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Circle packing algorithm for Python

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Pure Python implementation of a circle packing layout algorithm, inspired by d3js and squarify.

Circles are first arranged with a euristic inspired by the A1.0 of [Huang-2006], then enclosed in a circle created around them using [MSW-1996] algorithm used in [Bostock-2017]. I hope to implement A1.5 at some point in the future but the results are good enough for my use case.


Using pip:

pip install circlify

or using the source:

git clone git://
cd circlify
python install

The last step may require sudo if you don’t have root access.


The main function circlify is supported by a small data class circlify.Circle and takes 3 parameters:

  • A list of positive values sorted from largest to smallest.

  • (optional) A target enclosure where the packed circles should fit. It defaults to the unit circle (0, 0, 1).

  • (optional) A boolean indicating if the target enclosure should be appended to the output.

The function returns a list of circlify.Circle whose area is proportional to the corresponding input value.


>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> import circlify as circ
>>> circles = circ.circlify([19, 17, 13, 11, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1], show_enclosure=True)
>>> pp(circles)
[Circle(x=0.0, y=0.0, r=1.0, level=0, ex=None),
 Circle(x=-0.633232604611031, y=-0.47732413442115296, r=0.09460444572843042, level=1, ex={'datum': 1}),
 Circle(x=-0.7720311587589236, y=0.19946176418549022, r=0.13379089020993573, level=1, ex={'datum': 2}),
 Circle(x=-0.43168871955473165, y=-0.6391381648617572, r=0.16385970662353394, level=1, ex={'datum': 3}),
 Circle(x=0.595447603036083, y=0.5168251295666467, r=0.21154197162246005, level=1, ex={'datum': 5}),
 Circle(x=-0.5480911056188739, y=0.5115139053491098, r=0.2502998363185337, level=1, ex={'datum': 7}),
 Circle(x=0.043747233552068686, y=-0.6848366902134195, r=0.31376744998074435, level=1, ex={'datum': 11}),
 Circle(x=0.04298737651230445, y=0.5310431146935967, r=0.34110117996070605, level=1, ex={'datum': 13}),
 Circle(x=-0.3375943908160698, y=-0.09326467617622711, r=0.39006412239133215, level=1, ex={'datum': 17}),
 Circle(x=0.46484095011516874, y=-0.09326467617622711, r=0.4123712185399064, level=1, ex={'datum': 19})]

A simple matplotlib representation. See circlify.bubbles helper function (requires matplotlib):

visualization of circlify circle packing of first 9 prime numbers.

Hierarchical circle packing

Starting with version 0.10, circlify also handle hierarchical input so that:

>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> import circlify as circ
>>> data = [
        0.05, {'id': 'a2', 'datum': 0.05},
        {'id': 'a0', 'datum': 0.8, 'children': [0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1], },
        {'id': 'a1', 'datum': 0.1, 'children': [
            {'id': 'a1_1', 'datum': 0.05}, {'datum': 0.04}, 0.01],
>>> circles = circ.circlify(data, show_enclosure=True)
>>> pp(circles)
[Circle(x=0.0, y=0.0, r=1.0, level=0, ex=None),
 Circle(x=-0.5658030759977484, y=0.4109778665114514, r=0.18469903125906464, level=1, ex={'datum': 0.05}),
 Circle(x=-0.5658030759977484, y=-0.4109778665114514, r=0.18469903125906464, level=1, ex={'id': 'a2', 'datum': 0.05}),
 Circle(x=-0.7387961250362587, y=0.0, r=0.2612038749637415, level=1, ex={'id': 'a1', 'datum': 0.1, 'children': [{'id': 'a1_1', 'datum': 0.05}, {'datum': 0.04}, 0.01]}),
 Circle(x=0.2612038749637414, y=0.0, r=0.7387961250362586, level=1, ex={'id': 'a0', 'datum': 0.8, 'children': [0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1]}),
 Circle(x=-0.7567888163564135, y=0.1408782365133844, r=0.0616618704777984, level=2, ex={'datum': 0.01}),
 Circle(x=-0.8766762590444033, y=0.0, r=0.1233237409555968, level=2, ex={'datum': 0.04}),
 Circle(x=-0.6154723840806618, y=0.0, r=0.13788013400814464, level=2, ex={'id': 'a1_1', 'datum': 0.05}),
 Circle(x=0.6664952237042414, y=0.33692908734605553, r=0.21174557028487648, level=2, ex={'datum': 0.1}),
 Circle(x=-0.1128831469183017, y=-0.23039288135707192, r=0.29945345726929773, level=2, ex={'datum': 0.2}),
 Circle(x=0.1563193680487183, y=0.304601976765483, r=0.29945345726929773, level=2, ex={'datum': 0.2}),
 Circle(x=0.5533243963620487, y=-0.23039288135707192, r=0.3667540860110527, level=2, ex={'datum': 0.3})]

A simple matplotlib representation. See circlify.bubbles helper function (requires matplotlib):

visualization of circlify nested circle packing for a hierarchical input.

Relative size of circles in hierachy

The area of the circles are proportional to the values passed in input only if the circles are at the same hierarchical level. For instance: circles a1_1 and a2 both have a value of 0.05, yet a1_1 is smaller than a2 because a1_1 is fitted within its parent circle a1 one level below the level of a2. In other words, the level 1 circles a1 and a2 are both proportional to their respective values but a1_1 is proportional to the values on level 2 witin a1.

Invalid input

A warning is issued if a key is not understood. The check is disabled if the program is running with -O or -OO option. One can also disable the warning with the regular logging filters.

For instance:

>>> import logging
>>> import sys
>>> import circlify as circ
>>> data = [ 0.05, {'id': 'a2', 'datum': 0.05, "bogus": {}}]
>>> logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
>>> _ = circ.circlify(data)
unexpected 'bogus' in input is ignored  # not issued if __debug__ is false

WenQi HUANG, Yu LI, ChuMin LI, RuChu XU, New Heuristics for Packing Unequal Circles into a Circular Container,

  1. Matoušek, M. Sharir, and E. Welzl. A Subexponential Bound For Linear Programming. Algorithmica, 16(4/5):498–516, October/November 1996,

Project details

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circlify-0.15.0.tar.gz (11.6 kB view details)

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Built Distribution

circlify-0.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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Details for the file circlify-0.15.0.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: circlify-0.15.0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 11.6 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.9.13

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Hashes for circlify-0.15.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 43812a4d379032dc010a1302927f2d5a6086d3fc1f155c6259e3049fbba98eb0
MD5 8eebe0b432e081f0f55c949c8838d180
BLAKE2b-256 c1f970058b8691b38d54402d92fe0dd3b4ae080c5d67fa881b54280c657a36af

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File details

Details for the file circlify-0.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: circlify-0.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 11.4 kB
  • Tags: Python 2, Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.9.13

File hashes

Hashes for circlify-0.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 4ed3a49a7af255a30c5d502c36db61f711669ac5c2f26a7bb9c6826ef8e748d4
MD5 799dc83ed26abd44ac425ce3aac8a6c1
BLAKE2b-256 74012a02f947fea52029f3bd869bccb087318c243b3e4f4f7a65213e3ffc144d

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