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zkSync2 python client sdk

Project description

zkSync2 client sdk


Getting started


Tool Required
python >= 3.8
package manager pip

how to install

pip install zksync2

Provider (zkSyncBuilder)


ZkSync 2.0 is designed with the same styling as web3.
It defines the zksync module based on Etherium and extends it with zkSync-specific methods.

How to construct

For usage, there is ZkSyncBuilder that returns a Web3 object with an instance of zksync module.
Construction only needs the URL to the zkSync blockchain.


from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder

Module parameters and methods

ZkSync module attributes:

Attribute Description
chain_id Returns an integer value for the currently configured "ChainId"
gas_price Returns the current gas price in Wei

ZkSync module methods:

Method Parameters Return value Description
zks_estimate_fee zkSync Transaction Fee structure Gets Fee for ZkSync transaction
zks_main_contract - Address of main contract Return address of main contract
zks_get_confirmed_tokens from, limit List[Token] Returns all tokens in the set range by global index
zks_l1_chain_id - ChainID Return etherium chain ID
zks_get_all_account_balances Address Dict[str, int] Return dictionary of token address and its value
zks_get_bridge_contracts - BridgeAddresses Returns addresses of all bridge contracts that are interacting with L1 layer
eth_estimate_gas Transaction estimated gas Overloaded method of eth_estimate_gas for ZkSync transaction gas estimation
wait_for_transaction_receipt Tx Hash, optional timeout,poll_latency TxReceipt Waits for the transaction to be included into block by its hash and returns its reciept. Optional arguments are timeout and poll_latency in seconds


Account incapsulate private key and, frequently based on it, the unique user identifier in the network.
This unique identifier also mean by wallet address.

Account construction

ZkSync2 Python SDK account is compatible with eth_account package In most cases user has its private key and gets account instance by using it.


from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("PRIVATE_KEY")

The base property that is used directly of account is: Account.address


Signer is used to generate signature of provided transaction based on your account(your private key)
This signature is added to the final EIP712 transaction for its validation

Singer construction

zkSync2 already has implementation of signer. For contruct the instance it needs only account and chain_id


from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
from eth_account import Account
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder

account = Account.from_key("PRIVATE_KEY")
zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
chain_id = zksync_web3.zksync.chain_id
signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(account, chain_id)


Signer has a few methods to generate signature and verify message

Method Parameters Return value Description
sign_typed_data EIP712 Structure, optional domain Web3 py SignedMessage Builds SignedMessage based on the encoded in EIP712 format Transaction
verify_typed_data signature, EIP712 structure, optional domain bool return True if this encoded transaction is signed with provided signature

Signer class also has the following properties:

Attribute Description
address Account address
domain domain that is used to generate signature. It's depends on chain_id of network


Basic type of ZkSync transaction is quite similar to the Web3 based one
It's defined in the package: zksync2.module.request_type

But for sending and signed transaction it's neccessary to sign and encode it in EIP712 structure
EIP712 transaction type can be found in package: zksync2.transaction.transaction712

For convert ordinary transaction to EIP712 type there are defined helped classes:

  • TxFunctionCall
  • TxCreateContract
  • TxCreate2Contract

Usage will be described in the examples [section][#Examples]

Contract interfaces

There is a set of system contract that helps execute and interact with ZkSync2 network
For user needs there are the following contracts:

  • NonceHolder
  • ERC20Contract & ERC20FunctionEncoder
  • ContractDeployer
  • PaymasterFlowEncoder


Let's start from the NonceHolder. This contract is handling the deployment nonce
It's useful to precompute address for contract that is going to be deployer in the network.
To construct it there is need only account and Web3 object with integrated zksync module

from zksync2.manage_contracts.nonce_holder import NonceHolder
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder

zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("PRIVATE_KEY")
nonce_holder = NonceHolder(zksync_web3, account)


Method Parameters Return value Description
get_account_nonce - Nonce returns account nonce
get_deployment_nonce - Nonce return current deployment nonce that is going to be used
increment_deployment_nonce Address Nothing Manually increments deployment nonce by provided account address


This is system contract that is used internally as a part of implementation methods of EthereumProvider
It has functionality to interact at L1 level

More interested type is ERC20FunctionEncoder. it's using to provide method encoding in the case of
sending non-native tokens inside the network.

Construction needs only Web3 object with appended zksync module(ZkSyncBuilder)

It has only 1 single method: python encode_method with arguments of function name, and it's args Usage example you may find in section Transfer funds (ERC20 tokens)


ContractDeployer is utility contract represented as type to cover the following functionality:

  • encode binary contract representation by create method for further deploying
  • encode binary contract representation by create2 method for further deploying
  • Precompute contract address for create and create2 methods

Construction: needs only web3 object with appended zksync module


from zksync2.manage_contracts.contract_deployer import ContractDeployer
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder

zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
deployer = ContractDeployer(zksync_web3)

The most functionality is hidden in the function builder helper types. See transaction section


Method Parameters Return value Description
encode_create bytecode, optional call_data & salt HexStr create binary represenation of contract in internal deploying format.
bytecode - contract binary representation, call_data is used for ctor bytecode only, salt is used to generate unique identifier of deploying contract
encode_create2 bytecode, optional call_data & salt HexStr create binary represenation of contract in internal deploying format.
bytecode - contract binary representation, call_data is used for ctor bytecode only, salt is used to generate unique identifier of deploying contract
compute_l2_create_address Address, Nonce Address Accepts address of deployer and current deploing nonce and returns address of contract that is going to be deployed by encode_create method
compute_l2_create2_address Address, bytecode, ctor bytecode, salt Address Accepts address of deployer, binary representation of contract, if needed it's constructor in binary format and salf. By default constructor can be b'0' value. Returns address of contract that is going to be deployed by encode_create2 method


PaymasterFlowEncoder is utility contract for encoding Paymaster parameters.
Construction contract needs only Web3 Module object. It can be Eth or ZkSync.


from zksync2.manage_contracts.paymaster_utils import PaymasterFlowEncoder
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder

zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
paymaster_encoder = PaymasterFlowEncoder(zksync_web3)

This utility contract has 2 methods wrapped directly to python:

  • encode_approval_based
  • encode_general

For example and usage, please have a look into example section


Deposit funds

This is example how to deposit from Ethereum account to ZkSync account:

from web3 import Web3
from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.manage_contracts.gas_provider import StaticGasProvider
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.core.types import Token
from zksync2.provider.eth_provider import EthereumProvider

def deposit():

    eth_web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(URL_TO_ETH_NETWORK))
    eth_web3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)
    zksync_web3 =
    account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    gas_provider = StaticGasProvider(Web3.toWei(1, "gwei"), 555000)
    eth_provider = EthereumProvider.build_ethereum_provider(zksync=zksync_web3,
    tx_receipt = eth_provider.deposit(Token.create_eth(),
                                      eth_web3.toWei("YOUR_AMOUNT_OF_ETH", "ether"),
    print(f"tx status: {tx_receipt['status']}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Check balance

After depositing there could be needed to check the account balance under ZkSync network:

from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.core.types import EthBlockParams

def get_account_balance():
    ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL: str = 'https://'
    account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY')
    zksync_web3 =
    zk_balance = zksync_web3.zksync.get_balance(account.address, EthBlockParams.LATEST.value)
    print(f"ZkSync balance: {zk_balance}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Here is example how to transfer funds in ZkSync network

from eth_typing import HexStr
from web3 import Web3
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.core.types import ZkBlockParams
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
from zksync2.transaction.transaction712 import TxFunctionCall

def transfer_to_self():
    amount = 0.05
    account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
    zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
    chain_id = zksync_web3.zksync.chain_id
    signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(account, chain_id)

    nonce = zksync_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(account.address, ZkBlockParams.COMMITTED.value)
    gas_price = zksync_web3.zksync.gas_price

    tx_func_call = TxFunctionCall(chain_id=chain_id,
                                  value=Web3.toWei(amount, 'ether'),
                                  gas_limit=0,  # unknown at this state, will be replaced by estimate_gas
    estimate_gas = zksync_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(tx_func_call.tx)
    print(f"Fee for transaction is: {estimate_gas * gas_price}")

    tx_712 = tx_func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)

    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
    tx_hash = zksync_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
    tx_receipt = zksync_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5)
    print(f"tx_hash : {tx_hash.hex()}, status: {tx_receipt['status']}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Transfer funds (ERC20 tokens)

Example of transferring ERC20 tokens

from zksync2.manage_contracts.erc20_contract import ERC20FunctionEncoder
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.core.types import ZkBlockParams
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
from zksync2.transaction.transaction712 import TxFunctionCall

def transfer_erc20_token():
    account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
    zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
    chain_id = zksync_web3.zksync.chain_id
    signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(account, chain_id)

    nonce = zksync_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(account.address, ZkBlockParams.COMMITTED.value)
    gas_price = zksync_web3.zksync.gas_price

    tokens = zksync_web3.zksync.zks_get_confirmed_tokens(0, 100)
    not_eth_tokens = [x for x in tokens if not x.is_eth()]
    token_address = not_eth_tokens[0].l2_address

    erc20_encoder = ERC20FunctionEncoder(zksync_web3)
    transfer_params = [account.address, 0]
    call_data = erc20_encoder.encode_method("transfer", args=transfer_params)

    func_call = TxFunctionCall(chain_id=chain_id,
                               gas_limit=0,  # unknown at this state, will be replaced by estimate_gas
    estimate_gas = zksync_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
    print(f"Fee for transaction is: {estimate_gas * gas_price}")

    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
    tx_hash = zksync_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
    tx_receipt = zksync_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5)
    print(f"tx_hash : {tx_hash.hex()}, status: {tx_receipt['status']}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Withdraw funds (Native coins)

from decimal import Decimal
from eth_typing import HexStr
from zksync2.manage_contracts.l2_bridge import L2BridgeEncoder
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.core.types import Token, ZkBlockParams, BridgeAddresses
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
from zksync2.transaction.transaction712 import TxFunctionCall

def withdraw():
    value = Decimal("0.001")

    account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("PRIVATE_KEY")
    zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
    chain_id = zksync_web3.zksync.chain_id
    signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(account, chain_id)
    ETH_TOKEN = Token.create_eth()

    nonce = zksync_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(account.address, ZkBlockParams.COMMITTED.value)
    gas_price = zksync_web3.zksync.gas_price
    bridges: BridgeAddresses = zksync_web3.zksync.zks_get_bridge_contracts()

    l2_func_encoder = L2BridgeEncoder(zksync_web3)
    call_data = l2_func_encoder.encode_function(fn_name="withdraw", args=[

    func_call = TxFunctionCall(chain_id=chain_id,
                               gas_limit=0, # unknown at this state, will be replaced by estimate_gas
    estimate_gas = zksync_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(func_call.tx)
    print(f"Fee for transaction is: {estimate_gas * gas_price}")

    tx_712 = func_call.tx712(estimate_gas)
    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
    tx_hash = zksync_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
    tx_receipt = zksync_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5)
    print(f"tx_hash : {tx_hash.hex()}, status: {tx_receipt['status']}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Deploy contract with method create

ZkSync tools allows to build the contract into binary format. Then it can be deployed to the network
Here is the code of simple contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Counter {
    uint256 value;

    function increment(uint256 x) public {
        value += x;

    function get() public view returns (uint256) {
        return value;

INFO: It must be compiled by ZkSync2 compiler only !

After compilation there must be 2 files with:

  • contract binary representation
  • contract abi in json format

Contract ABI needs for calling its methods in standard web3 way

INFO: in some cases you would need to get contract address before deploying it
INFO: This case is also introduced in this example

import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
from eth_typing import HexStr
from web3 import Web3
from web3.types import TxParams
from zksync2.manage_contracts.contract_deployer import ContractDeployer
from zksync2.manage_contracts.nonce_holder import NonceHolder
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.core.types import ZkBlockParams, EthBlockParams
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
from zksync2.transaction.transaction712 import TxCreateContract

def generate_random_salt() -> bytes:
    return os.urandom(32)

def read_hex_binary(name: str) -> bytes:
    p = Path(f"./{name}")
    with'r') as contact_file:
        lines = contact_file.readlines()
        data = "".join(lines)
        return bytes.fromhex(data)

def read_binary(p: Path) -> bytes:
    with'rb') as contact_file:
        data =
        return data

def get_abi(p: Path):
    with'r') as json_f:
        return json.load(json_f)

class CounterContractEncoder:
    def __init__(self, web3: Web3, bin_path: Path, abi_path: Path):
        self.web3 = web3
        self.counter_contract = self.web3.eth.contract(abi=get_abi(abi_path),

    def encode_method(self, fn_name, args: list) -> HexStr:
        return self.counter_contract.encodeABI(fn_name, args)

def deploy_contract_create():
    account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("PRIVATE_KEY")
    zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
    chain_id = zksync_web3.zksync.chain_id
    signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(account, chain_id)

    counter_contract_bin = read_hex_binary("counter_contract.hex")

    nonce = zksync_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value)
    gas_price = zksync_web3.zksync.gas_price

    nonce_holder = NonceHolder(zksync_web3, account)
    deployment_nonce = nonce_holder.get_deployment_nonce(account.address)
    deployer = ContractDeployer(zksync_web3)
    precomputed_address = deployer.compute_l2_create_address(account.address, deployment_nonce)

    print(f"precomputed address: {precomputed_address}")

    random_salt = generate_random_salt()
    create_contract = TxCreateContract(web3=zksync_web3,
                                       gas_limit=0,  # unknown at this state, will be replaced by estimate_gas
    estimate_gas = zksync_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(create_contract.tx)
    print(f"Fee for transaction is: {estimate_gas * gas_price}")

    tx_712 = create_contract.tx712(estimate_gas)

    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
    tx_hash = zksync_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
    tx_receipt = zksync_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5)
    print(f"tx status: {tx_receipt['status']}")

    contract_address = tx_receipt["contractAddress"]
    print(f"contract address: {contract_address}")
    counter_contract_encoder = CounterContractEncoder(zksync_web3, Path("./counter_contract.hex"),

    call_data = counter_contract_encoder.encode_method(fn_name="get", args=[])
    eth_tx: TxParams = {
        "from": account.address,
        "to": contract_address,
        "data": call_data
    # Value is type dependent so might need to be converted to corresponded type under Python
    eth_ret =, ZkBlockParams.COMMITTED.value)
    converted_result = int.from_bytes(eth_ret, "big", signed=True)
    print(f"Call method for deployed contract, address: {contract_address}, value: {converted_result}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Deploy contract with method create2

import os
import json
from pathlib import Path
from eth_typing import HexStr
from web3 import Web3
from web3.types import TxParams
from zksync2.manage_contracts.contract_deployer import ContractDeployer
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.core.types import ZkBlockParams, EthBlockParams
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
from zksync2.transaction.transaction712 import TxCreate2Contract

def generate_random_salt() -> bytes:
    return os.urandom(32)

def read_hex_binary(name: str) -> bytes:
    p = Path(f"./{name}")
    with'r') as contact_file:
        lines = contact_file.readlines()
        data = "".join(lines)
        return bytes.fromhex(data)

def read_binary(p: Path) -> bytes:
    with'rb') as contact_file:
        data =
        return data

def get_abi(p: Path):
    with'r') as json_f:
        return json.load(json_f)

class CounterContractEncoder:
    def __init__(self, web3: Web3, bin_path: Path, abi_path: Path):
        self.web3 = web3
        self.counter_contract = self.web3.eth.contract(abi=get_abi(abi_path),

    def encode_method(self, fn_name, args: list) -> HexStr:
        return self.counter_contract.encodeABI(fn_name, args)

def deploy_contract_create2():
    account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("PRIVATE_KEY")
    zksync_web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
    chain_id = zksync_web3.zksync.chain_id
    signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(account, chain_id)

    counter_contract_bin = read_hex_binary("counter_contract.hex")

    nonce = zksync_web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value)
    gas_price = zksync_web3.zksync.gas_price

    deployer = ContractDeployer(zksync_web3)
    random_salt = generate_random_salt()
    precomputed_address = deployer.compute_l2_create2_address(sender=account.address,
    print(f"precomputed address: {precomputed_address}")

    create2_contract = TxCreate2Contract(web3=zksync_web3,
    estimate_gas = zksync_web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(create2_contract.tx)
    print(f"Fee for transaction is: {estimate_gas * gas_price}")

    tx_712 = create2_contract.tx712(estimate_gas)
    singed_message = signer.sign_typed_data(tx_712.to_eip712_struct())
    msg = tx_712.encode(singed_message)
    tx_hash = zksync_web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
    print(f"tx_hash: {tx_hash.hex()}")
    tx_receipt = zksync_web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5)
    print(f"tx status: {tx_receipt['status']}")

    contract_address = tx_receipt["contractAddress"]
    print(f"contract address: {contract_address}")

    counter_contract_encoder = CounterContractEncoder(zksync_web3, Path("counter_contract.hex"),
    call_data = counter_contract_encoder.encode_method(fn_name="get", args=[])
    eth_tx: TxParams = {
        "from": account.address,
        "to": contract_address,
        "data": call_data
    eth_ret =, ZkBlockParams.COMMITTED.value)
    result = int.from_bytes(eth_ret, "big", signed=True)
    print(f"Call method for deployed contract, address: {contract_address}, value: {result}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Custom Paymaster

This example is based on the custom_paymaster_binary that accepts any coin with
the 1:1 relation to native token( 18 decimals )

from pathlib import Path
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from eth_typing import HexStr
from eth_utils import remove_0x_prefix
from web3 import Web3
from zksync2.manage_contracts.gas_provider import StaticGasProvider
from zksync2.manage_contracts.paymaster_utils import PaymasterFlowEncoder
from zksync2.signer.eth_signer import PrivateKeyEthSigner
from zksync2.module.module_builder import ZkSyncBuilder
from zksync2.manage_contracts.erc20_contract import ERC20Contract
from zksync2.transaction.transaction712 import TxFunctionCall

from zksync2.core.types import EthBlockParams, PaymasterParams, Token

def read_hex_binary(name: str) -> bytes:
    p = Path(f"./{name}")
    with'r') as contact_file:
        lines = contact_file.readlines()
        data = "".join(lines)
        return bytes.fromhex(data)

# Contract to mint custom token under testnet:

class PaymasterExample:
    SERC20_TOKEN = Token(
        Web3.toChecksumAddress("0x" + "0" * 40),

    def __init__(self):
        self.web3 ="ZKSYNC_NETWORK_URL")
        self.account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key("YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
        self.chain_id = self.web3.zksync.chain_id
        self.signer = PrivateKeyEthSigner(self.account, self.chain_id)
        self.gas_provider = StaticGasProvider(Web3.toWei(1, "gwei"), 555000)

        self.custom_paymaster_contract_bin = read_hex_binary("custom_paymaster_binary.hex")

    def paymaster_address(self) -> HexStr:
        return self.web3.zksync.zks_get_testnet_paymaster_address()

    def build_paymaster(self, trans: TxFunctionCall, fee: int) -> TxFunctionCall:
        paymaster_encoder = PaymasterFlowEncoder(self.web3.zksync)
        encoded_approval_base = paymaster_encoder.encode_approval_based(self.SERC20_TOKEN.l2_address,
        encoded_approval_bin = bytes.fromhex(remove_0x_prefix(encoded_approval_base))
        trans.tx["eip712Meta"].paymaster_params = PaymasterParams(paymaster=self.paymaster_address,
        return trans

    def run(self):
        gas_price = self.web3.zksync.gas_price
        paymaster_address = self.paymaster_address
        nonce = self.web3.zksync.get_transaction_count(self.account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value)
        transaction = TxFunctionCall(self.chain_id,

        # INFO: encode paymaster params with dummy fee to estimate real one
        unknown_fee = 0
        transaction = self.build_paymaster(transaction, unknown_fee)

        paymaster_est_gas = self.web3.zksync.eth_estimate_gas(transaction.tx)
        preprocessed_fee = gas_price * paymaster_est_gas

        print(f"Paymaster fee: {preprocessed_fee}")

        erc20 = ERC20Contract(self.web3.zksync, contract_address=self.SERC20_TOKEN.l2_address,

        allowance = erc20.allowance(self.account.address, paymaster_address)
        if allowance < preprocessed_fee:
            is_approved = erc20.approve_deposit(paymaster_address, preprocessed_fee)
            print(f"pass deposite: {is_approved}")

        # INFO: encode paymaster params with real fee
        transaction = self.build_paymaster(transaction, preprocessed_fee)

        balance_before = self.web3.zksync.get_balance(self.account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value)
        print(f"balance before : {balance_before}")

        tx712 = transaction.tx712(paymaster_est_gas)
        singed_message = self.signer.sign_typed_data(tx712.to_eip712_struct())
        msg = tx712.encode(singed_message)
        tx_hash = self.web3.zksync.send_raw_transaction(msg)
        tx_receipt = self.web3.zksync.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, timeout=240, poll_latency=0.5)
        print(f"status: {tx_receipt['status']}")

        balance_after = self.web3.zksync.get_balance(self.account.address, EthBlockParams.PENDING.value)
        print(f"balance after: {balance_after}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    paymaster = PaymasterExample()

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