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Fluent interface for data processing, basic toolkit

Project description



yo_fluq focuses on a fluent, lazy, expandable way of writing data processing pipelines. The typical example is

    .where(lambda order: order['is_shipped'])
    .select(lambda order: order['payment_information'])
    .group_by(lambda payment: payment['customer_id'])
        lambda group: group.key,
        lambda group: Query
                        .select(lambda payment: payment['value'])

This way of writing code is typical for C# Linq and Spark, and this project makes it available for Python as well.

Unlike pandas, yo_fluq is:

  • Lazy, so it does not require to keep the whole collection in memory
  • Extendable, so you can define your own filters and use them in pipelines.

Unlike asq or py_linq, well-known ports of C# LINQ to Python, yo_fluq fully supports data annotations, even in case of user-defined extensions. Therefore, in IDE like PyCharm you will see the available methods in the hints. plinq supports annotations, but does not offer extendability technique.

The library has been developed since 2017, is extensively tested and is currently available under MIT licence, at Beta development stage.


yo_fluq is a port of C# LINQ-to-objects, which is a set of methods for data processing, focused on:

This port maintains this focus.


Consider the task:

  • You have two collections of articles and customers
  • You have a function that predicts how well the article fits the customer
  • You want to get the top-10 tuples of (article, customer, value), but only if the function’s value is greater than 0
  • These tuples have to be sorted by value in descending order

Naive Python

The easiest way to solve it is to just write it in Python:

result = []
for article in articles:
    for customer in customers:
        value = function(article,customer)
        if value>0:
result.sort(key = lambda z: z[2], reverse = True)
return result[:10]

The problems are:

  • The code gets more and more nested with every step, which contributes to poor code quality
  • Everything is done in a different way: we use operators for filtering, function with and without returning values for different cases. It's not uniform
  • If you want to restore the task from this code, it requires an effort. The code is not self-explanatory

List comprehension

List comprehension is another way of doing it:

result = [
    for article in articles
    for customer in customers
    if function(article,customer) > 0
result.sort(key = lambda z: z[2], reverse = True)
return result[:10]

The problems are:

  • The functionality is limited and non-extendable. In order to put filtration inside list comprehension, I had to compute function twice. Ordering and slicing are impossible to fit
  • I use article and customer before they are defined. Hence, no type hints will be available in IDE
  • (subjective) The syntax is rather exotic


If we convert the whole data in pandas, it's easy to do:

df = pd.DataFrame(
    [(article, customer) for article in articles for customer in customers],
    columns = ['article','customer'])
df = (df
    .assign(value = df.apply(lambda s: function(s.article,s.customer),axis=1))
return (df

Here we have Fluent Interface, and it brings:

  • We can apply more and more filters, just adding the lines
  • Everything is done in the same uniform fashion: all the filters are just methods of pandas
  • Code is readable: each line of code basically can be traced to the line in problem's description

However, there are still problems:

  • It's not always easy to convert data from existing format to pandas, you need to write some (ugly) code for that
  • In some cases it's not possible. Pandas requires the whole dataframe to be in memory, which is sometimes not possible
  • Not all the data are two-dimensional
  • pandas is still not extendable: I had to break a fluent style once to filter out by value.


The survey of different methods won't be complete without the fourth method - itertools:

return islice(
            lambda z: z[2]>0,
                lambda art_cust: (
        key = lambda res: res[2],

This method solves all the problems of pandas:

  • By default, all the itertools are lazy: that means, you don't need to store all the data in memory at once
  • It's extendable: you can always write your own method to do precisely what you need. This whole code is written completely within one approach
  • Applicable to any data in any format


  • itertools has horrible inside-out syntax which is almost unreadable.


This is the solution, offered by this module:

    .select(lambda art_cust: art_cust+(function(art_cust[0],art_cust[1]),))
    .where(lambda res: res[2]>0)
    .order_by_descending(lambda res: res[2])

This solution is combining the best parts of pandas and itertools. It is fluent, lazy,

  • Fluent
  • Lazy
  • Extendable: you can add your own filter
  • After each dot . in IDE you can see the list of methods applicable, so half of this query will be written by IDE.

Related works

Of course, I didn't invent this solution. I learned it from C#, which employed ideas from Scala (the same concepts are behind Spark for instance).

What I did is port to Python.

I know about these analogues:

  • asq, py-linq. The key difference is that yo_fluq has annotations and it's expansion technique preserves type hints
  • plinq has type annotations, but does not have an extendability mechanism.
  • RxPy contains LINQ port, which is non-extendable and is not a main focus of the library anyway.
  • In some sense fluentpy. However the approach of this module is more fundamental, and that leads to the side effects described in the repo.

Fluent data processing

The typical fluq pipeline looks like this:

    .where(lambda order: order['is_shipped'])
    .select(lambda order: order['payment_information'])
    .group_by(lambda payment: payment['customer_id'])
        lambda group: group.key,
        lambda group: Query
                        .select(lambda payment: payment['value'])

The typical fluq pipeline consists of:

  • The source Query.en(orders). This creates the Queryable object which can be perceived as a flow of objects
  • The set of filters where, select, take, group_by
  • The final aggreagation to_dictionary, that initiates all other components and produces the result.


Code Arguments Output type Comments
Query.en(list) list: Iterable[T] Q[T]
Query.args(*args) *args: Any Q[Any] Mostly used in unit tests
Query.dict(dict) dict: Dict[TKey,TValue] Q[KeyValuePair[TKey,TValue]] Use Query.en(dict.values()) or Query.en(dict) to access only keys or values
Query.loop(begin,delta,end,endtype) Q[Any] Produces begin, begin+delta, begin+delta+delta, etc. until the end. Also works when delta is negative. endType determines when exactly process ends.


  • Query is a singleton instance of QueryFactory class that contains all the sources.
  • Q is used as a shortening for Queryable through all this documentation
  • The annotations in code may be weaker than in documentation. Currently, annotations are messy in the library, basically I only worried that type hints work in PyCharm


Main filters

For these filters it is important to understand what is the type of the incoming and outgoing objects.

Method Input Argument Output Comments
select(selector) Q[TIn] selector: TIn->TOut Q[TOut] Maps elements of the flow. Preserves length. Analog to
where(filter) Q[T] filter: T->bool Q[T] Stops the elements where filter's value is False. Analog to itertools.filter
distinct(selector) Q[T] Opt. selector: T->Any Q[T] Distinct elements. By some value if selector is provided
select_many(selector) Q[TIn] selector: TIn->Iterable[TOut] Q[TOut] Like select, but flattens the result, so returns Q[TOut] instead of e.g. Q[List[TOut]].
with_indices() Q[T] Q[KeyValuePair[int,T]] Enumerates objects in the incoming flow
group_by(selector) Q[T] selector: T->TKey Q[KeyValuePair[TKey,List[T]] Groups elements by the key, provided by selector, and propagates the groups.
Flow control and set operations

Flow control and set operations:

  • skip(N) skips N objects in the flow
  • take(N) takes N objects from the flow, then stops processing.
  • skip_while(condition) skips objects while condition is true, then start processing them ignoring the condition
  • take_while(condition) process objects while condition is true, then stops processing
  • prepend(*args) places *args in front of the flow
  • append(*args) places *args after the flow
  • Query.en(e1).concat(e2) concatenates collections e1 and e2 in the flow
  • Query.en(e1).intersect(e2) intersects the collection e1 and e2
  • order_by(key_selector) and order_by_descending(key_selector) will order the flow by ascending/descending values of the key_selector
  • If ordering by several keys is needed, add them with then_by/then_by_descending.


    .order_by(lambda element: element[0])
    .then_by_descending(lambda element: element[1])

will order the collection by the ascending first letter, and then by the descending second letter, producing ['A1','A0','B1','B0']


Each aggregator exists in two forms: as a method in Queryable, and as a class in agg module. The reason is, that aggregators are reused in both pull- and push-queries. The names are self-explanatory:

  • Getters: first, last and single (works like first but throws exception if more than element occur)
  • Basic math: sum, count, mean, std, max, min
  • arg_max and arg_min (accepts selector, return the element for which its value is highest/lowest)
  • all, any


The following methods are also implemented:

  • foreach(processor) acts as aggregator, executes processor on each element in the flow
  • foreach_and_continue(processor) execute processor on each element in the flow, but let flow further, thus acting like a filter
  • parallel_select runs select in parallel, thus simplifying multiprocessing usage in Python, if you want to speed-up some really time-consuming select.

Execution order

Consider the query

    .where(lambda z: z%2==0)

You might think that it first filters out the odd numbers, then translates what is left into strings, and then puts the numbers to list. The actual process you might see in the debugger is different, but lead to the same result.

Enumerable Query Effective python code
en1 Query.en([0,1,2]) for z0 in [0,1,2]: yield e
en2 e1.where(lambda z: z%2==0) for z1 in en1: if z1%2==0: yield z1
en3 for z2 in en2: yield str(e2)
e3.to_list() for z3 in en3: lst.append(z3)

The sequence of actions is:

  • to_list requests element from en3
    • en3 is the result of select, so select requests element from en2
    • en2 is the result of where, so where requests element from en1
    • en1 iterates over [0,1,2]. First z0 is 0, this is yielded as en1 element
    • where checks z1=0, it satisfies the condition, where yields 0
    • select converts 0 to '0' and yields it
    • to_list places z3='0' into lst
  • to_list requests next element from en3
    • select requests next element from en2
    • where requests next element from en1
    • 1 is the next element in [0,1,2]. So it is yielded
    • where checks this element, it does not satisfy the condition
    • where requests another element from en1
    • 2 is the next element in [0,1,2], so 2 is yielded as the next element in en1
    • where checks 2, it satisfies the condition and is yielded as en2 second element
    • select converts 2 to '2'
    • to_list places '2' into lst
  • to_list requests next element from en2
    • select requests next element from en2
    • where requests next element from en1
    • There is no more elements in [], so loop in en1 terminates
    • where's loop terminates
    • select's loop terminates
    • to_list's loop terminates


In C#, there are extension methods, the syntax which "add" a method to compiled object. In Python, monkey-patching produces the similar effect, but unfortunately neither PyCharm nor Jupyter Notebook can infer the annotations for monkey-patched methods. Therefore, extendability and type hints come into conflict in Python, and this section describes how the conflict is resolved.


feed method in Queryable is defined as:

def feed(self, processor: Callable[[Queryable],T]) -> T:
    return processor(self)

Assume we want to extend with TQDM progress bar:

def _with_tqdm_iter(queryable):
    for element in tqdm(queryable):
        yield element

def with_tqdm(queryable: Queryable) -> Queryable:
    return Queryable(_with_tqdm_iter(queryable))

Now, the code:


will push the flow through the tqdm and produce a list [1,2,3]. Due to type annotation for feed and with_tqdm methods, the type of the expression Query.en([1,2,3]).feed(with_tqdm) can be inferred as Queryable, thus the type hint will appear.

What if you want to pass some arguments to this with_tqdm method? Then it's a little more complicated:

class with_tqdm(Callable[[Queryable],Queryable]):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def _with_tqdm_iter(self, queryable):
        for element in tqdm(queryable, **self.kwargs):
            yield element

    def __call__(self, queryable: Queryable) -> Queryable:
        return Queryable(self._with_tqdm_iter(queryable))

And then:


So if you want to develop several extension methods, just follow these templates and you will keep the type hints.

Updating Query and Queryable

At some point, there are simply too much of the extension methods used too often, so the pipeline looks like a sequence of feed methods.

In order to resolve that, there is a need to re-define Queryable, so:

  • the old Queryable methods produce instances of new Queryable
  • the annotation is bound to the new Queryable in both old and new cases.

Fortunately, this is possible, and done in the yo_fluq_ds package. I refer you to the source code for details, because this is definitely not the most frequently needed operation.


Push-queries are important for data aggregation. Assume you want to execute this pull-query:

    .where(lambda order: order['is_shipped'])
    .group_by(lambda order: order['shipping_country'])
        lambda group: group.key,
        lambda group: Query.en(group.value).select(lambda order: order['billing_total']).mean()

The execution of the pull-query starts from the end. to_dictionary aggregation requests data from the filters before. The previous filter is group_by, and it can only provide data when all the file is read. Therefore, this whole file will be stored in memory, which is not possible if the file is huge. Therefore, this particular operation cannot really be performed by pull-queries.

Push-queries are introduced to solve this problem.

pipeline = (Query
                .where(lambda order: order['is_shipped'])
                .split_by_groups(lambda order: order['shipping_country'])
report = pipeline(orders_from_huge_file())

The idea behind the this implementation is pretty much alike RxPy. The differences are:

  • It is optimized for data processing, so pipeline has "two ways": data comes in and in the end the report comes out.
  • It has the same interface as pull-queries and reuse some of their code

Push-queries architecture

  • PushQuery is a class that follows Builder pattern. It's methods, like where or select, creates instances of PushQueryElement-s and stores them inside the class. Thus, PushQuery is a sequence of PushQueryElement, or PQE.
  • PushQueryElement is not the entity that processes data. It is the factory that creates such entities: PushQueryElementInstance, or PQEI.
  • PQEI implements __enter__ and __exit__ function. It must be entered to before processing data, and exited from after processing. E.g., PQEI that writes to files will close the file on exit.

So when we try to feed data to PushQuery, we actually:

  1. Take the first PQE-factory in the PushQuery list.
  2. Create PQEI with this factory and enter to it
  3. Feed data to first PQEI. If there are more than one PQE in query, subsequent PQEI will be created and data will be forwarded to them.
  4. After data is over, collect the report from PQEI. If there is more that one PQE in the query, PQEI requests report from subsequent PQEI and may transform it.
  5. Exit the PQEI

Depending on its type and purpose, PQEI processes data in following fashions:

  • PQEI for sum, mean etc. compute reports. If PushQuery consists of only one such PQE, it's behavior is straightforward: process data and return a report.
  • PQEI for select transforms data and feeds it to the subsequent PQEI
  • PQEI for where checks the condition and depending on the result, forwards it to the subsequent PQEI or discards.
  • PQEI for group_by checks the group key and:
    • If this key is seen for the first time, creates a new instance of subsequet PQEI and forwards data to it, keeping a link to this PQEI
    • If the key was seen before, forwards data to the kept PQEI
    • Thus, group_by expands the original pipeline of PQE into tree of PQEI.

sum, mean and others are actually the very same agg.Sum, agg.Mean etc. that are used in the pull-queries.


Since push-queries are just sequences of factories, you can always write your own PQE and add it to the sequence with append method of PushQuery. No special magic is required.

The base class for PQE is PushQueryElement. As instances, it creates _PushQueryElementInstance objects, but these objects redirect all their methods to the factory. It is very important to never modify anything that belongs to the factory in these methods, otherwise it's hard to predict the system's behavior.

Comparing pull- and push-queries

New filters for pull-queries are very easy to write with yield. However, push-queries are harder to write: in complex cases, when the processing of element is affected by processing the previous, you must write state machine yourself, while in pull-queries it is done by Python.

Pull-queries can be easily continued with push-queries, and actually this happens always, because aggregators in pull-query are implemented as atomic push-queries. However, push-query can be continued with pull-query only in a separate thread. There is no other means to do that.

In general, for data processing, the pull-queries are the weapon of choice. Push-queries should only be used for the cases, when the data flow "splits" and forms trees, like in group_by-based statistics.

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yo_fluq-1.1.6-py3-none-any.whl (33.7 kB view hashes)

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