This package intergrates with the zope publisher to validate conditional requests based on the `If-None-Match`, `If-Match`, and `If-Modified-Since`, `If-UnModifiedSince` protocols.
Project description
z3c.conditionalviews is a mechanism to validate a HTTP request based on some conditional protocol like entity tags, or last modification date. It is also extensible so that protocols like WebDAV can define there own conditional protocol like the IF header.
It works by implementing each conditional protocol as a IHTTPValidator utility, see etag and lastmodification modules for the most common use cases. Then when certain views are called by the publisher we lookup these utilities and ask them to validate the request object according to whatever protocol the utility implements.
At the time of the view is called, and when we validate the request, we generally have access to the context, request and view itself. So the IHTTPValidator utilities generally adapt these 3 objects to an object implementing an interface specific to the protocol in question. For example the entity tag validator looks up an adapter implementing IEtag.
Integration with Zope
>>> import zope.component >>> import zope.interface >>> import z3c.conditionalviews.interfaces >>> import z3c.conditionalviews.tests
In order to integrate common browser views that can be cached, we can decorate the views call method with the z3c.conditionalviews.ConditionalView object. Note that all the views used in this test are defined in the ftesting.zcml file.
>>> response = http(r""" ... GET /@@simpleview.html HTTP/1.1 ... Host: localhost ... """, handle_errors = False) >>> response.getStatus() 200 >>> response.getHeader('content-length') '82' >>> response.getHeader('content-type') 'text/plain' >>> print response.getBody() xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Since we haven’t yet defined an adapter implementing IETag, the response contains no ETag header.
>>> response.getHeader('ETag') is None True
Define our IETag implementation.
>>> class SimpleEtag(object): ... zope.interface.implements(z3c.conditionalviews.interfaces.IETag) ... def __init__(self, context, request, view): ... pass ... weak = False ... etag = "3d32b-211-bab57a40">>> zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter( ... SimpleEtag, ... (zope.interface.Interface, ... zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest, ... zope.interface.Interface))>>> response = http(r""" ... GET /@@simpleview.html HTTP/1.1 ... Host: localhost ... """, handle_errors = False) >>> response.getStatus() 200 >>> response.getHeader('content-length') '82' >>> response.getHeader('content-type') 'text/plain' >>> response.getHeader('ETag') '"3d32b-211-bab57a40"' >>> print response.getBody() xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now by setting the request header If-None-Match: “3d32b-211-bab57a40”, our view fails the validation and a 304 response is returned.
>>> response = http(r""" ... GET /@@simpleview.html HTTP/1.1 ... Host: localhost ... If-None-Match: "3d32b-211-bab57a40" ... """, handle_errors = False) >>> response.getStatus() 304 >>> response.getHeader('ETag') '"3d32b-211-bab57a40"' >>> response.getBody() ''
XXX - this seems wrong the content-length and content-type should not be set for this response.
>>> response.getHeader('content-length') '0' >>> response.getHeader('content-type') 'text/plain'
Now make sure that we haven’t broken the publisher, by making sure that we can still pass arguments to the different views.
>>> response = http(r""" ... GET /@@simpleview.html?letter=y HTTP/1.1 ... Host: localhost ... """, handle_errors = False) >>> response.getStatus() 200 >>> response.getHeader('content-length') '82' >>> print response.getBody() yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
We are now getting a charset value for this request because the default value for the SimpleView is not a unicode string, while the data received from the request is automatically converted to unicode by default.
>>> response.getHeader('content-type') 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'
Since there is a query string present in the request, we don’t set the ETag header.
>>> response.getHeader('ETag') is None True
The query string present in the following request causes the request to be valid, otherwise it would be invalid.
>>> response = http(r""" ... GET /@@simpleview.html?letter=y HTTP/1.1 ... If-None-Match: "3d32b-211-bab57a40" ... Host: localhost ... """, handle_errors = False) >>> response.getStatus() 200
Generic HTTP conditional publication
We can integrate the validation method with the publication call method. This as the effect of trying to validate every request that passes through the publications callObject method. This is useful to validate requests that modify objects so that the client can say modify this resource if it hasn’t changed since it last downloaded the resource, or if there is no existing resource at a location.
This has the added benifit in that we don’t have to specify how some one implements the PUT method.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... PUT /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-type: text/plain ... Content-length: 55 ... aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa ... aaaaaaaaaa""", handle_errors = False) >>> resp.getStatus() 201 >>> resp.getHeader('Content-length') '0' >>> resp.getHeader('Location') 'http://localhost/testfile' >>> resp.getHeader('ETag', None) is None True
We can now get the resource and the entity tag.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... GET /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 200 >>> resp.getHeader('ETag') '"testfile:1"' >>> print resp.getBody() aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa
We could have used the HEAD method to get the entity tag.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... HEAD /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 200 >>> resp.getHeader('ETag') '"testfile:1"'
With no ‘If-None-Match’ header we override the data.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... PUT /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... Content-type: text/plain ... Content-length: 55 ... bbbbbbbbbb ... bbbbbbbbbb ... bbbbbbbbbb ... bbbbbbbbbb ... bbbbbbbbbb""", handle_errors = False) >>> resp.getStatus() 200 >>> resp.getHeader('Content-length') '0' >>> resp.getHeader('Location', None) is None True >>> resp.getHeader('ETag') '"testfile:2"'>>> resp = http(r""" ... GET /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 200 >>> print resp.getBody() bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb
Specifying a If-None-Match: “*” header, says to upload the data only if there is no resource at the location specified in the request URI. If there is a resource at the location then a 412 Precondition Failed response is returned and the resource is not modified’
>>> resp = http(r""" ... PUT /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... If-None-Match: "*" ... Content-type: text/plain ... Content-length: 55 ... cccccccccc ... cccccccccc ... cccccccccc ... cccccccccc ... cccccccccc""") >>> resp.getStatus() 412 >>> resp.getHeader('Content-length') '0' >>> resp.getHeader('Location', None) is None True >>> resp.getHeader('ETag') '"testfile:2"'
The file does not change.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... GET /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 200 >>> print resp.getBody() bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbb
And now since testfile2 does exist yet we content the content.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... PUT /testfile2 HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... If-None-Match: "*" ... Content-type: text/plain ... Content-length: 55 ... yyyyyyyyyy ... yyyyyyyyyy ... yyyyyyyyyy ... yyyyyyyyyy ... yyyyyyyyyy""") >>> resp.getStatus() 201 >>> resp.getHeader('Content-length') '0' >>> resp.getHeader('Location') 'http://localhost/testfile2' >>> resp.getHeader('ETag', None) is None # No etag adapter is configured True>>> resp = http(r""" ... GET /testfile2 HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 200 >>> print resp.getBody() yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy
We can now delete the resource, only if it hasn’t changed. So for the ‘/testfile’ resource we can use its first entity tag to confirm this.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... DELETE /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... If-Match: "testfile:1" ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 412
And the file still exists.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... GET /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 200
But using a valid entity tag we can delete the resource.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... DELETE /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... If-Match: "testfile:2" ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 200 >>> resp.getBody() ''>>> resp = http(r""" ... GET /testfile HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 404
Method not allowed
We should still get a 405 Method Not Allowed status for methods that aren’t registered yet.
We need to be logged in order to traverse to the file.
>>> resp = http(r""" ... FROG /testfile2 HTTP/1.1 ... Authorization: Basic mgr:mgrpw ... """) >>> resp.getStatus() 405 >>> resp.getHeader('ETag', None) is None True
>>> zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterAdapter( ... SimpleEtag, ... (zope.interface.Interface, ... zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest, ... zope.interface.Interface)) True
Changes in z3c.conditionalviews
1.0 (2008-09-27)
Using IDCTimes instead of IZopeDublinCore because IDCTimes is the actual required interface.
Fixed time zone issue in processing If-Modified protocol.
Initial release.
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