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A playback for YouTube live streams

Project description

Rewind to past moments in YouTube live streams and download or play excerpts.

(DISCLAMER: Work in progress. Any ideas and contributions are welcome.)

Ytpb is a playback for YouTube live streams written in Python. It lets you go back to past moments beyond the limits of the web player. You can keep selected moments by downloading excerpts or play them instantly in your video player via MPEG-DASH.


  • Command line interface (CLI) and Python library

  • Rewind live streams far beyond the limits of the web player

  • Download audio and/or video excerpts

    • Save excerpts in different available audio and video formats

    • Precisely cut to exact moments without slow re-encoding

  • Play and rewind instantly via MPEG-DASH

    • Compose MPEG-DASH manifests to play it in your favorite player

    • Transcode/download excerpts into local files with FFmpeg

    • Play and rewind streams reactively and interactively (mpv + mpv-ytpb)

  • Capture a single frame or create time-lapse images

  • Makes use of yt-dlp to reliably extract information about videos


A demo of ytpb usage, showing downloading a live stream excerpt.

1 What is Ytpb?

YouTube allows viewers to pause, rewind, and continue playing live streams if the DVR feature is enabled by an uploader. The seek-back limit is up to 12 hours. Several ways exist to record (e.g., FFmpeg + yt-dlp) or play (e.g., mpv + yt-dlp or Streamlink) live streams.

What if you want to seek back in a stream (especially beyond the limit of the player)? Some projects (see, for example, 1, 2, 3, or 4) try to accomplish it in different ways: by saving an entire stream from the beginning, by defining the relative offset from now, or by specifying timestamps. However, all solutions, to our knowledge, don’t take into account the streaming instability causing from intermittent stutters to large gaps. It results in inaccurate rewind timings: the desired moment could be shifted to seconds, minutes, or even hours.

Ytpb will help you to locate the rewind interval precisely and bring the desired excerpt back in two ways: by downloading or playing it instantly in a player (via MPEG-DASH).


After installing, take a look at the Quick start section describing the first try. The following section tells about the Command line application. The Reference explains some general aspects and terms. The Contributing describes how to participate.

2 Installation

Ytpb requires Python 3.11 or higher. The recommended way is to use pipx:

$ pipx install ytpb

3 Quick start

The Ytpb Command Line Interface (CLI) provides commands to download YouTube live stream excerpts and compose MPEG-DASH manifests to play excerpts later in different available qualities. Here are below basic examples demonstrating usage scenarios.

3.1 Download

Let’s start with downloading a 30-second excerpt of audio and video by specifying start and end dates and stream URL or ID:

$ ytpb download -i 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/PT30S <STREAM>
$ ls

By default, it will download an excerpt in the best pre-defined quality: 128k AAC audio and 1080p30 (or less) H.264 video. See the Specifying formats subsection on how to choose the formats to download.

As for the start and end, they can be also defined in other ways (see the Specifying rewind interval subsection). For example, it would be handy to locate the desired moments first by previewing them and only after download a full excerpt. To run downloading in the preview mode, use the -p/--preview option:

$ ytpb download -i 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/.. -p <STREAM>

3.2 Compose and play

Note: Requires a custom FFmpeg build (or <= 5.1.4). See issue #4.

If you want to play an excerpt without downloading it, you can compose a static MPEG-DASH manifest (MPD) file and then play it in a player that supports DASH streams:

$ ytpb mpd compose -i 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/PT30S <STREAM>
$ mpv Stream-Title_20240102T102000+00.mpd

By default, a manifest will contain a 128k AAC audio track and 720p (or better) 30 fps VP9 video channels.

Fetch and demux

Once you have a composed MPD, you can not only play it, but also convert selected streams to a video file. First, list all available streams and then select the desired streams to convert with the -map option (use -c copy to avoid transcoding actual audio and video):

$ ffprobe <MPD>
$ ffmpeg -i <MPD> -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -c copy out.mp4

3.3 Play

Playing and rewinding live streams are possible without downloading or composing. Take a look at mpv-ytpb. It provides interactive experience with no need to leave the mpv player.

3.4 Capture

Capturing a frame (screenshot) of a moment or frames within an interval is possible without making a video.

One frame

For example, let’s take a picture of the moment happening right now:

$ ytpb capture frame --moment now <STREAM>
$ ls


Capture not just a single frame, but a whole timelapse with one frame every period of time:

$ ytpb capture timelapse --interval 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/PT30S --every 15S <STREAM>
$ tree Stream-Title
└── 20240102T102000+00
    └── ET15S
        ├── Stream-Title_20240102T102000+00_ET15S_0000.jpg
        ├── Stream-Title_20240102T102000+00_ET15S_0001.jpg
        └── Stream-Title_20240102T102000+00_ET15S_0002.jpg

4 Command line application

This section describes using the Ytpb CLI: from an overview of commands, showing their usage and configuration to advanced use cases.

4.1 Overview


Usage: ytpb [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Global options:
  --no-config    Do not load any configuration files.
  --config PATH  Specifies a path to a configuration file.
  --debug        Enable verbose output for debugging.

Other options:
  --help         Show this message and exit.

Top-level commands:
  download  Download excerpts.
  capture   Capture a single or many frames.
  mpd       Compose MPEG-DASH manifests.
Usage: ytpb capture [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Capture a single or many frames.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  frame      Capture a single frame.
  timelapse  Capture time-lapse frames.
Usage: ytpb mpd [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  compose  Compose an MPEG-DASH manifest.
  refresh  Refresh a composed MPEG-DASH manifest.

Getting help

To show a list of available options, type --help after commands or subcommands:

$ ytpb --help
$ ytpb download --help
$ ytpb mpd compose --help

4.2 Usage

Specifying rewind interval

  • --interval <start>/<end>

The rewind interval can be specified with the `-i/--interval option. The formatting of input interval and its parts is closely compliant with the ISO-8601 time interval formatting. The interval composes of start and end parts separated with the “/” symbol.

These parts are a pair of points in a stream (absolute or relative ones) or some special literals. The absolute points are date and times (indirect) and sequence numbers of media segments (direct). One of interval parts can be relative to another one by a time duration or date and time replacing components.

1. Using dates
Date and time of a day
  • --interval <date-time>/<date-time>

where <date-time> = <date>"T"<time>"±"<shift>:

YYYY"-"MM"-"DD"T"hh":"mm":"ss"±"hh":"mm (I) or

YYYYMMDD"T"hhmmss"±"hhmm (II).

The extended (I) and basic (II) formats are supported.

For example, an interval with two complete date and time representations:

# Complete representations in extended format:
$ ytpb download -i 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/2024-01-02T10:20:30+00 ...

# Complete representations in basic format:
$ ytpb download -i 20240102T102000+00/20240102T102030+00 ...

The time part can be also provided with a reduced precision, with some low-order components omitted (the date part should be always complete):

# Representations with reduced precision in extended format:
$ ytpb download -i 2024-01-02T1020+00/2024-01-02T10:20:30+00 ...

# Representations with reduced precision in basic format:
$ ytpb download -i 20240102T1020+00/20240102T102030+00 ...

Zulu time. Zulu time refers to the UTC time and denoted with the letter “Z” used as a suffix instead of time shift. It’s applicable for dates here and elsewhere, even if it’s not stated. For example, the following date will be resolved to the same date as in the example above

$ ytpb download -i 20240102T1020Z/20240102T102030Z ...

Local time. To represent a local time, the time shift part can be omitted. For example, if you’re in the UTC+02 time zone, the above example can be represented as:

$ ytpb download -i 20240102T1220/20240102T122030 ...
Time of today
  • -i/--interval <time>±<shift>/<time>±<shift>

To refer to a current day, the date part can be ommited:

$ ytpb download -i 10:20+00/T102030+00 ...
Date and time replacing components

This allows to replace particular date and time components in another part of an interval. The components to replace are referred explicitly by its one-letter designators.

For example, the start part below:

$ ytpb download -i 2023Y12M31DT1H/2024-01-02T10:20:00+00 ...

will be resolved as:

$ ytpb download -i 2023-12-31T01:20:00+00/2024-01-02T10:20:00+00 ...

Note that the time part delimiter (“T”) is necessary when only time components to change are supplied:

$ ytpb download -i 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/T25M30S ...
‘Now’ keyword
  • -i/--interval <start>/now

To refer to the current moment, the end part accepts the now keyword:

$ ytpb download -i 20240102T1020+00/now ...

(To be exact, it refers to the last available media segment.)

2. Using duration
  • -i/--interval <start>/<duration> or

  • -i/--interval <duration>/<end>,

where <duration> = "P"DD"D""T""hh"H"mm"M"ss"S".

Sometimes it would be more convenient to specify an interval with a duration: (a) by a start and a duration and (b) by a duration and an end.

The duration string is prepended with “P” symbol and used one-letter date and time component designators. The highest order of date components is days (“D”).

For example, here are below two examples representing the same 30-second interval:

# Specified by a start and a duration.
$ ytpb download -i 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/PT30S ...

# Specified by a duration and an end.
$ ytpb download -i PT30S/2024-01-02T10:20:30+00 ...
3. Preview mode
  • --interval <start>/.. --preview

  • --interval <start>/<end> --preview

If you only need to preview a moment in a stream, which you can refer later, the -p/--preview option exists. It’s basically an alias for the short end duration.

In the above, the closed intervals were used, while for the preview mode, you can define (not necessarily, though) intervals with an open end designated with the “..” literal:

$ ytpb download -i 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00/.. -p ...

(In case of a closed interval, an end part will be ignored and you’ll see a note in the output that the preview mode is enabled.)

By default, the output preview duration varies from 10 to 10 + one segment duration seconds. The imprecision is due to the reliance on the full-length, uncut end segment (to reduce merging time). The minimal preview duration value can be changed via the general.preview_duration field in the config.toml file.

4. Using sequence numbers
  • -i/--interval <sequence-number>/<sequence-number>

Besides dates, you can specify the sequence number (positive, starting from 0) of a MPEG-DASH media segment to refer to a specific point in a live stream. Usually sequence numbers are used when a segment has already been previously determined.

For example, an interval from the beginning to segment 100:

$ ytpb download -i 0/100 ...

Sequence numbers can be also combined with other types:

$ ytpb download -i 0/2024-01-02T10:20:30+00 ...
$ ytpb download -i 0/PT30S ...
$ ytpb download -i 0/now ...
Compatibility table
Table: Interval parts compatibility

Date and time



Replacing components

Sequence number

‘Now’, ‘..’

Date and time





















Replacing components







Sequence number







‘Now’, ‘..’







Specifying formats

Now let’s look at the -af/--audio-format(s) and -vf/--video-format(s) options. It accepts format spec string, a query expression used to select the desired formats (DASH representations, to be exact).

Representations describe different versions of the content and are characterized by attributes, such as itags (format codes), resolutions, used codecs, etc.

See the Format spec section for more information on format specs: their grammar, aliases, and functions.

Conditional expressions and lookup attributes

The itag values as format codes uniquely determine representations. For example, providing the format spec in the form of conditional expression as below gives us a very specific audio stream:

$ ytpb download -af 'itag eq 140' ...

Or, with the following logical condition, one of two video streams:

$ ytpb download -vf 'itag eq 271 or itag eq 248' ...

The specific audio and video itag values for a live stream can be seen in the Stats for nerds popup in the browser. To show all available DASH-specific formats, running the yt-dlp program is helpful:

$ yt-dlp --live-from-start -F <STREAM>

Here are some other examples of format specs with lookup attributes (see the Attributes subsection) and a function:

$ ytpb download -vf 'best(format eq mp4 and [frame_rate eq 60 or frame_rate eq 30])' ...
$ ytpb mpd compose -vf 'format eq webm and height le 1080 and frame_rate eq 30' ...

Note that the download command requires the query result to be non-ambiguous, with one representation per query.

Using aliases

Aliases allow to define a part or whole format spec for different cases and make expressions much shorter. For example:

$ ytpb download -vf 'best(@mp4 and @30fps)' ...
Default values

The format specs can be provided using the following ways (in order of increasing priority): (a) using the default, built-in option values, (b) parsing custom, user-defined configuration file, e.g. ~/.config/ytpb/config.toml, and (c) via -af/--audio-format(s) and -vf/--video-format(s) options.

The default option values are as follows:

audio_format = "itag eq 140"
video_format = "best(format eq mp4 and height le 1080 and frame_rate eq 30)"

audio_formats = "itag eq 140"
video_formats = "best(format eq webm and height le 1080 and frame_rate eq 30)"

See the Configuring section for more information on configuring.

Specifying output name

There are two options to change the default output naming: (a) specify a full output path or (b) provide a template output path (both without extension). The extension will be automatically determined during the merging stage.

$ ytpb download -o '<title>_<input_start_date>_<duration>' ...
$ ls
$ Stream-Title_20240102T102000+00_PT30S.mp4

See the Output name context subsection for the available template variables.

Formatting titles

Titles can be formatted to adapt them for the output name: set maximum length, normalize characters, change case, etc.

See the corresponding [output.title] section in config.toml.

Formatting dates

The date formatting can be changed via the field in the config.toml file. The default styles ("basic,reduced,hh") correspond to the basic representation with the reduced precision. Some examples:

# 2024-01-02T10:20:00+00:00
styles = "extended,complete,hhmm"

# 20240102T102000+00
styles = "basic,complete,hh"

# 20240102T1020Z
styles = "basic,reduced,z"

4.3 Configuring

The configuration provides the way to setup default values of the command options and change other settings via configuration files. It’s optional, and the default, built-in settings are used.

By default, the config.toml file is looked up under the ~/.config/ytpb directory (or in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if set). Also, the --config option can be used to override the default file. The priority of applying the settings is following: default settings < the config.toml file under the default directory < a file provided via the --config option < commands options.

See the config.toml.example configuration file for the available fields and descriptions.

4.4 Advanced usage

Merging without cutting

By default, boundary segments are cutted to exact times during the merging step to produce an excerpt. It may takes some time to re-encode boundary segments. If you don’t need exact precision, it could be practical to omit cutting via the --no-cut option. In this case the accuracy will be slightly reduced, which will depend on the constant segment duration (or type of live streaming latency): in worst case, the error will be 1 (for ultra-low latency), 2 (low latency), or 5 (normal latency) seconds.

$ ytpb download ... --no-cut

Keep segment files

By default, after merging downloaded segment files to produce an excerpt, the segments will be deleted. Do you want to keep them? There are two options here.

First, download only segment files without merging them (it also implies another option, --no-cleanup):

$ ytpb download ... --no-merge
Success! Segments saved to /tmp/.../segments/.
notice: No cleanup enabled, check /tmp/.../

Actually, it keeps not only segments (in /tmp/.../segments) but some other auxiliary files in the run temporary directory (/tmp/...). Note that, in this case, the temporary directory shall be removed manually afterwards.

Second, download an excerpt and keep segment files:

$ ytpb download ... --no-cleanup
notice: No cleanup enabled, check /tmp/.../

Running without downloading

There is a dry run mode to run without downloading. It could be useful if you are not interested in having output excerpt file: for example, you want to locate the desired segments or debug just the first steps (by combining a dry run mode with the logging options; see the subsection below).

For example, just to locate the start and end segments, use:

$ ytpb download ... --dry-run
(<<) Locating start and end in the stream... done.
Actual start: 25 Mar 2023 23:33:54 +0000, seq. 7959120
Actual end: 25 Mar 2023 23:33:58 +0000, seq. 7959121

notice: This is a dry run. Skip downloading and exit.

It can be combined with the --no-cleanup option as well:

$ ytpb download ... --dry-run --no-cleanup

Using cache

Using cache helps to avoid getting info about videos and downloading MPEG-DASH manifest on every run. The cached files contain the info and the base URLs for segments, and are stored under XDG_CACHE_HOME/ytpb. It’s a default behaviour. The cache expiration is defined by the base URLs expiration time. The --no-cache option allows to avoid touching cache: no reading and writing. Another option, --force-update-cache, exists to trigger cache update.

5 Reference

5.1 Format spec

The desired DASH representations, referred to media segments of specific format, could be selected by conditional expressions (or format spec). One format spec could refer to one or more representations.


The parsing of conditional expressions is done using pycond package.

The expressions have the following grammar:

expression : condition
           | function '(' condition ')'
           | 'none' ;

condition : atom (('and' | 'or' | ...) (atom | condition))*
          | '[' condition ']'
          | alias ;

atom : attribute operator value ;

alias : '@' alias-name ;

where condition is in the form:

[ < atom1 > < and | or | and not ... > <atom2 > ] ... .

The operators are text-style operators and refer to the Python’s standard rich-comparison methods, such as eq, ne, etc.

The functions are applied after filtering by a condition. Currently the only available function is best. An example: best(quality ge 720p and frame_rate eq 30). It applies after the querying and should wrap the whole expression.


The attributes of audio and video streams (DASH representations) available for use in conditions are listed below.







Value of itag. Example: 244.



MIME type. Example: video/webm.



Codec name. Example: vp9.

Audio only






Sampling rate (in Hz). Example: 44100.

Video only






Width of frame. Example: 1920.



Height of frame. Example: 1080.



Frame per second (FPS). Example: 30.



Quality string (resolution and FPS). Example: ‘720p’, ‘1080p60’.


The expressions can be simplified with aliases in the form @alias. There are built-in aliases as well as custom, user-defined ones.

Built-in aliases
  • mp4format eq mp4

  • webmformat eq webm

  • 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160pheight eq 144 and frame_rate 30, …

  • 144p30, 240p30, 360p30, 480p30, 720p30, 1080p30, 1440p30, 2160p30height eq 144 and frame_rate 30, …

  • 720p60, 1080p60, 1440p60, 2160p60height eq 720 and frame_rate eq 60, …

Qualities with operators

Available operators: <, <=, ==, >, >=. Height values are the same as in the Qualities: 144p, 240p, …

For example, @<=1080p expands to height le 1080. Note that the frame_rate part is not included.

Named qualities
  • lowheight eq 144

  • mediumheight eq 480

  • highheight eq 720

  • FHDheight eq 1080

  • 2Kheight eq 1440

  • 4Kheight eq 2160

Frame per second

30fps, 60fpsframe_rate eq 30, frame_rate eq 60

Custom aliases

The custom aliases could extend and update the built-in ones. The corresponding field in config.toml is format_spec.aliases.

Here is an example of how to define (and reuse) aliases:

aliases = {
  "preferred-video": "best(height le 1080 and frame_rate eq 30fps)"
  "video-for-mpd": "[@720p or @1080p] and @webm",

5.2 Locating moment in a stream

A moment in a stream is associated with a date it occurred (captured). For dates, we rely on the ingestion dates of media segments. (A MPEG-DASH stream consists of a chain of sequential segments with a fixed duration.) Thus, to locate a moment with an input date, a segment containing a desired moment first needs to be located. After, if cut is requested (as it does by default), an offset to be cut to perfectly (as possible) match a moment can be determined. Plus, a moment can be inside a gap caused by a frame loss. All of these may make the difference between input and actual dates.

5.3 Output name context

An output name can be specified as a template by referring to the context variables as <variable>. The available template variables are:

  • id — YouTube video ID

  • title — original title. Example: ‘Example Title’. The title formatting can be changed via the [output.title] configuration section.

  • input_start_date, input_end_date — input start and end dates. Example: ‘20230102T030400+00’. The ISO 8601 date formatting can be changed via the configuration option.

  • actual_start_date, actual_end_date — actual start and end dates

  • duration — actual duration. Example: ‘PT1M30S’.

6 Contributing

If you are willing to contribute, you are very welcome. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Or have you experienced a problem? Please open an issue on GitHub. If you a developer and want to help, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.rst.

7 License

The project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

ytpb-2024.3.4.tar.gz (1.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

ytpb-2024.3.4-py3-none-any.whl (66.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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