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Universal Command Line Interface for Yeedu.

Project description


CLI(Command Line Interface) is a standard CLI to run interactively with Yeedu’s RESTful-API.

CLI Features


The yeedu-cli package works on Python version:

  • 3.8.x and greater

CLI Setup

To set up the Yeedu CLI on the environment, execute the following command from the project directory.


pip install --editable .

Generate Executable file for Yeedu CLI

  • Need to install pyinstaller using below-mentioned command

pip install pyinstaller
  • From the project directory execute the mention command

pyinstaller --onefile

Traverse to \dist directory and get the executable file yeedu.exe

  • The yeedu.exe commands can be formed as shown below:

yeedu.exe [-h]
yeedu.exe <command> [-h]
yeedu.exe <command> <subcommand> [-h]
  • Example of Yeedu CLI command using the executable file

yeedu.exe resource list-providers


  • WSL

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install --editable .
  • Bash

sudo python3 develop


  • Navigate to the /scripts directory from the project directory and obtain the file.

# Add the following to ~/.bashrc
source /path/to/
  • After adding the above information to ~/.bashrc, restart the shell or open a new shell session.

Environment Variable Setup

Create a .env file in the project directory and provide below environment variables.

# Below mentioned values are the default values of Environment Variables

# Provide the YEEDU_SSL_CERT_FILE path if YEEDU_CLI_VERIFY_SSL is set to true.

Alternative of .env file

  • Windows CMD

SET YEEDU_RESTAPI_URL="http://localhost:8080"
SET YEEDU_CLI_LOG_DIR=/.yeedu/cli/logs/
SET YEEDU_RESTAPI_TOKEN_FILE_PATH=/home/user/yeedu_cli.config

# Provide the YEEDU_SSL_CERT_FILE path if YEEDU_CLI_VERIFY_SSL is set to true.
SET YEEDU_SSL_CERT_FILE="/home/user/crt"
  • Linux

export YEEDU_RESTAPI_URL="http://localhost:8080"
export YEEDU_CLI_LOG_DIR="/.yeedu/cli/logs/"
export YEEDU_RESTAPI_TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFiY2RlZiIsImlkIjoiMSIsImlhdCI6MTY2NzgwOTYwMX0.HwhdTHBttnR0NFtmUDjcxTLMSLfyNuBs7t7GO9zOf08
export YEEDU_RESTAPI_TOKEN_FILE_PATH="/home/user/yeedu_cli.config"

# Provide the YEEDU_SSL_CERT_FILE path if YEEDU_CLI_VERIFY_SSL is set to true.
export YEEDU_SSL_CERT_FILE="/home/user/crt"

Authentication Setup

  • The following describes the ways of storing credentials, which will be used to generate the token [Environment Variables being given priority].

Storing the credentials as Environment Variables


Storing the credentials inside a yeedu_credentials.config file

  • The yeedu_credentials.config file needs to be created inside the directory home/user/.yeedu/ which consists of JSON as shown below:


Storing the Yeedu Session Token inside a file

  • If the user is already having the Yeedu Session Token. The user can save the token at any location and provide the file path in environment variable YEEDU_RESTAPI_TOKEN_FILE_PATH

    • For example YEEDU_RESTAPI_TOKEN_FILE_PATH="/home/user/Documents/YeeduToken/{FileName}"

  • The format to store the token is as shown below:

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE2ODg3MjA0MjIsImV4cCI6MTY4ODg5MzIyMn0.EfxuXKPBISQB4ep-sPQbo6R7tg2irlnAC_krqnuXJ5Q"

Command Name


` configure <#configure>`__

Used to generate the token.

list-t enants

To list all the available tenants for the session user.

associate-tena nt

To associate the tenant with the current user’s session Token.


yeedu configure -h
Yeedu CLI

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --timeout [TIMEOUT]   Provide token expiration timeout in hour Example: --timeout=24,
                        --timeout=infinity (infinity for no expiration time) to generate
                        Yeedu Token. (default: 48)
  --no-browser [{true,false}]
                        If 'no-browser=true' is provided, the browser will not open
                        automatically for the SSO login URL. (default: false)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • User can provide the file path to store the configured token using the environment variable YEEDU_RESTAPI_TOKEN_FILE_PATH.

    • For example YEEDU_RESTAPI_TOKEN_FILE_PATH="/home/user/Documents/YeeduToken/{FileName}"

  • configure example with the optional argument passed.

yeedu configure --timeout=72
  • Console output

  "message": "The token has been configured for the username: USER and stored at location: /home/user/.yeedu/yeedu_cli.config"

The generated token will be used internally for accessing the yeedu features based on the acess level provided to the given username

  • To list the tenants a user has access to, execute the yeedu iam list-tenants command.


yeedu iam list-tenants -h
usage:  list-tenants [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list the available tenants for a specific page_number.
                        (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of available tenants. (default:
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-tenants example without optional arguments passed.

yeedu iam list-tenants
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
      "name": "tenant1",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant 1"
      "tenant_id": "066a702d-6b9d-4176-afc5-51c24a651739",
      "name": "tenant2",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant 2"
      "tenant_id": "cf1f945f-01ce-4ac6-a070-8c733f2fa791",
      "name": "tenant3",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant 3"
      "tenant_id": "6b682ef1-ede4-4d96-bab6-cd008aadd534",
      "name": "tenant4",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant 4"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 4,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100
  • Execute yeedu iam associate-tenant --tenant_id={tenant_id} to associate a tenant id from the yeedu iam list-tenants response to the session token.


yeedu iam associate-tenant -h
usage:  associate-tenant [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide tenant_id to associate it with session token
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • associate-tenant example with required argument ‘–tenant_id’ passed.

yeedu iam associate-tenant --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38"
  • Console output

  "message": "Successfully associated Tenant"



Command Name


list-p roviders

To get information about all Cloud Providers.

ge t-provider

To get information about a specific Cloud Provider.

list-provider -availability-zones

To get information about Availability Zones for a specific Cloud Provider.

get-provi der-availability-zone

To get information about a specific Availability Zone for a specific Cloud Provider.

lis t-provider-machine-types

To get information about Machine Types for a specific Cloud Provider.


To get information about a specific Machine Type for a specific Cloud Provider.


To get information about all disk machine types.

list-credential-type s

To get information about all credential types.

list-engine-cluster -instance-status

To get information about all available engine cluster instance status.


To get information about all spark compute types.


To get information about spark infra version.

list-spark-job-statu s

To get information about spark job status.

list-work flow-execution-states

To get information about workflow execution state.

list-workflow-ty pes

To get information about workflow type.


yeedu resource list-providers -h
usage:  list-providers [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-providers example without any optional argument passed for output format.

yeedu resource list-providers
  • Console output

    "cloud_provider_id": "0",
    "name": "GCP",
    "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.179Z",
    "to_date": null
    "cloud_provider_id": "1",
    "name": "AWS",
    "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Amazon Web Services",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.179Z",
    "to_date": null
    "cloud_provider_id": "2",
    "name": "Azure",
    "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Azure Cloud Platform",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.179Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource get-provider -h
usage:  get-provider [-h] --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                        Provide specific cloud provider id to get-provider.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-provider example with required ‘–cloud_provider_id’ argument passed.

yeedu resource get-provider --cloud_provider_id=0
  • Console output

  "cloud_provider_id": "0",
  "name": "GCP",
  "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform",
  "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.179Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-provider-availability-zones -h
usage:  list-provider-availability-zones [-h] --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                        Provide specific Cloud Provider id to list-provider-
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-provider-availability-zones example with required ‘–cloud_provider_id’ argument passed.

yeedu resource list-provider-availability-zones --cloud_provider_id=0
  • Console output

    "availability_zone_id": "0",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "GCP",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
    "name": "asia-east1-a",
    "region": "asia-east1",
    "description": "Changhua County, Taiwan, APAC",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.246Z",
    "to_date": null
    "availability_zone_id": "102",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "GCP",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
    "name": "us-south1-c",
    "region": "us-south1",
    "description": "Dallas, Texas, North America",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.246Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource get-provider-availability-zone -h
usage:  get-provider-availability-zone [-h] --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                                       --availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID
                                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                        Provide specific cloud provider id to get-provider-
  --availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID
                        Provide specific Availability Zone id to get-provider-
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-provider-availability-zone example with required arguments passed.

yeedu resource get-provider-availability-zone --cloud_provider_id=1 --availability_zone_id=116
  • Console output

  "availability_zone_id": "116",
  "cloud_provider": {
    "name": "AWS",
    "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Amazon Web Services"
  "name": "Canada",
  "region": "ca-central-1",
  "description": "central",
  "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.246Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-provider-machine-types -h
usage:  list-provider-machine-types [-h] --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                        Provide specific cloud provider id to list-provider-machine-
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-provider-machine-types example with required ‘–cloud_provider_id’ argument passed.

yeedu resource list-provider-machine-types --cloud_provider_id=0
  • Console output

    "machine_type_id": "0",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "GCP",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
    "name": "a2-highgpu-1g",
    "vcpus": 12,
    "memory": "85 GiB",
    "has_cuda": false,
    "gpu_model": null,
    "gpus": null,
    "gpu_memory": null,
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.193Z",
    "to_date": null
    "machine_type_id": "723",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "GCP",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
    "name": "n1-standard-4-4g",
    "vcpus": 4,
    "memory": "15 GiB",
    "has_cuda": true,
    "gpu_model": "nvidia-tesla-t4",
    "gpus": 4,
    "gpu_memory": "64 GB GDDR6",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.193Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource get-provider-machine-type -h
usage:  get-provider-machine-type [-h] --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                                  --machine_type_id MACHINE_TYPE_ID
                                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                        Provide specific cloud provider id to get-provider-machine-type.
  --machine_type_id MACHINE_TYPE_ID
                        Provide specific machine type id to get-provider-machine-type.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-provider-machine-type example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource get-provider-machine-type --cloud_provider_id=0 --machine_type_id=108
  • Console output

  "machine_type_id": "108",
  "cloud_provider": {
    "name": "GCP",
    "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
  "name": "n2d-highmem-64",
  "vcpus": 64,
  "memory": "512 GiB",
  "has_cuda": false,
  "gpu_model": null,
  "gpus": null,
  "gpu_memory": null,
  "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.193Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-disk-machine-types -h
usage:  list-disk-machine-types [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-disk-machine-types example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-disk-machine-types
  • Console output

    "disk_type_id": "0",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "GCP",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
    "name": "pd-ssd",
    "has_fixed_size": false,
    "min_size": 10,
    "max_size": 64000,
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.242Z",
    "to_date": null
    "disk_type_id": "15",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "Azure",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Azure Cloud Platform"
    "name": "UltraSSD_LRS",
    "has_fixed_size": false,
    "min_size": 4,
    "max_size": 65536,
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.242Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-credential-types -h
usage:  list-credential-types [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                              [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-credential-types example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-credential-types
  • Console output

    "credential_type_id": "0",
    "name": "GCP",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "GCP",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.188Z",
    "to_date": null
    "credential_type_id": "1",
    "name": "AWS",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "AWS",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Amazon Web Services"
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.188Z",
    "to_date": null
    "credential_type_id": "2",
    "name": "Azure",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "Azure",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Azure Cloud Platform"
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.188Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-engine-cluster-instance-status -h
usage:  list-engine-cluster-instance-status [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-engine-cluster-instance-status example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-engine-cluster-instance-status
  • Console output

    "engine_cluster_instance_status_id": "0",
    "name": "INITIATING",
    "description": "Cluster will be eventually created",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.186Z",
    "to_date": null
    "engine_cluster_instance_status_id": "8",
    "name": "RESIZING_DOWN",
    "description": "The cluster instance will scale down",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.186Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-spark-compute-types -h
usage:  list-spark-compute-types [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-spark-compute-types example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-spark-compute-types
  • Console output

    "spark_compute_type_id": "0",
    "name": "YEEDU",
    "description": null,
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.265Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-spark-infra-versions -h
usage:  list-spark-infra-versions [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-spark-infra-versions example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-spark-infra-versions
  • Console output

    "spark_infra_version_id": "0",
    "spark_version": "2.4.8",
    "hive_version": "3.2.3",
    "hadoop_version": "2.10.1",
    "scala_version": "2.11.10",
    "python_version": "3.9.5",
    "notebook_support": false,
    "from_date": "2023-10-18T12:28:01.395Z",
    "to_date": null
    "spark_infra_version_id": "1",
    "spark_version": "3.2.2",
    "hive_version": "3.2.3",
    "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
    "scala_version": "2.12.15",
    "python_version": "3.9.5",
    "notebook_support": true,
    "from_date": "2023-10-18T12:28:01.395Z",
    "to_date": null
    "spark_infra_version_id": "2",
    "spark_version": "v3.2.2-rc5",
    "hive_version": "3.2.3",
    "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
    "scala_version": "2.12.15",
    "python_version": "3.9.5",
    "notebook_support": true,
    "from_date": "2023-10-18T12:28:01.395Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-spark-job-status -h
usage:  list-spark-job-status [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                              [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-spark-job-status example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-spark-job-status
  • Console output

    "spark_job_status_id": "0",
    "name": "SUBMITTED",
    "description": "Job was submitted, waiting for Application ID",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.266Z",
    "to_date": null
    "spark_job_status_id": "8",
    "name": "STOPPED",
    "description": "The process was successfully stopped",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.266Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-workflow-execution-states -h
usage:  list-workflow-execution-states [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-workflow-execution-states example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-workflow-execution-states
  • Console output

    "workflow_execution_state_id": -1,
    "name": "NONE",
    "description": "NONE",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.255Z",
    "to_date": null
    "workflow_execution_state_id": 99,
    "name": "DONE",
    "description": "NONE",
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.255Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-workflow-types -h
usage:  list-workflow-types [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-workflow-types example without optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-workflow-types
  • Console output

    "workflow_type_id": "0",
    "name": "spark_start",
    "queue_name": "yeedu.workflows.usi.start",
    "description": null,
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.257Z",
    "to_date": null
    "workflow_type_id": "8",
    "name": "cosi_resize_down",
    "queue_name": "yeedu.workflows.cosi",
    "description": null,
    "from_date": "2023-09-27T06:11:53.257Z",
    "to_date": null

Volume Configuration

Command Name


create-volume-co nf

To create the Volume Configuration.

list-volume-co nfs

To list all the available Volume Configurations.

search-volume-conf s

To search all the available Volume Configurations.

get-volume -conf

To get information about a specific Volume Configuration.

edit-volume- conf

To edit a specific Volume Configuration.


yeedu resource create-volume-conf -h
usage:  create-volume-conf [-h] --name [NAME] [--description [DESCRIPTION]] --encrypted {true,false} [--size [SIZE]] --disk_type_id DISK_TYPE_ID
                           --machine_volume_num MACHINE_VOLUME_NUM --machine_volume_strip_num MACHINE_VOLUME_STRIP_NUM
                           [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name [NAME]         Provide name to create-volume-conf.
  --description [DESCRIPTION]
                        Provide description to create-volume-conf.
  --encrypted {true,false}
                        Provide encrypted to create-volume-conf.
  --size [SIZE]         Provide size to create-volume-conf.
  --disk_type_id DISK_TYPE_ID
                        Provide disk_type to create-volume-conf.
  --machine_volume_num MACHINE_VOLUME_NUM
                        Provide machine_volume_num to create-volume-conf.
  --machine_volume_strip_num MACHINE_VOLUME_STRIP_NUM
                        Provide machine_volume_strip_num to create-volume-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-volume-conf example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-volume-conf --name="yeedu_volume" --encrypted=false --disk_type_id=1  --machine_volume_num=1 --machine_volume_strip_num=1
  • Console output

  "volume_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_volume",
  "description": null,
  "encrypted": false,
  "size": "375",
  "disk_type_id": "4",
  "disk_type_name": "local-ssd",
  "machine_volume_num": 1,
  "machine_volume_strip_num": 1,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-28T14:52:41.175Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-28T14:52:41.175Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-volume-confs -h
usage:  list-volume-confs [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Volume Configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Volume Configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-volume-confs example with optional arguments passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-volume-confs --cloud_provider="GCP"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "volume_conf_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu_volume",
      "description": null,
      "encrypted": false,
      "size": 375,
      "disk_type": {
        "disk_type_id": 4,
        "name": "local-ssd",
        "has_fixed_size": true,
        "min_size": 375,
        "max_size": 375,
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
      "machine_volume_num": 1,
      "machine_volume_strip_num": 1,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:27:59.407362+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:27:59.407362+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-volume-confs -h
usage:  search-volume-confs [-h] --volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME
                        Provide volume_conf_name to search all the available Volume Configurations.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Volume Configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Volume Configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-volume-confs example with required argument ‘–volume_conf_name’ passed.

yeedu resource search-volume-confs --volume_conf_name="yeedu_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "volume_conf_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu_volume",
      "description": null,
      "encrypted": false,
      "size": 375,
      "disk_type": {
        "disk_type_id": 4,
        "name": "local-ssd",
        "has_fixed_size": true,
        "min_size": 375,
        "max_size": 375,
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
      "machine_volume_num": 1,
      "machine_volume_strip_num": 1,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:27:59.407362+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:27:59.407362+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource get-volume-conf -h
usage:  get-volume-conf [-h] [--volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID] [--volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                        [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID
                        Provide volume_conf_id to get information about a specific Volume Configuration.
  --volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME
                        Provide volume_conf_name to get information about a specific Volume Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)```

- get-volume-conf example with any one of the required argument '--volume_conf_id' passed.

yeedu resource get-volume-conf --volume_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "volume_conf_id": 1,
  "name": "yeedu_volume",
  "description": null,
  "encrypted": false,
  "size": 375,
  "disk_type": {
    "disk_type_id": 4,
    "name": "local-ssd",
    "has_fixed_size": true,
    "min_size": 375,
    "max_size": 375,
    "cloud_provider": {
      "cloud_provider_id": 0,
      "name": "GCP"
  "machine_volume_num": 1,
  "machine_volume_strip_num": 1,
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:27:59.407362+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:27:59.407362+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource edit-volume-conf -h
usage:  edit-volume-conf [-h] [--volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID] [--volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME] [--name [NAME]]
                         [--description [DESCRIPTION]] [--encrypted [{true,false}]] [--machine_volume_num MACHINE_VOLUME_NUM]
                         [--machine_volume_strip_num MACHINE_VOLUME_STRIP_NUM] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID
                        Provide specific volume_conf_id to edit-volume-conf.
  --volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME
                        Provide specific volume_conf_name to edit-volume-conf.
  --name [NAME]         Provide name to edit-volume-conf.
  --description [DESCRIPTION]
                        Provide description to edit-volume-conf.
  --encrypted [{true,false}]
                        Provide encrypted to edit-volume-conf.
  --machine_volume_num MACHINE_VOLUME_NUM
                        Provide machine_volume_num to edit-volume-conf.
  --machine_volume_strip_num MACHINE_VOLUME_STRIP_NUM
                        Provide machine_volume_strip_num to edit-volume-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-volume-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–volume_conf_name’ and other optional arguments are passed which is to be updated.

yeedu resource edit-volume-conf --volume_conf_name="yeedu_volume" --encrypted=true
  • Console output

  "volume_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_volume",
  "description": null,
  "encrypted": true,
  "size": "375",
  "disk_type_id": "4",
  "disk_type_name": "local-ssd",
  "machine_volume_num": 1,
  "machine_volume_strip_num": 1,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:36:06.435Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:27:59.407Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource delete-volume-conf -h
usage:  delete-volume-conf [-h] [--volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID] [--volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                           [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID
                        Provide volume_conf_id to delete a specific Volume Configuration.
  --volume_conf_name VOLUME_CONF_NAME
                        Provide volume_conf_name to delete a specific Volume Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-volume-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–volume_conf_name’ which is to be deleted.

yeedu resource delete-volume-conf --volume_conf_name="yeedu_volume"
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted volume config name: 'yeedu_volume'."

Network Configuration

Command Name


cre ate-network-conf

To create the Network Configuration.

l ist-network-confs

To get information about Network Configurations for a specific specific network.

searc h-network-confs

To get information about Network Configurations for a specific specific network.


To get information about a specific Network Configuration for a specific network


To edit a specific Network Configuration for a specific network.

del ete-network-conf

To delete a specific Network Configuration for a specific network.


yeedu resource create-network-conf -h
usage:  create-network-conf [-h] --name NAME
                            [--description DESCRIPTION]
                            --network_project_id NETWORK_PROJECT_ID
                            --network_name NETWORK_NAME --subnet
                            SUBNET --availability_zone_id
                            [--network_tags ['value1,value2']]
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create-network-conf.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create-network-conf.
  --network_project_id NETWORK_PROJECT_ID
                        Provide network_project_id to create-network-
  --network_name NETWORK_NAME
                        Provide network_name to create-network-conf.
  --subnet SUBNET       Provide subnet to create-network-conf.
  --availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID
                        Provide availability_zone_id to create-
  --network_tags ['value1,value2']
                        Provide network_tags to create-network-conf.
                        (default: [])
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.
                        (default: false)
  • create-network-conf example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-network-conf --name="yeedu_network" --network_project_id="yeedu" --network_name='yeedu-spark-vpc' --subnet='custom-subnet-yeedu' --availability_zone_id=75 --network_tags="yeedu,iap-allow"
  • Console output

  "network_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_network",
  "description": null,
  "network_project_id": "yeedu",
  "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
  "network_tags": [
  "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
  "availability_zone_id": "75",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-network-confs -h
usage:  list-network-confs [-h] [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                           [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide specific cloud_provider_id to get information about related Network Configurations.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Network Configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Network Configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-network-confs example with optional argument --cloud_provider passed.

yeedu resource list-network-confs --cloud_provider="GCP"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "network_conf_id": 1,
      "network_conf_name": "yeedu_network",
      "description": null,
      "network_project_id": "yeedu",
      "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
      "network_tags": [
      "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
      "availability_zone": {
        "availability_zone_id": 75,
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP",
          "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
        "name": "us-central1-a",
        "region": "us-central1",
        "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687724+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687724+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-network-confs -h
usage:  search-network-confs [-h] --network_conf_name
                             [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                             [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                             [--limit LIMIT]
                             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network_conf_name NETWORK_CONF_NAME
                        Provide network_conf_name to get information
                        about a specific Network Configuration.
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide specific cloud_provider_id to get
                        information about related Network
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Network Configurations for a
                        specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Network
                        Configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.
                        (default: false)
  • search-network-confs example with required argument --network_conf_name passed.

yeedu resource search-network-confs --network_conf_name="yeedu_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "network_conf_id": 1,
      "network_conf_name": "yeedu_network",
      "description": null,
      "network_project_id": "yeedu",
      "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
      "network_tags": [
      "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
      "availability_zone": {
        "availability_zone_id": 75,
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP",
          "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
        "name": "us-central1-a",
        "region": "us-central1",
        "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687724+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687724+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource get-network-conf -h
usage:  get-network-conf [-h] [--network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID]
                         [--network_conf_name NETWORK_CONF_NAME]
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID
                        Provide network_conf_id to get information
                        about a specific network Configuration.
  --network_conf_name NETWORK_CONF_NAME
                        Provide network_conf_name to get information
                        about a specific network Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.
                        (default: false)
  • get-network-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–network_conf_name’ passed.

yeedu resource get-network-conf --network_conf_name="yeedu_network"
  • Console output

    "network_conf_id": 1,
    "network_conf_name": "yeedu_network",
    "description": null,
    "network_project_id": "yeedu",
    "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
    "network_tags": [
    "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
    "availability_zone": {
      "availability_zone_id": 75,
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP",
        "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "name": "us-central1-a",
      "region": "us-central1",
      "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
    "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
    "created_by": {
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000"
    "modified_by": {
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000"
    "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687724+00:00",
    "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687724+00:00",
    "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource edit-network-conf -h
usage:  edit-network-conf [-h] [--network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID]
                          [--network_conf_name NETWORK_CONF_NAME]
                          [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                          [--network_name [NETWORK_NAME]]
                          [--network_project_id [NETWORK_PROJECT_ID]]
                          [--availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID]
                          [--subnet [SUBNET]]
                          [--network_tags ['value1,value2']]
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID
                        Provide a specific Network Configuration
                        network_conf_id to edit-network-conf.
  --network_conf_name NETWORK_CONF_NAME
                        Provide a specific Network Configuration
                        network_conf_name to edit-network-conf.
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit-network-conf.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to edit-network-conf.
  --network_name [NETWORK_NAME]
                        Provide network_name to edit-network-conf.
  --network_project_id [NETWORK_PROJECT_ID]
                        Provide network_project_id to edit-network-
  --availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID
                        Provide availability_zone_id to edit-network-
  --subnet [SUBNET]     Provide subnet to edit-network-conf.
  --network_tags ['value1,value2']
                        Provide network_tags to edit-network-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.
                        (default: false)
  • edit-network-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–network_conf_id’ and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu resource edit-network-conf --network_conf_id=1 --network_name="yeedu-spark-vpc"
  • Console output

  "network_conf_id": "1",
  "network_conf_name": "yeedu_network",
  "description": null,
  "network_project_id": "yeedu",
  "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
  "network_tags": [
  "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
  "availability_zone_id": "75",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T09:58:13.769Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-05T09:43:06.687Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource delete-network-conf -h
usage:  delete-network-conf [-h] [--network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID]
                            [--network_conf_name NETWORK_CONF_NAME]
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID
                        Provide network_conf_id to delete a specific
                        network Configuration.
  --network_conf_name NETWORK_CONF_NAME
                        Provide network_conf_name to delete a specific
                        network Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.
                        (default: false)
  • delete-network-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–network_conf_id’ which is to be deleted.

yeedu resource delete-network-conf --network_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Machine Network Configuration Id: 1."

Boot Disk Image Config

Command Name


c reate-boot-disk-image-conf

To create a Boot Disk Image Configuration.


To get the information about a specific Boot Disk Image Configuration.


To list all the available Boot Disk Image Configurations.

sea rch-boot-disk-image-confs

To search all the available Boot Disk Image Configurations.


To edit the information about a specific Boot Disk Image Configuration.

d elete-boot-disk-image-conf

To delete the information about a specific Boot Disk Image Configuration.


yeedu resource create-boot-disk-image-conf -h
usage:  create-boot-disk-image-conf [-h] --name NAME
                                    [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                    --linux_distro_id LINUX_DISTRO_ID
                                    --boot_disk_image BOOT_DISK_IMAGE
                                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create-boot-disk-image-conf.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create-boot-disk-image-
  --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                        Provide cloud_provider_id to create-boot-disk-
  --linux_distro_id LINUX_DISTRO_ID
                        Provide linux_distro_id to create-boot-disk-
  --boot_disk_image BOOT_DISK_IMAGE
                        Provide boot_disk_image to create-boot-disk-
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.
                        (default: false)
  • create-boot-disk-image-conf example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-boot-disk-image-conf --name="yeedu_boot_disk_image" --cloud_provider_id=0 --boot_disk_image="ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts" --linux_distro_id=1
  • Console output

  "boot_disk_image_id": "2",
  "boot_disk_image_name": "yeedu_boot_disk_image",
  "description": null,
  "cloud_provider_id": 0,
  "linux_distro_id": 1,
  "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource get-boot-disk-image-conf -h
usage:  get-boot-disk-image-conf [-h]
                                 [--boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID]
                                 [--boot_disk_image_name BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME]
                                 [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID
                        Provide Boot Disk Image Id to get information about a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --boot_disk_image_name BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME
                        Provide Boot Disk Image Name to get information about a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.(default: false)
  • get-boot-disk-image-conf example with any one of the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource get-boot-disk-image-conf --boot_disk_image_id=1
  • Console output

  "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
  "boot_disk_image_name": "yeedu_boot_disk_image",
  "description": null,
  "cloud_provider": {
    "cloud_provider_id": 0,
    "name": "GCP",
    "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
  "linux_distro": {
    "linux_distro_id": 1,
    "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
    "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
  "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590432+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590432+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource list-boot-disk-image-confs -h
usage:  list-boot-disk-image-confs [-h]
                                   [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                                   [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                                   [--limit LIMIT]
                                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide cloud_provider to list all the related boot disk image configs for a specific Cloud Provider.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list boot disk image configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of boot disk image configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format.(default: false)
  • list-boot-disk-image-confs example with an optional argument passed.

yeedu resource list-boot-disk-image-confs --cloud_provider="GCP"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
      "boot_disk_image_name": "yeedu_boot_disk_image",
      "description": null,
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP",
        "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "linux_distro": {
        "linux_distro_id": 0,
        "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
        "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
      "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590432+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590432+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-boot-disk-image-confs -h
usage:  search-boot-disk-image-confs [-h] --boot_disk_image_name
                                     [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                                     [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                                     [--limit LIMIT]
                                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --boot_disk_image_name BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME
                        Provide Boot Disk Image Name to search information about all the related boot disk image configs.
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide cloud_provider to search all the related boot disk image configs for a specific Cloud Provider.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list boot disk image configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of boot disk image configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-boot-disk-image-confs example with the required argument ‘–boot_disk_image_name’ passed.

yeedu resource search-boot-disk-image-confs --boot_disk_image_name="yeedu_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
      "boot_disk_image_name": "yeedu_boot_disk_image",
      "description": null,
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP",
        "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "linux_distro": {
        "linux_distro_id": 0,
        "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
        "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
      "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590432+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590432+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource edit-boot-disk-image-conf -h
usage:  edit-boot-disk-image-conf [-h] [--boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID] [--boot_disk_image_name BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME] [--name NAME]
                                  [--description DESCRIPTION] [--linux_distro_id LINUX_DISTRO_ID] [--boot_disk_image BOOT_DISK_IMAGE]
                                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID
                        Provide boot_disk_image_id to edit a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --boot_disk_image_name BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME
                        Provide boot_disk_image_name to edit a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to edit a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --linux_distro_id LINUX_DISTRO_ID
                        Provide linux_distro_id to edit a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --boot_disk_image BOOT_DISK_IMAGE
                        Provide boot_disk_image to edit a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to edit output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-boot-disk-image-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–boot_disk_image_id’ and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu resource edit-boot-disk-image-conf --boot_disk_image_id=1 --description="dev boot disk"
  • Console output

  "boot_disk_image_id": "1",
  "boot_disk_image_name": "yeedu_boot_disk_image",
  "description": "dev boot disk",
  "cloud_provider_id": 0,
  "linux_distro_id": 0,
  "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-05T10:22:54.395Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-05T10:09:27.590Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource delete-boot-disk-image-conf -h
usage:  delete-boot-disk-image-conf [-h] [--boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID] [--boot_disk_image_name BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME]
                                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID
                        Provide boot_disk_image_id to delete a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --boot_disk_image_name BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_NAME
                        Provide boot_disk_image_name to delete a specific boot disk image configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to delete output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-boot-disk-image-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–boot_disk_image_id’ is passed which is to be deleted.

yeedu resource delete-boot-disk-image-conf --boot_disk_image_id=1
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted boot disk image configuration id: 1."

Credentials Configuration

Command Name



To create a Credential Configuration.


To list all the available Credential Configurations.


To search all the Credential Configurations based on name.

get-credential-co nf

To get the information about a specific Credential Configuration.

edit-credential-con f

To edit a specific Credential Configuration.


To delete a specific Credential Configuration.


yeedu resource create-credential-conf -h
usage:  create-credential-conf [-h] --name NAME --credential_type_id CREDENTIAL_TYPE_ID
                               --base64_encoded_credentials BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS
                               [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                               [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create-credential-conf.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create-credential-conf.
  --credential_type_id CREDENTIAL_TYPE_ID
                        Provide credential_type_id to create-credential-conf.
  --base64_encoded_credentials BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS
                        Provide base64_encoded_credentials to create-credential-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-credential-conf example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-credential-conf  --name='yeedu-svc' --credential_type_id=0 --base64_encoded_credentials='ew0KICAieWVlZHVfY3JlZGVudGlhbHMiOiAiRHVtbXkgQ3JlZGVudGlhbHMgQ29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiINCn0'
  • Console output

  "credentials_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu-svc",
  "description": null,
  "credential_type_id": "0",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-credential-confs -h
usage:  list-credential-confs [-h] [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                              [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                              [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                              [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Cloud Provider that will be used for filtering Credential
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Credential Configurations for a specific page_number.
                        (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Credential Configurations.
                        (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-credential-confs example with optional arguments passed.

yeedu resource list-credential-confs --cloud_provider="GCP"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "credentials_conf_id": 1,
      "credentials_conf_name": "yeedu-svc",
      "description": null,
      "credential_type": {
        "name": "GCP",
        "cloud_provider": {
          "name": "GCP",
          "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325838+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325838+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-credential-confs -h
usage:  search-credential-confs [-h] --credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME
                                [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                                [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                                [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME
                        Provide credentials_conf_name to search credential
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Cloud Provider that will be used for filtering Credential
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Credential Configurations for a specific page_number.
                        (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Credential Configurations.
                        (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-credential-confs example with required argument ‘–credentials_conf_name’ passed.

yeedu resource search-credential-confs --credentials_conf_name="yeedu"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "credentials_conf_id": 1,
      "credentials_conf_name": "yeedu-svc",
      "description": null,
      "credential_type": {
        "name": "GCP",
        "cloud_provider": {
          "name": "GCP",
          "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325838+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325838+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource get-credential-conf -h
usage:  get-credential-conf [-h] [--credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID]
                            [--credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME]
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID
                        Provide credentials_conf_id to get information about a specific
                        credential configuration.
  --credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME
                        Provide credentials_conf_name to get information about a
                        specific credential configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-credential-conf example with any one of the required ‘–credentials_conf_name’ arguments passed.

yeedu resource get-credential-conf --credentials_conf_name=""
  • Console output

  "credentials_conf_id": 1,
  "credentials_conf_name": "yeedu-svc",
  "description": null,
  "credential_type": {
    "name": "GCP",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "name": "GCP",
      "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325838+00:00",
  "from_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325838+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource edit-credential-conf -h
usage:  edit-credential-conf [-h] [--credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID]
                             [--credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME]
                             [--name NAME]
                             [--base64_encoded_credentials BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS]
                             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID
                        Provide credentials_conf_id to edit a specific Credential Configuration.
  --credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME
                        Provide credentials_conf_name to edit a specific Credential Configuration.
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit-credential-conf.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to edit-credential-conf.
  --base64_encoded_credentials BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS
                        Provide base64_encoded_credentials to edit-credential-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-credential-conf example with any one of the required ‘–credentials_conf_id’ argument and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu resource edit-credential-conf --credentials_conf_id=1 --name='yeedu-svc'
  • Console output

  "credentials_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu-svc",
  "credential_type_id": "0",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-28T17:33:36.788Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-28T17:28:11.325Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource delete-credential-conf -h
usage:  delete-credential-conf [-h] [--credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID]
                               [--credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME]
                               [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                               [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID
                        Provide credentials_conf_id to delete a specific Credential
  --credentials_conf_name CREDENTIALS_CONF_NAME
                        Provide credentials_conf_name to delete a specific Credential
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-credential-conf example with any one of the required ‘–credentials_conf_name’ argument passed.

yeedu resource delete-credential-conf --credentials_conf_name="yeedu-svc"
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Credentials Configuration Name: 'yeedu-svc'."

Cloud Env

Command Name


create -cloud-env

To create a Object Storage Manager.

list -cloud-envs

To list all the available Object Storage Manager Configurations.

search-c loud-envs

To search Object Storage Manager Configurations.


To get information about a specific Object Storage Manager.

ed it-cloud-env

To edit a specific Object Storage Manager Configuration.

delete -cloud-env

To delete a specific Object Storage Manager.


yeedu resource create-cloud-env -h
usage:  create-cloud-env [-h] --name NAME [--description DESCRIPTION]
                         --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                         --availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID
                         --network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID
                         --cloud_project CLOUD_PROJECT
                         --credential_config_id CREDENTIAL_CONFIG_ID
                         --boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create a cloud environment.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create a cloud environment.
  --cloud_provider_id CLOUD_PROVIDER_ID
                        Provide cloud_provider_id to create a cloud environment.
  --availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID
                        Provide availability_zone_id to create a cloud environment.
  --network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID
                        Provide network_conf_id to create a cloud environment.
  --cloud_project CLOUD_PROJECT
                        Provide cloud_project to create a cloud environment.
  --credential_config_id CREDENTIAL_CONFIG_ID
                        Provide credential_config_id to create a cloud environment.
  --boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID
                        Provide boot_disk_image_id to create a cloud environment.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-cloud-env example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-cloud-env --name="gcp_cloud_env" --cloud_provider_id=0 --availability_zone_id=75 --network_conf_id=1 --cloud_project="yeedu" --credential_config_id=1 --boot_disk_image_id=1
  • Console output

  "cloud_env_id": "1",
  "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
  "description": null,
  "cloud_provider_id": "0",
  "availability_zone_id": "75",
  "network_conf_id": "1",
  "cloud_project": "yeedu",
  "credential_config_id": "1",
  "boot_disk_image_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:07:25.748Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:07:25.748Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-cloud-envs -h
usage:  list-cloud-envs [-h] [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                        [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                        [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide cloud_provider to list all the related cloud environments of a specific cloud provider.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list cloud environments for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of cloud environments. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-cloud-envs example with an optional argument passed.

yeedu resource list-cloud-envs --cloud_provider="GCP"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "cloud_env_id": 1,
      "cloud_env_name": "gcp_cloud_env",
      "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP",
        "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "availability_zone": {
        "availability_zone_id": 75,
        "name": "us-central1-a",
        "region": "us-central1",
        "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "network_config": {
        "network_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
        "description": null,
        "network_project_id": "yeedu",
        "network_name": "yeedu-vpc",
        "network_tags": [
        "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
        "availability_zone": {
          "availability_zone_id": 75,
          "name": "us-central1-a",
          "region": "us-central1",
          "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "cloud_project": "yeedu",
      "credential_config": {
        "credential_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu-svc",
        "description": null,
        "credential_type": {
          "credential_type_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
      "boot_disk_image": {
        "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
        "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
        "description": "dev boot disk",
        "linux_distro": {
          "linux_distro_id": 0,
          "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
          "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
        "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:06:38.078294+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:06:38.078294+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-cloud-envs -h
usage:  search-cloud-envs [-h] --cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME
                          [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                          [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME
                        Provide cloud_env_name to search matching cloud environments.
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide cloud_provider to search all the related cloud environments of a specific cloud provider.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list cloud environments for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of cloud environments. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-cloud-envs example with required argument ‘–cloud_env_name’ passed.

yeedu resource search-cloud-envs --cloud_env_name="gcp_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "cloud_env_id": 1,
      "cloud_env_name": "gcp_cloud_env",
      "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP",
        "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "availability_zone": {
        "availability_zone_id": 75,
        "name": "us-central1-a",
        "region": "us-central1",
        "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "network_config": {
        "network_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
        "description": null,
        "network_project_id": "yeedu",
        "network_name": "yeedu-vpc",
        "network_tags": [
        "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
        "availability_zone": {
          "availability_zone_id": 75,
          "name": "us-central1-a",
          "region": "us-central1",
          "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "cloud_project": "yeedu",
      "credential_config": {
        "credential_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu-svc",
        "description": null,
        "credential_type": {
          "credential_type_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
      "boot_disk_image": {
        "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
        "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
        "description": "dev boot disk",
        "linux_distro": {
          "linux_distro_id": 0,
          "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
          "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
        "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:06:38.078294+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:06:38.078294+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource get-cloud-env -h
usage:  get-cloud-env [-h] [--cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID]
                      [--cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME]
                      [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID
                        Provide cloud_env_id to get detials about a specific cloud environment.
  --cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME
                        Provide cloud_env_name to get detials about a specific cloud environment.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-cloud-env example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu resource get-cloud-env --cloud_env_id=1
  • Console output

  "cloud_env_id": 1,
  "cloud_env_name": "gcp_cloud_env",
  "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
  "cloud_provider": {
    "cloud_provider_id": 0,
    "name": "GCP",
    "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
  "availability_zone": {
    "availability_zone_id": 75,
    "name": "us-central1-a",
    "region": "us-central1",
    "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
  "network_config": {
    "network_conf_id": 1,
    "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
    "description": null,
    "network_project_id": "yeedu",
    "network_name": "yeedu-vpc",
    "network_tags": [
    "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
    "availability_zone": {
      "availability_zone_id": 75,
      "name": "us-central1-a",
      "region": "us-central1",
      "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
  "cloud_project": "yeedu",
  "credential_config": {
    "credential_conf_id": 1,
    "name": "yeedu-svc",
    "description": null,
    "credential_type": {
      "credential_type_id": 0,
      "name": "GCP"
  "boot_disk_image": {
    "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
    "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
    "description": "dev boot disk",
    "linux_distro": {
      "linux_distro_id": 0,
      "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
      "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
    "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:06:38.078294+00:00",
  "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:06:38.078294+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource edit-cloud-env -h
usage:  edit-cloud-env [-h] [--cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID]
                       [--cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME] [--name NAME]
                       [--description DESCRIPTION]
                       [--availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID]
                       [--network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID]
                       [--cloud_project CLOUD_PROJECT]
                       [--credential_config_id CREDENTIAL_CONFIG_ID]
                       [--boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID]
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID
                        Provide cloud_env_id to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME
                        Provide cloud_env_name to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --availability_zone_id AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID
                        Provide availability_zone_id to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --network_conf_id NETWORK_CONF_ID
                        Provide network_conf_id to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --cloud_project CLOUD_PROJECT
                        Provide cloud_project to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --credential_config_id CREDENTIAL_CONFIG_ID
                        Provide credential_config_id to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --boot_disk_image_id BOOT_DISK_IMAGE_ID
                        Provide boot_disk_image_id to edit a specific cloud environment.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to edit output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-cloud-env example with all the required arguments passed which needs to be updated.

yeedu resource edit-cloud-env --cloud_env_id=1 --name="gcp_cloud_env_dev"
  • Console output

  "cloud_env_id": "1",
  "name": "gcp_cloud_env_dev",
  "description": null,
  "cloud_provider_id": "0",
  "availability_zone_id": "75",
  "network_conf_id": "1",
  "cloud_project": "yeedu",
  "credential_config_id": "1",
  "boot_disk_image_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:07:25.748Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:07:25.748Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource delete-cloud-env -h
usage:  delete-cloud-env [-h] [--cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID]
                         [--cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME]
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID
                        Provide cloud_env_id to delete a specific cloud environment.
  --cloud_env_name CLOUD_ENV_NAME
                        Provide cloud_env_name to delete a specific cloud environment.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to delete output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-cloud-env example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu resource delete-cloud-env --cloud_env_id=1
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted cloud environment id: 1"

Object Storage Manager

Command Name



To create a Object Storage Manager.


To list all the available Object Storage Manager Configurations.

s earch-object-storage-managers

To search Object Storage Manager Configurations.


To get information about a specific Object Storage Manager.


To edit a specific Object Storage Manager Configuration.


To delete a specific Object Storage Manager.


yeedu resource create-object-storage-manager -h
usage:  create-object-storage-manager [-h] --name NAME
                                      [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                      [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create-object-storage-manager.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create-object-storage-manager.
  --credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID
                        Provide credentials_conf_id to create-object-storage-manager.
  --object_storage_bucket_name OBJECT_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME
                        Provide object_storage_bucket_name to create-object-storage-manager.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-object-storage-manager example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-object-storage-manager --name="yeedu_osm" --credentials_conf_id=1 --object_storage_bucket_name="yeedu-nabu"
  • Console output

  "object_storage_manager_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
  "description": null,
  "credentials_conf_id": "1",
  "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:32:24.643Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:32:24.643Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-object-storage-managers -h
usage:  list-object-storage-managers [-h] [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                                     [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Cloud Provider that will be used for filtering list.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Object Storage Managers for a specific page_number.
                        (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Object Storage Managers.
                        (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-object-storage-managers example with an optional argument passed.

yeedu resource list-object-storage-managers --cloud_provider="GCP"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
      "object_storage_manager_name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
      "description": null,
      "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu",
      "credentials_config": {
        "credentials_conf_id": 1,
        "description": null,
        "name": "yeedu-svc",
        "credential_type": {
          "credential_type_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "name": "GCP",
            "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-04T09:11:38.51+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:05:05.328617+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-object-storage-managers -h
usage:  search-object-storage-managers [-h]
                                       [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                                       [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                                       [--limit LIMIT]
                                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Name to search information about a specific Object Storage Manager.
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Cloud Provider that will be used for filtering list.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Object Storage Managers for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Object Storage Managers. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-object-storage-managers example with required argument ‘–object_storage_manager_name’ passed.

yeedu resource search-object-storage-managers --object_storage_manager_name="gcp_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
      "object_storage_manager_name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
      "description": null,
      "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu",
      "credentials_config": {
        "credentials_conf_id": 1,
        "description": null,
        "name": "yeedu-svc",
        "credential_type": {
          "credential_type_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "name": "GCP",
            "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-04T09:11:38.51+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:05:05.328617+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource get-object-storage-manager -h
usage:  get-object-storage-manager [-h]
                                   [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                   [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME]
                                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Id to get information about a specific Object Storage Manager.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Name to get information about a specific Object Storage Manager.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-object-storage-manager example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu resource get-object-storage-manager --object_storage_manager_id=1
  • Console output

  "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
  "object_storage_manager_name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
  "description": null,
  "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu",
  "credentials_config": {
    "credentials_conf_id": 1,
    "description": null,
    "name": "yeedu-svc",
    "credential_type": {
      "credential_type_id": 0,
      "name": "GCP",
      "cloud_provider": {
        "name": "GCP",
        "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-04T09:11:38.51+00:00",
  "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:05:05.328617+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource edit-object-storage-manager -h
usage:  edit-object-storage-manager [-h] [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                    [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME] [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                    [--credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID] [--object_storage_bucket_name OBJECT_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME]
                                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide object_storage_manager_id to edit information about a specific Object Storage Manager.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide object_storage_manager_name to edit information about a specific Object Storage Manager.
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit-object-storage-manager.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to edit-object-storage-manager.
  --credentials_conf_id CREDENTIALS_CONF_ID
                        Provide credentials_conf_id to edit-object-storage-manager.
  --object_storage_bucket_name OBJECT_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME
                        Provide object_storage_bucket_name to edit-object-storage-manager.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-object-storage-manager example with all the required arguments passed which needs to be updated.

yeedu resource edit-object-storage-manager --object_storage_manager_id=1 --name="yeedu_object_storage_manager"
  • Console output

  "object_storage_manager_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
  "description": null,
  "credentials_conf_id": "1",
  "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:32:24.643Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:32:24.643Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource delete-object-storage-manager -h
usage:  delete-object-storage-manager [-h] [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                      [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide object_storage_manager_id to delete a specific Object Storage Manager.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide object_storage_manager_name to delete a specific Object Storage Manager.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-object-storage-manager example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu resource delete-object-storage-manager --object_storage_manager_name="yeedu_object_storage_manager"
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Object Storage Manager Configuration Name: 'yeedu_object_storage_manager'."

Object Storage Manager Files

Command Name


creat e-object-storage-manager-file

To create a Object Storage Manager Files.

lis t-object-storage-manager-files

To list all the available Object Storage Manager Files.

search- object-storage-manager-files

To search all the available Object Storage Manager Files.


To get information about a specific Object Storage Manager File.

delet e-object-storage-manager-file

To delete a specific Object Storage Manager File.


yeedu resource create-object-storage-manager-file -h
usage:  create-object-storage-manager-file [-h] [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                           [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME] --local_file_path LOCAL_FILE_PATH
                                           [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--overwrite [{true,false}]]
                                           [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Id to create-object-storage-manager-file.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Name to to create-object-storage-manager-file.
  --local_file_path LOCAL_FILE_PATH
                        Provide local_file_path to create-object-storage-manager-file.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide Cluster Instance Id [OPTIONAL] to check permissions before create-object-storage-manager-file.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide Cluster Instance Name [OPTIONAL] to check permissions before create-object-storage-manager-file.
  --overwrite [{true,false}]
                        Provide overwrite to create-object-storage-manager-file. (default: false)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-object-storage-manager-file example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-object-storage-manager-file --object_storage_manager_id=1 --local_file_path='/home/user/Downloads/spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar'
  • Console output

  "object_storage_manager_file_id": "1",
  "object_storage_manager_id": "1",
  "file_name": "spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
  "full_file_path": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
  "file_size_bytes": "2017856",
  "file_type": "jar",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-object-storage-manager-files -h
usage:  list-object-storage-manager-files [-h] [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                          [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                                          [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Id to list all the available Object Storage Manager Files.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Name to list all the available Object Storage Manager Files.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Object Storage Manager Files for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Object Storage Manager Files. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-object-storage-manager-files example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu resource list-object-storage-manager-files --object_storage_manager_name="yeedu_object_storage_manager"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "object_storage_manager_file_id": 1,
      "object_storage_manager": {
        "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
        "object_storage_manager_name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
        "description": null,
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type": {
            "name": "GCP",
            "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
        "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
      "file_name": "spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar",
      "full_file_path": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar",
      "file_size_bytes": "1560870",
      "file_type": "jar",
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760362+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760362+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-object-storage-manager-files -h
usage:  search-object-storage-manager-files [-h] --file_name FILE_NAME
                                            [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                            [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME]
                                            [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                                            [--limit LIMIT]
                                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file_name FILE_NAME
                        Provide File Name to search all the available Object Storage Manager Files.
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Id to search all the available Object Storage Manager Files.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Name to search all the available Object Storage Manager Files.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Object Storage Manager Files for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Object Storage Manager Files. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-object-storage-manager-files example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu resource search-object-storage-manager-files --object_storage_manager_name="yeedu_object_storage_manager" --file_name="spark-examples_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "object_storage_manager_file_id": 1,
      "object_storage_manager": {
        "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
        "object_storage_manager_name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
        "description": null,
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type": {
            "name": "GCP",
            "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
        "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
      "file_name": "spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar",
      "full_file_path": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar",
      "file_size_bytes": "1560870",
      "file_type": "jar",
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760362+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760362+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource get-object-storage-manager-file -h
usage:  get-object-storage-manager-file [-h] [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                        [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME] [--file_id FILE_ID] [--file_name FILE_NAME]
                                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Id to get information about a specific Object Storage Manager Files.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Name to get information about a specific Object Storage Manager Files.
  --file_id FILE_ID     Provide File Id to get information about a specific Object Storage Manager Files.
  --file_name FILE_NAME
                        Provide File Name to get information about a specific Object Storage Manager Files.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-object-storage-manager-file example with any one of the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource get-object-storage-manager-file --object_storage_manager_id=1 --file_id=1
  • Console output

  "object_storage_manager_file_id": 1,
  "object_storage_manager": {
    "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
    "object_storage_manager_name": "yeedu_object_storage_manager",
    "description": null,
    "credentials_config": {
      "credential_config_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu-svc",
      "description": null,
      "credential_type": {
        "name": "GCP",
        "description": "Provider for creating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform"
    "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
  "file_name": "spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar",
  "full_file_path": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar",
  "file_size_bytes": "1560870",
  "file_type": "jar",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760362+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T09:58:48.760362+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource delete-object-storage-manager-file -h
usage:  delete-object-storage-manager-file [-h] [--object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                                           [--object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME] [--file_id FILE_ID]
                                           [--file_name FILE_NAME] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Id to delete a specific Object Storage Manager File.
  --object_storage_manager_name OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_NAME
                        Provide Object Storage Manager Name to delete a specific Object Storage Manager File.
  --file_id FILE_ID     Provide File Id to delete a specific Object Storage Manager Files.
  --file_name FILE_NAME
                        Provide File Name to delete a specific Object Storage Manager Files.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-object-storage-manager-file example with any one of the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource delete-object-storage-manager-file --object_storage_manager_id=1 --file_id=1
  • Console output

  "message": "The File: 'spark-examples_2.12-3.2.2.jar' has been deleted."

Hive Metastore Configuration

Command Name


c reate-hive-metastore-conf

To create a Hive Metastore Configuration.


To list all the available Hive Metastore Configurations.

sea rch-hive-metastore-confs

To list all the available Hive Metastore Configurations.


To get the information about a specific Hive Metastore Configuration.


To edit a specific Hive Metastore Configuration.

d elete-hive-metastore-conf

To delete a specific Hive Metastore Configuration.


yeedu resource create-hive-metastore-conf -h
usage:  create-hive-metastore-conf [-h] --name NAME
                                   [--hive_site_xml_file_path HIVE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH]
                                   [--core_site_xml_file_path CORE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH]
                                   [--hdfs_site_xml_file_path HDFS_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH]
                                   [--krb5_conf_file_path KRB5_CONF_FILE_PATH]
                                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create-hive-metastore-conf.
  --hive_site_xml_file_path HIVE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH
                        Provide hive_site_xml_file_path to create-hive-metastore-conf.
  --core_site_xml_file_path CORE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH
                        Provide core_site_xml_file_path to create-hive-metastore-conf.
  --hdfs_site_xml_file_path HDFS_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH
                        Provide hdfs_site_xml_file_path to create-hive-metastore-conf.
  --krb5_conf_file_path KRB5_CONF_FILE_PATH
                        Provide krb5_conf_file_path to create-hive-metastore-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-hive-metastore-conf example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu resource create-hive-metastore-conf --name="yeedu_hive_conf" --hive_site_xml_file_path="/home/user/Documents/hive-site.xml" --core_site_xml_file_path="/home/user/Documents/core-site.xml" --hdfs_site_xml_file_path="/home/user/Documents/hdfs-site.xml"
  • Console output

  "hive_metastore_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_hive_conf",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource list-hive-metastore-confs -h
usage:  list-hive-metastore-confs [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Hive Metastore Configurations for a specific
                        page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Hive Metastore Configurations.
                        (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-hive-metastore-confs example without any optional argument passed for the output format.

yeedu resource list-hive-metastore-confs
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "hive_metastore_conf_id": 1,
      "hive_metastore_conf_name": "yeedu_hive_conf",
      "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309654+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309654+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource search-hive-metastore-confs -h
usage:  search-hive-metastore-confs [-h] --hive_metastore_conf_name
                                    HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                                    [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hive_metastore_conf_name HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME
                        Provide hive_metastore_conf_name to search information about
                        Hive Metastore Configurations.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Hive Metastore Configurations for a specific
                        page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Hive Metastore Configurations.
                        (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-hive-metastore-confs example with required argument ‘–hive_metastore_conf_name’ passed.

yeedu resource search-hive-metastore-confs --hive_metastore_conf_name="yeedu_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "hive_metastore_conf_id": 1,
      "hive_metastore_conf_name": "yeedu_hive_conf",
      "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309654+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309654+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu resource get-hive-metastore-conf -h
usage:  get-hive-metastore-conf [-h] [--hive_metastore_conf_id HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID]
                                [--hive_metastore_conf_name HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME]
                                [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hive_metastore_conf_id HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID
                        Provide hive_metastore_conf_id to get information about a
                        specific Hive Metastore Configuration.
  --hive_metastore_conf_name HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME
                        Provide hive_metastore_conf_name to get information about a
                        specific Hive Metastore Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-hive-metastore-conf example with any one of the required ‘–hive_metastore_conf_id’ argument passed.

yeedu resource get-hive-metastore-conf --hive_metastore_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "hive_metastore_conf_id": 1,
  "hive_metastore_conf_name": "yeedu_hive_conf",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309654+00:00",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309654+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu resource edit-hive-metastore-conf -h
usage:  edit-hive-metastore-conf [-h] [--hive_metastore_conf_id HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID]
                                 [--hive_metastore_conf_name HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME]
                                 [--name NAME]
                                 [--hive_site_xml_file_path HIVE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH]
                                 [--core_site_xml_file_path CORE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH]
                                 [--hdfs_site_xml_file_path HDFS_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH]
                                 [--krb5_conf_file_path KRB5_CONF_FILE_PATH]
                                 [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hive_metastore_conf_id HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID
                        Provide a specific hive_metastore_conf_id to edit-hive-
  --hive_metastore_conf_name HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME
                        Provide a specific hive_metastore_conf_name to edit-hive-
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit-hive-metastore-conf.
  --hive_site_xml_file_path HIVE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH
                        Provide hive_site_xml_file_path to edit-hive-metastore-conf.
  --core_site_xml_file_path CORE_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH
                        Provide core_site_xml_file_path to edit-hive-metastore-conf.
  --hdfs_site_xml_file_path HDFS_SITE_XML_FILE_PATH
                        Provide hdfs_site_xml_file_path to edit-hive-metastore-conf.
  --krb5_conf_file_path KRB5_CONF_FILE_PATH
                        Provide krb5_conf_file_path to edit-hive-metastore-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-hive-metastore-conf example with any one of the required ‘–hive_metastore_conf_id’ argument and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu resource edit-hive-metastore-conf --hive_metastore_conf_id=1 --krb5_conf_file_path="/home/user/Documents/krb5.conf"
  • Console output

  "hive_metastore_conf_id": "1",
  "hive_metastore_conf_name": "yeedu_hive_conf",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T07:46:42.929Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T07:37:52.309Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu resource delete-hive-metastore-conf -h
usage:  delete-hive-metastore-conf [-h]
                                   [--hive_metastore_conf_id HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID]
                                   [--hive_metastore_conf_name HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME]
                                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hive_metastore_conf_id HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID
                        Provide hive_metastore_conf_id to delete a specific Hive
                        Metastore Configuration.
  --hive_metastore_conf_name HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_NAME
                        Provide hive_metastore_conf_name to delete a specific Hive
                        Metastore Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-hive-metastore-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–hive_metastore_conf_id’ passed.

yeedu resource delete-hive-metastore-conf --hive_metastore_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Hive Metastore Configuration Id: 1"


Cluster Configuration

Command Name


create-con f

To create the Cluster Configuration.

list-con fs

To list all the available Cluster Configurations.


To search all the available Cluster Configurations.

get- conf

To get the information about a specific Cluster Configuration.

edit-c onf

To edit a specific Cluster Configuration.

delete-con f

To delete a specific Cluster Configuration.


yeedu cluster create-conf -h
usage:  create-conf [-h] --name NAME [--description DESCRIPTION]
                    MACHINE_TYPE_CATEGORY_ID --machine_type_id
                    MACHINE_TYPE_ID --volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create-conf.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create-conf.
  --machine_type_category_id MACHINE_TYPE_CATEGORY_ID
                        Provide machine_category_type_id to create_cluster_conf.
  --machine_type_id MACHINE_TYPE_ID
                        Provide machine_type_id to create_cluster_conf.
  --volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID
                        Provide volume_conf_id to create_cluster_conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-conf example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu cluster create-conf --name="yeedu_cluster_config" --description="Cluster Configurations test" --machine_type_id=64 --machine_type_category_id=2 --volume_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "cluster_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_cluster_config",
  "description": "Cluster Configurations test",
  "machine_type_category_id": "2",
  "machine_type_id": "64",
  "volume_conf_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T07:51:12.575Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T07:51:12.575Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu cluster list-confs -h
usage:  list-confs [-h] [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]]
                   [--compute_type [{compute_optimized,memory_optimized,general_purpose,gpu_accelerated}]]
                   [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide specific cloud_provider_id to get information about related
                        Cluster Configuration.
  --compute_type [{compute_optimized,memory_optimized,general_purpose,gpu_accelerated}]
                        Provide specific compute_type to get information about related Cluster
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Cluster Configuration for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Cluster Configuration. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-confs example with optional arguments passed.

yeedu cluster list-confs --cloud_provider="GCP" --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "cluster_conf_id": 1,
      "cluster_conf_name": "yeedu_cluster_config",
      "description": "Cluster Configurations test",
      "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
      "machine_type": {
        "machine_type_id": 64,
        "name": "n1-standard-4",
        "vcpus": 4,
        "memory": "15 GiB",
        "has_cuda": false,
        "gpu_model": null,
        "gpus": null,
        "gpu_memory": null,
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
      "machine_volume_conf": {
        "volume_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "volume_gcp_1",
        "encrypted": true,
        "size": 375,
        "disk_type": {
          "disk_type_id": 4,
          "name": "local-ssd",
          "has_fixed_size": true,
          "min_size": 375,
          "max_size": 375,
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
        "machine_volume_num": 1,
        "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
      "disk_num": 1,
      "disk_size": 375,
      "machine_price_ycu": 2.17,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:20:19.399039+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:20:19.399039+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 1


yeedu cluster search-confs -h
usage:  search-confs [-h] --cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME
                     [--compute_type {compute_optimized,memory_optimized,general_purpose,gpu_accelerated}]
                     [--cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                     [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Cluster Config Name to search Cluster Configurations.
  --compute_type {compute_optimized,memory_optimized,general_purpose,gpu_accelerated}
                        Provide specific compute type to search information about related
                        Cluster Configuration.
  --cloud_provider [{GCP,AWS,Azure}]
                        Provide specific cloud_provider_id to search information about related
                        Cluster Configuration.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Cluster Configuration for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Cluster Configuration. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-confs example with required argument ‘–cluster_conf_name’ passed.

yeedu cluster search-confs --cluster_conf_name="yeedu_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "cluster_conf_id": 1,
      "cluster_conf_name": "yeedu_cluster_config",
      "description": "Cluster Configurations test",
      "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
      "machine_type": {
        "machine_type_id": 64,
        "name": "n1-standard-4",
        "vcpus": 4,
        "memory": "15 GiB",
        "has_cuda": false,
        "gpu_model": null,
        "gpus": null,
        "gpu_memory": null,
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
      "machine_volume_conf": {
        "volume_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "volume_gcp_1",
        "encrypted": true,
        "size": 375,
        "disk_type": {
          "disk_type_id": 4,
          "name": "local-ssd",
          "has_fixed_size": true,
          "min_size": 375,
          "max_size": 375,
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
        "machine_volume_num": 1,
        "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
      "disk_num": 1,
      "disk_size": 375,
      "machine_price_ycu": 2.17,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:20:19.399039+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:20:19.399039+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 1


yeedu cluster get-conf -h
usage:  get-conf [-h] [--cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID]
                 [--cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME]
                 [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID
                        Provide Cluster Config Id to get information about a specific Cluster Configuration.
  --cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Cluster Config Name to get information about a specific Cluster Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–cluster_conf_id’ passed.

yeedu cluster get-conf --cluster_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "cluster_conf_id": 1,
  "cluster_conf_name": "yeedu_cluster_config",
  "description": "Cluster Configurations test",
  "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
  "machine_type": {
    "machine_type_id": 64,
    "name": "n1-standard-4",
    "vcpus": 4,
    "memory": "15 GiB",
    "has_cuda": false,
    "gpu_model": null,
    "gpus": null,
    "gpu_memory": null,
    "cloud_provider": {
      "cloud_provider_id": 0,
      "name": "GCP"
  "machine_volume_conf": {
    "volume_conf_id": 1,
    "name": "volume_gcp_1",
    "encrypted": true,
    "size": 375,
    "disk_type": {
      "disk_type_id": 4,
      "name": "local-ssd",
      "has_fixed_size": true,
      "min_size": 375,
      "max_size": 375,
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP"
    "machine_volume_num": 1,
    "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
  "disk_num": 1,
  "disk_size": 375,
  "machine_price_ycu": 2.17,
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:20:19.399039+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:20:19.399039+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu cluster edit-conf -h
usage:  edit-conf [-h] [--cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID]
                  [--cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME]
                  [--name [NAME]] [--description [DESCRIPTION]]
                  [--machine_type_category_id MACHINE_TYPE_CATEGORY_ID]
                  [--machine_type_id MACHINE_TYPE_ID]
                  [--volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID]
                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID
                        Provide a specific Cluster Config Id to edit-conf.
  --cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME
                        Provide a specific Cluster Config Name to edit-conf.
  --name [NAME]         Provide name to edit-conf.
  --description [DESCRIPTION]
                        Provide description to edit-conf.
  --machine_type_category_id MACHINE_TYPE_CATEGORY_ID
                        Provide machine_type_category_id to edit-conf.
  --machine_type_id MACHINE_TYPE_ID
                        Provide machine_type_id to edit-conf.
  --volume_conf_id VOLUME_CONF_ID
                        Provide volume_conf_id to edit-conf.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-conf example with any one of the required argument ‘–cluster_conf_id’ and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu cluster edit-conf --cluster_conf_id=1 --description="Yeedu General Purpose Configuration"
  • Console output

  "cluster_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_cluster_config",
  "description": "Yeedu General Purpose Configuration",
  "machine_type_category_id": "2",
  "machine_type_id": "64",
  "volume_conf_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:27:07.773Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:20:19.399Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu cluster delete-conf -h
usage:  delete-conf [-h] [--cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID]
                    [--cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID
                        Provide Cluster Config Id to delete a specific Cluster Configuration.
  --cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Cluster Config Name to delete a specific Cluster Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-conf example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu cluster delete-conf --cluster_conf_name="yeedu_cluster_config"
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Cluster Config Name: 'yeedu_cluster_config'"

Cluster Instance

Command Name


c reate

To create the Cluster Instance.


To list all the available Cluster Instances.

s earch

To search cluster instances by cluster name.


To get the information about a specific Cluster Instance.


To edit a specific Cluster Instance.


To start a specific Cluster Instance.


To stop a specific Cluster Instance.

des troy

To destroy a specific Cluster Instance.

get-sta ts

To get the Spark Job Statistics of a Cluster Instance.


To list status events of Cluster Instances.


To download Cluster Instance logs for a specific Cluster Instance


yeedu cluster create -h
usage:  create [-h] --name [NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION] --idle_timeout_ms
               [IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS] [--auto_shutdown [{true,false}]]
               [--labels LABELS [LABELS ...]] [--is_spot_instance [{true,false}]]
               [--enable_public_ip [{true,false}]]
               [--block_project_ssh_keys [{true,false}]]
               [--bootstrap_shell_script_file_path BOOTSTRAP_SHELL_SCRIPT_FILE_PATH]
               --cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID --object_storage_manager_id
               OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID [--conf CONF [CONF ...]] [--packages [PACKAGES]]
               [--repositories [REPOSITORIES]] [--jars [JARS]] [--archives [ARCHIVES]]
               [--env_var ENV_VAR [ENV_VAR ...]]
               [--conf_secret CONF_SECRET [CONF_SECRET ...]]
               [--env_var_secret ENV_VAR_SECRET [ENV_VAR_SECRET ...]]
               [--hive_metastore_conf_id [HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID]]
               --spark_infra_version_id SPARK_INFRA_VERSION_ID
               [--max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance [MAX_PARALLEL_SPARK_JOB_EXECUTION_PER_INSTANCE]]
               [--standalone_workers_number [STANDALONE_WORKERS_NUMBER]] --cluster_type
               [YEEDU, STANDALONE, CLUSTER] --min_instances MIN_INSTANCES --max_instances
               MAX_INSTANCES --cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID
               [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name [NAME]         Provide name to create a cluster instance.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create a cluster instance.
  --idle_timeout_ms [IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS]
                        Provide idle_timeout_ms to create a cluster instance.
  --auto_shutdown [{true,false}]
                        Provide auto_shutdown to create a cluster instance. (default: true)
  --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
                        Provide labels to create a cluster instance.
  --is_spot_instance [{true,false}]
                        Provide is_spot_instance to create a cluster instance. (default: false)
  --enable_public_ip [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable_public_ip to create a cluster instance. (default: false)
  --block_project_ssh_keys [{true,false}]
                        Provide block_project_ssh_keys to create a cluster instance. (default: true)
  --bootstrap_shell_script_file_path BOOTSTRAP_SHELL_SCRIPT_FILE_PATH
                        Provide bootstrap_shell_script_file_path to create a cluster instance.
  --cloud_env_id CLOUD_ENV_ID
                        Provide cloud_env_id to create a cluster instance.
  --object_storage_manager_id OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID
                        Provide object_storage_manager_id to create a cluster instance.
  --conf CONF [CONF ...]
                        Provide conf to create a cluster instance.
  --packages [PACKAGES]
                        Provide packages to create a cluster instance.
  --repositories [REPOSITORIES]
                        Provide repositories to create a cluster instance.
  --jars [JARS]         Provide jars to create a cluster instance.
  --archives [ARCHIVES]
                        Provide archives to create a cluster instance.
  --env_var ENV_VAR [ENV_VAR ...]
                        Provide env_var to create a cluster instance.
  --conf_secret CONF_SECRET [CONF_SECRET ...]
                        Provide conf_secret to create a cluster instance.
  --env_var_secret ENV_VAR_SECRET [ENV_VAR_SECRET ...]
                        Provide env_var_secret to create a cluster instance.
  --hive_metastore_conf_id [HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID]
                        Provide hive_metastore_conf_id to create a cluster instance.
  --spark_infra_version_id SPARK_INFRA_VERSION_ID
                        Provide spark_infra_version_id to create a cluster instance.
  --max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance [MAX_PARALLEL_SPARK_JOB_EXECUTION_PER_INSTANCE]
                        Provide max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance to create a cluster instance. (default: 5)
  --standalone_workers_number [STANDALONE_WORKERS_NUMBER]
                        Provide standalone_workers_number to create a cluster instance.
  --cluster_type [YEEDU, STANDALONE, CLUSTER]
                        Provide cluster_type to create a cluster instance.
  --min_instances MIN_INSTANCES
                        Provide min_instances to create a cluster instance.
  --max_instances MAX_INSTANCES
                        Provide max_instances to create a cluster instance.
  --cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID
                        Provide cluster_conf_id to create a cluster instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu cluster create --name="yeedu_cluster_instance" --description="Yeedu Instance" --idle_timeout_ms=600000 --auto_shutdown=true --labels="env=test" --is_spot_instance=false --enable_public_ip=true --block_project_ssh_keys=true --object_storage_manager_id=1 --cloud_env_id=1 --spark_infra_version_id=2 --max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance=5 --cluster_type="YEEDU" --min_instances=1 --max_instances=1 --cluster_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "cluster_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_cluster_instance",
  "description": "Yeedu Instance",
  "cloud_env_id": 1,
  "idle_timeout_ms": "600000",
  "auto_shutdown": true,
  "labels": {
    "env": "test",
    "resource": "yeedu",
    "vm": "yeedu_node",
    "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
  "is_spot_instance": false,
  "enable_public_ip": true,
  "block_project_ssh_keys": true,
  "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
  "object_storage_manager_id": "1",
  "cluster_conf_id": "1",
  "spark_config_id": null,
  "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
  "spark_infra_version_id": "2",
  "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
    "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5
  "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
  "min_instances": 1,
  "max_instances": 1,
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu cluster list -h
usage:  list [-h] [--cluster_status [CLUSTER_STATUS]]
             [--cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID]
             [--cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME]
             [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_status [CLUSTER_STATUS]
                        Provide cluster instance status from ["INITIATING", "RUNNING", "STOPPING", "STOPPED", "DESTROYING", "DESTROYED",
                        "ERROR", "RESIZING_UP", "RESIZING_DOWN"] to list, For example --cluster_status="RUNNING,DESTROYED".
  --cluster_conf_id CLUSTER_CONF_ID
                        Provide Cluster Conf Id to list all the Cluster Instances.
  --cluster_conf_name CLUSTER_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Engine Cluster Config Name to list all the Cluster Instances.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list cluster instance for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of cluster instance. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list example with all the optional arguments passed.

yeedu cluster list --cluster_status="RUNNING" --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "cluster_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu_cluster_instance",
      "description": "Yeedu Instance",
      "labels": {
        "env": "test",
        "resource": "yeedu",
        "vm": "yeedu_node",
        "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
      "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
      "auto_shutdown": true,
      "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
      "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
      "compute_engine_id": 3,
      "instance_size": 1,
      "is_spot_instance": false,
      "enable_public_ip": true,
      "block_project_ssh_keys": true,
      "min_instances": 1,
      "max_instances": 1,
      "total_ycu": null,
      "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
      "spark_config_id": null,
      "cluster_conf": {
        "cluster_conf_id": 1,
        "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
        "description": null,
        "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
        "machine_type": {
          "machine_type_id": 64,
          "name": "n1-standard-4",
          "vcpus": 4,
          "memory": "15 GiB",
          "has_cuda": false,
          "gpu_model": null,
          "gpus": null,
          "gpu_memory": null
        "machine_volume_conf": {
          "volume_conf_id": 1,
          "name": "volume_gcp_1",
          "description": null,
          "encrypted": true,
          "size": 375,
          "disk_machine_type": {
            "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "local-ssd",
            "has_fixed_size": true,
            "min_size": 375,
            "max_size": 375
          "machine_volume_num": 1,
          "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
      "cloud_env": {
        "cloud_env_id": 1,
        "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
        "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
        "availabilty_zone": {
          "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
          "name": "us-central1-a",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "region": "us-central1",
          "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
        "machine_network": {
          "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
          "description": null,
          "network_project_id": "yeedu",
          "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
          "network_tags": [
          "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
          "machine_network_availability_zone": {
            "availability_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
        "cloud_project": "yeedu",
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "modaknabu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type": {
            "credential_type_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0
        "boot_disk_image": {
          "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
          "description": "dev boot disk",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "linux_distro": {
            "linux_distro_id": 0,
            "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
            "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
          "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
      "hive_metastore_conf": {
        "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
        "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
      "spark_infra_version": {
        "spark_infra_version_id": 2,
        "spark_version": "3.2.2",
        "hive_version": "3.2.3",
        "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
        "scala_version": "2.12.15",
        "python_version": "3.9.5",
        "notebook_support": true
      "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
        "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
        "standalone_workers_number": null
      "object_storage_manager": {
        "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_osm",
        "description": "test",
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type_name": "GCP"
        "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
      "workflow_job_instance_details": {
        "workflow_job_instance_status": {
          "workflow_job_instance_id": 5,
          "workflow_job_id": 5,
          "status": "EXECUTING",
          "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
          "to_date": "infinity"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu cluster get -h
usage:  get [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
            [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster instance id to get information about a specific cluster instance.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster instance name to get information about a specific cluster instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get example with any one of the required argument ‘–cluster_name’ passed.

yeedu cluster get --cluster_name="yeedu_cluster_instance"
  • Console output

  "cluster_id": 1,
  "name": "yeedu_cluster_instance",
  "description": "Yeedu Instance",
  "labels": {
    "env": "test",
    "resource": "yeedu",
    "vm": "yeedu_node",
    "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
  "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
  "auto_shutdown": true,
  "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
  "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
  "compute_engine_id": 3,
  "instance_size": 1,
  "is_spot_instance": false,
  "enable_public_ip": true,
  "block_project_ssh_keys": true,
  "min_instances": 1,
  "max_instances": 1,
  "total_ycu": null,
  "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
  "spark_config_id": null,
  "cluster_conf": {
    "cluster_conf_id": 1,
    "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
    "description": null,
    "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
    "machine_type": {
      "machine_type_id": 64,
      "name": "n1-standard-4",
      "vcpus": 4,
      "memory": "15 GiB",
      "has_cuda": false,
      "gpu_model": null,
      "gpus": null,
      "gpu_memory": null
    "machine_volume_conf": {
      "volume_conf_id": 1,
      "name": "volume_gcp_1",
      "description": null,
      "encrypted": true,
      "size": 375,
      "disk_machine_type": {
        "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "local-ssd",
        "has_fixed_size": true,
        "min_size": 375,
        "max_size": 375
      "machine_volume_num": 1,
      "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
  "cloud_env": {
    "cloud_env_id": 1,
    "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
    "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
    "cloud_provider": {
      "cloud_provider_id": 0,
      "name": "GCP"
    "availabilty_zone": {
      "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
      "name": "us-central1-a",
      "cloud_provider_id": 0,
      "region": "us-central1",
      "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
    "machine_network": {
      "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
      "description": null,
      "network_project_id": "yeedu",
      "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
      "network_tags": [
      "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
      "machine_network_availability_zone": {
        "availability_zone_id": 75,
        "name": "us-central1-a",
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "region": "us-central1",
        "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
    "cloud_project": "yeedu",
    "credentials_config": {
      "credential_config_id": 1,
      "name": "modaknabu-svc",
      "description": null,
      "credential_type": {
        "credential_type_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP",
        "cloud_provider_id": 0
    "boot_disk_image": {
      "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
      "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
      "description": "dev boot disk",
      "cloud_provider_id": 0,
      "linux_distro": {
        "linux_distro_id": 0,
        "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
        "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
      "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
  "hive_metastore_conf": {
    "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
    "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
  "spark_infra_version": {
    "spark_infra_version_id": 2,
    "spark_version": "3.2.2",
    "hive_version": "3.2.3",
    "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
    "scala_version": "2.12.15",
    "python_version": "3.9.5",
    "notebook_support": true
  "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
    "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
    "standalone_workers_number": null
  "object_storage_manager": {
    "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
    "name": "yeedu_osm",
    "description": "test",
    "credentials_config": {
      "credential_config_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu-svc",
      "description": null,
      "credential_type_name": "GCP"
    "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
  "workflow_job_instance_details": {
    "workflow_job_instance_status": {
      "workflow_job_instance_id": 5,
      "workflow_job_id": 5,
      "status": "EXECUTING",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu cluster edit -h
usage:  edit [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--name NAME]
             [--description DESCRIPTION] [--idle_timeout_ms [IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS]]
             [--auto_shutdown [{true,false}]] [--labels LABELS [LABELS ...]]
             [--enable_public_ip [{true,false}]] [--block_project_ssh_keys [{true,false}]]
             [--bootstrap_shell_script_file_path [BOOTSTRAP_SHELL_SCRIPT_FILE_PATH]]
             [--cloud_env_id [CLOUD_ENV_ID]]
             [--object_storage_manager_id [OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]]
             [--hive_metastore_conf_id [HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID]]
             [--spark_infra_version_id SPARK_INFRA_VERSION_ID] [--cluster_conf_id [CLUSTER_CONF_ID]]
             [--conf CONF [CONF ...]] [--packages [PACKAGES]] [--repositories [REPOSITORIES]]
             [--jars [JARS]] [--archives [ARCHIVES]] [--env_var ENV_VAR [ENV_VAR ...]]
             [--conf_secret CONF_SECRET [CONF_SECRET ...]]
             [--env_var_secret ENV_VAR_SECRET [ENV_VAR_SECRET ...]]
             [--max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance [MAX_PARALLEL_SPARK_JOB_EXECUTION_PER_INSTANCE]]
             [--standalone_workers_number [STANDALONE_WORKERS_NUMBER]]
             [--min_instances [MIN_INSTANCES]] [--max_instances [MAX_INSTANCES]]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide a specific cluster instance id to edit.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide a specific cluster instance name to edit.
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit a cluster instance.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to edit a cluster instance.
  --idle_timeout_ms [IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS]
                        Provide idle_timeout_ms to edit a cluster instance.
  --auto_shutdown [{true,false}]
                        Provide auto_shutdown to edit a cluster instance.
  --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
                        Provide labels to edit a cluster instance.
  --enable_public_ip [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable_public_ip to edit a cluster instance.
  --block_project_ssh_keys [{true,false}]
                        Provide block_project_ssh_keys to edit a cluster instance.
  --bootstrap_shell_script_file_path [BOOTSTRAP_SHELL_SCRIPT_FILE_PATH]
                        Provide bootstrap_shell_script_file_path to edit a cluster instance.
  --cloud_env_id [CLOUD_ENV_ID]
                        Provide cloud_env_id to edit a cluster instance.
  --object_storage_manager_id [OBJECT_STORAGE_MANAGER_ID]
                        Provide object_storage_manager_id to edit a cluster instance.
  --hive_metastore_conf_id [HIVE_METASTORE_CONF_ID]
                        Provide hive_metastore_conf_id to edit a cluster instance.
  --spark_infra_version_id SPARK_INFRA_VERSION_ID
                        Provide spark_infra_version_id to edit a cluster instance.
  --cluster_conf_id [CLUSTER_CONF_ID]
                        Provide cluster_conf_id to edit a cluster instance.
  --conf CONF [CONF ...]
                        Provide conf to edit a cluster instance.
  --packages [PACKAGES]
                        Provide packages to edit a cluster instance.
  --repositories [REPOSITORIES]
                        Provide repositories to edit a cluster instance.
  --jars [JARS]         Provide jars to edit a cluster instance.
  --archives [ARCHIVES]
                        Provide archives to edit a cluster instance.
  --env_var ENV_VAR [ENV_VAR ...]
                        Provide env_var to edit a cluster instance.
  --conf_secret CONF_SECRET [CONF_SECRET ...]
                        Provide conf_secret to edit a cluster instance.
  --env_var_secret ENV_VAR_SECRET [ENV_VAR_SECRET ...]
                        Provide env_var_secret to edit a cluster instance.
  --max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance [MAX_PARALLEL_SPARK_JOB_EXECUTION_PER_INSTANCE]
                        Provide max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance to edit a cluster instance.
  --standalone_workers_number [STANDALONE_WORKERS_NUMBER]
                        Provide standalone_workers_number to edit a cluster instance.
  --min_instances [MIN_INSTANCES]
                        Provide min_instances to edit a cluster instance.
  --max_instances [MAX_INSTANCES]
                        Provide max_instances to edit a cluster instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit example with one of the required ‘–cluster_id’ argument and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu cluster edit --cluster_id=1 --idle_timeout_ms=600000
  • Console output

  "cluster_id": "1",
  "name": "yeedu_cluster_instance",
  "description": "Yeedu Instance",
  "cloud_env_id": 1,
  "idle_timeout_ms": "600000",
  "auto_shutdown": true,
  "labels": {
    "env": "test",
    "resource": "yeedu",
    "vm": "yeedu_node",
    "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
  "is_spot_instance": false,
  "enable_public_ip": true,
  "block_project_ssh_keys": true,
  "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
  "object_storage_manager_id": "1",
  "cluster_conf_id": "1",
  "spark_config_id": null,
  "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
  "spark_infra_version_id": "2",
  "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
    "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5
  "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
  "min_instances": 1,
  "max_instances": 1,
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu cluster start -h
usage:  start [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
              [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
              [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
              [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster instance id to start a cluster instance.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster instance name to start a cluster instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • start example with one of the required argument ‘–cluster_id’ passed.

yeedu cluster start --cluster_id=1
  • Console output

  "CosiStart": {
    "workflow_job_id": 1,
    "workflow_job_instance_id": 1,
    "engine_cluster_instance_id": 1


yeedu cluster stop -h
usage:  stop [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
             [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster instance id to stop a cluster instance.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster instance name to stop a cluster instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • stop example with one of the required argument ‘–cluster_id’ passed.

yeedu cluster stop --cluster_id=1
  • Console output

  "CosiStop": {
    "workflow_job_id": 1,
    "workflow_job_instance_id": 1,
    "engine_cluster_instance_id": 1


yeedu cluster destroy -h
usage:  destroy [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
                [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
                [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster instance id to destroy a cluster instance.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster instance name to destroy a cluster instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • destroy example with one of the required argument ‘–cluster_id’ passed.

yeedu cluster destroy --cluster_id=1
  • Console output

  "CosiDestroy": {
    "workflow_job_id": 1,
    "workflow_job_instance_id": 1,
    "engine_cluster_instance_id": 1


yeedu cluster get-stats -h
usage:  get-stats [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
                  [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster instance id to get the spark job statistics of a cluster instance.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster instance name to get the spark job statistics of a cluster instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-stats example with one of the optional arguments ‘–cluster_name’ passed.

yeedu cluster get-stats --cluster_name="yeedu_cluster_instance"
  • Console output

  "RUNNING": 2,
  "DONE": 4,
  "ERROR": 0,
  "STOPPING": 1,
  "STOPPED": 1,


yeedu cluster list-status -h
usage:  list-status [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
                    [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
                    [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster id to list all the cluster instance status.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster name to list all the cluster instance status.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list the cluster instance status for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of cluster instance status. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-status example with one of the required argument ‘–cluster_id’ and other optional argument passed.

yeedu cluster list-status --cluster_id=1 --limit=4
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "cluster_status": "STOPPED",
      "current_node_size": 0,
      "created_by": null,
      "start_time": "2023-09-29T07:33:38.586618+00:00",
      "end_time": "infinity"
      "cluster_status": "STOPPING",
      "current_node_size": 0,
      "created_by": null,
      "start_time": "2023-09-29T07:32:12.534424+00:00",
      "end_time": "2023-09-29T07:33:38.586618+00:00"
      "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
      "current_node_size": 1,
      "created_by": null,
      "start_time": "2023-09-29T07:20:47.743064+00:00",
      "end_time": "2023-09-29T07:32:12.534424+00:00"
      "cluster_status": "INITIATING",
      "current_node_size": 1,
      "created_by": null,
      "start_time": "2023-09-29T07:19:58.413655+00:00",
      "end_time": "2023-09-29T07:20:47.743064+00:00"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 32,
    "total_pages": 8,
    "limit": 4,
    "next_page": 2


yeedu cluster logs -h
usage:  logs [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
             [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
             [--log_type {stdout,stderr}]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide Cluster Instance Id to download log records.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide Cluster Instance Name to download log records.
  --log_type {stdout,stderr}
                        Provide log_type to download Cluster Instance log records. (default: stdout)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • logs example with one of the required ‘–cluster_id’ argument passed.

yeedu cluster logs --cluster_id=1
  • Console output

Initializing modules...
- local-node in module
- master-standalone-cluster in module
- standalone-node in module
- worker-standalone-cluster in module
Initializing the backend...

Successfully configured the backend "pg"! Terraform will automatically
use this backend unless the backend configuration changes.
Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/random...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/template...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/google...
- Installing hashicorp/template v2.2.0...
- Installed hashicorp/template v2.2.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/google v4.50.0...
- Installed hashicorp/google v4.50.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/random v3.4.3...
- Installed hashicorp/random v3.4.3 (signed by HashiCorp)
Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
you run "terraform init" in the future.
Terraform has been successfully initialized!


Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

local-node-uuids = [
    "instance_uuid" = tomap({
      "292a79d6-7967-3284-6e19-31aecf9977f4" = 0
    "reserved_ip" = [
master-standalone-cluster-uuids = []
standalone-node-uuids = []
worker-standalone-cluster-uuids = []

Cluster Access Control

Command Name


associate-workspa ce

Associate cluster with a workspaces

dissociate-workspac e

Dissociate cluster with a workspace


List all the Workspaces having access to a cluster.


List all the Clusters that have access to a workspace.

s earch-workspace-clusters

Search all the Clusters that have access to a workspace.


yeedu cluster associate-workspace -h
usage:  associate-workspace [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                            --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to associate it with a cluster.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide Cluster Id to to associate it with a workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • associate-workspace example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu cluster associate-workspace --workspace_id=1 --cluster_id=1
  • Console output

  "workspace_id": "1",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T12:24:29.358Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T12:24:29.358Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu cluster dissociate-workspace -h
usage:  dissociate-workspace [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                             --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to dissociate it with a cluster.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide Cluster Id to dissociate it with a workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • dissociate-workspace example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu cluster create-group-access --cluster_id=1 --group_id=1 --permission_id=1
  • Console output

  "auth_engine_cluster_instance_group_id": "1",
  "cluster_instance_perm_id": 1,
  "group_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-09-29T11:10:48.468Z",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T11:10:48.468Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu cluster list-workspaces -h
usage:  list-workspaces [-h] --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                        [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide Cluster Id to list all the associated workspaces.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Clusters for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Clusters. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-workspaces example with all the required argument passed.

yeedu cluster list-workspaces --cluster_id=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
      "cluster_info": {
        "cluster_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_cluster_instance",
        "description": "Yeedu Instance",
        "labels": {
          "env": "test",
          "resource": "yeedu",
          "vm": "yeedu_node",
          "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
        "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
        "auto_shutdown": true,
        "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
        "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
        "compute_engine_id": 3,
        "instance_size": 1,
        "is_spot_instance": false,
        "enable_public_ip": true,
        "block_project_ssh_keys": true,
        "min_instances": 1,
        "max_instances": 1,
        "total_ycu": null,
        "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
        "spark_config_id": null,
        "cluster_conf": {
          "cluster_conf_id": 1,
          "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
          "description": null,
          "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
          "machine_type": {
            "machine_type_id": 64,
            "name": "n1-standard-4",
            "vcpus": 4,
            "memory": "15 GiB",
            "has_cuda": false,
            "gpu_model": null,
            "gpus": null,
            "gpu_memory": null
          "machine_volume_conf": {
            "volume_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "volume_gcp_1",
            "description": null,
            "encrypted": true,
            "size": 375,
            "disk_machine_type": {
              "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "local-ssd",
              "has_fixed_size": true,
              "min_size": 375,
              "max_size": 375
            "machine_volume_num": 1,
            "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
        "cloud_env": {
          "cloud_env_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
          "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
          "availabilty_zone": {
            "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "machine_network": {
            "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
            "description": null,
            "network_project_id": "yeedu",
            "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
            "network_tags": [
            "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
            "machine_network_availability_zone": {
              "availability_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "cloud_project": "yeedu",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "modaknabu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type": {
              "credential_type_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0
          "boot_disk_image": {
            "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
            "description": "dev boot disk",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "linux_distro": {
              "linux_distro_id": 0,
              "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
              "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
            "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
        "hive_metastore_conf": {
          "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
          "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
        "spark_infra_version": {
          "spark_infra_version_id": 2,
          "spark_version": "3.2.2",
          "hive_version": "3.2.3",
          "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
          "scala_version": "2.12.15",
          "python_version": "3.9.5",
          "notebook_support": true
        "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
          "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
          "standalone_workers_number": null
        "object_storage_manager": {
          "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_osm",
          "description": "test",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type_name": "GCP"
          "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workflow_job_instance_details": {
          "workflow_job_instance_status": {
            "workflow_job_instance_id": 5,
            "workflow_job_id": 5,
            "status": "EXECUTING",
            "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
            "to_date": "infinity"
        "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
        "created_by": {
          "user_id": 1,
          "username": "YSU0000"
        "modified_by": {
          "user_id": 1,
          "username": "YSU0000"
        "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
        "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
        "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu cluster list-workspace-clusters -h
usage:  list-workspace-clusters [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                                [--cluster_status [CLUSTER_STATUS]]
                                [--job_type [{job,notebook}]]
                                [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                                [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to list all the associated clusters.
  --cluster_status [CLUSTER_STATUS]
                        Provide Cluster Instance Status from ["INITIATING", "RUNNING", "STOPPING", "STOPPED", "DESTROYING", "DESTROYED", "ERROR", "RESIZING_UP", "RESIZING_DOWN"] to list, For example --cluster_status="RUNNING,DESTROYED".
                        To list Clusters for a specific job_type.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Clusters for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Clusters. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-workspace-clusters example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu cluster list-workspace-clusters --workspace_id=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
      "cluster_info": {
        "cluster_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_cluster_instance",
        "description": "Yeedu Instance",
        "labels": {
          "env": "test",
          "resource": "yeedu",
          "vm": "yeedu_node",
          "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
        "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
        "auto_shutdown": true,
        "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
        "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
        "compute_engine_id": 3,
        "instance_size": 1,
        "is_spot_instance": false,
        "enable_public_ip": true,
        "block_project_ssh_keys": true,
        "min_instances": 1,
        "max_instances": 1,
        "total_ycu": null,
        "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
        "spark_config_id": null,
        "cluster_conf": {
          "cluster_conf_id": 1,
          "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
          "description": null,
          "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
          "machine_type": {
            "machine_type_id": 64,
            "name": "n1-standard-4",
            "vcpus": 4,
            "memory": "15 GiB",
            "has_cuda": false,
            "gpu_model": null,
            "gpus": null,
            "gpu_memory": null
          "machine_volume_conf": {
            "volume_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "volume_gcp_1",
            "description": null,
            "encrypted": true,
            "size": 375,
            "disk_machine_type": {
              "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "local-ssd",
              "has_fixed_size": true,
              "min_size": 375,
              "max_size": 375
            "machine_volume_num": 1,
            "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
        "cloud_env": {
          "cloud_env_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
          "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
          "availabilty_zone": {
            "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "machine_network": {
            "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
            "description": null,
            "network_project_id": "yeedu",
            "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
            "network_tags": [
            "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
            "machine_network_availability_zone": {
              "availability_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "cloud_project": "yeedu",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "modaknabu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type": {
              "credential_type_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0
          "boot_disk_image": {
            "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
            "description": "dev boot disk",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "linux_distro": {
              "linux_distro_id": 0,
              "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
              "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
            "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
        "hive_metastore_conf": {
          "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
          "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
        "spark_infra_version": {
          "spark_infra_version_id": 2,
          "spark_version": "3.2.2",
          "hive_version": "3.2.3",
          "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
          "scala_version": "2.12.15",
          "python_version": "3.9.5",
          "notebook_support": true
        "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
          "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
          "standalone_workers_number": null
        "object_storage_manager": {
          "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_osm",
          "description": "test",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type_name": "GCP"
          "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workflow_job_instance_details": {
          "workflow_job_instance_status": {
            "workflow_job_instance_id": 5,
            "workflow_job_id": 5,
            "status": "EXECUTING",
            "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
            "to_date": "infinity"
        "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
        "created_by": {
          "user_id": 1,
          "username": "YSU0000"
        "modified_by": {
          "user_id": 1,
          "username": "YSU0000"
        "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
        "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
        "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu cluster search-workspace-clusters -h
usage:  search-workspace-clusters [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                                  [--cluster_name [CLUSTER_NAME]]
                                  [--cluster_status [CLUSTER_STATUS]]
                                  [--job_type [{SPARK_JOB,SPARK_SQL,NOTEBOOK}]]
                                  [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                                  [--limit LIMIT]
                                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to search all the associated clusters.
  --cluster_name [CLUSTER_NAME]
                        Provide cluster name to search all the associated workspace clusters.
  --cluster_status [CLUSTER_STATUS]
                        Provide cluster instance status from ["INITIATING", "RUNNING", "STOPPING", "STOPPED", "DESTROYING", "DESTROYED", "ERROR", "RESIZING_UP", "RESIZING_DOWN"] to search, for example --cluster_status="RUNNING,DESTROYED".
                        To search clusters of a specific job_type.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search clusters for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of clusters. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-confs example with required argument ‘–cluster_conf_name’ passed.

yeedu cluster search-workspace-clusters --workspace_id=1 --cluster_name="yeedu_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
      "cluster_info": {
        "cluster_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_cluster_instance",
        "description": "Yeedu Instance",
        "labels": {
          "env": "test",
          "resource": "yeedu",
          "vm": "yeedu_node",
          "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
        "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
        "auto_shutdown": true,
        "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
        "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
        "compute_engine_id": 3,
        "instance_size": 1,
        "is_spot_instance": false,
        "enable_public_ip": true,
        "block_project_ssh_keys": true,
        "min_instances": 1,
        "max_instances": 1,
        "total_ycu": null,
        "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
        "spark_config_id": null,
        "cluster_conf": {
          "cluster_conf_id": 1,
          "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
          "description": null,
          "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
          "machine_type": {
            "machine_type_id": 64,
            "name": "n1-standard-4",
            "vcpus": 4,
            "memory": "15 GiB",
            "has_cuda": false,
            "gpu_model": null,
            "gpus": null,
            "gpu_memory": null
          "machine_volume_conf": {
            "volume_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "volume_gcp_1",
            "description": null,
            "encrypted": true,
            "size": 375,
            "disk_machine_type": {
              "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "local-ssd",
              "has_fixed_size": true,
              "min_size": 375,
              "max_size": 375
            "machine_volume_num": 1,
            "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
        "cloud_env": {
          "cloud_env_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
          "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
          "availabilty_zone": {
            "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "machine_network": {
            "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
            "description": null,
            "network_project_id": "yeedu",
            "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
            "network_tags": [
            "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
            "machine_network_availability_zone": {
              "availability_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "cloud_project": "yeedu",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "modaknabu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type": {
              "credential_type_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0
          "boot_disk_image": {
            "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
            "description": "dev boot disk",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "linux_distro": {
              "linux_distro_id": 0,
              "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
              "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
            "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
        "hive_metastore_conf": {
          "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
          "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
        "spark_infra_version": {
          "spark_infra_version_id": 2,
          "spark_version": "3.2.2",
          "hive_version": "3.2.3",
          "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
          "scala_version": "2.12.15",
          "python_version": "3.9.5",
          "notebook_support": true
        "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
          "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
          "standalone_workers_number": null
        "object_storage_manager": {
          "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_osm",
          "description": "test",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type_name": "GCP"
          "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workflow_job_instance_details": {
          "workflow_job_instance_status": {
            "workflow_job_instance_id": 5,
            "workflow_job_id": 5,
            "status": "EXECUTING",
            "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
            "to_date": "infinity"
        "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
        "created_by": {
          "user_id": 1,
          "username": "YSU0000"
        "modified_by": {
          "user_id": 1,
          "username": "YSU0000"
        "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
        "from_date": "2024-01-08T10:44:07.650245+00:00",
        "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


+========================+===============================================+ | Command Name | Utility | +========================+===============================================+ | create | To create a Workspace. | +————————+———————————————–+ | list | To list all the Workspaces. | +————————+———————————————–+ | search | To search workspaces by workspace name. | +————————+———————————————–+ | get | To get information about a specific Workspace.| +————————+———————————————–+ | edit | To edit a specific Workspace. | +————————+———————————————–+ | enable | To enable a specific Workspace. | +————————+———————————————–+ | disable | To disable a specific Workspace. | +========================+===============================================+


yeedu workspace create -h
usage:  create [-h] [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION]
               [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
               [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create workspace.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu workspace create --name="spark_jobs_test" --description="Test Spark Jobs"
  • Console output

  "workspace_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_jobs_test",
  "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu workspace list -h
usage:  list [-h] [--enable [{true,false}]] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --enable [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable as true or false to list Workspaces.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Workspaces for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Workspaces. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list example with optional arguments passed.

yeedu workspace list --limit=1 --page_number=2
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "workspace_id": 1,
      "name": "spark_jobs_test",
      "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
      "job_conf_count": 0,
      "notebook_conf_count": 0,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "active": true,
      "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 2,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "limit": 1,
    "previous_page": 1


yeedu workspace search -h
usage:  search [-h] --workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME
               [--enable [{true,false}]] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
               [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
               [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME
                        Provide workspace name to search workspaces.
  --enable [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable as true or false to search workspaces.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search workspaces for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of workspaces. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search example with the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace search --workspace_name="spark_"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "workspace_id": 1,
      "name": "spark_jobs_test",
      "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
      "job_conf_count": 9,
      "notebook_conf_count": 1,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": ""
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": ""
      "active": true,
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.50868+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.50868+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu workspace get -h
usage:  get [-h] [--workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID]
            [--workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME]
            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to get information about a specific Workspace.
  --workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME
                        Provide workspace_name to get information about a specific Workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace get --workspace_id=1
  • Console output

  "workspace_id": 1,
  "name": "spark_jobs_test",
  "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
  "job_conf_count": 9,
  "notebook_conf_count": 1,
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": ""
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": ""
  "active": true,
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.50868+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.50868+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu workspace edit -h
usage:  edit [-h] [--workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID]
             [--workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME] [--name NAME]
             [--description DESCRIPTION]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to edit a specific Workspace.
  --workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME
                        Provide workspace_name to edit a specific Workspace.
  --name NAME           Provide name to edit a specific Workspace.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to edit a specific Workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit example with any one of the required argument ‘–workspace_id’ and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu workspace edit --workspace_id=1 --description="Test Spark Curation Jobs"
  • Console output

  "workspace_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_jobs_test",
  "description": "Test Spark Curation Jobs",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu workspace enable -h
usage:  enable [-h] [--workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID]
               [--workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME]
               [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
               [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to enable a specific Workspace.
  --workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME
                        Provide workspace_name to enable a specific Workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • enable example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace enable --workspace_id=1
  • Console output

  "workspace_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_jobs_test",
  "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu workspace disable -h
usage:  disable [-h] [--workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID]
                [--workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME]
                [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to disable a specific Workspace.
  --workspace_name WORKSPACE_NAME
                        Provide workspace_name to disable a specific Workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • disable example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace disable --workspace_id=1
  • Console output

  "workspace_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_jobs_test",
  "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z",
  "to_date": "2024-01-08T12:01:56.508Z"

Workspace Access Control

Command Name


create-user-acces s

Assign access to a user on a specific workspace


Assign access to a group on a specific workspace

delete-user-acces s

Delete access of a user on a specific workspace


Delete access of a group on a specific workspace

l ist-users

To list all the users having access to a workspace.

searc h-users

To search the users having access to a workspace.

m atch-user

To match the exact username having access to a workspace.

lis t-groups

To list all the groups having access to a workspace.

searc h-groups

To search the groups having access to a workspace.

mat ch-group

To match the exact groupname having access to a workspace.

get-user-ac cess

To get the permission of the user having access to a workspace.

get-group-acc ess

To get the permission of the group having access to a workspace.

list-users-acce ss

To list all the permissions of the users having access to a workspace.

list-groups-acces s

To list all the permissions of the groups having access to a workspace.


yeedu workspace create-user-access -h
usage:  create-user-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --user_id
                           USER_ID --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                           [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                           [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to assign user access on a workspace.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to assign user access on a workspace.
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide Permission Id to assign user access on a workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default:pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-user-access example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu workspace create-user-access --workspace_id=1 --user_id=1 --permission_id=2
  • Console output

  "auth_workspace_user_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "auth_workspace_perm_id": 2,
  "user_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T13:08:16.731Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T13:08:16.731Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu workspace create-group-access -h
usage:  create-group-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                            --group_id GROUP_ID --permission_id
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to assign group access on a workspace.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide group Id to assign group access on a workspace.
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide Permission Id to assign group access on a workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-group-access example with optional arguments passed.

yeedu workspace create-group-access --workspace_id=1 --group_id=1 --permission_id=2
  • Console output

  "auth_workspace_group_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "auth_workspace_perm_id": 2,
  "group_id": "1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T13:10:50.581Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T13:10:50.581Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu workspace delete-user-access -h
usage:  delete-user-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --user_id USER_ID
                           --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                           [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                           [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to delete user access on a workspace.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to delete user access on a workspace.
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide Permission Id to delete user access on a workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-user-access example with the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace delete-user-access --workspace_id=1 --user_id=1 --permission_id=2
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Permission successfully."


yeedu workspace delete-group-access -h
usage:  delete-group-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --group_id GROUP_ID
                            --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to delete group access on a workspace.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide group Id to delete group access on a workspace.
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide Permission Id to delete group access on a workspace.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-group-access example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu workspace delete-group-access --workspace_id=1 --group_id=1 --permission_id=2
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Permission successfully."


yeedu workspace list-users -h
usage:  list-users [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                   [--group_id GROUP_ID] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                   [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to list all the users.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide group_id to list all the users.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-users example with the required argument ‘–workspace_id’ passed.

yeedu workspace list-users --workspace_id=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000",
      "email": ""
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu workspace search-users -h
usage:  search-users [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --username USERNAME [--group_id GROUP_ID]
                     [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to search all the users.
  --username USERNAME   Provide username to search all the users.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide group id to search all the users.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search example with the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace search-users --workspace_id=1 --username="YSU"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000",
      "email": ""
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu workspace match-user -h
usage:  match-user [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --username USERNAME
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to match all the users.
  --username USERNAME   Provide username to match all the users.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • match example with the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace match-user --workspace_id=1 --username="YSU0000"
  • Console output

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "YSU0000",
  "email": "",
  "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu workspace list-groups -h
usage:  list-groups [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                    [--user_id USER_ID] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                    [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to list all the groups.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide a user_id to retrieve a list of all the groups associated with that user.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-groups example with the required argument ‘–workspace_id’ passed.

yeedu workspace list-groups --workspace_id=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 1,
      "group_name": "",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 2,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "group_type": "DynamicMembership",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 13,
    "total_pages": 7,
    "limit": 2,
    "next_page": 2


yeedu workspace search-groups -h
usage:  search-groups [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --groupname
                      GROUPNAME [--user_id USER_ID]
                      [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                      [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to search all the groups.
  --groupname GROUPNAME
                        Provide groupname to search all the groups.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide user id to search all the groups.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search example with the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace search-groups --workspace_id=1 --groupname="Yeedu"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 7,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 11,
      "group_name": "Yeedu Dev_Team",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 25,
      "group_name": "Yeedu_Backend",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2024-01-02T09:19:25.770823+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 3,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu workspace match-group -h
usage:  match-group [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --groupname GROUPNAME
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to match all the groups.
  --groupname GROUPNAME
                        Provide groupname to match all the groups.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • match example with the required argument passed.

yeedu workspace match-group --workspace_id=1 --groupname="Yeedu"
  • Console output

    "group_id": 8,
    "group_name": "Yeedu",
    "group_type": "Unified",
    "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
    "to_date": "infinity"
    "group_id": 7,
    "group_name": "Yeedu",
    "group_type": null,
    "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
    "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu workspace get-user-access -h
usage:  get-user-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --user_id USER_ID
                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to get the permission of a user.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to get the permission of a user.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-user-access example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu workspace get-user-access --workspace_id=1 --user_id=1
  • Console output

  "user_id": "1",
  "username": "YSU0000",
  "workspace": {
    "workspace_id": "1",
    "name": "spark_jobs_test",
    "description": "Test Spark Curation Jobs"
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "user_permission": {
    "auth_workspace_user_id": 3,
    "permission": {
      "auth_workspace_perm_id": 2,
      "name": "EDIT",
      "description": "To list, run and edit a spark job configuration in a workspace"
    "created_by": {
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000"
    "modified_by": {
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000"
    "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T13:08:16.731517+00:00",
    "from_date": "2024-01-08T13:08:16.731517+00:00",
    "to_date": "infinity"
  "group_permission": [
      "auth_workspace_group_id": 1,
      "permission": {
        "auth_workspace_perm_id": 2,
        "name": "EDIT",
        "description": "To list, run and edit a spark job configuration in a workspace"
      "group_id": 1,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T13:08:16.731517+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T13:08:16.731517+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu workspace get-group-access -h
usage:  get-group-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --group_id GROUP_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to get the permission of a group.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to get the permission of a group.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-group-access example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu workspace get-group-access --workspace_id=1 --group_id=1
  • Console output

  "group_id": "1",
  "group_name": "yeedu-manager",
  "workspace": {
    "workspace_id": "1",
    "name": "spark_jobs_test",
    "description": "Test Spark Curation Jobs"
  "tenant_id": "e67f00ad-68aa-46d0-b32e-f3f8dac5427d",
  "group_permission": {
    "auth_workspace_group_id": "1",
    "permission": {
      "auth_workspace_perm_id": 2,
      "name": "EDIT",
      "description": "To list, run and edit a spark job configuration in a workspace"
    "created_by": {
      "user_id": "1",
      "username": "YSU0000"
    "modified_by": {
      "user_id": "1",
      "username": "YSU0000"
    "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T14:00:26.953Z",
    "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:00:26.953Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu workspace list-users-access -h
usage:  list-users-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                          [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to list all the users.
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide Permission Id to list all the users.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-users-access example with the required argument ‘–workspace_id’ and ‘–permission_id’ passed.

  • Console output

  "data": {
    "workspace_id": 1,
    "workspace_name": "spark_jobs_test",
    "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
    "permission": {
      "permission_id": 2,
      "name": "EDIT",
      "description": "To list, run and edit a spark job configuration in a workspace",
      "users": [
          "user_id": 1,
          "username": "YSU0000",
          "email": ""
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu workspace list-groups-access -h
usage:  list-groups-access [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                           --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                           [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                           [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                           [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to list all the groups.
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide Permission Id to list all the groups.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-groups-access example with the required argument ‘–workspace_id’ and ‘–permission_id’ passed.

yeedu workspace list-groups-access --workspace_id=1 --permission_id=2
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "workspace_id": 1,
    "workspace_name": "spark_jobs_test",
    "description": "Test Spark Jobs",
    "permission": {
      "permission_id": 2,
      "name": "EDIT",
      "description": "To list, run and edit a spark job configuration in a workspace",
      "groups": [
          "group_id": 8,
          "group_name": "Yeedu",
          "group_type": "Unified"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


Spark Job Configuration

Command Name



To create the Spark Job Configuration.

list-conf s

To list all the available Job Configurations.


To search job configurations by job conf name in a workspace.

get-c onf

To get the information about a specific Spark Job Configuration.

edit-co nf

To edit the Spark Job Configuration.

enable-co nf

To enable a specific Spark Job Configuration.

disable-con f

To disable a specific Spark Job Configuration.


yeedu job create-conf -h
usage:  create-conf [-h] [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID] [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME]
                    --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --name NAME [--files [FILES]]
                    [--properties-file [PROPERTIES_FILE]] [--conf CONF [CONF ...]]
                    [--packages [PACKAGES]] [--repositories [REPOSITORIES]]
                    [--jars [JARS]] [--archives [ARCHIVES]]
                    [--driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]]
                    [--driver-java-options [DRIVER_JAVA_OPTIONS]]
                    [--driver-library-path [DRIVER_LIBRARY_PATH]]
                    [--driver-class-path [DRIVER_CLASS_PATH]]
                    [--executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]] [--driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]]
                    [--total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]]
                    [--executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]] [--num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]]
                    [--principal [PRINCIPAL]] [--keytab [KEYTAB]] [--queue [QUEUE]]
                    [--job-class-name [JOB_CLASS_NAME]] [--job-command [JOB_COMMAND]]
                    [--job-arguments [JOB_ARGUMENTS]]
                    [--job-raw-scala-code JOB_RAW_SCALA_CODE] --job-type {Raw
                    Scala,Jar,Python3,SQL} [--max_concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster_id to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster_name to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --name NAME           Provide name to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --files [FILES]       Provide files to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --properties-file [PROPERTIES_FILE]
                        Provide properties-file to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --conf CONF [CONF ...]
                        Provide conf to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --packages [PACKAGES]
                        Provide packages to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --repositories [REPOSITORIES]
                        Provide repositories to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --jars [JARS]         Provide jars to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --archives [ARCHIVES]
                        Provide archives to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]
                        Provide driver-memory to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-java-options [DRIVER_JAVA_OPTIONS]
                        Provide driver-java-options to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-library-path [DRIVER_LIBRARY_PATH]
                        Provide driver-library-path to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-class-path [DRIVER_CLASS_PATH]
                        Provide driver-class-path to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]
                        Provide executor-memory to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]
                        Provide driver-cores to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide total-executor-cores to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide executor-cores to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]
                        Provide num-executors to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --principal [PRINCIPAL]
                        Provide principal to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --keytab [KEYTAB]     Provide keytab to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --queue [QUEUE]       Provide queue to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-class-name [JOB_CLASS_NAME]
                        Provide job-class-name to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-command [JOB_COMMAND]
                        Provide job-command to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-arguments [JOB_ARGUMENTS]
                        Provide job-arguments to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-raw-scala-code JOB_RAW_SCALA_CODE
                        Provide job-raw-scala-code file path to create a Spark Job
  --job-type {RAW_SCALA,Jar,Python3,SQL}
                        Provide job-type to create a Spark Job Configuration.
  --max_concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY
                        Provide max_concurrency number to limit the number of jobs
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-conf example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu job create-conf --cluster_id=1 --workspace_id=1 --name="spark_examples" --job-class-name="org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi" --job-command="file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar" --job-arguments=500 --job-type=Jar
  • Console output

  "job_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_examples",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 1,
  "max_concurrency": "0",
  "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
  "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
  "job_arguments": "500",
  "job_rawScalaCode": null,
  "files": null,
  "properties_file": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "repositories": null,
  "jars": null,
  "archives": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "driver_java_options": null,
  "driver_library_path": null,
  "driver_class_path": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "principal": null,
  "keytab": null,
  "queue": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.539Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.539Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu job list-confs -h
usage:  list-confs [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                   [--enable [{true,false}]]
                   [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To list Job Configurations of a specific workspace.
  --enable [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable as true or false to list Job Configurations of a specific workspace.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Job Configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Job Configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-confs example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu job list-confs --workspace_id=1 --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "job_conf_id": 1,
      "name": "spark_examples",
      "cluster_info": {
        "cluster_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_instance",
        "description": "Test yeedu instance",
        "labels": {
          "test": "yeedu",
          "resource": "yeedu",
          "vm": "yeedu_node",
          "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
        "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
        "auto_shutdown": true,
        "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
        "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
        "compute_engine_id": 1,
        "instance_size": 1,
        "is_spot_instance": false,
        "enable_public_ip": false,
        "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
        "min_instances": 1,
        "max_instances": 3,
        "total_ycu": null,
        "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
        "spark_config_id": null,
        "cluster_conf": {
          "cluster_conf_id": 1,
          "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
          "description": null,
          "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
          "machine_type": {
            "machine_type_id": 64,
            "name": "n1-standard-4",
            "vcpus": 4,
            "memory": "15 GiB",
            "has_cuda": false,
            "gpu_model": null,
            "gpus": null,
            "gpu_memory": null
          "machine_volume_conf": {
            "volume_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "volume_gcp",
            "description": null,
            "encrypted": true,
            "size": 375,
            "disk_machine_type": {
              "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "local-ssd",
              "has_fixed_size": true,
              "min_size": 375,
              "max_size": 375
            "machine_volume_num": 1,
            "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
        "cloud_env": {
          "cloud_env_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
          "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
          "availabilty_zone": {
            "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "machine_network": {
            "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
            "description": null,
            "network_project_id": "yeedu",
            "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
            "network_tags": [
            "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
            "machine_network_availability_zone": {
              "availability_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "cloud_project": "yeedu",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type": {
              "credential_type_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0
          "boot_disk_image": {
            "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
            "description": "dev boot disk",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "linux_distro": {
              "linux_distro_id": 0,
              "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
              "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
            "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
        "hive_metastore_conf": {
          "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
          "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
        "spark_infra_version": {
          "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
          "spark_version": "3.2.2",
          "hive_version": "3.2.3",
          "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
          "scala_version": "2.12.15",
          "python_version": "3.9.5",
          "notebook_support": true
        "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
          "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
          "standalone_workers_number": null
        "object_storage_manager": {
          "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_osm",
          "description": null,
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type_name": "GCP"
          "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
      "workspace": {
        "workspace_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_jobs_test",
        "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
      "job_count": 0,
      "spark_job_type": {
        "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
        "language": "Jar"
      "max_concurrency": 0,
      "last_job_run": {
        "job_id": null,
        "job_status": null
      "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
      "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
      "job_arguments": "500",
      "job_rawScalaCode": null,
      "files": null,
      "properties_file": null,
      "conf": null,
      "packages": null,
      "repositories": null,
      "jars": null,
      "archives": null,
      "driver_memory": null,
      "driver_java_options": null,
      "driver_library_path": null,
      "driver_class_path": null,
      "executor_memory": null,
      "driver_cores": null,
      "total_executor_cores": null,
      "executor_cores": null,
      "num_executors": null,
      "principal": null,
      "keytab": null,
      "queue": null,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "active": true,
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.53996+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.53996+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu job search-confs -h
usage:  search-confs [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --job_conf_name
                     JOB_CONF_NAME [--enable [{true,false}]]
                     [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to search job configurations in it.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        Provide job_conf_name to search job configurations.
  --enable [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable as true or false to search job configurations.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search job configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of job configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-confs example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu job search-confs --workspace_id=1 --job_conf_name="spark_" --enable=true --limit=2
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "job_conf_id": 1,
      "name": "spark_examples",
      "cluster_info": {
        "cluster_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_instance",
        "description": "Test yeedu instance",
        "labels": {
          "test": "yeedu",
          "resource": "yeedu",
          "vm": "yeedu_node",
          "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
        "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
        "auto_shutdown": true,
        "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
        "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
        "compute_engine_id": 1,
        "instance_size": 1,
        "is_spot_instance": false,
        "enable_public_ip": false,
        "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
        "min_instances": 1,
        "max_instances": 3,
        "total_ycu": null,
        "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
        "spark_config_id": null,
        "cluster_conf": {
          "cluster_conf_id": 1,
          "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
          "description": null,
          "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
          "machine_type": {
            "machine_type_id": 64,
            "name": "n1-standard-4",
            "vcpus": 4,
            "memory": "15 GiB",
            "has_cuda": false,
            "gpu_model": null,
            "gpus": null,
            "gpu_memory": null
          "machine_volume_conf": {
            "volume_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "volume_gcp",
            "description": null,
            "encrypted": true,
            "size": 375,
            "disk_machine_type": {
              "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "local-ssd",
              "has_fixed_size": true,
              "min_size": 375,
              "max_size": 375
            "machine_volume_num": 1,
            "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
        "cloud_env": {
          "cloud_env_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
          "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
          "availabilty_zone": {
            "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "machine_network": {
            "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
            "description": null,
            "network_project_id": "yeedu",
            "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
            "network_tags": [
            "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
            "machine_network_availability_zone": {
              "availability_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "cloud_project": "yeedu",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type": {
              "credential_type_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0
          "boot_disk_image": {
            "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
            "description": "dev boot disk",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "linux_distro": {
              "linux_distro_id": 0,
              "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
              "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
            "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
        "hive_metastore_conf": {
          "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
          "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
        "spark_infra_version": {
          "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
          "spark_version": "3.2.2",
          "hive_version": "3.2.3",
          "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
          "scala_version": "2.12.15",
          "python_version": "3.9.5",
          "notebook_support": true
        "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
          "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
          "standalone_workers_number": null
        "object_storage_manager": {
          "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_osm",
          "description": null,
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type_name": "GCP"
          "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
      "workspace": {
        "workspace_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_jobs_test",
        "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
      "job_count": 0,
      "spark_job_type": {
        "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
        "language": "Jar"
      "max_concurrency": 0,
      "last_job_run": {
        "job_id": null,
        "job_status": null
      "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
      "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
      "job_arguments": "500",
      "job_rawScalaCode": null,
      "files": null,
      "properties_file": null,
      "conf": null,
      "packages": null,
      "repositories": null,
      "jars": null,
      "archives": null,
      "driver_memory": null,
      "driver_java_options": null,
      "driver_library_path": null,
      "driver_class_path": null,
      "executor_memory": null,
      "driver_cores": null,
      "total_executor_cores": null,
      "executor_cores": null,
      "num_executors": null,
      "principal": null,
      "keytab": null,
      "queue": null,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "active": true,
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.53996+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.53996+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu job get-conf -h
usage:  get-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                 [--job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID]
                 [--job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME]
                 [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to get information about a specific Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID
                        Provide Job Config Id to get information about a specific Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Job Config name to get information about a specific Spark Job Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-conf example with the optional and required argument passed.

yeedu job get-conf --workspace_id=1 --job_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "job_conf_id": 1,
  "name": "spark_examples",
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_id": 1,
    "name": "yeedu_instance",
    "description": "Test yeedu instance",
    "labels": {
      "test": "yeedu",
      "resource": "yeedu",
      "vm": "yeedu_node",
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
    "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
    "auto_shutdown": true,
    "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
    "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
    "compute_engine_id": 1,
    "instance_size": 1,
    "is_spot_instance": false,
    "enable_public_ip": false,
    "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
    "min_instances": 1,
    "max_instances": 3,
    "total_ycu": null,
    "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
    "spark_config_id": null,
    "cluster_conf": {
      "cluster_conf_id": 1,
      "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
      "description": null,
      "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
      "machine_type": {
        "machine_type_id": 64,
        "name": "n1-standard-4",
        "vcpus": 4,
        "memory": "15 GiB",
        "has_cuda": false,
        "gpu_model": null,
        "gpus": null,
        "gpu_memory": null
      "machine_volume_conf": {
        "volume_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "volume_gcp",
        "description": null,
        "encrypted": true,
        "size": 375,
        "disk_machine_type": {
          "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "local-ssd",
          "has_fixed_size": true,
          "min_size": 375,
          "max_size": 375
        "machine_volume_num": 1,
        "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
    "cloud_env": {
      "cloud_env_id": 1,
      "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
      "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP"
      "availabilty_zone": {
        "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
        "name": "us-central1-a",
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "region": "us-central1",
        "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "machine_network": {
        "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
        "description": null,
        "network_project_id": "yeedu",
        "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
        "network_tags": [
        "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
        "machine_network_availability_zone": {
          "availability_zone_id": 75,
          "name": "us-central1-a",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "region": "us-central1",
          "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "cloud_project": "yeedu",
      "credentials_config": {
        "credential_config_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu-svc",
        "description": null,
        "credential_type": {
          "credential_type_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0
      "boot_disk_image": {
        "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
        "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
        "description": "dev boot disk",
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "linux_distro": {
          "linux_distro_id": 0,
          "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
          "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
        "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
    "hive_metastore_conf": {
      "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
      "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
    "spark_infra_version": {
      "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
      "spark_version": "3.2.2",
      "hive_version": "3.2.3",
      "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
      "scala_version": "2.12.15",
      "python_version": "3.9.5",
      "notebook_support": true
    "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
      "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
      "standalone_workers_number": null
    "object_storage_manager": {
      "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu_osm",
      "description": null,
      "credentials_config": {
        "credential_config_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu-svc",
        "description": null,
        "credential_type_name": "GCP"
      "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
  "workspace": {
    "workspace_id": 1,
    "name": "spark_jobs_test",
    "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
  "job_count": 0,
  "spark_job_type": {
    "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
    "language": "Jar"
  "max_concurrency": 0,
  "last_job_run": {
    "job_id": null,
    "job_status": null
  "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
  "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
  "job_arguments": "500",
  "job_rawScalaCode": null,
  "files": null,
  "properties_file": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "repositories": null,
  "jars": null,
  "archives": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "driver_java_options": null,
  "driver_library_path": null,
  "driver_class_path": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "principal": null,
  "keytab": null,
  "queue": null,
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "active": true,
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.53996+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.53996+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu job edit-conf -h
usage:  edit-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                  [--job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID]
                  [--job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME]
                  [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
                  [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--files [FILES]]
                  [--properties-file [PROPERTIES_FILE]]
                  [--conf CONF [CONF ...]] [--packages [PACKAGES]]
                  [--repositories [REPOSITORIES]] [--jars [JARS]]
                  [--archives [ARCHIVES]]
                  [--driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]]
                  [--driver-java-options [DRIVER_JAVA_OPTIONS]]
                  [--driver-library-path [DRIVER_LIBRARY_PATH]]
                  [--driver-class-path [DRIVER_CLASS_PATH]]
                  [--executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]]
                  [--driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]]
                  [--total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]]
                  [--executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]]
                  [--num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]]
                  [--principal [PRINCIPAL]] [--keytab [KEYTAB]]
                  [--queue [QUEUE]]
                  [--job-class-name [JOB_CLASS_NAME]] [--name [NAME]]
                  [--job-command [JOB_COMMAND]]
                  [--job-arguments [JOB_ARGUMENTS]]
                  [--job-raw-scala-code JOB_RAW_SCALA_CODE]
                  [--max_concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY]
                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID
                        Provide Job Config Id to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Job Config Name to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster_id to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster_name to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --files [FILES]       Provide files to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --properties-file [PROPERTIES_FILE]
                        Provide properties-file to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --conf CONF [CONF ...]
                        Provide conf to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --packages [PACKAGES]
                        Provide packages to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --repositories [REPOSITORIES]
                        Provide repositories to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --jars [JARS]         Provide jars to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --archives [ARCHIVES]
                        Provide archives to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]
                        Provide driver-memory to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-java-options [DRIVER_JAVA_OPTIONS]
                        Provide driver-java-options to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-library-path [DRIVER_LIBRARY_PATH]
                        Provide driver-library-path to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-class-path [DRIVER_CLASS_PATH]
                        Provide driver-class-path to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]
                        Provide executor-memory to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]
                        Provide driver-cores to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide total-executor-cores to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide executor-cores to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]
                        Provide num-executors to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --principal [PRINCIPAL]
                        Provide principal to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --keytab [KEYTAB]     Provide keytab to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --queue [QUEUE]       Provide queue to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-class-name [JOB_CLASS_NAME]
                        Provide job-class-name to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --name [NAME]         Provide name to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-command [JOB_COMMAND]
                        Provide job-command to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-arguments [JOB_ARGUMENTS]
                        Provide job-arguments to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --job-raw-scala-code JOB_RAW_SCALA_CODE
                        Provide job-raw-scala-code file path to edit a Spark Job Configuration.
  --max_concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY
                        Provide max_concurrency number to limit the number of jobs submitted.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-conf example with the required arguments and other optional arguments passed which is to be updated.

yeedu job edit-conf --workspace_id=1 --job_conf_name="spark_examples" --job-arguments=1000
  • Console output

  "job_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_examples",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 1,
  "max_concurrency": "0",
  "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
  "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
  "job_arguments": "1000",
  "job_rawScalaCode": null,
  "files": null,
  "properties_file": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "repositories": null,
  "jars": null,
  "archives": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "driver_java_options": null,
  "driver_library_path": null,
  "driver_class_path": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "principal": null,
  "keytab": null,
  "queue": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T15:37:55.738Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.539Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu job enable-conf -h
usage:  enable-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                    [--job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID]
                    [--job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to enable the Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID
                        Provide Job Config Id to enable the Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Job Config Name to enable the Spark Job Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • enable-conf example with the required arguments passed.

yeedu job enable-conf --workspace_id=1 --job_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "job_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_examples",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 1,
  "max_concurrency": "0",
  "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
  "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
  "job_arguments": "1000",
  "job_rawScalaCode": null,
  "files": null,
  "properties_file": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "repositories": null,
  "jars": null,
  "archives": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "driver_java_options": null,
  "driver_library_path": null,
  "driver_class_path": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "principal": null,
  "keytab": null,
  "queue": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T15:45:35.462Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.539Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu job disable-conf -h
usage:  disable-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                     [--job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID]
                     [--job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME]
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to disable the Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID
                        Provide Job Config Id to disable the Spark Job Configuration.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        Provide Job Config Name to disable the Spark Job Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • disable-conf example with the required arguments passed.

yeedu job disable-conf --workspace_id=1 --job_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "job_conf_id": "1",
  "name": "spark_examples",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 1,
  "max_concurrency": "0",
  "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
  "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
  "job_arguments": "1000",
  "job_rawScalaCode": null,
  "files": null,
  "properties_file": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "repositories": null,
  "jars": null,
  "archives": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "driver_java_options": null,
  "driver_library_path": null,
  "driver_class_path": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "principal": null,
  "keytab": null,
  "queue": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-08T15:45:24.088Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-08T14:56:51.539Z",
  "to_date": "2024-01-08T15:45:24.088Z"

Spark Job Instance

Command Name


sta rt

To run a Spark Job Instance.

l ist

To list all the available Spark Job Instances.

searc h

To search Spark Job Instances by similar job id.


To get information about a specific Spark Job Instance.

s top

To stop a specific Spark Job Instance.


To get all the status information about a specific Spark Job Instance.

l ogs

To download Spark Job Instance logs by job id.


yeedu job start -h
usage:  start [-h] [--job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID]
              [--job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME] --workspace_id
              WORKSPACE_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
              [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID
                        To run a Spark Job Instance, enter job_conf_id.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        To run a Spark Job Instance, enter job_conf_name.
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To run a Spark Job Instance, enter workspace_id.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • start example with one of the required argument passed.

yeedu job start --workspace_id=1 --job_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "job_id": "1",
  "job_conf_id": "1",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T07:06:00.301Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T07:06:00.301Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu job list -h
usage:  list [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID] [--job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID]
             [--job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME]
             [--job_status {submitted,running,done,error,terminated,stopping,stopped}]
             [--job_type {SPARK_JOB,SPARK_SQL,NOTEBOOK}] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To list Spark Job Instances of a specific workspace_id.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        To list Spark Job Instances of a specific cluster_id.
  --job_conf_id JOB_CONF_ID
                        To list Spark Job Instances of a specific job_conf_id.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        To list Spark Job Instances of a specific job_conf_name.
  --job_status {submitted,running,done,error,terminated,stopping,stopped}
                        To list Spark Job Instances of a specific job_status.
                        To list Spark Job Instances of a specific job_type.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Spark Job Instances for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of job instances. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu job list --workspace_id=1 --limit=2
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "job_id": 3,
      "job_application_id": "app-20231004073629-0003",
      "job_status": "SUBMITTED",
      "total_job_time": 185.698294,
      "job_conf": {
        "job_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_examples",
        "cluster_info": {
          "cluster_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_instance",
          "description": "Test yeedu instance",
          "labels": {
            "test": "yeedu",
            "resource": "yeedu",
            "vm": "yeedu_node",
            "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
          "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
          "auto_shutdown": true,
          "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
          "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
          "compute_engine_id": 1,
          "instance_size": 1,
          "is_spot_instance": false,
          "enable_public_ip": false,
          "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
          "min_instances": 1,
          "max_instances": 3,
          "total_ycu": null,
          "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
          "spark_config_id": null,
          "cluster_conf": {
            "cluster_conf_id": 1,
            "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
            "description": null,
            "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
            "machine_type": {
              "machine_type_id": 64,
              "name": "n1-standard-4",
              "vcpus": 4,
              "memory": "15 GiB",
              "has_cuda": false,
              "gpu_model": null,
              "gpus": null,
              "gpu_memory": null
            "machine_volume_conf": {
              "volume_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "volume_gcp_1",
              "description": null,
              "encrypted": true,
              "size": 375,
              "disk_machine_type": {
                "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "name": "local-ssd",
                "has_fixed_size": true,
                "min_size": 375,
                "max_size": 375
              "machine_volume_num": 1,
              "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
          "cloud_env": {
            "cloud_env_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
            "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
            "cloud_provider": {
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP"
            "availabilty_zone": {
              "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "machine_network": {
              "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
              "description": null,
              "network_project_id": "yeedu",
              "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
              "network_tags": [
              "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
              "machine_network_availability_zone": {
                "availability_zone_id": 75,
                "name": "us-central1-a",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "region": "us-central1",
                "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "cloud_project": "yeedu",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type": {
                "credential_type_id": 0,
                "name": "GCP",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0
            "boot_disk_image": {
              "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
              "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
              "description": "dev boot disk",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "linux_distro": {
                "linux_distro_id": 0,
                "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
                "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
              "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
          "hive_metastore_conf": {
            "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
            "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
          "spark_infra_version": {
            "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
            "spark_version": "2.4.8",
            "hive_version": "3.2.3",
            "hadoop_version": "2.10.1",
            "scala_version": "2.11.10",
            "python_version": "3.9.5",
            "notebook_support": false
          "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
            "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
            "standalone_workers_number": null
          "object_storage_manager": {
            "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_osm",
            "description": "test",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type_name": "GCP"
            "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
        "spark_job_type": {
          "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
          "language": "Jar"
        "max_concurrency": 0,
        "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
        "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
        "job_arguments": "250",
        "job_rawScalaCode": null,
        "files": null,
        "properties_file": null,
        "conf": null,
        "packages": null,
        "repositories": null,
        "jars": null,
        "archives": null,
        "driver_memory": null,
        "driver_java_options": "-Dderby.system.home=/yeedu/spark_metastores/1703774163-11129",
        "driver_library_path": null,
        "driver_class_path": null,
        "executor_memory": null,
        "driver_cores": null,
        "total_executor_cores": null,
        "executor_cores": null,
        "num_executors": null,
        "principal": null,
        "keytab": null,
        "queue": null
      "workflow_job_instance_details": {
        "workflow_job_instance_status": {
          "workflow_job_instance_id": 6,
          "workflow_job_id": 6,
          "status": "SENT",
          "from_date": "2024-01-09T07:06:00.301753+00:00",
          "to_date": "infinity"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T07:06:00.301753+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-09T07:06:00.301753+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "job_id": 1,
      "job_application_id": "app-20231004073629-0002",
      "job_status": "STOPPED",
      "total_job_time": 82.614248,
      "job_conf": {
        "job_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_examples",
        "cluster_info": {
          "cluster_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_instance",
          "description": "Test yeedu instance",
          "labels": {
            "test": "yeedu",
            "resource": "yeedu",
            "vm": "yeedu_node",
            "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
          "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
          "auto_shutdown": true,
          "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
          "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
          "compute_engine_id": 1,
          "instance_size": 1,
          "is_spot_instance": false,
          "enable_public_ip": false,
          "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
          "min_instances": 1,
          "max_instances": 3,
          "total_ycu": null,
          "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
          "spark_config_id": null,
          "cluster_conf": {
            "cluster_conf_id": 1,
            "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
            "description": null,
            "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
            "machine_type": {
              "machine_type_id": 64,
              "name": "n1-standard-4",
              "vcpus": 4,
              "memory": "15 GiB",
              "has_cuda": false,
              "gpu_model": null,
              "gpus": null,
              "gpu_memory": null
            "machine_volume_conf": {
              "volume_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "volume_gcp",
              "description": null,
              "encrypted": true,
              "size": 375,
              "disk_machine_type": {
                "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "name": "local-ssd",
                "has_fixed_size": true,
                "min_size": 375,
                "max_size": 375
              "machine_volume_num": 1,
              "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
          "cloud_env": {
            "cloud_env_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
            "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
            "cloud_provider": {
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP"
            "availabilty_zone": {
              "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "machine_network": {
              "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
              "description": null,
              "network_project_id": "yeedu",
              "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
              "network_tags": [
              "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
              "machine_network_availability_zone": {
                "availability_zone_id": 75,
                "name": "us-central1-a",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "region": "us-central1",
                "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "cloud_project": "yeedu",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type": {
                "credential_type_id": 0,
                "name": "GCP",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0
            "boot_disk_image": {
              "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
              "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
              "description": "dev boot disk",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "linux_distro": {
                "linux_distro_id": 0,
                "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
                "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
              "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
          "hive_metastore_conf": {
            "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
            "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
          "spark_infra_version": {
            "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
            "spark_version": "2.4.8",
            "hive_version": "3.2.3",
            "hadoop_version": "2.10.1",
            "scala_version": "2.11.10",
            "python_version": "3.9.5",
            "notebook_support": false
          "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
            "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
            "standalone_workers_number": null
          "object_storage_manager": {
            "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_osm",
            "description": "test",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type_name": "GCP"
            "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
        "spark_job_type": {
          "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
          "language": "Jar"
        "max_concurrency": 0,
        "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
        "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
        "job_arguments": "250",
        "job_rawScalaCode": null,
        "files": null,
        "properties_file": null,
        "conf": null,
        "packages": null,
        "repositories": null,
        "jars": null,
        "archives": null,
        "driver_memory": null,
        "driver_java_options": "-Dderby.system.home=/yeedu/spark_metastores/1703774163-11129",
        "driver_library_path": null,
        "driver_class_path": null,
        "executor_memory": null,
        "driver_cores": null,
        "total_executor_cores": null,
        "executor_cores": null,
        "num_executors": null,
        "principal": null,
        "keytab": null,
        "queue": null
      "workflow_job_instance_details": {
        "workflow_job_instance_status": {
          "workflow_job_instance_id": 3,
          "workflow_job_id": 3,
          "status": "DONE",
          "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
          "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
      "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100
  • list example to list spark jobs of a particular workspace having specific spark job status.

yeedu job list --workspace_id=1 --job_status=done --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "job_id": 1,
      "job_application_id": "app-20231004073629-0002",
      "job_status": "DONE",
      "total_job_time": 82.614248,
      "job_conf": {
        "job_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_examples",
        "cluster_info": {
          "cluster_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_instance",
          "description": "Test yeedu instance",
          "labels": {
            "test": "yeedu",
            "resource": "yeedu",
            "vm": "yeedu_node",
            "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
          "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
          "auto_shutdown": true,
          "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
          "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
          "compute_engine_id": 1,
          "instance_size": 1,
          "is_spot_instance": false,
          "enable_public_ip": false,
          "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
          "min_instances": 1,
          "max_instances": 3,
          "total_ycu": null,
          "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
          "spark_config_id": null,
          "cluster_conf": {
            "cluster_conf_id": 1,
            "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
            "description": null,
            "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
            "machine_type": {
              "machine_type_id": 64,
              "name": "n1-standard-4",
              "vcpus": 4,
              "memory": "15 GiB",
              "has_cuda": false,
              "gpu_model": null,
              "gpus": null,
              "gpu_memory": null
            "machine_volume_conf": {
              "volume_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "volume_gcp",
              "description": null,
              "encrypted": true,
              "size": 375,
              "disk_machine_type": {
                "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "name": "local-ssd",
                "has_fixed_size": true,
                "min_size": 375,
                "max_size": 375
              "machine_volume_num": 1,
              "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
          "cloud_env": {
            "cloud_env_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
            "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
            "cloud_provider": {
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP"
            "availabilty_zone": {
              "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "machine_network": {
              "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
              "description": null,
              "network_project_id": "yeedu",
              "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
              "network_tags": [
              "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
              "machine_network_availability_zone": {
                "availability_zone_id": 75,
                "name": "us-central1-a",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "region": "us-central1",
                "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "cloud_project": "yeedu",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type": {
                "credential_type_id": 0,
                "name": "GCP",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0
            "boot_disk_image": {
              "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
              "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
              "description": "dev boot disk",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "linux_distro": {
                "linux_distro_id": 0,
                "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
                "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
              "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
          "hive_metastore_conf": {
            "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
            "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
          "spark_infra_version": {
            "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
            "spark_version": "2.4.8",
            "hive_version": "3.2.3",
            "hadoop_version": "2.10.1",
            "scala_version": "2.11.10",
            "python_version": "3.9.5",
            "notebook_support": false
          "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
            "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
            "standalone_workers_number": null
          "object_storage_manager": {
            "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_osm",
            "description": "test",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type_name": "GCP"
            "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
        "spark_job_type": {
          "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
          "language": "Jar"
        "max_concurrency": 0,
        "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
        "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
        "job_arguments": "250",
        "job_rawScalaCode": null,
        "files": null,
        "properties_file": null,
        "conf": null,
        "packages": null,
        "repositories": null,
        "jars": null,
        "archives": null,
        "driver_memory": null,
        "driver_java_options": "-Dderby.system.home=/yeedu/spark_metastores/1703774163-11129",
        "driver_library_path": null,
        "driver_class_path": null,
        "executor_memory": null,
        "driver_cores": null,
        "total_executor_cores": null,
        "executor_cores": null,
        "num_executors": null,
        "principal": null,
        "keytab": null,
        "queue": null
      "workflow_job_instance_details": {
        "workflow_job_instance_status": {
          "workflow_job_instance_id": 3,
          "workflow_job_id": 3,
          "status": "DONE",
          "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
          "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
      "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 20,
    "total_pages": 20,
    "limit": 1,
    "next_page": 2


yeedu job search -h
usage:  search [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
               [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
               [--job_status {submitted,running,done,error,terminated,stopping,stopped}]
               [--job_type {SPARK_JOB,SPARK_SQL,NOTEBOOK}] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
               [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to search Spark Job Instances in it.
  --job_conf_name JOB_CONF_NAME
                        To search Spark Job Instances of a specific job_conf_name.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        To search Spark Job Instances of a specific cluster_id.
  --job_status {submitted,running,done,error,terminated,stopping,stopped}
                        To search Spark Job Instances of a specific job_status.
                        To search Spark Job Instances of a specific job_type.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Spark Job Instances for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Spark Job Instances. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu job search --workspace_id=1 --job_id=1 --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "job_id": 1,
      "job_application_id": "app-20231004073629-0002",
      "job_status": "DONE",
      "total_job_time": 82.614248,
      "job_conf": {
        "job_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_examples",
        "cluster_info": {
          "cluster_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_instance",
          "description": "Test yeedu instance",
          "labels": {
            "test": "yeedu",
            "resource": "yeedu",
            "vm": "yeedu_node",
            "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
          "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
          "auto_shutdown": true,
          "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
          "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
          "compute_engine_id": 1,
          "instance_size": 1,
          "is_spot_instance": false,
          "enable_public_ip": false,
          "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
          "min_instances": 1,
          "max_instances": 3,
          "total_ycu": null,
          "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
          "spark_config_id": null,
          "cluster_conf": {
            "cluster_conf_id": 1,
            "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
            "description": null,
            "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
            "machine_type": {
              "machine_type_id": 64,
              "name": "n1-standard-4",
              "vcpus": 4,
              "memory": "15 GiB",
              "has_cuda": false,
              "gpu_model": null,
              "gpus": null,
              "gpu_memory": null
            "machine_volume_conf": {
              "volume_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "volume_gcp",
              "description": null,
              "encrypted": true,
              "size": 375,
              "disk_machine_type": {
                "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "name": "local-ssd",
                "has_fixed_size": true,
                "min_size": 375,
                "max_size": 375
              "machine_volume_num": 1,
              "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
          "cloud_env": {
            "cloud_env_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
            "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
            "cloud_provider": {
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP"
            "availabilty_zone": {
              "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "machine_network": {
              "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
              "description": null,
              "network_project_id": "yeedu",
              "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
              "network_tags": [
              "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
              "machine_network_availability_zone": {
                "availability_zone_id": 75,
                "name": "us-central1-a",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "region": "us-central1",
                "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "cloud_project": "yeedu",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type": {
                "credential_type_id": 0,
                "name": "GCP",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0
            "boot_disk_image": {
              "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
              "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
              "description": "dev boot disk",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "linux_distro": {
                "linux_distro_id": 0,
                "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
                "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
              "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
          "hive_metastore_conf": {
            "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
            "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
          "spark_infra_version": {
            "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
            "spark_version": "2.4.8",
            "hive_version": "3.2.3",
            "hadoop_version": "2.10.1",
            "scala_version": "2.11.10",
            "python_version": "3.9.5",
            "notebook_support": false
          "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
            "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
            "standalone_workers_number": null
          "object_storage_manager": {
            "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_osm",
            "description": "test",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type_name": "GCP"
            "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
        "spark_job_type": {
          "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
          "language": "Jar"
        "max_concurrency": 0,
        "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
        "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
        "job_arguments": "250",
        "job_rawScalaCode": null,
        "files": null,
        "properties_file": null,
        "conf": null,
        "packages": null,
        "repositories": null,
        "jars": null,
        "archives": null,
        "driver_memory": null,
        "driver_java_options": "-Dderby.system.home=/yeedu/spark_metastores/1703774163-11129",
        "driver_library_path": null,
        "driver_class_path": null,
        "executor_memory": null,
        "driver_cores": null,
        "total_executor_cores": null,
        "executor_cores": null,
        "num_executors": null,
        "principal": null,
        "keytab": null,
        "queue": null
      "workflow_job_instance_details": {
        "workflow_job_instance_status": {
          "workflow_job_instance_id": 3,
          "workflow_job_id": 3,
          "status": "DONE",
          "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
          "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
      "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 1


yeedu job get -h
usage:  get [-h] --job_id JOB_ID --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job_id JOB_ID       Provide job_id to get information about a specific Spark Job
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to get information about a specific Spark
                        Job Instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu job get --workspace_id=1 --job_id=90
  • Console output

  "job_id": 1,
  "job_application_id": "app-20231004073629-0002",
  "job_status": "DONE",
  "total_job_time": 82.614248,
  "job_conf": {
    "job_conf_id": 1,
    "name": "spark_examples",
    "cluster_info": {
      "cluster_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu_instance",
      "description": "Test yeedu instance",
      "labels": {
        "test": "yeedu",
        "resource": "yeedu",
        "vm": "yeedu_node",
        "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
      "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
      "auto_shutdown": true,
      "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
      "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
      "compute_engine_id": 1,
      "instance_size": 1,
      "is_spot_instance": false,
      "enable_public_ip": false,
      "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
      "min_instances": 1,
      "max_instances": 3,
      "total_ycu": null,
      "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
      "spark_config_id": null,
      "cluster_conf": {
        "cluster_conf_id": 1,
        "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
        "description": null,
        "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
        "machine_type": {
          "machine_type_id": 64,
          "name": "n1-standard-4",
          "vcpus": 4,
          "memory": "15 GiB",
          "has_cuda": false,
          "gpu_model": null,
          "gpus": null,
          "gpu_memory": null
        "machine_volume_conf": {
          "volume_conf_id": 1,
          "name": "volume_gcp",
          "description": null,
          "encrypted": true,
          "size": 375,
          "disk_machine_type": {
            "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "local-ssd",
            "has_fixed_size": true,
            "min_size": 375,
            "max_size": 375
          "machine_volume_num": 1,
          "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
      "cloud_env": {
        "cloud_env_id": 1,
        "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
        "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
        "availabilty_zone": {
          "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
          "name": "us-central1-a",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "region": "us-central1",
          "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
        "machine_network": {
          "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
          "description": null,
          "network_project_id": "yeedu",
          "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
          "network_tags": [
          "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
          "machine_network_availability_zone": {
            "availability_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
        "cloud_project": "yeedu",
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type": {
            "credential_type_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0
        "boot_disk_image": {
          "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
          "description": "dev boot disk",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "linux_distro": {
            "linux_distro_id": 0,
            "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
            "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
          "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
      "hive_metastore_conf": {
        "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
        "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
      "spark_infra_version": {
        "spark_infra_version_id": 0,
        "spark_version": "2.4.8",
        "hive_version": "3.2.3",
        "hadoop_version": "2.10.1",
        "scala_version": "2.11.10",
        "python_version": "3.9.5",
        "notebook_support": false
      "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
        "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
        "standalone_workers_number": null
      "object_storage_manager": {
        "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_osm",
        "description": "test",
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type_name": "GCP"
        "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
    "workspace": {
      "workspace_id": 1,
      "name": "spark_jobs_test",
      "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
    "spark_job_type": {
      "job_type": "SPARK_JOB",
      "language": "Jar"
    "max_concurrency": 0,
    "job_class_name": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
    "job_command": "file:///yeedu/object-storage-manager/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.8.jar",
    "job_arguments": "250",
    "job_rawScalaCode": null,
    "files": null,
    "properties_file": null,
    "conf": null,
    "packages": null,
    "repositories": null,
    "jars": null,
    "archives": null,
    "driver_memory": null,
    "driver_java_options": "-Dderby.system.home=/yeedu/spark_metastores/1703774163-11129",
    "driver_library_path": null,
    "driver_class_path": null,
    "executor_memory": null,
    "driver_cores": null,
    "total_executor_cores": null,
    "executor_cores": null,
    "num_executors": null,
    "principal": null,
    "keytab": null,
    "queue": null
  "workflow_job_instance_details": {
    "workflow_job_instance_status": {
      "workflow_job_instance_id": 3,
      "workflow_job_id": 3,
      "status": "DONE",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
      "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
  "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
  "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"


yeedu job stop -h
usage:  stop [-h] --job_id JOB_ID --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job_id JOB_ID       Provide job_id to stop a specific Spark Job Instance.
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to stop a specific Spark Job Instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • stop example with all the required argument passed.

yeedu job stop --workspace_id=1 --job_id=8
  • Console output

  "SparkKill": {
    "workflow_job_id": 8,
    "workflow_job_instance_id": 8,
    "spark_job_instance_id": 8,
    "spark_job_id": 1,
    "compute_engine_id": 1


yeedu job get-status -h
usage:  get-status [-h] --job_id JOB_ID --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job_id JOB_ID       Provide job_id to get all the status information about a
                        specific Spark Job Instance.
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to get all the status information about a
                        specific Spark Job Instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-status example with all the required argument passed.

yeedu job get-status --workspace_id=1 --job_id=8
  • Console output

    "job_status": "SUBMITTED",
    "created_by": "YSU0000",
    "start_time": "2023-12-28T14:43:19.941574+00:00",
    "end_time": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
    "job_status": "RUNNING",
    "created_by": null,
    "start_time": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00",
    "end_time": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00"
    "job_status": "DONE",
    "created_by": null,
    "start_time": "2023-12-28T14:44:42.555822+00:00",
    "end_time": "infinity"


yeedu job logs -h
usage:  logs [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --job_id JOB_ID
             [--log_type {stdout,stderr}] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to download Spark Job Instance log records.
  --job_id JOB_ID       Provide job_id to download Spark Job Instance log records.
  --log_type {stdout,stderr}
                        Provide log_type to download Spark Job Instance log records.
                        (default: stdout)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • logs example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu job logs --workspace_id=1 --job_id=1
  • Console output

Pi is roughly 3.141355706778534

Workflow Details By Spark Job Application ID

Command Name



To get information about a specific Workflow Job Instance.


yeedu job get-workflow-job-instance -h
usage:  get-workflow-job-instance [-h] --job_application_id JOB_APPLICATION_ID
                                  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job_application_id JOB_APPLICATION_ID
                        Provide a job_application_id to get information about a specific
                        Workflow Job Instance.
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide a workspace_id to get information about a specific
                        Workflow Job Instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-workflow-job-instance example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu job get-workflow-job-instance --workspace_id=1 --job_application_id="local-1696317971700"
  • Console output

  "job_id": 5,
  "job_application_id": "local-1696317971700",
  "job_status": "DONE",
  "compute_engine": 1,
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workflow_job_instance_details": {
    "workflow_job_instance_status": {
      "workflow_job_instance_id": 7,
      "workflow_job_id": 7,
      "status": "DONE",
      "previous_status": [
      "from_date": "2023-10-03T07:26:29.926692+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
    "workflow_execution_process": {
      "machine_pid_number": "116",
      "machine_hostname": "yeedu1-e0a10412-288a-449d-78d3-ea1726afb205",
      "machine_id": "e0a10412-288a-449d-78d3-ea1726afb205",
      "machine_pid_user": "root",
      "machine_node_number": "0"
  "tenant_id": "cf1f945f-01ce-4ac6-a070-8c733f2fa791",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2023-10-03T07:20:58.933317+00:00",
  "from_date": "2023-10-03T07:20:58.933317+00:00",
  "to_date": "2023-10-03T07:26:29.926692+00:00"


Notebook Configuration

Command Name



To create a Notebook Configuration.

list-conf s

To list all the available Notebook Configurations.


To search Notebook Configurations by notebook name in a workspace.

get-c onf

To get the information about a specific Notebook Configuration.

edit-co nf

To edit the Notebook Configuration.


To enable a specific Notebook Configuration.


To disable a specific Notebook Configuration.


yeedu notebook create-conf -h
usage:  create-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                    [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
                    [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] --notebook_name
                    NOTEBOOK_NAME --notebook_type python3,scala
                    [--conf CONF [CONF ...]] [--files [FILES]]
                    [--jars [JARS]] [--packages [PACKAGES]]
                    [--driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]]
                    [--executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]]
                    [--driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]]
                    [--total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]]
                    [--executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]]
                    [--num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster_id to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster_name to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        Provide notebook_name to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_type python3,scala
                        Provide notebook type to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --conf CONF [CONF ...]
                        Provide conf to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --files [FILES]       Provide files to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --jars [JARS]         Provide jars to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --packages [PACKAGES]
                        Provide packages to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]
                        Provide driver-memory to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]
                        Provide executor-memory to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]
                        Provide driver-cores to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide total-executor-cores to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide executor-cores to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]
                        Provide num-executors to create a Notebook Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-conf example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu notebook create-conf --cluster_id=1 --workspace_id=1 --notebook_name="test_notebook" --notebook_type="python3"
  • Console output

  "notebook_conf_id": "21",
  "notebook_name": "test_notebook_01",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 3,
  "max_concurrency": "1",
  "notebook_cells": {
    "cells": [
        "cell_uuid": "3516b29f-13a3-427d-a466-fc0c85d7ad0e",
        "order": 0,
        "code": "",
        "output": [],
        "runStatus": false,
        "executionCount": 0,
        "isOutputError": false
  "notebook_cells_auto_save": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "jars": null,
  "files": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.216Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.216Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu notebook list-confs -h
usage:  list-confs [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                   [--enable [{true,false}]]
                   [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To list Notebook Configurations of a specific workspace.
  --enable [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable as true or false to list Notebook Configurations of a specific workspace.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Notebook Configurations for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of Notebook Configurations. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-confs example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu notebook list-confs --workspace_id=1 --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "notebook_conf_id": 21,
      "notebook_name": "test_notebook_01",
      "cluster_info": {
        "cluster_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_instance",
        "description": "Test yeedu instance",
        "labels": {
          "test": "yeedu",
          "resource": "yeedu",
          "vm": "yeedu_node",
          "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
        "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
        "auto_shutdown": true,
        "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
        "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
        "compute_engine_id": 1,
        "instance_size": 1,
        "is_spot_instance": false,
        "enable_public_ip": false,
        "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
        "min_instances": 1,
        "max_instances": 3,
        "total_ycu": null,
        "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
        "spark_config_id": null,
        "cluster_conf": {
          "cluster_conf_id": 1,
          "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
          "description": null,
          "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
          "machine_type": {
            "machine_type_id": 64,
            "name": "n1-standard-4",
            "vcpus": 4,
            "memory": "15 GiB",
            "has_cuda": false,
            "gpu_model": null,
            "gpus": null,
            "gpu_memory": null
          "machine_volume_conf": {
            "volume_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "volume_gcp",
            "description": null,
            "encrypted": true,
            "size": 375,
            "disk_machine_type": {
              "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "local-ssd",
              "has_fixed_size": true,
              "min_size": 375,
              "max_size": 375
            "machine_volume_num": 1,
            "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
        "cloud_env": {
          "cloud_env_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
          "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
          "availabilty_zone": {
            "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "machine_network": {
            "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
            "description": null,
            "network_project_id": "yeedu",
            "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
            "network_tags": [
            "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
            "machine_network_availability_zone": {
              "availability_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "cloud_project": "yeedu",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "modakyeed-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type": {
              "credential_type_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0
          "boot_disk_image": {
            "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
            "description": "dev boot disk",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "linux_distro": {
              "linux_distro_id": 0,
              "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
              "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
            "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
        "hive_metastore_conf": {
          "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
          "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
        "spark_infra_version": {
          "spark_infra_version_id": 1,
          "spark_version": "3.2.2",
          "hive_version": "3.2.3",
          "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
          "scala_version": "2.12.15",
          "python_version": "3.9.5",
          "notebook_support": true
        "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
          "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
          "standalone_workers_number": null
        "object_storage_manager": {
          "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_osm",
          "description": "test",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type_name": "GCP"
          "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
      "workspace": {
        "workspace_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_jobs_test",
        "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
      "spark_job_type": {
        "job_type": "NOTEBOOK",
        "language": "Python3"
      "max_concurrency": 1,
      "notebook_cells": {
        "cells": [
            "cell_uuid": "3516b29f-13a3-427d-a466-fc0c85d7ad0e",
            "order": 0,
            "code": "",
            "output": [],
            "runStatus": false,
            "executionCount": 0,
            "isOutputError": false
      "last_notebook_run": {
        "notebook_id": null,
        "notebook_status": null
      "conf": null,
      "packages": null,
      "jars": null,
      "files": null,
      "driver_memory": null,
      "executor_memory": null,
      "driver_cores": null,
      "total_executor_cores": null,
      "executor_cores": null,
      "num_executors": null,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "active": true,
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.21698+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.21698+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "limit": 1,
    "next_page": 2


yeedu notebook search-confs -h
usage:  search-confs [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                     [--enable [{true,false}]] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                     [--limit LIMIT] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace_id to search Notebook Configurations in it.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        Provide notebook_name to search Notebook Configurations.
  --enable [{true,false}]
                        Provide enable as true or false to search Notebook
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Notebook Configurations for a specific page_number.
                        (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Notebook Configurations.
                        (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-confs example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu notebook search-confs --workspace_id=1 --notebook_name="test_" --enable=true --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "notebook_conf_id": 21,
      "notebook_name": "test_notebook_01",
      "cluster_info": {
        "cluster_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_instance",
        "description": "Test yeedu instance",
        "labels": {
          "test": "yeedu",
          "resource": "yeedu",
          "vm": "yeedu_node",
          "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
        "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
        "auto_shutdown": true,
        "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
        "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
        "compute_engine_id": 1,
        "instance_size": 1,
        "is_spot_instance": false,
        "enable_public_ip": false,
        "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
        "min_instances": 1,
        "max_instances": 3,
        "total_ycu": null,
        "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
        "spark_config_id": null,
        "cluster_conf": {
          "cluster_conf_id": 1,
          "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
          "description": null,
          "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
          "machine_type": {
            "machine_type_id": 64,
            "name": "n1-standard-4",
            "vcpus": 4,
            "memory": "15 GiB",
            "has_cuda": false,
            "gpu_model": null,
            "gpus": null,
            "gpu_memory": null
          "machine_volume_conf": {
            "volume_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "volume_gcp",
            "description": null,
            "encrypted": true,
            "size": 375,
            "disk_machine_type": {
              "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "local-ssd",
              "has_fixed_size": true,
              "min_size": 375,
              "max_size": 375
            "machine_volume_num": 1,
            "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
        "cloud_env": {
          "cloud_env_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
          "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
          "cloud_provider": {
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP"
          "availabilty_zone": {
            "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "machine_network": {
            "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
            "description": null,
            "network_project_id": "yeedu",
            "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
            "network_tags": [
            "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
            "machine_network_availability_zone": {
              "availability_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
          "cloud_project": "yeedu",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "modakyeed-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type": {
              "credential_type_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0
          "boot_disk_image": {
            "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
            "description": "dev boot disk",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "linux_distro": {
              "linux_distro_id": 0,
              "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
              "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
            "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
        "hive_metastore_conf": {
          "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
          "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
        "spark_infra_version": {
          "spark_infra_version_id": 1,
          "spark_version": "3.2.2",
          "hive_version": "3.2.3",
          "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
          "scala_version": "2.12.15",
          "python_version": "3.9.5",
          "notebook_support": true
        "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
          "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
          "standalone_workers_number": null
        "object_storage_manager": {
          "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_osm",
          "description": "test",
          "credentials_config": {
            "credential_config_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu-svc",
            "description": null,
            "credential_type_name": "GCP"
          "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
      "workspace": {
        "workspace_id": 1,
        "name": "spark_jobs_test",
        "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
      "spark_job_type": {
        "job_type": "NOTEBOOK",
        "language": "Python3"
      "max_concurrency": 1,
      "notebook_cells": {
        "cells": [
            "cell_uuid": "3516b29f-13a3-427d-a466-fc0c85d7ad0e",
            "order": 0,
            "code": "",
            "output": [],
            "runStatus": false,
            "executionCount": 0,
            "isOutputError": false
      "last_notebook_run": {
        "notebook_id": null,
        "notebook_status": null
      "conf": null,
      "packages": null,
      "jars": null,
      "files": null,
      "driver_memory": null,
      "executor_memory": null,
      "driver_cores": null,
      "total_executor_cores": null,
      "executor_cores": null,
      "num_executors": null,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "active": true,
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.21698+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.21698+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "limit": 1,
    "next_page": 2


yeedu notebook get-conf -h
usage:  get-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                 [--notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID]
                 [--notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME]
                 [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to get information about a specific Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID
                        Provide Notebook Conf Id to get information about a specific Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        Provide Notebook Name to get information about a specific Notebook Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-conf example with the optional and required arguments passed.

yeedu notebook get-conf --workspace_id=1 --notebook_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "notebook_conf_id": 1,
  "notebook_name": "test_notebook_01",
  "cluster_info": {
    "cluster_id": 1,
    "name": "yeedu_instance",
    "description": "Test yeedu instance",
    "labels": {
      "test": "yeedu",
      "resource": "yeedu",
      "vm": "yeedu_node",
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
    "idle_timeout_ms": 600000,
    "auto_shutdown": true,
    "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
    "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
    "compute_engine_id": 1,
    "instance_size": 1,
    "is_spot_instance": false,
    "enable_public_ip": false,
    "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
    "min_instances": 1,
    "max_instances": 3,
    "total_ycu": null,
    "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
    "spark_config_id": null,
    "cluster_conf": {
      "cluster_conf_id": 1,
      "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
      "description": null,
      "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
      "machine_type": {
        "machine_type_id": 64,
        "name": "n1-standard-4",
        "vcpus": 4,
        "memory": "15 GiB",
        "has_cuda": false,
        "gpu_model": null,
        "gpus": null,
        "gpu_memory": null
      "machine_volume_conf": {
        "volume_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "volume_gcp",
        "description": null,
        "encrypted": true,
        "size": 375,
        "disk_machine_type": {
          "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "local-ssd",
          "has_fixed_size": true,
          "min_size": 375,
          "max_size": 375
        "machine_volume_num": 1,
        "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
    "cloud_env": {
      "cloud_env_id": 1,
      "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
      "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
      "cloud_provider": {
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "name": "GCP"
      "availabilty_zone": {
        "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
        "name": "us-central1-a",
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "region": "us-central1",
        "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "machine_network": {
        "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
        "description": null,
        "network_project_id": "yeedu",
        "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
        "network_tags": [
        "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
        "machine_network_availability_zone": {
          "availability_zone_id": 75,
          "name": "us-central1-a",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "region": "us-central1",
          "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
      "cloud_project": "yeedu",
      "credentials_config": {
        "credential_config_id": 1,
        "name": "modakyeed-svc",
        "description": null,
        "credential_type": {
          "credential_type_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0
      "boot_disk_image": {
        "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
        "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
        "description": "dev boot disk",
        "cloud_provider_id": 0,
        "linux_distro": {
          "linux_distro_id": 0,
          "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
          "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
        "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
    "hive_metastore_conf": {
      "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
      "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
    "spark_infra_version": {
      "spark_infra_version_id": 1,
      "spark_version": "3.2.2",
      "hive_version": "3.2.3",
      "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
      "scala_version": "2.12.15",
      "python_version": "3.9.5",
      "notebook_support": true
    "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
      "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
      "standalone_workers_number": null
    "object_storage_manager": {
      "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
      "name": "yeedu_osm",
      "description": "test",
      "credentials_config": {
        "credential_config_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu-svc",
        "description": null,
        "credential_type_name": "GCP"
      "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
  "workspace": {
    "workspace_id": 1,
    "name": "spark_jobs_test",
    "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
  "spark_job_type": {
    "job_type": "NOTEBOOK",
    "language": "Python3"
  "max_concurrency": 1,
  "notebook_cells": {
    "cells": [
        "cell_uuid": "3516b29f-13a3-427d-a466-fc0c85d7ad0e",
        "order": 0,
        "code": "",
        "output": [],
        "runStatus": false,
        "executionCount": 0,
        "isOutputError": false
  "last_notebook_run": {
    "notebook_id": null,
    "notebook_status": null
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "jars": null,
  "files": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "active": true,
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.21698+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.21698+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu notebook edit-conf -h
usage:  edit-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                  [--notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID]
                  [--notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME]
                  [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
                  [--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME] [--name [NAME]]
                  [--conf CONF [CONF ...]] [--files [FILES]]
                  [--jars [JARS]] [--packages [PACKAGES]]
                  [--driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]]
                  [--executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]]
                  [--driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]]
                  [--total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]]
                  [--executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]]
                  [--num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]]
                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID
                        Provide Notbeook Conf Id to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        Provide Notebook Name to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        Provide cluster_id to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME
                        Provide cluster_name to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --name [NAME]         Provide name to edit notebook_name of a Notebook Configuration.
  --conf CONF [CONF ...]
                        Provide conf to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --files [FILES]       Provide files to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --jars [JARS]         Provide jars to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --packages [PACKAGES]
                        Provide packages to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --driver-memory [DRIVER_MEMORY]
                        Provide driver-memory to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --executor-memory [EXECUTOR_MEMORY]
                        Provide executor-memory to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --driver-cores [DRIVER_CORES]
                        Provide driver-cores to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --total-executor-cores [TOTAL_EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide total-executor-cores to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --executor-cores [EXECUTOR_CORES]
                        Provide executor-cores to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --num-executors [NUM_EXECUTORS]
                        Provide num-executors to edit a Notebook Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-conf example with the required arguments and other optional arguments passed which is to be updated.

yeedu notebook edit-conf --workspace_id=1 --notebook_conf_id=21 --name=Notebook_01
  • Console output

  "notebook_conf_id": "21",
  "notebook_name": "Notebook_01",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 3,
  "max_concurrency": "1",
  "notebook_cells": {
    "cells": [
        "cell_uuid": "3516b29f-13a3-427d-a466-fc0c85d7ad0e",
        "order": 0,
        "code": "",
        "output": [],
        "runStatus": false,
        "executionCount": 0,
        "isOutputError": false
  "notebook_cells_auto_save": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "jars": null,
  "files": null,
  "driver_memory": null,
  "executor_memory": null,
  "driver_cores": null,
  "total_executor_cores": null,
  "executor_cores": null,
  "num_executors": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T10:15:19.396Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.216Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu notebook enable-conf -h
usage:  enable-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                    [--notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID]
                    [--notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to enable the Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID
                        Provide Notebook Conf Id to enable the Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        Provide Notebook Name to enable the Notebook Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • enable-conf example with the required arguments passed.

yeedu notebook enable-conf --workspace_id=1 --notebook_conf_id=140
  • Console output

  "notebook_conf_id": "21",
  "notebook_name": "Notebook_01",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 3,
  "max_concurrency": "1",
  "notebook_cells": {
    "cells": [
        "cell_uuid": "3516b29f-13a3-427d-a466-fc0c85d7ad0e",
        "order": 0,
        "code": "",
        "output": [],
        "runStatus": false,
        "executionCount": 0,
        "isOutputError": false
  "notebook_cells_auto_save": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "jars": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T10:23:13.631Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.216Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu notebook disable-conf -h
usage:  disable-conf [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                     [--notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID]
                     [--notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME]
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to disable the Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID
                        Provide Notebook Conf Id to disable the Notebook Configuration.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        Provide Notebook Name to disable the Notebook Configuration.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • disable-conf example with the required arguments passed.

yeedu notebook disable-conf --workspace_id=1 --notebook_conf_id=140
  • Console output

  "notebook_conf_id": "21",
  "notebook_name": "Notebook_01",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "workspace_id": "1",
  "spark_job_type_lang_id": 3,
  "max_concurrency": "1",
  "notebook_cells": {
    "cells": [
        "cell_uuid": "3516b29f-13a3-427d-a466-fc0c85d7ad0e",
        "order": 0,
        "code": "",
        "output": [],
        "runStatus": false,
        "executionCount": 0,
        "isOutputError": false
  "notebook_cells_auto_save": null,
  "conf": null,
  "packages": null,
  "jars": null,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T10:22:42.399Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T10:06:52.216Z",
  "to_date": "2024-01-09T10:22:42.399Z"

Notebook Instance

Command Name



To start a Notebook Instance.

kerne l-start

To start a kernel of a Notebook Instance.

kernel-interr upt

To interrupt a kernel of a Notebook Instance.

kernel-re start

To restart a kernel of a Notebook Instance.


To list all the available Notebook Instances.


To search Notebook Instances by similar notebook name.


To get information about a specific Notebook Instance.


To stop a specific Notebook Instance.


To download Notebook Instance logs.


yeedu notebook start -h
usage:  start [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
              [--notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID]
              [--notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME]
              [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
              [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To start a Notebook Instance, enter workspace_id.
  --notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID
                        To start a Notebook Instance, enter notebook_conf_id.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        To start a Notebook Instance, enter notebook_name.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • start example with one of the required argument passed.

yeedu notebook start --workspace_id=1 --notebook_conf_id=1
  • Console output

  "notebook_id": "4",
  "notebook_conf_id": "21",
  "cluster_id": "1",
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T11:39:06.698Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T11:39:06.698Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu notebook kernel-start -h
usage:  kernel-start [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To start a kernel of a Notebook Instance, enter workspace_id.
  --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                        To start a kernel of a Notebook Instance, enter notebook
                        instance id.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • kernel-start example to with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu notebook kernel-start --workspace_id=1 --notebook_id=142
  • Console output

  "notebook_id": 142,
  "kernel_info": {
    "kernel_id": "71e6acb5-d4d8-4311-a4a3-7f8a8d6a0291",
    "kernel_status": "starting"


yeedu notebook kernel-interrupt -h
usage:  kernel-interrupt [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To interrupt a kernel of a Notebook Instance, enter
  --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                        To interrupt a kernel of a Notebook Instance, enter notebook
                        instance id.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • kernel-interrupt example to with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu notebook kernel-interrupt --workspace_id=1 --notebook_id=142
  • Console output

  "notebook_id": 142,
  "kernel_info": {
    "kernel_id": "71e6acb5-d4d8-4311-a4a3-7f8a8d6a0291",
    "kernel_status": "starting"


yeedu notebook kernel-restart -h
usage:  kernel-restart [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To restart a kernel of a Notebook Instance, enter workspace_id.
  --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                        To restart a kernel of a Notebook Instance, enter notebook
                        instance id.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • kernel-restart example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu notebook kernel-restart --workspace_id=1 --notebook_id=142
  • Console output

  "notebook_id": 142,
  "kernel_info": {
    "kernel_id": "71e6acb5-d4d8-4311-a4a3-7f8a8d6a0291",
    "kernel_status": "idle"


yeedu notebook list -h
usage:  list [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
             [--cluster_id CLUSTER_ID]
             [--notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID]
             [--notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME]
             [--notebook_status {submitted,running,done,error,terminated,stopping,stopped}]
             [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        To list Notebook Instances of a specific workspace_id.
  --cluster_id CLUSTER_ID
                        To list Notebook Instances of a specific cluster_id.
  --notebook_conf_id NOTEBOOK_CONF_ID
                        To list Notebook Instances of a specific notebook_conf_id.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        To list Notebook Instances of a specific notebook_name.
  --notebook_status {submitted,running,done,error,terminated,stopping,stopped}
                        To list Notebook Instances of a specific notebook_status.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list Notebook Instances for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of job instances. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu notebook list --workspace_id=1 --notebook_status=running
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "notebook_id": 2,
      "notebook_url": "",
      "notebook_status": "RUNNING",
      "notebook_conf": {
        "notebook_conf_id": 2,
        "notebook_name": "test_notebook",
        "cluster_info": {
          "cluster_id": 2,
          "name": "yeedu_instance",
          "description": "Test yeedu instance",
          "labels": {
            "test": "yeedu",
            "resource": "yeedu",
            "vm": "yeedu_node",
            "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
          "idle_timeout_ms": 1200000,
          "auto_shutdown": true,
          "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
          "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
          "compute_engine_id": 2,
          "instance_size": 1,
          "is_spot_instance": false,
          "enable_public_ip": false,
          "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
          "min_instances": 1,
          "max_instances": 3,
          "total_ycu": null,
          "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
          "spark_config_id": null,
          "cluster_conf": {
            "cluster_conf_id": 1,
            "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
            "description": null,
            "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
            "machine_type": {
              "machine_type_id": 64,
              "name": "n1-standard-4",
              "vcpus": 4,
              "memory": "15 GiB",
              "has_cuda": false,
              "gpu_model": null,
              "gpus": null,
              "gpu_memory": null
            "machine_volume_conf": {
              "volume_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "volume_gcp",
              "description": null,
              "encrypted": true,
              "size": 375,
              "disk_machine_type": {
                "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "name": "local-ssd",
                "has_fixed_size": true,
                "min_size": 375,
                "max_size": 375
              "machine_volume_num": 1,
              "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
          "cloud_env": {
            "cloud_env_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
            "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
            "cloud_provider": {
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP"
            "availabilty_zone": {
              "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "machine_network": {
              "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
              "description": null,
              "network_project_id": "yeedu",
              "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
              "network_tags": [
              "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
              "machine_network_availability_zone": {
                "availability_zone_id": 75,
                "name": "us-central1-a",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "region": "us-central1",
                "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "cloud_project": "yeedu",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type": {
                "credential_type_id": 0,
                "name": "GCP",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0
            "boot_disk_image": {
              "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
              "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
              "description": "dev boot disk",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "linux_distro": {
                "linux_distro_id": 0,
                "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
                "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
              "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
          "hive_metastore_conf": {
            "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
            "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
          "spark_infra_version": {
            "spark_infra_version_id": 1,
            "spark_version": "3.2.2",
            "hive_version": "3.2.3",
            "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
            "scala_version": "2.12.15",
            "python_version": "3.9.5",
            "notebook_support": true
          "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
            "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
            "standalone_workers_number": null
          "object_storage_manager": {
            "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_osm",
            "description": "test",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type_name": "GCP"
            "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
        "notebook_job_type": {
          "job_type": "NOTEBOOK",
          "language": "Python3"
        "max_concurrency": 1,
        "notebook_cells": {
          "cells": [
              "cell_uuid": "70538495-aeb0-4df6-bb26-2b20f5663f0c",
              "order": 0,
              "code": "",
              "output": [],
              "runStatus": false,
              "executionCount": 0,
              "isOutputError": false
        "notebook_cells_auto_save": null,
        "conf": null,
        "packages": null,
        "jars": null
      "workflow_job_instance_details": {
        "workflow_job_instance_status": {
          "workflow_job_instance_id": 4,
          "workflow_job_id": 4,
          "status": "DONE",
          "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
          "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:59.648713+00:00"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
      "to_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:59.648713+00:00"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu notebook search -h
usage:  search [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
               [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
               [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to search Notebook Instances in it.
  --notebook_name NOTEBOOK_NAME
                        Provide notebook_name to search Notebook Instances.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search Notebook Instances for a specific page_number.
                        (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of Notebook Instances. (default:
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu notebook search --workspace_id=1 --notebook_name="test_" --limit=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "notebook_id": 2,
      "notebook_url": "",
      "notebook_status": "RUNNING",
      "notebook_conf": {
        "notebook_conf_id": 2,
        "notebook_name": "test_notebook",
        "cluster_info": {
          "cluster_id": 2,
          "name": "yeedu_instance",
          "description": "Test yeedu instance",
          "labels": {
            "test": "yeedu",
            "resource": "yeedu",
            "vm": "yeedu_node",
            "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
          "idle_timeout_ms": 1200000,
          "auto_shutdown": true,
          "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
          "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
          "compute_engine_id": 2,
          "instance_size": 1,
          "is_spot_instance": false,
          "enable_public_ip": false,
          "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
          "min_instances": 1,
          "max_instances": 3,
          "total_ycu": null,
          "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
          "spark_config_id": null,
          "cluster_conf": {
            "cluster_conf_id": 1,
            "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
            "description": null,
            "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
            "machine_type": {
              "machine_type_id": 64,
              "name": "n1-standard-4",
              "vcpus": 4,
              "memory": "15 GiB",
              "has_cuda": false,
              "gpu_model": null,
              "gpus": null,
              "gpu_memory": null
            "machine_volume_conf": {
              "volume_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "volume_gcp",
              "description": null,
              "encrypted": true,
              "size": 375,
              "disk_machine_type": {
                "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "name": "local-ssd",
                "has_fixed_size": true,
                "min_size": 375,
                "max_size": 375
              "machine_volume_num": 1,
              "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
          "cloud_env": {
            "cloud_env_id": 1,
            "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
            "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
            "cloud_provider": {
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "name": "GCP"
            "availabilty_zone": {
              "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
              "name": "us-central1-a",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "region": "us-central1",
              "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "machine_network": {
              "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
              "description": null,
              "network_project_id": "yeedu",
              "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
              "network_tags": [
              "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
              "machine_network_availability_zone": {
                "availability_zone_id": 75,
                "name": "us-central1-a",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0,
                "region": "us-central1",
                "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
            "cloud_project": "yeedu",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type": {
                "credential_type_id": 0,
                "name": "GCP",
                "cloud_provider_id": 0
            "boot_disk_image": {
              "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
              "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
              "description": "dev boot disk",
              "cloud_provider_id": 0,
              "linux_distro": {
                "linux_distro_id": 0,
                "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
                "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
              "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
          "hive_metastore_conf": {
            "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
            "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
          "spark_infra_version": {
            "spark_infra_version_id": 1,
            "spark_version": "3.2.2",
            "hive_version": "3.2.3",
            "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
            "scala_version": "2.12.15",
            "python_version": "3.9.5",
            "notebook_support": true
          "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
            "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
            "standalone_workers_number": null
          "object_storage_manager": {
            "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
            "name": "yeedu_osm",
            "description": "test",
            "credentials_config": {
              "credential_config_id": 1,
              "name": "yeedu-svc",
              "description": null,
              "credential_type_name": "GCP"
            "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
        "workspace": {
          "workspace_id": 1,
          "name": "spark_jobs_test",
          "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
        "notebook_job_type": {
          "job_type": "NOTEBOOK",
          "language": "Python3"
        "max_concurrency": 1,
        "notebook_cells": {
          "cells": [
              "cell_uuid": "70538495-aeb0-4df6-bb26-2b20f5663f0c",
              "order": 0,
              "code": "",
              "output": [],
              "runStatus": false,
              "executionCount": 0,
              "isOutputError": false
        "notebook_cells_auto_save": null,
        "conf": null,
        "packages": null,
        "jars": null
      "workflow_job_instance_details": {
        "workflow_job_instance_status": {
          "workflow_job_instance_id": 4,
          "workflow_job_id": 4,
          "status": "DONE",
          "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
          "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:59.648713+00:00"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
      "to_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:59.648713+00:00"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu notebook get -h
usage:  get [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to get information about a specific
                        Notebook Instance.
  --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                        Provide notebook instance id to get information about a specific
                        Notebook Instance.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu notebook get --workspace_id=1 --notebook_id=142
  • Console output

  "notebook_id": 2,
  "notebook_url": "",
  "notebook_status": "RUNNING",
  "notebook_conf": {
    "notebook_conf_id": 2,
    "notebook_name": "test_notebook",
    "cluster_info": {
      "cluster_id": 2,
      "name": "yeedu_instance",
      "description": "Test yeedu instance",
      "labels": {
        "test": "yeedu",
        "resource": "yeedu",
        "vm": "yeedu_node",
        "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615"
      "idle_timeout_ms": 1200000,
      "auto_shutdown": true,
      "cluster_status": "RUNNING",
      "cluster_type": "YEEDU",
      "compute_engine_id": 2,
      "instance_size": 1,
      "is_spot_instance": false,
      "enable_public_ip": false,
      "block_project_ssh_keys": false,
      "min_instances": 1,
      "max_instances": 3,
      "total_ycu": null,
      "bootstrap_shell_script": null,
      "spark_config_id": null,
      "cluster_conf": {
        "cluster_conf_id": 1,
        "cluster_conf_name": "n1-standard-4",
        "description": null,
        "machine_type_category": "general_purpose",
        "machine_type": {
          "machine_type_id": 64,
          "name": "n1-standard-4",
          "vcpus": 4,
          "memory": "15 GiB",
          "has_cuda": false,
          "gpu_model": null,
          "gpus": null,
          "gpu_memory": null
        "machine_volume_conf": {
          "volume_conf_id": 1,
          "name": "volume_gcp",
          "description": null,
          "encrypted": true,
          "size": 375,
          "disk_machine_type": {
            "disk_machine_type_id": 4,
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "name": "local-ssd",
            "has_fixed_size": true,
            "min_size": 375,
            "max_size": 375
          "machine_volume_num": 1,
          "machine_volume_strip_num": 1
      "cloud_env": {
        "cloud_env_id": 1,
        "name": "gcp_cloud_env",
        "description": "yeedu cloud environment",
        "cloud_provider": {
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "name": "GCP"
        "availabilty_zone": {
          "availabilty_zone_id": 75,
          "name": "us-central1-a",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "region": "us-central1",
          "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
        "machine_network": {
          "machine_network_conf_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu_gcp_network",
          "description": null,
          "network_project_id": "yeedu",
          "network_name": "yeedu-spark-vpc",
          "network_tags": [
          "subnet": "custom-subnet-yeedu",
          "machine_network_availability_zone": {
            "availability_zone_id": 75,
            "name": "us-central1-a",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0,
            "region": "us-central1",
            "description": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America"
        "cloud_project": "yeedu",
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type": {
            "credential_type_id": 0,
            "name": "GCP",
            "cloud_provider_id": 0
        "boot_disk_image": {
          "boot_disk_image_id": 1,
          "name": "gcp_boot_disk",
          "description": "dev boot disk",
          "cloud_provider_id": 0,
          "linux_distro": {
            "linux_distro_id": 0,
            "distro_name": "UBUNTU",
            "distro_version": "20.04 LTS"
          "boot_disk_image": "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
      "hive_metastore_conf": {
        "hive_metastore_conf_id": null,
        "hive_metastore_conf_name": null
      "spark_infra_version": {
        "spark_infra_version_id": 1,
        "spark_version": "3.2.2",
        "hive_version": "3.2.3",
        "hadoop_version": "3.2.4",
        "scala_version": "2.12.15",
        "python_version": "3.9.5",
        "notebook_support": true
      "engine_cluster_spark_config": {
        "max_parallel_spark_job_execution_per_instance": 5,
        "standalone_workers_number": null
      "object_storage_manager": {
        "object_storage_manager_id": 1,
        "name": "yeedu_osm",
        "description": "test",
        "credentials_config": {
          "credential_config_id": 1,
          "name": "yeedu-svc",
          "description": null,
          "credential_type_name": "GCP"
        "object_storage_bucket_name": "yeedu-nabu"
    "workspace": {
      "workspace_id": 1,
      "name": "spark_jobs_test",
      "description": "Test Spark Jobs"
    "notebook_job_type": {
      "job_type": "NOTEBOOK",
      "language": "Python3"
    "max_concurrency": 1,
    "notebook_cells": {
      "cells": [
          "cell_uuid": "70538495-aeb0-4df6-bb26-2b20f5663f0c",
          "order": 0,
          "code": "",
          "output": [],
          "runStatus": false,
          "executionCount": 0,
          "isOutputError": false
    "notebook_cells_auto_save": null,
    "conf": null,
    "packages": null,
    "jars": null
  "workflow_job_instance_details": {
    "workflow_job_instance_status": {
      "workflow_job_instance_id": 4,
      "workflow_job_id": 4,
      "status": "DONE",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
      "to_date": "2023-12-28T14:44:59.648713+00:00"
  "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:12.047802+00:00",
  "to_date": "2024-01-01T14:44:59.648713+00:00"


yeedu notebook stop -h
usage:  stop [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide workspace id to stop a specific Notebook Instance.
  --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                        Provide notebook instance id to stop a specific Notebook
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • stop example with all the required argument passed.

yeedu notebook stop --workspace_id=1 --notebook_id=139
  • Console output

  "SparkKill": {
    "workflow_job_id": 275,
    "workflow_job_instance_id": 275,
    "spark_job_instance_id": 139,
    "spark_job_id": 140,
    "compute_engine_id": 3


yeedu notebook logs -h
usage:  logs [-h] --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
             [--log_type {stdout,stderr}] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --workspace_id WORKSPACE_ID
                        Provide Workspace Id to download Notebook Instance logs.
  --notebook_id NOTEBOOK_ID
                        Provide Notebook Id to download Notebook Instance logs.
  --log_type {stdout,stderr}
                        Provide log type to download Notebook Instance logs. (default:
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • logs example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu notebook logs --workspace_id=1 --notebook_id=2 --log_type="stderr"
  • Console output

[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.902 ServerApp] Package notebook took 0.0000s to import
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.912 ServerApp] Package jupyter_lsp took 0.0092s to import
[W 2023-10-04 11:15:25.912 ServerApp] A `_jupyter_server_extension_points` function was not found in jupyter_lsp. Instead, a `_jupyter_server_extension_paths` function was found and will be used for now. This function name will be deprecated in future releases of Jupyter Server.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.917 ServerApp] Package jupyter_server_terminals took 0.0049s to import
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.918 ServerApp] Package jupyterlab took 0.0000s to import
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.943 ServerApp] Package notebook_shim took 0.0000s to import
[W 2023-10-04 11:15:25.943 ServerApp] A `_jupyter_server_extension_points` function was not found in notebook_shim. Instead, a `_jupyter_server_extension_paths` function was found and will be used for now. This function name will be deprecated in future releases of Jupyter Server.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.943 ServerApp] jupyter_lsp | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.947 ServerApp] jupyter_server_terminals | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.952 ServerApp] jupyterlab | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:25.956 ServerApp] notebook | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.143 ServerApp] notebook_shim | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.164 ServerApp] notebook_shim | extension was successfully loaded.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.166 ServerApp] jupyter_lsp | extension was successfully loaded.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.167 ServerApp] jupyter_server_terminals | extension was successfully loaded.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.169 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/jupyterlab
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.169 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is /usr/local/share/jupyter/lab
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.169 LabApp] Extension Manager is 'pypi'.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.173 ServerApp] jupyterlab | extension was successfully loaded.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.175 ServerApp] notebook | extension was successfully loaded.
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.184 ServerApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /opt/spark
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.184 ServerApp] Jupyter Server 2.7.2 is running at:
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:26.184 ServerApp]
[I 2023-10-04 11:15:49.712 ServerApp] Kernel started: 71e6acb5-d4d8-4311-a4a3-7f8a8d6a0291
[I 2023-10-04 11:18:24.166 ServerApp] Kernel interrupted: 71e6acb5-d4d8-4311-a4a3-7f8a8d6a0291
[I 2023-10-04 11:19:38.766 ServerApp] Kernel restarted: 71e6acb5-d4d8-4311-a4a3-7f8a8d6a0291

IAM (Identity and Access Management)


Command Name


get-user -info

To get information about current session user.

get-user-r oles

To get all the roles of current session user.


yeedu iam get-user-info -h
usage:  get-user-info [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-user-info example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu iam get-user-info
  • Console output

  "user_id": "1",
  "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
  "username": "USER",
  "email": "",
  "group_info": [
      "group_id": 1,
      "groupname": "yeedu-user"
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T15:49:50.399Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu iam get-user-roles -h
usage:  get-user-roles [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-user-roles example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu iam get-user-roles
  • Console output

  "user_id": 2,
  "username": "RU0000",
  "user_roles": [
  "group_roles": [
      "group_id": 8,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "role_id": 2,
      "group_role": "Admin"


Shared Platform and Admin

Command Name



To get the information about a specific User.


To get the information about a specific Group.

list-user- groups

To list all the Groups for a specific User.

` list-users <#list-users-2>`__

To list all the available Users.

sear ch-users

To search the users based on username.

` match-user <#match-user-1>`__

To match exactly the user for the given username.

list-group -users

To list all the Users for a specific Group.

li st-groups

To list all the available Groups.

sear ch-groups

To search the groups based on groupname.

ma tch-group

To match exactly the group for the given groupname.


yeedu iam sync-user -h
usage:  sync-user [-h] --username USERNAME
                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME   Provide username to get information about a specific User.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • sync-user example with required argument ‘–username’ passed.

yeedu iam sync-user --username="USER"
  • Console output

  "user_id": "1",
  "username": "USER",
  "email": "",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T10:03:06.200Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu iam sync-group -h
usage:  sync-group [-h] --groupname GROUPNAME
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --groupname GROUPNAME
                        Provide groupname to get information about a specific Group.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • sync-group example with required argument ‘–groupname’ passed.

yeedu iam sync-group --groupname="yeedu"
  • Console output

  "group_id": "1",
  "group_name": "yeedu",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T14:30:20.723Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu iam list-user-groups -h
usage:  list-user-groups [-h] --user_id USER_ID
                         [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide user_id to list all the groups for a specific User.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-user-groups example with required argument ‘–user_id’ passed.

yeedu iam list-user-groups --user_id=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 2,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2024-01-01T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 1,
      "group_name": "Modak Yeedu",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "from_date": "2023-01-01T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu iam list-users -h
usage:  list-users [-h] [--group_id GROUP_ID]
                   [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide group_id to list all the users for a specific group.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-users example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu iam list-users
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000",
      "email": ""
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu iam search-users -h
usage:  search-users [-h] --username USERNAME [--group_id GROUP_ID]
                     [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME   Provide username to search users matching username.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide group_id to search all the users of a specific group.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-users example with the required argument passed.

yeedu iam search-users --username="Y"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000",
      "email": ""
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu iam match-user -h
usage:  match-user [-h] --username USERNAME
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME   Provide username to get user details.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • match-user example with the required argument passed.

yeedu iam match-user --username="YSU0000"
  • Console output

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "YSU0000",
  "email": "",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu iam list-group-users -h
usage:  list-group-users [-h] --group_id GROUP_ID
                         [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide group_id to list all the users for a specific Group.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-group-users example with the required argument ‘–group_id’ passed.

yeedu iam list-group-users --group_id=2
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000",
      "email": ""
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu iam list-groups -h
usage:  list-groups [-h] [--user_id USER_ID]
                    [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide user_id to list all the groups of a specific user.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-groups example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu iam list-groups
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 1,
      "group_name": "",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 2,
      "group_name": "All Users",
      "group_type": "DynamicMembership",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 3,
      "group_name": "Spark and Scala- N",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 4,
      "group_name": "Team Training & KT",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 5,
      "group_name": "Modak_Executors",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 6,
      "group_name": "ModakitesIndia",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 6,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu iam search-groups -h
usage:  search-groups [-h] --groupname GROUPNAME [--user_id USER_ID]
                      [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                      [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --groupname GROUPNAME
                        To search all the groups matching provided groupname.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide user_id to search all the groups of a specific user.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-groups example with required argument passed.

yeedu iam search-groups --groupname="Yeedu"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 7,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 8,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 9,
      "group_name": "G_Yeedu",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 10,
      "group_name": "Modak Yeedu",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 11,
      "group_name": "Yeedu Dev_Team",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "group_id": 25,
      "group_name": "Yeedu_Backend",
      "group_type": null,
      "from_date": "2024-01-02T09:19:25.770823+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 6,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu iam match-group -h
usage:  match-group [-h] --groupname GROUPNAME
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --groupname GROUPNAME
                        Provide groupname to get information about matching groups.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • match-group example with required argument passed.

yeedu iam match-group --groupname="Yeedu"
  • Console output

    "group_id": 8,
    "group_name": "Yeedu",
    "group_type": "Unified",
    "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
    "to_date": "infinity"
    "group_id": 7,
    "group_name": "Yeedu",
    "group_type": null,
    "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:50.367429+00:00",
    "to_date": "infinity"


Command Name


list-resou rces

To get all the resources.

get-re source

To get resource details for a specific Resource.

list-permissio ns

To get all the Permission Types.

get-permis sion

To get resource details for a specific Permission Type.

li st-roles

To get all the Roles.


To get resource details for a specific Role.

li st-rules

To get all the Rules.


To get resource details for a specific Rule.


yeedu iam list-resources -h
usage:  list-resources [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-resources example without optional argument passed for the output format.

yeedu iam list-resources
  • Console output

    "resource_id": 0,
    "resource_path": "/api/v1/lookup_cloud_providers",
    "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.340Z",
    "to_date": null
    "resource_id": 1,
    "resource_path": "/api/v1/lookup_cloud_providers/:cloud_provider_id",
    "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.340Z",
    "to_date": null
    "resource_id": 163,
    "resource_path": "/api/v1/cluster/confs/search/:cluster_conf_name",
    "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.340Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu iam get-resource -h
usage:  get-resource [-h] --resource_id RESOURCE_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --resource_id RESOURCE_ID
                        Provide the resource_id to get information about a specific
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-resource example with required argument ‘–resource_id’ passed.

yeedu iam get-resource --resource_id=18
  • Console output

  "resource_id": 18,
  "resource_path": "/api/v1/machine/networks",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.340Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu iam list-permissions -h
usage:  list-permissions [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-permissions example without optional argument passed for the output format.

yeedu iam list-permissions
  • Console output

    "permission_id": 0,
    "permission": "GET",
    "description": "To list a resource",
    "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.339Z",
    "to_date": null
    "permission_id": 3,
    "permission": "DELETE",
    "description": "To delete a resource",
    "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.339Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu iam get-permission -h
usage:  get-permission [-h] --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide the permission_id to get information about a specific
                        Permission Type.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-permission example with required argument ‘–permission_id’ passed.

yeedu iam get-permission --permission_id=1
  • Console output

  "permission_id": 1,
  "permission": "POST",
  "description": "To create a resource",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.339Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu iam list-roles -h
usage:  list-roles [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-roles example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu iam list-roles
  • Console output

    "role_id": 0,
    "role": "User",
    "description": "GET (Lookup, Volume Config, Network Config, Boot Disk Image Config, Credentials Config, Object Storage Manager, Object Storage Manager Files, Hive Metastore Config, Cluster Configuration, Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance, User) PUT (Spark Job Config, Workspace) POST (Object Storage Manager Files, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance) DELETE (Object Storage Manager Files, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config)",
    "from_date": "2023-10-18T12:28:01.369Z",
    "to_date": null
    "role_id": 1,
    "role": "Provider",
    "description": "GET (Lookup, Volume Config, Network Config, Boot Disk Image Config, Credentials Config, Object Storage Manager, Object Storage Manager Files, Hive Metastore Config, Cluster Configuration, Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance, User) PUT (Cluster Instance, Spark Job Config, Workspace) POST (Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance) DELETE (Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config)",
    "from_date": "2023-10-18T12:28:01.369Z",
    "to_date": null
    "role_id": 2,
    "role": "Admin",
    "description": "Can add and remove user and group roles and perform all actions within a tenant.",
    "from_date": "2023-10-18T12:28:01.369Z",
    "to_date": null
    "role_id": 3,
    "role": "Platform Admin",
    "description": "Can access and add or remove tenants across all tenants",
    "from_date": "2023-10-18T12:28:01.369Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu iam get-role -h
usage:  get-role [-h] --role_id ROLE_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide the role_id to get information about a specific Role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-role example with required argument ‘–role_id’ passed.

yeedu iam get-role --role_id=1
  • Console output

  "role_id": 1,
  "role": "Provider",
  "description": "GET (Lookup, Volume Config, Network Config, Boot Disk Image Config, Credentials Config, Object Storage Manager, Object Storage Manager Files, Hive Metastore Config, Cluster Configuration, Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance, User) PUT (Cluster Instance, Spark Job Config, Workspace) POST (Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance) DELETE (Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config)",
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.342Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu iam list-rules -h
usage:  list-rules [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-rules example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu iam list-rules
  • Console output

    "rule_id": "0",
    "permission_type": {
      "permission_id": 0,
      "permission": "GET",
      "description": "To list a resource"
    "resource": {
      "resource_id": 0,
      "resource_path": "/api/v1/lookup_cloud_providers"
    "role": {
      "role_id": 0,
      "role": "User",
      "description": "GET (Lookup, Volume Config, Network Config, Boot Disk Image Config, Credentials Config, Object Storage Manager, Object Storage Manager Files, Hive Metastore Config, Cluster Configuration, Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance, User) PUT (Spark Job Config, Workspace) POST (Object Storage Manager Files, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance) DELETE (Object Storage Manager Files, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config)"
    "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.350Z",
    "to_date": null
    "rule_id": "629",
    "permission_type": {
      "permission_id": 0,
      "permission": "GET",
      "description": "To list a resource"
    "resource": {
      "resource_id": 163,
      "resource_path": "/api/v1/cluster/confs/search/:cluster_conf_name"
    "role": {
      "role_id": 3,
      "role": "Platform Admin",
      "description": "Can access everything across tenants and add or remove tenants."
    "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.350Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu iam get-rule -h
usage:  get-rule [-h] --rule_id RULE_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rule_id RULE_ID     Provide the rule_id to get information about a specific Rule.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-rule example with required argument ‘–rule_id’ passed.

yeedu iam get-rule --rule_id=108
  • Console output

  "rule_id": "108",
  "permission_type": {
    "permission_id": 0,
    "permission": "GET",
    "description": "To list a resource"
  "resource": {
    "resource_id": 39,
    "resource_path": "/api/v1/cluster/stats"
  "role": {
    "role_id": 1,
    "role": "Provider",
    "description": "GET (Lookup, Volume Config, Network Config, Boot Disk Image Config, Credentials Config, Object Storage Manager, Object Storage Manager Files, Hive Metastore Config, Cluster Configuration, Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance, User) PUT (Cluster Instance, Spark Job Config, Workspace) POST (Cluster Instance, Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config, Spark Job Instance) DELETE (Cluster Access Control, Workspace, Workspace Access Control, Spark Job Config)"
  "from_date": "2023-09-29T15:47:59.350Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu iam list-workspace-permissions -h
usage:  list-workspace-permissions [-h] [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-workspace-permissions example.

yeedu iam list-workspace-permissions
  • Console output

    "permission_id": 0,
    "name": "VIEW",
    "description": "To list the jobs inside the workspace",
    "from_date": "2024-01-17T08:22:15.874Z",
    "to_date": null
    "permission_id": 1,
    "name": "RUN",
    "description": "To list and run the jobs within a workspace",
    "from_date": "2024-01-17T08:22:15.874Z",
    "to_date": null
    "permission_id": 2,
    "name": "EDIT",
    "description": "To list, run and edit a spark job configuration in a workspace",
    "from_date": "2024-01-17T08:22:15.874Z",
    "to_date": null
    "permission_id": 3,
    "name": "MANAGE",
    "description": "To list jobs, run jobs, edit Spark job configurations, and manage workspace access by adding or removing permissions",
    "from_date": "2024-01-17T08:22:15.874Z",
    "to_date": null


yeedu iam get-workspace-permission -h
usage:  get-workspace-permission [-h] --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                                 [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --permission_id PERMISSION_ID
                        Provide the permission_id to get information about a specific
                        Workspace Access Control Permission.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-workspace-permission example with required argument ‘–permission_id’ passed.

yeedu iam get-workspace-permission --permission_id=108
  • Console output

  "permission_id": 1,
  "name": "RUN",
  "description": "To list and run the jobs within a workspace",
  "from_date": "2024-01-17T08:22:15.874Z",
  "to_date": null



Command Name


create -tenant

To create a Tenant.

list-t enants

To list all the available Tenants.

search-t enants

To search the tenants with the given name.

` get-tenant <#get-tenant>`__

To get information about a specific Tenant.

ed it-tenant

To edit a specific Tenant.

delete -tenant

To delete a specific Tenant.


yeedu platform-admin create-tenant -h
usage:  create-tenant [-h] --name NAME [--description DESCRIPTION]
                      [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Provide name to create-tenant.
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Provide description to create-tenant.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-tenant example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin create-tenant --name="tenant_01" --description="Yeedu Tenant-1"
  • Console output

  "tenant_id": "69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b",
  "name": "tenant1",
  "description": "Yeedu Tenant-1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu platform-admin list-tenants -h
usage:  list-tenants [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list tenants for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of tenants. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-tenants example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin list-tenants
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "tenant_id": "69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b",
      "name": "tenant_01",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant-1",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865497+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865497+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
      "tenant_id": "1ea17e91-257b-4a6c-82aa-265568d31615",
      "name": "test",
      "description": null,
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:58.072463+00:00",
      "from_date": "2023-12-28T14:01:58.072463+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin search-tenants -h
usage:  search-tenants [-h] --tenant_name TENANT_NAME
                       [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_name TENANT_NAME
                        Provide the tenant name to get all the matching tenants.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search tenants on a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of tenants. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-tenants example with required arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin search-tenants --tenant_name="tenant"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "tenant_id": "69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b",
      "name": "tenant_01",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant-1",
      "created_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "modified_by": {
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000"
      "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865497+00:00",
      "from_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865497+00:00",
      "to_date": "infinity"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin get-tenant -h
usage:  get-tenant [-h] [--tenant_id TENANT_ID]
                   [--tenant_name TENANT_NAME]
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide the tenant_id to get information about a specific Tenant.
  --tenant_name TENANT_NAME
                        Provide the tenant_name to get information about a specific Tenant.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-tenant example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu platform-admin get-tenant --tenant_name="tenant_01"
  • Console output

  "tenant_id": "69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b",
  "name": "tenant_01",
  "description": "Yeedu Tenant-1",
  "created_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "modified_by": {
    "user_id": 1,
    "username": "YSU0000"
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865497+00:00",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865497+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu platform-admin edit-tenant -h
usage:  edit-tenant [-h] [--tenant_id TENANT_ID]
                    [--tenant_name TENANT_NAME] [--name [NAME]]
                    [--description [DESCRIPTION]]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide a specific tenant Id to edit-tenant.
  --tenant_name TENANT_NAME
                        Provide a specific tenant Name to edit-tenant.
  --name [NAME]         Provide name to edit-tenant.
  --description [DESCRIPTION]
                        Provide description to edit-tenant.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • edit-tenant example with any one of the required arguments and other optional argument is passed which is to be updated.

yeedu platform-admin edit-tenant --tenant_id="69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b" --description="Yeedu Tenant 1"
  • Console output

  "tenant_id": "69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b",
  "name": "tenant1",
  "description": "Yeedu Tenant 1",
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-09T14:50:29.676Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-09T14:38:09.865Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu platform-admin delete-tenant -h
usage:  delete-tenant [-h] [--tenant_id TENANT_ID]
                      [--tenant_name TENANT_NAME]
                      [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide the tenant_id to delete a specific Tenant.
  --tenant_name TENANT_NAME
                        Provide the tenant_name to delete a specific Tenant.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-tenant example with any one of the required argument passed.

yeedu platform-admin delete-tenant --tenant_id="69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b"
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Tenant Id: 69bf9c44-7ec8-409c-8f48-a573eb7ca29b"


Command Name


list-user-tenan ts

To list all the tenants associated to an user.

list-tenant-use rs

To list all the users present in a tenant.


To search all the users present in a tenant.

get-tenant- user

To get information about a User present in a specific tenant.

get-user-ro les

To get all the roles of an User present in a specific tenant.

list-users-ro les

To list all the Users Roles in a specific tenant.

get-role- users

To get all the users of a Role present in a specific tenant.

create-user-r ole

To create an User Role for a specific tenant.

delete-user-r ole

To delete an User Role of a specific tenant.


yeedu platform-admin list-user-tenants -h
usage:  list-user-tenants [-h] --user_id USER_ID
                          [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to list all the tenants.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list tenants for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of tenants. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-user-tenants example with the required argument passed.

yeedu platform-admin list-user-tenants --user_id=1
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
      "name": "tenant1",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant 1"
      "tenant_id": "cf1f945f-01ce-4ac6-a070-8c733f2fa791",
      "name": "tenant3",
      "description": "Yeedu Tenant 3"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin list-tenant-users -h
usage:  list-tenant-users [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                          [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to list all the users present in it.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list tenant users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of tenant users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-tenant-users example with required arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin list-tenant-users --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38"
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
    "users": [
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000",
        "email": "YSU0000"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin search-tenant-users -h
usage:  search-tenant-users [-h] --username USERNAME --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                            [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                            [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                            [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME   Provide username to search all the matching users present in it.
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to search all the users present in it.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search tenant users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of tenant users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-tenant-users example with required arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin search-tenant-users --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --username="YS"
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
    "users": [
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000",
        "email": "YSU0000"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin get-tenant-user -h
usage:  get-tenant-user [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID --user_id USER_ID
                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                        [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to get information about a specific User.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to get information about a specific User.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-tenant-user example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin get-tenant-user --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --user_id=1
  • Console output

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "USER",
  "email": "",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T15:49:50.399852+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu platform-admin get-user-roles -h
usage:  get-user-roles [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID --user_id USER_ID
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to get roles of a specific User.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to get roles of a specific User.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-user-roles example with the required arguments ‘–tenant_id’ and ‘–user_id’ passed.

yeedu platform-admin get-user-roles --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --user_id=1
  • Console output

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "YSU0000",
  "user_roles": [
      "role_id": 3,
      "user_role": "Platform Admin"
  "group_roles": [
      "group_id": 8,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "role_id": 2,
      "group_role": "Admin"


yeedu platform-admin list-users-roles -h
usage:  list-users-roles [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                         [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to list User roles.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users roles for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users roles. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-users-roles example with the required argument ‘–tenant_id’ passed.

yeedu platform-admin list-users-roles --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000",
      "user_roles": [
        "Platform Admin"
      "group_roles": [
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin get-role-users -h
usage:  get-role-users [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                       [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to get users in a specific Role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to get users in a specific Role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-role-users example with the required ‘–tenant_id’ arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin get-role-users --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --role_id=3
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "role_id": 3,
    "users": [
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000",
        "email": "YSU0000"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin create-user-role -h
usage:  create-user-role [-h] [--tenant_id TENANT_ID] --user_id
                         USER_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to create-user-role.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to create-user-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to create-user-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-user-role example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin create-user-role --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --user_id=2 --role_id=1
  • Console output

  "user_roles_id": "2",
  "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
  "user_id": "2",
  "role_id": 1,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2023-10-05T12:50:27.826Z",
  "from_date": "2023-10-05T12:50:27.826Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu platform-admin delete-user-role -h
usage:  delete-user-role [-h] [--tenant_id TENANT_ID] --user_id USER_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to delete-user-role.
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to delete-user-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to delete-user-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-user-role example with the required ‘–tenant_id’ argument passed.

yeedu platform-admin delete-user-role --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --user_id=2 --role_id=1
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted User Roles for the provided tenant_id: '6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38', user_id: 2 and role_id: 1."


Command Name



To list all the groups present in a tenant.


To search all the groups present in a tenant.

get-tenant-grou p

To get information about a Group present in a specific tenant.

get-group-rol es

To get all the roles of a Group present in a specific tenant.


To list all the Groups Roles in a specific tenant.

get-role-grou ps

To get all the groups having a specific Role present in a specific tenant.


To create a Group Role for a specific tenant.


To delete a Group Role of a specific tenant.


yeedu platform-admin list-tenant-groups -h
usage:  list-tenant-groups [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                           [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                           [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                           [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to list all the groups present in it.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list tenant groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of tenant groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-tenant-groups example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin list-tenant-groups --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38"
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
    "groups": [
        "group_id": 8,
        "group_name": "Yeedu",
        "group_type": "Unified"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin search-tenant-groups -h
usage:  search-tenant-groups [-h] --groupname GROUPNAME --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                             [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                             [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                             [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --groupname GROUPNAME
                        Provide groupname to search all the matching groups present in
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to search all the groups present in it.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search tenant groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of tenant groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-tenant-groups example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin search-tenant-groups --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --groupname="Yeed"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 8,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "roles": [
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin get-tenant-group -h
usage:  get-tenant-group [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID --group_id GROUP_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID Provide Tenant Id to get information about a specific Group.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to get information about a specific Group.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-tenant-group example with required arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin get-tenant-group --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --group_id=1
  • Console output

  "group_id": 1,
  "group_name": "yeedu-manager",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T15:49:50.399852+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu platform-admin get-group-roles -h
usage:  get-group-roles [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID --group_id GROUP_ID
                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]] [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to get roles of a specific Group.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to get roles of a specific Group.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-group-roles example with the required ‘–tenant_id’ and ‘–group_id’ arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin get-group-roles --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --group_id=1
  • Console output

  "group_id": 1,
  "group_name": "Yeedu",
  "group_type": "Unified",
  "roles": [


yeedu platform-admin list-groups-roles -h
usage:  list-groups-roles [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                          [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to list Group roles.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list groups roles for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of groups roles. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-groups-roles example with the required arguments ‘–tenant_id’ passed.

yeedu platform-admin list-groups-roles --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --limit=2
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 1,
      "group_name": "yeedu-manager",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "roles": [
      "group_id": 3,
      "group_name": "yeedu-user",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "roles": [
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin get-role-groups -h
usage:  get-role-groups [-h] --tenant_id TENANT_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                        [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                        [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to get groups in a specific Role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to get groups in a specific Role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-role-groups example with the required arguments ‘–tenant_id’ and ‘–role_id’ passed.

yeedu platform-admin get-role-groups --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --role_id=2
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "role_id": 2,
    "groups": [
        "group_id": 2,
        "group_name": "Yeedu",
        "group_type": "Unified"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu platform-admin create-group-role -h
usage:  create-group-role [-h] [--tenant_id TENANT_ID] --group_id GROUP_ID --role_id
                          ROLE_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to create-group-role.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to create-group-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to create-group-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-group-role example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu platform-admin create-group-role --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --group_id=1 --role_id=0
  • Console output

  "group_roles_id": "1",
  "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
  "group_id": "1",
  "role_id": 0,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-01T13:10:15.840Z",
  "from_date": "2023-01-01T13:10:15.840Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu platform-admin delete-group-role -h
usage:  delete-group-role [-h] [--tenant_id TENANT_ID] --group_id GROUP_ID --role_id
                          ROLE_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tenant_id TENANT_ID
                        Provide Tenant Id to delete-group-role.
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to delete-group-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to delete-group-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-group-role example with all the required argument passed.

yeedu platform-admin delete-group-role --tenant_id="6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38" --group_id=1 --role_id=0
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Group Role for the provided Tenant Id: '6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38', Group Id: 1, and Role Id: 0"



Command Name



To list all the users present in tenant.

se arch-users

To search all the users present in tenant.


To get information about a specific User.

get-us er-roles

To get all the roles of a specific User.

list-users -roles

To list all the Users Roles.

get-ro le-users

To get all the users in a specific Role.

create-use r-role

To create an User Role.

delete-use r-role

To delete an User Role.


yeedu admin list-users -h
usage:  list-users [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                   [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                   [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-users example with optional arguments passed.

yeedu admin list-users --limit=2
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
    "users": [
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000",
        "email": "YSU0000"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin search-users -h
usage:  search-users [-h] --username USERNAME
                     [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                     [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                     [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --username USERNAME   Provide username to search matching users.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search users for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of users. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-users example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu admin search-users --username="YS"
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
    "users": [
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000",
        "email": "YSU0000"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin get-user -h
usage:  get-user [-h] --user_id USER_ID
                 [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                 [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to get information about a specific User.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-user example with the required argument passed.

yeedu admin get-user --user_id=1
  • Console output

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "YSU0000",
  "email": "",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T15:49:50.399852+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu admin get-user-roles -h
usage:  get-user-roles [-h] --user_id USER_ID
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to get roles of a specific User.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-user-roles example with the required arguments ‘–user_id’ passed.

yeedu admin get-user-roles --user_id=1
  • Console output

  "user_id": 1,
  "username": "YSU0000",
  "user_roles": [
      "role_id": 3,
      "user_role": "Platform Admin"
  "group_roles": [
      "group_id": 8,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "role_id": 2,
      "group_role": "Admin"


yeedu admin list-users-roles -h
usage:  list-users-roles [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER]
                         [--limit LIMIT]
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list users roles for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of users roles. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-users-roles example with optional arguments passed.

yeedu admin list-users-roles
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "user_id": 1,
      "username": "YSU0000",
      "user_roles": [
        "Platform Admin"
      "group_roles": [
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin get-role-users -h
usage:  get-role-users [-h] --role_id ROLE_ID
                       [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                       [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                       [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to get users in a specific Role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-role-users example with the required ‘–role_id’ arguments passed.

yeedu admin get-role-users --role_id=3
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "role_id": 3,
    "users": [
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "YSU0000",
        "email": "YSU0000"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin create-user-role -h
usage:  create-user-role [-h] --user_id USER_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to create-user-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to create-user-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-user-role example with all the required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu admin create-user-role --user_id=2 --role_id=1
  • Console output

  "user_roles_id": "2",
  "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
  "user_id": "2",
  "role_id": 1,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-01T12:50:27.826Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T12:50:27.826Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu admin delete-user-role -h
usage:  delete-user-role [-h] --user_id USER_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                         [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                         [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user_id USER_ID     Provide User Id to delete-user-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to delete-user-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-user-role example with all the required argument passed.

yeedu admin delete-user-role --user_id=2 --role_id=1
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted User Roles for the provided User Id: 2 and Role Id: 1."


Command Name


` list-groups <#list-groups-2>`__

To list all the groups present in tenant.

sear ch-groups

To search all the groups present in tenant.


To get information about a specific Group.

get-grou p-roles

To get all the roles of a specific Group.

list-groups- roles

To list all the Groups Roles.

get-role -groups

To get all the groups in a specific Role.

create-group -role

To create a Group Role.

delete-group -role

To delete a group Role.


yeedu admin list-groups -h
usage:  list-groups [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                    [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                    [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-groups example with the optional argument passed.

yeedu admin list-groups
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
    "groups": [
        "group_id": 8,
        "group_name": "Yeedu",
        "group_type": "Unified"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin search-groups -h
usage:  search-groups [-h] --groupname GROUPNAME
                      [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                      [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                      [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --groupname GROUPNAME
                        Provide groupname to search matching groups.
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To search groups for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to search number of groups. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • search-groups example with required and optional arguments passed.

yeedu admin search-groups --groupname="Yeed"
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 8,
      "group_name": "Yeedu",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "roles": [
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin get-group -h
usage:  get-group [-h] --group_id GROUP_ID
                  [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                  [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to get information about a specific Group.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-group example with the required argument ‘–group_id’ passed.

yeedu admin get-group --group_id=1
  • Console output

  "group_id": 1,
  "group_name": "yeedu-manager",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T15:49:50.399852+00:00",
  "to_date": "infinity"


yeedu admin get-group-roles -h
usage:  get-group-roles [-h] --group_id GROUP_ID
                        [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                        [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to get roles of a specific Group.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-group-roles example with the required argument ‘–group_id’ passed.

yeedu admin get-group-roles --group_id=1
  • Console output

  "group_id": 1,
  "group_name": "Yeedu",
  "group_type": "Unified",
  "roles": [


yeedu admin list-groups-roles -h
usage:  list-groups-roles [-h] [--page_number PAGE_NUMBER] [--limit LIMIT]
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --page_number PAGE_NUMBER
                        To list groups roles for a specific page_number. (default: 1)
  --limit LIMIT         Provide limit to list number of groups roles. (default: 100)
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • list-groups-roles example without any optional arguments passed.

yeedu admin list-groups-roles
  • Console output

  "data": [
      "group_id": 1,
      "group_name": "yeedu-manager",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "roles": [
      "group_id": 3,
      "group_name": "yeedu-user",
      "group_type": "Unified",
      "roles": [
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 2,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin get-role-groups -h
usage:  get-role-groups [-h] --role_id ROLE_ID [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                        [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to get groups in a specific Role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • get-role-groups example with the required argument ‘–role_id’ passed.

yeedu admin get-role-groups --role_id=2
  • Console output

  "data": {
    "role_id": 2,
    "groups": [
        "group_id": 2,
        "group_name": "Yeedu",
        "group_type": "Unified"
  "result_set": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "total_objects": 1,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "limit": 100


yeedu admin create-group-role -h
usage:  create-group-role [-h] --group_id GROUP_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to create-group-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to create-group-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • create-group-role example with all the required arguments passed.

yeedu admin create-group-role --group_id=1 --role_id=0
  • Console output

  "group_roles_id": "1",
  "tenant_id": "6423f466-ff56-4ba4-8c2d-8229beb67e38",
  "group_id": "1",
  "role_id": 0,
  "created_by_id": "1",
  "modified_by_id": "1",
  "last_update_date": "2024-01-01T13:10:15.840Z",
  "from_date": "2024-01-01T13:10:15.840Z",
  "to_date": null


yeedu admin delete-group-role -h
usage:  delete-group-role [-h] --group_id GROUP_ID --role_id ROLE_ID
                          [--json-output [{pretty,default}]]
                          [--yaml-output [{true,false}]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --group_id GROUP_ID   Provide Group Id to delete-group-role.
  --role_id ROLE_ID     Provide Role Id to delete-group-role.
  --json-output [{pretty,default}]
                        Provide the format of JSON output. (default: pretty)
  --yaml-output [{true,false}]
                        Provide true to get output in YAML format. (default: false)
  • delete-group-role example with all the required argument passed.

yeedu admin delete-group-role --group_id=1 --role_id=0
  • Console output

  "message": "Deleted Group Role for the provided Group Id: 1 and Role Id: 0"

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yeedu_cli-4.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (135.9 kB view hashes)

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