A Time Signal Command and a Segmentation Descriptor with:

    • a segmentation_type_id of:

      • 0x23: "Break End",
      • 0x31: "Provider Advertisement End",
      • 0x33: "Distributor Advertisement End",
      • 0x35: "Provider Placement Opportunity End",
      • 0x37: "Distributor Placement Opportunity End",
      • 0x45: "Provider Ad Block End",
      • 0x47: "Distributor Ad Block End",
  • For CUE-OUT and CUE-IN, only the first Segmentation Descriptor will be used

Supported HLS Tags

  • #EXT-X-CUE
  • #EXT-X-SCTE35


  • CUE-IN


  • CUE-IN


  • CUE-IN


  • CUE-IN

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  • x9k3 defaults to VOD style playlist generation.
  • All segment are listed in the m3u8 file.


  • Activated by the --live, --delete, or --replay switch or by setting


  • Like VOD except:
    • M3u8 manifests are regenerated every time a segment is written
    • Segment creation is throttled when using non-live sources to simulate live streaming. ( like ffmpeg's "-re" )
    • default Sliding Window size is 5, it can be changed with the -w switch or by setting X9k3.window.size


  • implies --live
  • deletes segments when they move out of the sliding window of the m3u8.


  • implies --live
  • implies --delete
  • loops a video file and throttles segment creation to fake a live stream.

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Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

x9k3-0.2.53.tar.gz (15.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

x9k3-0.2.53-py3-none-any.whl (15.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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