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A security audit tool and demo for Zope3 views

Project description


z3c.securitytool is a Zope3 package aimed at providing component level security information to assist in analyzing security problems and to potentially expose weaknesses. The goal of the security tool is to provide a matrix of users and their effective permissions for all available views for any given component and context. We also provide two further levels of detail. You can view the details of how a user came to have the permission on a given view, by clicking on the permission in the matrix.

Demo Instructions

You can run the demo by downloading just the securitytool package

  • # svn co svn:// securitytool

  • # cd securitytool

  • # python

  • # ./bin/buildout

  • # ./bin/demo fg

Then access the demo site using:

There are some folders added with permissions and roles applied to show the settings in the demo.

These permissions should mirror what you see in the @@grant.html views

(These settings are added when the database is first opened

You can find these settings in

How to use the securityTool with your project:

Remember this is a work in progress.

  1. Add the z3c.securitytool to your install_requires in your

  2. Add the <include package=”z3c.securitytool”/> to your site.zcml

  3. Use the skin ++skin++SecurityTool to access securityTool pages

  4. Append @@securityMatrix.html view to any context to view the permission matrix for that context using the security tool skin.

For example: http://localhost:8080/++skin++SecurityTool/Folder1/@@securityMatrix.html

Detailed Documentation

On the main page of the securityTool you will be able to select the desired skin from all the available skins on the system. On initial load of the securitytool you will only see permissions for IBrowserRequest and your current context. The interesting information is when you select the skins. A future release of this tool will offer a selection to view all information for all skins as well as each skin individually. You can also truncate the results by selecting the permission from the filter select box. When you click on the “Allow” or “Deny” security tool will explain where these permissions were specified whether by role, group, or in local context.

When you click on a user-name all the permissions inherited from roles, groups or specifically assigned permissions will be displayed.

>>> import zope
>>> from import zapi
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from zope.interface import providedBy
>>> from z3c.securitytool.securitytool import *
>>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import ISecurityChecker
>>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import IPrincipalDetails
>>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import IPermissionDetails
>>> from z3c.securitytool.browser import ISecurityToolSkin
>>> root = getRootFolder()

Several things are added to the database on the IDatabaseOpenedEvent when starting the demo or running the tests. These settings are used to test the functionality in the tests as well as populate a matrix for the demo. Lets make sure the items were added with, We will assume that if Folder1 exists in the root folder then was executed.

>>> sorted(root.keys())

To retrieve the permission settings for the folder we must first adapt the context to a SecurityChecker Object.

>>> folder1 = ISecurityChecker(root['Folder1'])
>>> print folder1.__class__.__name__

Lets introspect the object.

>>> pprint(dir(folder1))

To get all the security settings for particular context level the getPermissionSettingsForAllViews is called with a tuple of interfaces. All the views registered for the interfaces passed will be inspected.

Since nothing should be registered for only zope.interface.Interface we should receive an empty set, of permissions, roles and groups.

>>> folder1.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(zope.interface.Interface)
[{}, {}, set([])]

A realistic test would be to get all the interfaces provided by a specific context level like Folder1. Being a folder these are the interfaces as you might expect.

>>> ifaces = tuple(providedBy(root['Folder1']))
>>> pprint(ifaces)
 <InterfaceClass zope.container.interfaces.IContentContainer>,
 <InterfaceClass persistent.interfaces.IPersistent>,
 <InterfaceClass zope.location.interfaces.IContained>,
 <InterfaceClass zope.component.interfaces.IPossibleSite>)

The next step to determine security levels is the getViews function. getViews gets all the registered views for this interface. This is refined later to the views that are only accessible in this context.

>>> pprint(sorted([x for x in getViews(ifaces[0])]))
[AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'acquire', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'adapter', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'attribute', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'etc', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'item', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'lang', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'resource', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'skin', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'vh', ...
 AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'view', ...

Since this is a large result set returned we will only test enough pieces of the results to inform of the desired behavior and to make sure the results are sane.

>>> permDetails = folder1.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(ifaces,
...                                                     ISecurityToolSkin)

By using the ISecurityToolSkin we can see the actual securityTool views. The securityTool views are only registered for the ISecurityToolSkin layer.

>>> pprint(permDetails)
  'zope.globalmgr': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
                     u'DELETE': 'Allow',
                     u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
                     u'PUT': 'Allow',
                     u'absolute_url': 'Allow',
                     u'permissionDetails.html': 'Allow',
                     u'principalDetails.html': 'Allow',
                     u'securityMatrix.html': 'Allow'},

As you can see below the zope.anybody has the ‘Allow’ permission for the four views listed below. The securitytool views are not listed here because they are neither specifically denied or allowed for this principal.

>>> pprint(permDetails)
[{'zope.anybody': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
                  u'DELETE': 'Allow',
                  u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
                  u'PUT': 'Allow',
                  u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},

Another section of the result set shows all valid views for this context and skin, along with the permission required for access to the view.

>>> pprint(permDetails)
{u'<i>no name</i>': 'zope.Public',
  u'DELETE': 'zope.Public',
  u'OPTIONS': 'zope.Public',
  u'PUT': 'zope.Public',
  u'absolute_url': 'zope.Public',
  u'permissionDetails.html': 'zope.ManageContent',
  u'principalDetails.html': 'zope.ManageContent',
  u'securityMatrix.html': 'zope.ManageContent'},

All the principals in the system are in this data structure. Here we just print a subset of the structure, to make sure the data is sane.

>>> pprint(sorted(permDetails[0].keys()))

This of course should be identical to the users on the system from zapi.getPrincipals() without (zope.anybody)

>>> from import zapi
>>> sysPrincipals = zapi.principals()
>>> principals = [ for x in sysPrincipals.getPrincipals('')]
>>> pprint(sorted(principals))

Using securitytool to inspect principals

Lets see what the principalDetails look like for the principal Daniel and the context of ‘Folder1’.

First we retrieve the principalDetails for Folder1:

>>> prinDetails = PrincipalDetails(root[u'Folder1'])

Then we filter out the uninteresting information for the user being inspected.

>>> matrix = prinDetails('zope.daniel')

The principal details structure contains five interesting pieces of data.

>>> pprint(sorted(matrix.keys()))
['groups', 'permissionTree', 'permissions', 'roleTree', 'roles']

Below we check to make sure the groups data structure from the user daniel is returned as expected. This is the data used to populate the groups section on the User Details page.

>>> pprint(matrix['groups'].keys())

The permission tree is used to display the levels of inheritance that were traversed to attain the permission displayed. The permission is stored as a list so the order is maintained. (yes I know there are better ways to accomplish this)

>>> pprint(matrix['permissionTree'][0])
{u'Folder1_2': {'name': None,
                 'parentList': [u'Folder1', 'Root Folder'],
                 'permissions': [{'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
                                  'principal': 'zope.daniel',
                                  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
                                 {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
                                  'principal': 'zope.daniel',
                                  'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
                                 {'permission': 'concord.DeleteIssue',
                                  'principal': 'zope.daniel',
                                  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}}
>>> pprint(matrix['permissionTree'][1])
{'Root Folder': {'name': 'Root Folder',
                 'parentList': ['Root Folder'],
                 'permissions': [{'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle',
                                  'principal': 'zope.daniel',
                                  'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
                                 {'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
                                  'principal': 'zope.daniel',
                                  'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
                                 {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
                                  'principal': 'zope.daniel',
                                  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}}

The permissions section of the matrix displays the final say on whether or not the user has permissions at this context level.

>>> pprint(matrix['permissions'], width=1)
[{'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
 {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
  'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
 {'permission': 'concord.DeleteIssue',
  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
 {'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle',
  'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
 {'permission': 'concord.CreateIssue',
  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
 {'permission': 'concord.PublishIssue',
  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]

The roleTree structure is used to display the roles attained at each level of traversal. The roleTree is stored as a list so to consistently test the data properly we will create a dictionary out of it and is similar in function to the permissionTree.

>>> tmpDict = {}
>>> keys = matrix['roleTree']
>>> for item in matrix['roleTree']:
...     tmpDict.update(item)
>>> pprint(tmpDict['Root Folder'])
{'name': 'Root Folder',
 'parentList': ['Root Folder'],
 'roles': [{'principal': 'zope.daniel',
            'role': 'zope.Writer',
            'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}
>>> pprint(tmpDict['Folder1_2'])
{'name': None,
 'parentList': [u'Folder1', 'Root Folder'],
 'roles': [{'principal': 'zope.daniel',
            'role': 'zope.Writer',
            'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}
>>> pprint(tmpDict['global settings'])
{'name': None,
 'parentList': ['global settings'],
 'roles': [{'principal': 'zope.daniel',
            'role': 'zope.Janitor',
            'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}

The roles section of the matrix displays the final say on whether or not the user has the role assigned at this context level.

>>> pprint(matrix['roles'], width=1)
{'zope.Janitor': [{'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
                   'setting': 'Allow'}],
 'zope.Writer': [{'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle',
                  'setting': 'Allow'},
                 {'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
                  'setting': 'Allow'},
                 {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
                  'setting': 'Allow'}]}

Now lets see what the permission details returns

>>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
>>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import IPermissionDetails
>>> permAdapter = zapi.getMultiAdapter((root[u'Folder1'],
...                             ),IPermissionDetails)
>>> prinPerms  = permAdapter('zope.daniel',
...                          'ReadIssue.html',
...                           )
>>> print
<InterfaceClass zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest>
>>> print permAdapter.read_perm
>>> print permAdapter.view_name
>>> pprint(prinPerms)
{'groups': {'zope.randy': {'groups': {'zope.group1': {'groups': {},
                                                      'permissionTree': [],
                                                      'permissions': [],
                                                      'roleTree': [],
                                                      'roles': {}},
                                      'zope.group2': {'groups': {},
                                                      'permissionTree': [],
                                                      'permissions': [],
                                                      'roleTree': [],
                                                      'roles': {}}},
                           'permissionTree': [],
                           'permissions': [],
                           'roleTree': [],
                           'roles': {}}},
 'permissionTree': [],
 'permissions': [],
 'roleTree': [],
 'roles': {}}

Following are the helper functions used within the securitytool, These contain a set of common functionality that is used in many places. Lets see if the ‘hasPermissionSetting’ method returns True if there is a permission or role and False if there is not.

>>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':'Allow'})

We need to make some dummy objects to test the ‘hasPermissionSetting’ method

>>> emptySettings = {'permissions': [],
...                  'roles': {},
...                  'groups': {}}
>>> fullSettings = {'permissions': 'Allow',
...                  'roles': {},
...                  'groups': {}}

We also need to make sure the recursive functionality works for this method

>>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':{},'roles':{},
...                                 'groups':{'group1':emptySettings,
...                                           'group2':fullSettings}})
>>> from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import Allow, Unset, Deny
>>> prinPermMap = ({'principal':'daniel',
...                 'permission':'takeOverTheWORLD',
...                 'setting':  Allow})
>>> rolePermMap = ({'role':'Janitor',
...                 'permission':'takeOverTheWORLD',
...                 'setting':  Allow})
>>> prinRoleMap = ({'principal':'daniel',
...                 'role':'Janitor',
...                 'setting':  Allow})

Lets test the method with our new dummy data >>> principalDirectlyProvidesPermission([prinPermMap],’daniel’, … ‘takeOverTheWORLD’) ‘Allow’

And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission >>> roleProvidesPermission([rolePermMap], ‘Janitor’, ‘takeOverTheWORLD’) ‘Allow’

And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission >>> principalRoleProvidesPermission([prinRoleMap], … [rolePermMap], … ‘daniel’, … ‘takeOverTheWORLD’) (‘Janitor’, ‘Allow’)

See janitors CAN take over the world!!!!!

And of course the rendered name to display on the page template If we do not receive a name that means we are on the root level.

>>> renderedName(None)
u'Root Folder'
>>> renderedName('Daniel')
>>> folder1.populatePermissionMatrix('takeOverTheWORLD',[prinPermMap])

TestBrowser Smoke Tests

Lets make sure all the views work properly. Just a simple smoke test

>>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
>>> manager = Browser()
>>> authHeader = 'Basic mgr:mgrpw'
>>> manager.addHeader('Authorization', authHeader)
>>> manager.handleErrors = False
>>> server = 'http://localhost:8080/++skin++SecurityTool'
>>> + '/@@securityMatrix.html')

First we will check if the main page is available

>>> + '/@@securityMatrix.html')
>>> + '/Folder1/@@securityMatrix.html')
>>> + '/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/@@securityMatrix.html')

Now lets send the filter variable so our test is complete

>>> + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes')

And with the selected permission

>>> + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
...              'selectedPermission=zope.Public')

Here we send an invalid selectedPermisson ( just for coverage ) ;)

>>> + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
...              'selectedPermission=zope.dummy')

And with the None permission

>>> + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
...              'selectedPermission=None')

This is the principal detail page, you can get to by clicking on the principals name at the top of the form

>>> +
...              '/@@principalDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')
>>> +
...              '/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/'
...              '@@principalDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')
>>> 'Permission settings' in manager.contents

And lets call the view without a principal

>>> + '/@@principalDetails.html')
Traceback (most recent call last):
PrincipalLookupError: no principal specified

Here is the view you will see if you click on the actual permission value in the matrix intersecting the view to the user on a public view.

>>> + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
...              'principal=zope.daniel&view=PUT')

Ok lets send the command without the principal

>>> + '/@@permissionDetails.html?view=PUT')
Traceback (most recent call last):
PrincipalLookupError: no user specified

And now we will test it without the view name

>>> + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
...                        'principal=zope.daniel')

And now with a view name that does not exist

>>> + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
...              'principal=zope.daniel&view=garbage')

Lets also test with a different context level

>>> +
...              '/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/'
...              '@@permissionDetails.html'
...              '?principal=zope.daniel&view=ReadIssue.html')


0.5.0 (2010-10-21)

  • Updated tests, test setup and demo app to run with ZTK 1.0 on Python 2.4 and Python 2.6.

  • Updated to z3c.layer.minimal instead of deprecated z3c.layer.

Version 0.4.2 (2008-07-22)

  • Fixed issue with inheritance display on the permissionDetails page

  • Cleaned up some of the page template files.

  • Added description to the group inheritance display on the principal details page.

Version 0.4.1 (2008-06-12)

  • Fixed issue with inheritance display on the securityMatrix.html page

  • Added links to the views listed on the securityMatrix.html page

  • Refactored out the PrincipalDetails and the PermissionDetails to their own files

  • Added the ZPL text to the tops of all the py files

  • Refactored out the shared global functions to

  • Refactored out the MatrixDetails superclass to its own file.

pant, pant, pant

Version 0.4.0b (2008-06-09)

  • Updated page template for principal details

  • Sorting issue fixed on viewMatrix page

Version 0.4.0 (2008-06-09)

  • Updated page template for principal details

  • Releasing as Beta

Version 0.3.6b (2008-06-02)

  • Misc fixes to group permission inheritance.

  • Misc verbiage and layout updates to page templates.

Version 0.3.6 (2008-05-25)

  • Security tool now inherits properly from groups.

Version 0.3.5c (2008-05-24)

  • Mainly fixed documentation and DocTests

Version 0.3.5b (2008-03-03)

  • Fixed issue where stylesheets would not display in skin

  • Added z3c.macro namespace to configure.zcml

Version 0.3.5 (2008-03-02)

  • Fixed issue where SecurityTool skin was only declared for the demo, skin is now declared in the configure.zcml.

Version 0.3.4 (2008-02-26)

  • Fixed issue with groups on permDetails and principalDetails pages

  • Fixed issue where securitytool views were declared as zope.Public

  • Added SecurityTool skin to register securitytool views against

Version 0.3.3 (2008-02-21)

  • Updated css and styles

  • Cleanup of page templates

  • Fixed permission details page

Version 0.3.2 (2008-02-18)

  • Updated css and styles

  • Cleanup of page templates

  • Updtated principalDetails with sorting

  • Fixed bug where some permissions were not being removed appropriately

Version 0.3.1 (2008-02-07)

  • Updated interfaces and views

  • Updated css and styles

  • Cleanup of page templates

  • Updtated principalDetails to show all data

  • Various bug fixes

  • Added some more roles and permissions for the demo.

Version 0.3.0 (2008-02-07)

  • Updated interfaces and views

  • Cleanup of page templates

  • Storing selected skin in session

  • Various bug fixes

  • Better project description

Version 0.2.4 (2008-02-06)

  • Fixed bug in permDetails

  • Updated interface and views

  • Added some more content to the demo

Version 0.2.3 (2008-01-29)

  • Fixed issue where all the permissions associated with a principal were not populating properly

Version 0.2.2 (2008-01-28)

  • Some enhancements on the page templates and css classes

  • Better test coverage and “Smoke” tests for all the available views

Version 0.2.1 (2008-01-27)

  • Fixed bug with Permission Details

Version 0.2.0 (2008-01-26)

  • Initial release of fully functional z3c.securitytool

Version 0.2.1 (2008-01-26)

  • Fixed bug with Principal Details page

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

z3c.securitytool-0.5.0.tar.gz (39.2 kB view hashes)

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