5 projects
Compile Python code to binary
gmshparser is a lightweight, 100 % tested and well documented package that aims to reliably parse the Gmsh ascii file format (.msh). The package does not introduce any external dependencies and thus fits well with the needs of your own FEM research code as a small stand-alone package. Project is hosted on GitHub (https://github.com/ahojukka5/gmshparser) and documentation can be found from ReadTheDocs (https://gmshparser.readthedocs.io/).
enkeksi takes a markdown-formatted input and executes the sql queries found in it, and returns a pretty markdown-formatted output where the results of the SQL queries have been added. To make usage of package easy, enkeksi comes with a command line tool markdown-sql-eval which can be used to process markdown files. Project is developed and hosted in GitHub: https://github.com/ahojukka5/enkeksi.
dijkstra is a native Python implementation of famous Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. The implemented algorithm can be used to analyze reasonably large networks. The primary goal in design is the clarity of the program code. Thus, program code tends to be more educational than effective.
Matplotlib, Generic Boilerplates and Workarounds