The best way to understand and be understood by your zombie friends
Project description
Zombie Translator is the easiest way to understand and be understood by your zombie friends and neighbors. It’s simple, easy, and makes speaking zombie fun!
`bash pip install zombie-translator `
`python >>> from zombie_translator import to_zombish, from_zombish >>> z = to_zombish("Hello, world!") >>> print z Bgbbnhnhhr, MrhrrrnhRA! >>> print from_zombish(z) "Hello, world!" `
There’s also an optional profanity filter that replaces a set of arguably ‘bad’ words with zombie-speak. For example,
`python >>> print from_zombish(to_zombish("Don't be a jackass, man.")) Don't be a GRAANH, man. `
You can also turn off the profanity filter: `python >>> print from_zombish(to_zombish("Don't be a jackass, man.", with_profanity_filter=False)) Don't be a jackass, man. `
Updates and Roadmap
This version is pretty much all we can see adding to this package. But if other people have ideas, send ‘em as pull requests!
Recent updates (full log in CHANGES)
Initial release
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