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Yaml-based No-xml Transformation

Project description


Language for processing structured data from sources that can provide
data in ``yaml`` or ``json`` format.

Why not?

That's the way ***y!*** is pronounced.

And that's the question I asked myself when I had the the idea to
implement a programming language completely different from the ones I
know so far:

**y**.aml-based **no**-XML **t**.ransformation

***y!*** is the answer to the question ***"why not?"***

So what does ***y!*** focus on?

- ***y!*** is an incredibly simple programming language for processing
structured data (``json``, ``yaml``, ...).

- Therfore it is also perfectly suited for processing output from
various NOSQL databases! And with little effort even from
relational databases.

- | ***y!*** focuses on quickly and easily producing output.
| This output can be:

- Text
- Structured data

- ***y!*** represents the power of ``yaml``

- ***y!*** represents the power of ``jsonpath``

- ***y!*** adopts the power of xslt (and more) without adopting its

- ***y!*** supports self-verification of programs by simply providing
samples for input and output.

- No need for using test-frameworks, writing unit-tests or any other

- ***y!*** supports producing well-formatted documentation without any

- It doesn't require any more than a command-line flag.

***y!*** Installation

You need python 2.7. Probably any python >= 2.7 will be supported but
right now it wasn't tested at all for any version but 2.7

| To install ***y!*** simply enter
| ``pip install --upgrade ynot``
| on your command line and you should be able to use it.

You can check if the installation succeeded:


$ ynot --version
ynot 0.2.2

The output may look different dependent on where your installer
installed it.

Now try


$ ynot -h
Usage: ynot [OPTION] -t trafoFile document...

Apply transformation to yaml documents

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
File transformation is read from
-l LOGLEVEL, --log-level=LOGLEVEL
Log level. Choices: [u'DEBUG', u'INFO', u'WARN',
u'ERROR']; Defaults to INFO
--verify Verify transformator file TRANSFORMATOR
--dry-run Only validate and verify. No document processing
--encoding=ENCODING endoding of input files. Default: [utf-8]

Again the output may look slightly different on your system.

Quick Start

Unfortunately tradition forces me to start with a *hello world*

Hello World

``$ cat hello_world.ynot``

.. code:: yaml

- print: Hello World


$ ynot -t hello_world.ynot
Hello World

| Not very interesting, right?
| Not useful at all, right?

But quite simple, right?

Process input data

Now let's do something a bit more useful. Let's process data - that's
what ***y!*** is made for:

Let's say we have an input that represents multiple text documents with
sections and chapters:

``$ cat sample_simple.yaml``

.. code:: yaml

- title: Some document title
- title: Some section title
- title: Some chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other section title
- title: Some chapter title for some other section
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other document title

| ... just regular ``yaml`` - nothing magic.
| Now we want to print all the titles and nothing else.

For the given input file we expect the following output:


Some document title
Some section title
Some chapter title
Some other chapter title
Some other section title
Some chapter title for some other section
Some other document title

The program for achieving that looks as simple as this:

``$ cat sample_simple.ynot``

.. code:: yaml

- for:
path: '..title'
- print: '@y!{.@}'

You already may have noticed that ***y!*** programs are ``yaml`` files.
Following a particular schema that we'll see later on.

The ``for`` action introduces an iterator. It iterates over all nodes
addressed by ``path`` (``jsonpath`` expression) and performs the defined
``actions`` on them.

One of the possible actions is ``print`` as we already saw in the hello
world program.

Here we see that we are not limited to printing static text, but we can
refer to any node of the document by using the special template syntax
``@y!{whatever}``, where ``whatever`` again is nothing else but a
``jsonpath`` expression.

``jsonpath`` expressions are evaluated relative to the path of the node
addressed by parent actions like ``for``, unless they start with ``$`` -
then they are absolute ``jsonpath`` expressions, starting at the
document's root.

Now let's try it:


$ ynot -t sample_simple.ynot sample01.yaml
Some document title
Some section title
Some chapter title
Some other chapter title
Some other section title
Some chapter title for some other section
Some other document title

Looks good so far.

But while developing and testing the program we don't always want to
manually check if the output is correct, do we?

With verification

| ***y!*** has a very simple and straightforward solution.
| You can add samples to the program:

``$ cat sample_verficication_succeeding.ynot``

.. code:: yaml

- for:
path: '..title'
- print: '@y!{.@}'


- title: Some document title
- title: Some section title
- title: Some chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other section title
- title: Some chapter title for some other section
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other document title

output: |
Some document title
Some section title
Some chapter title
Some other chapter title
Some other section title
Some chapter title for some other section
Some other document title

... and simply verify the program against expected output for given
input by just invoking it without input files or with the ``--dry-run``

``$ ynot -t sample_verification_succeeding.ynot --dry-run``

*Oh! No output!*

| That's intended. When everything is right it doesn't output anything.
| Let's prove that in case of problems they are reported.

With failing verification

So we change the program slightly by prepending *``title:``* to the
actual title:

``$ cat sample_verification_failing.ynot``

.. code:: yaml

- for:
path: '..title'
- print: 'title: @y!{.@}'


- title: Some document title
- title: Some section title
- title: Some chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other section title
- title: Some chapter title for some other section
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other document title

output: |
Some document title
Some section title
Some chapter title
Some other chapter title
Some other section title
Some chapter title for some other section
Some other document title

Now we can see that the actual output doesn't match the expected one:


ynot -t samples/trafos/sample_verification_failing.yaml --dry-run
ERROR:ynot.globals:Verifying sample sample1 failed

Some document title
Some section title
Some chapter title
Some other chapter title
Some other section title
Some chapter title for some other section
Some other document title

title: Some document title
title: Some section title
title: Some chapter title
title: Some other chapter title
title: Some other section title
title: Some chapter title for some other section
title: Some other document title

ERROR:ynot.globals:Verifying sample sample1 failed for trafo <undefined>

Nice, isn't it?

You can add as many samples as you want - all of them will be processed
and verified.



We already saw this action in action.


Same as ``print`` but without trailing newline.


Allows writing logging information (currently on INFO level - probably
this will be made configurable).

What can be logged is intentionally limited to some attributes of the
current node:

- path
- pathstack
- node
- document

You can refer to these context attributes using python's string
formatting capabilities (see `Python 2.7.14
documentation <>`__):

.. code:: yaml

- log: 'current path: {path}, current node value: {node}'

Since log messages are written to stderr the output verification is not
affected by adding log actions.


There is a simple concept or ``routines`` that can be defined on top
level of the transformator file.

All routines defined there can be called from ``actions`` as well as
from ``routines``.

Details are explained in the routines section below.


- Routines are defined on top level of the ``ynot`` yaml-file.
- Any ``routines`` key can be used as a parameter for the ``call``
- A ``routines`` key maps a list of actions.
- ***y!*** will also support parameters for routines, but that's not
yet implemented.
- These actions can call routines recursively. The following sample
demonstrates this.

``$ cat sample_routines.ynot``

.. code:: yaml

- for:
path: '$'
- log: 'path: "%(path)s"'
- print: Depth First
- print: ===========
- call: print_list


- log: "print_list(path='%(path)s')"
- for:
path: '[*]'
- call: print_map
- call: print_title

- log: "print_map(path='%(path)s')"
- for:
path: '.*'
- call: print_list

- log: "print_title(path='%(path)s')"
- for:
path: '.title'
- print: '@y!{.@}'



- title: Some document title
- title: Some section title
- title: Some chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other chapter title
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other section title
- title: Some chapter title for some other section
text: |
Some long text
with lots of paragraphs
- title: Some other document title

output: |
Depth First
Some chapter title
Some other chapter title
Some section title
Some chapter title for some other section
Some other section title
Some document title
Some other document title


Generating gfm markdown from ``.ynot`` transformators out of the box by
a simple command line option.

Just try it with the routines sample:

``ynot routines.ynot --doc >``


When you view the output in any markdown viewer that's able to present
gfm markdown you'll see this result:


.. routinesynot:


.. routines-1:


- `Samples <#samples>`__

- `Sample document 1 <#sample01>`__
- `Sample document 2 <#sample02>`__

- `routines.ynot <#transformator>`__

Transformator that shows how routines can be used

This transformator lists all titles in *depth-first* mode.

Routines can be invoced recursively - that does the trick.



Sample document 1

This document contains two documents:

- the first one has two sections,

- the first section has two chapters
- the second section has only one chapters

- the second one has nothing.


.. code:: yaml

- title: Document 1
- title: Section 1.1
- title: Chapter 1.1.1
- title: Chatper 1.1.2
- title: Section 2
- title: Chapter 1.2.1
- title: Chatper 1.2.2
- title: Document 2
- title: Section 2.1
- title: Chapter 2.1.1
- title: Chapter 2.1.2
- title: Section 2.2
- title: Chapter 2.2.1
- title: Chapter 2.2.2



Depth First
Chapter 1.1.1
Chatper 1.1.2
Section 1.1
Chapter 1.2.1
Chatper 1.2.2
Section 2
Document 1
Chapter 2.1.1
Chapter 2.1.2
Section 2.1
Chapter 2.2.1
Chapter 2.2.2
Section 2.2
Document 2


Sample document 2

This document contains two documents:

- the first one has two sections,

- the first section has two chapters
- the second section has only one chapters

- the second one has nothing.

.. input-1:


.. code:: yaml

- title: Some document title
- title: Some section title
- title: Some chapter title
text: 'Some long text

with lots of paragraphs

- title: Some other chapter title
text: 'Some long text

with lots of paragraphs

- title: Some other section title
- title: Some chapter title for some other section
text: 'Some long text

with lots of paragraphs

- title: Some other document title

.. output-1:



Depth First
Some chapter title
Some other chapter title
Some section title
Some chapter title for some other section
Some other section title
Some document title
Some other document title


.. code:: yaml

id: routines.ynot
name: Routines
title: Transformator that shows how routines can be used
description: 'This transformator lists all titles

in _depth-first_ mode.

Routines can be invoced recursively - that does the trick.

- log: 'Root path: {path}"'
- for:
path: $
- print: Depth First
- print: ===========
- call: print_list
- log: print_list(path='{path}')
- for:
path: '[*]'
- call: print_map
- call: print_title
- log: print_map(path='{path}')
- for:
path: '*'
- call: print_list
- log: print_title(path='{path}')
- for:
path: title
- print: null
id: sample01
title: Sample document 1
description: "This document contains two documents:\n* the first one has two sections,\n * the first section has two chapters\n\
\ * the second section has only one chapters\n* the second one has nothing.\n"
- title: Document 1
- title: Section 1.1
- title: Chapter 1.1.1
- title: Chatper 1.1.2
- title: Section 2
- title: Chapter 1.2.1
- title: Chatper 1.2.2
- title: Document 2
- title: Section 2.1
- title: Chapter 2.1.1
- title: Chapter 2.1.2
- title: Section 2.2
- title: Chapter 2.2.1
- title: Chapter 2.2.2
output: 'Depth First


Chapter 1.1.1

Chatper 1.1.2

Section 1.1

Chapter 1.2.1

Chatper 1.2.2

Section 2

Document 1

Chapter 2.1.1

Chapter 2.1.2

Section 2.1

Chapter 2.2.1

Chapter 2.2.2

Section 2.2

Document 2

id: sample02
title: Sample document 2
description: "This document contains two documents:\n* the first one has two sections,\n * the first section has two chapters\n\
\ * the second section has only one chapters\n* the second one has nothing.\n"
- title: Some document title
- title: Some section title
- title: Some chapter title
text: 'Some long text

with lots of paragraphs

- title: Some other chapter title
text: 'Some long text

with lots of paragraphs

- title: Some other section title
- title: Some chapter title for some other section
text: 'Some long text

with lots of paragraphs

- title: Some other document title
output: 'Depth First


Some chapter title

Some other chapter title

Some section title

Some chapter title for some other section

Some other section title

Some document title

Some other document title



Currently under implementation

Variables support

Variables can be set during execution. They are saved in the current
node's context.

When accessing a variable, variables from all parent nodes' contexts are
visible as well.

Variables can be accessed programmatically or as part of

- Value template to be substituted by a variable value: ``${...}``
- Path-match template to be substituted by a single match result:
- Path-multimatch template to be substituted by the
string-representation of multiple matches: ``@y!*{...}``

.. code:: yaml

- set:
key: myMagicNumber
value: 42
- print: '${myMagicNumber}'

Call parameter support

.. code:: yaml

- call:
routine: some_routine
paramX: some value
paramY: some value

Not yet implemented

... nor verified ...


Maybe sufficiently supported out of the box by jsonpath_ng extensions.
To be verified ...

Alternatively something like this might be implemented

.. code:: yaml

- for:
path: '$.some.path'
order: descending
- '.some_field'
- '.some_other_field'
- print: whatever


.. code:: yaml

- for:
path: '$.some.path'
- '.some_field'
- '.some_other_field'
- 'whatever'
- 'whatever'
- print: whatever

Conditional processing

.. code:: yaml

- if:
- and:
- value1: some value
comparator: equals
value2: some other value
- value1: some value
comparator: equals
value2: some other value
- or:
- value1: some value
comparator: equals
value2: some other value
- print: matched if branch
- print: matched else branch

Transormator/Document processing order

... for multi-document transformator yamls

Allow command line switch like ``--processing-order=templates-first`` or

.. command-line-option-for-defining-template-patterns:

Command line option for defining template patterns.

Something like ...

``template-pattern='{separator: "@", idpattern: "[{}+]"}'``

Connecting to data sources

like *Elasticsearch*, *Redis*, *Cassandra*, *MySQL*, *Kafka*, ... ...

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

ynot-0.2.15.tar.gz (22.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

ynot-0.2.15-py2-none-any.whl (19.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2

Supported by

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