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Collection of simple utils.

Project description


Collection of simple utils.


pip install zenutils

Extra packages requires

  • For python3.2 and python2.x, requires extra package: inspect2~=0.1.2
  • For user who is using xxhash methods with hashutils, requires extra package: xxhash
  • For user who is using sm3 methods with hashutils, requires extra package: sm3utils.
  • If your python installation's hashlib already support sm3 hash method, you don't have to install sm3utils.
  • xxhash and sm3utils are not put into this package's requirements, you need to install them by your self.


  • The hashutils' hash methods are different on different python installations. The list below is based on Python 3.10.6 x86_64 on windows. Mostly md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512 methods are supported.
  • The hashutils' DEFAULT_HASH_METHOD is sm3 and DEFAULT_PASSWORD_HASH_METHOD is ssm3, so if your python installation is not support sm3 hash method, you need to install sm3utils by yourself.


  1. zenutils.base64utils
    1. a85decode
    2. a85encode
    3. b16decode
    4. b16encode
    5. b32decode
    6. b32encode
    7. b32hexdecode
    8. b32hexencode
    9. b64decode
    10. b64encode
    11. b85decode
    12. b85encode
    13. decode
    14. decodebytes
    15. encode
    16. encodebytes
    17. standard_b64decode
    18. standard_b64encode
    19. urlsafe_b64decode
    20. urlsafe_b64encode
  2. zenutils.baseutils
    1. Null
  3. zenutils.cacheutils
    1. cache
    2. get_cached_value
  4. zenutils.cipherutils
    1. Base64Encoder
    2. CipherBase
    3. DecryptFailed
    4. EncoderBase
    5. HexlifyEncoder
    6. IvCipher
    7. IvfCipher
    8. MappingCipher
    9. RawDataEncoder
    10. S12Cipher
    11. S1Cipher
    12. S2Cipher
    13. SafeBase64Encoder
    14. Utf8Encoder
  5. zenutils.dateutils
    1. get_days
    2. get_months
    3. get_years
  6. zenutils.dictutils
    1. HttpHeadersDict
    2. Object
    3. attrgetorset
    4. attrset
    5. change
    6. changes
    7. deep_merge
    8. diff
    9. fix_object
    10. ignore_none_item
    11. prefix_key
    12. select
    13. to_object
    14. touch
    15. update
  7. zenutils.errorutils
    1. AccessDenied
    2. AccountDisabledError
    3. AccountLockedError
    4. AccountRemovedError
    5. AccountStatusError
    6. AccountTemporaryLockedError
    7. AnotherServiceError
    8. AppAuthFailed
    9. AuthError
    10. BadParameter
    11. BadParameterType
    12. BadResponseContent
    13. BadUserToken
    14. BizError
    15. BizErrorBase
    16. CacheError
    17. CaptchaOnlyAllowedOnce
    18. CaptchaRequired
    19. CaptchaValidateFailed
    20. CastFailedError
    21. CastToBooleanFailed
    22. CastToFloatFailed
    23. CastToIntegerFailed
    24. CastToNumbericFailed
    25. CastToStringFailed
    26. ClientLostError
    27. ConfigError
    28. DataError
    29. DatabaseError
    30. EventNotRegistered
    31. FormError
    32. HttpError
    33. InformalRequestError
    34. InformalResultPackage
    35. InformalResultPackage
    36. LogicError
    37. LoginRequired
    38. MessageQueueError
    39. MissingConfigItem
    40. MissingField
    41. MissingParameter
    42. NetworkError
    43. NoAccessPermissionError
    44. NoDeletePermissionError
    45. NoMatchingRouteFound
    46. NoPermissionError
    47. NoPermissionToCleanCacheError
    48. NoReadPermissionError
    49. NoUpstreamServerAvailabe
    50. NoWritePermissionError
    51. NotSupportedHttpMethod
    52. NotSupportedTypeToCast
    53. OK
    54. ParamError
    55. ParseJsonError
    56. PermissionError
    57. RepeatedlySubmitForm
    58. ReqeustForbidden
    59. ReqidDuplicateError
    60. RequestExpired
    62. ServiceError
    63. StringTooLong
    64. StringTooShort
    65. SysError
    66. TargetNotFound
    67. TooLargeRequestError
    68. TsExpiredError
    69. TypeError
    70. UndefinedError
    71. UserDoesNotExist
    72. UserPasswordError
    73. ValueExceedsMaxLimit
    74. ValueLessThanMinLimit
    75. WrongFieldType
    76. WrongParameterType
    77. clean_language_name
    78. get_error_info
    79. get_language
    80. set_error_info
    81. set_language
  8. zenutils.fsutils
    1. TemporaryFile
    2. copy
    3. expand
    4. file_content_replace
    5. filecopy
    6. first_exists_file
    7. get_application_config_filepath
    8. get_application_config_paths
    9. get_safe_filename
    10. get_size_deviation
    11. get_size_display
    12. get_swap_filename
    13. get_temp_workspace
    14. get_unit_size
    15. info
    16. mkdir
    17. move
    18. pathjoin
    19. readfile
    20. rename
    21. rm
    22. safe_write
    23. size_unit_names
    24. size_unit_upper_limit
    25. touch
    26. treecopy
    27. write
  9. zenutils.funcutils
    1. BunchCallable
    2. ChainableProxy
    3. call_with_inject
    4. chain
    5. classproperty
    6. get_all_builtin_exceptions
    7. get_builtins_dict
    8. get_class_name
    9. get_default_values
    10. get_inject_params
    11. get_method_help
    12. get_method_signature
    13. inspect
    14. is_a_class
    15. isclass
    16. mcall_with_inject
    17. signature
    18. try_again_on_error
  10. zenutils.hashutils
    1. Base64ResultEncoder
    2. Blake2BHexlifyPasswordHash
    3. Blake2BPbkdf2PasswordHash
    4. Blake2BPbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    5. Blake2BSimplePasswordHash
    6. Blake2BSimpleSaltPasswordHash
    7. Blake2SHexlifyPasswordHash
    8. Blake2SPbkdf2PasswordHash
    9. Blake2SPbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    10. Blake2SSimplePasswordHash
    11. Blake2SSimpleSaltPasswordHash
    12. DigestResultEncoder
    13. HexlifyPasswordHashBase
    14. HexlifyResultEncoder
    15. Md5HexlifyPasswordHash
    16. Md5Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    17. Md5Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    18. Md5SimplePasswordHash
    19. Md5SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    20. Md5_Sha1HexlifyPasswordHash
    21. Md5_Sha1Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    22. Md5_Sha1Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    23. Md5_Sha1SimplePasswordHash
    24. Md5_Sha1SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    25. PasswordHashMethodBase
    26. PasswordHashMethodNotSupportError
    27. Pbkdf2PasswordHashBase
    28. ResultEncoderBase
    29. Ripemd160HexlifyPasswordHash
    30. Ripemd160Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    31. Ripemd160Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    32. Ripemd160SimplePasswordHash
    33. Ripemd160SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    34. Sha1HexlifyPasswordHash
    35. Sha1Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    36. Sha1Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    37. Sha1SimplePasswordHash
    38. Sha1SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    39. Sha224HexlifyPasswordHash
    40. Sha224Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    41. Sha224Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    42. Sha224SimplePasswordHash
    43. Sha224SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    44. Sha256HexlifyPasswordHash
    45. Sha256Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    46. Sha256Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    47. Sha256SimplePasswordHash
    48. Sha256SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    49. Sha384HexlifyPasswordHash
    50. Sha384Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    51. Sha384Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    52. Sha384SimplePasswordHash
    53. Sha384SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    54. Sha3_224HexlifyPasswordHash
    55. Sha3_224Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    56. Sha3_224Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    57. Sha3_224SimplePasswordHash
    58. Sha3_224SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    59. Sha3_256HexlifyPasswordHash
    60. Sha3_256Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    61. Sha3_256Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    62. Sha3_256SimplePasswordHash
    63. Sha3_256SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    64. Sha3_384HexlifyPasswordHash
    65. Sha3_384Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    66. Sha3_384Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    67. Sha3_384SimplePasswordHash
    68. Sha3_384SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    69. Sha3_512HexlifyPasswordHash
    70. Sha3_512Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    71. Sha3_512Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    72. Sha3_512SimplePasswordHash
    73. Sha3_512SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    74. Sha512HexlifyPasswordHash
    75. Sha512Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    76. Sha512Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    77. Sha512SimplePasswordHash
    78. Sha512SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    79. Sha512_224HexlifyPasswordHash
    80. Sha512_224Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    81. Sha512_224Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    82. Sha512_224SimplePasswordHash
    83. Sha512_224SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    84. Sha512_256HexlifyPasswordHash
    85. Sha512_256Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    86. Sha512_256Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    87. Sha512_256SimplePasswordHash
    88. Sha512_256SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    89. ShaHexlifyPasswordHash
    90. ShaPbkdf2PasswordHash
    91. ShaPbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    92. ShaSimplePasswordHash
    93. ShaSimpleSaltPasswordHash
    94. SimplePasswordHashBase
    95. SimpleSaltPasswordHashBase
    96. Sm3HexlifyPasswordHash
    97. Sm3Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    98. Sm3Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    99. Sm3SimplePasswordHash
    100. Sm3SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    101. Xxh128HexlifyPasswordHash
    102. Xxh128Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    103. Xxh128Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    104. Xxh128SimplePasswordHash
    105. Xxh128SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    106. Xxh32HexlifyPasswordHash
    107. Xxh32Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    108. Xxh32Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    109. Xxh32SimplePasswordHash
    110. Xxh32SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    111. Xxh64HexlifyPasswordHash
    112. Xxh64Pbkdf2PasswordHash
    113. Xxh64Pbkdf2PasswordHashColon
    114. Xxh64SimplePasswordHash
    115. Xxh64SimpleSaltPasswordHash
    116. algorithms_available
    117. get_blake2b
    118. get_blake2b_base64
    119. get_blake2b_digest
    120. get_blake2b_hexdigest
    121. get_blake2s
    122. get_blake2s_base64
    123. get_blake2s_digest
    124. get_blake2s_hexdigest
    125. get_file_blake2b
    126. get_file_blake2b_base64
    127. get_file_blake2b_digest
    128. get_file_blake2b_hexdigest
    129. get_file_blake2s
    130. get_file_blake2s_base64
    131. get_file_blake2s_digest
    132. get_file_blake2s_hexdigest
    133. get_file_hash
    134. get_file_hash_base64
    135. get_file_hash_hexdigest
    136. get_file_hash_result
    137. get_file_md5
    138. get_file_md5_base64
    139. get_file_md5_digest
    140. get_file_md5_hexdigest
    141. get_file_md5_sha1
    142. get_file_md5_sha1_base64
    143. get_file_md5_sha1_digest
    144. get_file_md5_sha1_hexdigest
    145. get_file_ripemd160
    146. get_file_ripemd160_base64
    147. get_file_ripemd160_digest
    148. get_file_ripemd160_hexdigest
    149. get_file_sha
    150. get_file_sha1
    151. get_file_sha1_base64
    152. get_file_sha1_digest
    153. get_file_sha1_hexdigest
    154. get_file_sha224
    155. get_file_sha224_base64
    156. get_file_sha224_digest
    157. get_file_sha224_hexdigest
    158. get_file_sha256
    159. get_file_sha256_base64
    160. get_file_sha256_digest
    161. get_file_sha256_hexdigest
    162. get_file_sha384
    163. get_file_sha384_base64
    164. get_file_sha384_digest
    165. get_file_sha384_hexdigest
    166. get_file_sha3_224
    167. get_file_sha3_224_base64
    168. get_file_sha3_224_digest
    169. get_file_sha3_224_hexdigest
    170. get_file_sha3_256
    171. get_file_sha3_256_base64
    172. get_file_sha3_256_digest
    173. get_file_sha3_256_hexdigest
    174. get_file_sha3_384
    175. get_file_sha3_384_base64
    176. get_file_sha3_384_digest
    177. get_file_sha3_384_hexdigest
    178. get_file_sha3_512
    179. get_file_sha3_512_base64
    180. get_file_sha3_512_digest
    181. get_file_sha3_512_hexdigest
    182. get_file_sha512
    183. get_file_sha512_224
    184. get_file_sha512_224_base64
    185. get_file_sha512_224_digest
    186. get_file_sha512_224_hexdigest
    187. get_file_sha512_256
    188. get_file_sha512_256_base64
    189. get_file_sha512_256_digest
    190. get_file_sha512_256_hexdigest
    191. get_file_sha512_base64
    192. get_file_sha512_digest
    193. get_file_sha512_hexdigest
    194. get_file_sha_base64
    195. get_file_sha_digest
    196. get_file_sha_hexdigest
    197. get_file_sm3
    198. get_file_sm3_base64
    199. get_file_sm3_digest
    200. get_file_sm3_hexdigest
    201. get_file_xxh128
    202. get_file_xxh128_base64
    203. get_file_xxh128_digest
    204. get_file_xxh128_hexdigest
    205. get_file_xxh32
    206. get_file_xxh32_base64
    207. get_file_xxh32_digest
    208. get_file_xxh32_hexdigest
    209. get_file_xxh64
    210. get_file_xxh64_base64
    211. get_file_xxh64_digest
    212. get_file_xxh64_hexdigest
    213. get_hash
    214. get_hash_base64
    215. get_hash_hexdigest
    216. get_hash_result
    217. get_md5
    218. get_md5_base64
    219. get_md5_digest
    220. get_md5_hexdigest
    221. get_md5_sha1
    222. get_md5_sha1_base64
    223. get_md5_sha1_digest
    224. get_md5_sha1_hexdigest
    225. get_password_hash
    226. get_password_hash_methods
    227. get_pbkdf2_blake2b
    228. get_pbkdf2_blake2s
    229. get_pbkdf2_hmac
    230. get_pbkdf2_md5
    231. get_pbkdf2_md5_sha1
    232. get_pbkdf2_ripemd160
    233. get_pbkdf2_sha
    234. get_pbkdf2_sha1
    235. get_pbkdf2_sha224
    236. get_pbkdf2_sha256
    237. get_pbkdf2_sha384
    238. get_pbkdf2_sha3_224
    239. get_pbkdf2_sha3_256
    240. get_pbkdf2_sha3_384
    241. get_pbkdf2_sha3_512
    242. get_pbkdf2_sha512
    243. get_pbkdf2_sha512_224
    244. get_pbkdf2_sha512_256
    245. get_pbkdf2_sm3
    246. get_pbkdf2_xxh128
    247. get_pbkdf2_xxh32
    248. get_pbkdf2_xxh64
    249. get_ripemd160
    250. get_ripemd160_base64
    251. get_ripemd160_digest
    252. get_ripemd160_hexdigest
    253. get_salted_hash_base64
    254. get_sha
    255. get_sha1
    256. get_sha1_base64
    257. get_sha1_digest
    258. get_sha1_hexdigest
    259. get_sha224
    260. get_sha224_base64
    261. get_sha224_digest
    262. get_sha224_hexdigest
    263. get_sha256
    264. get_sha256_base64
    265. get_sha256_digest
    266. get_sha256_hexdigest
    267. get_sha384
    268. get_sha384_base64
    269. get_sha384_digest
    270. get_sha384_hexdigest
    271. get_sha3_224
    272. get_sha3_224_base64
    273. get_sha3_224_digest
    274. get_sha3_224_hexdigest
    275. get_sha3_256
    276. get_sha3_256_base64
    277. get_sha3_256_digest
    278. get_sha3_256_hexdigest
    279. get_sha3_384
    280. get_sha3_384_base64
    281. get_sha3_384_digest
    282. get_sha3_384_hexdigest
    283. get_sha3_512
    284. get_sha3_512_base64
    285. get_sha3_512_digest
    286. get_sha3_512_hexdigest
    287. get_sha512
    288. get_sha512_224
    289. get_sha512_224_base64
    290. get_sha512_224_digest
    291. get_sha512_224_hexdigest
    292. get_sha512_256
    293. get_sha512_256_base64
    294. get_sha512_256_digest
    295. get_sha512_256_hexdigest
    296. get_sha512_base64
    297. get_sha512_digest
    298. get_sha512_hexdigest
    299. get_sha_base64
    300. get_sha_digest
    301. get_sha_hexdigest
    302. get_sm3
    303. get_sm3_base64
    304. get_sm3_digest
    305. get_sm3_hexdigest
    306. get_xxh128
    307. get_xxh128_base64
    308. get_xxh128_digest
    309. get_xxh128_hexdigest
    310. get_xxh32
    311. get_xxh32_base64
    312. get_xxh32_digest
    313. get_xxh32_hexdigest
    314. get_xxh64
    315. get_xxh64_base64
    316. get_xxh64_digest
    317. get_xxh64_hexdigest
    318. is_the_same_hash_method
    319. method_load
    320. new
    321. pbkdf2_hmac
    322. register_hexlify_password_hash
    323. register_password_hash_method
    324. register_pbkdf2_password_hash
    325. register_simple_password_hash
    326. register_simple_salt_password_hash
    327. setup_hash_method_loader
    328. validate_password_hash
    329. validate_pbkdf2_blake2b
    330. validate_pbkdf2_blake2s
    331. validate_pbkdf2_hmac
    332. validate_pbkdf2_md5
    333. validate_pbkdf2_md5_sha1
    334. validate_pbkdf2_ripemd160
    335. validate_pbkdf2_sha
    336. validate_pbkdf2_sha1
    337. validate_pbkdf2_sha224
    338. validate_pbkdf2_sha256
    339. validate_pbkdf2_sha384
    340. validate_pbkdf2_sha3_224
    341. validate_pbkdf2_sha3_256
    342. validate_pbkdf2_sha3_384
    343. validate_pbkdf2_sha3_512
    344. validate_pbkdf2_sha512
    345. validate_pbkdf2_sha512_224
    346. validate_pbkdf2_sha512_256
    347. validate_pbkdf2_sm3
    348. validate_pbkdf2_xxh128
    349. validate_pbkdf2_xxh32
    350. validate_pbkdf2_xxh64
  11. zenutils.httputils
    1. download
    2. get_sitename
    3. get_url_filename
    4. get_url_save_path
    5. get_urlinfo
    6. urlparse
  12. zenutils.importutils
    1. get_caller_globals
    2. get_caller_locals
    3. import_from_string
    4. import_module
  13. zenutils.jsonutils
    1. SimpleJsonEncoder
    2. make_simple_json_encoder
    3. register_global_encoder
    4. simple_json_dumps
  14. zenutils.listutils
    1. append_new
    2. chunk
    3. clean_none
    4. compare
    5. compare_execute
    6. first
    7. group
    8. ignore_none_element
    9. int_list_to_bytes
    10. is_ordered
    11. list2dict
    12. pad
    13. replace
    14. topological_sort
    15. topological_test
    16. unique
  15. zenutils.logutils
    1. get_console_handler
    2. get_file_handler
    3. get_simple_config
    4. setup
  16. zenutils.nameutils
    1. get_last_names
    2. get_random_name
    3. get_suggest_first_names
    4. guess_lastname
    5. guess_surname
  17. zenutils.numericutils
    1. _infinity
    2. binary_decompose
    3. bytes2ints
    4. decimal_change_base
    5. float_split
    6. from_bytes
    7. get_float_part
    8. infinity
    9. int2bytes
    10. ints2bytes
    11. is_infinity
    12. ninfinity
    13. pinfinity
  18. zenutils.packutils
    1. AbstractResultPacker
    2. RcmPacker
  19. zenutils.perfutils
    1. timeit
  20. zenutils.randomutils
    1. Lcg31Random
    2. Random
    3. UuidGenerator
    4. choices
    5. get_password_seed32
    6. uuid1
    7. uuid3
    8. uuid4
    9. uuid5
  21. zenutils.serviceutils
    1. DebugService
    2. ServiceBase
  22. zenutils.sixutils
    2. BYTES
    6. PY2
    7. PY3
    8. STR_TYPE
    9. TEXT
    10. bchar
    11. bstr_to_array
    12. bytes_to_array
    13. create_new_class
    14. default_encoding
    15. default_encodings
    16. force_bytes
    17. force_text
  23. zenutils.socketserverutils
    1. NStreamExchangeProtocolBase
    2. ServerEngineBase
    3. ServerHandle
  24. zenutils.strutils
    1. BAI
    2. BASE64_CHARS
    4. QIAN
    5. SHI
    6. StrUtils
    8. WAN
    9. YI
    10. binarify
    11. bytes2ints
    12. camel
    13. captital_number
    14. char_force_to_int
    15. chunk
    16. clean
    17. combinations
    18. combinations2
    19. decodable
    20. default_cn_digits
    21. default_cn_float_places
    22. default_cn_negative
    23. default_cn_places
    24. default_cn_yuan
    25. default_encoding
    26. default_encodings
    27. default_quotes
    28. default_random_string_choices
    29. do_clean
    30. encodable
    31. force_float
    32. force_int
    33. force_numberic
    34. force_type_to
    35. format_with_mapping
    36. get_all_substrings
    37. get_base64image
    38. get_image_bytes
    39. html_element_css_append
    40. int2bytes
    41. ints2bytes
    42. is_base64_decodable
    43. is_chinese_character
    44. is_hex_digits
    45. is_str_composed_by_the_choices
    46. is_unhexlifiable
    47. is_urlsafeb64_decodable
    48. is_uuid
    49. join_lines
    50. no_mapping
    51. none_to_empty_string
    52. parse_base64image
    53. random_string
    54. remove_prefix
    55. remove_suffix
    56. reverse
    57. simple_cn_yuan
    58. simplesplit
    59. smart_get_binary_data
    60. split
    61. split2
    62. str_composed_by
    63. stringlist_append
    64. strip_string
    65. substrings
    66. text_display_length
    67. text_display_shorten
    68. unbinarify
    69. unquote
    70. wholestrip
  25. zenutils.sysutils
    1. default_timeout_kill
    2. execute_script
    3. get_current_thread_id
    4. get_node_ip
    5. get_random_script_name
    6. get_worker_id
    7. psutil_timeout_kill
  26. zenutils.threadutils
    1. ConcurrentLimitJobQueue
    2. Counter
    3. Future
    4. JobExecuteTimeout
    5. JobQueue
    6. JobResultNotSet
    7. LoopIdle
    8. Service
    9. ServiceStop
    10. ServiceTerminate
    11. SimpleConsumer
    12. SimpleProducer
    13. SimpleProducerConsumerServer
    14. SimpleServer
    15. StartOnTerminatedService
  27. zenutils.treeutils
    1. SimpleRouterTree
    2. build_tree
    3. print_tree
    4. print_tree_callback
    5. tree_walk
  28. zenutils.typingutils
    1. Number
    3. register_global_caster
    4. smart_cast
  29. zenutils.xmlrpcutils
    1. SimpleAuthMixin
    2. SimpleAuthSafeTransport
    3. SimpleAuthTransport


Test passed with python versions:

  1. Python 2.7 passed
  2. Python 3.2 passed
  3. Python 3.3 passed
  4. Python 3.4 passed
  5. Python 3.5 passed
  6. Python 3.7 passed
  7. Python 3.8 passed
  8. Python 3.9 passed
  9. Python 3.10 passed



  • First release.


  • Add treeutils.SimpleRouterTree.
  • Add randomutils.HashPrng.
  • Add hashutils.get_password_hash and hashutils.validate_password_hash.
  • Add dictutils.HttpHeadersDict.
  • Add sysutils.get_node_ip.


  • Add funcutils.retry.
  • Fix hashutils.validate_password_hash problem.


  • Add sm3 hash support in hashutils.
  • Add xxhash hash support in hashutils.
  • Export hashutils.pbkdf2_hmac to work with your self defined hash methods.
  • Fix problem in sysutils.get_random_script_name on windows.
  • Fix path string problem in tests.test_httputils on windows.


  • Fix funcutils.isclass can not detect classes with metaclass. Use inspect.isclass instead.
  • Add cacheutils.cache.


  • Change default log file path from pwd/app.log to pwd/logs/app.log.
  • Add fsutils.get_swap_filename.
  • Add fsutils.safe_write.
  • Add fsutils.get_safe_filename.


  • Add sixutils.create_new_class.
  • Fix hashutils problem in python3.3 and below.
  • Extend numericutils.int2bytes as int.to_bytes.


  • Add randomutils.Lcg31Random.
  • Add randomutils.get_password_seed32.


  • Fix force_text in handling NON-STR type data.


  • Add delete_script parameter in fsutils.execute_script.


  • dictutils.Object add select method.
  • Add errorutils.
  • Add packutils.
  • Add perfutils.
  • Add serviceutils.


  • Add serviceutils.ServerEngineBase.


  • Rename serviceutils.ServerEngineBase to socketserverutils.ServerEngineBase.
  • Add socketserverutils.NStreamExchangeProtocolBase.
  • Add ServerHandle.


  • Fix NStreamExchangeProtocolBase makefile buffering problem for py2.7.
  • Fix log format problem in old version python.
  • Add more exception classes in errorutils.
  • Add dateutils.
  • Add errorutils.AuthenticationRequired.


  • Fix logger.error missing msg problem.
  • Add threadutils.ConcurrentLimitJobQueue.


  • Fix *args problem in call_with_inject.
  • Change serviceutils.ServiceBase.register_to.
  • Add cacheutils.ReqIdCache.
  • Add xmlrpcutils.SimpleAuthTransport.
  • Add xmlrpcutils.SimpleAuthSafeTransport.
  • Add threadutils.JobQueue.
  • Add threadutils.Future.
  • Add funcutils.get_method_help.
  • Add funcutils.get_method_signature.


  • Add cacheutils.simple_cache.

Project details

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Source Distribution

zenutils-0.4.9.tar.gz (135.1 kB view hashes)

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Built Distributions

zenutils-0.4.9-py32-none-any.whl (149.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3.2

zenutils-0.4.9-py3-none-any.whl (149.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

zenutils-0.4.9-py2-none-any.whl (149.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2

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