ZTF Forced-Photometry library (Unaffiliated)
Project description
Author: Michael C. Stroh, Northwestern University
Website: www.michaelcstroh.com
A python library to streamline requesting Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) forced photometry.
A simple command line example
python ztf_fp.py 256.7975042 58.0974194 -source_name 2021kjb
Sending ZTF request for (R.A.,Decl)=(256.7975042,58.0974194)
wget --http-user=ztffps --http-passwd=dontgocrazy! -O ztffp_493YUZW74Q.txt "https://ztfweb.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/requestForcedPhotometry.cgi?ra=256.797504&dec=58.097419&jdstart=2459269.628723&jdend=2459329.628723&email=<REDACTED>&userpass=<REDACTED>"
Waiting for the email (rechecking every 20 seconds).
Downloading file...
wget --http-user=ztffps --http-password=dontgocrazy! -O forcedphotometry_req00015274_lc.txt "https://ztfweb.ipac.caltech.edu/ztf/ops/forcedphot/lc/0/15/req15274/cksum16bf0dfcd7fc6781336f6d0792a8874d/forcedphotometry_req00015274_lc.txt"
Downloading file...
wget --http-user=ztffps --http-password=dontgocrazy! -O forcedphotometry_req00015274_log.txt "https://ztfweb.ipac.caltech.edu/ztf/ops/forcedphot/lc/0/15/req15274/cksum16bf0dfcd7fc6781336f6d0792a8874d/forcedphotometry_req00015274_log.txt"
Downloaded: 2021kjb_lc.txt
Downloaded: 2021kjb_log.txt
ZTF_r: 15 detections and 3 upper limits.
ZTF_g: 13 detections and 4 upper limits.
Creating ./2021kjb
ZTF wget log: ./2021kjb/ztffp_493YUZW74Q.txt
ZTF downloaded file: ./2021kjb/2021kjb_lc.txt
ZTF downloaded file: ./2021kjb/2021kjb_log.txt
ZTF figure: ./2021kjb/2021kjb_lc.png
Software installed on your system
- python 3.6+
- wget (MacOS often is missing this. If so, check out brew, macports or anaconda.)
- Email address reachable with IMAP
Python libraries
- astropy (for possible time and coordinate conversions)
- matplotlib (for possible plotting, but easily removable)
- numpy
- pandas
- lxml
git clone https://github.com/mcstroh/ztf_fp.git
The library requires your ZTF forced photometry credentials (email and password), and your credentials to access your email address where the links to the ZTF light curve are sent.
For bash/zsh equivalents (e.g., .bashrc, .bash_profile, .zshrc, etc)
### ZTF forced photometry service
export ztf_email_address
export ztf_email_password
export ztf_email_imapserver
export ztf_user_password
or for csh/tcsh equivalents (e.g.,.cshrc, tcshrc, etc.)
setenv ztf_email_address john_doe@mydomain.com
setenv ztf_email_password 1234567890password
setenv ztf_email_imapserver imap.mydomain.com
setenv ztf_user_password 01234ztf
Note that if the email you registered with the ZTF forced photometry is an alias for another address, you will need to also define
export ztf_user_address
or the equivalent for csh and tcsh shells.
Check your email configuration - IMPORTANT TO DO THIS FIRST!
It is important to verify that the script is able to use your email credentials so that you don't spam the ZTF forced photometry service with duplicate requests while you debug your email setup.
Run the following to see if the script can access your email with the provided credentials.
python ztf_fp.py -emailtest
Successful output
Your email inbox was found and contains 600 messages.
If this is not correct, please check your settings.
Output if it definitely is not working
Your inbox was not located. Please check your settings.
More about running on the command line
Sexagesimal coordinates are also supported:
python ztf_fp.py 17:07:11.40 +58:05:50.71 -source_name 2021kjb
By default, the script requests forced photometry from the 60 days prior to the moment you submit the job (equivalent to -days 60
), but this is easily changed.
You may also specify date ranges in JD (-jdstart
and -jdend
arguments) or MJD (-mjdstart
and -mjdend
List of available options
usage: ztf_fp.py <ra> <decl> [-h] [-logfile [logfile]] [-plotfile [plotfile]] [-emailtest] [-source_name [source_name]] [-mjdstart [mjdstart]]
[-mjdend [mjdend]] [-jdstart [jdstart]] [-jdend [jdend]] [-ztf_all_jd] [-days [days]] [-emailcheck [emailcheck]]
[-skip_clean] [-directory_path [directory_path]] [-fivemindelay [fivemindelay]] [-skip_plot]
[ra] [decl]
Grab ZTF forced photometry on the given location.
positional arguments:
ra Right ascension of the target. Can be provided in DDD.ddd or HH:MM:SS.ss formats.
decl Declination of the target. Can be provided in +/-DDD.ddd or DD:MM:SS.ss formats.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-logfile [logfile] Log file to process instead of submitting a new job.
-plotfile [plotfile] Light curve file to plot instead of submitting and downloading a new job.
-emailtest Test your email settings. This is performed without sending a request to the ZTF server.
-source_name [source_name]
Source name that will be used to name output files.
-mjdstart [mjdstart] Start of date range for forced photometry query. Overrides -jdstart.
-mjdend [mjdend] End of date range for forced photometry query. Overrides -jdstop
-jdstart [jdstart] Start of date range for forced photometry query.
-jdend [jdend] End of date range for forced photometry query.
-ztf_all_jd Use the full range of ZTF public dates.
-days [days] Number of days prior to jdend to query (or number of days prior to today if jdend is not given).
-emailcheck [emailcheck]
How often to recheck your email for the ZTF results.
-skip_clean After completion skip placing all output files in the same directory.
-directory_path [directory_path]
Path to directory for clean-up. Requires -directory option.
-fivemindelay [fivemindelay]
How often (in seconds) to query the email after 5 minutes have elapsed.
-skip_plot Skip making the plot. Useful for automated and batch use cases, or if user wants to use their personal plotting code.
Automated / batch job requests
This file supports being imported as a library and called for batch processing. See ztf_bulk_example.py for a working example of calling ztf_fp.py using an external script.
Below we show the body of ztf_bulk_example.py
#! python
# Run ztf_fp.py on a list of coordinates
# M.C. Stroh (Northwestern University)
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ztf_fp
def ztf_forced_photometry(row):
# Send ZTF forced photometry request
ztf_file_names = ztf_fp.run_ztf_fp(days=20, ra=row.ra, decl=row.decl, source_name=row.source_name, directory_path='/tmp', verbose=False, do_plot=False)
# Do something intelligent with the output
# For this example we'll simply list the files
for ztf_file_name in ztf_file_names:
def batch_ztf_forced_photometry():
# Populate a pandas dataframe with the positions you are interested in
# This is a simple example using a couple of SN Ia discovered by the Young Supernova Experiment
data = [['2021kcc',194.0331000,-4.9606139],['2021jze',154.9723750,-3.7354000]]
# The column names are used in the ztf_forced_photometry function defined above
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['source_name','ra','decl'])
n_workers = int(np.floor(cpu_count()/2)) # Requires casting as an integer for pool argument / don't hit the ZTF server too hard
pool_vals = [x for _, x in df.iterrows()] # Turn to list for pool mapping function below
# Now send to the list to be completed
print(f"Processing {len(pool_vals)} ZTF forced photometry requests utilizing {n_workers} workers.")
ztf_pool = Pool(n_workers)
res = ztf_pool.map(ztf_forced_photometry, pool_vals)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Processing 2 ZTF forced photometry requests utilizing 4 workers.
Sending ZTF request for (R.A.,Decl)=(194.0331,-4.9606139)
wget --http-user=ztffps --http-passwd=dontgocrazy! -O ztffp_TAFLM4V59R.txt "https://ztfweb.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/requestForcedPhotometry.cgi?ra=194.0331&dec=-4.960614&jdstart=2459311.592520&jdend=2459331.592520&email=<REDACTED>&userpass=<REDACTED>"
Sending ZTF request for (R.A.,Decl)=(154.972375,-3.7354)
wget --http-user=ztffps --http-passwd=dontgocrazy! -O ztffp_4B3X481ZRP.txt "https://ztfweb.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/requestForcedPhotometry.cgi?ra=154.972375&dec=-3.7354&jdstart=2459311.592520&jdend=2459331.592520&email=<REDACTED>&userpass=<REDACTED>"
If you are not interested in the output files, you can direct the files to /tmp using the -directory_path
option similar to the above example.
This project is created at the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics at Northwestern University. This work is supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation under grant #2018-0911 awarded to Raffaella Margutti.
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